Twixmas Flen 2024

Dec 27 - 29, 2024
Flen, Sweden


Parkgatan 3, 642 31 Flen

Enter from the back, on the hill.

Organization team
Daniel Wallin and SveKub
WCA Delegates
AJ Nicholls, Daniel Wallin, Helmer Ewert, Peter Hugosson-Miller, and Viktor Zenk
Download all the competition's details as PDF here.

Välkomna till Twixmas Flen 2024!

Alla är varmt välkomna att delta, oavsett om du löser kuben på 5 sekunder eller 5 minuter samt oavsett tidigare tävlingserfarenhet.

Vi ber er läsa igenom alla flikar på denna sida eftersom de innehåller mycket värdefull information.

OBS: På fredagen hålls endast ett försök 3x3 Multi-BLD. Om du inte tävlar i den grenen behöver du inte komma redan på fredagen, utan det räcker att du kommer först innan din första gren ska börja på lördagen.

Welcome to Twixmas Flen 2024!

Everyone is welcome to participate, regardless of whether you solve the cube in 5 seconds or 5 minutes and regardless of prior competition experience.

We ask you to read through all the tabs on this page as they contain very valuable information.

N.B.: On Friday, only one attempt of 3x3 Multi-BLD will be held. If you do not want to compete in that event, you do not have to come already on Friday, it is enough that you arrive first before your first event starts on Saturday.

Main event
Registration period

Online registration opened Monday, June 24, 2024 at 3:00 PM UTC and closed Thursday, December 26, 2024 at 10:59 PM UTC.

Registration requirements
This competition is over, click here to display the registration requirements it used.
Click here to display the highlights of the competition.

William Jensen won with an average of 7.45 seconds in the 3x3x3 Cube event. Ludwig Ivarsson finished second (7.83) and Theo Skoog finished third (8.02).

European records: Daniel Wallin‎ 4x4x4 Blindfolded 1:16.93 (single).

2x2x2 Cube Final

1Pep Edén1.331.641.70 (3.75) 1.34 1.89 (1.33)
2Elvin Thorsen1.491.68(2.76) 1.76 (1.49) 1.66 1.62
3Leo Lindqvist1.421.762.03 (2.42) 1.52 1.72 (1.42)
4William Jensen1.141.861.52 1.56 (5.94) 2.49 (1.14)
5Oliver Fritz1.601.98(2.27) 1.81 2.26 1.86 (1.60)
6Leo Sjögren1.862.222.00 2.72 1.93 (3.44) (1.86)
7Niklas Aasen Eliasson1.532.342.90 2.33 1.80 (3.97) (1.53)
8Jack Larsson Backsell1.822.552.72 2.75 2.19 (3.79) (1.82)
9Theo Skoog1.832.823.44 (4.47) 2.62 2.41 (1.83)
10Daniel Wallin2.403.27(3.84) 3.27 3.10 (2.40) 3.43
11Alexander Botz2.263.604.57 (6.34) 3.10 3.12 (2.26)
12Erland Flodman2.833.61(2.83) 3.88 2.89 4.06 (5.33)
13Helmer Ewert2.973.693.59 (2.97) 3.16 (5.33) 4.31
14David Nesiba3.254.464.57 3.76 (3.25) (6.97) 5.06
15Ludwig Ivarsson1.625.27(DNF) 1.76 8.76 5.29 (1.62)
16Dante Tellechea Hultmark3.615.74(DNF) 6.06 5.10 (3.61) 6.07

2x2x2 Cube Second round

1Elvin Thorsen1.291.471.49 1.36 (5.49) (1.29) 1.57
2Pep Edén1.111.491.87 (1.11) 1.14 (2.46) 1.47
3Leo Lindqvist1.051.711.91 (1.05) 1.43 (3.33) 1.79
4William Jensen1.381.711.74 (1.38) 1.63 (2.52) 1.75
5Niklas Aasen Eliasson1.001.851.59 (1.00) (5.14) 2.19 1.76
6Oliver Fritz1.761.991.84 (1.76) 2.27 (4.59) 1.87
7Leo Sjögren2.112.26(2.11) 2.30 2.29 (2.50) 2.20
8Erland Flodman2.102.33(2.10) 2.20 2.58 (DNF) 2.20
9Helmer Ewert1.812.34(3.36) 2.52 2.56 (1.81) 1.95
10Theo Skoog1.752.662.99 2.09 (3.70) 2.91 (1.75)
11Daniel Wallin2.132.66(5.09) (2.13) 2.55 2.25 3.19
12Ludwig Ivarsson1.622.672.92 (1.62) 2.89 (4.61) 2.19
13Jack Larsson Backsell2.333.083.29 (7.42) (2.33) 3.52 2.44
14Dante Tellechea Hultmark1.963.313.77 3.38 (1.96) (3.82) 2.77
15Alexander Botz2.383.552.84 (DNF) 3.30 (2.38) 4.50
16David Nesiba2.303.663.30 (5.84) (2.30) 4.86 2.81
17Roman Sokolovskyi2.593.682.87 3.03 (2.59) 5.14 (7.14)
18Oleksii Lasiichuk (Олексій Ласійчук)2.833.83(2.83) (5.25) 3.26 4.75 3.48
19Lage Bonde2.573.863.59 (7.14) (2.57) 4.72 3.26
20Timo Norrkniivilä2.253.91(2.25) (6.11) 3.82 4.22 3.68
21Håvard Færden3.034.00(3.03) 4.07 4.24 3.69 (5.48)
22Piotr Olszewski3.724.043.91 3.86 4.34 (4.74) (3.72)
23Kasper Eriksson3.584.22(5.97) (3.58) 3.74 4.25 4.66
24Isac Lindqvist2.914.724.58 5.35 (2.91) (5.53) 4.22
25Viktor Zenk4.224.725.19 (7.09) (4.22) 4.34 4.62
26Aleksander Arefiew3.234.795.61 4.79 3.97 (3.23) (6.11)
27Eskil Munthe3.765.05(3.76) (6.11) 5.25 4.97 4.93
28Filip Åström3.855.125.29 (3.85) 5.01 5.07 (5.82)
29Jack Belloni Sahlin3.005.146.24 4.76 (3.00) (7.69) 4.41
30Gabriel Börjesson3.915.55(3.91) 5.48 (8.72) 6.79 4.39
31Tristan Grabski2.495.903.87 6.19 (2.49) (12.50) 7.63
32Aron Roos5.806.726.73 (5.80) 7.44 (8.18) 5.99
33Edvin Jansson2.967.139.10 (11.39) (2.96) 8.07 4.21
34Elias Westman6.677.307.44 (9.34) 7.49 6.98 (6.67)
35Lilian Zetterman7.117.928.01 8.08 7.66 (8.62) (7.11)
36Yuyang Liu6.929.27(12.95) 8.41 11.26 (6.92) 8.15

2x2x2 Cube First round

1Pep Edén1.141.52(1.57) 1.55 1.53 1.47 (1.14)
2Elvin Thorsen0.841.682.12 (2.46) 1.79 1.12 (0.84)
3Oliver Fritz1.561.691.74 1.62 (7.55) (1.56) 1.70
4Jack Larsson Backsell1.512.08(3.16) 1.86 2.38 2.00 (1.51)
5Leo Lindqvist1.572.362.08 (4.42) 2.17 (1.57) 2.82
6Theo Skoog1.852.372.47 2.35 (1.85) (4.76) 2.29
7Helmer Ewert1.372.422.45 2.51 2.30 (2.97) (1.37)
8Niklas Aasen Eliasson1.192.43(3.83) 1.69 2.78 (1.19) 2.82
9William Jensen1.482.493.44 1.51 (3.86) 2.52 (1.48)
10Erland Flodman2.142.513.08 (4.23) 2.30 (2.14) 2.16
11Ludwig Ivarsson1.572.583.60 2.25 (1.57) (6.19) 1.89
12Leo Sjögren1.772.662.26 (DNF) 3.31 (1.77) 2.42
13Alexander Botz2.392.913.28 2.82 (2.39) (DNF) 2.62
14Timo Norrkniivilä2.173.032.59 3.90 (7.60) 2.61 (2.17)
15Kasper Eriksson2.383.032.68 (2.38) 3.74 2.66 (4.73)
16Håvard Færden1.523.14(4.69) 3.17 3.92 (1.52) 2.33
17Eskil Munthe2.263.403.32 (2.26) 2.99 (7.00) 3.90
18Roman Sokolovskyi1.693.553.21 3.22 4.22 (4.92) (1.69)
19Daniel Wallin1.663.632.78 4.03 (6.52) 4.07 (1.66)
20David Nesiba1.973.63(15.41) 3.36 3.49 (1.97) 4.03
21Piotr Olszewski2.033.99(2.03) (5.93) 4.55 3.37 4.04
22Oleksii Lasiichuk (Олексій Ласійчук) 3.46 3.55 (5.68) (2.13)
23Aleksander Arefiew2.674.32(2.67) 4.30 (6.20) 3.70 4.95
24Dante Tellechea Hultmark3.304.384.51 4.19 4.45 (5.87) (3.30)
25Viktor Zenk3.254.644.24 (6.21) 5.36 4.33 (3.25)
26Jimmy Isaksson3.364.654.60 (8.59) 4.89 4.46 (3.36)
27Lage Bonde3.154.804.53 4.27 5.59 (3.15) (5.85)
28Gabriel Börjesson3.044.91(8.93) 4.32 4.85 5.56 (3.04)
29Isac Lindqvist4.445.054.93 (6.63) (4.44) 4.99 5.23
30Edvin Jansson4.135.14(7.17) (4.13) 5.11 4.84 5.48
31Tristan Grabski2.815.214.53 4.69 (13.57) 6.42 (2.81)
32Jack Belloni Sahlin4.985.495.25 5.80 (7.20) (4.98) 5.43
33Filip Åström4.625.85(4.62) 5.46 7.00 5.10 (7.59)
34Elias Westman2.445.885.65 (8.76) 7.70 4.28 (2.44)
35Yuyang Liu3.916.575.23 10.04 (10.66) 4.43 (3.91)
36Aron Roos3.086.795.94 7.81 (10.12) 6.62 (3.08)
37Lilian Zetterman4.956.856.72 (4.95) (10.27) 7.22 6.60
38Ossian Granåsen3.236.877.94 (8.98) 4.85 7.81 (3.23)
39Leu Pratasenia4.387.307.62 7.21 7.08 (DNF) (4.38)
40Edwin Nilsson5.727.58(10.38) 8.17 6.71 7.87 (5.72)
41Teodor Bergman4.678.198.80 (10.75) (4.67) 9.32 6.45
42William Jonsson6.059.81(17.16) 8.12 (6.05) 14.44 6.87
43Onni Bergander10.4711.1911.51 10.52 (10.47) 11.55 (DNF)
44Olle Wiik8.7411.53(8.74) 10.19 (19.55) 13.94 10.45
45Leon Granér9.4512.1214.98 10.36 11.01 (9.45) (19.12)
46Ingmar Arman6.6114.6612.98 (6.61) (25.57) 17.00 14.00
47Peter Hugosson-Miller10.7715.13(10.77) (23.17) 14.32 14.23 16.83
48Noah Syren11.7016.71(40.96) 19.06 17.48 (11.70) 13.60
49Liam Syren12.7017.22(12.70) 14.16 19.25 18.26 (24.04)
50Leo Sauhke5.12DNF7.16 (5.12) DNF (DNF) 5.58
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