Swisscubing Cup IV 2020

Aug 22 - 23, 2020
Schwarzenburg, Switzerland

Mehrzweckanlage Pöschen

Freiburgstrasse 100, 3150 Schwarzenburg

On the ground floor


Swisscubing Board

Kevin Sulser, Manuel Bühler, and Swisscubing
WCA Delegates
Oleg Gritsenko and Tobias Peter
Download all the competition's details as PDF here.

Swisscubing Cup IV is part of the Swisscubing Cup 2020, made of 6 competitions during the whole year. Check out on for the details of the other editions.
A competitor who registers and doesn't show up at the competition will have to pay that registration fee at his next competition in Switzerland.

Swisscubing Cup IV ist Teil des Swisscubing Cup 2020. Dieser besteht aus 6 Competitions über das ganze Jahr verteilt. Um mehr darüber zu erfahren, besuche
Teilnehmer die sich registrieren aber nicht bezahlen, müssen die Teilnahmegebühr bei ihrer nächsten Competition in der Schweiz bezahlen.

Le Swisscubing Cup IV fait partie du Swisscubing Cup 2020, qui consiste de 6 compétitions tout au long de l'année. Allez voir sur pour plus d'informations sur les autres autres manches.
Un compétiteur qui s'inscrit et ne vient pas à la compétition (sans nous l'annoncer à l'avance) devra payer des frais d'inscription supplémentaires à sa prochaine compétition en Suisse.

Swisscubing Cup IV da parte della Swisscubing Cup 2020, che è composta da 6 competizioni tenute durante l'anno. Qui ( trovi le informazioni relative alle altre edizioni. Un partecipante che si iscrive a una competizione ma non si presenta deve pagare la tassa di iscrizione alla sua prossima competizione in Svizzera.

Main event
Registration period

Online registration opened Friday, July 24, 2020 at 12:00 AM UTC and closed Wednesday, August 19, 2020 at 12:01 AM UTC.

Registration requirements
This competition is over, click here to display the registration requirements it used.
Click here to display the highlights of the competition.

Julian Bürgi won with an average of 8.62 seconds in the 3x3x3 Cube event. Paul Pleis finished second (8.94) and Diego Alfonso finished third (10.36).

Adhrit Gaharwar - India WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 55 1:27.30 1:28.59 India 1:27.301:30.301:41.431:27.351:28.11

Adrian Stocker - Switzerland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 34 15.82 17.31 Switzerland 17.6616.9222.1015.8217.35
First round 40 15.37 20.80 Switzerland 22.0122.2119.9215.3720.47
2x2x2 Cube First round 28 5.08 5.55 Switzerland 5.665.085.775.217.73
4x4x4 Cube First round 35 1:03.09 1:07.89 Switzerland 1:05.841:08.181:03.091:09.641:10.80
5x5x5 Cube First round 32 2:14.00 Switzerland 2:26.632:14.00
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 33 46.62 Switzerland 1:08.3546.62
Megaminx First round 26 1:45.74 2:15.52 Switzerland 2:16.692:09.812:20.061:45.742:28.90
Pyraminx First round 16 5.33 8.55 Switzerland 9.628.028.0116.495.33

Alistair Robequin - Switzerland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 30 13.87 16.21 Switzerland 17.2014.1817.2618.4613.87
First round 26 12.94 13.92 Switzerland 12.9414.0013.6315.0414.12
2x2x2 Cube First round 19 2.88 5.04 Switzerland 10.144.982.884.565.59
4x4x4 Cube First round 32 58.08 1:04.53 Switzerland 58.081:04.001:09.011:16.761:00.58
5x5x5 Cube First round 15 1:31.09 1:39.81 Switzerland 1:41.271:39.431:38.811:31.091:41.18
3x3x3 Blindfolded Final 10 DNF DNF Switzerland DNFDNFDNF
First round 8 1:15.19 DNF Switzerland DNFDNF1:15.19
Megaminx First round 15 1:24.51 1:38.45 Switzerland 1:44.732:05.851:41.101:29.521:24.51

Anael Champion - France WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 17 10.28 12.77 France 13.9912.5010.2815.9411.83
First round 8 9.89 11.31 France 16.4711.0311.7311.169.89
2x2x2 Cube Final 2 1.49 1.94 France 1.492.021.492.312.46
First round 1 1.98 2.27 France 2.012.712.132.681.98
4x4x4 Cube First round 21 45.38 52.56 France 53.7350.631:26.0145.3853.33
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 16 8:00.76 DNF France 8:00.76DNSDNS

Arthur Garcin - France WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Final 9 9.02 11.34 France 9.9112.5013.819.0211.60
Second round 7 9.47 9.81 France 9.479.929.6012.019.90
First round 12 8.97 12.06 France 14.0815.388.9710.2911.82
2x2x2 Cube First round 23 3.33 5.31 France 3.335.895.234.827.06
4x4x4 Cube First round 14 43.83 48.41 France 57.8743.8349.0744.1652.01
3x3x3 Blindfolded Final 1 22.44 DNF France 22.44DNFDNF
First round 1 23.99 25.42 France 23.9924.9327.34

Augustin Dinh - France WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 22 12.33 13.69 France 12.7112.7416.9215.6212.33
First round 16 12.36 12.57 France 12.5112.7012.5112.3612.73
2x2x2 Cube First round 31 4.96 5.90 France 5.306.234.9616.296.17
4x4x4 Cube First round 30 50.44 1:01.63 France 1:03.7757.951:03.181:07.4850.44

Benjamin Wirahpati - Indonesia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 31 14.15 16.32 Indonesia 14.1518.0216.3416.8815.74
First round 38 15.72 18.47 Indonesia 17.1221.5915.7216.7024.38
2x2x2 Cube First round 15 4.07 4.68 Indonesia 10.604.134.075.634.29
4x4x4 Cube First round 37 53.51 1:09.00 Indonesia 1:03.881:13.1253.511:10.011:15.16
5x5x5 Cube First round 23 1:39.36 1:51.15 Indonesia 1:39.361:56.471:44.941:59.641:52.04
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 21 27.43 29.68 Indonesia 37.8228.9227.4329.6430.47

Björn Oehlinger - Switzerland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 43 20.80 24.01 Switzerland 22.4320.8028.4126.8322.77
4x4x4 Cube First round 39 1:11.61 1:17.44 Switzerland 1:20.071:13.341:11.611:19.841:19.13

Cyrill Speiser - Switzerland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 24 11.69 14.07 Switzerland 16.2914.7211.6911.9115.57
First round 15 10.45 12.35 Switzerland 14.0112.3715.6010.6710.45
2x2x2 Cube First round 37 4.20 6.41 Switzerland 9.636.034.206.486.72
4x4x4 Cube First round 26 50.83 59.34 Switzerland 51.881:00.611:05.5250.83DNF
5x5x5 Cube First round 22 1:42.70 1:49.66 Switzerland 1:51.821:59.891:49.831:47.321:42.70
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 15 2:11.11 DNF Switzerland DNFDNF2:11.11
3x3x3 One-Handed Final 12 18.39 24.36 Switzerland 18.3923.39DNF26.5523.14
First round 12 20.16 22.27 Switzerland 23.3923.8621.0422.3820.16
Megaminx First round 28 2:08.60 2:29.93 Switzerland 2:08.602:41.172:28.442:57.522:20.19
Pyraminx First round 14 4.49 8.11 Switzerland 11.1911.234.498.634.51

Daniel Pereira - Brazil WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 49 31.10 33.74 Brazil 35.9631.1034.7133.4833.02
2x2x2 Cube First round 47 8.94 14.73 Brazil 11.6712.8023.3919.738.94
4x4x4 Cube First round 48 1:57.32 Brazil 1:57.322:15.44
5x5x5 Cube First round 38 3:49.30 Brazil 3:49.304:14.24
Pyraminx First round 35 15.17 16.59 Brazil 15.1725.6917.4915.9116.36

Diego Alfonso - France WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Final 3 9.84 10.36 France 9.969.8411.6111.209.92
Second round 6 7.72 9.69 France 7.7210.1510.8110.328.60
First round 4 8.39 9.88 France 10.9210.158.5813.228.39
2x2x2 Cube Final 5 3.09 3.45 France 3.493.283.573.094.93
First round 8 2.67 3.69 France 2.965.514.493.612.67
4x4x4 Cube Final 6 40.84 44.84 France 41.0940.8446.1247.3247.93
First round 12 41.60 46.26 France DNF41.6050.4041.9846.39
5x5x5 Cube Final 3 1:14.54 1:16.16 France 1:15.331:15.201:17.951:18.911:14.54
First round 3 1:08.94 1:17.05 France 1:17.341:08.941:26.371:15.731:18.08
3x3x3 One-Handed Final 3 14.88 17.20 France 17.8324.6014.8817.2816.48
First round 4 16.85 17.59 France 16.8517.3219.5117.5617.90
Megaminx Final 6 1:02.13 1:12.89 France 1:14.93DNF1:05.931:02.131:17.82
First round 6 1:05.53 1:12.18 France 1:18.551:07.921:15.031:05.531:13.59
Pyraminx Final 1 1.64 2.27 NR France 3.431.773.301.641.74
First round 1 3.13 4.23 France 4.555.324.123.134.02

Diego Fraile - France WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Final 6 8.62 10.72 France 9.2710.5013.5012.408.62
Second round 11 9.93 11.16 France 9.9310.1612.4212.4710.90
First round 3 9.14 9.82 France 12.4210.429.769.299.14
2x2x2 Cube Final 1 1.52 1.68 France 1.521.911.572.021.57
First round 2 1.80 2.29 France 2.421.802.581.882.70
4x4x4 Cube Final 10 44.57 49.74 France 50.9748.4349.8352.0444.57
First round 5 42.69 45.05 France 47.4543.5742.6944.1352.09
5x5x5 Cube First round 13 1:22.50 1:30.25 France 1:35.271:26.941:34.611:22.501:29.20
7x7x7 Cube Final 6 4:21.62 4:35.77 France 4:35.034:21.624:50.67
First round 4 4:03.04 4:05.27 France 4:06.334:03.044:06.43
3x3x3 One-Handed Final 9 17.76 20.69 France 17.7623.3621.1918.3522.54
First round 7 17.78 19.41 France 24.6619.5517.7820.3118.36
Megaminx Final 9 1:03.67 1:16.75 France 1:11.611:17.581:21.061:03.671:23.46
First round 9 1:13.38 1:18.16 France 1:21.121:22.511:13.381:14.901:18.45
Pyraminx Final 3 3.00 3.82 France 3.784.083.003.793.89
First round 2 3.74 4.32 France 6.004.524.093.744.35

Dominik Fürer - Switzerland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Final 4 9.67 10.54 Switzerland 10.059.6710.0812.1811.48
Second round 12 9.44 11.35 Switzerland 11.659.4412.519.8913.43
First round 11 10.30 11.97 Switzerland 11.5112.8110.3011.5812.93
2x2x2 Cube Final 11 3.59 4.29 Switzerland 3.794.75DNF4.333.59
First round 4 3.05 3.19 Switzerland 3.133.304.323.053.15
4x4x4 Cube Final 9 41.03 48.06 Switzerland 47.1553.0241.0344.02DNF
First round 11 40.93 46.10 Switzerland 47.1443.9750.2440.9347.18
5x5x5 Cube Final 10 1:18.17 1:25.69 Switzerland 1:26.901:26.701:33.411:18.171:23.48
First round 8 1:21.98 1:25.31 Switzerland 1:22.201:26.731:27.761:27.011:21.98
7x7x7 Cube Final 3 4:03.01 4:08.05 Switzerland 4:03.014:16.004:05.13
First round 6 4:08.88 4:13.79 Switzerland 4:23.034:09.474:08.88
3x3x3 Blindfolded Final 9 2:12.85 DNF Switzerland 2:12.85DNFDNF
First round 12 1:47.00 2:08.00 Switzerland 1:59.001:47.002:37.99
3x3x3 One-Handed Final 4 16.22 17.29 Switzerland 18.2917.8917.3316.6616.22
First round 6 16.57 18.63 Switzerland 16.5717.4017.6520.8324.88
Clock Final 3 9.35 10.86 Switzerland 10.3011.3512.1410.939.35
First round 4 9.47 11.61 Switzerland 14.229.4711.2713.1010.47
Megaminx Final 7 1:02.81 1:13.58 Switzerland 1:16.711:16.781:02.811:14.931:09.09
First round 7 1:08.38 1:12.64 Switzerland 1:12.601:08.381:13.331:11.991:32.49
Pyraminx Final 5 2.97 4.46 Switzerland 3.422.975.484.765.19
First round 4 4.27 4.82 Switzerland 4.454.715.295.364.27

Edoardo Brown - Italy WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 28 12.06 14.70 Italy 12.0614.0117.0114.3115.77
First round 30 13.91 14.79 Italy 14.0615.3616.0814.9613.91
2x2x2 Cube First round 22 4.61 5.27 Italy 4.884.934.616.006.70
4x4x4 Cube First round 28 54.61 1:00.81 Italy 57.9959.361:05.0954.611:06.51
5x5x5 Cube First round 26 1:53.55 2:01.04 Italy 1:56.871:53.552:03.353:08.202:02.91
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 17 18.85 26.07 Italy 22.9327.5330.5618.8527.75
Clock First round 11 19.00 21.56 Italy 19.6019.0025.06DNF20.02
Megaminx First round 18 1:24.48 1:48.20 Italy 1:24.481:51.572:07.581:54.041:38.99
Pyraminx First round 15 6.00 8.30 Italy 6.0010.109.227.518.18

Erwan Kohler - Switzerland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 18 11.16 12.83 Switzerland 12.6712.7915.5011.1613.04
First round 18 11.65 12.92 Switzerland 13.4411.6514.4512.9512.37
2x2x2 Cube First round 20 3.80 5.06 Switzerland 7.975.135.074.983.80
4x4x4 Cube First round 13 40.88 48.01 Switzerland 46.3940.8849.1248.5250.21
5x5x5 Cube Final 11 1:26.62 1:30.80 Switzerland 1:32.191:29.021:26.621:31.741:31.64
First round 9 1:19.26 1:25.84 Switzerland 1:26.731:33.691:29.301:21.491:19.26
7x7x7 Cube Final 4 3:59.85 4:10.89 Switzerland 3:59.854:31.494:01.32
First round 5 3:58.64 4:09.56 Switzerland 4:17.113:58.644:12.94
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 16 21.99 24.80 Switzerland 24.1325.0830.7925.1821.99
Clock Final 4 11.22 11.63 Switzerland 11.8211.2211.3111.7712.75
First round 5 10.78 12.39 Switzerland 10.7814.1413.2812.4711.42
Megaminx Final 10 1:09.32 1:21.77 Switzerland 1:29.231:09.321:16.191:19.901:29.76
First round 10 1:06.45 1:20.87 Switzerland 1:30.391:22.961:06.451:19.161:20.49
Pyraminx Final 12 5.43 7.15 Switzerland 7.985.438.366.496.99
First round 12 5.43 7.99 Switzerland 7.316.3810.8910.295.43

Ethan Oppliger - Switzerland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 52 37.17 50.71 Switzerland 55.7737.1747.5354.2150.40
2x2x2 Cube First round 50 17.09 18.81 Switzerland 17.5018.3534.2920.5817.09

Flurin König - Switzerland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 20 11.96 13.09 Switzerland 13.0411.9612.3213.9215.13
First round 29 12.94 14.24 Switzerland 13.5012.9416.9515.2114.00
2x2x2 Cube Final 10 2.55 4.19 Switzerland 5.632.553.5513.473.38
First round 12 3.18 4.04 Switzerland
4x4x4 Cube First round 22 51.47 54.14 Switzerland 1:08.0254.9751.4753.6253.83
5x5x5 Cube First round 28 1:53.58 2:06.51 Switzerland 2:09.681:53.582:02.332:14.022:07.52
7x7x7 Cube First round 19 8:24.43 Switzerland 8:24.43
3x3x3 Blindfolded Final 6 1:26.59 DNF Switzerland DNFDNF1:26.59
First round 11 1:38.44 DNF Switzerland DNF1:38.44DNF
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 19 24.36 27.48 Switzerland 32.1430.4924.3624.5327.43
Clock Final 6 13.22 15.14 Switzerland 14.2435.0617.5013.6713.22
First round 8 14.05 18.74 Switzerland 15.5014.0527.2323.9516.78
Megaminx First round 24 1:57.05 2:07.23 Switzerland 2:15.272:13.012:04.691:57.052:04.00
Pyraminx First round 22 8.96 10.41 Switzerland 11.7910.089.378.9613.75

Gaetan Charmillot - Switzerland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 50 35.99 40.23 Switzerland 1:27.9246.8036.2735.9937.61
2x2x2 Cube First round 43 5.53 7.53 Switzerland 6.919.0512.995.536.64
4x4x4 Cube First round 49 2:15.26 Switzerland 2:15.262:16.82
Pyraminx First round 30 6.99 12.51 Switzerland 6.9911.6314.5013.0012.90

Gil Hofer - Switzerland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 41 20.81 23.20 Switzerland 21.3628.1322.4420.8125.80
First round 42 18.68 23.23 Switzerland 18.6826.2221.2523.4425.00
2x2x2 Cube First round 26 4.92 5.46 Switzerland 6.155.905.294.925.20
4x4x4 Cube First round 46 1:44.40 Switzerland 1:44.401:54.17
Clock First round 19 42.05 Switzerland 48.8342.05
Pyraminx First round 33 10.57 15.17 Switzerland 21.1616.6216.3410.5712.56

Hannah Minas - Switzerland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 38 12.89 18.68 Switzerland 12.8920.9117.4917.7220.84
First round 35 15.38 16.60 Switzerland 15.3815.5517.0618.8017.20
2x2x2 Cube First round 36 4.32 6.38 Switzerland 14.494.327.805.745.59
4x4x4 Cube First round 31 59.00 1:03.71 Switzerland 59.001:06.311:13.731:04.801:00.01
5x5x5 Cube First round 20 1:40.48 1:47.02 Switzerland 1:40.481:48.222:10.551:48.381:44.46
7x7x7 Cube Final 10 5:03.33 5:11.70 Switzerland 5:08.235:23.545:03.33
First round 12 5:34.95 5:40.22 Switzerland 5:35.785:34.955:49.93
3x3x3 Blindfolded Final 5 1:08.75 DNF Switzerland 1:08.75DNFDNF
First round 5 58.52 DNF Switzerland DNF58.52DNF
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 30 29.40 43.52 Switzerland 35.0551.1544.351:05.9829.40
Clock Final 5 9.02 13.48 Switzerland 18.97DNF9.499.0211.99
First round 3 8.94 11.01 Switzerland 11.7913.2710.1311.118.94
Megaminx First round 13 1:20.86 1:37.01 Switzerland 1:20.861:29.751:51.461:57.131:29.83
Pyraminx Final 4 3.55 4.42 Switzerland 5.143.944.864.453.55
First round 5 4.07 5.51 Switzerland 4.755.776.306.004.07

Ioannis Papadopoulos - Greece WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 35 14.93 17.46 Greece 14.9318.6918.0018.5615.82
First round 37 14.97 18.12 Greece 19.6322.6617.6917.0314.97
2x2x2 Cube First round 41 5.94 6.92 Greece 7.096.776.895.9410.68
4x4x4 Cube First round 41 1:17.30 Greece 1:25.291:17.30
5x5x5 Cube First round 29 1:55.62 2:11.19 Greece 1:55.622:09.312:15.922:13.522:10.75
7x7x7 Cube First round 17 7:15.89 Greece 7:15.89
Megaminx Final 2 52.06 1:00.19 Greece 59.891:00.301:00.371:02.8952.06
First round 2 58.41 1:02.40 Greece 1:02.611:00.831:03.7558.411:06.09

Ivo Löpfe - Switzerland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 54 1:08.18 1:24.69 Switzerland 1:12.811:37.681:31.601:29.661:08.18
Pyraminx First round 37 41.15 46.33 Switzerland 56.9946.1450.3042.5441.15

Julian Bürgi - Switzerland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Final 1 7.85 8.62 Switzerland 8.4110.018.429.027.85
Second round 1 7.58 8.38 Switzerland 8.418.398.958.347.58
First round 1 7.42 7.99 Switzerland 8.237.877.427.878.27
2x2x2 Cube Final 3 1.97 2.71 Switzerland 2.043.552.557.141.97
First round 3 2.39 2.60 Switzerland 2.752.554.902.502.39
4x4x4 Cube Final 1 31.14 34.63 Switzerland 31.1440.0634.7736.1932.94
First round 1 28.12 31.65 Switzerland 33.1538.3031.6130.1828.12
5x5x5 Cube Final 1 59.77 1:03.77 Switzerland 1:07.431:01.921:33.551:01.9659.77
First round 1 56.19 1:01.77 Switzerland 1:03.4756.191:08.0059.981:01.87
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 14 2:10.54 DNF Switzerland 2:10.54DNFDNF
3x3x3 One-Handed Final 7 16.49 18.11 Switzerland 17.9817.8816.4922.1318.47
First round 2 14.52 16.46 Switzerland 14.5219.2016.4517.9614.98
Megaminx Final 4 1:00.36 1:04.05 Switzerland 1:04.531:00.361:00.721:07.911:06.91
First round 4 1:01.58 1:04.27 Switzerland 1:03.341:01.581:07.221:11.281:02.24

Julian Ruhstaller - Switzerland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 33 13.56 16.96 Switzerland 13.5620.8917.7018.1915.00
First round 34 11.92 16.26 Switzerland 16.7117.6516.8215.2511.92
2x2x2 Cube First round 34 4.93 6.14 Switzerland 5.447.834.93DNF5.15
4x4x4 Cube First round 27 52.52 1:00.33 Switzerland 53.2052.521:02.701:05.091:07.58
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 26 33.35 36.56 Switzerland 33.6733.3534.2441.7852.26
Megaminx First round 22 1:57.26 2:01.23 Switzerland 2:01.742:03.931:57.261:58.032:27.89
Pyraminx First round 28 8.07 12.39 Switzerland 12.0719.3011.438.0713.66

Kevin Sulser - Switzerland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 16 11.87 12.73 Switzerland 14.5712.3311.9811.8713.88
First round 20 11.97 13.10 Switzerland 12.5614.52DNF11.9712.23
2x2x2 Cube First round 18 4.38 5.03 Switzerland 6.134.384.385.625.09
4x4x4 Cube Final 11 42.78 50.35 Switzerland 51.3251.0658.8842.7848.68
First round 7 41.40 45.62 Switzerland 41.4045.1644.9346.7849.19
5x5x5 Cube Final 8 1:14.15 1:23.02 Switzerland 1:25.501:14.151:22.751:20.811:40.59
First round 11 1:28.75 1:29.78 Switzerland 1:39.201:29.311:28.751:29.791:30.24
7x7x7 Cube Final 2 4:01.73 4:02.59 Switzerland 4:03.914:02.144:01.73
First round 2 3:43.21 3:49.08 Switzerland 3:56.583:47.453:43.21
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 25 32.29 35.73 Switzerland 36.6938.0447.3932.4732.29
Clock First round 10 20.13 21.03 Switzerland 21.3620.6820.1321.06DNF
Megaminx First round 17 1:27.79 1:46.64 Switzerland 1:51.861:38.791:58.151:27.791:49.26
Pyraminx First round 23 8.23 11.03 Switzerland 10.748.2310.3811.9613.12

Laura Mellier - Switzerland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 13 9.41 11.62 Switzerland 12.3111.8010.769.4119.04
First round 17 10.74 12.84 Switzerland 13.1710.7411.3114.0414.12
2x2x2 Cube First round 14 3.34 4.23 Switzerland 4.7112.163.913.344.08
4x4x4 Cube First round 16 42.49 49.72 Switzerland 55.7142.4947.6657.2445.80
5x5x5 Cube Final 12 1:26.69 1:34.77 Switzerland 1:30.851:26.691:36.011:38.971:37.44
First round 10 1:21.49 1:25.84 Switzerland 1:25.571:27.561:21.491:24.391:27.97
7x7x7 Cube Final 9 4:42.65 4:54.42 Switzerland 4:48.265:12.364:42.65
First round 10 4:57.59 5:11.94 Switzerland 5:20.734:57.595:17.51
3x3x3 One-Handed Final 11 21.25 23.09 Switzerland 24.1921.2523.1422.1224.00
First round 10 15.54 20.12 Switzerland 22.5123.5619.2115.5418.63
Megaminx Final 8 1:05.64 1:13.78 Switzerland 1:14.791:17.511:05.641:14.851:11.69
First round 8 1:02.64 1:12.67 Switzerland 1:11.401:14.701:11.921:02.641:17.36
Pyraminx First round 20 6.26 9.39 Switzerland 11.1714.408.936.268.06

Leo Merholz - Switzerland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 32 14.63 15.54 Switzerland 17.5414.6314.8117.0614.76
2x2x2 Cube First round 42 4.96 7.03 Switzerland 9.01DNF5.884.966.20
4x4x4 Cube First round 15 45.10 49.58 Switzerland 45.1049.7950.5748.3952.22

Lias Marty - Switzerland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 39 16.95 20.89 Switzerland 16.9520.1119.7226.0622.85
First round 41 18.32 21.29 Switzerland 22.2321.0818.3220.5624.21
2x2x2 Cube First round 21 3.99 5.08 Switzerland 3.995.45DNF4.615.17
4x4x4 Cube First round 40 1:16.83 Switzerland 1:22.711:16.83
5x5x5 Cube First round 35 3:03.72 Switzerland 3:14.323:03.72
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 34 49.14 Switzerland DNF49.14
Clock First round 18 31.17 Switzerland 31.1757.71
Pyraminx First round 27 9.44 12.35 Switzerland 9.4412.5313.7612.7911.74

Lorenz Meyer - Switzerland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 48 30.46 32.84 Switzerland 33.8835.2131.4330.4633.22
2x2x2 Cube First round 49 13.90 16.63 Switzerland 13.9022.2415.2117.4417.24
4x4x4 Cube First round 45 1:44.34 Switzerland 1:44.341:57.08
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 17 DNF DNF Switzerland DNFDNSDNS

Manuel Bühler - Switzerland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 15 10.82 12.29 Switzerland 10.9614.5015.1910.8211.40
First round 22 12.08 13.18 Switzerland 16.1312.6813.1813.6712.08
2x2x2 Cube First round 24 4.24 5.32 Switzerland 4.2411.404.915.505.54
4x4x4 Cube Final 12 44.48 51.06 Switzerland 58.8058.8147.6446.7544.48
First round 8 41.41 45.69 Switzerland 41.4145.4048.0746.0845.58
5x5x5 Cube Final 5 1:13.87 1:20.72 Switzerland 1:21.261:22.811:24.021:13.871:18.09
First round 6 1:14.38 1:22.03 Switzerland 1:32.611:21.791:14.381:21.811:22.48
7x7x7 Cube Final 1 3:46.13 3:50.91 Switzerland 3:51.813:54.783:46.13
First round 3 3:49.51 4:00.78 Switzerland 3:49.854:22.983:49.51
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 17 DNF DNF Switzerland DNFDNFDNF
3x3x3 One-Handed Final 8 14.52 19.94 Switzerland 20.6914.5219.2222.6119.92
First round 9 18.38 19.96 Switzerland 19.6718.4318.3825.7021.78
Clock First round 13 18.92 23.52 Switzerland 24.7322.3838.5318.9223.44
Megaminx Final 1 46.50 53.04 Switzerland 46.5053.0952.9854.4853.05
First round 1 43.71 49.06 Switzerland 50.4547.5749.1643.7153.02
Pyraminx Final 9 5.40 6.27 Switzerland 6.066.8011.235.965.40
First round 10 4.79 6.82 Switzerland 8.787.246.154.797.07

Matteo Dummar - Italy WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 36 11.35 17.52 Italy 18.6819.5526.1614.3411.35
First round 28 12.15 14.22 Italy 16.2114.1014.7813.7712.15
2x2x2 Cube Final 6 2.16 3.69 Italy 3.104.602.163.386.02
First round 10 2.77 3.84 Italy 5.963.293.934.302.77
4x4x4 Cube First round 17 44.48 50.36 Italy 52.1247.2559.1451.7144.48
5x5x5 Cube First round 25 1:46.55 1:54.42 Italy 1:48.921:58.691:55.651:46.552:02.84
7x7x7 Cube First round 15 6:36.65 Italy 6:36.65
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 13 1:55.29 DNF Italy 1:55.29DNFDNF
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 22 29.34 30.57 Italy 33.7129.3829.3431.3330.99
Clock Final 2 7.97 8.59 Italy 9.2010.618.577.977.99
First round 1 5.51 NR 9.00 Italy 8.665.518.0810.5110.27
Megaminx First round 23 1:52.44 2:01.52 Italy 2:19.511:59.571:52.442:08.851:56.14
Pyraminx Final 10 4.49 6.75 Italy 8.644.496.367.146.76
First round 8 5.38 6.08 Italy 5.935.386.737.795.57

Mattia Pasquini - Switzerland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 27 11.89 14.57 Switzerland 11.8917.04DNF12.6014.06
First round 24 12.81 13.62 Switzerland 13.5321.9014.1413.1812.81
2x2x2 Cube First round 16 4.10 4.73 Switzerland 5.574.444.106.594.19
4x4x4 Cube First round 38 57.66 1:13.50 Switzerland 1:20.0357.661:10.231:10.551:19.72
5x5x5 Cube First round 37 3:23.05 Switzerland 3:42.493:23.05
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 29 30.69 42.64 Switzerland 39.1057.84DNF30.6930.99
Pyraminx First round 13 7.16 7.99 Switzerland

Maximilian Elsener - Switzerland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 37 14.03 18.12 Switzerland 16.7118.1419.5023.9114.03
First round 36 15.96 17.46 Switzerland 24.2517.2917.9715.9617.12
2x2x2 Cube First round 27 4.46 5.50 Switzerland 5.375.225.914.46DNF
4x4x4 Cube First round 36 1:01.04 1:08.39 Switzerland 1:11.541:19.161:01.041:07.341:06.29
5x5x5 Cube First round 31 2:09.58 Switzerland 2:15.892:09.58
7x7x7 Cube First round 18 7:38.55 Switzerland 7:38.55
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 31 31.59 44.35 Switzerland 42.0531.5945.26DNF45.74
Clock First round 21 50.61 Switzerland 54.9450.61
Megaminx First round 27 2:19.17 2:25.23 Switzerland 2:29.962:28.522:19.172:19.582:27.59
Pyraminx First round 38 8.37 DNF Switzerland 8.37DNF13.01DNF11.85

Michael Wittwer - Germany WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Final 7 10.77 11.14 Germany 11.1710.7710.9811.2811.43
Second round 3 8.25 9.16 Germany 8.8010.
First round 6 9.51 10.14 Germany 10.3010.449.5110.259.87
2x2x2 Cube First round 25 4.56 5.43 Germany 5.305.886.655.104.56
4x4x4 Cube Final 7 39.08 46.00 Germany 39.0855.9546.0549.6742.29
First round 4 38.67 44.70 Germany 42.111:00.1538.6748.3143.69
5x5x5 Cube Final 7 1:19.34 1:22.06 Germany 1:20.371:25.131:19.341:32.541:20.69
First round 5 1:16.12 1:21.65 Germany 1:17.981:31.101:16.121:22.651:24.32
7x7x7 Cube Final 7 4:30.06 4:39.83 Germany 4:54.284:35.164:30.06
First round 8 4:08.77 4:40.72 Germany 4:08.775:14.424:38.98
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 17 DNF DNF Germany DNFDNSDNS
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 13 21.37 23.11 Germany 23.6321.7423.9624.0421.37
Megaminx First round 14 1:20.80 1:37.93 Germany 1:41.171:38.731:20.801:35.321:39.74
Pyraminx First round 34 10.24 16.53 Germany 16.6910.2419.8118.7514.15

Mike Ditton - Switzerland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 14 10.10 12.05 Switzerland 11.3113.0011.84DNF10.10
First round 10 9.70 11.51 Switzerland 11.259.7011.7011.5811.87
2x2x2 Cube First round 17 3.88 4.93 Switzerland 5.285.373.885.544.13
4x4x4 Cube First round 23 43.59 54.93 Switzerland 57.3543.5950.3157.121:05.02
5x5x5 Cube First round 14 1:26.24 1:33.86 Switzerland 1:37.041:38.761:26.241:31.111:33.43
7x7x7 Cube Final 12 6:15.49 Switzerland 6:15.49
First round 11 4:58.76 5:26.86 Switzerland 4:58.766:06.195:15.64
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 17 DNF DNF Switzerland DNFDNFDNF
3x3x3 One-Handed Final 10 18.21 21.66 Switzerland 21.9919.3718.2123.6124.48
First round 11 18.54 20.56 Switzerland 21.0118.5421.0722.5919.60
Clock Final 8 15.62 19.56 Switzerland DNF17.4823.0318.1815.62
First round 7 15.51 17.93 Switzerland 15.51DNF16.5120.2317.04

Nicolas Schmied - Switzerland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 40 18.82 22.20 Switzerland 18.8224.9424.8122.0819.71
First round 39 15.60 19.24 Switzerland 17.9320.5419.2622.7815.60
2x2x2 Cube First round 40 5.07 6.88 Switzerland 6.728.125.865.078.05
4x4x4 Cube First round 42 1:28.58 Switzerland 1:28.581:33.64
5x5x5 Cube First round 27 1:45.60 2:01.13 Switzerland 1:48.47DNF2:20.001:45.601:54.92
7x7x7 Cube First round 14 6:31.78 Switzerland 6:31.78
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 27 33.04 37.79 Switzerland 39.3138.1235.9433.0439.39
Clock Final 7 14.42 17.07 Switzerland 16.1418.0214.4217.0519.01
First round 6 14.57 15.36 Switzerland 15.8815.5014.6914.5716.46
Megaminx First round 25 1:59.58 2:11.89 Switzerland 2:07.202:25.472:05.541:59.582:22.94
Pyraminx First round 31 6.69 12.54 Switzerland 16.7813.3712.9311.336.69

Noé Lauener - Switzerland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 44 24.24 24.62 Switzerland 24.7125.7324.2424.3724.79
2x2x2 Cube First round 38 6.11 6.79 Switzerland 6.549.147.376.466.11
Pyraminx First round 32 8.55 14.20 Switzerland 18.5911.258.5526.6012.77

Oleg Gritsenko - Russia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 32 13.08 16.72 Russia 13.0817.1020.2417.0516.02
First round 31 14.61 15.43 Russia 14.6817.0514.6115.8015.82
2x2x2 Cube First round 39 3.49 6.85 Russia 5.394.523.4910.8910.63
4x4x4 Cube First round 33 1:02.74 1:05.06 Russia 1:02.741:03.231:07.201:04.741:20.04
5x5x5 Cube First round 30 2:07.38 Russia 2:24.572:07.38
7x7x7 Cube First round 20 8:49.98 Russia 8:49.98
3x3x3 Blindfolded Final 3 42.85 55.15 Russia 42.851:03.8758.72
First round 4 50.99 DNF Russia 50.99DNF1:27.02
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 28 30.40 37.85 Russia 30.4042.1032.6341.0739.84
Clock First round 15 20.99 30.73 Russia 21.0942.3252.4320.9928.78
Megaminx First round 30 3:50.20 Russia 3:50.203:53.55
Pyraminx First round 26 10.34 12.25 Russia 11.5512.8612.3415.5310.34

Papic Marko - Switzerland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 45 21.28 25.18 Switzerland 26.4125.4223.7126.7021.28
2x2x2 Cube First round 32 4.51 5.91 Switzerland 4.515.965.656.426.11
4x4x4 Cube First round 47 1:45.90 Switzerland 1:45.901:49.54
Pyraminx First round 29 7.75 12.43 Switzerland 12.5915.8813.357.7511.36

Paul Pleis - France WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Final 2 7.88 8.94 France 9.159.5710.828.107.88
Second round 2 7.55 8.60 France 9.078.668.077.559.22
First round 2 7.39 8.36 France 7.397.527.7911.569.76
2x2x2 Cube First round 13 3.57 4.22 France 4.974.223.574.194.26
4x4x4 Cube Final 2 35.82 38.53 France 39.8241.7135.8237.5138.25
First round 6 42.20 45.14 France 45.0442.2045.7248.0344.67
5x5x5 Cube First round 17 1:24.00 1:44.68 France 1:42.262:02.621:38.901:24.001:52.87
3x3x3 One-Handed Final 1 12.48 13.78 France 15.7112.4813.6112.9014.83
First round 1 12.04 12.42 France 12.9012.0512.0413.0112.32

Quentin Rivault - France WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Final 5 9.34 10.69 France 9.6211.7410.729.3413.33
Second round 5 8.86 9.52 France 9.458.869.1911.609.92
First round 7 9.18 11.05 France 10.5110.869.18DNF11.78
2x2x2 Cube Final 7 2.88 3.82 France 4.582.883.243.634.95
First round 6 3.20 3.47 France 3.773.404.843.203.25
4x4x4 Cube Final 5 38.80 44.28 France 46.6540.9138.8045.2759.33
First round 3 34.28 43.37 France 52.5946.4639.9143.7434.28
5x5x5 Cube Final 9 1:20.14 1:24.53 France 1:21.481:20.141:28.481:23.641:29.67
First round 12 1:24.16 1:30.16 France 1:42.131:35.081:24.161:30.991:24.42
3x3x3 Blindfolded Final 10 DNF DNF France DNFDNFDNF
First round 9 1:15.26 DNF France 1:15.26DNFDNF
3x3x3 One-Handed Final 6 16.37 17.54 France 18.8617.1916.3716.5820.30
First round 8 17.75 19.94 France 19.9923.0218.5821.2517.75
Pyraminx First round 17 8.22 8.79 France 8.409.208.228.789.24

Raphael Riener - Austria WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 26 11.33 14.18 Austria 15.3711.3314.4814.0214.03
First round 27 12.01 13.97 Austria 16.4912.4114.4915.0112.01
2x2x2 Cube First round 33 4.60 6.08 Austria 7.004.606.046.106.11
4x4x4 Cube First round 19 46.09 50.52 Austria 46.0950.4052.8848.2858.53
5x5x5 Cube First round 16 1:34.77 1:40.48 Austria 2:10.311:38.971:40.321:42.141:34.77
7x7x7 Cube First round 13 6:03.05 Austria 6:03.05
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 10 1:21.74 1:37.77 Austria 1:21.741:45.091:46.49
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 24 28.46 34.44 Austria 1:21.1839.3429.1534.8328.46
Clock First round 17 23.36 DNF Austria DNF23.36DNFDNSDNS
Megaminx First round 21 1:51.38 1:58.40 Austria 1:52.512:07.471:51.381:57.252:05.44
Pyraminx First round 24 8.89 11.39 Austria 14.849.3015.228.8910.03

Raphael Willi - Switzerland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 46 19.45 27.31 Switzerland 26.1526.2029.5719.4530.42
2x2x2 Cube First round 46 8.72 9.95 Switzerland 9.3911.319.1613.988.72
4x4x4 Cube First round 43 1:35.21 Switzerland 1:35.211:47.26
5x5x5 Cube First round 36 3:09.91 Switzerland 3:09.913:20.05
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 17 DNF DNF Switzerland DNFDNFDNS
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 36 1:15.38 Switzerland 1:31.341:15.38
Megaminx First round 29 2:35.86 3:00.91 Switzerland 4:44.932:35.863:06.473:08.332:47.92
Pyraminx First round 36 12.00 20.02 Switzerland 17.9721.8522.6612.0020.25

Robin Geiser - Switzerland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 29 13.16 15.76 Switzerland 14.0813.1618.5815.3017.89
First round 33 13.12 15.58 Switzerland 13.1215.3616.2415.1320.67
2x2x2 Cube First round 30 3.47 5.88 Switzerland 7.175.2511.005.213.47
4x4x4 Cube First round 25 45.96 58.72 Switzerland 1:19.4245.9655.1157.261:03.80
5x5x5 Cube First round 33 2:31.91 Switzerland 2:31.912:42.92
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 17 DNF DNF Switzerland DNFDNFDNF
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 20 26.23 27.75 Switzerland 30.3027.2528.1126.2327.90
Pyraminx First round 25 9.99 11.99 Switzerland 10.749.9913.4817.1011.76

Sandro Mattenberger - Switzerland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 23 10.71 13.97 Switzerland 12.4414.0115.45DNF10.71
First round 19 11.16 12.99 Switzerland DNF11.1612.0814.6312.27
2x2x2 Cube Final 8 3.05 3.87 Switzerland 3.243.924.465.573.05
First round 5 2.31 3.34 Switzerland 3.302.572.314.14DNF
4x4x4 Cube First round 34 51.34 1:05.71 Switzerland 1:02.3151.341:30.021:05.581:09.23
5x5x5 Cube First round 21 1:34.51 1:49.59 Switzerland 1:34.511:50.861:56.921:41.00DNF
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 15 18.65 23.94 Switzerland 37.6222.8326.5722.4218.65
Clock Final 10 14.92 22.62 Switzerland 26.7824.5716.8926.4014.92
First round 9 16.29 19.42 Switzerland 16.2920.43DNF20.6117.23
Megaminx First round 19 1:33.19 1:48.75 Switzerland 1:43.952:10.991:59.331:33.191:42.96
Pyraminx Final 11 5.76 6.97 Switzerland 6.096.7410.338.095.76
First round 11 4.83 7.61 Switzerland 7.548.11DNF7.174.83

Sebastian Hammer - Switzerland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 47 28.58 31.97 Switzerland 33.2831.9630.6828.5836.39
2x2x2 Cube First round 48 10.60 15.68 Switzerland 17.3110.6030.2418.2211.52
4x4x4 Cube First round 44 1:42.12 Switzerland 1:42.121:44.45
5x5x5 Cube First round 34 2:48.74 Switzerland 3:08.202:48.74
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 35 1:09.41 Switzerland 1:09.41DNF

Sebastian Ludwig - Switzerland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 21 12.06 13.52 Switzerland 15.5412.3215.0513.1912.06
First round 25 11.85 13.92 Switzerland 14.5713.4011.8513.7915.92
2x2x2 Cube First round 29 4.97 5.60 Switzerland 4.975.425.905.478.20
4x4x4 Cube First round 24 51.10 55.23 Switzerland 55.3856.071:00.0854.2351.10
5x5x5 Cube First round 24 1:44.68 1:51.84 Switzerland 1:50.651:51.661:53.211:58.481:44.68
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 32 42.82 Switzerland 42.821:12.39
Megaminx First round 16 1:25.08 1:44.22 Switzerland 1:59.621:39.661:50.851:42.151:25.08
Pyraminx First round 18 7.56 8.87 Switzerland 9.639.697.568.988.00

Selma Wirahpati - Indonesia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 51 32.29 48.36 Indonesia 49.3247.8248.9532.2948.30

Thomas Ditton - Switzerland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 53 52.63 1:16.90 Switzerland 1:45.721:44.4252.691:13.5952.63
2x2x2 Cube First round 52 1:44.10 DNF Switzerland 1:44.10DNFDNSDNSDNS

Timo Günthardt - Switzerland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Final 10 10.93 11.85 Switzerland 12.1310.9311.7611.6712.40
Second round 8 10.09 10.77 Switzerland 10.2311.6412.2310.4410.09
First round 9 10.59 11.33 Switzerland 12.4810.5912.7010.8810.63
2x2x2 Cube Final 4 2.48 3.29 Switzerland 2.824.294.342.752.48
First round 7 2.85 3.59 Switzerland 2.853.
4x4x4 Cube Final 8 39.67 47.11 Switzerland 45.9948.7339.6752.7946.60
First round 9 44.01 45.73 Switzerland 48.6647.3445.4844.0144.37
5x5x5 Cube Final 4 1:11.63 1:18.93 Switzerland 1:17.421:34.591:15.591:23.771:11.63
First round 7 1:17.41 1:22.47 Switzerland 1:21.931:17.411:23.901:21.591:28.30
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 17 DNF DNF Switzerland DNFDNFDNF
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 14 21.51 23.36 Switzerland 25.2521.9028.0121.5122.93
Clock First round 16 28.25 36.68 Switzerland 45.9528.2529.8134.29DNF
Megaminx Final 3 57.23 1:03.51 Switzerland 57.541:04.3957.231:08.951:08.61
First round 3 54.63 1:02.74 Switzerland 54.6358.361:08.091:16.461:01.78
Pyraminx Final 2 3.53 3.70 Switzerland 3.645.153.533.933.53
First round 3 3.83 4.46 Switzerland 5.263.834.174.165.06

Tobias Peter - Switzerland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Final 11 9.70 11.91 Switzerland 9.7013.2710.7614.9711.71
Second round 4 7.42 9.27 Switzerland 10.049.529.167.429.14
First round 13 9.17 12.07 Switzerland 11.0412.439.1713.4312.74
2x2x2 Cube Final 9 2.08 4.01 Switzerland
First round 9 3.18 3.76 Switzerland
4x4x4 Cube Final 3 36.38 39.67 Switzerland 44.9036.3838.1043.3437.56
First round 2 31.85 39.81 Switzerland 38.9445.7231.8537.9442.55
5x5x5 Cube Final 2 1:05.54 1:10.58 Switzerland 1:10.121:11.511:12.661:10.101:05.54
First round 2 1:00.94 1:03.87 Switzerland 1:17.991:01.451:04.781:00.941:05.39
7x7x7 Cube Final 11 3:22.88 DNF Switzerland 3:26.31DNF3:22.88
First round 1 3:15.98 3:29.78 Switzerland 3:15.983:33.083:40.28
3x3x3 Blindfolded Final 4 1:00.59 1:06.05 Switzerland 1:03.011:14.551:00.59
First round 6 59.15 1:04.66 Switzerland 59.151:10.351:04.49
3x3x3 One-Handed Final 2 10.27 16.59 Switzerland 17.4217.8210.2719.4614.53
First round 3 15.59 16.81 Switzerland 15.7619.1117.2117.4615.59
Clock Final 1 7.50 8.32 Switzerland 7.949.189.517.857.50
First round 2 7.49 9.07 Switzerland 9.947.4910.079.657.62
Megaminx Final 5 1:03.29 1:08.02 Switzerland 1:08.331:11.971:03.771:03.291:26.22
First round 5 55.63 1:07.29 Switzerland 1:12.6455.631:05.851:03.381:23.80
Pyraminx Final 6 3.63 5.30 Switzerland 6.383.966.465.573.63
First round 7 4.94 5.93 Switzerland 6.734.947.605.046.03

Valentin Lanz - Switzerland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 25 12.98 14.07 Switzerland 14.7713.6513.7912.9815.76
First round 21 12.83 13.13 Switzerland 13.5212.8812.8313.9212.99
2x2x2 Cube First round 35 3.47 6.15 Switzerland 18.936.593.476.375.50
4x4x4 Cube First round 29 54.85 1:01.50 Switzerland 1:09.991:04.7954.8559.021:00.69
3x3x3 Blindfolded Final 2 42.26 DNF Switzerland 42.2647.99DNF
First round 2 37.77 DNF Switzerland 37.771:03.16DNF
Pyraminx First round 21 6.09 9.52 Switzerland 10.259.646.098.6811.16

Wilfrid Py - France WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Final 12 10.85 13.02 France 14.1111.9712.9810.8515.40
Second round 10 7.95 11.07 France 8.8315.1313.377.9511.01
First round 14 10.56 12.24 France 12.9912.6610.5614.5711.06
2x2x2 Cube Final 12 2.67 5.20 France 2.675.235.177.405.19
First round 11 3.15 3.85 France 3.354.843.365.843.15
4x4x4 Cube First round 18 46.30 50.41 France 50.3250.9952.6349.9146.30
5x5x5 Cube First round 19 1:28.87 1:45.53 France 1:53.851:43.491:48.051:45.051:28.87
7x7x7 Cube Final 8 4:35.79 4:41.10 France 4:35.794:42.774:44.73
First round 7 4:10.05 4:30.93 France 4:10.055:00.664:22.09
3x3x3 Blindfolded Final 7 1:38.72 DNF France DNF1:38.72DNF
First round 7 1:09.61 DNF France DNFDNF1:09.61
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 18 19.89 26.46 France 28.3831.8319.8925.6525.35
Clock First round 14 22.88 27.93 France 24.6933.2829.7529.3622.88
Megaminx Final 11 1:22.87 1:39.76 France 1:38.381:47.041:58.881:33.861:22.87
First round 11 1:22.63 1:28.28 France 1:31.201:34.801:22.631:26.251:27.38
Pyraminx First round 19 5.68 9.14 France 10.0513.005.689.907.48

Willem Klose - Germany WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 19 11.29 13.03 Germany 12.4314.3412.3215.3111.29
First round 23 10.67 13.31 Germany 14.2712.4113.2415.1210.67
2x2x2 Cube First round 45 5.01 9.01 Germany 6.5512.038.455.01DNF
4x4x4 Cube First round 20 47.19 52.19 Germany 52.9547.1956.4154.8448.78
5x5x5 Cube First round 18 1:36.89 1:44.73 Germany 1:38.431:51.121:36.891:50.051:45.70
7x7x7 Cube First round 16 6:56.38 Germany 6:56.38
3x3x3 Blindfolded Final 8 1:41.89 DNF Germany DNFDNF1:41.89
First round 3 45.40 51.75 Germany 46.7545.401:03.10
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 23 24.77 33.85 Germany 24.7733.8537.3832.6435.07
Clock First round 20 44.73 Germany 44.7346.71
Megaminx First round 20 1:43.16 1:58.01 Germany 2:50.911:47.641:43.162:04.012:02.37
Pyraminx Final 8 5.32 6.02 Germany 5.325.3314.876.426.30
First round 6 5.40 5.86 Germany 5.815.407.545.536.24

Yannic Waser - Switzerland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Final 8 9.04 11.21 Switzerland 9.3210.8813.429.04DNF
Second round 9 9.49 10.82 Switzerland 11.5118.589.6011.359.49
First round 5 9.20 10.12 Switzerland 15.569.9610.479.929.20
2x2x2 Cube First round 44 3.22 7.55 Switzerland 3.229.307.80DNF5.55
4x4x4 Cube Final 4 37.47 42.52 Switzerland 45.5639.6142.3937.4748.27
First round 10 40.13 46.07 Switzerland 49.7445.6749.5542.9840.13
5x5x5 Cube Final 6 1:17.50 1:21.08 Switzerland 1:19.411:17.501:24.491:19.351:50.51
First round 4 1:15.60 1:18.65 Switzerland 1:20.631:16.621:20.371:15.601:18.96
7x7x7 Cube Final 5 4:09.71 4:12.80 Switzerland 4:12.574:09.714:16.11
First round 9 4:54.28 4:54.67 Switzerland 4:54.294:54.284:55.44
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 17 DNF DNF Switzerland DNFDNFDNF
3x3x3 One-Handed Final 5 15.29 17.53 Switzerland 18.2315.2923.0218.6715.70
First round 5 17.66 18.18 Switzerland 19.0717.8117.6717.6625.98
Clock Final 9 19.04 20.20 Switzerland 19.7821.16DNF19.6519.04
First round 12 17.27 21.94 Switzerland 23.5826.2617.2721.2420.99
Megaminx Final 12 1:25.55 1:42.94 Switzerland 1:55.121:25.552:01.291:42.611:31.10
First round 12 1:27.01 1:36.27 Switzerland 1:42.341:38.281:27.011:51.771:28.19
Pyraminx Final 7 5.48 5.74 Switzerland 5.775.485.866.185.59
First round 9 4.61 6.40 Switzerland 4.616.528.517.205.47

Yulia Gritsenko - Russia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 56 1:12.67 1:31.00 Russia 1:12.671:22.681:24.372:31.001:45.96
2x2x2 Cube First round 51 15.59 22.63 Russia 39.8622.2515.5924.6720.98
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