Twixmas Flen 2024

7x7x7 Cube Psych Sheet

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# Name WCA ID Representing Average WR Single WR
1 Jacob Chambers 2017CHAM09 United Kingdom 2:21.47 105 2:12.16 100
2 Jack Larsson Backsell 2021BACK01 Sweden 2:30.33 188 2:20.71 183
3 Zeke Mackay 2015MACK06 United States 2:42.45 328 2:27.10 257
4 Daniel Wallin 2013WALL03 Sweden 2:48.30 424 2:36.38 375
5 Edvin Jansson 2017JANS04 Sweden 2:53.26 498 2:43.96 529
6 Niklas Aasen Eliasson 2021ELIA01 Norway 3:24.51 1268 3:11.06 1224
7 Achim Spies 2021SPIE01 Germany 3:42.50 1836 3:35.11 2048
8 Filip Åström 2023ASTR01 Sweden 4:04.71 2639 3:53.63 2785
9 Nox Clémenceau 2015CLEM03 France 4:27.56 3449 4:00.19 3047
10 Viktor Zenk 2016ZENK01 Sweden 5:49.56 5789 5:16.38 5838
11 David Nesiba 2023NESI01 Czech Republic 7:40.07 7082 6:29.14 7972
12 Erika Aasen 2022AASE01 Norway 13:12.00 7508 11:57.00 10741
Roel Hoogeveen 2019HOOG01 Netherlands 4:55.89 5097
Axel Flordal 2016FLOR24 Sweden 7:16.11 8953
Leo Sjögren 2022SJOG01 Sweden
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