[Cancelled] Swisscubing Cup III 2020

Note: This competition has been cancelled. Please check the information section for more details.

Square-1 Psych Sheet

Sorted by: average, sort by single

# Name WCA ID Representing Average WR Single WR
1 Clément Cherblanc 2014CHER05 France 9.08 211 6.70 231
2 Levin Houghton 2016HOUG01 Switzerland 10.29 404 7.63 451
3 Dominic Lumsden 2016LUMS01 United Kingdom 11.20 570 7.46 404
4 Tobias Peter 2014PETE03 Switzerland 14.03 1221 10.29 1277
5 Callum Hales-Jepp 2012HALE01 United Kingdom 15.24 1532 10.98 1520
6 Hannah Minas 2017MINA04 Switzerland 19.35 2778 14.13 2789
7 Mike Ditton 2018DITT02 Switzerland 20.30 3117 13.65 2593
8 Philipp Senser 2019SENS02 Switzerland 23.98 4376 18.88 5024
9 Sandro Mattenberger 2017MATT06 Switzerland 24.93 4689 16.68 3976
10 Willem Klose 2017KLOS01 Germany 25.36 4841 18.26 4741
11 Timothy Townley 2017TOWN02 United States 27.08 5473 19.74 5441
12 Oleg Gritsenko 2011GRIT01 Russia 38.64 9434 22.29 6614
13 Fabian Settelen 2015SETT01 Switzerland 39.78 9771 26.77 8665
14 Fabio Freund 2017FREU02 Germany 51.72 12506 41.06 13685
Felix Koller 2019KOLL01 Switzerland
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