Santa Ana Open 2018
- Date
- Jun 16, 2018
- City
- Santa Ana, El Salvador
- Venue
[Centro Escolar Catolico Maria Consoladora del Carpinelo]
- Address
- Treita y Nueve Calle Poniente Entre Veinticuantro y Veintiseis Avenida Sur Urbanizacion Buenos Aires
- Details
Plaza central
- Contact
- Organizers
- Edgardo Gálvez and Isai Oswaldo Gonzalez Canessa
- WCA Delegate
- Joel Hernández
- Information
Santa Ana Open 2018 es una competencia abierta a toda persona nacional e internacional.
- Events
- Main event
- Competitors
- 40
- Registration period
Online registration opened Monday, April 2, 2018 at 12:00 AM UTC and closed Monday, June 11, 2018 at 9:00 AM UTC.
- Registration requirements
This competition is over, click here to display the registration requirements it used.Create a WCA account here if you don't have one.
If this is not your first competition, associate your WCA ID to your WCA account here.
Register for this competition here.
There is a competitor limit of 100 competitors.
The base registration fee for this competition is $5 (United States Dollar).
* Completar registro en la página "Registrarse" de esta competencia.
* Realizar pago de $5 a la cuenta 300-866090-4 del Banco Agrícola a nombre de Joel Alexander Hernandez Amaya.
* Mandar un correo electrónico con una foto del recibo de pago a "" incluyendo su nombre completo y WCA ID.
* Si no es posible realizar el pago en la cuenta de banco, enviar un correo electrónico a "" con tu nombre, WCA ID y la razón de esto, para trabajar en la mejor solución posible.English
* Complete the registration on the "Register" page of this competition.
* Make the $5 payment to the account 300-866090-4 from Banco Agricola to the name of Joel Alexander Hernandez Amaya.
* Email a picture of the receipt to "" including your Name and WCA ID.
* If can not make the payment on the bank account for any reason, email to "" with you Name, WCA ID and the reason for this, to work out the best possible solution. - Highlights
Click here to display the highlights of the competition.
Fernando Daniel Domínguez Castaneda won with an average of 12.06 seconds in the 3x3x3 Cube event. José Enrique Jiménez finished second (14.38) and David Gálvez finished third (14.88).