Vilnius Open 2021

Aug 7 - 8, 2021
Vilnius, Lithuania

Faculty of Medicine Vilnius University

M. K. Čiurlionio g. 21, Vilnius

Go through the entrance of Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences and follow the signs


Jānis Kasparas Ignas

Ignas Marčiukaitis and Kasparas Lienys
WCA Delegate
Jānis Zirnis
Download all the competition's details as PDF here.

You can bring your own food (sandwiches or other snacks) and eat it in The Eating Room.
One competitor can bring only one guest.

Main event
Registration period

Online registration opened Thursday, July 1, 2021 at 3:00 PM UTC and closed Tuesday, August 3, 2021 at 12:00 AM UTC.

Registration requirements
This competition is over, click here to display the registration requirements it used.
Click here to display the highlights of the competition.

Juliette Sébastien won with an average of 7.23 seconds in the 3x3x3 Cube event. Kaur Tuule finished second (8.50) and Mantas Urbanavičius finished third (8.80).

3x3x3 Cube

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Juliette Sébastien 6.41 7.23 France 7.866.516.417.417.78
2 Kaur Tuule 7.88 8.50 NR Estonia 8.258.749.937.888.52
3 Mantas Urbanavičius 6.96 8.80 Lithuania 10.937.079.719.636.96

2x2x2 Cube

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Alexey Tsvetkov 1.51 1.78 Russia 1.522.281.553.771.51
2 Juliette Sébastien 1.32 1.81 France 1.831.701.901.322.09
3 Roberts Dreijers 1.64 2.16 NR Latvia 2.911.86DNF1.701.64

4x4x4 Cube

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Juliette Sébastien 28.42 30.58 France 28.4230.2535.1432.2329.25
2 Kaur Tuule 30.89 NR 34.23 NR Estonia 30.8931.9735.3843.1635.35
3 Mantas Urbanavičius 33.08 34.81 Lithuania 33.0833.5736.25DNF34.62

5x5x5 Cube

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Juliette Sébastien 1:01.55 1:05.50 France 1:06.831:06.241:03.421:01.551:07.73
2 Mantas Urbanavičius 1:02.16 1:05.95 Lithuania 1:07.311:05.011:08.001:05.521:02.16
3 Tomas Jankauskas 1:10.30 1:18.71 Lithuania 1:19.261:10.301:34.181:12.261:24.61

3x3x3 Blindfolded

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Wilfrid Py 1:00.37 1:26.90 France 1:00.371:11.212:09.11
2 Remo Pihel 1:50.88 DNF Estonia 1:50.88DNFDNF
3 Nox Clémenceau 5:10.61 DNF France DNFDNF5:10.61

3x3x3 One-Handed

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Juliette Sébastien 9.74 11.48 France 9.7412.229.8712.3612.49
2 Mantas Urbanavičius 10.87 NR 14.84 Lithuania 15.0015.6316.0610.8713.90
3 Kaur Tuule 13.83 15.17 NR Estonia 16.2433.7413.8315.2214.06


# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Juliette Sébastien 39.54 43.89 France 45.4042.5549.8239.5443.73
2 Mantas Urbanavičius 55.63 58.73 Lithuania 1:08.0656.511:01.0958.6055.63
3 Kristijonas Valčeckas 1:11.89 1:15.65 Lithuania 1:15.241:27.441:11.891:16.201:15.51


# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Alexey Tsvetkov 2.64 3.70 Russia 2.642.746.023.394.98
2 Remo Pihel 2.30 3.81 Estonia 3.422.303.244.785.06
3 Mikas Motiejuitis 3.79 5.53 Lithuania 5.365.713.798.335.53


# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Alexey Tsvetkov 3.82 4.69 Russia 3.824.384.635.725.07
2 Imants Liepiņš 4.46 5.81 Latvia 4.747.204.465.487.85
3 Roberts Dreijers 5.54 6.16 Latvia 5.826.225.546.4410.17


# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Roberts Dreijers 11.02 12.13 NR Latvia 11.4911.0211.9615.2812.95
2 Remo Pihel 10.95 NR 12.99 NR Estonia 10.9517.9512.1912.1314.66
3 Maciej Spirydowicz 11.90 14.23 Poland 11.9026.9915.8812.7414.08

3x3x3 Multi-Blind

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Wilfrid Py 12/17 1:00:00 France 12/17 1:00:00
2 Kasparas Lienys 5/9 1:00:02 Lithuania 5/9 1:00:02
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