UCSD Winter 2019

Feb 16 - 17, 2019
San Diego, California, United States

UC San Diego

Price Center, UCSD, 9500 Gilman Dr, La Jolla, CA 92093

Ballroom West



Andrew Nathenson, Henry Helmuth, and Wilson Li (李超雄)
WCA Delegates
Adam Walker and Michael Young
Download all the competition's details as PDF here.
  • The competition will take place over two days at UC San Diego's Price Center.
  • Saturday's events will be held on the 2nd floor in Ballroom West A.
  • Sunday's events will be held in Ballroom West B.
  • Spectating is free and open to the public. Photography and videography are permitted, however there shall be NO FLASH PHOTOGRAPHY.
  • Please provide adult supervision for children under 12 years - thanks!
  • If any changes are made to the competition or schedule, they will be clearly announced to all competitors in an email
  • Schedule is tentative to change at the discretion of the organization team
  • Although this is completely optional, we ask all competitors to consider volunteering to judge, scramble, or run so the competition runs smoothly.
Main event
Registration period

Online registration opened Sunday, December 30, 2018 at 8:01 AM UTC and closed Monday, February 11, 2019 at 7:59 AM UTC.

Registration requirements
This competition is over, click here to display the registration requirements it used.
Click here to display the highlights of the competition.

Max Park won with an average of 6.10 seconds in the 3x3x3 Cube event. Paul Mahvi finished second (8.36) and Will Hamilton finished third (8.68).

3x3x3 Cube

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Max Park 5.70 6.10 United States 5.925.855.707.536.53
2 Paul Mahvi 7.88 8.36 United States 8.177.889.0111.107.89
3 Will Hamilton 7.19 8.68 United States 8.468.977.198.629.35

4x4x4 Cube

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Max Park 22.75 23.93 United States 24.2123.6522.7524.9423.92
2 Paul Mahvi 28.91 31.36 United States 28.9132.9937.5929.6331.45
3 Nathan Soria 28.43 33.50 United States 49.9235.8028.4329.9834.73

5x5x5 Cube

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Max Park 38.52 43.27 United States 46.3238.5241.1443.8744.81
2 Paul Mahvi 51.47 59.05 United States 1:00.3459.4551.4757.351:09.02
3 Shane Grogan 54.99 1:09.76 United States 1:13.091:05.171:13.001:11.1154.99

6x6x6 Cube

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Max Park 1:16.73 1:23.05 United States 1:22.511:29.901:16.73
2 Paul Mahvi 1:52.81 2:03.88 United States 2:21.211:57.611:52.81
3 Nathan Soria 1:59.96 2:04.78 United States 1:59.962:05.222:09.17

3x3x3 Blindfolded

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Josh Weimer 26.26 DNF United States DNF55.9626.26
2 Wilson Li (李超雄) 1:01.23 DNF United States 1:18.15DNF1:01.23
3 Kit Clement 1:24.32 1:59.49 United States 1:24.322:00.532:33.61

3x3x3 Fewest Moves

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Kit Clement 25 29.33 United States 313225
2 Sean Bohne 35 41.00 United States 434535
3 Margot Audero 31 42.67 United States 514631

3x3x3 One-Handed

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Max Park 9.53 10.95 United States 12.0711.2412.309.539.54
2 Kavin Tangtartharakul 12.05 13.80 United States 12.0516.3414.9213.8012.68
3 Nathan Soria 11.80 13.97 United States 15.3614.1312.4311.8016.07

3x3x3 Multi-Blind

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Pilan Scruggs 8/8 53:39 United States 8/8 53:39
2 Kit Clement 9/12 1:00:00 United States 9/12 1:00:00
3 Kavin Tangtartharakul 9/13 51:35 United States 9/13 51:35

3x3x3 With Feet

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Margot Audero 1:10.69 1:21.08 United States 1:22.811:26.371:10.691:14.072:16.08
2 Ryan Jew 1:11.15 1:37.64 United States 2:16.061:45.031:27.751:11.151:40.13
3 Andrew Nathenson 1:41.19 1:55.20 United States 1:53.441:41.192:32.661:59.181:52.99
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