Vaudesincourt Side Events 2024

Apr 27 - 28, 2024
Vaudesincourt, France

salle des fêtes de Vaudesincourt

17 rue Saint-Rémi
Organization team
Lilian Moreau, Maxence Baudry, and Paul Luciw
WCA Delegates
Abdelhak Kaddour, Paul Luciw, and Valentin Hoffmann
Download all the competition's details as PDF here.

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Pensez également à consulter l'onglet Planning.

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Main event
Registration period

Online registration opened Wednesday, February 21, 2024 at 8:00 PM UTC and closed Thursday, April 25, 2024 at 12:00 AM UTC.

Registration requirements
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Abdelhak Kaddour won with an average of 51.74 seconds in the 5x5x5 Cube event. Lucas Déglise finished second (56.04) and Peter Grassard finished third (56.70).

Abdelhak Kaddour - France WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
5x5x5 Cube Final 1 46.74 51.74 France 48.4956.2955.7950.9446.74
Second round 2 46.62 53.99 France 1:04.4356.7252.0553.2046.62
First round 1 50.22 52.11 France 52.5251.8054.3350.2252.00
6x6x6 Cube Final 1 1:22.81 NR 1:31.64 France 1:22.811:41.871:30.24
Second round 3 1:31.06 1:47.96 France 2:19.111:31.061:33.70
First round 1 1:28.90 1:31.04 France 1:30.321:28.901:33.90
7x7x7 Cube Final 1 2:11.15 2:20.63 France 2:23.852:26.902:11.15
Second round 1 2:13.90 2:18.79 France 2:13.902:23.812:18.65
First round 1 2:10.45 2:11.69 NR France 2:10.452:13.122:11.51
3x3x3 Blindfolded Final 7 4:15.76 DNF France 4:15.76DNFDNS
Second round 9 3:59.67 DNF France DNF3:59.67DNS
First round 14 4:19.69 DNF France DNF4:19.69DNF

Alexis Tremellat - France WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
5x5x5 Cube First round 19 1:49.86 2:00.65 France 2:10.242:05.971:55.372:00.601:49.86
6x6x6 Cube First round 18 4:41.47 France 4:41.47
7x7x7 Cube First round 17 6:35.85 France 6:35.85
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 17 DNF DNF France DNFDNFDNF
Clock Final 6 7.15 7.63 France 7.777.387.758.777.15
Second round 7 7.60 8.17 France DNF8.517.608.267.74
First round 7 6.84 8.15 France 7.208.558.706.848.98
Square-1 First round 16 1:19.96 France 1:19.962:30.28

Anthony Lafourcade - France WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
5x5x5 Cube Final 4 55.45 58.78 France 1:00.7758.2555.4557.311:12.06
Second round 5 59.68 1:01.29 France 1:00.8559.831:10.4159.681:03.19
First round 4 52.78 59.49 France 55.7956.3152.781:06.371:11.97
6x6x6 Cube Final 7 1:52.99 1:58.25 France 1:52.991:57.192:04.56
Second round 7 1:50.24 1:55.56 France 1:55.232:01.221:50.24
First round 7 1:46.69 1:57.34 France 2:03.622:01.701:46.69
7x7x7 Cube Final 9 3:12.69 3:22.42 France 3:33.393:12.693:21.18
Second round 9 3:10.04 3:17.81 France 3:31.673:10.043:11.72
First round 10 3:11.37 3:27.75 France 3:42.793:11.373:29.09
Clock Final 5 6.26 7.63 France DNF6.416.2610.146.33
Second round 1 6.55 7.09 France 6.556.816.888.327.59
First round 9 7.02 9.82 France DNF9.667.257.0212.56
Megaminx Final 7 56.25 59.44 France 58.6556.251:00.6559.011:05.37
First round 6 57.19 1:01.92 France 57.191:01.711:05.481:07.2758.58
Skewb Final 1 1.46 2.95 France 3.571.462.403.013.44
Second round 1 2.06 2.76 France 2.594.092.063.572.11
First round 1 2.08 2.76 France 2.083.862.442.833.00
Square-1 Final 5 7.81 11.54 France 7.8117.6110.6310.7213.28
Second round 1 9.02 9.52 France 9.0511.349.639.889.02
First round 3 9.51 10.99 France 10.2910.089.5118.7312.61

Antoine Isselin - France WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
5x5x5 Cube Second round 11 1:15.47 1:18.66 France 1:19.021:24.321:16.441:15.471:20.51
First round 10 1:09.77 1:17.06 France 1:23.991:19.511:09.771:11.251:20.43
6x6x6 Cube First round 15 2:50.61 3:13.40 France 2:50.612:56.113:53.48
7x7x7 Cube Second round 14 4:15.37 4:22.95 France 4:16.434:37.064:15.37
First round 13 4:04.40 4:23.46 France 4:04.404:57.164:08.82
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 17 DNF DNF France DNFDNFDNS
Clock First round 22 14.97 DNF France 18.21DNF14.97DNF21.12
Megaminx Final 1 42.20 49.51 France 52.5253.3042.2047.8048.22
First round 2 43.11 51.88 France 50.3551.1543.1157.4754.14
Skewb First round 13 5.42 8.49 France 5.4210.747.617.1211.66

Arthur Provot - France WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
5x5x5 Cube Second round 14 1:20.14 1:23.88 France 1:34.201:22.951:20.141:24.451:24.25
First round 13 1:21.20 1:30.28 France 1:38.731:30.741:34.041:21.201:26.06
6x6x6 Cube Second round 12 2:25.53 2:28.82 France 2:25.532:33.452:27.49
First round 12 2:44.34 2:52.60 France 2:57.642:55.822:44.34
7x7x7 Cube Second round 12 4:00.72 4:07.28 France 4:00.724:11.554:09.58
First round 11 4:02.11 4:05.31 France 4:07.824:06.014:02.11
3x3x3 Blindfolded Final 8 DNF DNF France DNFDNFDNF
Second round 5 1:43.54 DNF France DNF1:43.54DNF
First round 9 2:08.45 DNF France 2:08.45DNFDNF
Clock Final 2 4.99 7.05 France 4.996.366.47DNF8.33
Second round 5 6.15 7.62 France 7.086.706.15DNF9.08
First round 3 4.63 5.85 France 6.974.635.644.95DNF
Megaminx Final 4 50.40 56.51 France 50.4057.191:03.6956.1856.16
First round 4 49.49 54.24 France 1:00.0650.4155.1057.2149.49
Skewb Final 9 3.43 6.78 France 9.183.438.405.146.80
Second round 5 4.21 5.07 France 5.176.384.915.144.21
First round 7 3.86 5.14 France 3.865.235.374.825.74
Square-1 Final 3 7.22 9.85 France 7.2210.389.5310.529.65
Second round 4 9.57 10.43 France 9.579.6811.7112.689.90
First round 4 8.83 11.38 France 12.7111.1411.7811.228.83

Charles Daloz-Baltenberger - France WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Blindfolded Final 2 18.32 DNF France 18.32DNFDNF
Second round 2 20.90 DNF France DNFDNF20.90
First round 1 19.30 DNF France 19.30DNFDNF
Square-1 Final 8 12.91 20.66 France 21.2523.0522.9012.9117.83
Second round 8 11.35 17.81 France 16.3018.9823.3218.1411.35
First round 9 16.38 19.18 France 27.1616.3821.0120.0816.46

César Essling - France WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
Clock Second round 15 9.82 DNF France DNF9.82DNFDNFDNF
First round 2 4.50 5.81 France 4.50DNF6.595.465.39
Skewb Second round 13 7.93 8.76 France 7.938.529.7221.168.05
First round 17 9.34 10.51 France 13.789.3410.4910.6710.37
Square-1 Second round 12 22.79 31.63 France 33.3439.0822.7932.0029.55
First round 12 19.00 24.27 France 19.0031.0422.2731.8819.50

Diego Fraile - France WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
5x5x5 Cube Final 9 1:02.05 1:10.94 France 1:02.051:17.871:08.201:06.74DNF
Second round 9 1:04.48 1:10.17 France 1:11.261:04.481:19.141:08.311:10.95
First round 9 1:04.41 1:11.10 France 1:10.481:04.411:09.821:13.001:13.05
6x6x6 Cube Final 10 2:07.47 2:24.32 France 2:23.372:42.112:07.47
Second round 9 2:05.07 2:15.15 France 2:22.662:05.072:17.73
First round 9 2:08.59 2:16.23 France 2:20.282:08.592:19.81
7x7x7 Cube Final 10 3:11.44 3:28.71 France 3:42.433:32.273:11.44
Second round 10 3:14.43 3:23.02 France 3:37.663:16.963:14.43
First round 9 3:15.71 3:26.61 France 3:26.003:38.113:15.71
3x3x3 Blindfolded Second round 10 DNF DNF France DNFDNFDNF
First round 7 1:59.01 DNF France 1:59.01DNFDNF
Clock Second round 16 15.59 DNF France DNF15.59DNSDNSDNS
First round 13 9.20 11.56 France 13.1612.049.2011.7910.84
Megaminx Final 3 48.56 51.90 France 55.0450.1453.7448.5651.81
First round 3 43.28 53.29 France 56.1243.2852.2053.8753.80
Skewb Final 6 3.81 4.91 France 3.983.815.745.015.87
Second round 3 3.55 4.91 France 7.704.725.464.543.55
First round 3 3.14 3.82 France
Square-1 Second round 10 18.95 22.91 France 33.4518.9524.8221.0722.83
First round 8 16.27 18.76 France 16.2722.7819.7917.8818.61

Fanny Pousset - France WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
Megaminx Final 2 46.82 50.25 France 55.2453.8147.5446.8249.39
First round 5 50.21 58.43 France 58.8752.0250.211:04.39DNF
Skewb Second round 18 10.77 12.54 France 16.2513.4810.9110.7713.22
First round 18 6.81 11.44 France 11.056.819.9313.3321.37

Gabriel Luthun - France WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
Clock Final 7 6.17 7.76 France 8.958.069.336.276.17
Second round 6 6.71 7.73 France 7.369.627.236.718.61
First round 6 5.15 8.12 France
Skewb First round 20 5.53 12.40 France 5.539.7021.3916.5510.94

Jean-Charles Tillit - France WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
5x5x5 Cube Second round 16 1:36.32 1:37.63 France 1:37.271:46.841:37.001:38.631:36.32
First round 16 1:27.79 1:38.25 France 1:38.801:37.121:38.821:59.341:27.79
6x6x6 Cube First round 17 3:53.01 France 3:53.01
7x7x7 Cube First round 18 DNF France DNF
Megaminx First round 20 3:56.99 France 3:56.993:58.50
Skewb First round 24 23.59 France 23.5924.91

Jens Haber - Germany WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Blindfolded Final 1 17.47 18.37 NR Germany 18.0717.4719.57
Second round 1 20.45 20.86 Germany 20.8121.3320.45
First round 2 26.89 DNF Germany 26.89DNFDNF

Julien Gras - France WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
5x5x5 Cube First round 18 1:36.62 1:42.92 France 2:03.611:39.251:36.621:47.141:42.38
6x6x6 Cube First round 16 3:36.58 France 3:36.58
7x7x7 Cube First round 16 6:15.43 France 6:15.43
Clock First round 17 13.09 14.92 France 14.6914.7319.2313.0915.35
Megaminx First round 14 1:19.79 1:25.82 France 1:31.151:19.791:41.211:22.451:23.85
Skewb First round 21 5.70 13.34 France 12.4715.8314.965.7012.60
Square-1 Final 4 9.06 11.38 France 9.529.0611.5113.1113.42
Second round 5 9.12 12.05 France 9.1214.1514.3211.8210.19
First round 5 9.53 11.39 France 10.7114.5711.0212.439.53

Kévin Ky - France WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
5x5x5 Cube First round 21 1:50.18 2:04.83 France 2:05.672:25.381:53.732:15.081:50.18
Clock Second round 13 9.95 11.42 France 10.2412.9111.119.9524.87
First round 15 11.37 14.00 France 14.4714.0413.4811.37DNF
Megaminx First round 17 1:53.07 2:08.97 France 1:58.722:16.172:14.912:13.271:53.07
Skewb Second round 15 7.18 9.17 France 8.5410.2510.497.188.71
First round 15 7.66 9.39 France 9.4010.817.667.9711.71
Square-1 First round 15 1:06.08 France 1:06.081:45.08

Lilian Moreau - France WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
Skewb Final 3 3.61 4.70 France 8.593.943.615.145.02
Second round 8 4.45 5.64 France 6.776.144.855.934.45
First round 6 3.28 4.33 France 4.134.783.284.234.63

Lucas Déglise - France WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
5x5x5 Cube Final 2 52.51 56.04 France 58.5656.6852.5154.7856.66
Second round 3 52.58 55.86 France 57.6855.2352.5856.6355.71
First round 3 52.55 55.86 France 52.641:05.3352.5555.3459.60
6x6x6 Cube Final 4 1:39.07 1:43.53 France 1:49.251:42.271:39.07
Second round 2 1:35.90 1:42.93 France 1:35.901:40.901:52.00
First round 2 1:34.27 1:39.14 France 1:41.151:42.001:34.27
7x7x7 Cube Final 5 2:38.91 2:51.82 France 2:38.913:00.062:56.50
Second round 5 2:43.29 2:48.01 France 2:57.212:43.292:43.54
First round 6 2:56.92 3:00.13 France 3:05.302:56.922:58.18
3x3x3 Blindfolded Second round 10 DNF DNF France DNFDNFDNF
First round 5 1:28.09 DNF France 1:28.411:28.09DNF
Clock Final 8 7.59 8.05 France 14.527.837.598.278.05
Second round 10 8.35 9.11 France 8.708.659.988.35DNF
First round 8 7.82 9.22 France 9.2611.667.828.739.66
Megaminx Final 5 49.15 56.83 France 56.331:00.2157.6749.1556.50
First round 1 48.12 49.57 France 49.4248.1259.2750.1149.19
Skewb Final 4 2.41 4.84 France 5.632.414.454.435.67
Second round 9 3.70 5.71 France 3.706.384.167.906.59
First round 4 2.88 3.83 France 2.883.816.144.073.60
Square-1 Final 2 7.33 9.06 France 9.508.8811.928.797.33
Second round 2 8.60 9.86 France 9.1112.669.098.6011.37
First round 1 8.31 10.59 France 12.1610.179.4512.758.31

Lucas Lansade - France WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
5x5x5 Cube Second round 15 1:20.19 1:26.81 France 1:38.781:20.971:20.191:31.381:28.09
First round 15 1:25.35 1:33.70 France 1:25.351:38.481:33.521:44.341:29.10
6x6x6 Cube Second round 13 2:41.53 2:51.39 France 2:50.133:02.522:41.53
First round 14 2:57.75 3:02.99 France 2:57.753:10.903:00.33
7x7x7 Cube Second round 13 3:49.05 4:15.44 France 4:33.433:49.054:23.84
First round 14 4:20.75 4:25.93 France 4:29.334:27.724:20.75
3x3x3 Blindfolded Final 5 1:57.58 DNF France 1:57.58DNFDNF
Second round 8 2:47.08 DNF France 2:47.08DNFDNF
First round 11 2:30.33 DNF France 2:52.52DNF2:30.33
Clock Final 10 7.26 8.57 France 8.029.369.118.587.26
Second round 8 6.26 8.43 France 6.2610.456.8610.028.40
First round 11 7.56 10.61 France 11.857.568.9615.1511.01
Megaminx First round 15 1:29.17 1:34.02 France 1:33.951:29.171:38.911:39.911:29.19
Skewb Second round 16 7.32 9.26 France 9.037.328.7712.229.98
First round 8 3.81 6.15 France 3.815.637.028.435.79
Square-1 Final 7 11.47 15.87 France 12.8314.2521.1920.5411.47
Second round 7 13.33 16.56 France DNF13.3313.4918.2317.97
First round 7 12.78 15.68 France 13.27DNF14.7019.0712.78

Manon Bernard - France WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
Clock Second round 11 10.23 10.91 France 10.2314.1510.5210.8811.33
First round 14 10.94 12.97 France 12.5712.6914.4410.9413.64
Megaminx First round 21 4:14.76 France 4:14.764:15.07

Marianne Faure - France WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
5x5x5 Cube Second round 13 1:20.95 1:22.54 France 1:36.161:23.791:22.231:20.951:21.60
First round 14 1:25.68 1:31.69 France 1:36.101:34.671:25.681:28.841:31.56
6x6x6 Cube Second round 14 3:13.02 3:24.62 France 3:13.023:47.333:13.51
First round 13 2:53.87 2:57.76 France 2:56.283:03.122:53.87
7x7x7 Cube First round 15 4:34.88 4:47.71 France 4:57.814:34.884:50.43
3x3x3 Blindfolded Final 8 DNF DNF France DNFDNFDNF
Second round 6 1:58.50 DNF France 1:58.50DNFDNF
First round 6 1:45.89 DNF France DNF1:45.89DNF
Clock Final 1 5.27 6.13 France 6.806.975.516.085.27
Second round 2 5.27 7.15 France DNF6.618.746.105.27
First round 1 4.61 5.74 France 6.535.575.924.615.73
Megaminx First round 12 1:02.79 1:15.99 France 1:13.011:02.791:20.171:14.781:22.00
Skewb Second round 12 5.47 8.17 France 7.796.6111.595.4710.11
First round 16 6.48 10.28 France 14.347.339.436.4814.07
Square-1 Second round 9 17.05 19.78 France 21.1719.9317.0523.5218.25
First round 10 17.93 21.94 France 19.6521.4926.5724.6717.93

Matthieu Aubert - France WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
5x5x5 Cube Final 10 1:13.51 1:14.58 France 1:15.381:21.851:13.641:14.711:13.51
Second round 10 1:07.10 1:14.30 France 1:15.991:19.351:13.871:13.031:07.10
First round 11 1:15.98 1:17.76 France 1:15.981:25.971:17.311:18.771:17.21
6x6x6 Cube Final 9 2:12.80 2:15.64 France 2:15.642:12.802:18.47
Second round 10 2:04.30 2:18.00 France 2:04.302:24.182:25.52
First round 10 2:15.41 2:27.70 France 2:15.412:31.392:36.30
7x7x7 Cube Final 7 3:01.02 3:05.42 France 3:13.683:01.573:01.02
Second round 8 3:03.25 3:15.36 France 3:03.253:05.013:37.81
First round 8 3:01.61 3:09.88 France 3:01.613:10.773:17.26
3x3x3 Blindfolded Second round 10 DNF DNF France DNFDNFDNS
First round 13 4:05.35 DNF France 4:05.35DNFDNS
Megaminx Final 10 1:03.13 1:12.67 France 1:15.031:10.711:24.901:03.131:12.26
First round 9 59.78 1:09.95 France 59.781:05.071:14.121:18.871:10.66
Skewb Second round 17 5.73 10.43 France 24.7210.8512.065.738.37
First round 19 7.70 12.36 France 7.7011.3915.2025.3210.49

Maxence Baudry - France WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
5x5x5 Cube Final 6 1:01.12 1:05.63 France 1:03.871:01.121:07.641:10.091:05.39
Second round 7 58.04 1:04.40 France 1:07.4958.041:09.671:04.901:00.82
First round 7 55.47 1:05.86 France 1:01.421:11.081:05.321:10.8455.47
6x6x6 Cube Final 3 1:39.66 1:41.82 France 1:40.081:45.711:39.66
Second round 4 1:47.05 1:48.21 France 1:47.461:47.051:50.13
First round 4 1:39.13 1:50.52 France 2:01.161:51.281:39.13
7x7x7 Cube Final 2 2:14.63 2:24.79 France 2:34.952:14.632:24.80
Second round 2 2:28.75 2:30.60 France 2:29.682:33.382:28.75
First round 2 2:19.19 2:28.86 France 2:27.222:19.192:40.18
Clock First round 20 22.67 29.98 France 25.1928.0422.67DNF36.72
Megaminx First round 19 3:30.47 France 3:30.473:33.27
Skewb Final 2 2.52 3.77 France 4.102.524.023.204.67
Second round 2 2.52 3.54 France 2.982.52DNF4.183.47
First round 2 2.64 3.13 France 2.683.313.402.643.47

Michel Ye - France WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
5x5x5 Cube Final 8 58.79 1:06.88 France 1:07.561:10.191:06.7658.791:06.33
Second round 6 58.88 1:04.21 France 1:05.961:10.161:01.4658.881:05.20
First round 6 57.45 1:03.14 France 1:03.831:00.8757.451:07.181:04.72
6x6x6 Cube Final 6 1:39.63 1:54.41 France 2:03.131:39.632:00.47
Second round 6 1:43.46 1:54.85 France 2:10.761:43.461:50.33
First round 8 1:54.99 2:14.76 France 2:01.421:54.992:47.88
7x7x7 Cube Final 8 2:51.54 3:10.15 France 3:08.772:51.543:30.14
Second round 6 2:50.10 2:58.84 France 2:50.103:08.102:58.33
First round 7 2:43.27 3:00.22 France 3:01.082:43.273:16.30
3x3x3 Blindfolded Second round 10 DNF DNF France DNFDNFDNF
First round 12 3:09.44 DNF France 3:09.443:34.38DNF
Square-1 Second round 11 21.19 26.42 France 26.8523.9828.4421.1939.18
First round 11 19.95 24.02 France 19.9526.9723.6233.7621.48

Nathan Louis - France WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
5x5x5 Cube First round 23 2:18.62 France 2:18.622:46.67
Clock First round 19 13.50 16.17 France 15.8913.7422.6413.5018.88
Megaminx First round 16 1:31.72 1:44.00 France 1:53.702:01.531:39.061:31.721:39.23
Skewb Final 7 2.71 5.42 France 5.232.716.535.505.54
Second round 6 4.53 5.33 France 4.535.626.714.915.47
First round 5 3.38 4.18 France 3.654.114.783.386.30

Noémie Thiollier - France WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
5x5x5 Cube Second round 17 1:31.87 1:55.67 France 1:54.561:44.822:07.631:31.872:29.28
First round 17 1:29.70 1:39.93 France 1:37.771:51.311:40.991:41.041:29.70
3x3x3 Blindfolded Final 4 1:49.93 2:04.64 France 1:56.851:49.932:27.15
Second round 7 2:01.55 2:21.66 France 2:58.932:01.552:04.49
First round 10 2:23.44 DNF France 2:23.44DNFDNF
Clock Final 3 6.72 7.31 France 8.227.676.957.306.72
Second round 4 6.85 7.58 France 7.278.967.476.858.00
First round 5 6.45 7.92 France 9.566.86DNF6.457.34
Skewb Final 8 5.50 6.52 France
Second round 7 5.24 5.42 France 5.515.455.245.306.76
First round 9 4.46 6.47 France 4.467.536.055.947.43

Paul Luciw - France WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
5x5x5 Cube Second round 12 1:15.91 1:20.37 France 1:21.021:19.431:20.671:15.911:21.87
First round 12 1:14.50 1:26.31 France 1:27.861:14.501:25.231:26.671:27.03
6x6x6 Cube Second round 11 2:18.29 2:23.87 France 2:29.152:18.292:24.18
First round 11 2:32.47 2:34.88 France 2:34.162:38.002:32.47
7x7x7 Cube Second round 11 3:49.68 4:04.17 France 3:49.684:04.834:17.99
First round 12 3:54.68 4:20.77 France 3:54.684:14.034:53.60
3x3x3 Blindfolded Final 6 1:58.49 DNF France DNFDNF1:58.49
Second round 3 1:34.04 DNF France DNF2:08.101:34.04
First round 3 1:06.50 DNF France 1:06.501:52.21DNF
Clock Final 4 6.07 7.41 France 7.427.907.256.077.56
Second round 3 6.47 7.17 France 7.066.897.55DNF6.47
First round 4 6.16 7.43 France 8.037.736.536.1613.73
Megaminx Final 9 1:06.95 1:10.96 France 1:15.891:09.851:18.541:07.131:06.95
First round 10 1:10.96 1:12.56 France 1:11.841:14.631:11.201:15.011:10.96
Skewb Second round 11 4.34 7.65 France DNF6.106.574.3410.28
First round 10 5.84 7.05 France 8.617.726.117.325.84
Square-1 Final 1 7.87 9.02 France 7.8710.278.4818.248.31
Second round 3 8.05 10.25 France 19.488.059.4412.289.03
First round 2 7.93 10.79 France 10.747.9311.3910.2512.36

Peter Grassard - France WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
5x5x5 Cube Final 3 52.05 56.70 France 1:02.6758.1357.7752.0554.19
Second round 1 49.72 53.38 France 53.4549.7250.9155.771:01.61
First round 2 49.80 55.83 France 58.2149.8053.3755.9259.72
6x6x6 Cube Final 2 1:29.18 1:34.69 France 1:42.151:32.751:29.18
Second round 1 1:31.69 1:40.86 France 1:45.901:44.981:31.69
First round 3 1:29.56 1:39.76 France 1:29.561:50.091:39.62
7x7x7 Cube Final 3 2:22.16 2:26.99 France 2:24.742:22.162:34.06
Second round 3 2:22.62 2:30.87 France 2:39.932:30.052:22.62
First round 3 2:30.15 2:37.84 France 2:41.672:41.712:30.15
Clock Second round 14 14.98 19.34 France 21.06DNF14.9815.4421.51
First round 16 11.73 14.37 France 11.7315.2512.5915.2720.82
Megaminx Final 8 59.68 1:01.62 France 1:00.651:02.261:01.9659.681:03.25
First round 7 51.45 1:02.37 France 1:02.301:04.3951.451:00.491:04.32
Skewb Final 5 4.06 4.90 France 4.564.064.415.747.53
Second round 4 4.02 5.00 France 4.475.145.404.025.94
First round 11 4.23 7.06 France 4.559.544.237.559.07
Square-1 Final 6 8.96 13.30 France 8.9610.9914.9513.9515.31
Second round 6 10.22 13.96 France 10.2213.9913.7115.6714.17
First round 6 8.23 14.05 France 8.2319.0014.9712.4914.70

Philippe Dode - France WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 16 5:48.62 DNF France DNF5:48.62DNS

Thibaut Delaby - France WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
Clock Second round 12 9.18 10.95 France 9.1810.7111.9910.2911.85
First round 10 8.31 10.30 France 12.569.548.319.1912.17
Skewb First round 23 12.56 15.67 France 12.6212.5619.8515.5718.82

Témi Kergastel - France WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
5x5x5 Cube First round 22 2:09.91 2:33.99 France 2:46.912:09.912:35.182:24.222:42.58
6x6x6 Cube First round 19 4:51.66 France 4:51.66
7x7x7 Cube First round 18 DNF France DNF
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 17 DNF DNF France DNFDNFDNS
Clock First round 18 13.28 15.98 France 14.9216.3616.6613.2819.50
Megaminx First round 18 1:58.28 2:18.64 France 2:23.792:55.232:10.921:58.282:21.21
Skewb First round 22 12.44 15.37 France 31.0413.4412.4417.9914.68
Square-1 First round 14 48.44 France 48.8248.44

Téo Louis - France WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
5x5x5 Cube First round 20 1:50.51 2:02.25 France DNF2:08.541:53.321:50.512:04.88
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 15 5:32.83 DNF France 5:32.83DNFDNS
Megaminx Final 6 55.28 59.25 France 55.281:02.1058.4857.461:01.80
First round 8 58.65 1:07.97 France 1:04.621:05.4558.651:13.831:14.32
Skewb Final 10 3.69 6.97 France 7.843.696.517.077.33
Second round 10 5.64 7.52 France 7.31DNF7.725.647.53
First round 12 6.53 8.05 France 6.538.627.1510.628.37

Valentin Hoffmann - France WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
5x5x5 Cube Final 5 56.76 1:05.35 France 1:09.0256.761:04.921:11.901:02.12
Second round 4 57.83 1:00.88 France 1:01.751:02.8957.8358.011:06.96
First round 5 56.18 59.68 France 1:08.8856.1856.341:01.231:01.46
6x6x6 Cube Final 5 1:49.98 1:52.50 France 1:55.091:52.441:49.98
Second round 8 1:51.41 1:58.66 France 2:00.221:51.412:04.34
First round 6 1:51.29 1:52.32 France 1:53.221:51.291:52.45
7x7x7 Cube Final 6 2:56.59 2:58.24 France 2:59.442:56.592:58.69
Second round 7 2:52.60 2:59.65 France 2:52.603:03.893:02.47
First round 4 2:36.87 2:45.93 France 2:54.042:36.872:46.88
3x3x3 Blindfolded Second round 10 DNF DNF France DNFDNFDNF
First round 4 1:10.74 DNF France 1:10.74DNFDNF
Clock First round 21 12.65 DNF France 18.36DNF12.6514.98DNF
Megaminx First round 11 1:04.60 1:13.53 France 1:04.601:12.841:14.431:13.321:18.03

Étienne Aubry - France WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
5x5x5 Cube Final 7 1:03.84 1:06.47 France 1:08.911:06.621:03.841:07.681:05.12
Second round 8 1:03.45 1:09.35 France 1:14.941:03.451:03.701:12.181:12.16
First round 8 59.20 1:07.99 France 1:13.041:05.401:08.4959.201:10.08
6x6x6 Cube Final 8 1:52.97 2:00.52 France 1:59.802:08.791:52.97
Second round 5 1:50.86 1:53.13 France 1:50.861:54.461:54.07
First round 5 1:45.01 1:51.45 France 1:56.441:45.011:52.91
7x7x7 Cube Final 4 2:40.71 2:46.34 France 2:45.312:40.712:53.00
Second round 4 2:30.89 2:34.44 France 2:34.272:38.152:30.89
First round 5 2:42.80 2:50.40 France 2:57.872:50.532:42.80
3x3x3 Blindfolded Final 3 1:31.66 DNF France 1:31.66DNFDNF
Second round 4 1:35.47 DNF France DNF1:41.761:35.47
First round 8 2:03.04 DNF France 2:03.04DNFDNF
Clock Final 9 6.91 8.20 France 8.228.477.916.919.98
Second round 9 7.22 8.81 France 8.319.069.057.2211.79
First round 12 8.35 11.22 France 9.838.35DNF11.4012.42
Megaminx First round 13 1:13.67 1:17.09 France 1:14.551:18.851:13.671:33.041:17.86
Skewb Second round 14 6.09 8.84 France 9.498.349.546.098.69
First round 14 4.61 9.32 France 4.6111.098.308.5817.36
Square-1 First round 13 21.29 26.62 France 29.0427.8131.3623.0021.29
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