[Cancelled] Serbian Championship 2020

Note: This competition has been cancelled. Please check the information section for more details.

Clock Psych Sheet

Sorted by: average, sort by single

# Name WCA ID Representing Average WR Single WR
1 David Vujasić 2015VUJA01 Croatia 7.25 1349 5.82 1340
2 Bence Barát 2008BARA01 Hungary 9.54 3106 8.07 3277
3 Luka Jankovic 2018JANK01 Serbia 10.80 4228 9.15 4461
4 Dominik Vidaković 2013VIDA03 Croatia 11.06 4459 9.06 4354
5 Dániel Varga 2008VARG01 Hungary 12.84 6045 10.40 5855
6 Đorđe Timotijević 2016TIMO02 Serbia 13.46 6616 11.45 7032
7 Nikola Kojić 2019KOJI01 Serbia 14.57 7557 11.35 6914
8 Mihajlo Sremac 2018SREM01 Serbia 17.11 9426 13.75 9357
9 Aleksa Radovanović 2016RADO01 Serbia 17.77 9875 15.35 10820
Aleksa Ilić 2012ILIC01 Serbia 33.41 19716
Nikola Pulkovski 2018PULK01 North Macedonia
Stefan Šebez 2018SEBE01 Serbia
Vuk Maksimov 2019MAKS02 Serbia
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