[Cancelled] Steel City Classic 2020

Note: This competition has been cancelled. Please check the information section for more details.

3x3x3 Blindfolded Psych Sheet

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# Name WCA ID Representing Average WR Single WR
1 Jack Pfeifer 2016PFEI01 United States 37.46 280 29.52 338
2 Evan Liu 2009LIUE01 United States 50.30 421 35.53 481
3 AJ Kamal 2016KAMA04 United States 1:10.61 703 50.21 894
4 Zongwen Mu (牟宗文) 2015MUZO01 China 1:36.99 1105 1:26.64 1987
5 Stephen Griggs 2014GRIG01 United States 2:15.14 1616 1:39.57 2437
6 Steve Greer 2016GREE04 United States 2:06.55 1536 1:39.74 2442
7 Jayden Mitchell 2018MITC03 United States 2:56.96 2136 2:08.83 3448
8 Zachary Garber 2014GARB01 United States 3:09.35 5369
9 Dominic Cater 2019CATE01 United States 3:50.18 2530 3:14.26 5502
10 Joshua Riegel 2019RIEG02 United States 3:32.08 6040
11 Andrew Shattuck 2017SHAT01 United States 4:10.38 6988
Caleb Kearney 2018KEAR02 United States
Dylan Voyles 2019VOYL01 United States
Emil Van Ilmari Nguyen Tornudd 2016TORN02 Sweden
Hunter Heinack 2018HEIN01 United States
Jonah Hart 2018HART05 United States
Kyle Verma United States
Roxy Behrle 2018BEHR01 United States
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