Val di NxN: Nocturnal Edition 2024

Note: The competitor limit for this competition is 50 and it has already been reached. If you register, your registration will be placed on a waiting list. It may not be approved unless a spot frees up.

4x4x4 Cube Psych Sheet

Sorted by: average, sort by single

# Name WCA ID Representing Average WR Single WR
1 Giacomo Daniele Corò 2019CORO04 Italy 25.93 69 22.33 78
2 Daniel Sartori 2019SART01 Italy 28.50 233 25.35 375
3 Paolo Marino 2021MARI04 Italy 30.02 412 24.03 205
4 Fabian Tomasovic 2020TOMA01 Italy 31.21 598 26.82 625
5 Sofia Saletnich 2021SALE01 Italy 33.91 1216 28.43 1008
6 Simone Cantarelli 2012CANT02 Italy 34.24 1314 29.38 1280
7 Dario Angelo Narbone 2021NARB01 Italy 34.53 1405 29.44 1307
8 Alessandro Zangolini 2021ZANG01 Italy 34.75 1467 30.71 1765
9 Alessandro Calzoni 2021CALZ01 Italy 35.73 1776 29.61 1363
10 Pietro Furbatto 2016FURB01 Italy 36.08 1891 30.98 1868
11 Julen Simón Iriarte 2014IRIA01 Spain 36.31 1962 29.62 1366
12 Evan Maccagnan 2022MACC01 Italy 36.70 2128 31.31 2002
13 Justus Leander Cramer 2022CRAM02 Germany 36.92 2205 31.81 2206
14 Vittorio Ribechini 2022RIBE02 Italy 37.65 2495 32.63 2567
15 Marco Giordano 2019GIOR02 Italy 38.62 2925 32.01 2279
16 Davide Arnesano 2018ARNE04 Italy 38.68 2952 33.75 3138
17 Achim Spies 2021SPIE01 Germany 39.67 3420 34.78 3707
18 Martin Guadagnini 2019GUAD01 Italy 40.38 3775 34.53 3572
19 Alessio Pandin 2021PAND01 Italy 40.47 3822 34.11 3357
20 Serafim Weiß 2018WEIS10 Germany 41.77 4546 33.25 2874
21 Marco Guarasci 2020GUAR01 Italy 42.21 4833 32.87 2673
22 Raphael Riener 2017RIEN01 Austria 44.10 5999 38.63 6291
23 Matteo Provasi 2009PROV01 Italy 45.26 6797 36.87 5046
24 Alessio Passerini 2023PASS02 Italy 46.23 7508 40.48 7728
25 Federico Chiarello 2022CHIA13 Italy 46.36 7605 42.48 9400
26 Josuè Pangrazzi 2020PANG02 Italy 46.94 8014 44.36 11071
27 Mattia Pasquini 2019PASQ01 Switzerland 47.58 8458 40.17 7500
28 Riccardo Fiumefreddo 2024RICC01 Italy 48.70 9316 40.38 7645
29 Riccardo Lodi 2022LODI01 Italy 52.03 11949 46.92 13362
30 Eduard Lucaci 2018LUCA07 Italy 52.75 12512 44.84 11532
31 Francesco Fiore 2022FIOR04 Italy 53.32 12986 44.04 10805
32 Simone Dalle Fratte 2022FRAT01 Italy 53.59 13220 47.99 14409
33 Ellen Guadagnini 2022GUAD01 Italy 57.33 16330 55.01 20625
34 Daniele Gennara 2020GENN01 Italy 1:01.06 19144 56.73 22010
35 Enrico Bedocchi 2023BEDO03 Italy 1:12.82 26927 1:05.34 28797
36 Riccardo Barbiero 2023BARB07 Italy 1:14.67 28000 1:04.24 27919
37 Amaia Zabalza Garcia 2022GARC03 Spain 1:41.67 38508 1:20.78 39233
Stefano Della Valle 2023VALL04 Italy 1:07.19 30208
Mattia Rigo 2019RIGO01 Italy 1:13.75 34795
Mattia Zago 2020ZAGO01 Italy 1:27.64 43013
Asia Gallesio 2021GALL01 Italy 1:30.26 44375
Alexander Bill Pantopoulos 2024PANT07 Canada 1:36.38 47593
Federico Padovani 2024PADO01 Italy 1:42.27 50393
Raffaello Anghel 2024ANGH01 Moldova 3:08.22 68249
Len Valentin Cramer 2022CRAM03 Germany
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