Rubik's WCA World Championship 2023

Aug 12 - 15, 2023
인천광역시 (Incheon), Republic of Korea

송도컨벤시아 (Songdo ConvensiA)

인천광역시 연수구 센트럴로 123(송도동 6-1) 송도컨벤시아 (Songdo ConvensiA, 123 Central Street, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon)

전시실 4홀, 회의실 305-307호 (Hall 4 and conference rooms 305-307)

Rubik's WCA World Championship 2023 website
Organization team
Korea Cube Culture United
WCA Delegates
Chan Tak Chuen (陳德泉), Ilkyoo Choi (최일규), Jacob Ambrose, Jae Park, Jang Seok Won (장석원), Keunsoo Heo (허근수), Laura Ohrndorf, Matteo Provasi, Michael Young, Pauline Bonnaudet, Philippe Virouleau, Ron van Bruchem, Sébastien Auroux, and Wilson Alvis (陈智胜)
Download all the competition's details as PDF here.

For more information and all details including qualification times, registration and payment, travel, and much more, please visit the competition website.
자격요건, 대회 접수 및 참가비 납부, 대한민국 관광 등에 대한 모든 정보와 자세한 사항은 대회 홈페이지를 방문해주세요.

Main event
Registration period

Online registration opened and closed .

Registration requirements
This competition is over, click here to display the registration requirements it used.
Register for this competition here.
There is a competitor limit of 1400 competitors.
The base registration fee for this competition is ₩65,000 (South Korean Won).
Registration fees won't be refunded under any circumstance.
Registrants on the waiting list may be accepted onto the competitor list until .
If you are a registered competitor you may change your registered events until by contacting the organization team.
No on the spot registrations will be accepted.
Spectators can attend paying an entry fee of ₩25,000 (South Korean Won).

Important dates, registration fees and spectator fees, and information regarding registration, payment, and the refund policy is in Registration & Payments.
In particular, for cancellations, you will receive a 50% refund of your event fees but not of your base fee.

Please note that there are qualification times for this competition. They can be found on Events. Competitors must qualify for their events during competitions held before the qualification deadline.

중요 일정, 참가비 및 참관비 안내, 참가 접수 및 결제, 환불 정책 등 자세한 사항은 참가 접수 & 참가비 납부를 확인해주세요.
특히, 대회 접수 취소시, 대회 기본료는 환불되지 않으며 종목 비용의 50%를 환불 받습니다.

이 대회는 종목별 참가요건이 있습니다. 이를 종목에서 확인하실 수 있습니다.
자격요건 기준일 전에 진행된 대회의 기록까지만 인정이 됩니다.

Click here to display the highlights of the competition.

Max Park won with an average of 5.31 seconds in the 3x3x3 Cube event. Yiheng Wang (王艺衡) finished second (5.32) and Tymon Kolasiński finished third (5.42).

World records: Hill Pong Yong Feng‎ 5x5x5 Blindfolded 2:18.78 (single); Max Park‎ 6x6x6 Cube 1:07.11 (average); Tommy Cherry‎ 3x3x3 Blindfolded 14.15 (average).

African records: Daniel Rush‎ 3x3x3 Cube 5.37 (single), 4x4x4 Cube 25.06 (single), 5x5x5 Cube 51.34 (single), 6x6x6 Cube 1:31.12 (single), 6x6x6 Cube 1:37.13 (average), 7x7x7 Cube 2:34.74 (single), and 7x7x7 Cube 2:39.51 (average).

Asian records: Anto Kam (甘浩東)‎ 3x3x3 One-Handed 6.45 (single); Jaemin Chang (장재민)‎ Square-1 4.92 (single); Lingkun Jiang (姜凌坤)‎ Pyraminx 1.65 (average); Phillip Maxwell‎ 3x3x3 Blindfolded 14.93 (single); Seung Hyuk Nahm (남승혁)‎ 5x5x5 Cube 35.77 (single); Yifan Wang (王逸帆)‎ 3x3x3 Blindfolded 14.99 (single) and 3x3x3 Blindfolded 17.17 (average).

Oceanian records: Alexander Vujcich‎ Megaminx 26.00 (single) and Megaminx 29.68 (average); Dwyane Ramos‎ Skewb 2.39 (average); Feliks Zemdegs‎ 5x5x5 Cube 41.81 (average).

European records: Ciarán Beahan‎ 6x6x6 Cube 1:10.58 (single); Tymon Kolasiński‎ 5x5x5 Cube 39.09 (average) and 5x5x5 Cube 38.80 (average).

AJ Nicholls - United Kingdom WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 940 18.13 20.09 United Kingdom 22.2018.1318.9722.3619.10
4x4x4 Cube First round 533 59.39 1:01.10 United Kingdom 1:00.171:01.211:01.9259.391:25.69
5x5x5 Cube First round 416 1:42.99 1:45.71 United Kingdom 1:46.701:46.971:43.451:42.992:06.56
6x6x6 Cube First round 294 3:37.77 United Kingdom 3:37.77
7x7x7 Cube First round 250 DNF United Kingdom DNF
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 150 DNF DNF United Kingdom DNFDNFDNF
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 477 34.60 41.07 United Kingdom 43.3940.6339.2034.6046.71
Clock First round 267 12.09 DNF United Kingdom 14.28DNFDNF19.2912.09
Square-1 First round 255 36.17 United Kingdom 38.2636.17
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 46 10:26.00 DNF United Kingdom 10:26.00DNSDNS
5x5x5 Blindfolded Final 30 DNF DNF United Kingdom DNFDNSDNS

Aaron Spiller - Australia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 776 12.79 15.12 Australia 16.1714.5614.6816.1312.79
2x2x2 Cube First round 402 3.30 5.00 Australia 5.774.675.354.973.30
4x4x4 Cube First round 489 44.77 55.39 Australia 1:10.9456.8844.7756.1353.15
5x5x5 Cube First round 393 1:31.73 1:38.17 Australia 1:43.741:39.871:41.211:31.731:33.44
6x6x6 Cube First round 276 3:08.83 Australia 3:08.83
7x7x7 Cube First round 244 5:03.51 Australia 5:03.51
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 123 1:36.12 DNF Australia 1:36.121:48.21DNF
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 433 22.33 29.64 Australia 28.0834.4428.1822.3332.67
Clock First round 233 13.75 15.01 Australia 13.7514.7517.0815.1715.10
Pyraminx First round 404 6.70 10.22 Australia 9.126.7014.7016.306.83
Skewb First round 350 7.53 10.66 Australia 12.7411.2512.557.538.17
Square-1 First round 219 19.39 28.98 Australia 19.3922.3653.2836.0028.57
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 48 DNF DNF Australia DNFDNFDNS
5x5x5 Blindfolded Final 30 DNF DNF Australia DNFDNFDNS

Abner Philip Then Yi Hao (邓奕浩) - Malaysia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 758 12.97 14.79 Malaysia 16.7414.5012.9715.7614.12

Ace Djun T. Aguirre Jr. - Philippines WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 246 7.26 9.63 Philippines 8.648.4611.7815.207.26
First round 265 8.31 9.65 Philippines 8.409.4111.158.3113.62
2x2x2 Cube Second round 190 2.80 5.02 Philippines 2.969.113.00DNF2.80
First round 111 2.13 2.94 Philippines 5.823.802.572.132.46
4x4x4 Cube First round 82 26.84 31.41 Philippines 28.4432.0533.7334.9726.84
5x5x5 Cube First round 101 56.19 1:01.48 Philippines 56.191:00.341:06.751:11.7257.35
6x6x6 Cube First round 75 1:47.25 1:51.31 Philippines 1:52.861:47.251:53.81
7x7x7 Cube First round 80 2:41.17 2:53.90 Philippines 3:03.062:41.172:57.46
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 84 13.19 14.66 Philippines 14.2615.2713.1914.9814.74
Clock First round 199 10.08 12.17 Philippines 10.5213.1010.0824.5812.89
Megaminx First round 67 45.10 52.20 Philippines 50.8945.1056.9354.7350.98
Pyraminx First round 177 4.31 5.50 Philippines 5.504.388.234.316.63
Skewb First round 107 2.72 5.30 Philippines 4.707.477.423.792.72
Square-1 First round 126 11.20 17.06 Philippines 19.7011.2018.1916.0416.94

Achim Spies - Germany WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 834 13.87 16.56 Germany 13.9014.3113.8721.48DNF
2x2x2 Cube First round 255 3.20 4.01 Germany 4.493.714.793.843.20
4x4x4 Cube First round 340 37.38 44.23 Germany 44.7744.2244.1544.3337.38
5x5x5 Cube First round 291 1:18.84 1:22.86 Germany 1:26.901:18.841:23.721:19.311:25.54
6x6x6 Cube First round 227 2:27.88 2:44.99 Germany 2:44.453:02.632:27.88
7x7x7 Cube First round 194 4:05.73 Germany 4:05.73
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 150 DNF DNF Germany DNFDNFDNF
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 85 36 44.33 Germany 483649
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 468 33.68 37.62 Germany 37.6833.6836.9738.2140.46
Clock First round 201 8.79 12.31 Germany 10.758.7919.8515.5110.66
Megaminx First round 248 1:11.44 1:25.19 Germany 1:31.751:20.361:27.391:11.441:27.82
Pyraminx First round 268 5.24 6.98 Germany
Skewb First round 184 3.98 6.37 Germany
Square-1 First round 244 31.27 Germany 31.2741.39

Adam Chodyniecki - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 135 6.87 8.43 Poland 8.088.549.278.666.87
First round 109 6.93 8.02 Poland 7.376.938.857.85DNF
2x2x2 Cube First round 242 2.06 3.92 Poland
4x4x4 Cube First round 166 33.86 36.20 Poland 37.8333.8637.9535.8834.89
5x5x5 Cube First round 153 1:02.92 1:07.64 Poland 1:02.921:09.911:07.741:05.261:11.92
6x6x6 Cube First round 123 2:02.06 2:06.62 Poland 2:13.462:02.062:04.35
7x7x7 Cube First round 151 3:31.82 3:39.74 Poland 3:40.393:47.003:31.82
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 175 14.47 17.48 Poland 18.5518.6715.5518.3514.47
Clock First round 31 5.50 6.49 Poland 5.837.615.506.048.78
Megaminx First round 114 54.81 59.68 Poland 1:05.3054.811:01.8156.661:00.56
Pyraminx Second round 71 3.36 4.36 Poland 3.474.934.774.843.36
First round 77 3.10 3.67 Poland
Skewb Second round 42 2.76 4.10 Poland 4.902.763.743.677.95
First round 77 3.66 4.80 Poland 4.824.933.664.655.93
Square-1 First round 133 14.92 18.00 Poland 14.9224.3719.3216.6018.08

Adel Mosallami - Philippines WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 667 10.88 13.44 Philippines 12.7617.5613.5713.9910.88
3x3x3 Blindfolded Second round 24 25.44 DNF Philippines DNF27.9125.44
First round 30 25.88 35.39 Philippines 43.5425.8836.74

Adrian Dębski - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 422 9.56 10.94 Poland 10.9113.4110.4911.419.56
3x3x3 Blindfolded Final 12 18.67 DNF Poland 18.67DNF21.55
Second round 8 20.46 DNF Poland 25.2020.46DNF
First round 17 19.88 20.95 Poland 19.8820.6022.37
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 48 DNF DNF Poland DNFDNFDNF
5x5x5 Blindfolded Final 2 3:15.72 NR DNF Poland DNFDNF3:15.72
3x3x3 Multi-Blind Final 4 43/50 58:12 Poland 43/50 58:1239/51 1:00:00

AhYoung Kim (김아영) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 852 14.62 16.95 Republic of Korea 15.7414.6218.30DNF16.82
2x2x2 Cube First round 601 5.55 6.67 Republic of Korea 13.445.555.955.858.22
4x4x4 Cube First round 381 45.62 47.47 Republic of Korea 52.9145.6247.0249.5345.86
5x5x5 Cube First round 345 1:20.26 1:30.33 Republic of Korea 1:27.901:33.90DNF1:20.261:29.20

Ahana Praveen - United States WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 859 14.72 17.07 United States 19.3214.7216.4321.4415.45
2x2x2 Cube First round 433 4.24 5.22 United States
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 416 23.93 27.91 United States 31.1123.9823.9337.7428.63

Ahmad Alolaimi - Kuwait WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 186 7.70 9.06 Kuwait 8.559.237.709.4110.47
First round 172 6.38 NR 8.76 Kuwait 8.269.348.769.266.38
2x2x2 Cube First round 213 2.18 3.76 Kuwait 3.933.833.532.185.59
4x4x4 Cube First round 456 42.83 52.13 Kuwait 56.5142.8356.0148.2552.13
5x5x5 Cube First round 297 1:13.43 NR 1:23.53 NR Kuwait 1:20.951:32.041:29.191:13.431:20.44
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 137 37 DNF Kuwait 3937DNF
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 182 12.70 NR 17.72 NR Kuwait 16.0526.0812.7020.0117.11
Clock First round 157 9.75 NR 10.91 NR Kuwait DNF9.7510.6010.1811.94
Megaminx First round 285 1:33.67 Kuwait 2:07.171:33.67
Pyraminx First round 246 5.80 6.71 Kuwait 7.486.146.515.8011.69
Skewb First round 370 8.68 12.07 Kuwait 11.918.8916.098.6815.42

Ahmad Kamil Ihsan Bin Ikhwan - Malaysia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 264 9.49 9.89 Malaysia 9.639.979.4911.3610.08
First round 351 9.28 10.29 Malaysia 12.6911.549.289.799.55
2x2x2 Cube First round 399 3.86 4.96 Malaysia 3.865.065.165.954.65
4x4x4 Cube First round 356 40.00 45.40 Malaysia 42.7140.0050.1851.5043.30
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 361 21.64 24.57 Malaysia 27.6321.6423.4822.6129.40
Clock First round 186 9.74 11.81 Malaysia 12.13DNF13.1010.209.74
Megaminx First round 256 1:23.66 1:25.88 Malaysia 1:23.961:24.271:36.141:29.411:23.66
Pyraminx First round 232 5.48 6.50 Malaysia 5.887.336.285.4812.20
Skewb First round 191 4.56 6.57 Malaysia 4.609.495.6210.494.56
Square-1 First round 102 13.05 15.89 Malaysia 16.6616.4313.0514.5917.68

Akifumi Sasaki (佐々木彰史) - Japan WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 456 10.21 11.17 Japan 11.1010.2110.7311.6915.73
2x2x2 Cube First round 490 4.38 5.62 Japan 4.387.466.145.834.90
4x4x4 Cube First round 441 43.47 51.42 Japan 52.7343.4748.6752.8654.63
5x5x5 Cube First round 399 1:32.64 1:39.41 Japan 1:34.971:40.311:32.641:42.962:03.93
3x3x3 Blindfolded Second round 54 47.41 DNF Japan DNF47.41DNF
First round 78 53.20 1:07.53 Japan 1:25.0453.201:04.36
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 102 27 DNF Japan 35DNF27
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 200 15.67 18.39 Japan 16.8623.1515.6717.1121.20
Clock First round 202 11.08 12.47 Japan 13.2511.08DNF12.5811.59
Pyraminx First round 329 7.80 8.36 Japan 9.318.527.808.328.25
Skewb First round 369 6.26 12.06 Japan 11.4511.4513.2818.036.26
Square-1 First round 180 17.90 22.26 Japan 22.2526.2217.9022.1222.41
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 13 4:07.22 DNF Japan DNFDNF4:07.22
5x5x5 Blindfolded Final 30 DNF DNF Japan DNFDNSDNS

Albert Garriga Gea - Spain WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 871 15.37 17.57 Spain 15.3717.0917.2520.4418.36
2x2x2 Cube First round 573 5.30 6.31 Spain 5.306.567.156.096.27
4x4x4 Cube First round 479 47.32 53.91 Spain 55.181:06.8147.3252.4954.07
5x5x5 Cube First round 436 1:48.91 1:51.93 Spain 1:56.032:00.921:50.581:49.191:48.91
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 150 DNF DNF Spain DNFDNFDNF
Pyraminx First round 352 6.23 8.88 Spain
Skewb First round 375 10.27 12.59 Spain 10.2711.0911.2519.8415.42

Alejandro González Rodríguez - Spain WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 572 10.89 12.30 Spain 11.6710.8912.7212.5114.08
2x2x2 Cube First round 529 4.60 5.95 Spain 4.606.714.967.616.17
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 410 21.74 27.43 Spain 42.4231.3821.7428.1522.77
Pyraminx Second round 77 3.46 5.10 Spain 3.466.525.633.576.11
First round 72 3.48 3.62 Spain 3.603.483.534.163.73
Skewb First round 262 7.32 7.93 Spain 10.408.787.327.587.43

Alejandro Restrepo Echeverri - Colombia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 370 9.26 11.41 Colombia 9.269.7113.5310.9914.01
First round 340 9.40 10.17 Colombia 10.0511.029.4511.069.40
2x2x2 Cube Second round 149 2.68 3.64 Colombia 3.5031.283.803.622.68
First round 167 2.80 3.45 Colombia 3.363.952.803.044.42
4x4x4 Cube First round 364 43.93 46.02 Colombia 45.0743.9344.3451.9748.64
Clock First round 146 8.04 10.50 Colombia 11.668.0410.839.00DNF
Megaminx First round 130 55.64 1:01.35 Colombia 1:04.2255.641:03.761:01.3058.98
Pyraminx First round 111 3.39 4.28 Colombia 5.673.854.823.394.17
Skewb Final 14 3.26 3.73 Colombia 3.534.243.265.743.42
Second round 16 2.62 2.95 Colombia 3.332.622.762.773.37
First round 24 2.14 3.53 Colombia 5.493.913.233.442.14
Square-1 First round 193 20.66 24.05 Colombia 26.9022.4022.8428.0020.66

Aleksander Arefiew - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 251 8.03 9.72 Poland 8.038.9610.709.9910.22
First round 398 9.11 10.74 Poland 9.119.9311.6510.6413.04
4x4x4 Cube First round 275 37.44 41.46 Poland 47.9738.3638.0537.44DNF
5x5x5 Cube First round 358 1:20.95 1:31.54 Poland 1:32.871:33.181:20.951:47.711:28.58
Pyraminx Second round 48 2.04 3.62 Poland
First round 49 2.57 3.16 Poland 3.942.572.862.695.81

Alena Weiley - Australia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 425 10.55 10.94 Australia 10.5510.6511.1812.5811.00

Alexander Bashutkin - Russia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 34 6.45 7.07 Russia 6.738.766.457.167.32
Second round 53 5.94 7.38 Russia 6.327.7240.058.095.94
First round 23 6.11 6.69 Russia 6.606.
2x2x2 Cube Second round 40 1.46 2.02 Russia 2.702.001.461.632.43
First round 11 1.31 1.59 Russia 1.311.411.881.511.85
4x4x4 Cube Second round 24 23.78 28.17 Russia 30.2625.8032.9223.7828.44
First round 19 23.53 27.74 Russia 23.531:09.2227.3827.0128.83
5x5x5 Cube Second round 78 49.01 1:05.30 Russia 1:15.3458.3249.011:02.25DNF
First round 25 46.58 51.96 NR Russia 52.5254.441:01.3146.5848.91
6x6x6 Cube First round 48 1:34.96 1:42.57 Russia 1:34.961:50.831:41.93
7x7x7 Cube First round 42 2:32.37 2:38.58 Russia 2:46.042:37.322:32.37
Megaminx First round 115 52.29 59.74 Russia 1:04.971:00.3053.94DNF52.29
Pyraminx First round 81 3.07 3.74 Russia 3.824.324.043.363.07
Square-1 First round 83 12.00 14.28 Russia 12.0016.2116.3413.7012.93

Alexander Seungu Hu - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 673 12.24 13.47 Republic of Korea 13.7613.5313.1213.7812.24
2x2x2 Cube First round 445 4.28 5.37 Republic of Korea
Pyraminx First round 405 8.75 10.22 Republic of Korea 11.518.758.8511.9810.31
Skewb First round 433 15.92 17.38 Republic of Korea 20.5817.6617.4017.0915.92

Alexander Vujcich - New Zealand WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 99 7.57 7.99 New Zealand 7.769.358.537.697.57
First round 74 6.33 7.62 New Zealand 7.747.167.976.33DNF
2x2x2 Cube Second round 38 1.24 2.02 New Zealand 3.102.441.392.221.24
First round 28 1.70 1.90 New Zealand 3.171.961.701.841.90
4x4x4 Cube First round 87 29.95 31.71 New Zealand 31.4930.5133.1243.6529.95
5x5x5 Cube First round 85 54.00 59.64 New Zealand 59.8256.7654.001:02.331:03.17
6x6x6 Cube First round 180 2:19.78 2:26.32 New Zealand 2:22.782:19.782:36.40
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 185 16.00 17.81 New Zealand 17.1719.2417.0120.8016.00
Megaminx Final 3 26.00 OcR 29.68 OcR New Zealand 28.8031.8826.0033.0728.37
First round 6 29.86 32.12 New Zealand 33.9832.1529.8630.2336.52
Pyraminx Second round 46 2.94 3.59 New Zealand 2.944.063.323.384.60
First round 51 2.68 3.20 New Zealand 3.165.332.682.963.49
Skewb First round 118 4.15 5.46 New Zealand 4.885.207.924.156.30
Square-1 Second round 59 7.17 12.11 New Zealand 23.8813.5212.7910.017.17
First round 43 10.41 11.21 New Zealand 10.4112.7410.4715.7010.42

Alexandre Carlier - France WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 171 7.34 8.93 France 9.9411.759.307.557.34
First round 116 6.11 8.09 France 7.818.256.119.738.22
4x4x4 Cube Second round 26 27.67 28.44 France 27.6728.5928.6033.2228.13
First round 23 24.97 28.04 France 29.5928.1329.3224.9726.66
5x5x5 Cube First round 81 49.81 58.70 France 1:07.4756.7359.8359.5449.81
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 160 13.39 17.07 France 15.4317.1521.5013.3918.64

Alexey Tsvetkov - Russia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Final 14 6.01 7.36 Russia
Semi Final 9 6.05 6.25 NR Russia 6.326.
Second round 39 5.50 7.19 Russia 7.436.647.498.655.50
First round 69 6.70 7.56 Russia 7.85DNF6.706.738.11
2x2x2 Cube Second round 22 1.20 1.73 Russia 1.681.651.202.131.87
First round 5 0.71 1.46 Russia 0.711.941.580.991.82
4x4x4 Cube First round 91 30.65 31.89 Russia 32.8631.6432.4631.5630.65
3x3x3 One-Handed Final 10 10.32 11.53 Russia 11.8311.6610.3211.1012.13
Second round 11 9.92 10.60 Russia 10.939.9210.3010.5812.46
First round 25 11.16 12.19 Russia 12.4313.1112.5711.5611.16
Clock First round 30 5.70 6.43 Russia 5.706.146.786.826.37
Pyraminx Second round 21 1.88 2.71 Russia 1.883.483.082.322.74
First round 8 1.67 2.22 Russia 2.482.271.671.902.88
Skewb Second round 23 2.78 3.24 Russia 4.062.872.782.784.75
First round 41 2.38 3.97 Russia 4.644.334.662.952.38

Alexis Margaret Magtibay - Philippines WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 411 10.63 10.82 Philippines 10.7710.6310.9110.8910.80

Ali Albloushi - Kuwait WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 971 15.58 21.75 Kuwait 22.9921.8121.9421.5115.58
2x2x2 Cube First round 530 4.93 5.96 Kuwait 8.026.565.106.214.93
Pyraminx First round 337 6.98 8.46 Kuwait 8.056.9813.169.707.63
Skewb First round 419 11.70 16.00 Kuwait 21.0811.70DNF12.0314.89

Altanbagana Altangerel (Алтангэрэл Алтанбагана) - Mongolia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 314 9.53 10.40 Mongolia DNF10.209.5310.5610.45
First round 230 8.18 9.28 Mongolia
2x2x2 Cube First round 305 3.89 4.29 Mongolia 3.904.444.526.243.89
4x4x4 Cube First round 223 34.13 38.59 Mongolia 39.4740.0738.2134.1338.08
5x5x5 Cube First round 110 57.34 1:03.52 Mongolia 1:10.161:02.0058.4057.341:14.81
6x6x6 Cube First round 102 1:53.50 1:59.59 Mongolia 2:02.122:03.141:53.50
7x7x7 Cube First round 97 2:49.34 3:03.85 Mongolia 3:03.183:19.022:49.34

Alvin Cheng Hiu Yeung (鄭曉洋) - Hong Kong, China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Blindfolded Second round 27 25.91 DNF Hong Kong, China 27.6325.91DNF
First round 50 35.58 DNF Hong Kong, China 37.50DNF35.58
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 14 27 28.00 Hong Kong, China 272928
Clock First round 50 6.20 7.26 Hong Kong, China 7.747.249.896.206.80
Pyraminx First round 108 3.84 4.25 Hong Kong, China 4.014.563.844.194.75
Skewb First round 124 3.17 5.57 Hong Kong, China 5.983.178.675.415.33
Square-1 Second round 51 7.62 10.87 Hong Kong, China 11.0112.237.629.3633.19
First round 57 10.82 12.18 Hong Kong, China 13.2715.4810.8212.2311.05
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 48 DNF DNF Hong Kong, China DNFDNFDNF
5x5x5 Blindfolded Final 7 4:29.27 NR DNF Hong Kong, China DNF4:29.27DNF

Alwin Rölz - Switzerland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 79 7.03 9.20 Switzerland 8.857.039.959.149.62
Second round 54 6.66 7.38 Switzerland 7.866.667.178.047.11
First round 229 7.50 9.28 Switzerland 10.159.589.677.508.58
2x2x2 Cube Second round 121 2.61 3.14 Switzerland 3.152.613.20DNF3.07
First round 100 2.06 2.86 Switzerland 2.392.802.063.404.09
4x4x4 Cube Second round 60 30.27 31.53 Switzerland 30.6631.8430.2738.5132.09
First round 54 28.05 29.87 Switzerland 28.0530.7228.3630.5830.68
5x5x5 Cube Second round 30 49.71 53.01 Switzerland 49.7153.4855.2258.8550.32
First round 54 51.60 56.33 Switzerland 55.5655.5458.0451.6057.90
6x6x6 Cube First round 34 1:27.84 1:38.52 Switzerland 1:27.841:41.511:46.21
7x7x7 Cube First round 25 2:09.32 2:22.72 Switzerland 2:09.322:32.222:26.63
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 150 DNF DNF Switzerland DNFDNFDNF
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 37 27 31.33 Switzerland 343327
3x3x3 One-Handed Second round 52 11.64 13.17 Switzerland 12.5714.50DNF11.6412.44
First round 33 11.21 12.33 Switzerland 11.2111.8112.0713.1114.36
Clock First round 46 6.69 7.09 Switzerland 7.156.756.697.388.09
Megaminx First round 73 51.86 53.15 Switzerland 51.8654.5059.3052.2952.67
Pyraminx Second round 50 2.79 3.69 Switzerland 3.554.602.793.603.92
First round 44 2.56 3.14 Switzerland 2.562.773.433.233.95
Skewb Second round 50 2.99 4.40 Switzerland 4.484.802.993.915.45
First round 37 2.96 3.84 Switzerland 3.618.003.322.964.60
Square-1 Second round 71 10.19 13.24 Switzerland 12.9010.1914.6012.2316.90
First round 63 10.41 12.43 Switzerland 13.8310.4114.2311.3812.08

Amelia Zakrzewska - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 962 19.80 21.29 Poland 23.1819.8023.0120.0220.85
2x2x2 Cube First round 712 8.92 10.86 Poland 14.9812.8210.178.929.58
4x4x4 Cube First round 587 1:08.26 1:16.88 Poland 1:19.541:28.621:09.341:08.261:21.77
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 150 DNF DNF Poland DNFDNFDNF
Clock First round 278 15.83 Poland DNF15.83
Megaminx First round 296 1:40.48 Poland 1:40.481:40.53
Pyraminx First round 443 9.58 11.61 Poland 9.5810.8917.2111.4012.53

Amey Gaba - India WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 143 7.77 8.53 India 8.258.26DNF9.077.77
First round 316 7.70 10.00 India 10.717.7411.9911.567.70
2x2x2 Cube Second round 127 2.06 3.25 India 5.136.802.062.132.49
First round 143 3.07 3.27 India
4x4x4 Cube Second round 30 27.02 28.74 India 27.0232.2729.7728.6027.86
First round 48 26.85 29.47 India 28.6031.2831.1126.8528.69
5x5x5 Cube First round 163 1:01.04 1:08.65 India 1:01.211:01.041:12.841:13.041:11.91
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 330 20.45 22.77 India 22.1422.5938.9623.5820.45
Pyraminx First round 427 7.37 11.07 India 10.5313.257.3718.309.43
Skewb First round 365 7.05 11.69 India 8.6912.8121.087.0513.58

Ammar Haider - India WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 711 12.61 14.01 India 13.5213.8112.6117.5214.70
2x2x2 Cube First round 410 2.58 5.04 India 2.586.343.809.544.98
4x4x4 Cube First round 392 43.12 48.29 India 49.0851.2444.5443.1255.23
5x5x5 Cube First round 388 1:27.88 1:37.13 India 1:42.681:36.941:34.291:27.881:40.16
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 377 20.52 25.41 India 26.6425.9127.0323.6720.52
Pyraminx First round 261 5.12 6.93 India 6.766.267.775.128.10
Square-1 First round 217 21.28 28.65 India 25.9427.1232.8955.2421.28

Amy Campbell - United Kingdom WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1128 56.14 1:11.75 United Kingdom 1:10.441:13.4056.141:11.411:32.13
Pyraminx First round 523 16.48 26.67 United Kingdom 26.8616.4828.94DNF24.21
Skewb First round 472 DNF United Kingdom DNFDNF

Amy Smith - Australia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 620 10.66 12.85 Australia 10.6612.0613.97DNF12.52
2x2x2 Cube Second round 95 1.86 2.91 Australia 4.053.441.913.391.86
First round 93 1.96 2.81 Australia 1.963.002.693.762.74
4x4x4 Cube First round 365 41.86 46.05 Australia 44.4741.8658.0350.4043.28
5x5x5 Cube First round 326 1:18.94 1:27.34 Australia 1:26.461:33.651:18.941:26.201:29.36
6x6x6 Cube First round 228 2:32.88 2:45.61 Australia 2:32.882:48.302:55.64
7x7x7 Cube First round 224 4:35.02 Australia 4:35.02
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 150 DNF DNF Australia DNFDNFDNF
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 267 17.91 20.56 Australia 17.9120.9018.9821.8024.87
Clock First round 74 7.20 8.17 Australia
Megaminx First round 246 1:20.10 1:24.96 Australia 1:25.451:24.181:25.261:36.381:20.10
Pyraminx First round 116 3.21 4.35 Australia 3.376.904.143.215.53
Skewb Second round 68 3.66 5.30 Australia 5.273.666.465.635.01
First round 57 3.86 4.47 Australia 3.866.204.434.244.73
Square-1 First round 204 18.46 26.19 Australia DNF23.1222.8818.4632.57
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 24 5:05.32 DNF Australia DNFDNF5:05.32
5x5x5 Blindfolded Final 20 11:36.00 DNF Australia DNF11:36.00DNS
3x3x3 Multi-Blind Final 44 DNF Australia DNF

An JiWan (안지완) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 991 20.86 23.07 Republic of Korea 20.8722.1626.1920.86DNF
2x2x2 Cube First round 605 3.40 6.75 Republic of Korea 7.353.4016.327.135.76
Pyraminx First round 488 9.97 14.96 Republic of Korea 11.6316.4216.839.9717.98
Skewb First round 424 11.28 16.40 Republic of Korea 12.8420.0116.6219.7411.28

An SeongJun (안성준) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 384 9.60 12.63 Republic of Korea 13.4213.0213.839.6011.46
First round 383 9.62 10.58 Republic of Korea 9.6211.1010.8110.2910.65

Anael Champion - France WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 476 8.28 11.39 France 8.2811.0012.6412.4910.67
2x2x2 Cube Second round 56 1.44 2.27 France 5.021.801.441.443.57
First round 33 1.39 1.99 France 3.861.392.082.041.84
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 164 15.58 17.27 France 16.3715.5817.1821.5618.26
Pyraminx First round 198 4.33 5.94 France 10.254.338.884.574.37
Skewb First round 150 3.44 5.91 France 7.184.745.937.073.44

Anatole Volongo - France WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 55 7.28 7.75 France 7.639.327.298.327.28
Second round 22 5.52 6.76 France 7.656.456.185.528.69
First round 72 6.80 7.61 France 9.756.966.966.808.92
2x2x2 Cube Second round 75 1.56 2.53 France
First round 53 1.91 2.22 France 1.992.402.521.912.26
4x4x4 Cube Second round 50 28.33 30.71 France 28.8328.3332.8631.6131.68
First round 57 27.07 30.18 France 28.0531.4433.3027.0731.05
5x5x5 Cube First round 165 1:02.36 1:09.07 France 1:12.991:07.701:15.781:02.361:06.53
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 116 14.57 15.68 France 15.8620.1314.5715.0916.10
Pyraminx First round 229 4.32 6.46 France 7.187.726.614.325.59

Anatolii Turenko - Russia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 219 7.63 9.40 Russia 8.9411.217.638.0518.21
First round 111 6.72 8.03 Russia 6.727.3611.136.899.83
2x2x2 Cube Second round 151 3.11 3.65 Russia 3.683.283.983.114.47
First round 122 2.29 3.05 Russia 3.003.732.435.072.29
4x4x4 Cube First round 84 30.55 31.50 Russia 31.0234.2630.5531.6431.83
5x5x5 Cube First round 243 1:13.72 1:17.53 Russia 1:14.051:24.821:24.501:13.721:14.04
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 161 13.66 17.12 Russia 29.3719.0214.7113.6617.64
Clock First round 297 20.98 Russia DNF20.98
Megaminx First round 168 1:01.60 1:08.05 Russia DNF1:14.881:04.111:05.171:01.60
Pyraminx First round 144 3.82 4.86 Russia DNF3.824.815.734.04
Skewb First round 280 5.73 8.48 Russia 7.705.7312.055.8511.89

Anatolii Turenko (Анатолий Туренко) - Russia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1120 52.00 55.97 Russia 56.7752.851:04.6052.0058.28
2x2x2 Cube First round 732 10.03 14.26 Russia 13.0023.3511.1218.6710.03
Pyraminx First round 522 17.80 24.16 Russia 29.2019.7525.4617.8027.26

Anay Shrikar - India WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 563 10.97 12.21 India 11.8613.4510.9716.8811.32
2x2x2 Cube First round 504 4.51 5.76 India 5.084.519.866.555.65
4x4x4 Cube First round 487 49.59 54.96 India 1:01.0352.6249.5953.8858.39
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 150 DNF DNF India DNFDNFDNF
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 304 19.26 22.09 India 21.5620.4524.4024.2519.26
Pyraminx First round 417 8.97 10.69 India 12.3210.778.9711.3010.01

Andrea Javier - Australia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1042 21.22 28.16 Australia 21.2247.1426.4531.3426.69

Andreas Gudahl Tufte - Norway WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 878 14.68 17.88 Norway 17.2914.6825.9815.7320.62
2x2x2 Cube First round 699 5.96 9.95 Norway 5.969.919.7410.7710.19
4x4x4 Cube First round 555 55.12 1:04.80 Norway 1:09.4055.121:08.4556.551:21.06

Andres Rodriguez - United States WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 471 9.00 11.34 United States 10.3710.8813.2812.789.00
2x2x2 Cube First round 409 2.26 5.03 United States
4x4x4 Cube First round 517 49.38 58.08 United States 1:04.3849.9359.921:05.5749.38
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 264 17.59 20.33 United States 19.6021.1320.2717.5924.65
Clock First round 281 16.15 United States DNF16.15
Megaminx First round 276 1:30.51 United States 1:46.611:30.51
Pyraminx Second round 24 1.85 2.73 United States 1.852.932.483.172.77
First round 16 2.08 2.51 United States 2.562.082.654.832.33
Skewb First round 299 7.23 8.90 United States 14.629.847.237.509.37
Square-1 First round 247 31.90 United States 31.9040.43

Andrew Fedulov - United States WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
2x2x2 Cube First round 724 8.47 12.32 United States 13.54DNF11.7511.688.47
Pyraminx First round 438 10.19 11.53 United States 11.1711.3716.8510.1912.05
Skewb First round 305 7.33 9.07 United States 7.338.529.569.609.13

Andrew Rizo - United States WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 321 8.43 10.48 United States 10.858.4310.1110.4911.62
First round 312 8.71 9.98 United States 12.008.8310.6710.458.71
2x2x2 Cube First round 377 3.37 4.77 United States
4x4x4 Cube First round 478 48.44 53.82 United States 50.3258.6048.4457.2653.87
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 150 DNF DNF United States DNFDNFDNF
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 367 18.64 24.99 United States 28.6025.4028.4818.6421.09
Skewb First round 290 6.90 8.73 United States 6.9011.347.549.928.72

Andrew Tan Jing Bang - Singapore WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 650 11.90 13.21 Singapore 16.6811.9613.1711.9014.50
2x2x2 Cube First round 408 1.62 5.03 Singapore 1.629.203.1610.102.73
4x4x4 Cube First round 398 46.76 48.70 Singapore 48.5949.2548.8348.6846.76
3x3x3 Blindfolded Second round 65 1:05.15 DNF Singapore DNF1:05.151:28.38
First round 54 38.52 DNF Singapore 1:26.8038.52DNF
Clock First round 175 9.49 11.51 Singapore 13.8616.059.499.7910.88
Pyraminx First round 236 5.43 6.58 Singapore 5.435.779.807.656.31
Skewb First round 330 5.14 9.97 Singapore 5.149.6011.908.8811.42
Square-1 Second round 67 7.68 12.93 Singapore 7.6816.2912.3724.3710.12
First round 53 8.48 11.88 Singapore 12.0013.508.4810.1514.14
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 30 6:07.19 DNF Singapore 6:07.19DNFDNF
5x5x5 Blindfolded Final 30 DNF DNF Singapore DNFDNFDNS

Andrey Che - Russia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 64 7.22 8.05 Russia 7.328.9610.917.887.22
Second round 27 6.38 6.91 Russia 7.106.386.906.727.64
First round 68 6.26 7.56 Russia 7.146.999.888.546.26
2x2x2 Cube Second round 69 1.81 2.44 Russia 4.722.261.903.171.81
First round 25 1.16 1.86 Russia 1.161.782.122.521.68
4x4x4 Cube Second round 57 29.39 31.17 Russia 29.3933.5135.8629.6430.36
First round 61 29.05 30.29 Russia 30.6929.0531.0434.9229.13
5x5x5 Cube Second round 41 53.84 54.71 Russia 57.0953.8453.9054.2955.94
First round 66 54.69 57.53 Russia 57.7854.691:00.7456.2358.59
3x3x3 One-Handed Final 12 7.75 12.06 Russia 12.7511.2512.197.7515.33
Second round 16 10.50 11.13 Russia 10.5514.3110.5011.5511.29
First round 10 7.78 10.83 Russia 10.4710.8911.1411.817.78
Megaminx First round 36 43.73 47.17 Russia 57.5346.1043.7344.8050.62
Pyraminx Second round 80 2.35 DNF Russia 2.35DNFDNF3.72DNF
First round 39 2.24 3.00 Russia 2.957.823.182.242.88

Andy Mok Man Cheuk (莫文卓) - Hong Kong, China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 155 7.81 8.65 Hong Kong, China 8.377.818.73DNF8.84
First round 117 7.86 8.09 Hong Kong, China 8.107.869.007.938.24
2x2x2 Cube Second round 85 1.34 2.66 Hong Kong, China 3.802.891.343.161.94
First round 81 2.27 2.67 Hong Kong, China 2.992.772.272.812.43
4x4x4 Cube First round 94 25.81 32.25 Hong Kong, China 32.7225.8133.4531.7832.26
5x5x5 Cube First round 104 51.59 1:02.26 Hong Kong, China 1:03.6551.5952.491:10.861:10.65
6x6x6 Cube First round 46 1:35.12 1:42.21 Hong Kong, China 1:35.121:51.651:39.87
7x7x7 Cube First round 33 2:25.67 2:34.17 Hong Kong, China 2:37.232:39.612:25.67
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 150 DNF DNF Hong Kong, China DNFDNFDNF
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 33 29 30.67 Hong Kong, China 332930
3x3x3 One-Handed Second round 67 11.48 14.45 Hong Kong, China 17.5113.1311.4815.2015.02
First round 69 11.27 13.70 Hong Kong, China 14.9313.5011.2713.6213.97
Clock First round 20 4.59 5.95 Hong Kong, China
Megaminx First round 29 38.42 44.06 Hong Kong, China 42.0543.9438.4246.1846.33
Pyraminx First round 109 2.68 4.26 Hong Kong, China 5.875.394.612.792.68
Skewb Second round 48 3.21 4.27 Hong Kong, China 3.414.613.214.785.50
First round 42 3.40 4.05 Hong Kong, China 3.864.193.404.364.10
Square-1 First round 139 13.87 18.55 Hong Kong, China 20.3921.2516.9218.3313.87

Anela Arifovic - Bosnia and Herzegovina WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1139 1:20.14 DNF Bosnia and Herzegovina DNFDNF1:27.361:20.141:33.69

Ang Chin Zhen (洪靖程) - Malaysia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 196 7.92 9.14 Malaysia 7.929.848.838.7511.18
First round 185 7.50 8.87 Malaysia 8.578.847.509.209.32
2x2x2 Cube First round 130 2.49 3.13 Malaysia 2.495.942.843.582.96
4x4x4 Cube Second round 75 27.09 34.10 Malaysia 34.0827.0941.6534.0834.14
First round 73 24.97 31.12 Malaysia 38.5432.4024.9731.8829.08
6x6x6 Cube First round 83 1:49.78 1:52.72 Malaysia 1:49.781:58.291:50.10
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 6 22 24.33 Malaysia 252622
Pyraminx First round 130 4.08 4.62 Malaysia 4.475.
Square-1 First round 71 10.18 12.78 Malaysia 10.1812.2014.54DNF11.60

Angeline Wijaya (黃千儀) - Indonesia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 431 10.26 10.97 Indonesia 12.2811.4110.3810.2611.13
2x2x2 Cube First round 538 5.04 6.04 Indonesia 6.275.816.646.045.04
4x4x4 Cube First round 180 34.57 36.75 Indonesia 36.2039.6437.7636.2834.57
5x5x5 Cube First round 103 1:00.90 1:02.14 Indonesia 1:03.551:12.361:00.901:01.021:01.84
6x6x6 Cube First round 137 2:00.77 2:10.30 Indonesia 2:00.772:13.892:16.23
7x7x7 Cube First round 159 3:09.81 3:44.88 Indonesia 3:09.814:34.743:30.09
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 371 23.50 25.13 Indonesia 25.4034.5024.5725.4223.50
Clock First round 266 11.81 DNF Indonesia 11.8112.16DNFDNF12.30
Megaminx First round 92 52.92 56.36 Indonesia 52.9257.7455.9359.7955.40
Pyraminx First round 365 6.29 9.13 Indonesia 6.29DNF10.059.757.59
Skewb First round 283 5.72 8.55 Indonesia 6.1711.987.4914.225.72
Square-1 Second round 39 8.92 9.94 Indonesia 9.238.9219.9710.5510.04
First round 50 8.06 11.80 Indonesia 11.3511.3214.4912.748.06

Anjie Zhao (赵安洁) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 919 17.91 19.14 China 24.9620.6517.9117.9718.81
2x2x2 Cube First round 700 5.14 10.01 China 5.7410.0714.215.1417.57
4x4x4 Cube First round 529 46.05 1:00.62 China 1:05.8652.701:04.2546.051:04.92
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 476 35.09 40.24 China 48.9635.1435.0936.63DNF
Pyraminx First round 215 4.86 6.24 China 4.866.196.307.636.22
Skewb First round 229 4.43 7.32 China 8.529.616.736.724.43

Anqi Yu - Bulgaria WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 519 10.08 11.73 Bulgaria 10.0811.5012.0214.3911.67
2x2x2 Cube Final 16 1.53 2.71 Bulgaria 1.532.103.602.444.95
Second round 12 1.37 1.63 NR Bulgaria 1.491.781.612.101.37
First round 90 1.71 2.81 Bulgaria 2.331.931.714.774.16
4x4x4 Cube First round 324 40.27 43.21 Bulgaria 42.6644.1342.8540.2745.55
5x5x5 Cube First round 305 1:19.47 1:24.51 Bulgaria 1:29.551:22.861:25.361:25.301:19.47
6x6x6 Cube First round 229 2:37.28 2:45.62 Bulgaria 2:58.962:40.622:37.28
3x3x3 Blindfolded Second round 66 1:05.85 DNF Bulgaria DNF1:05.851:09.86
First round 74 50.06 DNF Bulgaria 54.2350.06DNF
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 55 32 34.00 NR Bulgaria 323733
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 274 17.64 20.74 Bulgaria 22.9521.3724.0517.6417.90
Clock First round 69 7.27 8.02 Bulgaria 8.099.778.107.887.27
Megaminx First round 184 1:00.19 NR 1:09.55 Bulgaria 1:14.131:05.511:10.291:12.851:00.19
Pyraminx First round 91 3.21 3.93 Bulgaria 4.913.893.554.343.21
Skewb First round 176 4.81 6.25 Bulgaria 6.7511.276.494.815.51
Square-1 Second round 41 8.70 10.04 NR Bulgaria 10.4310.4512.189.248.70
First round 41 8.78 11.03 NR Bulgaria 10.0611.9912.2811.048.78
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 22 4:58.46 NR DNF Bulgaria DNFDNF4:58.46
5x5x5 Blindfolded Final 18 10:30.00 NR DNF Bulgaria 10:30.00DNFDNS

Anthony Kalaya Rush - South Africa WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1116 41.38 53.77 South Africa 53.4241.3855.881:02.3752.00

Anthony Lafourcade - France WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 269 7.94 9.96 France 9.6411.417.9410.709.53
First round 177 7.91 8.81 France 9.757.918.669.278.50
2x2x2 Cube Second round 144 2.30 3.52 France 3.653.913.012.304.65
First round 150 1.40 3.33 France 1.407.543.082.484.44
4x4x4 Cube First round 133 30.35 34.00 France 30.3533.5241.5536.6231.86
5x5x5 Cube First round 131 58.11 1:05.58 France 1:08.5758.111:05.661:03.871:07.20
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 25 26 30.00 France 263430
Clock First round 45 6.39 7.08 France 7.74DNF7.056.466.39
Pyraminx First round 101 2.67 4.12 France 5.963.415.623.332.67
Skewb Final 7 1.78 3.04 France 3.033.323.541.782.76
Second round 2 1.20 NR 2.21 France
First round 4 2.07 2.40 France 2.074.802.552.522.13
Square-1 Second round 43 8.96 10.27 France 9.688.9623.5811.849.28
First round 66 9.62 12.59 France 10.8725.219.6215.7411.17

Anto Kam (甘浩東) - Hong Kong, China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 304 9.66 10.33 Hong Kong, China 10.0010.5210.469.6611.24
First round 327 7.92 10.09 Hong Kong, China 11.167.9210.059.6210.60
4x4x4 Cube First round 205 35.97 37.63 Hong Kong, China 36.5437.4438.9035.9745.50
3x3x3 Blindfolded Final 15 DNF DNF Hong Kong, China DNFDNFDNF
Second round 15 22.22 DNF Hong Kong, China DNF22.22DNF
First round 18 20.12 DNF Hong Kong, China 21.9820.12DNF
3x3x3 One-Handed Final 9 6.45 AsR 11.24 Hong Kong, China 10.0914.7410.9612.686.45
Second round 7 9.43 10.17 Hong Kong, China 9.4310.899.859.7711.26
First round 8 8.80 10.55 Hong Kong, China 11.6110.368.8011.529.78
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 17 4:32.06 5:21.06 Hong Kong, China 4:32.065:06.566:24.56

Antoine Cantin - Canada WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 344 7.15 10.83 Canada 10.397.1511.58DNF10.52
First round 126 6.76 8.22 Canada 7.718.348.616.7610.79
2x2x2 Cube Second round 93 2.25 2.81 Canada 2.256.323.562.382.48
First round 128 1.57 3.13 Canada 6.142.681.573.523.19
4x4x4 Cube First round 194 32.30 37.47 Canada 38.1338.3447.7435.9432.30
5x5x5 Cube First round 219 1:09.60 1:14.39 Canada 1:17.381:14.501:11.291:19.711:09.60
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 150 DNF DNF Canada DNFDNFDNF
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 64 28 36.00 Canada 402840
3x3x3 One-Handed Second round 22 8.85 11.54 Canada 9.9312.408.8512.2818.04
First round 16 10.08 11.38 Canada 11.9210.7511.4810.0814.56

Antoine Quemerais - France WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 415 10.08 10.88 France 14.4210.0812.0810.3210.23
2x2x2 Cube First round 333 3.96 4.46 France 4.943.964.834.064.49
4x4x4 Cube First round 506 49.89 56.99 France 1:07.3854.4649.8959.2957.21
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 266 19.49 20.51 France 23.2720.1820.6920.6719.49
Square-1 First round 213 19.69 28.39 France 19.6922.5741.6525.4637.14

Antonie Paterakis - Netherlands WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 56 6.99 7.80 Netherlands 8.978.067.196.998.16
Second round 74 7.24 7.63 Netherlands 7.308.227.377.2410.00
First round 95 5.64 7.90 Netherlands 7.518.485.649.917.72
2x2x2 Cube Final 5 1.12 1.41 Netherlands 1.341.123.441.421.46
Second round 10 1.10 1.58 Netherlands 1.631.351.101.752.21
First round 6 1.29 1.46 Netherlands 1.861.571.421.401.29
4x4x4 Cube Second round 48 26.47 30.66 Netherlands 32.7830.8828.3326.4734.32
First round 69 29.48 30.85 Netherlands 29.4834.4430.2030.6331.71
5x5x5 Cube Second round 53 52.31 56.49 Netherlands 57.4355.4852.3156.571:04.14
First round 69 54.94 57.75 Netherlands 54.941:03.7658.5158.2356.50
6x6x6 Cube First round 65 1:44.17 1:47.49 Netherlands 1:45.151:53.151:44.17
7x7x7 Cube First round 56 2:29.93 2:42.96 Netherlands 3:04.302:29.932:34.64
3x3x3 One-Handed Second round 34 8.60 12.28 Netherlands 11.2619.898.6012.7312.85
First round 32 9.46 12.31 Netherlands 13.589.4611.6814.0311.68
Megaminx First round 97 53.76 58.00 Netherlands 57.6157.2859.1053.761:02.86
Pyraminx First round 132 2.88 4.64 Netherlands 5.364.292.884.265.97
Skewb First round 94 2.42 5.10 Netherlands 5.892.425.606.243.81
Square-1 Second round 60 9.95 12.15 Netherlands 18.2310.6515.4810.329.95
First round 48 9.64 11.64 Netherlands 9.6410.3613.9010.6514.02

Anukun Supcharoenkun (อนุกูล ทรัพย์เจริญกุล) - Thailand WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 458 9.08 11.19 Thailand 9.589.0812.8211.1613.94
4x4x4 Cube First round 400 43.95 48.74 Thailand 50.4843.9548.321:13.6247.42
5x5x5 Cube First round 382 1:32.63 1:36.46 Thailand 1:48.591:40.571:35.991:32.811:32.63
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 119 31 DNF Thailand DNF3140
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 311 14.15 22.29 Thailand 28.3622.8518.3725.6414.15
Megaminx First round 255 1:18.47 1:25.68 Thailand 1:18.471:28.911:25.981:24.341:26.71
Pyraminx First round 225 4.10 6.39 Thailand
Skewb First round 337 7.16 10.16 Thailand
Square-1 Second round 49 7.99 10.65 Thailand 9.637.9913.069.2616.10
First round 30 7.28 NR 9.73 NR Thailand 7.2810.289.959.0310.22

Anyu Zhang (张安宇) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 285 9.38 10.13 China 9.6812.119.3811.029.69
First round 217 8.86 9.23 China 8.869.509.009.1912.73
2x2x2 Cube First round 278 3.43 4.15 China 4.804.043.603.434.98
4x4x4 Cube First round 100 30.05 32.55 China 30.0531.7833.1532.7233.71
5x5x5 Cube Second round 24 46.95 52.37 China 50.3746.9553.8852.851:01.30
First round 32 47.60 52.50 China 52.9652.7252.8147.6051.97
6x6x6 Cube Final 11 1:22.92 1:26.95 China 1:22.921:30.891:27.04
First round 9 1:22.89 1:25.03 China 1:26.201:26.011:22.89
7x7x7 Cube Final 9 1:58.80 2:04.32 China 1:58.802:03.442:10.72
First round 3 1:57.98 2:02.19 China 2:06.731:57.982:01.86
Clock First round 184 9.71 11.74 China 11.209.7111.6212.6812.41
Megaminx First round 64 49.57 52.00 China 49.5756.4450.6149.8055.60

Ao Nogami (野上碧) - Japan WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 77 6.24 9.06 Japan 10.21DNF6.247.299.69
Second round 47 6.43 7.32 Japan 7.517.817.886.646.43
First round 29 6.11 6.81 Japan 6.616.117.757.036.79
4x4x4 Cube First round 116 24.80 33.15 Japan 33.3434.0432.0835.7624.80
5x5x5 Cube Second round 58 53.05 57.47 Japan 1:03.4653.0553.7755.991:02.65
First round 73 55.78 58.12 Japan 57.7855.7859.0657.6258.95
6x6x6 Cube First round 99 1:52.33 1:57.92 Japan 1:52.331:57.682:03.76
7x7x7 Cube First round 90 2:46.14 2:59.29 Japan 2:59.192:46.143:12.55
3x3x3 One-Handed Second round 49 11.93 12.88 Japan 14.4812.7312.4311.9313.47
First round 41 11.81 12.57 Japan 13.2612.2612.2014.5211.81
Clock First round 24 4.88 6.14 Japan 4.885.985.956.508.22
Megaminx First round 21 35.73 40.66 Japan 41.3147.4742.3135.7338.37
Pyraminx First round 125 3.47 4.52 Japan 4.445.624.534.603.47
Skewb Second round 41 2.36 4.10 Japan 4.086.934.342.363.87
First round 72 2.69 4.76 Japan 3.487.292.694.046.76
Square-1 First round 140 16.71 18.55 Japan 17.5516.7132.4419.0319.06

Archie Fedulov - Russia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1000 22.89 24.11 Russia 25.2026.9722.8924.1922.94
2x2x2 Cube First round 527 4.66 5.94 Russia 7.934.924.9711.434.66
Pyraminx First round 499 7.52 15.42 Russia 19.127.529.9619.5517.18
Skewb First round 171 4.85 6.15 Russia 4.856.756.1410.805.56
Square-1 First round 248 32.96 Russia 32.9634.49

Ari Randers-Pehrson - United States WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 183 7.71 9.03 United States 9.918.959.778.367.71
First round 92 6.95 7.87 United States 8.166.958.656.978.49
2x2x2 Cube First round 365 3.54 4.66 United States 4.333.545.564.0811.29
4x4x4 Cube Final 12 23.81 26.17 United States 29.3023.8127.2526.0425.21
Second round 7 23.84 25.65 United States 27.2526.3623.8424.2326.36
First round 12 24.62 25.57 United States 25.7126.4125.2225.7724.62
5x5x5 Cube Second round 26 46.25 52.57 United States 51.1346.2554.6555.5251.92
First round 34 47.09 53.16 United States 51.0855.1053.2955.6747.09
6x6x6 Cube First round 38 1:33.74 1:40.01 United States 1:33.741:37.861:48.42
7x7x7 Cube First round 41 2:27.18 2:38.24 United States 2:40.992:46.562:27.18
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 357 17.59 24.31 United States 29.5217.5919.6623.7530.44
Clock First round 210 11.44 13.10 United States 23.5612.1914.1711.4412.95
Square-1 First round 95 13.79 15.39 United States 17.9217.9213.7914.1014.14

Arisandra Soo - Australia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 206 8.14 9.27 Australia 9.848.148.219.7611.05
First round 70 7.28 7.58 Australia 9.827.957.447.357.28
2x2x2 Cube First round 604 4.08 6.72 Australia 7.064.734.08DNF8.36
4x4x4 Cube First round 389 39.86 48.10 Australia 52.0539.8645.0847.17DNF
5x5x5 Cube First round 429 1:37.66 1:48.79 Australia 1:37.661:53.751:49.881:42.752:05.49
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 300 19.16 21.86 Australia 21.0622.3327.5622.1819.16
Megaminx First round 63 48.60 51.93 Australia 48.6053.5951.3150.8959.51

Ariunsaikhan Erdenebileg - Mongolia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 684 11.79 13.60 Mongolia 12.33DNF11.7916.1012.38
2x2x2 Cube First round 456 3.11 5.45 Mongolia 5.853.116.755.145.37
Clock First round 125 7.19 9.62 Mongolia 8.4512.747.199.7310.68
Pyraminx First round 491 8.78 15.16 Mongolia 20.328.7821.1915.349.83
Skewb First round 417 12.84 15.45 Mongolia 12.9419.8013.6519.7712.84

Arkadiusz Dubicki - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1121 38.42 57.66 Poland 1:05.6457.421:03.4352.1338.42

Arthur Garcin - France WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 446 8.53 11.10 France 11.1611.4611.4310.708.53
3x3x3 Blindfolded Second round 70 DNF DNF France DNFDNFDNF
First round 28 24.14 DNF France 24.1437.23DNF
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 48 DNF DNF France DNFDNFDNF
5x5x5 Blindfolded Final 30 DNF DNF France DNFDNFDNF

Arthur Van Broeckhoven - Belgium WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 597 10.48 12.56 Belgium 13.7011.7813.1310.4812.76
2x2x2 Cube First round 474 3.99 5.54 Belgium 5.303.995.096.228.85
4x4x4 Cube First round 543 51.27 1:01.89 Belgium 58.8852.091:16.271:14.7051.27
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 278 17.69 21.05 Belgium 17.7022.1023.6823.3617.69
Pyraminx First round 418 8.38 10.76 Belgium 13.058.389.5210.3612.41
Skewb First round 296 7.44 8.81 Belgium 7.6510.7611.407.448.02

Arttu Puttonen - Finland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 369 10.14 11.40 Finland 10.6810.1411.0512.6112.48
First round 331 9.26 10.11 Finland 17.3910.829.649.269.87
2x2x2 Cube Second round 189 3.59 4.80 Finland 6.453.594.994.325.08
First round 188 2.58 3.63 Finland 2.954.882.583.055.02
4x4x4 Cube First round 281 38.01 41.69 Finland 46.0841.7838.0140.6542.65
5x5x5 Cube First round 156 1:00.70 1:07.99 Finland 1:10.451:00.701:15.461:07.051:06.47
6x6x6 Cube First round 124 1:57.16 2:06.81 Finland 1:59.011:57.162:24.27
7x7x7 Cube First round 147 3:03.14 3:35.13 Finland 3:03.143:31.834:10.42
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 150 DNF DNF Finland DNFDNFDNF
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 391 20.77 25.94 Finland 20.7728.0724.4642.3525.28
Clock First round 85 7.80 8.61 Finland 7.807.969.0810.798.80
Megaminx First round 253 1:21.27 1:25.48 Finland 1:21.271:25.411:30.281:24.371:26.65
Pyraminx First round 284 4.69 7.35 Finland 4.696.486.989.758.59
Skewb First round 323 5.78 9.74 Finland 11.8810.719.755.788.75

Asato Irifune (入船朝斗) - Japan WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 179 8.26 9.00 Japan 8.268.859.2513.698.90
First round 188 8.13 8.91 Japan 9.688.288.979.498.13

Asher Kim-Magierek - United States WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Final 11 5.39 6.30 United States 7.305.396.695.966.24
Semi Final 13 5.18 6.41 United States 7.117.905.186.205.92
Second round 77 6.34 7.69 United States 8.067.936.347.078.66
First round 9 4.31 6.10 United States 5.824.319.746.695.80
2x2x2 Cube Second round 59 1.26 2.33 United States 2.511.701.262.783.82
First round 64 1.37 2.36 United States 3.394.851.372.061.62
4x4x4 Cube Second round 74 28.57 33.91 United States 38.2428.5728.5836.7436.42
First round 44 26.47 29.26 United States 39.0826.8827.8826.4733.02
5x5x5 Cube First round 96 53.96 1:00.90 United States 1:01.141:01.5553.961:00.001:08.80
6x6x6 Cube First round 106 1:54.41 2:01.96 United States 2:03.841:54.412:07.63
7x7x7 Cube First round 198 4:07.61 United States 4:07.61
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 131 35 DNF United States 3536DNS
3x3x3 One-Handed Second round 23 10.19 11.62 United States 11.1712.4510.1915.0111.24
First round 23 10.12 12.07 United States 16.4811.3012.7612.1610.12
Clock First round 143 6.55 10.39 United States 13.656.5513.288.589.30
Megaminx First round 42 45.28 48.09 United States 52.2349.1745.2846.7948.32
Pyraminx Second round 57 2.36 3.89 United States 2.363.464.016.074.21
First round 71 2.83 3.62 United States 3.483.05DNF2.834.33
Skewb Second round 17 2.32 2.97 United States 3.152.433.322.323.47
First round 28 3.25 3.60 United States 3.253.413.563.833.94
Square-1 Final 15 5.20 9.52 United States 11.045.2011.476.0512.48
Second round 15 6.63 8.12 United States 7.846.638.438.1011.28
First round 17 5.88 8.48 United States 7.249.865.888.33DNF

Asia Konvittayayotin (เอเชีย กรวิทยโยธิน) - Thailand WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 76 7.64 8.93 Thailand 10.1410.517.648.058.60
Second round 35 6.68 7.07 Thailand 7.436.716.6810.207.07
First round 110 7.08 8.02 Thailand 7.868.858.847.377.08
2x2x2 Cube First round 208 2.73 3.74 Thailand 2.733.494.633.504.22
4x4x4 Cube First round 101 27.00 32.59 Thailand 27.0033.6434.8531.0633.07
5x5x5 Cube Second round 27 44.54 NR 52.95 Thailand 56.8950.6455.5444.5452.67
First round 26 45.73 NR 51.99 Thailand 56.2655.2349.1745.7351.58
6x6x6 Cube First round 26 1:28.85 1:36.40 Thailand 1:37.811:28.851:42.53
7x7x7 Cube First round 17 2:14.55 2:18.82 NR Thailand 2:24.752:17.172:14.55
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 100 14.07 15.13 Thailand 16.0514.0714.3315.0116.56
Megaminx First round 78 47.64 54.29 Thailand 55.6652.5854.6447.6456.70

Atis Prasitvatanakul (อธิษฐ์ ประสิทธิ์วัฒนะกุล) - Thailand WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 266 7.91 9.93 Thailand 10.8010.219.969.617.91
First round 296 7.36 9.86 Thailand 10.3110.249.047.3611.10
2x2x2 Cube First round 319 3.03 4.37 Thailand 4.403.915.824.793.03
4x4x4 Cube First round 301 35.11 42.34 Thailand 41.2259.7335.1144.5441.26
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 196 16.09 18.13 Thailand 16.9419.5017.9416.0920.30
Clock First round 53 6.39 7.40 Thailand 7.096.398.327.167.94
Megaminx First round 107 53.35 59.04 Thailand 1:06.341:03.2558.8253.3555.05

Avery Graham - Australia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 282 8.75 10.08 Australia 9.5011.0215.318.759.73
First round 357 8.17 10.35 Australia 11.308.1710.469.2911.47
2x2x2 Cube First round 421 2.74 5.12 Australia 4.609.425.342.745.43
4x4x4 Cube First round 235 37.48 39.52 Australia 38.5146.7938.6441.4037.48
5x5x5 Cube First round 250 1:13.34 1:17.99 Australia 1:16.101:13.341:21.131:20.481:17.40
6x6x6 Cube First round 141 2:03.06 2:11.61 Australia 2:11.112:20.662:03.06
7x7x7 Cube First round 152 3:39.03 3:39.95 Australia 3:41.573:39.033:39.26
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 242 14.57 19.55 Australia 22.0518.4714.5727.6618.14
Clock First round 82 6.19 8.55 Australia DNF9.758.476.197.44
Megaminx First round 39 40.38 47.76 Australia 40.3852.9145.5753.3144.81
Pyraminx First round 152 4.33 5.10 Australia 6.735.924.694.334.69
Skewb First round 227 4.75 7.29 Australia 4.758.539.177.785.55
Square-1 First round 185 18.18 22.86 Australia 24.4422.8718.1821.26DNF

Bader Alzaid - Saudi Arabia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1099 38.13 43.87 Saudi Arabia 42.7042.6738.1346.2347.02
2x2x2 Cube First round 713 8.09 11.09 Saudi Arabia 8.09DNF9.6812.6810.92

Bae Kyung Hoon (배경훈) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 475 6.91 11.37 Republic of Korea 10.5412.116.9112.3911.45

Bae Minjun (배민준) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 358 9.63 11.17 Republic of Korea 11.299.639.8913.9112.34
First round 323 7.96 10.05 Republic of Korea 9.2512.789.907.9610.99

Baoting Zhu (朱宝庭) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 499 10.83 11.60 China 10.8310.8412.8512.5711.39
2x2x2 Cube First round 398 3.85 4.96 China 21.053.854.523.996.37
4x4x4 Cube First round 435 46.33 51.01 China 47.7050.6354.6958.8746.33

Ben Baron - Israel WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 22 6.05 6.74 Israel 6.747.416.076.057.57
Second round 79 6.48 7.70 Israel 7.996.968.678.146.48
First round 59 6.69 7.35 Israel 7.576.918.627.586.69
2x2x2 Cube Second round 24 1.35 1.74 Israel 1.501.941.35DNF1.78
First round 133 2.29 3.15 Israel 3.444.862.663.342.29
4x4x4 Cube Second round 61 28.47 31.64 Israel 31.6034.3030.3532.9828.47
First round 64 29.04 30.46 Israel 29.0430.4943.1130.2030.70
5x5x5 Cube Second round 45 49.83 55.40 Israel 58.1458.6549.8354.4353.64
First round 49 51.72 56.05 Israel 55.7955.5851.721:00.6356.79
6x6x6 Cube First round 79 1:45.16 1:51.74 Israel 1:53.391:45.161:56.68
7x7x7 Cube First round 57 2:39.49 2:43.02 Israel 2:42.432:39.492:47.15
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 150 DNF DNF Israel DNFDNFDNF
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 93 23 DNF Israel DNFDNF23
3x3x3 One-Handed Second round 17 9.48 11.20 Israel 12.4713.129.489.6911.44
First round 43 11.67 12.59 Israel 13.8612.5213.0111.6712.24
Clock First round 41 6.13 6.97 Israel 6.136.508.827.007.40
Megaminx First round 27 37.41 43.60 Israel 43.8540.6348.3846.3337.41
Pyraminx First round 92 1.99 3.94 Israel 1.994.524.604.892.71
Skewb Second round 57 3.29 4.68 Israel 5.304.423.296.154.33
First round 52 3.83 4.28 Israel
Square-1 Second round 56 8.88 11.57 Israel 12.068.8813.1113.149.54
First round 35 8.58 10.76 Israel 8.5811.399.2211.6611.94
5x5x5 Blindfolded Final 30 DNF DNF Israel DNFDNFDNF
3x3x3 Multi-Blind Final 23 16/22 58:12 Israel 16/22 58:12

Ben Wakelin - Australia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 514 10.40 11.71 Australia 11.8313.9412.8410.4010.47
4x4x4 Cube First round 553 54.81 1:03.66 Australia 1:01.231:05.5554.811:12.951:04.21
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 150 DNF DNF Australia DNFDNFDNF
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 389 23.28 25.92 Australia 31.1024.3723.2827.7625.62
Clock First round 304 DNF Australia DNFDNF
Megaminx First round 293 1:39.03 Australia 1:48.671:39.03
Pyraminx First round 188 5.06 5.75 Australia 5.695.635.066.545.94
Skewb Second round 54 3.36 4.52 Australia 5.596.973.363.844.14
First round 38 3.19 3.89 Australia 4.103.354.483.194.22

Benjamin Gottschalk - United States WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 267 8.24 9.93 United States 9.0511.748.249.7011.04
First round 291 9.07 9.83 United States 9.879.7210.539.079.89
2x2x2 Cube First round 216 3.03 3.77 United States 3.653.983.034.483.67
4x4x4 Cube First round 240 34.35 39.61 United States 40.1239.6145.1139.1034.35
5x5x5 Cube First round 169 1:06.93 1:09.75 United States 1:12.121:07.671:18.021:09.461:06.93
6x6x6 Cube First round 153 2:13.06 2:18.25 United States 2:20.052:13.062:21.65
7x7x7 Cube First round 185 4:01.17 United States 4:01.17
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 150 DNF DNF United States DNFDNFDNF
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 19 24 29.00 United States 303324
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 227 18.35 19.18 United States 18.3519.2318.9319.4419.37
Clock First round 136 6.26 9.99 United States 8.409.7411.8315.056.26
Megaminx First round 75 45.42 53.64 United States 45.421:00.2057.1053.6750.14
Pyraminx First round 107 3.22 4.25 United States 4.244.703.223.924.59
Skewb First round 168 5.45 6.14 United States 10.886.105.916.405.45
Square-1 Second round 18 5.56 8.35 United States 10.426.9312.345.567.69
First round 12 6.04 7.71 United States 9.116.938.386.047.83

Beom San Kim (김범산) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 215 8.33 9.33 Republic of Korea 9.728.338.889.389.74
First round 125 7.62 8.17 Republic of Korea 8.788.857.628.097.64
4x4x4 Cube First round 130 29.90 33.96 Republic of Korea 35.3238.2332.1534.4029.90
5x5x5 Cube Second round 60 53.49 57.71 Republic of Korea 59.761:01.3153.4958.0255.34
First round 52 52.53 56.25 Republic of Korea 59.2654.9354.5752.53DNF
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 106 12.41 15.53 Republic of Korea 15.7612.4116.9717.5513.86

Beom-Jun Kim (김범준) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 952 18.03 20.61 Republic of Korea 20.6722.0018.0319.1531.62
2x2x2 Cube First round 523 5.28 5.92 Republic of Korea
Clock First round 296 20.92 Republic of Korea DNF20.92
Pyraminx First round 510 13.88 18.06 Republic of Korea 17.6621.0715.4513.8827.78
Skewb First round 463 20.77 Republic of Korea DNF20.77

Bernhard Brodowsky - Germany WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 766 13.19 14.95 Germany 14.5816.3013.1914.1116.16
2x2x2 Cube First round 624 3.98 7.09 Germany 3.984.1110.286.88DNF
4x4x4 Cube First round 585 1:07.59 1:16.47 Germany 1:21.511:09.111:07.59DNF1:18.79
5x5x5 Cube First round 461 2:00.75 DNF Germany 2:24.372:00.75DNFDNFDNS
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 103 1:10.28 DNF Germany DNF1:10.28DNF
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 147 DNF DNF Germany DNFDNSDNS
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 424 25.63 28.72 Germany 27.9937.1229.0325.6329.13
Clock First round 298 21.32 Germany DNF21.32
Skewb First round 271 6.17 8.12 Germany 13.706.179.696.298.37
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 48 DNF DNF Germany DNFDNFDNF
5x5x5 Blindfolded Final 30 DNF DNF Germany DNFDNSDNS
3x3x3 Multi-Blind Final 44 DNF Germany DNF

Beste Cifci - Australia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1063 29.28 31.04 Australia 32.1629.2845.6030.4630.49
2x2x2 Cube First round 735 9.65 15.06 Australia DNF17.0910.169.6517.92

Bhargav Narasimhan - India WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 137 7.12 8.46 India 9.807.128.748.138.50
First round 213 8.16 9.20 India 8.6810.028.898.16DNF
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 45 31 32.33 India 343231
3x3x3 One-Handed Second round 36 9.83 12.35 India 9.8314.2612.4111.5413.10
First round 22 10.81 12.05 India 13.4711.2210.8112.8012.13

Biant Shkololli - Kosovo WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 453 9.45 11.14 Kosovo 9.6612.7011.0516.359.45
3x3x3 Blindfolded Second round 43 36.98 DNF Kosovo DNFDNF36.98
First round 34 27.42 NR DNF Kosovo DNF27.42DNF

Bilguun Sukhbaatar - Mongolia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 175 8.12 8.98 Mongolia
First round 132 7.41 8.26 Mongolia 7.418.8410.197.898.04
2x2x2 Cube First round 347 2.49 4.54 Mongolia 5.202.494.324.754.54
4x4x4 Cube First round 326 37.69 43.32 Mongolia 46.2039.83DNF43.9237.69
Pyraminx First round 371 5.49 9.34 Mongolia 10.72DNF10.145.497.15

Bilguuntamir Soronzontugs (Соронзонтөгс Билгүүнтамир) - Mongolia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 510 10.13 11.66 Mongolia 14.8110.1310.5412.9311.50
2x2x2 Cube First round 487 3.54 5.61 Mongolia 4.866.353.548.915.62
4x4x4 Cube First round 507 50.19 57.03 Mongolia 50.191:00.8257.6453.351:00.09
5x5x5 Cube First round 451 1:51.09 2:01.67 Mongolia 2:06.851:51.092:18.792:05.531:52.62
Megaminx First round 94 53.08 56.62 Mongolia 53.9253.081:01.1154.841:07.12

Blake Thompson - United States WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 236 7.87 9.51 United States 9.459.157.879.9214.98
First round 176 7.63 8.81 United States 9.067.639.877.929.46
2x2x2 Cube Second round 186 2.96 4.66 United States 5.752.992.965.2413.45
First round 173 2.83 3.52 United States 4.172.843.542.835.92
4x4x4 Cube First round 196 34.36 37.49 United States 42.0935.3947.3234.3634.98
5x5x5 Cube First round 205 1:12.24 1:12.59 United States 1:16.011:12.311:12.241:12.991:12.47
Skewb Second round 69 4.11 5.45 United States 4.114.878.474.327.15
First round 56 3.99 4.41 United States 4.913.994.134.205.15

Bo Wang (王擘) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 170 8.24 8.92 China 8.248.379.839.359.03
First round 361 9.59 10.37 China 11.539.8911.259.599.97
4x4x4 Cube First round 165 32.40 36.17 China 36.8736.1435.5137.2732.40
5x5x5 Cube First round 129 1:00.21 1:05.51 China 1:00.211:06.951:03.641:07.041:05.93

Bo-Yan Wu (吳柏彥) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 255 7.91 9.82 Chinese Taipei 7.9111.428.7410.0610.65
First round 181 6.71 8.85 Chinese Taipei 11.198.348.349.876.71
4x4x4 Cube First round 147 31.13 35.20 Chinese Taipei 34.1834.4041.8731.1337.03
5x5x5 Cube First round 105 56.92 1:03.06 Chinese Taipei 1:06.461:06.201:03.1856.9259.79
6x6x6 Cube First round 95 1:53.57 1:56.11 Chinese Taipei 1:58.881:55.891:53.57
7x7x7 Cube First round 71 2:33.48 2:50.02 Chinese Taipei 2:54.263:02.322:33.48
Megaminx First round 46 45.67 48.86 Chinese Taipei 46.4855.6845.6752.7047.39
Pyraminx Second round 18 2.48 2.57 Chinese Taipei 2.513.022.592.482.60
First round 11 1.95 2.33 NR Chinese Taipei

Bocheng Piao (朴博成) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 305 9.99 10.33 China 10.209.9911.8010.2310.56
First round 360 8.69 10.37 China 8.699.3310.3511.4411.94
2x2x2 Cube First round 203 2.55 3.72 China 3.693.094.372.555.01
Pyraminx First round 244 5.70 6.70 China 6.776.298.245.707.04

Bofan Zhang (张博藩) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Final 9 4.50 6.06 China DNF4.506.315.716.15
Semi Final 11 5.85 6.38 China 6.436.585.856.137.31
Second round 26 5.24 6.82 China 12.537.905.247.225.33
First round 22 5.17 6.69 China 5.518.
2x2x2 Cube Second round 23 1.33 1.73 China 1.571.432.211.332.20
First round 1 1.07 1.35 China 1.071.931.441.211.40
Pyraminx Second round 35 2.43 3.26 China 2.534.642.434.382.87
First round 36 1.86 2.92 China 3.503.672.461.862.80
Skewb First round 220 3.92 7.16 China 8.603.925.439.757.45

Bomin Koo - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 603 10.49 12.63 Republic of Korea 12.4410.4912.0913.3513.56
2x2x2 Cube First round 465 4.29 5.49 Republic of Korea 7.924.784.354.297.34

Bowen Shi (施博文) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 575 11.37 12.33 China 12.4812.6911.8211.3713.24
2x2x2 Cube First round 485 4.65 5.59 China 6.465.725.715.354.65
4x4x4 Cube First round 579 58.65 1:14.50 China 1:09.861:23.801:29.961:09.8458.65
Pyraminx First round 148 4.03 4.98 China 4.037.344.295.854.79

Brandon Lin (林博浩) - United States WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 356 8.68 11.11 United States 10.4314.799.7913.118.68
First round 363 8.24 10.38 United States 10.598.308.2414.1112.24
2x2x2 Cube Second round 166 2.71 3.95 United States 17.333.033.864.962.71
First round 187 3.22 3.62 United States
4x4x4 Cube First round 310 40.88 42.50 United States 44.5540.8850.3741.8541.09
5x5x5 Cube First round 278 1:14.20 1:21.48 United States 1:14.201:28.061:20.881:15.511:31.59
6x6x6 Cube First round 267 3:04.00 United States 3:04.00
3x3x3 Blindfolded Second round 60 56.36 DNF United States DNFDNF56.36
First round 77 52.03 DNF United States 52.0359.39DNF
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 181 16.18 17.68 United States 16.7917.9418.3016.1818.46
Clock First round 194 9.27 12.04 United States DNF9.9914.1312.019.27
Megaminx First round 104 55.69 58.56 United States 55.6959.141:07.3759.0457.51
Pyraminx First round 296 5.03 7.71 United States 10.595.037.967.287.89
Skewb First round 294 5.57 8.80 United States DNF5.5710.018.378.02
Square-1 Second round 20 7.31 8.53 United States
First round 45 6.75 11.37 United States 11.6317.556.7511.4011.07
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 31 6:23.33 DNF United States DNF6:23.33DNF

Brennen Lin - Canada WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Final 12 4.47 6.76 Canada 7.444.479.046.486.37
Semi Final 7 5.63 6.23 Canada
Second round 41 5.84 7.20 Canada 5.848.038.327.116.47
First round 49 4.93 7.20 Canada 4.937.646.9210.177.04
2x2x2 Cube Final 11 1.26 1.67 Canada 1.732.671.691.261.59
Second round 5 1.16 1.50 Canada 1.161.561.261.693.69
First round 2 1.20 1.37 Canada 1.622.631.201.201.30
4x4x4 Cube First round 118 31.16 33.17 Canada 31.8934.5331.1633.0836.43
5x5x5 Cube First round 142 1:01.76 1:06.74 Canada 1:05.851:12.281:03.821:01.761:10.54
6x6x6 Cube First round 161 2:16.07 2:21.42 Canada 2:16.072:17.902:30.30
3x3x3 One-Handed Second round 54 11.15 13.36 Canada 11.1915.3615.6911.1513.52
First round 63 12.07 13.47 Canada 12.4214.4313.5512.0716.62
Megaminx First round 170 1:04.66 1:08.22 Canada 1:04.661:17.161:13.101:05.201:06.36
Skewb Second round 79 4.12 6.42 Canada 4.394.1213.838.286.59
First round 71 3.99 4.72 Canada 6.554.395.284.493.99
Square-1 First round 160 14.73 20.67 Canada 18.8127.3132.5715.9014.73

Brenton Angelo Lo Wong - Philippines WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 41 6.80 7.34 Philippines 10.397.097.267.676.80
Second round 48 6.58 7.32 Philippines 6.837.717.846.587.42
First round 27 6.10 6.79 Philippines
2x2x2 Cube Second round 42 1.18 2.05 Philippines 3.492.831.991.181.32
First round 39 1.44 2.05 Philippines 2.401.443.281.452.30
4x4x4 Cube Second round 51 26.46 30.73 Philippines 32.3826.4633.3228.5931.22
First round 39 27.03 29.08 Philippines 27.0328.3627.7731.9731.11
5x5x5 Cube First round 122 55.06 1:04.88 Philippines 1:05.311:04.4755.061:04.871:16.51
3x3x3 One-Handed Second round 79 12.89 16.66 Philippines 19.7118.3215.2416.4312.89
First round 79 11.49 14.39 Philippines 14.4216.0617.9512.6811.49
Clock First round 75 7.56 8.21 Philippines 7.997.56DNF8.807.83
Megaminx First round 62 49.39 51.80 Philippines 50.9353.2058.2651.2749.39
Square-1 First round 81 12.12 13.93 Philippines 14.7913.8816.0712.1213.11

Brett A. McDonald - Australia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1129 1:06.54 1:11.75 Australia 1:10.951:15.471:23.121:06.541:08.83
2x2x2 Cube First round 748 34.12 42.81 Australia 34.1234.29DNF39.2854.86

Brian Johnson - United States WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 50 6.06 7.58 United States 6.066.927.939.257.90
Second round 24 5.86 6.76 United States 6.577.695.866.627.10
First round 34 5.80 6.89 United States 10.446.835.807.146.70
2x2x2 Cube Final 9 1.27 1.61 United States 2.681.481.531.271.81
Second round 15 1.48 1.64 United States 1.481.661.561.692.33
First round 7 1.42 1.48 United States 1.471.501.471.422.18
4x4x4 Cube First round 597 33.24 DNF United States 33.9636.9733.24DNFDNS
5x5x5 Cube First round 84 54.58 59.58 United States 59.631:00.351:04.9054.5858.75
6x6x6 Cube First round 71 1:38.73 1:49.79 United States 1:38.731:48.212:02.42
7x7x7 Cube First round 181 2:58.39 DNF United States 2:58.39DNFDNS
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 102 27 DNF United States 3627DNF
3x3x3 One-Handed Second round 19 11.14 11.36 United States 11.1411.2211.4411.4114.87
First round 29 10.19 12.28 United States 11.6311.7410.1913.4614.67
Clock First round 66 6.17 7.97 United States 6.178.477.398.988.04
Megaminx First round 31 40.60 45.34 United States 47.9145.6245.6344.7740.60
Pyraminx Second round 31 2.03 2.99 United States 2.033.533.402.902.66
First round 10 1.97 2.29 United States 2.582.114.081.972.18
Skewb Final 15 3.25 4.40 United States 5.835.014.843.363.25
Second round 12 2.50 2.79 United States 3.002.502.582.785.47
First round 7 2.61 2.66 United States 3.512.662.642.612.68
Square-1 Second round 42 5.81 10.07 United States 5.817.2711.3711.56DNF
First round 7 6.07 6.98 United States

Bun WooJin (변우진) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 605 9.66 12.65 Republic of Korea 15.2312.5410.1817.179.66
2x2x2 Cube First round 428 3.64 5.16 Republic of Korea 6.663.643.875.775.85

Burno Li Chak Kwan (李澤堃) - Hong Kong, China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 47 6.30 7.49 Hong Kong, China
Second round 49 6.58 7.34 Hong Kong, China 7.096.587.558.467.39
First round 159 8.00 8.64 Hong Kong, China 8.008.968.528.449.48
2x2x2 Cube Second round 106 1.58 2.98 Hong Kong, China 5.302.581.582.603.76
First round 127 2.13 3.12 Hong Kong, China 4.782.722.132.863.79
4x4x4 Cube Second round 31 24.73 28.84 Hong Kong, China 29.5524.7329.8927.2329.74
First round 27 26.89 28.40 Hong Kong, China 30.7728.2428.4128.5626.89
5x5x5 Cube Final 15 46.01 52.28 Hong Kong, China 55.7148.4346.0157.2352.71
Second round 16 44.13 49.72 Hong Kong, China 52.7149.2752.8447.1744.13
First round 14 44.39 48.88 Hong Kong, China 48.1650.0944.3952.9848.38
6x6x6 Cube First round 22 1:33.04 1:35.10 Hong Kong, China 1:34.341:33.041:37.93
7x7x7 Cube First round 26 2:18.87 2:24.51 Hong Kong, China 2:29.332:25.322:18.87
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 119 11.15 15.76 Hong Kong, China 13.7411.1521.2616.8216.71
Clock First round 304 DNF Hong Kong, China DNFDNF
Megaminx Final 11 33.95 37.80 Hong Kong, China 41.1437.4041.2933.9534.86
First round 8 34.53 37.34 Hong Kong, China 36.7134.5342.0335.2940.02
Pyraminx First round 112 3.64 4.29 Hong Kong, China 4.573.836.754.473.64
Skewb First round 109 3.79 5.31 Hong Kong, China 4.785.196.193.795.95
Square-1 Second round 47 8.28 10.56 Hong Kong, China 10.1512.58DNF8.288.95
First round 28 6.51 9.56 Hong Kong, China 10.8812.886.519.298.50

Buyantogtokh Batsaikhan (Батсайхан Буянтогтох) - Mongolia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 447 9.49 11.10 Mongolia 11.6210.90DNF10.799.49
2x2x2 Cube First round 225 3.18 3.83 Mongolia 3.444.083.184.323.97
4x4x4 Cube First round 446 41.89 51.58 Mongolia 41.8953.7050.1550.8959.13
Clock First round 221 12.15 13.90 Mongolia 14.4514.0112.1513.2317.09
Pyraminx First round 123 3.41 4.40 Mongolia 4.663.415.034.404.14
Skewb First round 197 4.62 6.65 Mongolia 7.037.748.615.174.62

Byron Jin - United States WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 229 8.96 9.47 United States 8.969.799.2312.129.38
First round 205 6.61 9.06 United States 9.786.618.908.619.68
5x5x5 Cube First round 199 1:07.52 1:12.31 United States 1:13.501:11.491:07.521:11.931:13.66
6x6x6 Cube First round 131 2:01.16 2:08.55 United States 2:01.162:03.092:21.41
7x7x7 Cube First round 83 2:51.57 2:55.08 United States 2:55.782:57.882:51.57
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 138 2:07.43 DNF United States DNF2:07.43DNF

Callum James Goodyear - United Kingdom WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 672 10.87 13.46 United Kingdom 12.6410.8713.9514.7413.79
2x2x2 Cube First round 283 3.54 4.16 United Kingdom 3.773.544.344.954.36
4x4x4 Cube First round 393 45.31 48.43 United Kingdom 45.3150.3450.7549.0045.95
5x5x5 Cube First round 337 1:23.25 1:29.22 United Kingdom 1:23.251:26.961:25.881:37.311:34.81
6x6x6 Cube First round 218 2:36.53 2:41.24 United Kingdom 2:36.532:37.102:50.09
7x7x7 Cube First round 174 3:51.33 3:57.86 United Kingdom 3:51.333:59.714:02.54
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 105 1:11.52 DNF United Kingdom 1:11.52DNFDNF
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 76 33 39.33 United Kingdom 383347
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 481 25.31 DNF United Kingdom DNFDNFDNF29.0725.31
Clock First round 174 10.33 11.50 United Kingdom 13.5112.0210.9611.5110.33
Megaminx First round 151 59.73 1:05.55 United Kingdom 1:05.891:01.581:09.191:09.8859.73
Pyraminx First round 302 4.51 7.75 United Kingdom 14.117.367.598.314.51
Skewb First round 401 9.61 14.47 United Kingdom 15.6915.6112.1215.819.61
Square-1 First round 231 27.69 33.33 United Kingdom 29.8035.3827.6934.8039.82
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 45 9:19.86 DNF United Kingdom 9:19.86DNSDNS
5x5x5 Blindfolded Final 30 DNF DNF United Kingdom DNFDNSDNS

Calvin Nielson - United States WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 560 11.01 12.20 United States 11.0111.1112.9613.3012.52
2x2x2 Cube First round 340 2.86 4.51 United States 3.1210.435.544.882.86
4x4x4 Cube First round 371 41.18 46.38 United States 56.5144.1641.1848.0446.94
5x5x5 Cube First round 328 1:19.26 1:27.64 United States 1:26.911:19.262:09.091:35.021:20.99
6x6x6 Cube First round 262 3:00.33 United States 3:00.33
7x7x7 Cube First round 236 4:48.47 United States 4:48.47
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 150 DNF DNF United States DNFDNFDNF
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 33 29 30.67 United States 292934
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 202 16.02 18.41 United States 16.0220.4416.5918.1927.34
Clock First round 254 6.96 DNF United States 8.27DNF9.18DNF6.96
Megaminx First round 254 1:18.42 1:25.58 United States 1:32.811:18.421:29.391:20.541:26.80
Pyraminx First round 343 6.20 8.66 United States
Skewb First round 186 4.54 6.45 United States 6.209.644.547.495.66
Square-1 Final 5 6.13 6.99 United States
Second round 11 7.01 7.65 United States 8.137.52DNF7.317.01
First round 5 5.57 6.79 United States 7.285.5710.057.046.05

Cameron Stollery - Australia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 368 8.10 11.39 Australia 12.229.9617.738.1012.00
First round 267 8.39 9.66 Australia 8.3911.1211.679.008.85
2x2x2 Cube Second round 18 1.30 1.70 Australia 5.261.511.301.582.01
First round 43 1.65 2.12 Australia 1.831.651.893.342.65
4x4x4 Cube First round 423 47.65 50.22 Australia 51.8355.4549.7049.1347.65
5x5x5 Cube First round 378 1:28.01 1:35.93 Australia 1:36.191:31.911:39.681:40.291:28.01
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 362 19.65 24.70 Australia 25.7025.6426.9122.7519.65
Megaminx First round 309 2:01.85 Australia 2:01.852:04.20

Carlos Pedro Casado de Achával - Argentina WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 731 12.48 14.28 Argentina 14.8914.9712.9715.3912.48
2x2x2 Cube First round 615 3.60 6.92 Argentina 13.737.818.163.604.80
4x4x4 Cube First round 499 52.77 56.35 Argentina 53.1853.491:06.881:02.3752.77
5x5x5 Cube First round 395 1:34.31 1:38.25 Argentina 1:40.941:38.551:35.252:05.851:34.31
6x6x6 Cube First round 250 2:47.98 3:01.09 Argentina 2:59.492:47.983:15.81
7x7x7 Cube First round 212 4:23.10 Argentina 4:23.10
3x3x3 Blindfolded Second round 70 DNF DNF Argentina DNFDNFDNF
First round 79 53.38 DNF Argentina 1:26.43DNF53.38
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 126 34 DNF Argentina 3438DNF
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 404 25.18 26.76 Argentina 25.2027.0128.1428.0725.18
Clock First round 292 19.87 Argentina 19.87DNF
Megaminx First round 312 2:08.70 Argentina 2:09.592:08.70
Pyraminx First round 487 6.63 14.84 Argentina 21.1511.936.6315.9816.60
Skewb First round 384 6.35 13.05 Argentina 21.8716.566.359.9712.61
Square-1 First round 258 37.94 Argentina 42.5137.94
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 43 8:44.93 DNF Argentina DNF8:44.93DNF
5x5x5 Blindfolded Final 26 21:48.00 DNF Argentina 21:48.00DNSDNS

Carmen Teo Bin Jie (张斌婕) - Singapore WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 586 11.12 12.42 Singapore 11.8713.9911.1211.3915.18
2x2x2 Cube First round 476 2.97 5.55 Singapore 4.996.888.354.782.97
5x5x5 Cube First round 175 1:05.92 1:09.98 Singapore 1:07.681:05.921:10.771:13.361:11.48
6x6x6 Cube First round 120 2:00.48 2:05.92 Singapore 2:05.542:11.732:00.48
7x7x7 Cube First round 34 2:25.61 2:34.30 Singapore 2:25.612:30.322:46.98
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 126 34 DNF Singapore DNFDNF34
Megaminx First round 177 1:04.97 1:09.00 Singapore 1:07.051:04.971:20.121:13.751:06.20
Skewb First round 204 4.51 6.88 Singapore 5.764.517.687.1923.44

Carter Kucala - United States WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 82 7.12 7.71 United States 9.287.347.127.508.28
First round 75 7.12 7.64 United States 7.357.967.6010.327.12
2x2x2 Cube Second round 31 1.31 1.83 United States DNF1.851.311.871.78
First round 13 1.19 1.60 United States
4x4x4 Cube Second round 68 26.49 32.47 United States 36.9033.6326.4929.9033.87
First round 60 27.47 30.28 United States 27.8828.7235.7327.4734.23
5x5x5 Cube Second round 46 51.65 55.69 United States 56.331:04.2655.5751.6555.16
First round 78 53.04 58.49 United States 1:04.8357.6953.041:00.5657.21
6x6x6 Cube First round 61 1:31.34 1:46.79 United States 1:45.591:31.342:03.44
7x7x7 Cube First round 81 2:48.75 2:54.01 United States 3:03.062:48.752:50.21
3x3x3 Blindfolded Second round 35 29.45 DNF United States DNFDNF29.45
First round 14 19.12 DNF United States DNF19.12DNF
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 3 20 24.00 United States 252720
3x3x3 One-Handed Second round 35 11.25 12.31 United States 11.8712.1016.3612.9611.25
First round 26 10.68 12.20 United States 10.6811.3812.1915.4013.03
Clock First round 255 7.01 DNF United States 11.09DNF7.01DNF10.92
Megaminx First round 87 48.48 55.93 United States 53.0755.8148.4858.901:04.15
Pyraminx Second round 33 2.32 3.18 United States 2.515.723.463.582.32
First round 34 2.01 2.85 United States
Skewb Final 2 1.91 2.51 United States 2.222.632.681.913.80
Second round 3 2.12 2.52 United States 2.693.932.722.142.12
First round 10 2.00 2.85 United States 2.002.324.122.104.39
Square-1 Second round 35 8.47 9.69 United States 8.478.6710.3311.7010.06
First round 73 9.13 13.05 United States 9.13DNF9.2010.8919.06
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 48 DNF DNF United States DNFDNFDNF
5x5x5 Blindfolded Final 30 DNF DNF United States DNFDNFDNF
3x3x3 Multi-Blind Final 9 29/31 58:44 United States 26/29 58:5629/31 58:44

Cass Hopkins - Australia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 630 9.60 12.95 Australia 13.1314.9310.9314.799.60
2x2x2 Cube First round 438 3.84 5.28 Australia 6.927.894.314.613.84
4x4x4 Cube First round 290 40.16 41.87 Australia 40.3940.1642.9344.5942.28
5x5x5 Cube First round 177 57.95 1:10.09 Australia 1:08.321:10.601:11.3557.951:19.45
6x6x6 Cube First round 122 1:58.27 2:06.49 Australia 2:04.301:58.272:16.90
Clock First round 219 11.88 13.80 Australia 13.8814.8011.8816.0912.73
Megaminx First round 279 1:31.27 Australia 1:31.271:39.39

Catalina Herrera López - Colombia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1031 25.09 27.10 Colombia 25.0929.8525.9426.7328.63
2x2x2 Cube First round 711 5.37 10.69 Colombia 13.229.745.3710.3711.96
Pyraminx First round 434 7.43 11.43 Colombia 7.4310.2013.9716.4310.13

Catherine Rush - South Africa WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1101 34.03 45.01 South Africa 58.4448.8034.0346.9339.29

Celine Tran - Norway WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 129 7.05 8.39 Norway
First round 160 8.09 8.64 Norway 8.268.608.0910.169.07
4x4x4 Cube First round 85 27.76 31.59 Norway 32.1931.5027.7631.2132.05
5x5x5 Cube Second round 32 51.91 53.26 Norway 55.7153.3253.7951.9152.67
First round 74 48.31 58.19 Norway 54.5059.711:00.3648.311:01.06
6x6x6 Cube First round 32 1:29.44 1:38.01 Norway 1:42.441:42.161:29.44
7x7x7 Cube First round 22 2:14.30 2:20.36 Norway 2:25.042:21.752:14.30
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 150 DNF DNF Norway DNFDNFDNF
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 127 14.81 16.13 Norway 16.5814.8115.0716.7416.94
Megaminx First round 41 44.31 48.01 Norway 51.7244.3154.1846.1846.13

Cezary Mach - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 534 9.57 11.92 Poland 9.5711.3613.5011.7312.66
2x2x2 Cube First round 342 3.69 4.52 Poland 4.884.474.223.695.02
4x4x4 Cube First round 484 52.72 54.12 Poland 57.8554.2353.9952.7254.15
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 228 15.56 19.22 Poland 19.7517.2620.6615.5626.09
Megaminx First round 139 57.15 1:03.49 Poland 1:10.0357.151:02.2258.221:11.22
Pyraminx First round 194 3.10 5.86 Poland 6.725.
Skewb Second round 27 1.21 3.49 Poland 3.962.631.213.874.34
First round 19 2.07 3.34 Poland 2.164.822.075.013.03
Square-1 First round 205 21.83 26.62 Poland 21.8322.3432.9137.2024.60

Chae Jiseok (채지석) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 692 12.33 13.69 Republic of Korea 12.3312.3814.0714.6115.66
2x2x2 Cube First round 335 3.85 4.47 Republic of Korea 5.463.914.046.263.85
4x4x4 Cube First round 361 36.71 45.80 Republic of Korea 48.3242.4449.5546.6336.71
5x5x5 Cube First round 309 1:16.71 1:24.97 Republic of Korea 1:16.711:28.091:28.061:26.491:20.35
6x6x6 Cube First round 205 2:25.79 2:35.97 Republic of Korea 2:37.452:44.672:25.79
7x7x7 Cube First round 221 4:32.53 Republic of Korea 4:32.53
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 337 17.88 23.16 Republic of Korea 20.7226.0422.7342.5517.88
Clock First round 62 7.04 7.78 Republic of Korea 7.568.
Megaminx First round 299 1:42.61 Republic of Korea 1:53.881:42.61
Pyraminx First round 367 6.81 9.17 Republic of Korea 11.109.5311.376.886.81

ChaeYoung Kim (김채영) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1115 41.31 53.70 Republic of Korea 41.3151.2550.861:20.0859.00
Pyraminx First round 517 15.72 22.31 Republic of Korea 18.6425.4915.7222.80DNS

Chan Chun Hang (陳浚鏗) - Hong Kong, China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
2x2x2 Cube First round 466 4.83 5.49 Hong Kong, China 5.454.836.055.165.86
4x4x4 Cube First round 483 43.14 54.12 Hong Kong, China 55.3455.1043.1458.2851.92
5x5x5 Cube First round 307 1:20.10 1:24.71 Hong Kong, China 1:26.641:40.001:20.101:23.011:24.49
6x6x6 Cube First round 298 DNF Hong Kong, China DNF
7x7x7 Cube First round 217 4:28.28 Hong Kong, China 4:28.28
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 420 22.97 28.30 Hong Kong, China 26.0841.2030.8122.9728.01
Square-1 First round 123 14.12 16.99 Hong Kong, China 14.1215.6020.2515.1223.76

Chan Chun Hei (陳俊熙) - Hong Kong, China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 611 10.90 12.71 Hong Kong, China 12.7510.9013.7913.0712.31
2x2x2 Cube First round 378 3.63 4.77 Hong Kong, China 4.493.868.183.635.95
4x4x4 Cube First round 248 36.57 40.17 Hong Kong, China 45.3649.5636.5737.4637.68
5x5x5 Cube First round 257 1:04.83 1:18.23 Hong Kong, China 1:20.371:19.301:23.761:04.831:15.02
Pyraminx First round 412 7.37 10.56 Hong Kong, China 7.3713.6110.347.7216.48
Skewb First round 300 5.46 8.91 Hong Kong, China 13.896.838.9410.965.46

Chan Hay Yin (陳希言) - Hong Kong, China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 531 10.68 11.86 Hong Kong, China 13.3011.2811.4512.8610.68
2x2x2 Cube First round 542 3.84 6.09 Hong Kong, China 7.688.224.783.845.82
4x4x4 Cube First round 297 40.25 42.09 Hong Kong, China 41.1442.9244.1440.2542.20
5x5x5 Cube First round 252 1:12.60 1:18.01 Hong Kong, China 1:12.601:28.701:13.201:24.361:16.46
6x6x6 Cube First round 172 2:14.04 2:24.74 Hong Kong, China 2:38.112:14.042:22.07
7x7x7 Cube First round 128 3:21.44 3:25.99 Hong Kong, China 3:34.663:21.873:21.44
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 149 2:23.20 DNF Hong Kong, China DNF2:23.20DNF
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 145 43 DNF Hong Kong, China 43DNFDNF
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 388 21.34 25.90 Hong Kong, China 22.8130.0321.3441.7824.86
Clock First round 130 8.72 9.71 Hong Kong, China 10.958.728.929.26DNF
Megaminx First round 144 54.24 1:04.67 Hong Kong, China 54.241:00.981:02.491:12.731:10.54
Pyraminx First round 339 7.28 8.53 Hong Kong, China 8.228.349.0312.507.28
Skewb First round 106 3.05 5.27 Hong Kong, China 6.063.0511.174.395.35
Square-1 First round 164 12.14 21.07 Hong Kong, China 31.0624.2212.1420.8818.10
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 48 DNF DNF Hong Kong, China DNFDNFDNS

Chan Ho Pong (陳顥邦) - Hong Kong, China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 459 10.32 11.19 Hong Kong, China 10.4312.2011.9610.3211.17
2x2x2 Cube First round 416 4.23 5.07 Hong Kong, China

Chan Tak Chuen (陳德泉) - Hong Kong, China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 752 12.79 14.69 Hong Kong, China 15.9814.3213.7616.5312.79
2x2x2 Cube First round 616 5.17 6.92 Hong Kong, China 6.877.969.485.945.17
4x4x4 Cube First round 504 52.91 56.77 Hong Kong, China 1:04.7453.011:01.7452.9155.56
5x5x5 Cube First round 423 1:33.69 1:47.34 Hong Kong, China 1:33.691:46.141:44.351:51.541:56.59
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 314 20.30 22.36 Hong Kong, China 22.8927.7920.3022.7621.44
Clock First round 126 8.22 9.62 Hong Kong, China 9.0410.808.2210.259.56
Square-1 First round 165 18.24 21.11 Hong Kong, China 23.0018.2434.1721.7418.60

Chan Yun Yung (陳潤蓉) - Hong Kong, China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 579 11.84 12.37 Hong Kong, China 12.6312.3812.1511.8412.57
4x4x4 Cube First round 309 36.61 42.47 Hong Kong, China 41.0236.6145.4444.0042.39
5x5x5 Cube First round 290 1:14.73 1:22.79 Hong Kong, China 1:29.301:16.561:14.731:30.931:22.52
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 150 DNF DNF Hong Kong, China DNFDNFDNF
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 148 13.51 16.63 Hong Kong, China 16.4115.7524.3317.7213.51
Megaminx First round 89 54.30 56.00 Hong Kong, China 54.301:00.1954.8858.2354.90
Square-1 First round 118 11.92 16.76 Hong Kong, China 21.4417.0411.9217.0216.23

Chan-Min Lee (이찬민) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 573 9.28 12.31 Republic of Korea 12.4910.4115.009.2814.02

ChanHwi Kang (강찬휘) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 956 16.36 20.93 Republic of Korea 16.3621.7618.5022.5228.66
2x2x2 Cube First round 521 4.41 5.90 Republic of Korea 7.456.024.416.345.33

ChanWoo Kim - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 938 13.38 19.91 Republic of Korea 20.8018.6621.5120.2713.38
2x2x2 Cube First round 478 3.38 5.56 Republic of Korea 11.886.423.385.724.54

Changhee Yeh (예창희) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 593 10.33 12.48 Republic of Korea 13.7011.7610.3311.9713.96
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 399 23.02 26.55 Republic of Korea 27.2323.0227.9731.9824.44
Megaminx First round 40 38.63 47.93 Republic of Korea 45.0351.0247.7554.7938.63

Changjun Park (박창준) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1074 31.62 33.24 Republic of Korea 32.6735.4633.6131.6233.44
2x2x2 Cube First round 702 5.68 10.25 Republic of Korea 10.055.6816.949.8210.89
Pyraminx First round 334 7.09 8.43 Republic of Korea 7.239.637.0911.468.43

Changseok Yang - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 660 10.46 13.30 Republic of Korea 13.2814.1215.6310.4612.50
3x3x3 Blindfolded Second round 51 43.22 DNF Republic of Korea DNF1:00.4643.22
First round 60 41.48 DNF Republic of Korea DNF1:01.1241.48
Clock First round 264 10.48 DNF Republic of Korea 10.4810.66DNSDNSDNS
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 23 5:04.73 DNF Republic of Korea DNF5:04.73DNF
3x3x3 Multi-Blind Final 44 DNF Republic of Korea DNF

Chanhoo Min - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1064 26.30 31.05 Republic of Korea 28.8426.3032.0532.2635.39
2x2x2 Cube First round 634 5.47 7.23 Republic of Korea 6.637.325.477.758.17

Chanhwi Park (박찬휘) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 750 12.78 14.63 Republic of Korea 13.4015.7515.0515.4512.78
2x2x2 Cube First round 222 3.64 3.80 Republic of Korea 3.784.873.963.663.64
4x4x4 Cube First round 460 44.41 52.57 Republic of Korea 44.4154.211:06.4355.6847.83
5x5x5 Cube First round 386 1:30.31 1:36.93 Republic of Korea 1:30.311:33.511:35.581:41.691:49.03
6x6x6 Cube First round 252 2:52.76 3:03.06 Republic of Korea 2:52.763:02.753:13.66
7x7x7 Cube First round 233 4:43.95 Republic of Korea 4:43.95
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 459 29.88 33.98 Republic of Korea 29.8836.9734.8040.9830.18
Clock First round 288 18.04 Republic of Korea DNF18.04
Megaminx First round 311 2:07.80 Republic of Korea 2:10.062:07.80
Pyraminx First round 351 6.86 8.85 Republic of Korea 9.066.8614.688.279.22
Skewb First round 339 5.92 10.19 Republic of Korea 8.738.1913.665.9218.10
Square-1 First round 266 44.38 Republic of Korea 56.9244.38

Chanhyuk Choi - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 890 14.93 18.17 Republic of Korea 22.7917.2816.1221.1014.93
2x2x2 Cube First round 633 6.01 7.18 Republic of Korea 7.107.796.019.706.66

Chao-Che Chung (鍾肇哲) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 346 9.07 10.85 Chinese Taipei 9.0711.4411.229.8811.63
First round 211 8.38 9.17 Chinese Taipei 9.509.4310.208.588.38
2x2x2 Cube Second round 156 2.46 3.72 Chinese Taipei 2.463.545.204.862.75
First round 121 2.40 3.03 Chinese Taipei 2.732.402.798.023.56
4x4x4 Cube First round 142 31.12 34.61 Chinese Taipei 31.1232.0436.6235.1741.20
5x5x5 Cube Second round 47 51.87 55.75 Chinese Taipei 51.8758.4855.771:00.1853.01
First round 45 53.30 55.53 Chinese Taipei 55.6859.1655.6053.3055.30
6x6x6 Cube First round 58 1:40.21 1:46.01 Chinese Taipei 1:40.211:54.791:43.03
7x7x7 Cube First round 48 2:32.25 2:40.11 Chinese Taipei 2:42.032:46.042:32.25
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 150 DNF DNF Chinese Taipei DNFDNFDNF
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 109 29 DNF Chinese Taipei 33DNS29
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 118 13.75 15.74 Chinese Taipei 17.1516.7416.5313.9613.75
Clock First round 145 9.82 10.48 Chinese Taipei 9.8411.73DNF9.889.82
Megaminx First round 156 55.62 1:06.24 Chinese Taipei 55.621:05.811:02.661:10.261:15.15
Pyraminx First round 228 4.91 6.41 Chinese Taipei
Skewb Second round 74 4.62 5.70 Chinese Taipei 4.625.365.466.286.77
First round 58 3.03 4.49 Chinese Taipei
Square-1 First round 96 11.41 15.48 Chinese Taipei 17.0711.4116.6918.2412.67

Charles Zhu (朱彦臣) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1140 DNF DNF China DNFDNFDNFDNFDNF
2x2x2 Cube First round 753 DNF DNF China DNFDNFDNFDNFDNF
4x4x4 Cube First round 601 DNF DNF China DNFDNFDNFDNFDNF
Skewb Final 4 2.18 2.61 China 2.422.445.002.182.98
Second round 10 2.23 2.70 China 2.572.233.833.192.34
First round 17 2.46 3.28 China 2.463.254.152.953.64

Charlie Eggins - Australia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 67 6.86 8.17 Australia 7.886.868.398.248.61
Second round 34 5.86 7.07 Australia 7.577.378.426.285.86
First round 113 5.59 8.06 Australia 6.105.599.699.418.68
2x2x2 Cube First round 287 2.83 4.19 Australia 3.554.342.83DNF4.69
4x4x4 Cube First round 296 37.46 42.06 Australia 43.1938.8645.6544.1337.46
5x5x5 Cube First round 239 1:08.95 1:16.94 Australia 1:18.711:08.951:26.601:22.861:09.25
3x3x3 Blindfolded Final 4 15.24 DNF Australia DNF15.24DNF
Second round 6 18.41 DNF Australia DNFDNF18.41
First round 1 14.33 DNF Australia DNF15.6814.33
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 129 15.73 16.16 Australia 19.4415.7615.9215.7316.79
Megaminx First round 129 43.92 1:01.28 Australia 43.9259.171:06.531:04.7059.98
Pyraminx First round 121 3.04 4.37 Australia 4.864.983.044.513.75
Square-1 First round 87 9.67 14.77 Australia 16.8919.1714.5212.919.67
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 48 DNF DNF Australia DNFDNFDNF
5x5x5 Blindfolded Final 9 5:43.31 DNF Australia 7:33.93DNF5:43.31
3x3x3 Multi-Blind Final 14 19/21 51:49 Australia 19/21 51:492/2 0:45

Chau Ka Wai (周嘉偉) - Hong Kong, China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 451 9.37 11.13 Hong Kong, China 11.4410.9211.5011.039.37
2x2x2 Cube First round 384 3.13 4.84 Hong Kong, China DNF3.356.914.263.13
4x4x4 Cube First round 352 37.90 45.23 Hong Kong, China 49.3957.0739.6337.9046.68
5x5x5 Cube First round 371 1:25.78 1:33.99 Hong Kong, China 1:37.781:41.681:25.781:27.611:36.59
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 372 19.09 25.17 Hong Kong, China 19.0927.6625.7931.7922.07

Chen-Jyun Pan (潘辰寯) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 509 11.18 11.65 Chinese Taipei 11.7711.1812.4811.4811.70
4x4x4 Cube First round 402 42.43 48.84 Chinese Taipei 42.4343.5450.2852.6953.36
5x5x5 Cube First round 253 1:13.22 1:18.04 Chinese Taipei 1:13.221:19.161:24.331:14.981:19.97
6x6x6 Cube First round 196 2:22.87 2:31.83 Chinese Taipei 2:39.832:22.872:32.80
7x7x7 Cube First round 216 4:27.36 Chinese Taipei 4:27.36
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 442 23.12 30.28 Chinese Taipei 35.5723.1235.7630.8224.46
Megaminx First round 127 54.22 1:00.92 Chinese Taipei 1:21.581:01.841:05.4555.4654.22
Pyraminx First round 383 5.92 9.75 Chinese Taipei 10.1012.7311.165.927.98
Skewb First round 353 7.11 10.89 Chinese Taipei
Square-1 First round 183 16.50 22.71 Chinese Taipei 19.0716.5025.5723.4930.77

Chen-Pin Sun (孫振斌) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 668 12.74 13.44 Chinese Taipei 13.9914.0913.4512.7412.89
2x2x2 Cube First round 439 4.47 5.29 Chinese Taipei 5.587.894.475.574.73
4x4x4 Cube First round 379 39.84 46.95 Chinese Taipei 44.8051.99DNF44.0639.84
5x5x5 Cube First round 348 1:24.31 1:30.67 Chinese Taipei 1:24.311:33.621:28.241:31.821:31.95
6x6x6 Cube First round 213 2:34.92 2:38.67 Chinese Taipei 2:38.192:34.922:42.89
7x7x7 Cube First round 195 4:06.13 Chinese Taipei 4:06.13
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 85 58.63 DNF Chinese Taipei 58.63DNFDNF
Megaminx First round 262 1:25.40 1:29.42 Chinese Taipei 1:25.401:35.651:28.741:32.991:26.54
Pyraminx First round 234 5.62 6.52 Chinese Taipei 5.627.5813.955.936.06
Skewb First round 358 7.35 11.08 Chinese Taipei 18.5010.7210.5411.977.35
Square-1 First round 234 22.75 34.05 Chinese Taipei 23.7240.8022.75DNF37.62
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 48 DNF DNF Chinese Taipei DNFDNFDNF
5x5x5 Blindfolded Final 30 DNF DNF Chinese Taipei DNFDNFDNS
3x3x3 Multi-Blind Final 29 13/20 1:00:00 Chinese Taipei 13/20 1:00:00

Cheng-Yu Hsieh (謝承諭) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 704 8.55 13.91 Chinese Taipei 16.6813.438.5516.0012.30

Chenglin Wang (王承霖) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 182 7.67 9.02 China 10.608.959.718.397.67
First round 209 8.17 9.14 China
2x2x2 Cube First round 223 2.90 3.81 China 3.942.903.943.545.94
4x4x4 Cube First round 463 42.02 52.68 China 42.0254.141:00.8450.4153.49
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 248 17.32 19.74 China 18.4220.7720.0717.3220.72
Pyraminx Second round 59 1.70 3.90 China 1.704.414.672.61DNF
First round 47 3.01 3.15 China

Chenhao Ma (马晨皓) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 291 8.47 10.21 China 10.7611.048.8311.638.47
First round 178 6.25 8.84 China 9.947.688.906.2511.41
2x2x2 Cube Second round 80 1.95 2.59 China
First round 69 1.91 2.39 China
4x4x4 Cube First round 284 34.35 41.72 China 39.4242.6144.6943.1234.35
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 110 12.54 15.58 China 13.2316.3117.7717.2012.54
Pyraminx First round 143 3.04 4.86 China

Chia-Liang Tai (戴嘉良) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 642 12.70 13.14 Chinese Taipei 13.5913.8312.8112.7013.02
Pyraminx First round 187 3.76 5.73 Chinese Taipei 10.723.763.924.638.63
Skewb First round 194 5.77 6.60 Chinese Taipei 6.236.705.776.889.92

Chih-Chuan Yang (楊智全) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 288 9.31 10.18 Chinese Taipei 9.339.3112.4810.4110.80
First round 377 8.12 10.51 Chinese Taipei 8.1210.3811.4712.749.67
4x4x4 Cube First round 193 29.80 37.42 Chinese Taipei 37.1438.5629.8037.4337.69
5x5x5 Cube First round 203 1:04.08 1:12.52 Chinese Taipei 1:04.081:16.191:15.431:10.791:11.35
3x3x3 Blindfolded Second round 18 24.13 DNF Chinese Taipei 24.13DNFDNF
First round 22 21.99 23.62 NR Chinese Taipei 23.7325.1521.99

Chinbishrelt Budzaya (Будзаяа Чинбишрэлт) - Mongolia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 889 16.68 18.16 Mongolia 23.9417.7719.2417.4816.68
2x2x2 Cube First round 571 4.65 6.30 Mongolia 4.656.417.867.674.81

Chisanupong Chulasereekul (ชิษณุพงศ์ จุฬาเสรีกุล) - Thailand WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 685 12.19 13.60 Thailand 12.7212.1914.8313.2614.97
2x2x2 Cube First round 575 5.01 6.32 Thailand 6.145.737.955.017.10
4x4x4 Cube First round 461 47.85 52.59 Thailand 53.2347.851:01.5851.4453.11
5x5x5 Cube First round 325 1:24.69 1:27.03 Thailand 1:30.021:34.511:25.321:24.691:25.75
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 70 34 36.67 Thailand 393734
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 271 18.13 20.67 Thailand 18.1323.6419.8224.8318.54
Pyraminx First round 314 6.99 8.11 Thailand 8.076.998.348.138.14
Skewb First round 385 10.11 13.11 Thailand 10.1117.0910.7111.53DNF

Choi Do-Hee - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 732 13.41 14.28 Republic of Korea 13.7415.4213.6915.6613.41
2x2x2 Cube First round 635 5.55 7.24 Republic of Korea 6.707.977.065.55DNF
4x4x4 Cube First round 512 53.48 57.55 Republic of Korea 55.731:02.4253.4855.711:01.22
5x5x5 Cube First round 445 1:44.19 1:55.92 Republic of Korea 1:44.191:58.461:53.292:04.361:56.01
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 428 25.22 29.11 Republic of Korea 25.2229.2828.2229.84DNF
Clock First round 224 10.84 14.11 Republic of Korea 11.3416.9714.02DNF10.84
Megaminx First round 259 1:17.77 1:26.49 Republic of Korea 1:17.771:24.181:32.971:22.321:32.99

Choi Goho (최고호) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 695 11.79 13.72 Republic of Korea 11.7913.3311.9816.4715.84
4x4x4 Cube First round 411 42.12 49.39 Republic of Korea 53.7351.6342.1248.9347.60
5x5x5 Cube First round 351 1:17.60 1:30.95 Republic of Korea 1:39.311:53.491:17.601:24.841:28.71
6x6x6 Cube First round 237 2:41.19 2:50.79 Republic of Korea 2:51.052:41.193:00.14
7x7x7 Cube First round 226 4:36.65 Republic of Korea 4:36.65
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 150 DNF DNF Republic of Korea DNFDNFDNS
Megaminx First round 204 1:04.98 1:13.79 Republic of Korea 1:16.881:18.681:05.811:20.121:04.98
Skewb First round 349 8.82 10.61 Republic of Korea 10.1612.1121.039.578.82

Choi Ha-Rang (최하랑) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 996 20.07 23.63 Republic of Korea 20.0721.9824.2032.1924.70
2x2x2 Cube First round 565 4.78 6.26 Republic of Korea 6.194.969.327.634.78

Choi Yeong-Jun - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 444 8.10 11.07 Republic of Korea 11.3210.678.10DNF11.23
2x2x2 Cube First round 655 4.84 7.71 Republic of Korea 6.904.845.9310.3012.06
4x4x4 Cube First round 222 34.72 38.56 Republic of Korea 45.5534.7242.1137.7535.82
5x5x5 Cube First round 271 1:18.22 1:20.05 Republic of Korea 1:18.741:26.971:22.391:19.011:18.22
6x6x6 Cube First round 283 3:15.55 Republic of Korea 3:15.55
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 275 17.88 20.84 Republic of Korea 30.1020.1317.8823.1519.24
Pyraminx First round 521 18.52 23.39 Republic of Korea 18.52DNF18.8227.2224.12
Skewb First round 416 11.32 15.39 Republic of Korea 12.6120.7811.3220.8212.79

Chong Min (민총) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 340 10.23 10.73 Republic of Korea 12.5910.2311.2610.6810.26
First round 374 7.35 10.49 Republic of Korea 11.259.8210.4111.297.35
2x2x2 Cube First round 235 3.71 3.87 Republic of Korea 3.784.723.714.063.76
4x4x4 Cube First round 492 49.29 55.76 Republic of Korea 1:41.5349.2956.4157.2853.59
Pyraminx First round 368 8.86 9.25 Republic of Korea 11.879.838.908.869.01
Skewb First round 83 3.90 4.96 Republic of Korea 4.964.755.183.908.04

Chris Hardwick - United States WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 698 11.24 13.81 United States 12.6316.2111.2414.8513.95
2x2x2 Cube First round 450 4.64 5.42 United States
4x4x4 Cube First round 576 1:10.10 1:12.65 United States 1:12.161:21.791:12.511:13.281:10.10
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 114 1:21.32 1:51.27 United States 2:26.041:46.461:21.32
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 75 37 39.00 United States 384237
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 478 34.87 41.55 United States 48.2434.8737.2739.1351.06
Pyraminx First round 493 12.60 15.22 United States 15.6712.6013.0726.6916.93
Skewb First round 431 15.95 17.19 United States 15.9517.5717.4523.6016.55
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 32 6:30.51 DNF United States DNF6:30.51DNS
5x5x5 Blindfolded Final 25 20:00.00 DNF United States 20:00.00DNSDNS

Chris Kim - Australia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 700 10.11 13.84 Australia 15.2112.0417.1210.1114.27
2x2x2 Cube First round 420 4.61 5.10 Australia 4.765.294.618.655.26

Chris Martin - United States WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 998 17.28 23.74 United States 17.2826.4123.8922.4024.92
2x2x2 Cube First round 650 4.53 7.58 United States 11.535.4814.934.535.73
Clock First round 134 7.88 9.90 United States 7.8811.4610.367.89DNF
Megaminx First round 307 1:58.05 United States 2:08.611:58.05
Pyraminx First round 242 5.34 6.69 United States 6.045.3411.176.517.51
Skewb First round 399 10.00 14.34 United States 10.0014.0415.6922.1713.28
Square-1 First round 267 45.97 United States 49.2545.97

Chris Mills - United Kingdom WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 69 6.09 8.20 United Kingdom 9.8810.116.386.098.34
Second round 43 6.49 7.23 United Kingdom 6.627.477.598.296.49
First round 35 6.13 6.91 United Kingdom 6.757.436.636.137.36
4x4x4 Cube Second round 66 30.94 32.11 United Kingdom 32.8845.3731.7531.6930.94
First round 53 26.74 29.86 United Kingdom 30.5234.1526.7431.2327.82
5x5x5 Cube First round 158 59.31 1:08.21 United Kingdom 1:10.0359.311:05.581:11.561:09.03
3x3x3 One-Handed Second round 46 8.90 12.74 United Kingdom 14.0711.028.9013.1415.16
First round 40 10.89 12.54 United Kingdom 12.1112.1910.8913.3115.52
Megaminx First round 35 39.43 46.94 United Kingdom 51.5646.3139.4347.7746.75
Pyraminx First round 82 3.41 3.81 United Kingdom 3.414.333.743.863.82
Skewb Second round 53 2.64 4.49 United Kingdom 9.504.983.634.852.64
First round 55 2.86 4.40 United Kingdom 4.594.472.864.137.70

Christophe Woittequand - France WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 930 18.07 19.63 France 19.5518.0720.1619.1936.81
2x2x2 Cube First round 710 7.50 10.56 France 7.508.1915.2019.718.29

Chufan Cao (曹楚凡) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 214 8.93 9.31 China 9.629.478.939.249.21
First round 288 8.83 9.82 China 11.219.3710.789.328.83
2x2x2 Cube Second round 183 3.04 4.45 China 6.473.
First round 104 2.43 2.88 China 2.723.26DNF2.432.67
Clock First round 276 15.55 China DNF15.55
Pyraminx First round 88 2.63 3.89 China 6.532.633.413.574.69
Skewb First round 164 2.85 6.04 China 6.702.856.686.385.06

Chun Seung Jae (천승재) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 434 10.21 10.99 Republic of Korea 11.0410.2117.1410.3311.59
2x2x2 Cube Second round 176 3.44 4.33 Republic of Korea 4.523.583.445.204.89
First round 144 3.21 3.29 Republic of Korea 5.073.383.213.253.24
4x4x4 Cube First round 342 39.73 44.31 Republic of Korea 51.6739.7343.0943.6746.18
5x5x5 Cube First round 342 1:14.42 1:29.75 Republic of Korea 1:30.241:34.101:14.42DNF1:24.92
6x6x6 Cube First round 263 3:00.95 Republic of Korea 3:00.95
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 312 17.01 22.32 Republic of Korea 23.8917.0119.4823.8623.62
Clock First round 119 8.22 9.50 Republic of Korea 10.648.229.0011.898.86
Pyraminx Second round 78 3.20 5.12 Republic of Korea
First round 79 2.57 3.69 Republic of Korea 3.683.304.082.575.30
Skewb First round 272 4.69 8.13 Republic of Korea 9.594.699.887.896.92

Chun-Pao Ni (倪君寶) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 470 9.97 11.32 Chinese Taipei 12.089.9710.6111.2613.04
2x2x2 Cube First round 382 4.38 4.83 Chinese Taipei 7.054.384.645.324.53
4x4x4 Cube First round 300 37.65 42.25 Chinese Taipei 43.4037.6543.4946.3239.85
5x5x5 Cube First round 141 52.30 1:06.54 Chinese Taipei 1:00.9552.301:06.411:12.801:12.27
6x6x6 Cube First round 51 1:36.39 1:44.10 Chinese Taipei 1:48.691:36.391:47.22
7x7x7 Cube First round 19 2:12.51 2:19.33 Chinese Taipei 2:23.242:22.242:12.51
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 139 39 DNF Chinese Taipei 43DNS39
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 277 17.05 20.96 Chinese Taipei 20.4122.2320.5717.0521.91
Megaminx First round 209 1:11.50 1:14.72 Chinese Taipei 1:14.831:17.621:27.801:11.501:11.71
Pyraminx First round 421 6.10 10.82 Chinese Taipei 18.967.966.109.4015.11
Skewb First round 230 4.58 7.35 Chinese Taipei 8.724.586.047.299.62
Square-1 First round 239 30.05 Chinese Taipei 34.4330.05

Chun-Ting Liu (劉淳庭) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 725 10.83 14.18 Chinese Taipei 17.8414.7215.2912.5410.83
4x4x4 Cube First round 490 42.07 55.53 Chinese Taipei 1:09.231:09.8150.5242.0746.85
Skewb First round 126 4.12 5.59 Chinese Taipei 4.206.885.694.129.68

Chunxiao Li (李春啸) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1140 DNF DNF China DNFDNFDNFDNFDNF
4x4x4 Cube First round 601 DNF DNF China DNFDNFDNFDNFDNF
5x5x5 Cube First round 462 DNF DNF China DNFDNFDNFDNFDNF

Chyngyz Sultanbekov (Чынгыз Султанбеков) - Kyrgyzstan WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 39 6.95 7.28 Kyrgyzstan
Second round 36 6.07 7.09 Kyrgyzstan 6.416.756.078.228.11
First round 60 6.29 7.38 Kyrgyzstan 6.866.298.738.147.14
2x2x2 Cube Second round 86 2.40 2.66 Kyrgyzstan 2.942.453.892.402.58
First round 89 2.38 2.80 Kyrgyzstan 3.972.432.383.102.88
4x4x4 Cube First round 344 32.57 44.46 Kyrgyzstan 32.5753.0844.8043.8744.70
5x5x5 Cube First round 225 1:08.22 1:14.99 Kyrgyzstan 1:08.221:20.811:11.831:14.621:18.52
6x6x6 Cube First round 173 2:21.73 2:25.13 Kyrgyzstan 2:30.992:22.662:21.73
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 102 10.94 NR 15.30 Kyrgyzstan 16.0910.9414.5316.6115.27
Megaminx First round 120 47.61 NR 1:00.20 NR Kyrgyzstan 58.741:03.231:02.1647.6159.70

Cian-Jyun Yang (楊謙君) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 138 7.13 8.47 Chinese Taipei 11.328.107.399.917.13
First round 191 8.28 8.92 Chinese Taipei
2x2x2 Cube Second round 33 1.29 1.86 Chinese Taipei 1.727.481.291.652.21
First round 124 2.02 3.06 Chinese Taipei 3.542.614.133.022.02
4x4x4 Cube Second round 35 26.09 29.08 Chinese Taipei 31.2830.0226.5926.0930.64
First round 43 25.28 29.26 Chinese Taipei 25.2830.1629.9432.8027.67
5x5x5 Cube Second round 18 48.84 51.43 Chinese Taipei 54.7956.1948.8449.6349.86
First round 20 48.07 50.41 Chinese Taipei 51.6850.9051.6448.7048.07
6x6x6 Cube Final 13 1:28.89 1:32.83 Chinese Taipei 1:37.571:28.891:32.04
First round 11 1:23.08 1:26.87 Chinese Taipei 1:23.081:28.551:28.97
7x7x7 Cube Final 12 2:05.57 2:14.56 Chinese Taipei 2:19.762:05.572:18.34
First round 9 1:59.89 NR 2:10.89 NR Chinese Taipei 2:22.941:59.892:09.85
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 150 DNF DNF Chinese Taipei DNFDNFDNF
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 95 24 DNF Chinese Taipei 30DNF24
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 99 12.22 15.12 Chinese Taipei 13.5815.0212.2219.0516.76
Clock First round 133 8.96 9.82 Chinese Taipei 10.358.969.849.2611.41
Megaminx First round 65 47.24 52.08 Chinese Taipei 54.1058.8252.9149.2347.24
Pyraminx First round 138 2.92 4.76 Chinese Taipei 2.925.425.765.513.35
Skewb Final 5 2.34 2.66 Chinese Taipei 2.342.553.492.712.73
Second round 5 2.24 2.55 Chinese Taipei 2.382.862.242.403.62
First round 5 1.96 2.41 Chinese Taipei 1.994.601.962.862.39
Square-1 Final 16 6.91 10.20 Chinese Taipei 9.949.806.9110.8611.28
Second round 10 6.85 7.33 Chinese Taipei 7.586.877.5512.236.85
First round 51 10.12 11.82 Chinese Taipei 13.0710.1214.2611.8610.53

Ciarán Beahan - Ireland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 30 6.49 6.93 Ireland 6.997.107.236.496.71
Second round 50 6.61 7.36 Ireland 6.617.726.889.637.48
First round 47 6.07 7.19 Ireland 7.497.457.526.076.64
4x4x4 Cube Final 10 22.41 25.78 Ireland 23.8229.4425.9027.6222.41
Second round 10 24.97 26.34 Ireland 28.3226.5524.9726.7225.75
First round 9 23.53 24.56 Ireland 23.5326.9424.2425.2324.22
5x5x5 Cube Final 4 41.74 44.01 Ireland 42.8945.9443.2149.9941.74
Second round 5 41.80 42.74 Ireland 49.5941.8541.8042.6043.78
First round 7 40.82 44.81 Ireland 49.5646.6440.8246.3841.42
6x6x6 Cube Final 2 1:18.71 1:21.00 Ireland 1:21.411:18.711:22.89
First round 2 1:10.58 ER 1:17.66 Ireland 1:21.621:10.581:20.77
7x7x7 Cube Final 4 1:55.35 1:57.84 Ireland 1:57.601:55.352:00.58
First round 2 1:55.32 1:57.66 NR Ireland 2:00.141:55.321:57.52

Clara Müller - Germany WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1032 20.45 27.25 Germany 24.8835.6732.5320.4524.35
Pyraminx First round 512 15.60 19.34 Germany DNF15.6018.8316.5122.67
Skewb First round 421 10.50 16.19 Germany 15.4316.5117.4610.5016.63

Clara Wu Mun Yu (胡滿悆) - Hong Kong, China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 923 17.82 19.29 Hong Kong, China 19.6117.8221.1119.5918.68
2x2x2 Cube First round 429 4.54 5.18 Hong Kong, China 4.547.004.554.666.32
Pyraminx First round 426 8.43 10.98 Hong Kong, China 12.5111.3210.688.4310.95

Conan Mo - Australia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 591 11.84 12.46 Australia 13.3015.9711.9112.1711.84
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 96 1:05.50 DNF Australia DNF1:10.741:05.50
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 72 33 38.33 Australia 433933
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 351 21.89 23.89 Australia 21.8922.3222.2231.2927.13
Clock Final 2 3.73 4.66 Australia 4.804.513.735.184.67
First round 7 4.11 5.04 Australia
Pyraminx First round 286 5.55 7.37 Australia 6.759.296.798.565.55
Skewb First round 97 4.02 5.16 Australia
Square-1 First round 116 10.42 16.72 Australia 15.9217.9710.4216.2622.15

Cooper Kwan - Australia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 918 16.30 19.11 Australia 17.3323.4223.7816.3016.58
2x2x2 Cube First round 642 3.66 7.47 Australia 7.36DNF3.667.277.79
Pyraminx First round 460 9.93 12.44 Australia 14.899.9311.5011.9913.84
Skewb First round 392 8.64 13.86 Australia 12.708.6416.96DNF11.91

Coral Yuxin Cai (蔡羽欣) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1025 22.46 26.44 China 24.6734.3622.4625.2229.44
Skewb Final 6 2.00 2.74 China 2.602.753.472.002.86
Second round 7 1.37 2.57 China 2.432.721.372.573.95
First round 2 2.10 2.34 China 2.572.334.972.102.12

Cornelius Dieckmann - Germany WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 85 6.57 7.77 Germany 6.896.946.579.4711.05
First round 101 7.32 7.98 Germany 7.898.457.607.329.23
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 85 10.07 14.67 Germany 14.8010.0717.8214.8614.34

Curtis Chai - United States WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 147 6.65 8.56 United States 7.386.658.5110.479.78
First round 194 7.77 8.96 United States 8.637.7714.0010.447.82
2x2x2 Cube Second round 57 1.52 2.27 United States 5.271.843.201.521.77
First round 23 1.54 1.84 United States 1.602.30DNF1.631.54
4x4x4 Cube First round 350 33.64 45.18 United States 49.8852.7733.6443.3742.29
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 243 16.62 19.57 United States 16.6222.7820.7417.4520.51
Clock First round 92 7.92 8.75 United States 8.998.809.387.928.45
Megaminx First round 203 1:04.13 1:13.77 United States 1:18.961:04.131:05.851:16.511:35.85
Pyraminx Second round 51 2.99 3.71 United States 3.004.12DNF2.994.01
First round 56 2.97 3.37 United States 5.593.392.973.373.34
Skewb First round 155 5.02 5.93 United States
Square-1 First round 122 15.65 16.96 United States 16.9121.1216.3217.6615.65

Cyprian Kalbarczyk - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 2 20 23.33 Poland 222820
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 369 19.93 25.04 Poland 26.1919.9320.3928.53DNF
Square-1 First round 216 17.77 28.60 Poland DNF24.8335.5417.7725.44

DaYeong Kim (김다영) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 618 11.55 12.82 Republic of Korea 12.8913.9912.3911.5513.18
2x2x2 Cube First round 652 5.47 7.63 Republic of Korea 5.477.018.687.228.66
4x4x4 Cube First round 509 52.39 57.16 Republic of Korea 1:01.4256.9952.3955.8258.68
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 147 DNF DNF Republic of Korea DNSDNFDNF
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 365 20.56 24.87 Republic of Korea 25.4523.1825.9920.5627.68
Clock First round 217 12.68 13.54 Republic of Korea 16.7513.6713.7012.6813.25
Megaminx First round 195 1:08.89 1:12.75 Republic of Korea 1:13.941:12.561:24.281:11.761:08.89
Pyraminx First round 347 5.54 8.79 Republic of Korea 11.415.548.079.808.49
Skewb First round 382 9.20 12.97 Republic of Korea 9.2017.1614.9611.4412.50
Square-1 First round 249 33.19 Republic of Korea 33.1935.74

DaeYoon Lee (이대윤) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 334 9.53 10.63 Republic of Korea 11.089.5310.2910.5211.94
First round 372 8.82 10.48 Republic of Korea 10.158.8211.4010.1711.11
4x4x4 Cube First round 276 32.64 41.47 Republic of Korea 41.6242.5546.4540.2532.64
5x5x5 Cube First round 313 1:21.07 1:25.83 Republic of Korea 1:33.321:21.641:27.871:21.071:27.98
6x6x6 Cube First round 280 3:12.04 Republic of Korea 3:12.04
7x7x7 Cube First round 218 4:29.01 Republic of Korea 4:29.01

Daisuke Kochi (幸地大輔) - Japan WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 721 13.00 14.15 Japan 14.7113.9914.8613.0013.75
4x4x4 Cube First round 525 50.93 59.87 Japan 57.9750.9357.341:18.011:04.30
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 150 DNF DNF Japan DNFDNFDNF
Megaminx First round 74 47.86 53.48 Japan 55.3652.7152.3855.7347.86

Dallas McNeil - Australia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 747 11.68 14.53 Australia 16.6818.2111.9314.9711.68
2x2x2 Cube First round 589 4.60 6.48 Australia
4x4x4 Cube First round 545 55.55 1:02.11 Australia 59.721:04.6055.551:04.141:02.47
5x5x5 Cube First round 444 1:48.47 1:55.70 Australia 2:01.161:48.471:49.841:56.112:12.43
6x6x6 Cube First round 291 3:30.79 Australia 3:30.79
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 150 DNF DNF Australia DNFDNFDNF
Pyraminx First round 389 8.06 9.89 Australia 10.9722.148.0610.468.23
Skewb First round 376 9.84 12.67 Australia 16.1613.0410.599.8414.39

DamHyun Kang (강담현) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 373 10.21 11.51 Republic of Korea 12.8410.2111.1413.0310.54
First round 195 8.09 8.96 Republic of Korea 10.198.2310.218.458.09
2x2x2 Cube First round 393 2.92 4.93 Republic of Korea 4.634.126.646.032.92

Dana Yi - United States WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 68 7.23 8.19 United States 8.107.628.857.23DNF
Second round 60 6.77 7.51 United States 6.777.287.697.568.20
First round 87 6.76 7.80 United States 8.306.786.768.678.31
4x4x4 Cube First round 99 28.11 32.55 United States 33.7434.7634.8729.1628.11
5x5x5 Cube First round 98 51.21 1:01.27 United States 1:02.8257.501:03.5351.211:03.49
6x6x6 Cube First round 55 1:41.02 1:45.02 United States 1:43.721:50.311:41.02
7x7x7 Cube First round 77 2:40.49 2:52.17 United States 3:04.322:40.492:51.71
Megaminx First round 76 49.92 53.68 United States 53.9955.7055.2051.8549.92

Daniel Cho - United States WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 800 13.70 15.64 United States 13.7016.0717.0717.2813.79
2x2x2 Cube First round 360 3.57 4.60 United States 4.885.614.573.574.34
4x4x4 Cube First round 550 53.05 1:02.96 United States 1:03.201:04.9753.051:00.721:10.38
Pyraminx First round 287 3.83 7.38 United States 8.477.367.383.837.41
Skewb First round 306 7.38 9.07 United States

Daniel Evans - United Kingdom WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 402 9.22 10.77 United Kingdom 16.5712.649.329.2210.34
2x2x2 Cube First round 236 2.92 3.88 United Kingdom 2.975.243.824.862.92
4x4x4 Cube First round 272 39.34 41.35 United Kingdom 39.3445.9443.6839.4740.89
5x5x5 Cube First round 170 1:02.73 1:09.84 United Kingdom 1:08.841:02.731:10.431:11.291:10.24
6x6x6 Cube First round 70 1:40.59 1:49.14 United Kingdom 1:56.841:40.591:49.99
7x7x7 Cube First round 63 2:36.28 2:45.69 United Kingdom 3:03.112:37.682:36.28
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 150 DNF DNF United Kingdom DNFDNFDNF
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 57 29 34.67 United Kingdom 354029
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 256 16.06 20.04 United Kingdom DNF19.7516.0621.7718.61
Clock First round 151 9.74 10.69 United Kingdom 10.349.7411.8211.6810.05
Megaminx First round 283 1:33.08 United Kingdom 1:33.081:41.49
Pyraminx First round 258 4.80 6.91 United Kingdom 7.538.767.354.805.86
Skewb First round 246 6.71 7.64 United Kingdom 10.628.316.717.027.58

Daniel Hayes - United States WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 907 14.90 18.79 United States 17.9719.5220.6614.9018.89
Megaminx First round 272 1:23.80 1:38.36 United States 1:23.801:41.371:50.361:30.821:42.88

Daniel James - India WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 917 18.16 19.07 India 18.7520.2218.1620.1118.34
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 145 2:15.46 DNF India 2:24.462:15.46DNF
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 126 34 DNF India 43DNS34

Daniel Karnaukh - United States WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 122 7.36 8.27 United States 7.7712.307.368.728.33
First round 275 8.27 9.73 United States 8.278.2911.799.5811.32
2x2x2 Cube Second round 35 1.61 1.89 United States 3.541.621.612.032.01
First round 22 1.18 1.83 United States 2.341.252.951.911.18
4x4x4 Cube First round 136 30.06 34.25 United States 30.0639.5232.9533.6036.21
5x5x5 Cube First round 89 54.01 1:00.15 United States 54.011:10.3158.251:00.371:01.82
6x6x6 Cube First round 94 1:49.90 1:55.68 United States 1:55.782:01.351:49.90
7x7x7 Cube First round 64 2:37.84 2:46.47 United States 2:37.842:44.082:57.48
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 9 24 25.67 United States 272624
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 158 14.13 17.05 United States 17.1614.1317.5822.0516.40
Clock First round 105 8.17 9.06 United States 9.868.238.179.0810.15
Megaminx First round 125 53.04 1:00.86 United States 1:09.4353.0456.6256.531:17.20
Pyraminx Second round 68 3.80 4.21 United States 3.806.294.873.933.82
First round 78 2.19 3.68 United States 2.702.193.797.424.54
Skewb First round 235 4.47 7.42 United States 7.434.479.018.166.67
Square-1 Final 2 5.51 6.08 United States 6.945.585.516.646.01
Second round 4 5.37 6.52 United States 6.885.577.125.377.51
First round 2 5.62 6.24 United States 6.935.625.646.147.44

Daniel Lee - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 570 8.36 12.29 Republic of Korea 12.58DNF8.3613.4510.85
2x2x2 Cube First round 251 3.63 3.98 Republic of Korea 4.164.523.734.043.63

Daniel Ortega Pastor - Spain WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 535 10.57 11.92 Spain 12.3411.9313.4010.5711.50
2x2x2 Cube First round 406 3.07 5.01 Spain 5.495.206.313.074.33
4x4x4 Cube First round 246 36.90 39.85 Spain 38.0854.4736.9038.4343.03
5x5x5 Cube First round 279 1:16.94 1:21.50 Spain 1:16.941:22.781:22.531:19.191:24.61
6x6x6 Cube First round 187 2:20.25 2:28.81 Spain 2:31.432:34.752:20.25
7x7x7 Cube First round 248 5:18.17 Spain 5:18.17
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 150 DNF DNF Spain DNFDNFDNF
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 68 34 36.33 Spain 343936
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 207 15.56 18.51 Spain 15.5616.7821.4421.4217.34
Clock First round 191 9.25 11.97 Spain 17.979.2513.2411.0011.68
Megaminx First round 145 1:00.94 1:04.67 Spain 1:00.941:01.831:07.011:05.171:14.27
Pyraminx First round 384 4.62 9.76 Spain 4.629.1911.508.6811.41
Skewb First round 100 3.32 5.22 Spain 3.325.046.154.935.68
Square-1 First round 128 15.52 17.23 Spain 16.7522.3415.5218.2016.74

Daniel Rush - South Africa WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 101 6.61 8.04 South Africa DNF6.816.6110.316.99
First round 54 5.37 AfR 7.32 South Africa 9.036.735.378.816.42
2x2x2 Cube Second round 132 2.64 3.34 South Africa 5.102.643.892.823.32
First round 152 2.19 3.34 South Africa 4.244.593.202.582.19
4x4x4 Cube Second round 62 26.74 31.74 South Africa 28.4933.3333.3938.2726.74
First round 56 25.06 AfR 30.08 South Africa 28.9831.3529.9225.0631.74
5x5x5 Cube Second round 74 51.34 AfR 1:01.27 South Africa 1:01.8351.341:02.081:05.7659.89
First round 71 52.72 58.04 South Africa 56.5658.9258.631:01.6052.72
6x6x6 Cube First round 28 1:31.12 AfR 1:37.13 AfR South Africa 1:32.951:31.121:47.33
7x7x7 Cube First round 46 2:34.74 AfR 2:39.51 AfR South Africa 2:43.022:40.782:34.74
Megaminx First round 85 49.49 55.62 South Africa 59.0553.55DNF49.4954.25
Square-1 First round 86 12.41 14.72 South Africa 12.4115.8012.4116.2515.96

Daniel Smith - Australia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 856 15.84 17.03 Australia 16.6919.2215.9818.4215.84
2x2x2 Cube First round 686 7.52 9.13 Australia 7.557.5211.268.5711.50
Pyraminx First round 385 8.89 9.80 Australia 16.489.5710.188.899.64

Daniel Wallin - Sweden WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 223 9.11 9.45 Sweden
First round 79 6.71 7.67 Sweden 8.727.337.078.606.71
3x3x3 Blindfolded Second round 36 29.93 DNF Sweden DNF29.93DNF
First round 15 19.71 DNF Sweden 22.7419.71DNF
Clock First round 22 5.20 6.03 Sweden 6.915.
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 3 1:33.63 DNF Sweden DNF1:33.63DNF
5x5x5 Blindfolded Final 14 8:11.08 DNF Sweden DNF8:11.08DNF
3x3x3 Multi-Blind Final 5 37/39 57:31 Sweden 34/37 58:2037/39 57:31

Danielle Ang Huixin - Singapore WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 883 16.30 17.96 Singapore 18.5918.3617.4718.0416.30
2x2x2 Cube First round 517 3.70 5.86 Singapore 6.245.606.383.705.73
Clock First round 238 12.85 15.41 Singapore 15.3813.5512.8517.31DNF
Megaminx First round 260 1:22.41 1:26.87 Singapore 1:22.411:30.601:27.711:22.931:29.97
Skewb First round 333 8.31 9.99 Singapore 13.489.318.3112.118.54

Daniël Kassab - Netherlands WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 349 9.67 10.92 Netherlands 10.8210.3611.579.6711.82
First round 364 9.24 10.43 Netherlands 11.539.249.8210.7210.76
2x2x2 Cube First round 311 2.87 4.32 Netherlands 2.874.385.063.525.27
4x4x4 Cube First round 374 42.56 46.67 Netherlands 42.5649.5243.4047.0849.96
5x5x5 Cube First round 240 1:13.46 1:17.07 Netherlands 1:15.021:13.461:18.461:21.161:17.74
6x6x6 Cube First round 186 2:19.64 2:28.36 Netherlands 2:33.712:19.642:31.74
7x7x7 Cube First round 197 4:07.32 Netherlands 4:07.32
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 139 39 DNF Netherlands 39DNFDNF
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 385 25.09 25.77 Netherlands 25.0926.2826.2825.7925.25
Clock First round 236 14.85 15.07 Netherlands 14.93DNF15.2115.0614.85
Megaminx First round 270 1:23.66 1:35.67 Netherlands 1:36.311:23.661:39.981:30.721:40.41
Pyraminx First round 119 4.09 4.35 Netherlands 4.314.204.545.254.09
Skewb First round 167 4.45 6.10 Netherlands 4.455.196.999.346.13
Square-1 First round 250 33.32 Netherlands 33.3244.99

Daryl Tan Hong An - Singapore WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 45 6.52 7.47 Singapore 8.238.646.526.627.57
Second round 55 6.38 7.39 Singapore 7.017.728.126.387.44
First round 147 6.06 8.46 Singapore DNF7.559.346.068.50
2x2x2 Cube Second round 48 1.52 2.15 Singapore 1.703.201.565.091.52
First round 77 1.12 2.56 Singapore 4.452.222.472.981.12
4x4x4 Cube Second round 21 26.03 27.85 Singapore 30.4826.0329.6226.3027.62
First round 28 22.81 28.42 Singapore 29.0322.8130.3535.1325.88
5x5x5 Cube Second round 23 49.09 52.31 Singapore 50.2753.9449.0957.9252.73
First round 16 44.54 NR 49.53 NR Singapore 52.0746.2850.2444.5452.51
6x6x6 Cube Final 15 1:33.10 1:36.77 Singapore 1:41.371:35.841:33.10
First round 14 1:19.86 NR 1:28.73 NR Singapore 1:19.861:33.111:33.21
7x7x7 Cube Final 13 2:13.14 2:19.00 Singapore 2:23.162:20.692:13.14
First round 16 2:06.18 2:15.40 Singapore 2:06.182:19.572:20.45
3x3x3 One-Handed Second round 39 10.11 12.40 Singapore 13.5910.4313.6713.1810.11
First round 50 10.01 13.14 Singapore 13.4212.9413.0710.0114.14
Clock First round 302 23.32 Singapore 23.32DNF
Megaminx First round 110 54.88 59.35 Singapore 57.7654.8859.601:00.691:01.64
Pyraminx First round 118 3.89 4.35 Singapore 4.725.153.903.894.44
Skewb Second round 72 4.78 5.55 Singapore 7.696.195.564.784.91
First round 65 2.80 4.56 Singapore 4.772.805.855.063.84
Square-1 First round 232 27.76 33.35 Singapore 33.1827.7632.67DNF34.19

David Adams - United States WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 348 8.15 10.89 United States 9.778.1510.7312.1615.60
First round 354 9.22 10.32 United States 10.319.3812.599.2211.27
4x4x4 Cube First round 247 36.53 39.98 United States 38.9339.7236.5341.2842.33
5x5x5 Cube First round 212 1:10.21 1:13.41 United States 1:10.211:10.991:14.331:15.541:14.90
6x6x6 Cube First round 206 2:28.81 2:36.58 United States 2:48.072:28.812:32.85
7x7x7 Cube First round 202 4:14.97 United States 4:14.97

David Ang - Singapore WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 980 18.86 22.16 Singapore 23.7723.7918.8618.9326.25
2x2x2 Cube First round 715 7.53 11.30 Singapore 15.9011.5612.889.457.53

David Rendón Martínez - Colombia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 301 9.21 10.27 Colombia 11.5010.309.769.2110.75
First round 285 8.30 9.81 Colombia 9.2616.158.928.3011.26
2x2x2 Cube First round 440 3.34 5.31 Colombia 6.947.064.464.523.34
4x4x4 Cube First round 195 32.85 37.49 Colombia 39.6339.3736.0037.1032.85
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 220 13.75 18.88 Colombia 13.7524.5217.9221.2617.45
Megaminx First round 148 48.57 1:05.06 Colombia 1:29.8748.5757.171:14.881:03.12
Skewb Second round 21 2.64 3.13 Colombia 3.902.772.903.732.64
First round 47 3.32 4.13 Colombia 6.183.533.325.113.75

David Yoder - United States WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 243 8.42 9.59 United States 8.4210.469.628.9210.23
First round 238 8.98 9.34 United States 8.989.669.839.378.99
2x2x2 Cube First round 404 4.41 5.00 United States 4.854.415.694.478.61
4x4x4 Cube First round 599 50.32 DNF United States DNF50.3251.581:11.95DNF
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 378 19.66 25.53 United States 19.6634.7224.4021.3730.81

Daye Han - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 805 14.70 15.87 Republic of Korea 14.7015.9916.4316.0615.57
2x2x2 Cube First round 569 3.63 6.29 Republic of Korea 5.936.763.637.536.17

Deni Mintsaev - Russia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 576 11.62 12.33 Russia 11.8311.6211.6213.5317.69
2x2x2 Cube Second round 181 3.37 4.41 Russia 3.374.774.554.474.20
First round 162 2.28 3.41 Russia 6.653.922.283.273.05
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 88 1:00.63 DNF Russia DNF1:11.461:00.63
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 326 19.47 22.67 Russia 40.0119.4720.6726.0621.27
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 48 DNF DNF Russia DNFDNFDNS
5x5x5 Blindfolded Final 30 DNF DNF Russia DNFDNFDNS

Denis Tsoy (Денис Цой) - Russia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 722 13.48 14.15 Russia 13.4814.6813.6114.1616.43
4x4x4 Cube First round 501 50.04 56.46 Russia 50.041:09.2757.4357.4854.46
5x5x5 Cube First round 441 1:37.93 1:53.96 Russia 1:37.931:57.241:57.601:52.511:52.13

Derek Lee - United States WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 549 10.55 12.08 United States 11.6810.5510.9013.66DNF
2x2x2 Cube First round 620 5.04 6.96 United States 7.93DNF5.046.206.76
Square-1 First round 190 15.29 23.55 United States 16.6234.8815.2919.1535.47

Derek Tat - United States WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 416 9.92 10.89 United States 13.4311.0511.5410.089.92
4x4x4 Cube First round 447 45.98 51.61 United States 45.9854.3558.0247.3053.18
5x5x5 Cube First round 408 1:30.83 1:42.47 United States 1:37.931:49.281:42.731:46.751:30.83
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 226 16.20 19.18 United States 22.7919.0916.2018.3720.08

Deying Ou (欧德颖) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 820 13.51 16.18 China 17.3223.0813.5115.6015.63
2x2x2 Cube First round 503 4.47 5.76 China 5.386.105.816.494.47
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 427 20.20 28.98 China 30.5328.9420.2027.4632.53
Pyraminx First round 466 7.71 12.82 China 13.7013.4811.627.7113.36
Skewb First round 263 6.91 7.98 China 8.587.867.498.636.91

Diego Alfonso - France WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 254 8.65 9.81 France 10.2412.148.6510.458.75
First round 144 7.88 8.40 France 8.178.567.8810.528.46
2x2x2 Cube Second round 152 2.93 3.67 France 4.624.333.253.422.93
First round 117 2.28 2.98 France 3.023.932.643.272.28
4x4x4 Cube First round 124 31.40 33.70 France 36.1333.5233.9531.4033.64
5x5x5 Cube Second round 61 55.32 57.80 France 55.3259.811:05.1155.7057.89
First round 56 51.19 56.44 France 1:02.6155.9751.1956.1957.17
6x6x6 Cube First round 92 1:49.92 1:55.50 France 1:59.441:49.921:57.14
7x7x7 Cube First round 73 2:44.47 2:51.37 France 2:44.472:51.372:58.26
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 142 12.67 16.49 France 16.8717.1517.2912.6715.44
Megaminx First round 45 44.45 48.78 France 51.2447.8644.4547.2452.49
Pyraminx Final 6 1.90 2.15 France 2.222.10DNF1.902.13
Second round 8 1.80 2.28 France 1.802.392.40DNF2.04
First round 7 1.74 2.13 France 2.201.742.421.763.36
Skewb First round 92 3.81 5.06 France
Square-1 First round 134 14.35 18.15 France 19.1817.8217.4520.5814.35

Diego Brizuela Crespo - Mexico WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 132 7.86 8.40 Mexico 7.8611.378.258.438.52
First round 201 7.90 9.02 Mexico 7.908.969.588.799.32
2x2x2 Cube First round 224 2.44 3.83 Mexico 6.913.943.762.443.80
4x4x4 Cube First round 183 30.24 36.91 Mexico 30.2438.5036.5235.7042.28
5x5x5 Cube First round 132 59.48 1:05.79 Mexico 1:03.501:07.8059.481:06.081:13.17
6x6x6 Cube First round 139 1:58.22 2:10.58 Mexico 1:58.222:12.592:20.93
7x7x7 Cube First round 121 3:12.12 3:23.37 Mexico 3:26.243:31.763:12.12
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 317 18.28 22.48 Mexico 18.2820.1725.6721.6025.74
Clock First round 207 11.43 12.96 Mexico 13.4614.2511.6513.7711.43
Megaminx First round 187 1:05.39 1:10.35 Mexico 1:07.461:21.201:05.391:13.761:09.84
Pyraminx First round 370 4.39 9.28 Mexico 9.964.3910.737.3610.52
Skewb First round 182 4.37 6.29 Mexico 4.374.997.965.918.74
Square-1 Second round 22 6.54 NR 8.72 Mexico 9.498.648.156.549.37
First round 13 6.68 7.93 Mexico 6.6812.828.167.957.68

Divnoor Bajwa - Australia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 174 8.17 8.97 Australia 8.398.798.1710.939.72
First round 129 7.11 8.25 Australia 7.777.118.728.269.70
2x2x2 Cube First round 506 2.05 5.77 Australia 2.056.383.168.177.78
4x4x4 Cube First round 168 35.33 36.39 Australia 37.9235.3335.44DNF35.81
5x5x5 Cube First round 172 1:06.44 1:09.96 Australia 1:13.261:12.601:09.581:06.441:07.71
6x6x6 Cube First round 184 2:08.13 2:27.73 Australia 2:37.232:37.842:08.13
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 150 DNF DNF Australia DNFDNFDNF
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 152 14.17 16.71 Australia 19.0025.7115.0716.0614.17
Clock First round 188 9.53 11.86 Australia 11.7913.5610.6813.119.53
Megaminx First round 295 1:40.45 Australia 1:40.452:02.16
Pyraminx First round 407 7.12 10.23 Australia 9.7112.1314.267.128.86
Skewb First round 301 7.45 8.94 Australia 8.709.747.458.3711.35
Square-1 First round 129 10.45 17.62 Australia 16.4916.2710.4526.8620.09

Dmitry Matthew Yaquinto - Russia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 280 9.39 10.06 Russia 9.5110.0710.5911.159.39
First round 257 8.67 9.54 Russia 9.779.4110.969.448.67
2x2x2 Cube First round 274 1.27 4.12 Russia 1.274.843.943.575.14
4x4x4 Cube First round 197 35.93 37.49 Russia 39.0536.5840.7935.9336.84
5x5x5 Cube First round 263 1:15.37 1:18.88 Russia 1:19.731:15.371:16.601:20.321:29.97
6x6x6 Cube First round 242 2:38.72 2:53.73 Russia 2:38.722:43.883:18.58
7x7x7 Cube First round 192 4:05.31 Russia 4:05.31
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 229 15.50 19.25 Russia 25.7619.0718.8819.7915.50
Clock First round 285 16.76 Russia 16.76DNF
Megaminx First round 233 1:15.08 1:21.63 Russia 1:15.081:29.031:33.061:15.111:20.75
Pyraminx First round 173 4.69 5.48 Russia 4.696.018.125.405.02
Skewb First round 243 5.52 7.58 Russia 5.755.528.7511.758.25

Do Hyun Kwon (권도현) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 357 8.67 11.12 Republic of Korea 8.6710.0410.7612.5713.00
First round 234 8.41 9.34 Republic of Korea 8.419.949.059.0311.17
4x4x4 Cube First round 164 29.35 36.07 Republic of Korea 40.6036.2129.3531.4042.47
5x5x5 Cube Second round 38 51.61 54.60 Republic of Korea 54.8551.611:02.6155.3753.58
First round 33 50.19 52.60 Republic of Korea 50.1954.7250.9052.1958.84
6x6x6 Cube First round 31 1:29.76 1:37.34 Republic of Korea 1:29.761:42.471:39.80
7x7x7 Cube Final 15 2:27.42 2:30.73 Republic of Korea 2:27.422:30.732:34.04
First round 13 2:08.88 2:13.81 Republic of Korea 2:08.882:12.922:19.62
Megaminx First round 20 36.36 40.25 Republic of Korea 36.3640.9642.7341.0038.80

Do Lee - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1022 22.39 26.41 Republic of Korea 30.3024.5522.3924.3732.13
2x2x2 Cube First round 639 5.36 7.36 Republic of Korea 10.037.387.345.367.37
Skewb First round 398 8.92 14.27 Republic of Korea 13.5022.248.9211.5117.80

Dohyun Kim - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 914 16.92 19.04 Republic of Korea 17.5523.4516.9219.2320.33
2x2x2 Cube First round 418 4.42 5.08 Republic of Korea
Skewb First round 366 8.41 11.70 Republic of Korea 14.3210.878.4112.1612.06

Dohyun Kim (김도현) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1134 13.78 DNF Republic of Korea 19.4113.78DNFDNF19.20
2x2x2 Cube First round 364 4.36 4.64 Republic of Korea 5.104.364.438.604.39
4x4x4 Cube First round 541 51.88 1:01.78 Republic of Korea 59.771:02.751:06.4451.881:02.82
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 11 25 27.00 Republic of Korea 282825
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 474 24.18 38.92 Republic of Korea 40.1830.8024.1847.5745.79
Clock First round 148 8.55 10.53 Republic of Korea 8.5510.2511.8710.0811.25
Megaminx First round 236 1:17.54 1:22.41 Republic of Korea 1:17.541:24.791:22.391:29.791:20.05
Pyraminx Second round 54 3.04 3.79 Republic of Korea DNF4.203.943.043.24
First round 21 1.96 2.61 Republic of Korea 2.963.062.262.621.96
Skewb First round 270 7.50 8.11 Republic of Korea 7.508.188.217.9316.00
Square-1 First round 221 19.92 29.53 Republic of Korea 28.2135.0519.9225.3343.42

Dominika Warchoł - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 785 12.64 15.24 Poland 16.6015.1712.6413.9517.33
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 121 1:33.87 DNF Poland DNF1:33.87DNF
Clock First round 36 6.03 6.75 Poland
Square-1 Second round 44 8.48 10.42 Poland 10.298.4811.8913.019.07
First round 47 11.04 11.63 Poland 11.0411.7411.6814.2411.47

Dong Hyun Oh (오동현) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1009 19.60 25.00 Republic of Korea 19.6021.3227.5027.2826.40

DongHwan Im (임동환) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 237 7.96 9.53 Republic of Korea 10.359.6210.208.767.96
First round 314 8.00 9.99 Republic of Korea 9.1010.758.0010.1110.84
2x2x2 Cube Second round 174 3.74 4.23 Republic of Korea 4.264.684.374.053.74
First round 108 1.97 2.93 Republic of Korea 2.253.533.021.977.49
4x4x4 Cube Second round 65 26.11 31.93 Republic of Korea 31.6726.1130.5533.5836.35
First round 47 27.09 29.43 Republic of Korea 31.1027.5032.9529.6927.09
5x5x5 Cube First round 133 1:03.70 1:05.81 Republic of Korea 1:04.901:03.701:05.551:06.981:19.67
6x6x6 Cube First round 132 2:01.87 2:08.58 Republic of Korea 2:11.152:12.722:01.87
7x7x7 Cube First round 164 3:44.59 3:47.83 Republic of Korea 3:44.593:48.513:50.39
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 149 14.68 16.63 Republic of Korea 15.8715.6124.7114.6818.40
Pyraminx First round 422 9.24 10.85 Republic of Korea 11.3313.1411.679.249.56
Skewb First round 255 4.27 7.83 Republic of Korea 10.097.524.277.008.96

DongJae Lee - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 626 11.64 12.89 Republic of Korea 11.6417.5012.8712.5613.24
4x4x4 Cube First round 542 52.39 1:01.87 Republic of Korea 59.261:21.361:06.8652.3959.49
3x3x3 Blindfolded Second round 32 28.12 DNF Republic of Korea 28.7228.12DNF
First round 32 26.66 31.97 Republic of Korea 27.3526.6641.90
Pyraminx First round 410 8.62 10.42 Republic of Korea 9.1511.4712.6910.648.62
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 11 3:38.89 DNF Republic of Korea DNF4:59.463:38.89
5x5x5 Blindfolded Final 13 7:59.06 DNF Republic of Korea DNFDNF7:59.06
3x3x3 Multi-Blind Final 15 25/34 1:00:00 Republic of Korea 25/34 1:00:0025/34 1:00:00

DongSoo Park (박동수) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 38 6.67 7.25 Republic of Korea 6.928.906.677.237.61
Second round 68 6.80 7.58 Republic of Korea 7.416.808.017.33DNF
First round 80 6.53 7.71 Republic of Korea 6.536.678.208.268.34
2x2x2 Cube Second round 124 2.21 3.21 Republic of Korea 3.123.803.522.212.98
First round 165 1.69 3.43 Republic of Korea 4.261.694.443.522.52
4x4x4 Cube Second round 20 25.29 27.80 Republic of Korea 31.6130.1526.8326.4125.29
First round 14 22.64 26.69 Republic of Korea 27.2533.4122.6424.7328.10
5x5x5 Cube Final 5 39.42 44.19 Republic of Korea 51.3746.2641.7644.5539.42
Second round 7 42.01 44.72 Republic of Korea 44.5847.2146.0642.0143.53
First round 9 43.02 45.69 Republic of Korea 44.8443.0248.8943.3548.92
6x6x6 Cube Final 12 1:17.11 1:27.23 Republic of Korea 1:24.351:17.111:40.23
First round 6 1:19.49 1:24.66 Republic of Korea 1:27.411:19.491:27.07
7x7x7 Cube Final 7 1:56.06 2:01.93 Republic of Korea 1:56.062:04.372:05.35
First round 10 2:07.86 2:11.38 Republic of Korea 2:14.402:11.892:07.86
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 101 1:09.77 DNF Republic of Korea 1:09.77DNFDNF
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 12 25 28.00 Republic of Korea 293025
3x3x3 One-Handed Second round 43 11.15 12.56 Republic of Korea 13.6013.1511.7512.7711.15
First round 21 11.18 12.04 Republic of Korea 14.4511.1812.1111.5912.43
Clock First round 109 7.76 9.21 Republic of Korea 9.56DNF7.769.908.18
Megaminx First round 19 34.68 39.73 Republic of Korea 42.3438.1941.4834.6839.51
Pyraminx First round 84 3.50 3.82 Republic of Korea 3.973.964.133.503.54
Skewb Second round 77 5.39 6.19 Republic of Korea 6.735.395.769.036.08
First round 51 2.77 4.26 Republic of Korea 3.455.184.522.774.81

Dongjae Jang (장동재) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 701 11.49 13.85 Republic of Korea 14.46DNF11.4912.4014.70
2x2x2 Cube First round 451 2.14 5.43 Republic of Korea 5.652.145.684.966.20
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 469 20.31 37.73 Republic of Korea 20.3132.6539.2441.2941.43

Donguk Kim (김동욱) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 791 14.80 15.38 Republic of Korea 16.7915.2116.1014.8214.80
2x2x2 Cube First round 431 4.92 5.21 Republic of Korea 5.024.925.915.155.45
4x4x4 Cube First round 547 53.92 1:02.52 Republic of Korea 53.921:17.0257.291:07.861:02.41
5x5x5 Cube First round 457 1:45.89 2:13.94 Republic of Korea 2:17.31DNF1:45.892:08.552:15.95

Dongyoon Kwak (곽동윤) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 546 10.12 12.06 Republic of Korea 12.1110.1210.8414.9013.23
2x2x2 Cube First round 464 4.25 5.49 Republic of Korea 5.267.834.255.895.31
4x4x4 Cube First round 336 39.59 43.90 Republic of Korea 43.4844.1144.1139.59DNF
5x5x5 Cube First round 310 1:10.29 1:25.10 Republic of Korea 1:25.401:31.321:19.391:10.291:30.52
6x6x6 Cube First round 200 2:30.73 2:35.00 Republic of Korea 2:42.862:30.732:31.41
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 425 25.31 28.76 Republic of Korea 29.7332.0725.3129.7126.84
Megaminx First round 147 1:01.06 1:04.90 Republic of Korea 1:01.061:07.601:02.101:12.681:05.01
Pyraminx First round 251 5.26 6.78 Republic of Korea 8.965.266.145.768.43
Skewb First round 233 6.36 7.40 Republic of Korea 11.438.706.447.056.36

Dongyoung Lee - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 66 7.10 8.15 Republic of Korea 7.547.108.228.709.17
Second round 80 7.29 7.70 Republic of Korea 7.857.547.297.718.98
First round 164 7.16 8.69 Republic of Korea 9.517.169.048.788.24
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 153 12.13 16.86 Republic of Korea 17.4320.0517.6615.4812.13

Dongyu Choi - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1059 25.26 30.41 Republic of Korea 29.6829.8831.7031.6625.26

Doungyoung Lee (이동영) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 950 15.84 20.44 Republic of Korea 21.7421.5115.8418.0626.23

Doyul Kim (김도율) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 103 6.41 8.06 Republic of Korea 6.416.867.9513.829.37
First round 42 6.22 7.06 Republic of Korea 6.477.846.888.336.22
2x2x2 Cube Second round 107 2.01 2.99 Republic of Korea 4.563.113.602.272.01
First round 174 3.08 3.52 Republic of Korea 3.205.693.083.154.21
4x4x4 Cube Second round 79 31.22 35.40 Republic of Korea 34.7432.97DNF38.4931.22
First round 36 27.55 28.99 Republic of Korea 33.7129.2228.0329.7327.55
5x5x5 Cube Second round 71 58.37 1:00.18 Republic of Korea 1:01.5958.3759.1159.841:04.72
First round 51 54.22 56.18 Republic of Korea 56.2157.0654.221:01.5555.27
6x6x6 Cube First round 63 1:34.77 1:47.02 Republic of Korea 1:57.671:48.631:34.77
7x7x7 Cube First round 50 2:25.49 2:40.61 Republic of Korea 3:03.152:25.492:33.18
3x3x3 One-Handed Second round 18 10.27 11.26 Republic of Korea 10.6811.5411.5611.6110.27
First round 6 8.27 NR 10.39 NR Republic of Korea 12.9910.4510.3910.348.27
Megaminx First round 33 44.52 46.01 Republic of Korea 44.5246.7945.0746.1651.19

Dulguun Altankhonkh - Mongolia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 503 10.41 11.62 Mongolia 10.7313.2010.4114.6110.92
2x2x2 Cube First round 374 4.06 4.72 Mongolia 4.614.454.066.765.10
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 438 25.81 29.88 Mongolia 28.8132.2034.6728.6425.81
Pyraminx First round 217 4.89 6.25 Mongolia 4.895.955.947.516.86

Durjoy Paul Apon - Bangladesh WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
2x2x2 Cube First round 546 4.87 6.15 Bangladesh 6.166.496.206.084.87
Pyraminx First round 507 13.85 16.92 Bangladesh 17.0818.8022.5914.8813.85

Dwyane Ramos - New Zealand WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Final 16 6.59 7.58 New Zealand 6.596.9910.287.168.60
Semi Final 16 5.72 6.56 New Zealand 6.496.598.395.726.60
Second round 40 6.58 7.19 New Zealand 7.456.586.888.617.23
First round 26 6.20 6.77 New Zealand 6.337.057.956.936.20
4x4x4 Cube Second round 55 27.14 31.08 New Zealand 28.2834.5030.4527.14DNF
First round 55 27.83 29.94 New Zealand 28.3230.4332.0227.8331.08
5x5x5 Cube Second round 50 49.57 56.03 New Zealand 56.361:01.4150.33DNF49.57
First round 67 50.28 57.62 New Zealand 1:01.4755.3550.2856.041:04.46
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 113 1:20.59 DNF New Zealand 1:20.59DNFDNF
3x3x3 One-Handed Final 7 9.01 10.39 New Zealand 12.059.0112.429.0810.04
Second round 4 9.23 10.00 New Zealand 9.2310.2310.2010.159.65
First round 3 8.88 9.75 New Zealand 13.229.309.8010.168.88
Pyraminx Second round 75 2.61 4.71 New Zealand 2.615.303.655.19DNS
First round 55 2.89 3.30 New Zealand 5.453.503.133.262.89
Skewb Second round 32 2.00 3.77 New Zealand 5.51DNF2.002.803.01
First round 3 2.09 2.39 OcR New Zealand 2.543.112.092.312.31

Dylan Govic - United States WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 607 10.80 12.66 United States 12.8712.5312.5815.1110.80
2x2x2 Cube First round 230 3.21 3.85 United States
4x4x4 Cube First round 412 40.62 49.42 United States 59.3355.1640.6251.0542.04
5x5x5 Cube First round 413 1:35.64 1:45.46 United States 1:41.071:55.721:51.191:35.641:44.11
6x6x6 Cube First round 287 3:25.00 United States 3:25.00
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 180 13.99 17.57 United States 13.9918.7018.9115.6418.37
Pyraminx First round 456 9.37 12.20 United States 13.0513.379.3710.3913.15
Skewb First round 383 10.90 13.00 United States 11.1412.9114.9610.9018.57

Dylan Kim - United States WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 484 10.02 11.45 United States 10.0211.2811.9211.4511.61

Dylan Miller - United States WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 27 5.84 6.84 United States 5.847.
Second round 56 5.29 7.42 United States
First round 17 5.18 6.30 United States
2x2x2 Cube First round 292 2.25 4.22 United States 4.2315.
4x4x4 Cube First round 111 31.24 32.96 United States 32.9334.4731.4936.0431.24
5x5x5 Cube First round 144 1:02.93 1:06.80 United States 1:11.721:03.671:02.931:11.241:05.49
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 56 12.14 13.27 United States 16.5912.1412.1914.4613.16
Megaminx Final 12 35.28 38.01 United States 37.7137.7239.3938.5935.28
First round 14 33.41 38.62 United States 43.7938.0733.4133.9945.98

E-chan Jeon (전이찬) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 293 9.60 10.21 Republic of Korea 10.5011.649.6010.389.75
First round 315 8.94 9.99 Republic of Korea 11.5310.238.949.4010.35
2x2x2 Cube First round 334 2.66 4.47 Republic of Korea 6.282.665.483.534.41
4x4x4 Cube First round 286 37.24 41.77 Republic of Korea 41.3543.9641.7942.1737.24
5x5x5 Cube First round 335 1:23.53 1:28.73 Republic of Korea 1:32.511:31.351:29.771:25.081:23.53
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 150 DNF DNF Republic of Korea DNFDNFDNF
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 211 16.98 18.62 Republic of Korea 18.2618.8120.1318.8016.98

E-ell Jeon (전이엘) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1098 40.07 43.74 Republic of Korea 40.5257.7642.6248.0740.07

Eddy Deturche - France WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 286 9.16 10.14 France 10.2410.599.169.5911.82
First round 386 9.94 10.63 France 11.1110.4011.079.9410.41
2x2x2 Cube First round 366 2.81 4.68 France 3.514.617.362.815.92
4x4x4 Cube First round 174 33.19 36.52 France 33.1936.8840.8137.2335.44
5x5x5 Cube First round 247 1:04.23 1:17.87 France 1:15.051:25.231:04.231:18.791:19.77
3x3x3 Blindfolded Second round 56 49.02 DNF France 49.02DNFDNF
First round 61 43.06 DNF France DNFDNF43.06
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 335 19.26 22.95 France 22.5828.4723.6822.5819.26
Clock First round 190 11.71 11.91 France 13.5011.8111.7111.9711.95
Megaminx First round 122 56.01 1:00.42 France 57.241:02.831:01.201:03.9256.01
Pyraminx First round 202 5.51 6.03 France 7.905.686.125.516.28
Skewb First round 203 5.85 6.87 France 8.808.676.085.875.85
Square-1 First round 149 13.13 19.45 France 21.3219.8418.0220.5013.13
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 15 4:17.50 DNF France DNF4:17.50DNF
5x5x5 Blindfolded Final 22 12:42.00 DNF France DNF12:42.00DNS
3x3x3 Multi-Blind Final 20 16/20 54:57 France 16/20 54:57

Eduard Esteban García Domínguez - Colombia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 632 11.32 12.95 Colombia 14.5011.3211.7112.6415.68
2x2x2 Cube First round 442 3.51 5.33 Colombia 3.514.076.925.017.70
4x4x4 Cube First round 382 45.14 47.49 Colombia 46.5345.141:02.1548.6247.33
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 355 22.66 24.11 Colombia 24.9022.6623.8225.9123.61
Megaminx First round 219 1:04.11 1:16.92 Colombia 1:18.991:20.841:30.051:10.931:04.11
Pyraminx First round 231 5.22 6.50 Colombia 5.227.515.806.726.98
Skewb First round 236 4.59 7.42 Colombia 7.628.456.907.754.59

Edward Carew-Jones - United Kingdom WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 876 16.19 17.77 United Kingdom 16.1917.0919.0817.1531.91
2x2x2 Cube First round 437 3.06 5.28 United Kingdom 5.323.066.286.314.25
Clock First round 270 15.01 United Kingdom 17.1815.01
Pyraminx First round 323 6.70 8.25 United Kingdom DNF7.539.786.707.44
Skewb First round 234 4.59 7.41 United Kingdom 10.945.955.3516.504.59
Square-1 First round 224 26.02 30.38 United Kingdom 26.0226.6532.2532.2352.78

Edward Hollingdale - Australia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 812 14.22 16.04 Australia 14.90DNF14.2215.2817.95
5x5x5 Cube First round 432 1:37.87 1:49.31 Australia 1:57.081:46.831:59.151:44.011:37.87

Edward Lim - Singapore WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 738 11.93 14.37 Singapore 11.9313.2914.9414.8816.08
2x2x2 Cube First round 279 3.52 4.15 Singapore 3.905.193.923.524.63
Pyraminx First round 213 4.68 6.23 Singapore 6.938.234.687.014.75
Skewb First round 357 7.43 11.02 Singapore 11.6411.4010.0113.387.43

Edwin Chan Ho Yeung (陳皓揚) - Hong Kong, China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 300 8.56 10.27 Hong Kong, China 10.2911.7510.709.838.56
First round 311 8.16 9.97 Hong Kong, China 10.448.169.1910.7610.27
2x2x2 Cube First round 505 5.07 5.76 Hong Kong, China 7.235.945.076.215.14
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 341 18.12 23.52 Hong Kong, China 27.4124.8923.4618.1222.20

Elbegbayar Martsaikhan - Mongolia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 893 15.87 18.33 Mongolia 17.8618.8225.8615.8718.32
2x2x2 Cube First round 628 4.62 7.11 Mongolia 6.318.736.304.629.73
Pyraminx First round 269 6.19 7.02 Mongolia 8.536.196.416.218.43
Skewb First round 391 11.02 13.79 Mongolia 17.1413.0011.0214.3514.03

Elijah Brown - United States WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 116 6.86 8.17 United States 6.939.299.448.286.86
First round 124 7.59 8.16 United States 8.558.247.597.708.66
2x2x2 Cube Second round 148 2.76 3.61 United States 2.763.184.763.364.28
First round 57 1.46 2.26 United States 1.915.771.462.792.09
4x4x4 Cube First round 181 30.24 36.86 United States 38.3138.8133.4630.2442.37
5x5x5 Cube First round 204 1:08.65 1:12.52 United States 1:08.651:14.121:15.711:14.631:08.81
6x6x6 Cube First round 143 2:12.56 2:13.90 United States 2:15.762:12.562:13.39
7x7x7 Cube First round 187 4:02.50 United States 4:02.50
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 100 1:08.39 DNF United States 1:08.39DNFDNF
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 119 31 DNF United States 3134DNS
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 82 12.69 14.48 United States 13.0817.6112.6915.2215.14
Clock First round 58 6.72 7.58 United States 7.758.317.076.727.91
Megaminx First round 117 56.28 59.97 United States 1:03.501:04.7456.2859.0957.31
Pyraminx Second round 17 1.76 2.52 United States 1.762.342.213.723.00
First round 24 1.40 2.63 United States 4.283.652.711.521.40
Skewb Second round 70 5.37 5.53 United States 5.385.465.376.765.75
First round 78 2.61 4.83 United States 3.794.935.786.092.61
Square-1 First round 99 11.51 15.66 United States 18.4712.4611.5117.8916.63

Elisei Yaquinto - Russia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1114 40.76 52.55 Russia 46.5440.7658.331:12.4652.78
Pyraminx First round 378 8.64 9.58 Russia 9.9310.0310.598.648.78

Elisha Schuster - Israel WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 627 10.75 12.91 Israel 12.6012.3910.7513.7516.98
2x2x2 Cube Second round 128 2.16 3.27 Israel 2.964.182.664.342.16
First round 185 3.12 3.61 Israel 3.223.723.123.905.88
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 290 17.04 21.49 Israel 22.1617.0422.8623.7219.46
Pyraminx First round 303 6.78 7.75 Israel 10.706.788.617.177.47

Elliott Kobelansky - Canada WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Blindfolded Final 9 18.11 DNF Canada DNF18.11DNF
Second round 2 15.36 16.99 Canada 17.8215.3617.78
First round 4 15.69 16.38 Canada 15.8015.6917.66
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 48 DNF DNF Canada DNFDNFDNF
5x5x5 Blindfolded Final 4 3:29.16 NR DNF Canada DNF3:29.16DNF
3x3x3 Multi-Blind Final 36 3/3 2:11 Canada 3/3 2:11

Elyas Eyou - New Zealand WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 276 9.08 10.02 New Zealand 12.649.089.9610.579.54
First round 302 8.45 9.89 New Zealand 8.5212.159.008.45DNF
2x2x2 Cube Second round 54 1.24 2.26 New Zealand 2.363.
First round 27 1.13 1.89 New Zealand 1.562.241.861.134.39
4x4x4 Cube First round 179 32.26 36.73 New Zealand 32.261:07.2534.0735.8340.30
5x5x5 Cube First round 191 1:07.58 1:11.80 New Zealand 1:20.291:12.051:14.011:09.351:07.58
6x6x6 Cube First round 194 2:28.65 2:31.07 New Zealand 2:28.652:32.642:31.91
7x7x7 Cube First round 178 3:51.84 4:07.45 New Zealand 3:51.844:22.034:08.49
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 79 38 41.00 New Zealand 394638
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 177 15.72 17.49 New Zealand 16.6116.0319.8323.6615.72
Clock First round 54 5.08 7.43 New Zealand 9.695.28DNF5.087.32
Megaminx First round 98 53.91 58.07 New Zealand 58.7558.3953.9157.0859.84
Pyraminx Final 9 2.11 2.30 New Zealand 2.332.342.114.002.23
Second round 6 1.67 2.24 New Zealand 1.673.091.711.933.22
First round 29 1.85 2.70 New Zealand 2.434.102.672.991.85
Skewb Second round 52 3.80 4.43 New Zealand 3.804.
First round 50 2.64 4.26 New Zealand 3.375.724.604.822.64
Square-1 Second round 57 8.92 11.73 New Zealand 9.6555.8916.048.929.50
First round 67 11.45 12.63 New Zealand 13.0712.1012.7115.5311.45

Emil Ott - Germany WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 727 11.36 14.22 Germany 11.3613.8415.9016.0012.93
2x2x2 Cube First round 489 2.12 5.62 Germany 5.362.1214.796.055.46
4x4x4 Cube First round 465 45.50 52.75 Germany 54.8445.5050.401:01.4553.01
5x5x5 Cube First round 385 1:30.23 1:36.87 Germany 1:33.481:39.961:37.181:30.231:50.39
6x6x6 Cube First round 234 2:40.74 2:47.89 Germany 2:58.242:40.742:44.69
7x7x7 Cube First round 230 4:40.69 Germany 4:40.69
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 429 25.96 29.26 Germany 25.9627.1333.5927.0645.92
Clock First round 103 7.77 9.04 Germany DNF8.2411.037.777.86
Pyraminx First round 414 6.13 10.58 Germany 8.4112.1111.216.1314.44

Emily Marshall - United Kingdom WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 895 15.07 18.40 United Kingdom DNF20.4615.0715.6319.11
2x2x2 Cube First round 651 4.28 7.61 United Kingdom 8.51DNF9.824.284.51
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 471 28.15 38.59 United Kingdom 28.1545.0547.2031.9038.83
Clock First round 185 9.00 11.78 United Kingdom 12.579.0012.18DNF10.59
Pyraminx First round 392 5.87 9.94 United Kingdom 14.478.386.98DNF5.87
Skewb First round 319 6.76 9.51 United Kingdom 10.706.7610.969.538.29
Square-1 First round 186 20.39 23.03 United Kingdom 21.6420.3923.0224.4329.28

Emmet Hobbs - Australia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 792 12.78 15.47 Australia 14.8415.4912.7816.0819.58
2x2x2 Cube First round 353 4.15 4.56 Australia 4.154.464.487.144.73
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 150 DNF DNF Australia DNFDNFDNF
Clock First round 272 15.06 Australia 15.06DNF
Pyraminx Second round 20 2.24 2.62 Australia 2.362.883.032.242.63
First round 23 2.02 2.62 Australia 2.822.972.022.322.73
Skewb First round 291 5.33 8.76 Australia 8.305.3312.1810.397.58

Eric Jingze Dai (戴竞择) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 671 13.11 13.45 China 13.3313.5313.6513.1113.48
2x2x2 Cube First round 500 3.28 5.72 China 19.436.234.066.873.28
4x4x4 Cube First round 471 47.11 53.19 China 58.7247.1153.421:30.8447.44
Clock First round 98 8.51 8.87 China 8.789.509.108.728.51
Pyraminx First round 472 10.78 13.61 China 10.90DNF10.7813.5616.36
Skewb Second round 73 5.40 5.65 China 6.075.615.815.405.52
First round 76 4.01 4.78 China 4.014.826.764.654.88

Eric Zhao - United States WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 272 8.49 9.98 United States 9.7012.9911.368.498.87
First round 276 8.51 9.73 United States 9.898.5110.259.699.60
4x4x4 Cube First round 161 34.62 35.96 United States 35.5137.6134.7540.3034.62
5x5x5 Cube First round 300 1:14.01 1:24.17 United States 1:26.891:28.042:13.771:14.011:17.59
6x6x6 Cube First round 191 2:21.90 2:30.30 United States 2:36.382:32.612:21.90
7x7x7 Cube First round 172 3:41.89 3:53.38 United States 3:41.894:02.453:55.79
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 239 16.35 19.49 United States 16.3520.5418.7020.6919.22
Megaminx First round 281 1:32.21 United States 1:32.211:35.77

Erik Akkersdijk - Netherlands WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 212 6.61 9.31 Netherlands 9.648.376.6111.659.93
First round 272 8.34 9.67 Netherlands 11.158.778.349.08DNF
4x4x4 Cube First round 134 30.48 34.16 Netherlands 34.5535.3132.6330.4838.29
5x5x5 Cube First round 146 1:03.78 1:07.07 Netherlands 1:04.871:03.781:09.311:07.031:16.41
Megaminx First round 143 54.22 1:04.25 Netherlands 1:05.161:03.521:05.301:04.0754.22

Ernest Zakrzewski - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 945 18.12 20.30 Poland 22.3618.8719.6722.7418.12
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 150 DNF DNF Poland DNFDNFDNF

Esteban Picard - France WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 873 16.28 17.70 France 17.2516.2819.37DNF16.47
2x2x2 Cube First round 513 4.57 5.83 France 4.576.645.266.695.60
Pyraminx First round 411 9.88 10.46 France 9.8810.1711.9910.1111.10
Skewb First round 386 10.96 13.18 France 12.1916.8316.3011.0610.96

Esukhei Bat-Erdene (Бат-Эрдэнэ Есүхэй) - Mongolia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 189 7.65 9.08 Mongolia 8.889.657.659.408.96
First round 380 9.30 10.54 Mongolia 9.5610.5711.499.3012.55
4x4x4 Cube First round 249 37.08 40.31 Mongolia 37.0839.6341.3639.9442.64
5x5x5 Cube First round 274 1:17.02 1:20.34 Mongolia 1:20.691:19.161:21.171:17.021:35.78
6x6x6 Cube First round 235 2:36.03 2:48.68 Mongolia 2:45.702:36.033:04.31
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 190 15.04 17.98 Mongolia 15.0416.7018.9218.3221.51
Pyraminx First round 285 4.02 7.37 Mongolia

Ethan Chung - United States WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 736 11.65 14.35 United States 15.3911.65DNF14.6313.04
2x2x2 Cube First round 535 4.34 5.99 United States 6.884.644.3411.396.45
4x4x4 Cube First round 518 52.22 58.18 United States 1:03.1156.6252.2254.811:19.34
Skewb First round 402 9.13 14.49 United States 9.1314.8912.9015.6816.74

Ethan Kim - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 966 14.96 21.53 Republic of Korea 23.2315.7014.9625.8425.67
2x2x2 Cube First round 623 5.78 7.01 Republic of Korea 7.695.945.787.397.75

Ethan Lin - United States WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 990 19.65 22.95 United States 19.6523.3424.8125.3620.70
2x2x2 Cube First round 468 4.82 5.50 United States 5.455.294.826.195.75
Pyraminx First round 505 8.93 16.28 United States 18.0813.2217.538.9321.34
Skewb First round 447 10.80 19.68 United States 19.3917.2710.8029.6322.39

Ethan Pride - Australia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 742 12.85 14.38 Australia 14.3215.3412.8517.4713.49
Megaminx First round 265 1:19.79 1:30.66 Australia 1:30.491:26.131:19.791:35.371:41.88
Skewb First round 207 4.89 6.93 Australia 8.837.186.634.896.99

Eugene Lee - United States WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 811 14.30 16.00 United States 20.9016.1214.3017.0114.86
Pyraminx First round 396 6.80 10.13 United States 12.6211.938.859.606.80

Eun Chan Park (박은찬) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1052 26.24 29.51 Republic of Korea 28.2427.8426.2432.4535.40
2x2x2 Cube First round 688 7.08 9.35 Republic of Korea 7.088.3510.6413.839.06

EunChan Jung (정은찬) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 804 12.03 15.83 Republic of Korea 17.2812.8717.3412.0325.22
2x2x2 Cube First round 617 5.63 6.92 Republic of Korea 7.157.516.108.955.63

EunKyeol Seo (서은결) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 705 12.16 13.91 Republic of Korea 12.6917.2215.4512.1613.58
Clock First round 243 4.81 DNF Republic of Korea DNF4.81DNF4.915.63

Eunchan Lee (이은찬) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 154 7.51 8.64 Republic of Korea 8.718.858.658.557.51
First round 180 8.33 8.84 Republic of Korea 8.399.308.828.3313.18
2x2x2 Cube First round 275 3.12 4.14 Republic of Korea
4x4x4 Cube First round 253 39.51 40.46 Republic of Korea 43.5639.5140.4939.9140.97
5x5x5 Cube First round 260 1:16.95 1:18.43 Republic of Korea 1:19.311:17.821:18.291:16.951:19.17
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 174 13.59 17.48 Republic of Korea 17.5419.1015.8013.5921.00

Eunchan Oh (오은찬) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1100 33.13 44.99 Republic of Korea 1:03.6938.1845.5833.1351.20
Pyraminx First round 511 12.89 18.07 Republic of Korea 12.8924.3818.7419.4316.03

Eunho Lee (이은호) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 959 16.64 21.18 Republic of Korea 23.1219.0316.6422.0322.49
2x2x2 Cube First round 592 4.06 6.53 Republic of Korea 8.634.066.837.834.93

Eva Kato - United States WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 54 6.93 7.70 United States 8.446.937.368.447.31
Second round 76 6.85 7.67 United States 6.988.786.857.718.31
First round 77 7.01 7.66 United States 7.179.528.217.017.59
2x2x2 Cube Second round 61 1.32 2.36 United States 3.736.571.321.991.35
First round 83 1.88 2.69 United States 3.741.882.503.132.43
4x4x4 Cube Second round 59 28.34 31.29 United States 29.2933.4228.3437.8831.16
First round 76 27.70 31.15 United States 28.3037.2927.7030.9534.21
5x5x5 Cube First round 93 54.41 1:00.36 United States 1:03.541:05.141:01.3156.2454.41
6x6x6 Cube First round 125 2:00.05 2:06.97 United States 2:05.702:00.052:15.15
Square-1 Second round 33 6.53 9.67 United States 6.5313.0911.029.288.70
First round 25 6.83 9.28 United States 10.396.8312.509.318.15

Ezra Hirschi - Switzerland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Blindfolded Second round 21 24.73 DNF Switzerland DNF24.73DNF
First round 23 22.15 DNF Switzerland 22.1524.28DNF
Clock First round 34 5.30 6.66 Switzerland 7.295.307.486.376.32
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 48 DNF DNF Switzerland DNFDNFDNF
5x5x5 Blindfolded Final 6 3:46.02 DNF Switzerland 3:46.02DNFDNF
3x3x3 Multi-Blind Final 2 49/57 1:00:00 Switzerland 49/57 1:00:0044/56 57:33

Fabian Settelen - Switzerland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 708 12.23 13.96 Switzerland 16.2713.5612.8412.2315.49
2x2x2 Cube First round 507 3.84 5.78 Switzerland 5.174.929.233.847.25
4x4x4 Cube First round 521 55.42 58.58 Switzerland 1:01.521:04.2757.9156.3155.42
5x5x5 Cube First round 369 1:31.15 1:33.39 Switzerland 1:31.151:32.421:33.781:47.751:33.96
6x6x6 Cube First round 286 3:21.08 Switzerland 3:21.08
7x7x7 Cube First round 235 4:45.86 Switzerland 4:45.86
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 99 1:07.23 DNF Switzerland 1:27.661:07.23DNF
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 49 25 33.67 Switzerland 443225
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 466 26.61 35.92 Switzerland 32.4230.6926.6144.65DNF
Clock First round 179 10.61 11.58 Switzerland DNF11.8511.7511.1410.61
Megaminx First round 297 1:41.02 Switzerland 1:57.581:41.02
Pyraminx First round 338 5.28 8.52 Switzerland 9.285.2813.9410.835.45
Skewb First round 282 6.52 8.51 Switzerland 7.879.526.528.1510.81
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 37 7:13.71 DNF Switzerland 8:58.47DNF7:13.71
5x5x5 Blindfolded Final 30 DNF DNF Switzerland DNFDNFDNS
3x3x3 Multi-Blind Final 22 10/10 51:12 Switzerland 10/10 51:12

Faiz Elrey Anggaraksa - Indonesia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 610 10.19 12.70 Indonesia 10.1913.8513.4811.8412.78
2x2x2 Cube Second round 88 1.38 2.69 Indonesia 2.243.781.383.852.06
First round 86 2.25 2.75 Indonesia 2.252.842.452.955.78
4x4x4 Cube First round 481 50.03 54.03 Indonesia DNF50.3350.0355.8655.89
Pyraminx First round 344 5.64 8.70 Indonesia 5.6413.008.959.407.74
Skewb First round 268 6.91 8.06 Indonesia 10.078.556.917.528.11
Square-1 First round 153 16.00 20.06 Indonesia 18.1929.4016.0018.1823.81

Fangyuan Chang (常方圆) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1072 26.68 32.91 China 36.6426.6836.0932.8929.75

Feliks Zemdegs - Australia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 90 6.58 7.91 Australia 8.907.997.186.588.55
First round 20 5.61 6.51 Australia 5.616.066.896.587.88
2x2x2 Cube Second round 58 1.54 2.29 Australia 2.352.882.801.541.73
First round 91 1.82 2.81 Australia 1.824.953.121.913.39
4x4x4 Cube Second round 23 22.56 28.08 Australia 28.6128.5028.2422.5627.50
First round 3 21.69 22.69 Australia 21.6926.0021.7722.6223.69
5x5x5 Cube Final 9 42.70 46.18 Australia 45.4846.7946.2647.0042.70
Second round 4 39.64 41.81 OcR Australia 44.3541.0739.6440.0246.65
First round 6 40.94 44.20 Australia 43.2146.5645.8940.9443.51
6x6x6 Cube Final 4 1:21.81 1:23.24 Australia 1:22.301:21.811:25.62
First round 8 1:21.05 1:25.01 Australia 1:21.051:27.401:26.57
7x7x7 Cube Final 8 2:00.32 2:03.11 Australia 2:07.472:01.532:00.32
First round 7 2:00.90 2:09.50 Australia 2:10.002:00.902:17.61
3x3x3 One-Handed Final 11 9.29 11.63 Australia 11.6810.5112.739.2912.71
Second round 10 9.17 10.47 Australia 9.4811.369.1714.8810.57
First round 13 9.62 11.02 Australia 9.6210.7110.5412.4711.80
Megaminx First round 24 36.25 42.61 Australia 45.5739.2643.0136.2546.38

Finn Ickler - Germany WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 292 9.17 10.21 Germany 9.1711.749.5511.339.76
First round 392 7.79 10.71 Germany 13.117.799.6713.499.35
4x4x4 Cube First round 154 32.42 35.55 Germany 38.6232.4239.5234.6833.36
5x5x5 Cube First round 174 1:02.05 1:09.98 Germany 1:14.991:12.041:02.051:09.011:08.88

Firstian Fushada (符逢城) - Indonesia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 117 7.01 8.17 Indonesia 8.397.827.018.3010.54
First round 99 6.44 7.97 Indonesia 8.187.867.888.526.44
2x2x2 Cube Second round 194 2.42 DNF Indonesia 3.162.423.89DNSDNS
First round 36 1.88 2.02 Indonesia 1.952.171.941.882.72
4x4x4 Cube Second round 44 28.46 29.90 Indonesia 28.4629.6634.4729.4930.56
First round 34 27.70 28.76 Indonesia 29.0527.7028.21DNF29.03
5x5x5 Cube Final 12 43.27 47.38 Indonesia 49.4043.2757.1746.0146.72
Second round 11 43.26 47.37 Indonesia 47.6546.2648.1949.7843.26
First round 17 46.12 49.83 Indonesia 46.1251.5049.6248.3651.87
6x6x6 Cube Final 7 1:22.56 1:24.82 Indonesia 1:22.561:26.251:25.66
First round 12 1:22.82 1:27.23 Indonesia 1:29.461:29.421:22.82
7x7x7 Cube Final 10 2:03.46 2:11.31 NR Indonesia 2:03.462:18.482:11.98
First round 12 2:09.47 2:12.93 Indonesia 2:09.472:18.872:10.45
3x3x3 Blindfolded Second round 31 28.06 DNF Indonesia DNF28.06DNF
First round 29 25.07 DNF Indonesia 25.07DNFDNF
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 147 DNF DNF Indonesia DNFDNFDNF
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 87 10.79 14.78 Indonesia 15.3510.7914.4814.8115.06
Clock First round 35 6.24 6.74 Indonesia 6.927.266.896.426.24
Megaminx Final 8 32.47 34.82 Indonesia 37.4732.4743.1933.3833.62
First round 9 35.13 37.46 Indonesia 39.6635.7240.8837.0035.13
Pyraminx First round 97 2.75 4.05 Indonesia 4.513.675.462.753.98
Skewb First round 134 4.49 5.72 Indonesia 5.885.665.6110.494.49
Square-1 Second round 17 5.68 NR 8.16 Indonesia 8.118.8010.827.575.68
First round 31 8.18 9.84 Indonesia 17.489.068.189.5210.94
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 48 DNF DNF Indonesia DNFDNFDNF
3x3x3 Multi-Blind Final 44 DNF Indonesia DNF

Francessca Otalora Alfaro - Peru WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1126 1:00.21 1:10.57 Peru 1:14.621:16.831:28.151:00.211:00.25
Clock First round 282 16.16 Peru 16.16DNF
Skewb First round 429 14.50 17.02 Peru 17.3614.5016.2617.4324.32

Francisco Montañés Barbudo - Spain WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 944 18.43 20.22 Spain 18.4319.5720.4420.6627.55
2x2x2 Cube First round 692 7.04 9.61 Spain
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 146 47 DNF Spain 4748DNF
Clock First round 204 10.48 12.68 Spain 12.3514.2714.2710.4811.41
Square-1 First round 262 41.58 Spain 41.58DNF

Fung Hoi Yin (馮凱賢) - Hong Kong, China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 323 7.25 10.51 Hong Kong, China 7.259.6910.4111.42DNF
First round 300 9.31 9.88 Hong Kong, China 9.6210.599.4410.729.31
2x2x2 Cube First round 206 3.46 3.72 Hong Kong, China 3.463.603.804.583.76
4x4x4 Cube First round 112 30.39 33.02 Hong Kong, China 32.6831.5234.9434.8530.39
5x5x5 Cube Second round 68 57.05 58.93 Hong Kong, China 1:02.6557.0558.121:00.3858.29
First round 77 56.12 58.42 Hong Kong, China 56.1257.4257.291:08.411:00.54
6x6x6 Cube First round 29 1:35.78 1:37.15 Hong Kong, China 1:35.781:38.521:37.16
7x7x7 Cube First round 31 2:25.68 2:32.89 Hong Kong, China 2:29.642:43.362:25.68
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 240 18.89 19.52 Hong Kong, China 20.0429.6019.5018.8919.01
Megaminx First round 113 53.95 59.55 Hong Kong, China 1:07.6357.7654.501:06.3953.95
Pyraminx First round 454 6.32 12.18 Hong Kong, China 18.5515.2910.756.3210.51
Skewb First round 212 4.23 7.01 Hong Kong, China

Gabriel Neo Jun Yi - Singapore WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 307 9.16 10.36 Singapore 10.2111.069.16DNF9.82
First round 320 8.08 10.02 Singapore 11.258.0810.399.5510.11
2x2x2 Cube First round 245 2.88 3.93 Singapore 3.633.292.884.866.29
Pyraminx First round 200 4.21 6.00 Singapore
Skewb First round 215 6.15 7.07 Singapore 6.158.697.226.497.49

Gareth David Kim (김태율) - United States WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 994 22.03 23.43 United States 22.0322.31DNF23.6124.37

Gegeenbileg Naranchimeg - Mongolia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 275 8.94 10.01 Mongolia 10.4610.399.1710.528.94
First round 133 7.73 8.26 Mongolia 8.307.739.308.268.21
2x2x2 Cube First round 214 2.61 3.76 Mongolia

Geoff Eggins - Australia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 948 16.46 20.40 Australia 16.4618.7621.7020.7424.05

Geon On - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 693 11.75 13.70 Republic of Korea 12.5815.1715.3911.7513.35
2x2x2 Cube First round 637 5.57 7.31 Republic of Korea 6.2011.129.435.576.29
Clock First round 277 15.63 Republic of Korea 15.6316.05
Pyraminx First round 461 10.43 12.55 Republic of Korea 10.4415.8516.1510.4311.37
Skewb First round 441 14.42 19.18 Republic of Korea 19.2915.4222.8226.2914.42

Geon Woo Kim - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 714 11.94 14.06 Republic of Korea 14.3911.9414.1614.4613.64

Geonhee Park (박건희) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 463 8.72 11.26 Republic of Korea 8.7212.6612.3214.858.80
Pyraminx First round 182 4.58 5.60 Republic of Korea 6.226.334.585.764.82

Geontae Park (박건태) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1061 25.92 30.52 Republic of Korea 28.7225.9232.6630.1937.72

Geonwoo Im - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 648 11.07 13.19 Republic of Korea 20.7011.0711.6615.2112.71
2x2x2 Cube First round 446 4.42 5.37 Republic of Korea 5.085.796.344.425.24

George Guvamatanga - South Africa WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 745 13.27 14.50 South Africa 13.2713.7313.4718.8216.29
4x4x4 Cube First round 549 55.34 1:02.91 South Africa 59.021:03.481:06.22DNF55.34
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 150 DNF DNF South Africa DNFDNFDNF
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 352 17.75 23.93 South Africa 21.3828.0722.3517.75DNF
Clock First round 152 9.00 10.76 South Africa 9.4511.2211.60DNF9.00
Pyraminx First round 494 10.17 15.25 South Africa 13.9518.92DNF10.1712.88

George Scholey - United Kingdom WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 194 7.44 9.13 United Kingdom 9.487.857.4410.0712.83
First round 122 7.46 8.12 United Kingdom 7.887.467.979.378.51
2x2x2 Cube Final 7 1.39 1.51 United Kingdom 1.531.421.391.591.57
Second round 16 1.40 1.66 United Kingdom 2.341.771.541.671.40
First round 49 1.92 2.17 United Kingdom 1.928.222.212.361.93
4x4x4 Cube First round 150 28.85 35.26 United Kingdom 36.9032.6628.8536.2147.11
5x5x5 Cube First round 116 1:01.43 1:04.10 United Kingdom 1:12.141:01.431:03.331:03.151:05.83
6x6x6 Cube First round 204 2:25.01 2:35.91 United Kingdom 2:25.012:44.072:38.65
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 56 34 34.33 United Kingdom 353434
3x3x3 One-Handed Second round 77 12.84 15.56 United Kingdom 12.8416.5914.7017.2915.40
First round 72 11.19 13.79 United Kingdom 13.2314.0911.1914.5014.05
Skewb Final 12 2.60 3.20 United Kingdom 3.242.804.702.603.55
Second round 13 1.40 NR 2.86 United Kingdom 2.712.941.405.922.94
First round 13 2.61 3.06 United Kingdom 3.702.702.785.892.61
Square-1 First round 82 11.40 14.22 United Kingdom 15.0814.3423.8813.2311.40

Gerson Natanael - Indonesia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 845 13.72 16.77 Indonesia 19.0716.7915.5013.7218.01
2x2x2 Cube First round 486 4.01 5.60 Indonesia DNF4.016.664.955.19
4x4x4 Cube First round 449 47.19 51.71 Indonesia 1:03.9556.8550.0747.1948.22
5x5x5 Cube First round 389 1:20.39 1:37.36 Indonesia 1:47.091:51.601:41.761:20.391:23.23
6x6x6 Cube First round 199 2:29.43 2:34.95 Indonesia 2:37.852:37.572:29.43
7x7x7 Cube First round 227 4:37.20 Indonesia 4:37.20
Clock First round 158 8.28 10.94 Indonesia 10.2713.178.28DNF9.37
Skewb First round 142 2.94 5.81 Indonesia 6.502.946.364.589.78

Geunyeong Lee (이근영) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 807 10.59 15.89 Republic of Korea 15.6717.4510.5916.7015.29
2x2x2 Cube First round 388 4.27 4.85 Republic of Korea 4.824.655.076.744.27
Pyraminx First round 372 8.19 9.34 Republic of Korea 8.878.199.1310.0211.18
Skewb First round 311 6.69 9.17 Republic of Korea 7.467.546.6913.5512.50

Ghanim Abdulaziz Almutawa - Kuwait WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 654 7.96 13.26 Kuwait 7.9613.4513.7812.5415.45
2x2x2 Cube First round 296 3.31 4.24 Kuwait 3.753.935.045.153.31
4x4x4 Cube First round 568 1:05.87 1:08.39 Kuwait 1:07.881:09.751:07.541:14.851:05.87
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 319 17.95 22.50 Kuwait 17.9520.5426.6425.8221.15
Clock First round 293 19.97 Kuwait DNF19.97
Pyraminx First round 193 4.42 5.80 Kuwait 6.404.425.75DNF5.25
Skewb First round 86 4.32 4.98 Kuwait 4.934.324.676.965.34

Gianfranco Huanqui - Peru WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 756 13.01 14.73 Peru 13.0114.0523.8514.5015.63
3x3x3 Blindfolded Final 6 16.80 DNF Peru 16.80DNFDNF
Second round 7 19.55 DNF Peru 19.55DNF20.45
First round 13 18.68 DNF Peru DNF18.68DNF

Gilbert Chen (陳牧灼) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 187 8.23 9.06 Chinese Taipei 8.238.4611.268.819.92
First round 119 7.04 8.10 Chinese Taipei 7.417.048.458.4512.52
4x4x4 Cube First round 138 30.82 34.31 Chinese Taipei 41.9534.9635.3232.6530.82
5x5x5 Cube First round 149 58.92 1:07.18 Chinese Taipei 1:08.921:10.2458.921:26.801:02.37

Glen Goh Wee Zhuan (吴洧全) - Singapore WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 125 33 DNF Singapore 58DNF33

Go Jun (고준) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1029 25.08 26.91 Republic of Korea 27.5425.0826.8926.6027.23
2x2x2 Cube First round 679 6.93 8.64 Republic of Korea 13.328.097.6110.216.93

GoonWoo Park (박근우) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 920 16.22 19.15 Republic of Korea 19.2916.2220.6117.5526.09
2x2x2 Cube First round 653 6.09 7.66 Republic of Korea 6.099.966.4110.676.61
Pyraminx First round 518 10.85 22.43 Republic of Korea 10.8522.83DNF24.9819.47
Skewb First round 460 15.68 DNF Republic of Korea DNF17.2415.68DNF23.30

Graham Siggins - United States WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 631 10.19 12.95 United States 13.3812.9512.5310.1915.69
4x4x4 Cube First round 254 37.77 40.50 United States 38.4437.7742.5840.6142.46
5x5x5 Cube First round 311 1:11.69 1:25.20 United States 1:20.581:11.691:53.951:23.551:31.47
6x6x6 Cube First round 158 2:15.77 2:20.54 United States 2:15.772:18.182:27.66
7x7x7 Cube First round 250 DNF United States DNF
3x3x3 Blindfolded Final 13 21.48 DNF United States 21.4822.94DNF
Second round 14 22.21 DNF United States 22.27DNF22.21
First round 10 18.16 DNF United States 21.09DNF18.16
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 131 35 DNF United States 40DNS35
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 298 17.62 21.72 United States 24.6521.3724.0517.6219.75
Megaminx First round 250 1:21.04 1:25.31 United States 1:31.051:21.041:21.851:32.801:23.04
Pyraminx First round 328 4.74 8.33 United States 8.764.7410.096.1510.14
Skewb First round 242 5.12 7.58 United States 5.128.926.047.7914.23
Square-1 First round 131 14.55 17.73 United States 24.4815.7219.2318.2514.55
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 48 DNF DNF United States DNFDNFDNF
5x5x5 Blindfolded Final 30 DNF DNF United States DNFDNFDNF
3x3x3 Multi-Blind Final 44 DNF United States DNF

Guangmei Chen (陈光美) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 40 6.54 7.33 China 8.256.546.766.978.71
Second round 33 6.21 7.02 China 7.108.316.216.707.27
First round 41 6.34 7.05 China 7.486.346.877.566.80

Guido Dipietro - Argentina WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 423 9.84 10.94 Argentina 9.8411.6511.9910.0811.10
2x2x2 Cube Second round 118 2.09 3.13 Argentina 4.663.562.092.823.01
First round 105 2.20 2.89 Argentina
4x4x4 Cube First round 185 29.74 37.04 Argentina 36.3329.7439.9034.8840.21
5x5x5 Cube First round 180 59.30 1:10.83 Argentina 1:11.831:12.0859.301:12.881:08.57
6x6x6 Cube First round 149 2:11.69 2:15.21 Argentina 2:14.262:11.692:19.68
7x7x7 Cube First round 161 3:39.35 3:45.88 Argentina 3:46.153:39.353:52.15
3x3x3 Blindfolded Second round 40 34.64 DNF Argentina DNFDNF34.64
First round 26 23.49 DNF Argentina 23.49DNFDNF
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 3 20 24.00 Argentina 252720
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 236 18.30 19.42 Argentina 19.5219.2221.2419.5118.30
Clock First round 142 9.43 10.34 Argentina 9.4311.1110.289.64DNF
Megaminx First round 38 45.56 47.64 Argentina 45.5648.6056.6547.5846.74
Pyraminx First round 273 4.31 7.08 Argentina DNF4.768.514.317.96
Skewb First round 172 4.46 6.16 Argentina 5.976.176.574.466.33
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 10 3:31.73 DNF Argentina DNF3:31.73DNF
5x5x5 Blindfolded Final 30 DNF DNF Argentina DNFDNSDNS

Gunhyung Lee (이건형) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1137 24.80 DNF Republic of Korea 34.24DNFDNF24.8033.96

GyeHyun Cho (조계현) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
Pyraminx First round 388 8.04 9.86 Republic of Korea 8.0410.849.9318.328.82
Skewb First round 432 12.78 17.21 Republic of Korea 19.1012.7814.05DNF18.48

Gyuhyeon Choi - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1138 26.72 DNF Republic of Korea 26.72DNFDNF57.7130.10

Gyuri Park (박규리) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1017 24.44 25.92 Republic of Korea 26.4824.4432.3424.4626.83

Gyutae Park (박규태) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 968 17.45 21.63 Republic of Korea 24.8517.4518.4824.9921.56
2x2x2 Cube First round 603 3.47 6.70 Republic of Korea 5.918.383.476.727.47
Skewb First round 321 8.26 9.66 Republic of Korea 9.0910.639.5310.368.26

HaJin Kim (김하진) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 617 10.33 12.78 Republic of Korea 15.8914.7110.3312.1011.54
2x2x2 Cube First round 372 2.78 4.72 Republic of Korea 4.494.872.784.804.97
Pyraminx First round 359 7.16 9.03 Republic of Korea 9.707.168.758.6310.41
Skewb First round 341 8.60 10.29 Republic of Korea 9.0211.118.6010.7316.64

Habin Kim (김하빈) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 217 8.01 9.38 Republic of Korea 9.469.758.019.069.62
First round 294 8.20 9.84 Republic of Korea 8.209.5210.4910.839.50
2x2x2 Cube Second round 117 2.74 3.12 Republic of Korea 2.742.889.332.793.69
First round 155 2.51 3.37 Republic of Korea
4x4x4 Cube First round 383 39.29 47.69 Republic of Korea 52.8053.5339.2945.3744.90
5x5x5 Cube First round 367 1:23.51 1:32.99 Republic of Korea 1:31.941:51.061:39.701:27.331:23.51
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 131 15.00 16.26 Republic of Korea 17.2518.8315.5815.0015.95
Clock First round 97 7.61 8.86 Republic of Korea 10.877.618.017.7015.19
Pyraminx First round 345 7.87 8.73 Republic of Korea 9.377.878.829.808.00
Skewb First round 264 6.48 8.00 Republic of Korea 8.9011.608.097.016.48
Square-1 First round 235 28.71 36.19 Republic of Korea 36.9428.7137.65DNF33.97

Hadif Hary Bin Hasfia - Malaysia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 401 8.80 10.76 Malaysia 8.8011.7510.1310.9711.18
4x4x4 Cube First round 303 38.21 42.40 Malaysia 38.2148.5045.2038.8043.21

Haein Woo - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1130 50.14 1:15.06 Republic of Korea 1:05.641:27.171:12.381:39.6250.14
2x2x2 Cube First round 746 16.57 27.99 Republic of Korea 16.5730.5428.8724.55DNF

Hafizh Dary Faridhan Hudoyo - Indonesia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 628 10.60 12.93 Indonesia 11.5015.1910.6015.0112.29
2x2x2 Cube First round 314 3.56 4.33 Indonesia 5.403.966.903.643.56
4x4x4 Cube First round 404 42.46 48.90 Indonesia 47.0852.40DNF42.4647.21
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 150 DNF DNF Indonesia DNFDNFDNF
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 63 34 35.67 Indonesia 383435
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 358 19.32 24.32 Indonesia 26.0323.2619.3228.1623.68
Skewb Second round 71 2.84 5.54 Indonesia 6.486.622.846.273.87
First round 67 3.36 4.59 Indonesia 5.735.334.753.703.36
Square-1 First round 260 38.17 Indonesia 49.7138.17

Hajime Miyazaki (宮崎朔) - Japan WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 311 8.00 10.39 Japan 9.0413.678.009.8612.26
First round 397 8.87 10.74 Japan 10.0611.9211.148.8711.01
Pyraminx Final 15 1.83 2.89 Japan 2.823.203.222.641.83
Second round 16 1.57 2.52 Japan 1.573.272.352.732.49
First round 28 1.83 2.70 Japan 2.203.581.832.473.43

Hajin Jeon (전하진) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 430 9.78 10.97 Republic of Korea 9.7811.3811.4413.2410.09
2x2x2 Cube First round 249 3.48 3.97 Republic of Korea 3.783.954.193.484.22
4x4x4 Cube First round 401 41.56 48.79 Republic of Korea 52.5048.8748.2049.3141.56
5x5x5 Cube First round 410 1:35.53 1:43.23 Republic of Korea 2:05.251:35.531:47.421:44.621:37.64
Megaminx First round 238 1:16.30 1:23.17 Republic of Korea 1:40.131:26.141:18.601:24.761:16.30
Pyraminx First round 218 4.41 6.27 Republic of Korea DNF4.417.146.005.66
Skewb First round 209 4.97 6.98 Republic of Korea 6.654.977.5810.136.72

Han Joong Won (한중원) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 480 10.30 11.40 Republic of Korea 11.4111.4712.5910.3011.32
2x2x2 Cube First round 358 3.16 4.59 Republic of Korea
4x4x4 Cube First round 388 40.40 48.09 Republic of Korea 49.0454.2948.2340.4047.00
5x5x5 Cube First round 446 1:49.52 1:55.92 Republic of Korea 1:56.592:14.691:54.101:49.521:57.07
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 327 19.78 22.75 Republic of Korea 22.8022.3926.6619.7823.06
Skewb First round 393 12.31 13.92 Republic of Korea 15.8912.8712.3113.0116.07

Han Na Park (박한나) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 418 8.32 10.91 Republic of Korea 10.888.3211.0212.8110.84
4x4x4 Cube First round 458 47.10 52.26 Republic of Korea 57.6248.3247.1054.1554.32
5x5x5 Cube First round 374 1:27.24 1:34.98 Republic of Korea 1:39.261:53.421:35.761:29.931:27.24
6x6x6 Cube First round 297 3:54.29 Republic of Korea 3:54.29
Skewb First round 354 7.49 10.94 Republic of Korea 12.779.4310.6118.447.49
Square-1 First round 238 25.41 DNF Republic of Korea 25.4131.73DNF25.41DNF

Han Wang (汪涵) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 556 10.75 12.15 China 11.7310.7512.8111.9214.10
2x2x2 Cube First round 321 2.94 4.38 China 3.372.94DNF4.275.51
4x4x4 Cube First round 409 43.42 49.16 China 56.9043.6257.5146.9643.42
5x5x5 Cube First round 333 1:21.80 1:28.48 China 1:24.721:33.331:21.801:27.381:44.38
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 310 20.44 22.22 China 24.7226.8220.6620.4421.27
Clock First round 198 8.71 12.16 China 14.2811.7910.408.71DNF
Megaminx First round 269 1:28.97 1:35.04 China 1:34.221:28.971:41.871:29.041:45.39
Pyraminx First round 223 4.83 6.33 China 9.426.585.976.434.83
Skewb First round 87 4.31 4.99 China 5.564.314.315.685.09
Square-1 First round 259 38.04 China 38.0449.86

Han Wu (吳翰) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 964 17.74 21.35 Chinese Taipei 21.6617.7422.0220.3639.96
2x2x2 Cube First round 657 6.67 7.77 Chinese Taipei DNF9.376.677.026.91
4x4x4 Cube First round 586 1:06.92 1:16.81 Chinese Taipei 1:07.401:06.921:14.671:28.36DNF
Clock First round 208 11.79 12.96 Chinese Taipei 13.3412.2713.2711.7914.50
Pyraminx First round 496 11.73 15.31 Chinese Taipei 19.0813.3813.4811.7319.49
Skewb First round 472 DNF Chinese Taipei DNFDNF

HanSeung Lee (이한승) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 801 13.92 15.71 Republic of Korea 16.2117.0615.2815.6413.92

Hangyeol Lee - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1087 33.99 36.54 Republic of Korea 36.6533.9936.4036.5737.20
2x2x2 Cube First round 682 6.98 8.84 Republic of Korea 6.988.1411.168.549.83
Skewb First round 452 14.81 23.23 Republic of Korea 14.8118.18DNF22.4729.04

Hani Joo (주하니) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1112 39.61 50.29 Republic of Korea 58.7153.4448.8239.6148.62
2x2x2 Cube First round 741 9.76 20.33 Republic of Korea 20.9559.0322.6017.459.76
Skewb First round 472 DNF Republic of Korea DNFDNF

Hannes Müller - Germany WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 666 12.47 13.36 Germany 14.5912.9515.5612.5412.47
2x2x2 Cube First round 491 4.77 5.62 Germany 4.775.306.787.294.78
4x4x4 Cube First round 268 36.37 40.99 Germany 40.3536.3740.9842.8941.65
5x5x5 Cube First round 321 1:08.78 1:26.66 Germany 1:38.931:28.911:26.821:24.241:08.78
6x6x6 Cube First round 210 2:34.05 2:38.01 Germany 2:35.652:44.332:34.05
7x7x7 Cube First round 177 3:43.19 4:07.43 Germany 3:43.194:17.924:21.17
3x3x3 Blindfolded Second round 70 DNF DNF Germany DNFDNFDNF
First round 69 45.62 DNF Germany DNF45.62DNF
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 137 37 DNF Germany 4437DNF
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 254 15.39 19.99 Germany 18.7720.2420.9534.4515.39
Megaminx First round 207 1:00.56 1:14.13 Germany 1:19.821:13.261:35.201:09.311:00.56
Pyraminx First round 366 5.75 9.17 Germany 9.6710.0114.815.757.83
Skewb First round 216 6.50 7.08 Germany 6.7812.446.996.507.48
Square-1 Second round 53 8.98 11.21 Germany 11.5611.448.9812.3010.64
First round 33 8.96 10.54 Germany 9.6117.829.3312.678.96
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 48 DNF DNF Germany DNFDNFDNF

Hanrun Hu (胡函润) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 588 10.98 12.44 China 11.9913.5212.1110.9813.21

Hansen Yu (余翰森) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 107 6.40 8.09 China 6.408.577.1110.018.60
First round 86 6.96 7.79 China 8.097.2413.258.046.96
2x2x2 Cube Final 13 1.53 1.74 China 1.53DNF1.861.661.70
Second round 3 1.32 1.46 China 1.551.721.341.321.48
First round 40 1.21 2.10 China
Pyraminx First round 239 6.05 6.63 China 7.706.467.246.206.05

Hanwen Mao (毛翰文) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
Clock First round 88 7.47 8.66 China 9.349.497.478.558.09

Haomeng Yuan (袁浩萌) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 817 13.89 16.15 China 13.8922.2015.1415.8817.43
2x2x2 Cube First round 459 2.82 5.47 China 5.712.825.365.339.87

Haoran Sheng (生浩然) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 635 10.51 13.00 China 14.0111.5016.0010.5113.49
2x2x2 Cube First round 256 2.37 4.02 China 4.704.354.253.452.37
Pyraminx First round 158 4.77 5.22 China 5.006.554.774.985.69
Skewb Second round 22 2.68 3.14 China 3.173.382.683.372.87
First round 11 2.12 2.85 China 2.813.022.722.123.38

Hari Anirudh - India WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 799 13.78 15.63 India 16.7113.8416.7116.3513.78
3x3x3 Blindfolded Second round 30 27.56 DNF India DNF27.56DNF
First round 36 27.92 DNF India DNFDNF27.92
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 475 33.88 40.05 India 38.3656.6244.4337.3733.88
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 48 DNF DNF India DNFDNFDNF

Hariprasad CM - India WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1111 32.16 49.79 India DNF56.6532.1638.4754.24

Harrison Jonathan Newbery-Chunn - Australia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 421 9.42 10.94 Australia 11.7810.6410.3914.909.42
4x4x4 Cube First round 331 41.13 43.54 Australia 43.5141.1345.7647.2041.36
6x6x6 Cube First round 157 2:16.29 2:19.92 Australia 2:26.882:16.582:16.29

Harry Owen - United Kingdom WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 688 13.07 13.62 United Kingdom 14.7113.7613.8013.3113.07
2x2x2 Cube First round 294 3.43 4.23 United Kingdom 7.513.434.533.774.40
4x4x4 Cube First round 391 43.61 48.26 United Kingdom 44.2748.4543.6155.3952.06
5x5x5 Cube First round 362 1:27.09 1:32.07 United Kingdom 1:27.091:34.111:32.771:30.031:33.40
6x6x6 Cube First round 231 2:36.03 2:46.30 United Kingdom 2:41.313:01.562:36.03
7x7x7 Cube First round 207 4:17.89 United Kingdom 4:17.89
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 131 1:58.21 DNF United Kingdom 2:18.451:58.21DNF
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 147 DNF DNF United Kingdom DNFDNFDNF
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 324 19.81 22.66 United Kingdom 19.8124.0921.0524.2322.85
Clock First round 122 8.50 9.59 United Kingdom DNF8.509.349.719.71
Megaminx First round 206 1:12.08 1:13.93 United Kingdom 1:29.111:13.301:14.071:12.081:14.41
Pyraminx First round 157 4.23 5.22 United Kingdom 5.468.655.604.234.60
Skewb Second round 45 3.14 4.22 United Kingdom 4.464.333.873.144.82
First round 31 1.91 3.63 United Kingdom 4.531.913.253.116.24
Square-1 First round 152 16.97 19.80 United Kingdom 16.9720.0119.6423.0919.76
5x5x5 Blindfolded Final 30 DNF DNF United Kingdom DNFDNSDNS

Harry Taylor - United Kingdom WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 438 10.14 11.03 United Kingdom 10.9410.3011.8612.5910.14
2x2x2 Cube First round 427 2.82 5.16 United Kingdom
4x4x4 Cube First round 221 35.78 38.54 United Kingdom 37.4341.7737.0835.7841.10
5x5x5 Cube First round 200 1:08.81 1:12.33 United Kingdom 1:13.261:11.471:12.261:08.811:20.35
6x6x6 Cube First round 170 2:12.49 2:24.62 United Kingdom 2:23.482:12.492:37.90
7x7x7 Cube First round 132 3:18.47 3:28.48 United Kingdom 3:18.473:27.963:39.02
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 280 19.37 21.06 United Kingdom 19.3722.6421.0426.2519.51
Megaminx First round 277 1:30.90 United Kingdom 1:30.901:52.45

Harsha Paladugu - United States WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
4x4x4 Cube First round 598 48.89 DNF United States 48.89DNSDNSDNSDNS
5x5x5 Cube First round 459 1:29.66 DNF United States 1:29.661:34.64DNFDNSDNS
Clock First round 248 6.17 DNF United States DNF6.1719.94DNFDNF
Megaminx First round 176 58.55 1:08.67 United States 58.551:14.261:04.631:07.121:18.82
Pyraminx Final 16 1.72 2.91 United States 3.5910.221.722.682.45
Second round 13 1.97 2.40 United States 1.973.352.212.692.30
First round 9 1.79 2.28 United States 4.932.022.321.792.49
Skewb First round 217 3.59 7.09 United States

Hasan Hashem Alwazzan - Kuwait WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 621 10.78 12.85 Kuwait 14.7210.7812.6213.6812.24
2x2x2 Cube First round 472 3.93 5.53 Kuwait 6.768.443.943.935.89
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 414 24.96 27.63 Kuwait 27.9727.3827.5443.1524.96
Clock First round 196 10.39 12.06 Kuwait 12.1013.0611.0110.3913.19

Hassan Khanani - United States WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 257 8.90 9.84 United States 9.3610.768.909.4112.82
First round 155 7.02 8.58 United States 8.747.029.988.318.70
2x2x2 Cube Second round 47 1.39 2.13 United States 2.381.991.392.032.58
First round 66 1.91 2.37 United States 1.941.91DNF2.322.86
4x4x4 Cube First round 192 29.34 37.39 United States 33.3129.3441.1944.0737.68
5x5x5 Cube First round 185 1:05.56 1:11.50 United States 1:08.921:14.461:14.721:05.561:11.13
6x6x6 Cube First round 86 1:45.59 1:53.87 United States 1:45.591:56.041:59.98
7x7x7 Cube First round 122 3:15.76 3:23.76 United States 3:31.663:15.763:23.87
3x3x3 Blindfolded Second round 70 DNF DNF United States DNFDNFDNF
First round 55 39.64 DNF United States 47.5439.64DNF
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 154 16.61 16.86 United States 19.6216.6716.7417.1816.61
Clock First round 40 5.98 6.94 United States 6.305.987.926.599.96
Megaminx First round 126 53.52 1:00.86 United States 1:00.811:01.621:11.1153.521:00.14
Pyraminx First round 106 2.96 4.23 United States 5.852.965.723.423.54
Skewb Second round 63 3.35 5.08 United States 4.644.723.358.495.87
First round 60 3.59 4.51 United States 3.594.336.144.254.95
Square-1 Final 3 4.97 6.66 United States 7.606.124.978.166.26
Second round 3 5.29 5.97 United States 5.745.806.375.298.35
First round 3 5.24 6.47 United States 7.9010.115.395.246.12

He-Ping Zheng (鄭和平) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 89 6.67 7.87 Chinese Taipei 6.678.327.188.408.11
First round 84 6.80 7.73 Chinese Taipei 7.027.346.808.8311.04
4x4x4 Cube Second round 53 26.49 31.03 Chinese Taipei 32.2826.4937.6731.3729.44
First round 49 25.92 29.59 Chinese Taipei 31.8725.9230.4230.4727.89
5x5x5 Cube Second round 44 51.36 55.06 Chinese Taipei 57.141:00.5451.3651.4056.64
First round 57 53.10 56.57 Chinese Taipei 53.1059.7456.8253.141:01.29
6x6x6 Cube First round 52 1:36.11 1:44.18 Chinese Taipei 1:41.521:36.111:54.91
7x7x7 Cube First round 36 2:32.92 2:36.08 Chinese Taipei 2:32.922:41.682:33.63
3x3x3 One-Handed Second round 20 10.98 11.49 Chinese Taipei 13.8011.2011.5311.7310.98
First round 55 11.54 13.22 Chinese Taipei 11.5413.3214.3612.6013.73

Heejun An (안희준) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1026 22.00 26.53 Republic of Korea 22.0030.8725.6126.8427.14
2x2x2 Cube First round 725 9.98 12.64 Republic of Korea 13.479.9814.3014.4210.15

Heejun Kim (김희준) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 380 9.95 12.19 Republic of Korea 10.3910.379.9515.8216.42
First round 207 7.82 9.09 Republic of Korea 9.239.928.127.8211.75
3x3x3 Blindfolded Second round 23 25.15 DNF Republic of Korea 45.30DNF25.15
First round 11 18.20 NR DNF Republic of Korea DNF18.2023.33

Heesung Kim (김희성) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 806 10.58 15.88 Republic of Korea 16.3016.1610.5815.5915.89
2x2x2 Cube First round 387 4.08 4.85 Republic of Korea 4.795.164.614.086.36

Helmer Ewert - Sweden WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 184 8.34 9.03 Sweden 8.349.158.8210.069.11
First round 214 7.15 9.22 Sweden
2x2x2 Cube First round 288 2.88 4.19 Sweden 5.984.412.884.243.92
4x4x4 Cube First round 182 34.83 36.89 Sweden 39.0735.0039.2236.6034.83
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 150 DNF DNF Sweden DNFDNFDNF
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 97 25 DNF Sweden 31DNF25
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 151 15.63 16.69 Sweden 18.4715.7215.6315.8919.67
Pyraminx First round 93 2.81 3.94 Sweden 4.682.813.783.375.27
Square-1 Second round 25 7.26 8.80 Sweden 14.6210.857.567.267.99
First round 14 7.09 7.97 Sweden 8.637.777.5111.527.09
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 48 DNF DNF Sweden DNFDNFDNF

Henry Helmuth - United States WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 166 7.88 8.84 United States
First round 162 7.77 8.67 United States 7.809.628.607.779.61
2x2x2 Cube First round 218 2.64 3.79 United States
4x4x4 Cube First round 280 39.79 41.67 United States 39.7943.4139.9041.7149.79
5x5x5 Cube First round 261 1:14.59 1:18.45 United States 1:16.361:20.511:18.491:14.591:22.75
6x6x6 Cube First round 178 2:14.76 2:26.18 United States 2:14.762:28.502:35.29
7x7x7 Cube First round 123 3:17.23 3:24.14 United States 3:31.653:23.553:17.23
3x3x3 One-Handed Second round 51 11.75 13.16 United States 13.1213.7112.7613.6011.75
First round 34 11.36 12.33 United States 14.7011.9512.7212.3111.36
Megaminx First round 161 1:02.53 1:07.23 United States 1:07.211:15.651:02.531:10.241:04.23
Skewb First round 141 4.17 5.79 United States 10.854.175.145.406.83

Henry Syn - United States WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 691 11.34 13.69 United States 14.2413.1618.1511.3413.68
2x2x2 Cube First round 595 1.93 6.56 United States 5.111.93DNF4.2210.34
4x4x4 Cube First round 353 39.60 45.28 United States 44.5543.5752.9839.6047.73
5x5x5 Cube First round 255 1:13.95 1:18.08 United States 1:18.401:13.951:18.261:19.711:17.59
6x6x6 Cube First round 203 2:14.48 2:35.63 United States 2:45.802:46.612:14.48
7x7x7 Cube First round 223 4:34.05 United States 4:34.05
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 345 21.52 23.75 United States 25.8325.5024.0521.5221.71

Henry Tang Kun Chung (鄧貫中) - Hong Kong, China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 169 7.95 8.91 Hong Kong, China 9.688.427.958.639.92
First round 358 8.75 10.35 Hong Kong, China 9.6012.168.7510.8110.65
2x2x2 Cube First round 401 3.77 4.97 Hong Kong, China 5.596.293.775.144.19
4x4x4 Cube First round 159 28.79 35.62 Hong Kong, China 36.6339.8540.5328.7930.38
5x5x5 Cube First round 120 58.28 1:04.37 Hong Kong, China 1:14.141:01.341:00.0458.281:11.72
6x6x6 Cube First round 98 1:54.98 1:57.72 Hong Kong, China 1:58.491:59.691:54.98
7x7x7 Cube First round 88 2:47.23 2:58.45 Hong Kong, China 2:47.233:08.662:59.47
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 145 14.19 16.58 Hong Kong, China 18.5416.5614.6314.1920.26
Clock First round 168 8.68 11.38 Hong Kong, China 8.6814.079.4410.6417.17
Megaminx First round 133 55.92 1:01.78 Hong Kong, China 1:03.5456.7755.921:06.591:05.04
Skewb Second round 36 3.42 4.00 Hong Kong, China 5.523.593.424.064.34
First round 59 3.15 4.50 Hong Kong, China 4.405.264.994.113.15
Square-1 First round 127 16.19 17.12 Hong Kong, China 16.1916.2718.3716.7326.84

Heonjae Jung (정헌재) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 823 14.89 16.26 Republic of Korea 16.3217.6615.9316.5414.89
2x2x2 Cube First round 336 2.54 4.49 Republic of Korea 2.543.727.094.804.96
4x4x4 Cube First round 469 46.41 52.96 Republic of Korea 1:06.8746.4148.5553.7556.57
5x5x5 Cube First round 412 1:40.49 1:44.82 Republic of Korea 1:41.871:45.201:40.492:10.181:47.40
6x6x6 Cube First round 275 3:08.67 Republic of Korea 3:08.67
7x7x7 Cube First round 245 5:03.83 Republic of Korea 5:03.83
Clock First round 203 11.14 12.51 Republic of Korea 12.7715.8211.1412.6812.08
Pyraminx First round 357 7.67 8.95 Republic of Korea 8.579.837.6715.508.46
Skewb First round 303 6.05 8.96 Republic of Korea

Heyu Fu (付荷语) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 131 7.80 8.40 China 7.808.658.727.849.13
First round 90 6.42 7.83 China 7.958.506.427.038.96
2x2x2 Cube Second round 129 2.78 3.30 China 2.783.573.123.203.81
First round 149 2.45 3.32 China
4x4x4 Cube First round 175 34.17 36.55 China 34.1743.4735.0938.6435.93
Pyraminx Second round 62 3.16 3.97 China 4.164.444.653.323.16
First round 59 3.19 3.44 China 3.193.573.344.913.40
Skewb First round 159 3.56 6.00 China 5.416.323.566.436.27

Hill Pong Yong Feng - Malaysia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 123 7.54 8.31 Malaysia 8.548.367.548.178.40
First round 168 7.53 8.74 Malaysia 7.839.597.538.819.61
3x3x3 Blindfolded Second round 28 26.72 31.23 Malaysia 35.8231.1426.72
First round 33 26.88 29.30 Malaysia 27.1633.8526.88
Megaminx Final 14 31.69 NR 39.51 Malaysia 42.1736.2031.6940.9241.40
First round 12 33.60 37.70 NR Malaysia 35.2343.5533.6040.1537.72
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 5 1:54.81 DNF Malaysia DNF1:54.81DNF
5x5x5 Blindfolded Final 1 2:18.78 WR DNF Malaysia DNF2:18.78DNF

Hira Adhikari - Hong Kong, China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 831 12.94 16.50 Hong Kong, China 16.8217.8712.9416.9615.71
2x2x2 Cube First round 531 3.56 5.97 Hong Kong, China 5.536.685.693.567.04
4x4x4 Cube First round 537 56.38 1:01.45 Hong Kong, China 1:14.5357.5856.381:00.361:06.40
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 456 28.25 32.81 Hong Kong, China 28.25DNF36.9228.9032.60
Clock First round 197 11.54 12.15 Hong Kong, China 11.7211.5411.9512.7813.06
Pyraminx First round 363 7.08 9.10 Hong Kong, China 15.897.089.009.578.73
Skewb First round 266 4.27 8.03 Hong Kong, China 8.0512.246.059.984.27

Hirotaka Ito (伊藤大平) - Japan WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 530 8.97 11.86 Japan 13.209.9912.3814.398.97
2x2x2 Cube First round 415 4.34 5.06 Japan 4.344.884.995.316.01
3x3x3 Blindfolded Second round 42 36.33 DNF Japan DNF36.33DNF
First round 44 31.65 DNF Japan 31.65DNFDNF
Pyraminx First round 458 11.16 12.26 Japan 13.9611.9612.2411.1612.59
Skewb First round 378 9.50 12.71 Japan 12.8310.6714.629.5019.33

HoYeon Lee - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 935 19.02 19.78 Republic of Korea 19.8719.2720.7420.1919.02

Hojae Jeon - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1058 26.80 30.27 Republic of Korea 27.7226.80DNF28.3034.78

Hojin Jung (정호진) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 926 16.32 19.49 Republic of Korea 16.3221.5217.7121.5819.23
2x2x2 Cube First round 631 6.15 7.17 Republic of Korea 7.426.157.367.037.11
Pyraminx First round 379 9.04 9.62 Republic of Korea 9.259.9711.539.639.04
Skewb First round 457 11.98 DNF Republic of Korea 13.83DNF12.7311.98DNF

Hong JooHyung (홍주형) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 931 18.67 19.66 Republic of Korea 18.6718.9320.3319.7321.58
2x2x2 Cube First round 540 5.16 6.07 Republic of Korea 5.165.458.906.026.74
Pyraminx First round 481 13.42 14.26 Republic of Korea 13.4214.0914.9313.7715.81

Hong Jun Hwa (홍준화) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 567 10.70 12.25 Republic of Korea 10.7613.3910.7012.6013.99

Hong YoonSoo (홍윤수) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 988 20.70 22.82 Republic of Korea 26.4720.7022.8022.1823.49

Hongyuan Fu (傅泓源) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 557 10.95 12.17 China 12.9910.9511.8612.3612.28
2x2x2 Cube First round 390 2.26 4.89 China 6.864.713.552.266.41
4x4x4 Cube First round 422 44.89 50.10 China 53.7652.3051.1744.8946.83
5x5x5 Cube First round 334 1:14.83 1:28.62 China 1:43.271:14.831:22.281:29.711:33.86
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 150 DNF DNF China DNFDNFDNF
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 321 17.16 22.61 China 17.1620.8834.0425.2821.67
Clock First round 170 9.48 11.39 China 11.2311.6813.999.4811.26
Megaminx First round 212 1:09.38 1:15.59 China 1:24.301:10.751:26.431:09.381:11.72
Pyraminx First round 208 4.77 6.12 China 5.034.776.606.747.66
Skewb First round 206 4.89 6.91 China 8.967.276.167.304.89

Hua-Ting Lee (李華庭) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 468 10.43 11.31 Chinese Taipei 12.4110.4310.7010.8314.04
4x4x4 Cube First round 363 42.62 45.95 Chinese Taipei 58.1445.3742.6244.1748.30
5x5x5 Cube First round 259 1:16.72 1:18.31 Chinese Taipei 1:16.721:19.361:17.021:22.851:18.56
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 127 1:47.03 DNF Chinese Taipei DNF1:47.031:59.31
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 283 19.38 21.28 Chinese Taipei DNF19.9922.0919.3821.75

Huaizhen Liu (刘淮真) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 616 9.77 12.78 China 16.1011.9110.33DNF9.77
2x2x2 Cube First round 357 4.03 4.58 China
Pyraminx First round 381 7.40 9.69 China 10.36DNF7.408.6110.11

Hui Hing Ho (許鑫豪) - Hong Kong, China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 748 13.81 14.54 Hong Kong, China 13.9315.8014.2215.4713.81
2x2x2 Cube First round 417 4.34 5.07 Hong Kong, China 4.344.355.696.805.17
4x4x4 Cube First round 416 48.06 49.89 Hong Kong, China 51.1252.9048.5849.9848.06
5x5x5 Cube First round 286 1:15.80 1:22.18 Hong Kong, China 1:15.801:23.631:31.141:23.651:19.25
6x6x6 Cube First round 164 2:14.40 2:22.30 Hong Kong, China 2:14.402:29.332:23.17
7x7x7 Cube First round 140 3:15.49 3:32.63 Hong Kong, China 3:40.993:41.413:15.49
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 439 23.77 29.89 Hong Kong, China 33.1054.4330.9923.7725.58

Huining Huang (黄徽宁) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 74 6.32 8.80 China 8.526.327.2410.6411.36
Second round 37 5.99 7.17 China 7.707.055.997.846.77
First round 102 7.60 7.98 China 8.067.608.199.147.68
2x2x2 Cube Second round 17 1.35 1.68 China 5.191.421.351.612.00
First round 16 1.08 1.66 China DNF1.082.201.451.34
Pyraminx Final 1 1.66 1.88 China 1.891.941.821.662.58
Second round 12 1.61 2.36 China 1.612.202.402.532.47
First round 5 1.76 2.03 China 1.762.471.862.192.03

Huisu Yu (유희수) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 536 10.84 11.92 Republic of Korea 14.6111.2410.8411.2513.26
2x2x2 Cube First round 229 3.17 3.85 Republic of Korea 3.334.213.174.02DNF
4x4x4 Cube First round 397 42.02 48.68 Republic of Korea 49.6750.9942.0245.38DNF
5x5x5 Cube First round 383 1:31.45 1:36.53 Republic of Korea 1:37.991:33.431:38.161:52.871:31.45
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 144 41 DNF Republic of Korea DNS41DNF
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 406 19.49 26.95 Republic of Korea 29.1934.4425.0619.4926.60
Clock First round 140 8.11 10.25 Republic of Korea 17.849.7111.979.068.11
Megaminx First round 282 1:32.37 Republic of Korea 1:37.931:32.37
Pyraminx First round 305 6.06 7.83 Republic of Korea
Skewb First round 198 5.09 6.65 Republic of Korea 5.905.099.525.828.23
Square-1 First round 199 19.53 25.56 Republic of Korea 23.1226.2033.1627.3519.53

Hwang Heejung (황희정) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 957 19.34 20.98 Republic of Korea 20.5222.6322.2520.1719.34
2x2x2 Cube First round 734 10.12 14.86 Republic of Korea 18.7515.2119.6910.1210.63
Pyraminx First round 484 13.37 14.67 Republic of Korea 16.2013.3717.3713.9713.83
Skewb First round 472 DNF Republic of Korea DNFDNF

Hyegang Lee (이혜강) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 359 10.41 11.19 Republic of Korea 10.4110.5312.2411.4611.58
First round 348 8.43 10.27 Republic of Korea 9.968.439.7011.1411.35
4x4x4 Cube First round 491 48.42 55.61 Republic of Korea 59.7048.4255.6452.4258.77
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 286 19.74 21.31 Republic of Korea 20.6822.7019.7420.5527.86
Megaminx First round 220 1:04.82 1:17.13 Republic of Korea 1:18.971:04.821:28.261:14.201:18.22
Square-1 First round 167 16.99 21.17 Republic of Korea 26.7616.9918.3621.2923.85

Hyejun Kim (김혜준) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 976 19.55 22.01 Republic of Korea 24.1121.9523.9319.5520.15
2x2x2 Cube First round 703 3.95 10.28 Republic of Korea 10.46DNF3.9510.789.60
Skewb First round 469 23.62 Republic of Korea DNF23.62

Hyeok Yang (양혁) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 111 1:18.84 1:44.93 Republic of Korea 1:29.821:18.842:26.13
Megaminx First round 310 2:01.92 Republic of Korea DNF2:01.92
Pyraminx First round 528 27.44 Republic of Korea 27.44DNF
Skewb First round 389 11.49 13.58 Republic of Korea 16.0714.1913.5413.0111.49
Square-1 First round 156 13.93 20.34 Republic of Korea 13.9329.7115.1825.1820.67
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 47 12:27.00 DNF Republic of Korea 12:27.00DNSDNS

Hyeonseo Lee - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 982 21.08 22.18 Republic of Korea 26.8421.0823.3821.2421.92
Clock First round 205 8.75 12.73 Republic of Korea 8.7516.9912.4012.3113.49

Hyo-Min Seo (서효민) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 172 7.75 8.95 Republic of Korea 9.579.467.8211.237.75
First round 187 7.90 8.87 Republic of Korea 9.648.007.909.219.41
2x2x2 Cube First round 447 4.62 5.37 Republic of Korea 5.944.667.524.625.52
5x5x5 Cube First round 194 1:09.80 1:11.99 Republic of Korea 1:09.801:23.481:13.671:11.531:10.77
3x3x3 One-Handed Second round 50 12.32 13.05 Republic of Korea 12.3612.7416.6312.3214.05
First round 58 12.64 13.37 Republic of Korea 14.9413.6113.3213.1812.64
Megaminx First round 221 1:08.85 1:17.59 Republic of Korea 1:26.861:13.481:08.851:18.431:20.87

HyunJin Lee (이현진) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 670 11.27 13.45 Republic of Korea 14.1113.9711.2713.4112.97
2x2x2 Cube First round 749 2.88 DNF Republic of Korea 2.883.483.67DNFDNF
4x4x4 Cube First round 520 52.21 58.52 Republic of Korea 52.211:15.2659.9256.4059.23
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 299 20.28 21.78 Republic of Korea 22.7722.0720.5128.9120.28
Pyraminx First round 248 4.32 6.74 Republic of Korea 4.327.446.626.159.23
Skewb First round 147 4.52 5.87 Republic of Korea 8.474.526.845.844.93

Hyunjo Kim (김현조) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 999 21.79 24.11 Republic of Korea 25.1228.6123.4023.8021.79
2x2x2 Cube First round 730 7.16 14.05 Republic of Korea 17.8810.9019.3713.387.16
Pyraminx First round 529 DNF Republic of Korea DNFDNS
Skewb First round 464 21.25 Republic of Korea 21.2527.37
Square-1 First round 272 52.83 Republic of Korea 52.83DNF

Hyunmin Roh (노현민) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 548 10.50 12.06 Republic of Korea 11.3611.7913.0413.3110.50
2x2x2 Cube First round 444 3.99 5.37 Republic of Korea 5.873.996.254.295.96
Pyraminx First round 237 4.97 6.62 Republic of Korea 8.134.975.218.816.53

Hyunseo Ha - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 794 13.40 15.49 Republic of Korea 15.1917.2519.3413.4014.03
2x2x2 Cube First round 391 3.41 4.89 Republic of Korea 4.586.025.283.414.81
4x4x4 Cube First round 510 51.00 57.29 Republic of Korea 1:04.2651.001:12.1352.6055.00
Clock First round 271 15.03 Republic of Korea 15.1515.03
Pyraminx First round 437 8.43 11.49 Republic of Korea 11.458.4310.9614.7112.06
Skewb First round 422 11.84 16.21 Republic of Korea 12.6615.3722.0620.6011.84

Hyunseong Moon (문현성) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1108 39.84 47.88 Republic of Korea DNF39.8450.3649.0444.25

Hyunseung Son (손현승) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1015 24.79 25.83 Republic of Korea 24.8424.7925.1135.4027.54

Hyunsung Jin (진현성) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1043 20.61 28.21 Republic of Korea 35.9524.5224.7835.3220.61
2x2x2 Cube First round 707 5.38 10.39 Republic of Korea 5.3813.238.09DNF9.86

Hyunwoo Kim - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 825 12.93 16.35 Republic of Korea 12.9316.0117.5516.2416.79
2x2x2 Cube First round 519 4.02 5.88 Republic of Korea

Ian Kim - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 720 10.70 14.12 Republic of Korea DNF10.7013.6615.0313.67
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 441 26.83 30.13 Republic of Korea 31.5729.7226.8330.9829.69

Ibrahim Khanani - United States WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 283 7.96 10.12 United States 7.9610.5212.229.7610.09
First round 333 8.96 10.12 United States 10.049.438.9611.0010.90
2x2x2 Cube First round 145 2.32 3.30 United States 3.824.602.843.242.32
4x4x4 Cube First round 200 34.91 37.53 United States 35.1240.3838.0739.4034.91
5x5x5 Cube First round 124 1:01.79 1:05.21 United States 1:06.821:02.291:01.791:15.571:06.51
6x6x6 Cube First round 81 1:45.35 1:52.12 United States 1:56.601:45.351:54.40
7x7x7 Cube First round 66 2:39.93 2:46.65 United States 2:54.852:39.932:45.17
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 141 13.31 16.48 United States 16.3417.7937.6813.3115.32
Megaminx First round 227 1:05.39 1:19.73 United States 1:14.791:19.671:29.171:24.721:05.39
Pyraminx First round 387 6.65 9.85 United States 6.6510.109.4513.7710.01
Skewb First round 219 6.64 7.15 United States 10.377.

Ignacy Malinowski - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 245 9.19 9.61 Poland 9.709.199.3611.599.78
First round 292 7.41 9.84 Poland 9.9210.167.419.4511.32
2x2x2 Cube Second round 73 1.98 2.47 Poland 2.431.982.882.462.51
First round 71 1.26 2.43 Poland 2.682.922.462.151.26
4x4x4 Cube First round 357 36.32 45.52 Poland 48.6836.3243.6344.25DNF
5x5x5 Cube First round 281 1:15.38 1:21.63 Poland 1:29.481:24.501:15.381:21.201:19.18
6x6x6 Cube First round 224 2:38.52 2:42.70 Poland 2:40.832:48.752:38.52
7x7x7 Cube First round 219 4:29.23 Poland 4:29.23
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 134 14.89 16.28 Poland 16.4517.0215.3814.8923.17
Clock First round 52 6.67 7.34 Poland 11.507.357.686.996.67
Megaminx First round 210 1:08.75 1:15.13 Poland 1:19.221:10.581:23.861:15.581:08.75
Pyraminx First round 201 4.96 6.00 Poland 4.966.355.985.688.54
Skewb Second round 76 4.74 6.12 Poland 5.344.745.467.558.94
First round 68 3.94 4.65 Poland 4.305.983.944.984.68
Square-1 First round 88 13.28 14.80 Poland 20.6814.8713.2814.8914.63

Ignatios Papathemistokleous - Cyprus WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1044 24.14 28.33 Cyprus 31.5627.2627.4430.2824.14
2x2x2 Cube First round 673 7.49 8.40 Cyprus 8.467.4911.047.948.81
Clock First round 73 6.69 8.10 NR Cyprus 8.64DNF8.426.697.23
Pyraminx First round 476 7.76 13.85 Cyprus 15.1013.9212.537.7617.59
Skewb First round 438 9.68 18.21 Cyprus DNF9.6818.8815.2720.48

Ihan Jin (진이한) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 904 17.08 18.68 Republic of Korea 20.6218.5017.0820.1917.36
2x2x2 Cube First round 518 4.31 5.86 Republic of Korea 7.694.65DNF4.315.24
Pyraminx First round 315 5.75 8.12 Republic of Korea 8.407.345.758.628.71

Ilkyoo Choi (최일규) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 886 14.74 18.10 Republic of Korea 20.6618.5818.8314.7416.90
2x2x2 Cube First round 597 2.94 6.59 Republic of Korea 10.782.947.675.896.21
4x4x4 Cube First round 575 1:06.91 1:11.18 Republic of Korea 1:09.501:17.741:12.691:11.361:06.91
Clock First round 291 19.56 Republic of Korea DNF19.56
Pyraminx First round 486 12.75 14.80 Republic of Korea 12.8013.2318.3612.7527.85
Skewb First round 450 18.06 21.20 Republic of Korea 21.8118.06DNF21.8819.92

Ilya Epifanov - Russia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 263 9.25 9.89 Russia 9.2510.339.649.7110.55
First round 375 8.81 10.49 Russia 11.569.2110.6912.208.81
2x2x2 Cube Second round 130 2.96 3.31 Russia 3.035.483.762.963.14
First round 102 1.34 2.88 Russia 2.713.322.604.531.34
4x4x4 Cube First round 348 38.10 44.98 Russia 52.1846.2242.9245.7938.10
5x5x5 Cube First round 292 1:19.31 1:23.15 Russia 1:31.041:19.311:20.951:22.731:25.78
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 126 14.50 16.13 Russia 17.2016.5714.5016.5215.29

Inha Woo (우인하) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 652 11.29 13.23 Republic of Korea 12.8713.6013.6813.2111.29
5x5x5 Cube First round 284 1:13.59 1:22.14 Republic of Korea 1:13.591:26.191:23.461:25.841:17.12
Pyraminx First round 113 2.79 4.33 Republic of Korea 3.696.635.512.793.79

Inigo Miguel B. Palisoc - Philippines WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 109 7.27 8.10 Philippines 7.278.739.017.538.04
First round 136 7.03 8.31 Philippines 7.677.127.0310.4910.15
2x2x2 Cube Second round 126 1.61 3.23 Philippines 6.112.641.613.073.98
First round 85 2.10 2.71 Philippines 2.902.902.602.632.10
4x4x4 Cube Second round 52 22.90 30.94 Philippines 34.2227.2231.9022.9033.71
First round 24 27.16 28.12 Philippines 27.1629.7327.5227.5629.28
5x5x5 Cube Second round 19 46.62 51.57 Philippines 53.2952.8456.4046.6248.59
First round 61 50.73 56.93 Philippines 50.7353.061:08.671:05.2452.50
6x6x6 Cube First round 64 1:43.48 1:47.48 Philippines 1:48.731:50.221:43.48
7x7x7 Cube First round 76 2:43.92 2:51.76 Philippines 2:48.373:02.982:43.92
3x3x3 One-Handed Second round 37 11.54 12.36 Philippines 13.0511.5411.7212.3014.21
First round 65 10.33 13.61 Philippines 17.6513.1510.3313.3914.28
Megaminx First round 167 1:01.12 1:08.03 Philippines 1:12.511:01.121:12.441:02.561:09.09

Inyoung Oh (오인영) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 777 9.12 15.14 Republic of Korea 14.7934.1613.1017.549.12
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 423 26.09 28.58 Republic of Korea 29.4726.0928.6828.7728.28

Ioannis Papadopoulos - Greece WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
5x5x5 Cube First round 449 1:52.41 2:00.19 Greece 2:07.302:16.482:00.291:52.411:52.98
Megaminx First round 194 1:08.13 1:12.60 Greece 1:20.981:08.131:11.441:11.011:15.35

Isaac Lai Yin Chung - Singapore WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 221 7.86 9.43 Singapore 10.188.687.869.4313.84
First round 306 9.43 9.92 Singapore 9.5212.349.439.6710.57
2x2x2 Cube Second round 154 2.54 3.71 Singapore 2.544.604.703.173.36
First round 65 1.49 2.37 Singapore 4.592.001.492.472.63
4x4x4 Cube First round 105 30.54 32.70 Singapore 32.6732.0833.3530.5434.65
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 139 13.62 16.41 Singapore 15.9515.1218.1619.8213.62
Megaminx Final 9 31.35 36.14 Singapore 36.4936.2831.3535.6436.68
First round 7 32.77 36.73 Singapore 36.6637.5432.7740.3536.00
Pyraminx First round 166 4.15 5.32 Singapore 9.344.
Skewb First round 144 3.66 5.85 Singapore 4.85DNF8.553.664.16
Square-1 Second round 61 7.97 12.24 Singapore 12.8214.1313.3810.537.97
First round 72 10.93 12.82 Singapore 10.9313.8312.4712.1617.05

Isaac Scheepers - South Africa WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 163 7.88 8.80 South Africa 8.919.428.0812.667.88
First round 218 6.80 9.24 South Africa 7.829.1214.236.8010.79
2x2x2 Cube First round 273 3.80 4.11 South Africa 3.804.173.874.304.40
4x4x4 Cube First round 387 43.69 48.02 South Africa 45.7350.2751.1243.6948.07
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 396 22.97 26.36 South Africa 22.9727.1330.8226.1225.83
Square-1 First round 206 17.25 26.75 South Africa 17.2555.5126.2424.6029.42

Isac Blessing - United States WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 778 12.81 15.16 United States 13.6116.1417.1915.7212.81
2x2x2 Cube First round 528 4.96 5.94 United States 5.855.054.968.066.91

Ishaan Hadkar - India WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 689 10.95 13.65 India 13.8715.1510.9512.4914.59
4x4x4 Cube First round 316 36.70 42.86 India 41.3552.9843.8343.4036.70
5x5x5 Cube First round 192 1:08.19 1:11.96 India 1:11.671:16.901:09.061:08.191:15.16
6x6x6 Cube First round 266 3:02.34 India 3:02.34
7x7x7 Cube First round 184 4:00.15 India 4:00.15
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 376 20.87 25.40 India 20.8726.0326.4033.8323.78

István Kocza - Hungary WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 965 20.54 21.38 Hungary 22.0821.9120.6220.5421.60
3x3x3 Blindfolded Second round 61 56.89 1:12.82 Hungary 1:42.3956.8959.17
First round 80 54.24 1:09.93 Hungary 1:11.4754.241:24.08
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 77 38 39.67 Hungary 393842
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 36 7:03.65 DNF Hungary 7:03.65DNFDNF
5x5x5 Blindfolded Final 21 12:02.00 DNF Hungary 12:38.0012:02.00DNS
3x3x3 Multi-Blind Final 33 11/17 58:25 Hungary 11/17 58:25

Itthikorn Jittaveeroj (อิทธิกร จิตทวีโรจน์) - Thailand WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 160 7.66 8.77 Thailand 8.449.138.927.668.96
First round 193 7.76 8.94 Thailand 9.178.849.988.807.76
2x2x2 Cube Second round 110 2.74 3.05 Thailand 2.742.973.262.913.60
First round 159 2.91 3.39 Thailand 4.453.512.913.263.41
4x4x4 Cube First round 250 37.13 40.31 Thailand 42.8437.1344.7739.6438.44
5x5x5 Cube First round 202 1:08.98 1:12.43 Thailand 1:08.981:10.791:25.161:11.411:15.10
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 134 2:02.91 DNF Thailand 2:24.85DNF2:02.91
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 105 14.45 15.47 Thailand 15.6314.4516.3415.9514.84
Pyraminx First round 87 3.13 3.87 Thailand 3.523.133.645.714.46

Ivan Keith Cariaga - Philippines WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 638 11.43 13.07 Philippines 11.9611.4315.6213.5213.73
2x2x2 Cube First round 231 2.80 3.86 Philippines
Pyraminx First round 155 4.00 5.12 Philippines 5.444.004.855.535.07
Skewb Second round 43 3.19 4.10 Philippines
First round 45 3.43 4.09 Philippines 4.823.934.583.433.76

Ivan Li Ka Leong (李嘉亮) - Hong Kong, China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 146 5.13 8.56 Hong Kong, China 9.845.138.0010.227.84
First round 94 5.59 7.90 Hong Kong, China 7.9810.517.767.955.59
2x2x2 Cube Second round 177 2.07 4.35 Hong Kong, China
First round 141 2.27 3.27 Hong Kong, China 3.482.272.875.153.46
4x4x4 Cube Final 11 24.85 25.99 Hong Kong, China 25.2724.8527.5527.4225.27
Second round 5 22.66 25.36 Hong Kong, China 27.8124.3222.6623.9630.35
First round 16 25.07 27.09 Hong Kong, China 32.3325.0727.5527.8625.85
5x5x5 Cube Final 10 42.50 46.56 Hong Kong, China 45.9242.5047.5548.2846.20
Second round 14 44.76 49.11 Hong Kong, China 49.1548.5949.7144.7649.58
First round 12 42.36 47.71 Hong Kong, China 47.2450.5046.6149.2742.36
6x6x6 Cube Final 10 1:19.30 1:26.17 Hong Kong, China 1:26.351:32.851:19.30
First round 10 1:25.40 1:25.87 Hong Kong, China 1:26.451:25.771:25.40
7x7x7 Cube First round 20 2:10.49 2:19.98 Hong Kong, China 2:19.332:30.132:10.49
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 150 DNF DNF Hong Kong, China DNFDNFDNF
3x3x3 One-Handed Second round 53 10.12 13.34 Hong Kong, China 15.6913.7010.1212.9813.33
First round 61 12.55 13.44 Hong Kong, China 12.6916.5313.1212.5514.52
Clock First round 193 7.95 11.99 Hong Kong, China 7.9515.929.0710.98DNF
Megaminx First round 26 37.60 43.55 Hong Kong, China 45.9544.9144.2141.5237.60
Pyraminx First round 270 4.16 7.03 Hong Kong, China 4.166.2910.448.616.18
Skewb First round 99 4.42 5.18 Hong Kong, China 4.524.424.876.16DNF
Square-1 Second round 50 8.77 10.69 Hong Kong, China 10.758.779.7013.8511.63
First round 46 10.84 11.47 Hong Kong, China 10.8411.0111.1215.5712.29

Iñigo Zachary Enrile - Philippines WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1049 18.90 28.95 Philippines 31.1028.3329.7328.7918.90
2x2x2 Cube First round 515 3.57 5.85 Philippines 5.743.943.578.177.87
Pyraminx First round 464 11.30 12.67 Philippines 12.1916.0513.6511.3012.17
Skewb First round 426 14.68 16.64 Philippines 21.3716.9314.6817.3515.65

Jack A. McDonald - Australia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1092 37.36 40.44 Australia 41.8741.1239.5340.6737.36
2x2x2 Cube First round 738 13.69 18.53 Australia 13.8219.1713.6935.2722.61
Pyraminx First round 524 14.47 DNF Australia 26.9814.4723.09DNFDNF

Jack Cai - Australia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 565 11.61 12.21 Australia 11.6114.6311.6113.1411.89
4x4x4 Cube First round 468 49.64 52.91 Australia 59.1856.2350.9449.6451.56
3x3x3 Blindfolded Second round 17 23.96 DNF Australia DNFDNF23.96
First round 20 21.21 DNF Australia 22.08DNF21.21
Pyraminx First round 297 5.51 7.71 Australia 6.419.909.135.517.58

Jack Pan (潘杰康) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 449 7.80 11.11 China 7.8011.6310.7710.9212.59
2x2x2 Cube Second round 115 1.89 3.09 China 4.613.962.591.892.72
First round 75 1.70 2.49 China 1.702.452.014.563.02
4x4x4 Cube First round 262 34.16 40.75 China 42.7641.8037.6944.6934.16

Jacob Ambrose - United States WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 478 9.35 11.39 United States 11.4612.3610.3415.879.35
2x2x2 Cube First round 219 3.23 3.79 United States 3.574.143.665.003.23
4x4x4 Cube First round 338 40.98 44.17 United States 41.7740.9849.4443.9046.85
5x5x5 Cube First round 266 1:08.59 1:19.34 United States 1:08.591:17.901:28.711:21.331:18.80
6x6x6 Cube First round 167 2:18.38 2:24.33 United States 2:18.382:25.082:29.54
7x7x7 Cube First round 117 3:08.23 3:20.56 United States 3:23.843:08.233:29.62
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 95 1:04.86 DNF United States DNF1:04.861:17.00
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 23 23 30.00 United States 353223
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 405 23.68 26.91 United States 28.0923.6826.7925.8637.62
Clock First round 49 4.80 7.20 United States 4.809.267.105.23DNF
Megaminx First round 169 59.94 1:08.17 United States 1:07.291:09.181:08.0459.941:10.89
Pyraminx First round 169 3.80 5.33 United States 4.145.925.936.313.80
Skewb First round 261 6.39 7.92 United States 6.397.628.879.357.28
Square-1 First round 175 19.06 22.03 United States 19.0630.2619.9725.5120.60
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 48 DNF DNF United States DNFDNFDNF
5x5x5 Blindfolded Final 30 DNF DNF United States DNFDNSDNS

Jaden Foo Rui Xiang - Singapore WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 718 11.68 14.09 Singapore 13.4218.1511.6815.2313.63
2x2x2 Cube First round 435 3.25 5.24 Singapore 4.147.673.257.673.92
4x4x4 Cube First round 544 57.35 1:02.00 Singapore 1:25.2058.251:00.8157.351:06.93
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 397 22.96 26.52 Singapore 22.9632.1924.2627.1828.13
Pyraminx First round 325 5.24 8.31 Singapore 11.127.9210.516.515.24
Skewb First round 332 7.12 9.97 Singapore 9.90DNF7.1210.089.92

Jae Hyeong Choi (최재형) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1011 22.25 25.19 Republic of Korea 22.7229.7522.2528.4924.37
Pyraminx First round 489 12.95 14.97 Republic of Korea 18.0313.2317.6114.0812.95
Skewb First round 410 11.18 15.00 Republic of Korea 11.1815.8420.5711.8817.27

Jae Park - United States WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
5x5x5 Blindfolded Final 30 DNF DNF United States DNFDNSDNS

Jae Wan Lee - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1118 54.04 55.57 Republic of Korea 1:03.4555.3655.7654.0455.60

Jae Yong Lee (이재용) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 293 7.45 9.84 Republic of Korea 7.4510.479.5515.129.50
4x4x4 Cube First round 203 33.62 37.58 Republic of Korea 34.5735.5042.7642.6733.62

Jae-Won Jung - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 489 9.13 11.48 Republic of Korea 12.9311.799.1311.3111.35
2x2x2 Cube First round 361 3.93 4.62 Republic of Korea 4.593.934.894.394.92

JaeSeong Choe (최재성) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 909 13.67 18.90 Republic of Korea 14.9330.6513.6718.5523.22
2x2x2 Cube First round 742 7.60 20.59 Republic of Korea DNF26.0026.828.947.60
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 150 DNF DNF Republic of Korea DNFDNFDNF
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 482 38.99 DNF Republic of Korea 52.60DNF40.8938.99DNF
Skewb First round 454 19.26 24.02 Republic of Korea 19.2625.0620.4226.58DNF

JaeWoo Jang - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 861 14.93 17.08 Republic of Korea 16.9920.1214.9317.3416.91
2x2x2 Cube First round 549 2.36 6.17 Republic of Korea 5.727.105.697.192.36

JaeYoung Chun (천재영) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 527 10.71 11.78 Republic of Korea 11.1112.3511.8910.7115.66
2x2x2 Cube First round 596 3.19 6.58 Republic of Korea 7.763.196.435.548.44
4x4x4 Cube First round 600 54.00 DNF Republic of Korea DNF58.23DNF54.001:02.81
5x5x5 Cube First round 456 1:57.07 2:13.93 Republic of Korea 2:15.67DNF2:07.422:18.701:57.07
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 432 23.98 29.60 Republic of Korea 27.4931.1623.9830.1637.80
Pyraminx First round 508 7.46 17.03 Republic of Korea 15.8723.7323.927.4611.48

Jaehyun Jeong (정재현) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 353 9.71 11.06 Republic of Korea 11.6212.109.7110.0411.53
First round 202 8.02 9.02 Republic of Korea 8.828.
2x2x2 Cube Second round 187 4.06 4.66 Republic of Korea 4.984.814.214.974.06
First round 114 1.97 2.96 Republic of Korea 5.333.231.972.543.11
4x4x4 Cube First round 90 28.88 31.88 Republic of Korea 32.5143.1128.8830.0533.08
5x5x5 Cube First round 173 1:08.02 1:09.97 Republic of Korea 1:08.021:10.721:09.161:24.771:10.04
6x6x6 Cube First round 249 2:54.11 3:01.07 Republic of Korea 2:54.113:13.512:55.60
7x7x7 Cube First round 173 3:50.10 3:54.69 Republic of Korea 3:50.104:01.943:52.04
3x3x3 Blindfolded Second round 68 1:11.97 DNF Republic of Korea DNFDNF1:11.97
First round 71 47.86 DNF Republic of Korea 1:08.39DNF47.86
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 82 41 43.00 Republic of Korea 474141
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 344 21.98 23.74 Republic of Korea 23.6424.1523.4428.3621.98
Clock First round 65 7.78 7.94 Republic of Korea 7.787.8010.567.938.10
Megaminx First round 222 1:16.10 1:17.80 Republic of Korea 1:18.151:18.681:31.881:16.571:16.10
Pyraminx First round 235 5.77 6.55 Republic of Korea 9.167.555.775.786.33
Skewb First round 120 4.44 5.48 Republic of Korea 5.495.104.445.8610.84
Square-1 First round 273 DNF Republic of Korea DNFDNF
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 48 DNF DNF Republic of Korea DNFDNFDNS
5x5x5 Blindfolded Final 30 DNF DNF Republic of Korea DNFDNSDNS
3x3x3 Multi-Blind Final 44 DNF Republic of Korea DNF

Jaehyun Park (박재현) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 860 15.19 17.07 Republic of Korea 17.8515.1919.4115.4617.90
2x2x2 Cube First round 423 4.31 5.13 Republic of Korea

Jaemin Chang (장재민) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 42 6.61 7.39 Republic of Korea 7.397.016.618.617.76
Second round 78 6.78 7.69 Republic of Korea 7.567.917.616.788.36
First round 55 5.94 7.32 Republic of Korea 7.447.147.375.947.53
2x2x2 Cube Second round 30 1.71 1.80 Republic of Korea 1.744.201.711.791.87
First round 46 1.71 2.13 Republic of Korea 5.222.641.711.931.83
4x4x4 Cube Final 16 27.76 28.82 Republic of Korea 30.7229.2228.3527.7628.90
Second round 16 26.46 27.14 Republic of Korea 26.4626.7126.8827.8429.36
First round 35 26.36 28.82 Republic of Korea 28.9526.3629.5129.1028.41
5x5x5 Cube Second round 31 47.31 53.25 Republic of Korea 52.261:04.8454.0747.3153.42
First round 13 45.49 48.55 Republic of Korea 48.1652.2345.4948.1049.40
6x6x6 Cube First round 41 1:37.70 1:40.80 Republic of Korea 1:37.701:45.651:39.04
7x7x7 Cube First round 35 2:34.65 2:35.75 Republic of Korea 2:34.722:37.872:34.65
3x3x3 One-Handed Second round 32 9.35 12.12 Republic of Korea 11.8712.629.3513.1611.88
First round 28 8.98 12.27 Republic of Korea 11.9111.7813.3313.138.98
Megaminx First round 70 47.68 52.43 Republic of Korea 1:00.3347.6854.4553.0549.80
Pyraminx First round 151 2.83 5.08 Republic of Korea 4.774.592.835.876.34
Skewb First round 93 4.31 5.09 Republic of Korea 4.734.316.725.505.04
Square-1 Final 6 4.92 AsR 7.04 Republic of Korea 9.934.927.546.926.65
Second round 6 6.55 6.93 Republic of Korea 6.666.558.797.176.95
First round 19 6.77 8.71 Republic of Korea 8.507.666.7711.359.98

Jaemin Jeon (전재민) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 649 11.79 13.21 Republic of Korea 13.5111.7914.2314.3211.90
2x2x2 Cube First round 457 3.65 5.46 Republic of Korea
4x4x4 Cube First round 390 41.76 48.19 Republic of Korea 44.7641.76DNF53.7846.02
5x5x5 Cube First round 361 1:18.91 1:31.66 Republic of Korea 1:31.761:18.911:33.131:34.481:30.08
Clock First round 263 10.46 DNF Republic of Korea DNF10.4614.64DNF10.46

Jaesung Kim (김재성) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 367 8.93 11.37 Republic of Korea 8.9312.8911.7211.2011.20
First round 344 9.77 10.23 Republic of Korea 10.0813.399.7710.3410.28
2x2x2 Cube First round 356 3.31 4.58 Republic of Korea 3.314.405.363.976.52
4x4x4 Cube First round 403 41.98 48.87 Republic of Korea 53.3052.0641.9849.5445.00

Jaime Botello García - Spain WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 128 7.41 8.38 Spain 7.947.509.707.4110.09
First round 165 7.99 8.70 Spain 7.998.688.748.6816.49
2x2x2 Cube Second round 146 3.21 3.55 Spain 3.503.923.223.943.21
First round 157 2.55 3.38 Spain 4.052.862.554.733.22
4x4x4 Cube First round 167 33.91 36.23 Spain 42.7634.6437.2533.9136.79
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 233 15.95 19.37 Spain 23.9019.9515.9516.0222.14
Clock First round 195 10.02 12.06 Spain 12.8911.3120.8610.0211.98
Skewb First round 91 3.77 5.03 Spain 4.653.776.165.874.58

Jake Lau Chiu Him (劉朝謙) - Hong Kong, China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 687 12.85 13.62 Hong Kong, China 13.5916.3113.5913.6912.85
2x2x2 Cube First round 561 5.37 6.25 Hong Kong, China 5.375.407.955.437.93

Jake Park - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 849 16.48 16.86 Republic of Korea 16.4816.7217.0839.7216.79
2x2x2 Cube First round 687 7.32 9.28 Republic of Korea 12.587.3210.928.248.68

Jakob Jernsletten - Norway WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 815 14.50 16.08 Norway 16.3517.2815.7714.5016.13
2x2x2 Cube First round 608 4.36 6.80 Norway 7.456.304.366.6612.03
4x4x4 Cube First round 497 51.72 56.09 Norway 57.9653.2557.0551.7258.49
5x5x5 Cube First round 421 1:37.00 1:46.69 Norway 1:38.421:54.111:51.881:37.001:49.78
6x6x6 Cube First round 285 3:19.85 Norway 3:19.85
7x7x7 Cube First round 247 5:13.58 Norway 5:13.58
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 102 27 DNF Norway 2728DNF
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 448 23.98 31.44 Norway 35.6129.5423.9831.1033.69
Pyraminx First round 497 5.83 15.35 Norway 16.6411.4118.0120.755.83
Skewb First round 413 8.66 15.24 Norway 17.2716.1313.488.6616.10
Square-1 First round 264 42.88 Norway 42.8850.88

Jakub Hibszer - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 149 7.72 8.56 Poland 8.717.729.968.638.35
First round 128 6.82 8.25 Poland
4x4x4 Cube First round 476 41.07 53.63 Poland 53.0153.0554.8241.071:24.54
5x5x5 Cube First round 380 1:27.82 1:36.29 Poland 1:34.931:38.961:48.351:34.981:27.82
6x6x6 Cube First round 274 3:07.85 Poland 3:07.85
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 329 19.65 22.76 Poland 25.6923.5521.2023.5319.65
Clock First round 252 6.79 DNF Poland 9.04DNFDNF6.79DNF
Pyraminx Final 14 2.25 2.73 Poland 2.812.253.602.652.72
Second round 7 2.10 2.26 Poland 2.392.132.272.842.10
First round 13 2.02 2.40 Poland 2.532.022.392.462.36

Jakub Turczyk - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 821 14.63 16.22 Poland 15.9916.2616.4014.6319.47
2x2x2 Cube First round 369 4.03 4.70 Poland
Clock First round 245 5.60 DNF Poland DNF5.607.465.61DNF
Pyraminx First round 140 3.46 4.79 Poland 4.794.335.403.465.25
Skewb First round 361 9.79 11.37 Poland 9.7917.6810.7612.8010.56

Jang Cham Gyeol - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 827 14.94 16.36 Republic of Korea 18.1315.4115.8014.9417.88

Jang Junho (장준호) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1008 24.44 24.98 Republic of Korea 24.8624.6325.4627.9324.44
2x2x2 Cube First round 697 8.90 9.86 Republic of Korea 8.9011.3210.049.2410.29
Pyraminx First round 513 15.87 20.22 Republic of Korea 21.6116.3622.70DNF15.87
Skewb First round 451 12.43 22.34 Republic of Korea 12.4325.1524.3623.2919.37

Jang Seok Won (장석원) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 739 13.16 14.37 Republic of Korea 16.8014.7114.8813.5213.16
2x2x2 Cube First round 574 5.93 6.31 Republic of Korea 6.0310.965.935.996.91
4x4x4 Cube First round 493 49.56 55.84 Republic of Korea 1:04.6252.9649.5653.001:01.55
5x5x5 Cube First round 322 1:21.45 1:26.68 Republic of Korea 1:35.341:30.421:25.591:24.041:21.45
6x6x6 Cube First round 214 2:32.10 2:39.01 Republic of Korea 2:34.842:32.102:50.09
7x7x7 Cube First round 153 3:30.31 3:40.91 Republic of Korea 3:30.313:53.033:39.38
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 87 54 55.67 Republic of Korea 595454
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 453 27.10 32.47 Republic of Korea 32.6335.3537.0229.4327.10
Megaminx First round 247 1:19.11 1:25.14 Republic of Korea 1:21.561:34.661:19.111:27.861:26.01
Pyraminx First round 498 13.61 15.37 Republic of Korea 14.7916.2119.9215.1013.61
Skewb First round 405 8.56 14.60 Republic of Korea 8.5617.7711.5314.4918.20

Jangho Kim (김장호) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 932 19.11 19.74 Republic of Korea 19.9719.7719.1119.4921.72
Megaminx First round 289 1:35.54 Republic of Korea 1:42.041:35.54

Jansen Alvarez - Philippines WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 232 8.94 9.31 Philippines 9.3312.039.288.949.31
2x2x2 Cube First round 389 3.48 4.86 Philippines 3.523.488.655.835.22
4x4x4 Cube First round 115 30.50 33.12 Philippines 32.1930.5035.9933.9233.24
5x5x5 Cube First round 135 56.76 1:05.99 Philippines 1:12.5958.171:07.211:18.2056.76
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 237 16.65 19.45 Philippines 16.65DNF20.7718.8218.75
Clock First round 241 11.39 16.87 Philippines DNF11.9111.3918.8519.86
Pyraminx Second round 55 2.22 3.80 Philippines 2.224.953.334.883.19
First round 41 2.24 3.03 Philippines 2.243.452.583.053.82
Skewb First round 193 2.84 6.58 Philippines 5.206.607.948.062.84
Square-1 First round 184 14.14 22.77 Philippines 18.8130.6114.1418.8852.34

Jasmine Lee - Australia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1012 20.29 25.44 Australia 20.2924.9726.9524.4129.23
2x2x2 Cube First round 720 5.26 11.53 Australia 12.259.9312.8712.425.26
Pyraminx First round 504 10.98 16.20 Australia 16.7719.6010.9815.3116.51
Skewb First round 434 11.53 17.41 Australia 19.8413.5918.8011.5328.51

Jason Harley - United Kingdom WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 360 6.85 11.21 United Kingdom 11.3910.716.8511.5215.32
First round 198 8.07 8.98 United Kingdom 9.648.9610.568.358.07
2x2x2 Cube First round 201 3.28 3.70 United Kingdom 3.624.293.723.283.75
4x4x4 Cube First round 204 36.05 37.62 United Kingdom 37.2039.2536.0536.4241.35
5x5x5 Cube First round 167 1:01.90 1:09.32 United Kingdom 1:14.811:01.901:10.161:05.261:12.55
6x6x6 Cube First round 142 2:10.85 2:13.71 United Kingdom 2:18.472:11.802:10.85
7x7x7 Cube First round 93 2:54.91 3:02.76 United Kingdom 3:00.023:13.342:54.91
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 102 27 DNF United Kingdom DNF27DNF
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 225 14.09 19.18 United Kingdom 14.0920.4017.5021.1519.64
Megaminx First round 263 1:20.19 1:30.07 United Kingdom 1:29.361:34.671:20.191:29.941:30.92
Pyraminx Second round 36 2.70 3.27 United Kingdom 3.182.873.754.712.70
First round 19 2.39 2.56 United Kingdom 2.392.472.582.643.90
Skewb First round 165 2.88 6.06 United Kingdom 6.358.034.307.542.88
Square-1 First round 154 10.40 20.12 United Kingdom 20.1410.4015.1125.1026.15

Jason Vindvamara - United States WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 498 10.68 11.58 United States DNF10.6811.3512.5510.84
4x4x4 Cube First round 217 32.67 38.37 United States 35.4440.9040.4132.6739.26
5x5x5 Cube First round 375 1:18.67 1:35.29 United States 1:32.041:18.671:34.071:48.281:39.76

Javier Ignacio - Philippines WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 266 8.68 9.65 Philippines 10.679.2511.139.028.68
2x2x2 Cube First round 211 2.98 3.75 Philippines 3.823.554.443.892.98
4x4x4 Cube First round 321 41.71 42.94 Philippines 44.3341.8341.7143.1943.80
5x5x5 Cube First round 317 1:18.42 1:26.07 Philippines 1:38.151:24.861:25.681:18.421:27.66
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 295 19.50 21.62 Philippines 19.7319.5023.1821.9423.58
Clock First round 124 9.09 9.60 Philippines 11.589.099.149.999.68
Pyraminx First round 191 4.84 5.78 Philippines 4.845.518.076.585.24
Skewb First round 90 4.67 5.00 Philippines
Square-1 First round 196 18.97 24.83 Philippines 23.1418.9734.0528.3622.98

Jayden Jaehyung Kim - United States WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1136 22.44 DNF United States DNF26.7422.4433.48DNF

Jayden McNeill - Australia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 185 7.23 9.05 Australia 7.7710.067.239.3210.06
First round 31 6.15 6.82 Australia 6.707.426.158.516.34
4x4x4 Cube First round 128 24.72 33.90 Australia 31.7436.8733.0937.2524.72
6x6x6 Cube First round 115 1:59.21 2:04.91 Australia 1:59.212:00.142:15.38
7x7x7 Cube First round 131 3:21.90 3:27.86 Australia 3:34.203:27.483:21.90
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 1 22 22.33 Australia 222322
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 93 12.39 14.97 Australia 14.3712.3916.2915.7614.78
Megaminx First round 81 50.50 54.63 Australia 58.9950.5052.2159.6752.70

Jeff Park - United States WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 136 6.46 8.44 United States 8.666.468.1411.208.52
First round 46 6.49 7.15 United States 10.286.896.497.127.45
4x4x4 Cube First round 474 48.18 53.51 United States 50.791:02.781:01.4648.1848.27
3x3x3 Blindfolded Final 15 DNF DNF United States DNFDNFDNF
Second round 11 21.42 22.04 United States 23.0321.4221.67
First round 9 17.21 DNF United States 17.21DNFDNF
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 178 14.21 17.53 United States 15.1519.8119.4717.9814.21
3x3x3 Multi-Blind Final 39 2/2 2:04 United States 2/2 2:04

Jeong Hoo Park - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 507 9.75 11.64 Republic of Korea 11.7310.0613.129.7513.34
2x2x2 Cube First round 381 4.00 4.83 Republic of Korea 5.174.394.004.926.26
4x4x4 Cube First round 314 36.95 42.81 Republic of Korea 44.8841.6751.0241.8836.95
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 316 21.18 22.47 Republic of Korea 22.1827.1023.5421.1821.68
Pyraminx First round 324 7.58 8.29 Republic of Korea 7.588.018.917.9511.65

Jeong Hoon Kim - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
Skewb First round 208 5.39 6.97 Republic of Korea 6.135.396.518.928.27

Jeong Ji Hun - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 867 15.36 17.34 Republic of Korea 20.3716.4215.3617.1818.41

Jeong SiOn (정시온) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1056 25.85 29.89 Republic of Korea 33.0925.8527.6233.0928.95

Jeong SiYeong (정시영) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 912 16.44 19.00 Republic of Korea 18.7521.6617.3616.4420.88

Jeong Woo Park (박정우) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1077 28.67 34.02 Republic of Korea 40.9840.2328.6730.4931.34
2x2x2 Cube First round 671 5.93 8.17 Republic of Korea 5.936.779.398.3610.54

JeongHoon Park - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1023 23.73 26.41 Republic of Korea 30.3026.3027.3625.5823.73
2x2x2 Cube First round 654 6.34 7.70 Republic of Korea 8.8013.297.816.506.34

JeongYun Ham (함정윤) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1053 24.43 29.61 Republic of Korea 29.4234.5530.2724.4329.14
Clock First round 279 15.89 Republic of Korea 19.1815.89
Skewb First round 381 12.08 12.89 Republic of Korea 13.7012.6812.3020.1212.08

Jeongmin Lee (이정민) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
Clock First round 47 6.63 7.13 Republic of Korea 7.846.696.636.877.96

Jeongwon Seo (서정원) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 694 10.68 13.72 Republic of Korea 15.9610.6816.5013.9611.24

Jeongwoo Park - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1076 30.04 33.68 Republic of Korea 33.7033.0730.0438.9734.27

Jerry Hwang (황동욱) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 317 8.59 10.44 Republic of Korea 10.2411.569.5312.278.59
First round 309 7.66 9.96 Republic of Korea 7.6611.3811.6110.028.47
2x2x2 Cube First round 348 3.35 4.54 Republic of Korea 4.544.213.354.885.13
4x4x4 Cube First round 201 36.40 37.55 Republic of Korea 36.4638.6737.5342.7836.40
5x5x5 Cube First round 137 1:03.48 1:06.07 Republic of Korea 1:06.921:06.891:04.411:03.481:10.11
6x6x6 Cube First round 134 2:05.61 2:09.24 Republic of Korea 2:05.612:15.332:06.78
7x7x7 Cube First round 105 3:01.53 3:10.64 Republic of Korea 3:20.083:10.303:01.53
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 258 17.24 20.15 Republic of Korea 18.1917.2421.1023.9721.15
Megaminx First round 66 46.41 52.14 Republic of Korea 46.4151.0554.1252.4152.95
Skewb First round 183 5.63 6.32 Republic of Korea 5.7514.405.636.806.42

Jerry Yao - United States WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 49 5.03 7.58 United States
Second round 65 5.56 7.55 United States
First round 36 5.76 6.94 United States 5.766.477.96DNF6.39
2x2x2 Cube Second round 53 1.42 2.25 United States 3.951.813.251.701.42
First round 34 1.41 1.99 United States 1.732.371.861.412.58
4x4x4 Cube First round 98 30.01 32.51 United States 31.1635.8430.0134.2232.14
5x5x5 Cube Second round 72 53.71 1:00.82 United States 1:03.9153.711:17.4855.601:02.96
First round 64 48.94 57.37 United States 48.9456.671:08.8457.9857.46
6x6x6 Cube First round 43 1:39.07 1:41.55 United States 1:43.681:39.071:41.91
7x7x7 Cube First round 52 2:31.01 2:41.03 United States 2:38.642:31.012:53.44
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 150 DNF DNF United States DNFDNFDNF
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 114 11.29 15.67 United States 11.2915.7215.7715.5218.86
Megaminx First round 189 1:01.21 1:10.80 United States 1:01.211:08.561:14.071:19.971:09.76
Pyraminx First round 241 5.30 6.69 United States 8.526.677.025.306.39
Skewb First round 278 4.48 8.39 United States 9.028.787.364.489.46
Square-1 Second round 55 9.60 11.37 United States 12.1111.0310.989.6013.00
First round 59 9.75 12.23 United States 13.3614.5011.3112.029.75

Ji In Shin (신지인) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 874 16.05 17.71 Republic of Korea DNF20.7616.0516.2216.16
2x2x2 Cube First round 502 5.31 5.75 Republic of Korea 5.595.726.435.315.93
4x4x4 Cube First round 570 1:04.51 1:09.42 Republic of Korea 1:09.871:27.061:08.041:04.511:10.34
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 141 2:11.63 2:19.38 Republic of Korea 2:11.632:20.852:25.66

Ji Won Yang - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 181 7.76 9.01 Republic of Korea 9.747.769.038.2516.77
First round 254 8.83 9.52 Republic of Korea 12.028.839.179.509.90
2x2x2 Cube First round 200 2.88 3.70 Republic of Korea 3.942.883.79DNF3.38
4x4x4 Cube First round 376 38.00 46.70 Republic of Korea DNF40.9738.0047.6951.45
5x5x5 Cube First round 391 1:27.35 1:37.47 Republic of Korea 1:27.351:35.681:35.611:41.111:53.07
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 203 16.74 18.44 Republic of Korea 20.8917.4416.7418.5219.37
Skewb First round 151 4.70 5.91 Republic of Korea 5.996.404.709.775.35

JiHwan Kong (공지환) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1135 15.93 DNF Republic of Korea 17.3915.93DNF16.06DNF
2x2x2 Cube First round 532 4.23 5.97 Republic of Korea 4.235.786.706.395.74
Pyraminx First round 501 7.60 15.61 Republic of Korea 9.4728.9914.557.6022.81
Skewb First round 459 13.61 DNF Republic of Korea 15.05DNFDNF17.3913.61

Jia Song (宋佳) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 612 9.85 12.73 China 11.1612.779.8515.7914.25
2x2x2 Cube First round 644 4.91 7.48 China 8.488.174.918.995.79

Jiahao Deng (邓家豪) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 404 9.29 10.80 China 11.079.2913.5810.4210.91
4x4x4 Cube First round 213 32.41 38.07 China 45.2332.4145.8135.2533.72
5x5x5 Cube First round 109 52.55 1:03.48 China 1:11.261:01.1652.551:12.1158.01
6x6x6 Cube First round 68 1:42.31 1:48.54 China 1:49.411:42.311:53.91
7x7x7 Cube First round 72 2:46.51 2:50.90 China 2:53.372:52.822:46.51
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 293 17.79 21.60 China 19.2117.7923.2922.3028.77
Clock First round 61 7.03 7.71 China 8.957.847.427.877.03

Jiahao Zhu - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 124 7.80 8.32 China DNF7.888.148.947.80
First round 106 7.39 7.99 China 7.987.528.487.399.59
2x2x2 Cube Second round 171 3.61 4.08 China 4.87DNF3.703.683.61
First round 118 2.39 2.98 China 3.032.393.112.793.53
4x4x4 Cube First round 103 30.79 32.64 China 38.1930.7931.8233.1033.00
5x5x5 Cube First round 128 1:01.14 1:05.39 China 1:05.741:06.081:07.741:01.141:04.35
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 244 16.65 19.57 China 16.6521.4417.4019.8723.04
Megaminx First round 287 1:34.05 China 1:42.371:34.05
Pyraminx First round 240 4.51 6.64 China 6.874.518.785.507.56
Skewb First round 309 7.28 9.09 China

Jiahn Moon (문지안) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1037 21.15 27.71 Republic of Korea 21.1530.1930.0826.4426.61

Jiayu Wang (王佳宇) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 43 6.94 7.40 China 7.067.697.456.949.68
Second round 52 6.94 7.36 China 7.217.446.949.217.44
First round 93 7.07 7.89 China 7.077.76DNF7.808.10
5x5x5 Cube First round 249 1:16.10 1:17.91 China 1:19.341:16.611:17.771:24.771:16.10
3x3x3 One-Handed Second round 71 12.29 14.60 China 22.4112.8817.1212.2913.81
First round 48 11.74 13.03 China 11.8112.0315.2411.7423.48

Jiazhou Li (李佳洲) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 60 6.73 7.93 China 6.938.368.498.676.73
Second round 19 5.81 6.59 China 7.185.816.645.948.98
First round 67 6.83 7.51 China 7.396.837.857.309.18
2x2x2 Cube Second round 19 1.32 1.70 China 3.081.911.321.701.49
First round 12 1.17 1.60 China 1.331.671.811.172.29
4x4x4 Cube Second round 64 28.14 31.91 China 32.4230.6033.1828.1432.70
First round 71 27.56 30.93 China 34.1231.9927.5628.2932.52
3x3x3 One-Handed Second round 30 11.60 12.08 China 11.6012.2312.0313.1411.99
First round 46 10.83 12.90 China 14.9312.6210.8312.8013.27
Pyraminx Second round 29 2.28 2.94 China 2.283.705.102.342.78
First round 33 1.74 2.85 China 2.262.823.481.74DNF
Square-1 Final 14 6.18 9.16 China 9.326.187.1411.0212.02
Second round 12 6.16 7.66 China 7.707.827.466.168.87
First round 18 7.38 8.50 China 24.467.388.248.608.67

Jieyu Yang (杨杰予) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 231 5.95 9.49 China 10.889.155.9519.078.44
First round 97 7.08 7.94 China 8.347.547.0810.337.94
4x4x4 Cube First round 123 31.10 33.66 China 49.4034.5334.4532.0031.10
3x3x3 Blindfolded Second round 70 DNF DNF China DNFDNFDNF
First round 42 29.44 DNF China DNF29.44DNF
Pyraminx Second round 45 1.72 3.55 China 1.724.972.474.353.83
First round 26 2.38 2.67 China 2.502.992.382.822.70
Skewb Second round 55 3.28 4.59 China 3.584.696.955.513.28
First round 75 3.72 4.78 China 4.753.726.215.404.19

Jihan Bang - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
4x4x4 Cube First round 577 1:06.24 1:14.15 Republic of Korea 1:23.781:06.241:12.411:21.081:08.97
Pyraminx First round 477 10.49 13.86 Republic of Korea 16.7110.4914.2510.6225.76
Skewb First round 387 12.38 13.37 Republic of Korea DNF12.8212.3813.5213.78

Jihan Kim (김지한) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 877 14.05 17.83 Republic of Korea 19.1216.0918.2714.0519.31
2x2x2 Cube First round 586 5.10 6.44 Republic of Korea 5.245.588.495.109.78
4x4x4 Cube First round 571 55.75 1:09.72 Republic of Korea 1:05.841:21.2455.751:02.071:28.91

Jiho Hwang (황지호) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 774 10.87 15.06 Republic of Korea 16.5210.8714.3715.9414.87
2x2x2 Cube First round 509 4.00 5.78 Republic of Korea 5.875.486.006.204.00
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 447 24.69 30.90 Republic of Korea 27.7333.6835.2124.6931.28

Jiho Kim (김지호) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 928 14.64 19.61 Republic of Korea 19.3214.6419.4921.4020.03

Jihoo Yoon (윤지후) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 335 9.81 10.64 Republic of Korea 10.5012.239.8110.8510.57
First round 325 8.73 10.07 Republic of Korea 10.799.838.739.5816.69
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 215 16.74 18.69 Republic of Korea 16.7418.6417.9419.5022.54

Jihoon Ha (하지훈) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 949 17.10 20.41 Republic of Korea 17.1022.6418.7326.4619.86
2x2x2 Cube First round 576 5.13 6.33 Republic of Korea
Clock First round 258 8.38 DNF Republic of Korea 8.38DNFDNF10.739.88
Pyraminx First round 309 6.73 7.88 Republic of Korea 7.5717.986.736.789.28
Skewb First round 122 3.90 5.55 Republic of Korea 4.946.105.603.908.02

Jihu Mun (문지후) - United States WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 279 7.58 10.05 United States 10.9710.509.6010.057.58
First round 310 9.74 9.96 United States 10.239.749.9010.809.76
2x2x2 Cube First round 226 3.60 3.83 United States 4.504.183.673.603.65
4x4x4 Cube First round 156 34.41 35.60 United States 34.8635.6643.8536.2934.41
5x5x5 Cube First round 197 1:04.39 1:12.11 United States 1:04.391:12.291:13.541:11.641:12.39
6x6x6 Cube First round 108 1:52.39 2:02.99 United States 1:57.161:52.392:19.42
7x7x7 Cube First round 115 3:05.69 3:19.41 United States 3:28.623:23.913:05.69
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 109 13.95 15.56 United States 13.9516.6815.8516.8614.16
Clock First round 295 20.26 United States DNF20.26
Megaminx First round 218 1:11.20 1:16.85 United States 1:11.201:14.411:12.911:23.231:23.56
Pyraminx First round 308 6.49 7.87 United States 8.968.026.499.036.63
Skewb First round 286 6.91 8.62 United States 9.698.168.026.9111.29

Jihun Yang (양지훈) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 661 11.00 13.30 Republic of Korea 12.3813.9011.0013.8513.68
2x2x2 Cube First round 470 3.50 5.52 Republic of Korea 4.355.226.983.5013.43
4x4x4 Cube First round 395 46.43 48.66 Republic of Korea 52.6846.4347.3048.9849.71
5x5x5 Cube First round 379 1:34.47 1:36.06 Republic of Korea 1:45.451:35.651:34.471:35.551:36.98
6x6x6 Cube First round 253 2:50.92 3:04.71 Republic of Korea 2:50.923:08.323:14.90
7x7x7 Cube First round 228 4:38.57 Republic of Korea 4:38.57
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 109 29 DNF Republic of Korea 29DNSDNS
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 434 23.36 29.68 Republic of Korea 23.3629.2839.3232.7626.99
Clock First round 226 12.96 14.19 Republic of Korea 12.9613.0714.16DNF15.34
Megaminx First round 264 1:16.35 1:30.38 Republic of Korea 1:25.331:16.351:30.371:45.641:35.43
Pyraminx First round 419 5.51 10.77 Republic of Korea 12.465.5110.4712.309.53
Skewb First round 237 5.37 7.45 Republic of Korea 7.965.378.738.535.85
Square-1 Second round 76 10.50 16.39 Republic of Korea 17.3720.1920.4311.6010.50
First round 61 11.86 12.28 Republic of Korea 12.3111.8612.3312.2013.05

Jimin Byeon (변지민) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 235 8.06 9.50 Republic of Korea 9.548.8710.0810.168.06
First round 219 7.88 9.25 Republic of Korea 8.837.889.719.859.20
4x4x4 Cube First round 359 40.36 45.71 Republic of Korea 50.6142.3650.2044.5640.36
Skewb First round 160 4.77 6.00 Republic of Korea 6.724.775.525.758.63

Jimin Kim (김지민) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 892 17.41 18.24 Republic of Korea 17.9419.7618.1518.6217.41
2x2x2 Cube First round 570 4.44 6.29 Republic of Korea 6.329.094.446.536.02
4x4x4 Cube First round 566 1:00.73 1:07.44 Republic of Korea 1:51.821:00.731:08.641:07.341:06.35

Jimmy Oh (오동현) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 764 11.58 14.92 Republic of Korea 11.5815.3514.9314.4816.10
2x2x2 Cube First round 471 3.73 5.52 Republic of Korea 7.534.324.728.023.73
4x4x4 Cube First round 523 53.96 59.30 Republic of Korea 57.8656.5453.961:03.501:05.04
Clock First round 242 8.88 18.99 Republic of Korea 17.598.8821.64DNF17.74

Jin Jang (장진) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1005 21.08 24.71 Republic of Korea 21.0826.3925.7427.3722.01
2x2x2 Cube First round 661 5.93 7.91 Republic of Korea 12.358.817.045.937.87

Jin Kimura (木村仁) - Japan WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 465 9.11 11.29 Japan 9.1112.5110.3114.0211.05

Jin Young Kim (김진영) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 450 9.22 11.11 Republic of Korea 11.4110.8611.4711.059.22
4x4x4 Cube First round 209 33.69 37.81 Republic of Korea 41.3334.8346.0133.6937.27
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 150 DNF DNF Republic of Korea DNFDNFDNF
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 186 14.37 17.87 Republic of Korea 21.9417.6618.3017.6414.37

Jinseo Hong - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 86 7.27 7.80 Republic of Korea 7.277.548.527.3413.16
First round 148 7.63 8.46 Republic of Korea 9.178.328.768.297.63
2x2x2 Cube First round 271 2.76 4.11 Republic of Korea 2.764.233.554.544.73
4x4x4 Cube Second round 36 27.53 29.11 Republic of Korea 27.5329.2833.2128.1729.87
First round 37 24.94 29.00 Republic of Korea 24.9428.2632.0933.9826.66
5x5x5 Cube Second round 17 44.92 50.24 Republic of Korea 51.2248.8753.0550.6344.92
First round 22 47.24 50.92 Republic of Korea 47.2449.5753.4152.0851.11
6x6x6 Cube First round 54 1:38.47 1:44.42 Republic of Korea 1:48.941:45.841:38.47
7x7x7 Cube First round 99 3:03.92 3:07.12 Republic of Korea 3:03.923:12.693:04.75
3x3x3 One-Handed Second round 40 11.80 12.49 Republic of Korea 11.9312.8811.8014.0412.65
First round 74 12.34 13.92 Republic of Korea 12.6314.9815.9012.3414.16
Clock First round 132 7.65 9.77 Republic of Korea 9.289.857.6511.9610.18
Megaminx First round 155 1:03.77 1:06.15 Republic of Korea 1:15.161:04.161:04.191:03.771:10.10
Pyraminx Second round 67 2.80 4.18 Republic of Korea 2.804.74DNF3.134.68
First round 54 2.68 3.29 Republic of Korea 5.823.522.682.803.55
Skewb First round 88 4.46 4.99 Republic of Korea 17.815.234.464.485.26
Square-1 First round 112 12.60 16.59 Republic of Korea 12.6017.4518.8816.1316.19

Jinsoo Ahn (안진수) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1068 22.54 31.84 Republic of Korea DNF34.6931.1729.6622.54

Jinwon Shin (신진원) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1014 23.54 25.49 Republic of Korea 26.0424.8826.7123.5425.56
2x2x2 Cube First round 677 6.57 8.47 Republic of Korea 9.127.616.579.698.68

Jiseok Baek (백지석) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1034 22.70 27.62 Republic of Korea DNF30.0023.5329.3322.70

Jiseok Yoon - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 602 11.45 12.61 Republic of Korea 14.4511.7416.7711.6511.45
4x4x4 Cube First round 554 55.03 1:03.72 Republic of Korea 55.031:06.491:05.371:07.7159.30
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 435 22.84 29.71 Republic of Korea DNF36.8523.4722.8428.82
Megaminx First round 290 1:37.94 Republic of Korea 1:39.031:37.94

Jiseop Yoon (윤지섭) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1075 26.90 33.35 Republic of Korea 40.6335.3536.7126.9027.99
Pyraminx First round 529 DNF Republic of Korea DNFDNF

Jisung Han - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1119 49.70 55.82 Republic of Korea 53.78DNF49.7053.261:00.41

Jiwon Mun (문지원) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 562 10.33 12.21 Republic of Korea 12.7710.3312.7413.9111.12
2x2x2 Cube Second round 113 1.77 3.08 Republic of Korea 4.984.262.152.821.77
First round 84 2.04 2.70 Republic of Korea 2.042.674.722.972.46
4x4x4 Cube First round 424 45.08 50.26 Republic of Korea 45.7445.0854.7550.301:34.94
Pyraminx First round 128 2.92 4.60 Republic of Korea 5.993.475.922.924.40

Jiwon Yoon (윤지원) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 939 14.78 20.08 Republic of Korea 17.9428.8719.6422.6614.78
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 463 30.83 35.43 Republic of Korea 37.9432.9730.8335.3939.79

Jiwoo Kim (김지우) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 891 14.15 18.24 Republic of Korea 14.1524.9714.6715.07DNF
2x2x2 Cube First round 522 4.30 5.91 Republic of Korea 6.045.774.305.928.09
Skewb First round 343 8.21 10.42 Republic of Korea 9.3218.368.2112.889.05

Jiyeong Park (박지영) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
2x2x2 Cube First round 744 17.29 24.79 Republic of Korea 42.9917.2923.1728.4722.74
Pyraminx First round 527 26.11 Republic of Korea 26.11DNF

Jo Hyeoncheol - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 888 16.16 18.15 Republic of Korea 16.1617.6719.9419.4917.29
2x2x2 Cube First round 656 5.95 7.72 Republic of Korea 15.089.715.957.356.09

Joanna Dubicka - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1079 27.72 34.67 Poland 40.2745.4533.5830.1527.72

Jode Brewster - Australia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 53 6.92 7.64 Australia 7.977.327.628.056.92
Second round 25 5.93 6.80 Australia 6.797.115.936.517.71
First round 66 6.70 7.49 Australia 7.576.706.748.158.67
2x2x2 Cube Second round 37 1.44 1.94 Australia 1.742.352.991.441.72
First round 76 1.72 2.50 Australia 1.722.
4x4x4 Cube Second round 70 26.05 32.56 Australia 31.3433.7026.0539.7732.63
First round 46 25.42 29.42 Australia 33.8027.2425.4232.0928.92
5x5x5 Cube First round 94 59.92 1:00.64 Australia 1:00.9159.921:00.071:02.401:00.93
6x6x6 Cube First round 93 1:49.33 1:55.58 Australia 1:49.331:56.822:00.60
7x7x7 Cube First round 91 2:47.82 3:00.17 Australia 2:47.823:00.513:12.18
3x3x3 One-Handed Second round 65 13.58 14.21 Australia 14.0814.1813.5814.3815.64
First round 47 10.16 12.94 Australia 12.8113.2710.1612.7413.30
Square-1 Second round 54 6.84 11.31 Australia 10.2811.8812.346.8411.78
First round 21 7.21 8.81 Australia 7.9510.5510.997.217.94

Joel Kwak - United States WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 929 16.25 19.63 United States 21.2324.1016.2517.1820.49
2x2x2 Cube First round 548 5.07 6.15 United States 5.867.415.188.935.07

Joey Gouly - United Kingdom WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 492 9.10 11.51 United Kingdom 9.7912.2113.6312.549.10
2x2x2 Cube First round 331 2.57 4.46 United Kingdom 2.576.173.983.455.94
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 94 1:04.79 DNF United Kingdom DNFDNF1:04.79

John Cook - Australia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1097 25.72 42.85 Australia DNF30.791:07.8925.7229.86
2x2x2 Cube First round 698 7.78 9.94 Australia 9.347.788.8813.5911.61
Pyraminx First round 516 14.81 21.66 Australia 24.4018.2614.8122.3225.85
Skewb First round 458 13.32 DNF Australia DNF16.01DNF13.3217.71

John Paul Custodio - Philippines WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 832 13.55 16.51 Philippines 16.5420.0717.1813.5515.81
2x2x2 Cube Second round 185 2.52 4.65 Philippines 5.8512.312.525.063.03
First round 193 2.67 3.67 Philippines 4.292.676.602.883.84

Jonah Crosby - United States WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 106 7.30 8.07 United States 7.307.998.607.708.51
First round 204 8.31 9.05 United States 8.809.169.498.319.18
4x4x4 Cube Final 14 25.68 27.89 United States 30.0726.5133.5227.0825.68
Second round 13 21.96 26.86 United States 29.8221.9625.1628.0727.35
First round 77 25.65 31.22 United States 33.7825.6534.3727.4132.47
5x5x5 Cube Second round 75 58.82 1:02.34 United States 1:06.8959.311:03.4258.821:04.28
First round 80 52.68 58.63 United States 1:02.8159.301:00.4256.1852.68

Jonathan Charlesworth - Australia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 156 8.49 8.65 Australia 8.498.628.738.808.60
First round 186 7.87 8.87 Australia 9.788.467.879.818.36
2x2x2 Cube Second round 123 1.87 3.21 Australia 4.905.002.461.872.28
First round 115 1.10 2.98 Australia
4x4x4 Cube First round 143 34.11 34.62 Australia 34.1134.3037.5534.8734.70
5x5x5 Cube First round 136 1:00.35 1:06.07 Australia 1:09.161:00.351:15.971:04.001:05.04
6x6x6 Cube First round 85 1:44.08 1:53.87 Australia 2:01.281:44.081:56.25
7x7x7 Cube First round 114 3:10.36 3:18.97 Australia 3:17.033:29.523:10.36
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 150 DNF DNF Australia DNFDNFDNF
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 115 30 DNF Australia 3035DNF
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 183 15.77 17.79 Australia 16.7422.0817.1519.4715.77
Clock First round 110 8.45 9.22 Australia 8.939.47DNF8.459.25
Megaminx First round 102 54.00 58.49 Australia 1:00.4854.001:00.1554.841:03.62
Pyraminx First round 172 3.75 5.44 Australia 8.364.637.563.754.13
Skewb Second round 25 2.13 3.36 Australia 3.812.925.012.133.36
First round 26 3.03 3.56 Australia 5.873.793.753.033.14
Square-1 Second round 65 11.24 12.71 Australia 12.5812.7715.2311.2412.79
First round 38 8.86 10.88 Australia 8.8614.5512.919.889.84

Jonathan Kim (김요나단) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 802 12.56 15.73 Republic of Korea 17.7816.7612.6512.5621.17
2x2x2 Cube First round 547 4.96 6.15 Republic of Korea 5.596.097.104.966.77
4x4x4 Cube First round 578 1:06.44 1:14.35 Republic of Korea 1:21.121:06.441:12.811:15.791:14.46
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 422 24.32 28.46 Republic of Korea 32.7324.3224.8327.8237.20
Pyraminx First round 429 5.93 11.31 Republic of Korea 12.938.775.9312.2421.03
Skewb First round 335 8.62 10.13 Republic of Korea 10.108.629.1711.1112.56

Jonghyun Choi (최종현) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 706 12.16 13.96 Republic of Korea 14.6612.1615.5612.3914.84
4x4x4 Cube First round 450 51.45 51.84 Republic of Korea 51.5651.4552.2355.5651.74
5x5x5 Cube First round 440 1:38.55 1:53.92 Republic of Korea 1:52.452:00.081:49.232:02.941:38.55
3x3x3 Blindfolded Second round 70 DNF DNF Republic of Korea DNFDNFDNF
First round 41 29.35 DNF Republic of Korea DNFDNF29.35
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 340 21.36 23.50 Republic of Korea 26.1621.3621.4322.9132.14

Jongwon Kook - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 911 16.91 18.98 Republic of Korea 21.1124.0816.9117.4818.36
2x2x2 Cube First round 636 5.95 7.25 Republic of Korea

Joon Cha (차준혁) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 316 8.86 10.42 Republic of Korea 9.8711.6313.179.768.86
First round 373 9.15 10.48 Republic of Korea 9.159.3613.8410.6811.41
2x2x2 Cube First round 244 2.92 3.92 Republic of Korea 4.343.545.602.923.88
4x4x4 Cube First round 475 48.18 53.52 Republic of Korea 55.4051.2053.9648.181:00.60
5x5x5 Cube First round 372 1:24.95 1:34.07 Republic of Korea 1:37.671:24.951:41.021:38.671:25.88
6x6x6 Cube First round 277 3:09.79 Republic of Korea 3:09.79
7x7x7 Cube First round 179 3:54.91 4:20.67 Republic of Korea 3:54.914:59.004:08.11
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 142 2:12.85 DNF Republic of Korea DNF2:16.752:12.85
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 38 29 31.33 Republic of Korea 293431
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 306 19.12 22.13 Republic of Korea 22.6419.5634.2619.1224.20
Megaminx First round 230 1:14.59 1:20.34 Republic of Korea 1:22.881:19.031:26.901:14.591:19.12
Pyraminx First round 360 8.14 9.03 Republic of Korea
Skewb First round 336 6.87 10.15 Republic of Korea 8.896.8710.8710.6815.35

Jooseung Ha - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 741 12.37 14.38 Republic of Korea 13.1812.3715.6114.3419.34

Jordan Crippa - Italy WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 809 12.15 15.93 Italy 16.4515.8212.1515.8316.13
2x2x2 Cube First round 424 3.43 5.14 Italy 4.207.593.433.6410.84
4x4x4 Cube First round 540 53.74 1:01.71 Italy 1:06.0053.7458.151:11.981:00.98
5x5x5 Cube First round 439 1:47.76 1:53.51 Italy 2:09.101:48.111:47.761:54.121:58.30
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 150 DNF DNF Italy DNFDNFDNF
Pyraminx First round 471 11.77 13.56 Italy 25.0413.4315.2212.0411.77
Skewb First round 395 12.35 14.08 Italy 14.5214.9212.3512.7917.51

Joseph Briggs - United Kingdom WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 200 7.93 9.20 United Kingdom 9.7611.017.938.948.91
First round 138 7.76 8.32 United Kingdom 7.769.238.218.897.87
4x4x4 Cube First round 345 40.39 44.54 United Kingdom 43.4952.1546.1044.0440.39
3x3x3 One-Handed Second round 57 9.91 13.61 United Kingdom 14.729.9115.0513.0813.04
First round 24 11.52 12.07 United Kingdom 15.8811.5212.2012.3211.68
Megaminx First round 196 1:04.80 1:12.84 United Kingdom 1:04.931:23.421:04.801:20.301:13.29

Joshua Feran - United States WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 371 9.30 11.42 United States 12.269.3010.4011.6012.69
First round 308 9.54 9.94 United States 10.649.939.549.7510.15
2x2x2 Cube First round 346 3.67 4.53 United States 3.674.575.135.043.98
4x4x4 Cube First round 293 37.89 41.95 United States 39.1737.8949.8142.2344.44
5x5x5 Cube First round 234 1:13.33 1:16.09 United States 1:20.271:13.331:16.711:16.971:14.58
6x6x6 Cube First round 181 2:15.84 2:26.39 United States 2:15.842:19.432:43.90
7x7x7 Cube First round 125 3:08.33 3:24.90 United States 3:44.863:08.333:21.52
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 150 DNF DNF United States DNFDNFDNF
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 60 34 35.00 United States 353436
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 219 16.22 18.81 United States 16.3822.6819.4020.6616.22
Clock First round 32 6.26 6.58 United States 6.676.268.816.776.29
Megaminx First round 141 1:00.55 1:04.09 United States 1:08.231:01.151:06.191:04.941:00.55
Pyraminx First round 127 3.67 4.54 United States 4.586.823.674.634.40
Skewb First round 320 7.82 9.64 United States 7.8216.089.958.0710.90
Square-1 First round 256 36.42 United States 36.4245.94

Josias Milan Sirpa Pinto - Bolivia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 230 9.30 9.47 Bolivia 9.659.369.309.4010.02
First round 239 7.43 9.35 Bolivia
2x2x2 Cube First round 426 3.35 5.15 Bolivia 3.354.246.404.818.30
4x4x4 Cube First round 126 31.25 33.87 Bolivia 39.9335.9131.2834.4231.25
5x5x5 Cube Second round 67 54.19 58.72 Bolivia 1:03.7155.3554.1957.111:07.14
First round 72 49.78 NR 58.08 Bolivia 58.431:03.2256.4759.3549.78
6x6x6 Cube First round 100 1:56.25 1:58.44 Bolivia 1:56.251:56.702:02.38
7x7x7 Cube First round 102 2:55.76 3:09.14 Bolivia 3:12.023:19.652:55.76
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 230 14.74 19.30 Bolivia 14.7419.0424.6319.7619.09
Clock First round 220 11.47 13.82 Bolivia 16.0311.4713.2017.5812.22
Skewb Second round 62 2.99 5.01 Bolivia 6.802.994.995.884.16
First round 62 3.48 4.52 Bolivia 4.693.485.125.323.75

Joy Wee - Singapore WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 379 10.52 12.03 Singapore 11.1411.3513.5917.0610.52
First round 334 8.96 10.13 Singapore 10.908.9610.169.3412.73
2x2x2 Cube First round 361 3.93 4.62 Singapore 4.605.045.323.934.21
4x4x4 Cube First round 368 38.83 46.14 Singapore 38.83DNF52.2440.4145.77
Clock First round 99 8.08 8.91 Singapore 8.649.488.628.0810.12

Juan Felipe Gómez López - Colombia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 868 13.82 17.39 Colombia 23.0118.9013.8218.3614.90
2x2x2 Cube First round 594 4.03 6.55 Colombia 6.784.036.16DNF6.70
Pyraminx First round 495 9.41 15.30 Colombia 13.8118.9513.139.4126.16
Skewb First round 412 11.56 15.16 Colombia 17.0016.7611.5617.9311.72

Juan Kwon (권유안) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 850 13.58 16.87 Republic of Korea 16.8218.9013.5822.6014.88
2x2x2 Cube First round 473 2.81 5.54 Republic of Korea 4.582.817.576.415.64

Juan Miguel F. Mendoza - Philippines WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 522 9.69 11.74 Philippines 17.5714.1810.4710.569.69
2x2x2 Cube Second round 173 3.36 4.22 Philippines 4.315.913.364.294.05
First round 147 2.66 3.30 Philippines 4.923.312.663.253.33

Juan Miguel Saboya Soto - Colombia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 153 7.49 8.64 Colombia 8.7810.617.499.327.81
First round 63 6.36 7.43 NR Colombia 6.928.476.366.919.72
2x2x2 Cube Second round 55 1.41 2.27 Colombia 2.562.571.411.682.56
First round 17 1.25 1.66 NR Colombia 1.671.892.481.251.43
4x4x4 Cube First round 582 59.67 1:15.23 Colombia 59.671:21.031:21.021:03.65DNF
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 261 17.24 20.23 Colombia 20.9923.9617.2422.0817.61
Clock First round 38 6.57 6.88 Colombia 6.577.346.638.636.66
Pyraminx First round 100 3.60 4.06 Colombia 4.493.604.014.633.67
Skewb First round 178 4.69 6.26 Colombia 4.696.146.526.118.30
Square-1 First round 159 14.18 20.65 Colombia 17.8917.9814.1826.08DNF

Jude Michaels - New Zealand WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 793 13.14 15.47 New Zealand 13.4114.5918.4113.14DNF
2x2x2 Cube First round 327 2.04 4.42 New Zealand 3.862.04DNF4.414.99
Skewb First round 254 5.11 7.82 New Zealand 6.368.

Jules Desjardin - France WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 113 7.50 8.14 France 10.678.048.657.737.50
First round 130 7.53 8.25 France 8.807.5310.997.698.25
2x2x2 Cube Second round 169 2.66 4.04 France 3.766.694.294.082.66
First round 166 2.74 3.44 France 2.743.044.402.899.50
4x4x4 Cube First round 88 29.20 31.77 France 31.2030.6933.4335.9229.20
5x5x5 Cube First round 106 55.51 1:03.07 France 1:07.4555.511:06.481:02.9959.74
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 150 DNF DNF France DNFDNFDNF
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 41 31 31.67 France 323132
Megaminx First round 88 54.26 55.95 France 56.7356.1055.011:05.3654.26
Pyraminx Final 10 1.55 2.34 France
Second round 15 1.78 2.48 France 1.782.462.822.173.17
First round 45 1.58 3.15 France 2.821.584.553.463.16

Julien Gras - France WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 677 12.65 13.54 France 13.6514.5513.2913.6712.65
2x2x2 Cube First round 516 4.28 5.85 France 5.885.216.466.584.28
4x4x4 Cube First round 530 53.08 1:00.73 France 1:05.3158.831:01.4453.081:01.92
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 395 21.36 26.30 France 27.4327.5825.0521.3626.41
Megaminx First round 251 1:22.43 1:25.35 France 1:24.241:36.871:22.671:22.431:29.14
Square-1 First round 100 12.81 15.71 France 13.0515.6518.4222.6912.81

Juliette Sébastien - France WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 44 6.06 7.45 France 7.886.067.2312.397.23
Second round 28 5.90 6.92 France 8.256.626.805.907.33
First round 33 6.61 6.86 France 7.046.616.656.887.78
2x2x2 Cube Second round 63 1.44 2.38 France 3.542.363.281.441.49
First round 41 1.18 2.12 France 2.362.391.622.761.18
4x4x4 Cube Second round 76 30.30 34.17 France 32.0334.8636.9430.3035.63
First round 70 27.17 30.88 France 27.1733.5527.9331.17DNF
5x5x5 Cube First round 97 59.88 1:01.13 France 59.9559.881:07.021:00.831:02.60
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 24 25 30.00 France 323325
3x3x3 One-Handed Final 2 8.65 9.65 France 9.999.679.2810.418.65
Second round 3 7.91 10.00 France 10.7610.387.9110.499.12
First round 7 8.83 10.52 France 10.468.8312.2310.5310.58
Megaminx First round 17 35.99 39.44 France 35.9936.8439.7141.7642.28

Jun Hyeok Jang (장준혁) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 547 10.20 12.06 Republic of Korea 14.4511.7610.6313.7910.20
2x2x2 Cube First round 397 3.60 4.95 Republic of Korea 3.687.326.634.553.60

Jun Pyo Kim - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 744 11.81 14.47 Republic of Korea 14.9113.0111.8115.4816.33
2x2x2 Cube First round 539 4.33 6.05 Republic of Korea 9.165.524.336.715.93

JunHyeong Choi (최준형) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 751 14.03 14.64 Republic of Korea 14.3615.5914.6114.9514.03
4x4x4 Cube First round 591 1:05.91 1:22.70 Republic of Korea 1:38.301:11.311:05.911:38.341:18.48
Clock First round 275 15.54 Republic of Korea 16.9215.54
Pyraminx First round 449 9.20 11.84 Republic of Korea 11.5913.109.2013.8510.82
Skewb First round 289 6.48 8.73 Republic of Korea 6.488.3610.5012.987.33
Square-1 First round 208 23.38 27.08 Republic of Korea DNF26.2427.9823.3827.03

JunJae Lim (임준재) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 906 15.14 18.75 Republic of Korea 22.1315.1415.8418.28DNF
Pyraminx First round 413 8.70 10.57 Republic of Korea 8.7010.3111.759.8711.54
Skewb First round 307 7.13 9.08 Republic of Korea 13.4310.009.317.137.92

JunSeo Kim - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1095 35.49 41.74 Republic of Korea 42.7047.5844.1335.4938.39
2x2x2 Cube First round 733 10.81 14.77 Republic of Korea 21.5014.8816.8712.5710.81

JunSun Park (박준선) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 822 11.68 16.23 Republic of Korea 16.7215.6517.8816.3311.68
2x2x2 Cube First round 543 3.69 6.10 Republic of Korea 7.724.925.653.698.54
4x4x4 Cube First round 535 52.20 1:01.37 Republic of Korea 1:10.551:08.4652.201:01.0154.65

JunWoo Lee (이준우) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 533 10.11 11.91 Republic of Korea 14.9610.1111.6211.8712.23

Junbeom Kim - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 879 14.18 17.91 Republic of Korea 18.3022.2715.2920.1314.18
2x2x2 Cube First round 462 3.23 5.48 Republic of Korea 6.973.233.545.947.58

June Kim (김준) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 869 13.33 17.49 Republic of Korea 22.1215.9113.3316.7519.81
2x2x2 Cube First round 341 4.09 4.51 Republic of Korea 4.094.414.735.144.38
Pyraminx First round 211 5.67 6.17 Republic of Korea 6.206.976.335.675.97
Skewb First round 285 6.16 8.62 Republic of Korea 10.0311.418.097.756.16

June Seo Lee - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 664 12.14 13.33 Republic of Korea 13.1312.6914.1714.7112.14
Clock First round 304 DNF Republic of Korea DNFDNF

Jung Gyu Bin (정규빈) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 941 15.44 20.13 Republic of Korea 22.3615.4416.8421.1923.71
2x2x2 Cube First round 560 4.30 6.25 Republic of Korea 5.147.994.306.766.86

Jung Jay (정재이) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1006 21.26 24.76 Republic of Korea 24.1430.8824.0921.2626.04

Jung Ju Whan (정주환) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 542 10.77 12.00 Republic of Korea 10.9411.8510.7713.2113.94
4x4x4 Cube First round 278 29.43 41.54 Republic of Korea 39.0140.9344.6951.3629.43
5x5x5 Cube First round 195 1:05.44 1:12.04 Republic of Korea 1:14.101:05.441:20.651:10.761:11.26
6x6x6 Cube First round 238 2:44.97 2:51.57 Republic of Korea 2:54.742:55.012:44.97
7x7x7 Cube First round 193 4:05.49 Republic of Korea 4:05.49
Clock First round 213 10.45 13.28 Republic of Korea 14.3413.4510.4512.0614.58
Megaminx First round 30 40.71 44.84 Republic of Korea 46.9645.4242.3740.7146.72
Pyraminx First round 397 6.38 10.16 Republic of Korea 13.0710.626.3812.177.68
Square-1 First round 261 38.32 Republic of Korea 51.5438.32

Jung Meen Park (박정민) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1084 28.36 35.53 Republic of Korea 38.3333.8234.4448.3228.36
2x2x2 Cube First round 693 8.19 9.62 Republic of Korea 8.1910.549.388.9515.90

Jung Tae Woong (정태웅) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 699 11.69 13.83 Republic of Korea 12.6212.9115.9511.6916.63
2x2x2 Cube First round 354 3.26 4.57 Republic of Korea 4.723.264.844.145.63
Clock First round 164 9.49 11.24 Republic of Korea DNF9.499.8711.7712.09
Pyraminx First round 274 5.72 7.08 Republic of Korea 7.695.767.795.7210.19
Skewb First round 244 5.60 7.61 Republic of Korea 7.218.835.6010.116.79

Jungwoo Kim (김정우) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 142 6.97 8.53 Republic of Korea 8.518.456.9712.808.62
First round 262 7.16 9.64 Republic of Korea 9.8610.707.168.9710.09
2x2x2 Cube First round 220 3.34 3.80 Republic of Korea 3.344.036.913.553.82
4x4x4 Cube First round 229 36.16 39.11 Republic of Korea 36.1641.9637.3247.3738.04
5x5x5 Cube First round 270 1:17.13 1:20.02 Republic of Korea 1:21.541:21.361:20.841:17.871:17.13
6x6x6 Cube First round 225 2:29.53 2:43.29 Republic of Korea 2:59.232:41.102:29.53
7x7x7 Cube First round 201 4:12.06 Republic of Korea 4:12.06
3x3x3 Blindfolded Second round 49 40.26 DNF Republic of Korea DNF42.8240.26
First round 49 35.56 DNF Republic of Korea DNF35.5642.66
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 84 40 43.33 Republic of Korea 404842
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 234 17.32 19.41 Republic of Korea 18.5420.8217.3226.5618.88
Clock First round 212 11.10 13.19 Republic of Korea 11.1011.6113.75DNF14.20
Megaminx First round 193 1:11.17 1:12.33 Republic of Korea 1:11.501:11.291:14.201:28.881:11.17
Pyraminx First round 186 5.10 5.67 Republic of Korea
Skewb Second round 34 3.41 3.87 Republic of Korea 3.413.505.163.674.45
First round 32 1.92 3.66 Republic of Korea 4.161.923.763.543.69
Square-1 First round 225 24.65 30.56 Republic of Korea 29.0328.9024.6533.74DNF
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 48 DNF DNF Republic of Korea DNFDNFDNF
5x5x5 Blindfolded Final 30 DNF DNF Republic of Korea DNFDNFDNF
3x3x3 Multi-Blind Final 18 23/32 1:00:00 Republic of Korea 23/32 1:00:00

Jungyu Cha (차준규) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1040 22.23 28.03 Republic of Korea 22.2322.8827.7733.4436.72
2x2x2 Cube First round 708 9.01 10.46 Republic of Korea 11.0510.0513.709.0110.27

Junhee Lee - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 984 17.70 22.59 Republic of Korea 26.94DNF22.6518.1717.70
2x2x2 Cube First round 461 5.14 5.47 Republic of Korea
Skewb First round 371 8.77 12.22 Republic of Korea 11.6612.268.7714.2912.73

Junhyeok Choi (최준혁) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 508 11.07 11.64 Republic of Korea 11.5311.0712.0114.1711.39
4x4x4 Cube First round 375 44.60 46.67 Republic of Korea 46.2049.8344.6049.2144.61
5x5x5 Cube First round 356 1:23.23 1:31.37 Republic of Korea 1:28.081:23.231:34.701:31.321:34.75
7x7x7 Cube First round 186 4:02.15 Republic of Korea 4:02.15

Junhyuk Choi (최준혁) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 596 11.45 12.54 Republic of Korea 11.4513.1012.4113.4412.12
2x2x2 Cube First round 479 4.07 5.56 Republic of Korea 5.846.074.076.604.77

Junhyuk Park (박준혁) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 643 11.17 13.16 Republic of Korea 14.0611.9114.1513.5011.17
2x2x2 Cube First round 258 3.60 4.03 Republic of Korea 3.604.134.153.973.99
4x4x4 Cube First round 415 44.59 49.60 Republic of Korea 46.9952.6951.9744.5949.83
5x5x5 Cube First round 433 1:42.74 1:49.53 Republic of Korea 1:50.051:44.331:42.741:54.201:54.48
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 292 18.07 21.57 Republic of Korea 18.0724.6120.9219.5824.22
Pyraminx First round 271 4.07 7.05 Republic of Korea 9.555.734.075.86DNF
Skewb First round 284 6.02 8.55 Republic of Korea 10.406.606.028.6411.28

Junnosuke Takahashi (髙橋淳之介) - Japan WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 192 8.43 9.11 Japan 10.818.439.528.719.09
First round 98 7.50 7.95 Japan 7.869.767.508.127.88

Junseop Kim (김준섭) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 268 8.91 9.93 Republic of Korea 10.6210.138.919.5410.13
First round 244 8.01 9.47 Republic of Korea 8.0110.298.9711.789.16
5x5x5 Cube First round 190 1:05.19 1:11.67 Republic of Korea 1:05.191:17.121:08.841:09.06DNF
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 249 14.36 19.76 Republic of Korea 14.3621.8120.2421.8417.24
Square-1 Final 10 6.69 7.32 Republic of Korea
Second round 7 5.75 7.07 Republic of Korea 7.116.887.215.758.52
First round 9 5.97 7.44 Republic of Korea 7.725.976.128.648.47

Junseop Song - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 954 16.72 20.74 Republic of Korea 20.83DNF22.9316.7218.46

Junu Park (박준우) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 910 18.13 18.96 Republic of Korea 20.4918.1819.1819.5118.13
2x2x2 Cube First round 460 4.96 5.47 Republic of Korea 6.955.115.604.965.69
Skewb First round 372 9.87 12.32 Republic of Korea 16.4010.939.8712.1213.92

Junyeon Ahn - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 798 14.32 15.57 Republic of Korea 15.4216.8714.3215.8315.45
2x2x2 Cube First round 514 4.49 5.84 Republic of Korea 6.914.496.186.834.51

Justin Kong - United States WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 838 14.65 16.64 United States 15.5518.3714.6519.8216.00
2x2x2 Cube First round 541 5.18 6.08 United States 5.935.186.536.725.78
Pyraminx First round 424 9.26 10.92 United States 10.4412.2816.539.2610.05
Skewb First round 397 7.90 14.18 United States 13.5215.0214.797.9014.24

Justin Mallari - United States WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 152 7.38 8.58 United States 8.888.289.248.577.38
First round 236 8.64 9.34 United States 8.8310.3210.328.648.87
2x2x2 Cube First round 467 2.86 5.50 United States 2.865.178.726.954.39
4x4x4 Cube First round 153 30.61 35.39 United States 34.4436.6836.2835.4430.61
5x5x5 Cube First round 176 1:08.81 1:10.06 United States 1:11.001:16.801:09.751:08.811:09.44
6x6x6 Cube First round 233 2:40.57 2:47.75 United States 2:40.572:48.652:54.02
7x7x7 Cube First round 246 5:09.64 United States 5:09.64
3x3x3 One-Handed Second round 48 11.58 12.86 United States 15.9212.2013.3611.5813.03
First round 64 11.80 13.48 United States 11.8417.9511.8013.5115.08

Juwon Kim - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 885 17.29 18.09 Republic of Korea 17.5218.8722.4117.2917.89

Juwon Min - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1021 22.11 26.19 Republic of Korea DNF31.7123.0923.7622.11
Skewb First round 409 9.97 14.80 Republic of Korea 12.0516.9617.819.9715.38

Kacper Górecki - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 284 9.08 10.12 Poland 9.499.4811.409.0813.00
First round 289 7.30 9.83 Poland 8.5110.2210.767.3012.13
2x2x2 Cube First round 248 2.95 3.96 Poland 3.782.953.944.154.41
Clock First round 83 8.09 8.56 Poland 8.20DNF9.268.218.09
Pyraminx First round 176 4.03 5.50 Poland 4.034.707.236.155.66
Skewb Second round 47 3.29 4.23 Poland 3.464.725.003.294.50
First round 33 3.33 3.66 Poland 3.333.633.583.78DNF

Kacper Paweł Dworak - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 682 10.04 13.59 Poland 14.3813.9610.0412.8713.93
2x2x2 Cube First round 238 3.17 3.89 Poland
4x4x4 Cube First round 334 40.64 43.84 Poland 46.0240.6446.7542.4143.09
5x5x5 Cube First round 346 1:21.68 1:30.52 Poland 1:39.901:23.681:36.851:31.021:21.68
6x6x6 Cube First round 271 3:05.51 Poland 3:05.51
7x7x7 Cube First round 205 4:15.87 Poland 4:15.87
3x3x3 Blindfolded Second round 64 1:02.47 DNF Poland DNF1:02.471:12.12
First round 63 43.74 DNF Poland DNF43.74DNF
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 52 33 33.67 Poland 343433
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 262 17.72 20.23 Poland 23.0820.0321.3317.7219.32
Clock First round 117 8.31 9.45 Poland DNF10.189.368.318.81
Megaminx First round 229 1:11.61 1:20.33 Poland 1:14.221:11.611:21.431:25.341:29.95
Pyraminx First round 224 4.81 6.38 Poland 7.636.009.345.524.81
Skewb First round 117 3.12 5.46 Poland
Square-1 First round 115 11.69 16.68 Poland 11.6918.5328.1219.5511.97
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 41 7:36.84 DNF Poland 7:36.849:38.65DNS
5x5x5 Blindfolded Final 29 27:47.00 DNF Poland 27:47.00DNSDNS
3x3x3 Multi-Blind Final 41 9/17 57:21 Poland 9/17 57:21

Kai Harada (原田櫂) - Japan WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 676 8.51 13.54 Japan 11.5016.728.5113.4215.69
2x2x2 Cube First round 482 4.47 5.57 Japan 4.474.946.47DNF5.30

Kai Yamamoto (山本快) - Japan WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 552 10.01 12.10 Japan 10.0111.9313.7812.6011.77
5x5x5 Cube First round 201 1:09.88 1:12.34 Japan 1:12.841:10.631:17.121:13.561:09.88
6x6x6 Cube First round 154 2:12.22 2:18.32 Japan 2:26.152:16.602:12.22
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 102 1:10.13 1:19.44 Japan 1:32.251:15.951:10.13
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 192 14.86 18.00 Japan 20.8918.2017.7514.8618.05
Megaminx First round 185 58.56 1:09.91 Japan 1:20.351:02.861:06.531:21.6058.56
Pyraminx First round 178 5.20 5.56 Japan 5.205.605.585.506.20
Skewb First round 201 3.63 6.70 Japan 7.473.639.706.546.08
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 28 5:37.18 DNF Japan DNFDNF5:37.18
5x5x5 Blindfolded Final 24 18:10.00 DNF Japan 18:10.00DNFDNS

Kai-Lun Cheng (鄭凱倫) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 119 7.14 8.17 Chinese Taipei 7.147.6110.508.198.72
First round 175 6.88 8.81 Chinese Taipei 8.3411.736.889.768.34
4x4x4 Cube Second round 58 27.98 31.20 Chinese Taipei 34.2734.3629.1030.2227.98
First round 41 27.06 29.15 Chinese Taipei 34.9629.3930.7327.3327.06
5x5x5 Cube Second round 39 49.82 54.61 Chinese Taipei 54.9653.7559.0555.1149.82
First round 47 51.93 55.58 Chinese Taipei 55.7452.4758.541:00.4251.93
6x6x6 Cube First round 57 1:38.80 1:45.25 Chinese Taipei 1:52.201:44.761:38.80
7x7x7 Cube First round 69 2:34.54 2:49.45 Chinese Taipei 2:34.542:44.423:09.38
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 194 17.32 18.02 Chinese Taipei 19.4417.8317.7118.5317.32
Megaminx First round 103 53.65 58.52 Chinese Taipei 53.651:02.921:01.3859.6354.55
Pyraminx First round 131 2.78 4.63 Chinese Taipei 7.092.785.963.454.49
Skewb Second round 39 2.42 4.08 Chinese Taipei
First round 61 3.95 4.51 Chinese Taipei

Kai-Wen Wang (王楷文) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 19 6.12 6.71 Chinese Taipei 6.126.429.846.687.04
Second round 15 5.54 6.41 Chinese Taipei 6.885.918.646.455.54
First round 24 5.62 6.72 Chinese Taipei 6.697.338.735.626.13
4x4x4 Cube Final 4 23.18 23.90 Chinese Taipei 24.2823.4623.1825.4823.96
Second round 9 24.53 26.15 Chinese Taipei 24.9428.6627.1926.3324.53
First round 13 22.78 26.29 Chinese Taipei 25.2327.7122.7828.8925.94
5x5x5 Cube Final 11 41.60 46.70 Chinese Taipei 47.2158.1443.1241.6049.76
Second round 6 39.93 43.86 Chinese Taipei 44.6839.9358.0942.2344.68
First round 4 38.34 42.19 Chinese Taipei 46.6944.9438.3442.1139.53
6x6x6 Cube Final 14 1:24.66 1:33.58 Chinese Taipei 1:40.921:24.661:35.16
First round 5 1:21.60 1:24.08 Chinese Taipei 1:25.101:25.551:21.60
7x7x7 Cube First round 18 2:11.34 2:18.87 Chinese Taipei 2:11.342:22.172:23.09
3x3x3 One-Handed Final 13 8.16 NR 12.12 Chinese Taipei 8.1616.3511.9811.2613.11
Second round 14 9.96 11.00 Chinese Taipei 10.1910.4414.859.9612.36
First round 19 10.05 11.90 Chinese Taipei 12.1512.3913.3310.0511.16
Megaminx First round 48 41.33 49.41 Chinese Taipei 49.7149.681:16.2641.3348.83
Skewb First round 81 3.96 4.89 Chinese Taipei 6.304.044.347.373.96

Kai-Xuan Lin (林楷軒) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 297 7.77 9.86 Chinese Taipei 8.519.777.7711.3012.76
4x4x4 Cube First round 252 31.83 40.44 Chinese Taipei 38.2854.7540.0631.8342.98
5x5x5 Cube First round 186 1:03.18 1:11.56 Chinese Taipei 1:22.391:14.281:14.891:03.181:05.51
Square-1 First round 181 19.32 22.29 Chinese Taipei 24.5120.9124.3621.5919.32

Kaicheng Jin (金开诚) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 59 6.31 7.88 China 8.258.346.317.0410.88
Second round 73 6.98 7.63 China 7.888.676.987.537.47
First round 143 7.18 8.40 China 7.857.188.408.958.99
Pyraminx First round 159 2.63 5.24 China 8.472.634.412.848.59

Kaiyang Gao (高凯阳) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 568 10.26 12.26 China 12.7711.7512.2613.2110.26
2x2x2 Cube Second round 180 3.60 4.40 China 4.874.673.664.973.60
First round 156 1.56 3.38 China 5.683.123.533.481.56
Pyraminx First round 147 3.78 4.98 China 5.013.788.604.185.76
Skewb First round 163 4.50 6.02 China 4.507.407.775.944.71

Kamil Przybylski - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 790 12.69 15.36 Poland 12.6916.9614.1514.98DNF
3x3x3 Blindfolded Second round 29 26.74 DNF Poland DNF26.74DNF
First round 21 21.35 DNF Poland 21.5321.35DNF
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 115 30 DNF Poland 30DNFDNF
Square-1 First round 132 15.71 17.96 Poland 19.0218.1315.7132.2216.74
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 48 DNF DNF Poland DNFDNFDNF
5x5x5 Blindfolded Final 8 4:57.57 DNF Poland DNFDNF4:57.57
3x3x3 Multi-Blind Final 11 35/46 1:00:00 Poland 35/46 1:00:0036/48 1:00:00

Kangmin Ko (고강민) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 993 19.86 23.38 Republic of Korea 25.4721.3919.8623.2926.95
2x2x2 Cube First round 638 7.05 7.34 Republic of Korea 7.397.377.267.057.47
Skewb First round 418 8.89 15.47 Republic of Korea 18.1318.198.8912.0216.26

Katsumi Seino (清野克己) - Japan WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 515 10.64 11.71 Japan 11.9911.5811.5613.5210.64
Megaminx First round 77 38.76 54.05 Japan 55.3758.0850.1038.7656.68

Kaur Tuule - Estonia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 25 6.20 6.81 Estonia 7.276.827.326.206.34
Second round 66 6.16 7.55 Estonia 7.137.668.877.866.16
First round 38 6.03 6.97 Estonia 6.036.667.057.198.04
2x2x2 Cube Second round 147 2.74 3.56 Estonia 3.294.14DNF3.242.74
First round 51 1.75 2.20 Estonia 3.082.721.971.911.75
4x4x4 Cube First round 152 32.09 35.38 Estonia 36.0834.9832.0935.0736.43
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 107 14.46 15.55 Estonia 15.6715.9117.5915.0614.46
Megaminx First round 124 55.58 1:00.84 Estonia 1:05.4655.581:06.781:00.7856.29
Pyraminx First round 281 5.44 7.25 Estonia 7.267.947.745.446.76
Skewb First round 251 3.90 7.76 Estonia 7.906.103.909.279.82

Kayden Park - Canada WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 927 18.38 19.57 Canada 21.9318.3818.3918.38DNF
2x2x2 Cube First round 458 4.45 5.46 Canada
Pyraminx First round 282 6.64 7.29 Canada 9.326.647.597.566.71
Skewb First round 363 9.80 11.43 Canada 9.8012.2314.5610.6011.47

Kazuaki Oshima (大島一晃) - Japan WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 851 14.30 16.89 Japan 14.3020.1618.9415.9915.74
2x2x2 Cube First round 728 7.93 13.61 Japan 14.6412.59DNF7.9313.59
4x4x4 Cube First round 522 49.08 59.00 Japan 57.0459.041:04.2449.081:00.93

Kazue Kobayashi (小林和惠) - Japan WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 735 11.74 14.34 Japan 13.4616.0513.5011.7416.31
4x4x4 Cube First round 277 37.81 41.52 Japan 43.8337.8145.1042.0538.68
5x5x5 Cube First round 387 1:22.64 1:37.09 Japan 1:52.501:44.161:32.071:22.641:35.04

Kengo James Fukuoka (福岡謙悟) - Japan WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 899 13.90 18.54 Japan 17.7617.4522.6420.4113.90
2x2x2 Cube First round 371 4.40 4.71 Japan 4.924.794.404.654.68
Pyraminx First round 374 7.74 9.36 Japan 8.709.257.7410.1310.64
Skewb First round 180 5.54 6.26 Japan 6.435.545.547.596.82

Kengo Yamawaki (山脇憲吾) - Japan WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 905 14.92 18.75 Japan 14.9220.8317.0820.4818.69
4x4x4 Cube First round 573 1:02.48 1:10.20 Japan 1:38.691:09.911:09.761:02.481:10.92
Pyraminx First round 514 11.01 20.91 Japan 15.0825.85DNF11.0121.80
Square-1 First round 229 27.15 32.58 Japan 38.6827.1536.3233.2428.18

Kenneth Jooha Lee - United States WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 781 14.49 15.19 United States 14.5516.4714.5414.4917.46

KeonYeol Yoon - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 887 13.33 18.15 Republic of Korea 20.2420.7315.8113.3318.41
2x2x2 Cube First round 598 5.31 6.59 Republic of Korea 6.785.317.639.125.36

Keonhee Lee (이건희) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 813 11.67 16.05 Republic of Korea 15.0418.4211.6720.2614.69
2x2x2 Cube First round 449 4.91 5.40 Republic of Korea 4.995.516.165.694.91
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 150 DNF DNF Republic of Korea DNFDNFDNF
Clock First round 222 11.80 14.00 Republic of Korea 11.8012.9115.18DNF13.90
Pyraminx First round 459 10.95 12.32 Republic of Korea 10.9511.4911.6520.5013.81
Skewb First round 329 7.32 9.96 Republic of Korea 7.479.4112.9915.097.32
Square-1 First round 230 16.43 33.27 Republic of Korea 16.4334.8227.0038.0039.59

Kerrie Jarman - Australia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1109 43.46 48.02 Australia 43.881:06.1549.3350.8443.46

Keunsoo Heo (허근수) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 922 17.22 19.22 Republic of Korea 19.6818.6319.3617.2222.15
2x2x2 Cube First round 609 3.94 6.82 Republic of Korea 17.087.934.513.948.03
Clock First round 265 10.51 DNF Republic of Korea DNF10.5112.10DNF12.00
Skewb First round 138 4.36 5.77 Republic of Korea 4.684.3621.747.235.41

Kevin Gerhardt - Germany WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 31 6.85 6.96 Germany
Second round 44 6.74 7.24 Germany 6.747.337.237.177.90
First round 32 6.20 6.85 Germany 6.597.296.677.396.20
2x2x2 Cube Second round 70 1.27 2.45 Germany 4.04DNF1.271.681.64
First round 120 1.67 3.01 Germany 1.674.182.82DNF2.03
4x4x4 Cube Final 13 25.61 26.32 Germany 26.5025.8732.8826.6025.61
Second round 15 23.05 27.03 Germany 27.1423.0529.6427.4626.50
First round 20 26.12 27.83 Germany 28.5726.7245.2428.1926.12
5x5x5 Cube Second round 20 49.91 51.81 Germany 52.1250.3653.7449.9152.96
First round 15 45.92 49.20 Germany 45.9249.4258.7651.2346.95
6x6x6 Cube First round 90 1:31.97 1:54.83 Germany 2:34.141:31.971:38.39
7x7x7 Cube First round 96 2:23.70 3:03.84 Germany 3:56.022:51.812:23.70
3x3x3 One-Handed Second round 33 11.08 12.21 Germany 11.6313.0713.3311.0811.92
First round 44 10.94 12.73 Germany 13.6010.9411.5513.6913.05
Clock First round 155 9.47 10.81 Germany 9.4713.1613.049.649.74
Megaminx Final 13 32.45 38.71 Germany 38.4235.7632.4543.4941.94
First round 10 33.83 37.50 Germany 35.0337.2040.2833.8340.96
Pyraminx First round 90 2.52 3.92 Germany 2.523.813.754.196.43
Skewb Second round 28 2.46 3.57 Germany
First round 23 2.01 3.46 Germany 3.402.012.524.476.98

Kevin Hays - United States WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 97 6.76 7.98 United States 6.767.029.3111.147.60
First round 161 6.88 8.67 United States 8.199.456.888.819.00
4x4x4 Cube Second round 25 23.90 28.18 United States 27.6423.9031.6126.6930.20
First round 17 25.78 27.19 United States 34.4328.3527.2625.7825.96
5x5x5 Cube Second round 22 46.39 52.01 United States 55.2247.8446.3952.96DNF
First round 24 46.30 51.15 United States 46.7052.2758.2946.3054.48
6x6x6 Cube Final 8 1:19.56 1:25.40 United States 1:25.971:19.561:30.67
First round 4 1:22.12 1:23.15 United States 1:22.121:22.931:24.39
7x7x7 Cube Final 11 2:05.91 2:13.27 United States 2:12.792:21.122:05.91
First round 8 2:01.83 2:09.80 United States 2:14.502:13.082:01.83
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 279 16.00 21.06 United States 28.4020.5520.3616.0022.26

Khuslen Narmandakh - Mongolia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 386 8.09 13.03 Mongolia 15.2214.0312.8312.228.09
First round 337 8.86 10.16 Mongolia 10.619.898.8610.779.98
2x2x2 Cube First round 351 2.68 4.56 Mongolia 4.924.903.982.684.80
Pyraminx First round 290 5.41 7.60 Mongolia 6.315.418.617.8910.18

Kihoon Ahn - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 908 17.12 18.80 Republic of Korea 21.0317.5517.8317.1236.46
4x4x4 Cube First round 584 58.58 1:16.21 Republic of Korea 1:18.5858.581:20.161:10.801:19.26

Kim Dae Hoon (김대훈) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 313 8.89 10.39 Republic of Korea 10.249.4411.508.8913.25
First round 326 8.86 10.07 Republic of Korea 12.499.2810.7410.198.86
2x2x2 Cube First round 630 5.93 7.17 Republic of Korea 5.937.076.577.878.61
4x4x4 Cube First round 459 47.06 52.35 Republic of Korea 52.8548.861:05.5847.0655.34
5x5x5 Cube First round 331 1:21.11 1:27.84 Republic of Korea 1:29.571:31.931:22.581:21.111:31.38
6x6x6 Cube First round 251 2:53.30 3:02.58 Republic of Korea 2:53.303:11.323:03.13
7x7x7 Cube First round 234 4:44.35 Republic of Korea 4:44.35
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 392 25.09 25.99 Republic of Korea 26.6325.5325.0925.8026.80
Clock First round 289 18.71 Republic of Korea 22.8118.71
Megaminx First round 235 1:11.66 1:21.67 Republic of Korea 1:26.301:25.251:49.361:13.471:11.66
Pyraminx First round 442 9.51 11.61 Republic of Korea 13.2011.569.5111.7511.51
Skewb First round 347 8.92 10.60 Republic of Korea 15.498.929.5311.2411.03
Square-1 First round 271 51.04 Republic of Korea 51.0458.02

Kim Dong-Young (김동영) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 526 8.96 11.77 Republic of Korea 13.4312.938.9610.4311.95
2x2x2 Cube First round 298 2.59 4.26 Republic of Korea 10.012.594.544.074.16
4x4x4 Cube First round 190 33.84 37.33 Republic of Korea 35.6433.8443.8338.3438.00
5x5x5 Cube First round 327 1:17.06 1:27.51 Republic of Korea 1:27.251:17.061:26.571:30.861:28.70
6x6x6 Cube First round 244 2:36.79 2:54.80 Republic of Korea 2:53.203:14.402:36.79
7x7x7 Cube First round 222 4:33.71 Republic of Korea 4:33.71
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 150 DNF DNF Republic of Korea DNFDNFDNF
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 302 18.19 21.98 Republic of Korea 18.1924.4021.8923.1320.92
Megaminx First round 302 1:47.08 Republic of Korea 1:47.081:50.28
Pyraminx First round 435 5.77 11.45 Republic of Korea DNF8.8612.705.7712.78

Kim Junsu (김준수) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 455 10.04 11.17 Republic of Korea 10.6410.0410.8212.6712.04
2x2x2 Cube First round 297 3.27 4.25 Republic of Korea
4x4x4 Cube First round 302 39.13 42.39 Republic of Korea 46.8945.2942.6239.1339.25
5x5x5 Cube First round 275 1:14.46 1:20.43 Republic of Korea 1:19.001:24.031:14.461:23.191:19.09
6x6x6 Cube First round 176 2:15.58 2:25.97 Republic of Korea 2:30.522:31.802:15.58
7x7x7 Cube First round 250 DNF Republic of Korea DNF
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 281 18.44 21.20 Republic of Korea 21.9020.6725.2018.4421.02
Clock First round 169 10.22 11.38 Republic of Korea 11.4713.0410.2210.9211.74
Pyraminx First round 220 4.88 6.28 Republic of Korea 6.605.844.888.616.39
Skewb First round 202 5.11 6.83 Republic of Korea 6.406.745.1110.497.34
Square-1 First round 241 30.22 Republic of Korea 35.8130.22

Kim Minjong (김민종) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 942 16.99 20.17 Republic of Korea 17.7619.3526.4616.9923.40
2x2x2 Cube First round 483 3.91 5.58 Republic of Korea

Kim Roger Haraldsen - Norway WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 46 6.53 7.47 Norway 7.516.537.008.427.91
Second round 20 5.03 6.60 Norway
First round 58 5.71 7.35 Norway 7.565.718.618.456.03
2x2x2 Cube Second round 67 1.50 2.42 Norway
First round 55 1.88 2.23 Norway 1.882.362.152.952.19
4x4x4 Cube Second round 45 27.05 30.25 Norway 31.4934.3530.4027.0528.87
First round 32 23.98 28.75 Norway 28.8734.7131.5825.8023.98
5x5x5 Cube Second round 34 51.87 54.19 Norway 53.8157.4751.8752.6656.09
First round 23 47.28 NR 51.10 Norway 59.6048.3152.1347.2852.86
6x6x6 Cube First round 67 1:47.04 1:48.12 Norway 1:47.041:47.431:49.88
7x7x7 Cube First round 55 2:29.75 2:42.44 Norway 2:56.532:41.042:29.75
3x3x3 One-Handed Second round 47 11.39 12.76 Norway 12.5914.2111.3913.9311.77
First round 20 9.16 11.92 Norway 9.1611.8311.9312.0112.34
Megaminx First round 82 46.64 54.73 Norway 57.5154.261:05.0452.4246.64
Skewb Second round 56 3.89 4.59 Norway 5.113.905.504.763.89
First round 40 3.45 3.91 Norway 6.584.143.743.863.45
Square-1 First round 138 16.31 18.44 Norway 21.1118.5117.1319.6816.31

Kim San (김산) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 897 17.72 18.44 Republic of Korea 19.5317.9217.7224.9317.86
2x2x2 Cube First round 646 6.53 7.53 Republic of Korea 8.506.537.476.788.35

Kim Se-Hwan (김세환) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 260 8.96 9.85 Republic of Korea 9.6310.689.488.9610.45
First round 228 7.33 9.28 Republic of Korea 9.347.339.429.0912.35

Kim Simin - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 529 8.76 11.84 Republic of Korea 12.1912.2912.7711.048.76
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 125 14.19 16.12 Republic of Korea 17.0717.3715.5014.1915.80
Skewb Second round 31 3.37 3.73 Republic of Korea 3.373.704.093.404.15
First round 39 3.29 3.90 Republic of Korea

Kim Taeun (김태운) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 816 12.84 16.10 Republic of Korea 17.1015.3615.8518.7912.84
2x2x2 Cube First round 553 5.55 6.20 Republic of Korea 7.936.165.656.805.55
Pyraminx First round 490 10.07 15.12 Republic of Korea 11.7810.0719.4228.6114.17
Skewb First round 390 6.79 13.60 Republic of Korea 13.9214.5912.3014.606.79

Kim Taewoong (김태웅) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 657 11.73 13.27 Republic of Korea 13.2311.7316.1014.4812.10
2x2x2 Cube First round 272 3.43 4.11 Republic of Korea 3.565.083.733.435.03
Pyraminx First round 295 5.90 7.67 Republic of Korea 5.909.
Skewb First round 269 5.55 8.11 Republic of Korea 11.265.558.987.997.37

Kim Taeyul (김태율) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 729 12.69 14.24 Republic of Korea 14.8613.5012.6914.3616.22
2x2x2 Cube First round 558 5.23 6.23 Republic of Korea 5.735.237.575.407.83
Square-1 First round 253 34.32 Republic of Korea 52.7234.32

Kim Woo Young (김우영) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
2x2x2 Cube First round 578 4.60 6.37 Republic of Korea 6.996.734.608.405.38
Clock First round 211 11.81 13.12 Republic of Korea 13.4511.81DNF13.3812.52
Pyraminx First round 317 6.59 8.13 Republic of Korea 8.927.6810.306.597.80

Kim Yu Joon (김유준) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1047 22.14 28.84 Republic of Korea 29.1928.0322.1430.7429.29
2x2x2 Cube First round 664 7.19 7.94 Republic of Korea 8.467.787.197.768.27

Kim Yuchan - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1024 22.84 26.43 Republic of Korea 27.8826.9522.8428.8224.46
2x2x2 Cube First round 695 6.57 9.67 Republic of Korea DNF10.687.286.5711.06

Kimin Kwon - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 594 10.85 12.50 Republic of Korea 11.5712.5213.4013.7710.85
2x2x2 Cube First round 432 4.04 5.22 Republic of Korea 6.204.904.576.904.04

Kira-Lysan Meyer - Germany WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 407 9.46 10.81 Germany 10.6310.7011.119.4615.15
2x2x2 Cube First round 400 3.66 4.97 Germany 3.665.494.844.586.86
4x4x4 Cube First round 329 36.55 43.42 Germany 36.5539.8050.4046.0344.42
5x5x5 Cube First round 355 1:19.95 1:31.35 Germany 1:32.371:34.861:30.261:31.411:19.95
6x6x6 Cube First round 264 3:01.10 Germany 3:01.10
7x7x7 Cube First round 250 DNF Germany DNF
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 301 17.07 21.88 Germany 28.8422.0222.1017.0721.52
Megaminx First round 243 1:16.60 1:24.29 Germany 1:16.601:25.161:25.741:23.001:24.72
Pyraminx First round 445 5.95 11.65 Germany 5.9510.6313.0011.3213.63
Skewb First round 408 9.12 14.73 Germany 15.6619.499.1216.3312.21

Knut Peterson - United States WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 481 10.51 11.40 United States 11.6214.1211.9710.6210.51
2x2x2 Cube First round 488 4.24 5.61 United States
4x4x4 Cube First round 580 59.20 1:14.89 United States 1:17.801:10.9159.201:15.961:37.88
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 238 18.37 19.46 United States 18.8019.8518.3719.7320.70

Knut Skaug Haraldsen - Norway WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 197 8.09 9.14 Norway 10.638.439.909.088.09
First round 112 7.17 8.03 Norway 7.767.178.337.999.97
2x2x2 Cube Second round 135 2.48 3.39 Norway 4.612.483.038.352.52
First round 164 2.46 3.42 Norway 3.758.392.672.463.83
5x5x5 Cube First round 150 1:05.11 1:07.26 Norway DNF1:06.441:06.971:05.111:08.38
6x6x6 Cube First round 105 1:54.55 2:01.22 Norway 2:09.421:59.701:54.55
7x7x7 Cube First round 149 3:29.85 3:37.68 Norway 3:29.853:51.273:31.91
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 115 1:23.74 DNF Norway DNF1:56.011:23.74
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 36 25 31.00 Norway 363225
3x3x3 One-Handed Second round 24 8.93 11.65 Norway 14.5912.788.9310.0112.17
First round 12 8.55 10.93 Norway 10.8411.1712.108.5510.78
Megaminx First round 178 52.97 1:09.09 Norway 1:13.761:22.471:13.6152.9759.91
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 42 7:51.95 DNF Norway DNF7:51.95DNF
5x5x5 Blindfolded Final 30 DNF DNF Norway DNFDNSDNS

Ko Minjun (고민준) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 413 9.75 10.84 Republic of Korea 10.1313.159.7510.6211.78
4x4x4 Cube First round 169 35.26 36.40 Republic of Korea 35.7636.6236.8237.3335.26

Ko Seung Bum (고승범) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1041 26.44 28.14 Republic of Korea 29.9527.9326.8929.5926.44

Ko Youngjin (고영진) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 382 10.33 12.34 Republic of Korea 10.3312.3816.7611.4013.25
First round 396 9.96 10.73 Republic of Korea 10.689.9611.1610.5810.94
2x2x2 Cube First round 376 3.31 4.77 Republic of Korea 5.206.443.314.534.59
4x4x4 Cube First round 369 41.05 46.32 Republic of Korea 46.8845.6441.0546.4447.92
5x5x5 Cube First round 381 1:19.29 1:36.36 Republic of Korea 1:34.381:31.111:43.601:19.291:44.52
6x6x6 Cube First round 288 3:26.71 Republic of Korea 3:26.71
7x7x7 Cube First round 250 DNF Republic of Korea DNF
3x3x3 Blindfolded Second round 50 40.83 DNF Republic of Korea DNF40.83DNF
First round 47 33.72 DNF Republic of Korea 33.72DNF37.95
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 46 29 32.67 Republic of Korea 293831
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 386 22.34 25.86 Republic of Korea DNF29.1822.3424.4623.95
Clock First round 261 9.14 DNF Republic of Korea 10.82DNF10.29DNF9.14
Megaminx First round 217 1:12.61 1:16.78 Republic of Korea 1:13.911:22.181:26.641:14.261:12.61
Pyraminx First round 245 5.18 6.71 Republic of Korea 5.399.566.725.188.01
Skewb First round 351 6.75 10.72 Republic of Korea 6.8819.776.7514.1311.14
Square-1 First round 209 20.92 27.57 Republic of Korea 41.6926.5620.9233.4122.73
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 35 6:53.35 DNF Republic of Korea 6:53.35DNFDNF
5x5x5 Blindfolded Final 30 DNF DNF Republic of Korea DNFDNSDNS
3x3x3 Multi-Blind Final 31 10/15 51:47 Republic of Korea 10/15 51:47

Kohdai Kusatani (草谷幸大) - Japan WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 203 8.62 9.23 Japan
First round 189 7.13 8.92 Japan 8.539.539.257.138.99
2x2x2 Cube First round 228 2.25 3.85 Japan 3.452.
4x4x4 Cube First round 104 28.60 32.67 Japan 34.2330.7534.1628.6033.10
5x5x5 Cube First round 134 58.17 1:05.93 Japan 1:03.961:09.2358.171:05.661:08.18
6x6x6 Cube First round 140 2:05.28 2:11.18 Japan 2:20.002:08.262:05.28
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 138 12.49 16.39 Japan 17.1516.7415.2817.9912.49
Megaminx First round 190 1:01.70 1:10.96 Japan DNF1:04.151:01.701:11.241:17.48
Pyraminx First round 209 5.60 6.12 Japan 9.025.605.885.846.63

Konosuke Nishiyama (西山幸之介) - Japan WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 608 11.92 12.66 Japan 12.5311.9213.2814.4312.17
2x2x2 Cube First round 452 4.26 5.43 Japan 5.106.765.265.934.26
4x4x4 Cube First round 405 45.13 48.94 Japan 48.4950.8145.1351.3747.53
6x6x6 Cube First round 212 2:28.56 2:38.31 Japan 2:47.002:28.562:39.37
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 338 21.20 23.37 Japan 21.2022.3923.6024.2524.12
Clock First round 187 10.74 11.83 Japan 12.8013.1410.7411.2211.46
Pyraminx First round 331 7.34 8.40 Japan 8.278.567.348.3811.31
Square-1 First round 146 11.73 19.08 Japan 11.7317.6619.9619.6328.43

Kou Oobatake (大畠功) - Japan WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 784 14.37 15.23 Japan 15.5014.3715.32DNF14.88
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 124 1:36.31 DNF Japan DNFDNF1:36.31
Square-1 First round 110 14.69 16.52 Japan 17.5315.7514.6916.2919.48
5x5x5 Blindfolded Final 30 DNF DNF Japan DNFDNSDNS

Krittanat Kuvichitsuwan (กฤษฏ์ฐาณัช คูวิจิตรสุวรรณ) - Thailand WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 857 14.73 17.06 Thailand 14.7317.1718.7318.4615.55
Pyraminx First round 441 8.33 11.60 Thailand 18.7013.258.3310.7010.84

Krzysztof Bober - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 550 11.18 12.08 Poland 14.9512.2812.5111.4411.18
4x4x4 Cube First round 337 37.92 44.01 Poland 43.7045.2947.0743.0537.92
3x3x3 Blindfolded Final 11 18.64 DNF Poland 18.64DNF19.32
Second round 13 22.07 DNF Poland 24.4622.07DNF
First round 16 19.73 DNF Poland 19.73DNFDNF
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 46 29 32.67 Poland 372932
Clock First round 249 6.33 DNF Poland DNF8.207.056.33DNF
3x3x3 Multi-Blind Final 1 49/52 59:19 Poland 49/52 59:1941/54 1:00:00

Kwok Chi Hang (郭志亨) - Hong Kong, China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 590 11.51 12.45 Hong Kong, China 12.1513.0411.5115.6312.17
2x2x2 Cube First round 545 4.55 6.13 Hong Kong, China 6.577.425.364.556.45
4x4x4 Cube First round 406 44.86 49.06 Hong Kong, China 52.3745.2450.5651.3844.86
5x5x5 Cube First round 330 1:16.03 1:27.79 Hong Kong, China 1:33.491:23.801:16.031:32.601:26.98
6x6x6 Cube First round 269 3:04.61 Hong Kong, China 3:04.61
7x7x7 Cube First round 241 5:00.20 Hong Kong, China 5:00.20
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 387 19.55 25.89 Hong Kong, China 27.3026.7623.6019.5530.91

Kwon Do Yul (권도율) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1122 37.90 59.88 Republic of Korea 1:06.1356.8737.901:02.8959.89

Kwon Yonghyun (권용현) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
2x2x2 Cube First round 705 8.28 10.32 Republic of Korea 10.5119.9311.139.328.28

Kyeongmin Choi - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 72 7.59 8.48 Republic of Korea 8.308.669.488.487.59
Second round 45 6.16 7.28 Republic of Korea 7.756.767.339.636.16
First round 120 7.53 8.10 Republic of Korea 9.917.587.538.328.41
2x2x2 Cube Final 6 1.25 1.47 Republic of Korea 1.251.711.451.311.66
Second round 11 1.23 1.58 Republic of Korea 1.561.701.471.235.88
First round 30 1.61 1.91 Republic of Korea DNF2.181.611.731.82
4x4x4 Cube First round 178 34.02 36.69 Republic of Korea 41.0735.9335.3938.7434.02
5x5x5 Cube First round 164 1:04.63 1:08.67 Republic of Korea 1:06.631:11.971:07.401:04.631:21.57
3x3x3 Blindfolded Second round 39 34.51 39.36 Republic of Korea 39.8834.5143.68
First round 59 41.17 DNF Republic of Korea 57.4541.17DNF
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 89 20 NR DNF Republic of Korea 25DNF20
Clock First round 260 9.04 DNF Republic of Korea 10.70DNF9.04DNFDNS
Megaminx Final 5 29.41 31.37 NR Republic of Korea 36.5432.2129.9331.9729.41
First round 4 29.56 31.85 Republic of Korea 32.0229.5631.9431.5932.72
Pyraminx Second round 65 2.46 4.10 Republic of Korea 2.464.034.723.764.50
First round 52 2.67 3.22 Republic of Korea 2.673.853.173.662.82
Skewb First round 132 4.22 5.68 Republic of Korea
Square-1 Final 13 6.61 8.59 Republic of Korea 9.2711.806.618.128.37
Second round 14 6.81 8.02 Republic of Korea 6.817.018.688.37DNF
First round 15 5.36 8.01 Republic of Korea 7.765.368.188.528.09
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 12 3:41.10 DNF Republic of Korea DNF4:46.433:41.10
3x3x3 Multi-Blind Final 44 DNF Republic of Korea DNF

Kyle Santucci - Canada WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Final 10 5.30 6.12 Canada 6.076.575.725.306.65
Semi Final 10 5.73 6.30 Canada 5.736.347.716.076.49
Second round 9 5.34 6.06 Canada 6.406.836.205.345.58
First round 18 5.72 6.45 Canada
2x2x2 Cube Second round 97 2.43 2.92 Canada 2.432.823.373.952.58
First round 47 0.58 NR 2.14 Canada 0.581.984.092.022.42
4x4x4 Cube First round 173 32.06 36.51 Canada 36.9439.5133.0932.0644.01
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 92 13.19 14.94 Canada 14.6616.7213.1913.4518.37

Kyoungsuk Han (한경숙) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1123 53.36 1:07.20 Republic of Korea 1:03.611:18.801:31.5253.3659.20

Kyu-Ha Oh (오규하) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1067 25.85 31.77 Republic of Korea 36.0531.6732.9225.8530.71

Kyumin Shim (심규민) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 826 14.37 16.35 Republic of Korea 14.3716.5620.9716.1516.34
2x2x2 Cube First round 413 4.44 5.05 Republic of Korea

Kyungjoon Cho (조경준) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 765 12.06 14.92 Republic of Korea 12.0623.8416.6515.7412.38
2x2x2 Cube First round 217 3.09 3.77 Republic of Korea 3.633.426.013.094.27
Pyraminx First round 470 11.03 13.52 Republic of Korea 15.75DNF11.3813.4411.03
Skewb First round 231 6.04 7.35 Republic of Korea 7.486.0414.306.807.77

Kyungsu Kim - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 943 17.54 20.18 Republic of Korea 24.7122.3719.6217.5418.56

Lachlan Cooke - Australia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 501 11.07 11.60 Australia 11.0711.6611.76DNF11.39
2x2x2 Cube First round 385 3.15 4.85 Australia DNF3.665.023.155.86
4x4x4 Cube First round 419 40.63 50.03 Australia 53.8550.0653.6840.6346.34
5x5x5 Cube First round 409 1:29.60 1:43.18 Australia 1:53.111:43.221:45.531:40.791:29.60
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 480 38.07 47.55 Australia DNF38.0744.9251.0846.64
Megaminx First round 301 1:46.87 Australia 1:46.871:46.97
Pyraminx First round 373 4.16 9.36 Australia 8.209.67DNF4.1610.20

Lau Chung Shun (劉重信) - Hong Kong, China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 332 9.22 10.61 Hong Kong, China 11.339.309.2211.1911.46
First round 343 8.78 10.22 Hong Kong, China 11.3910.148.789.1211.57
4x4x4 Cube First round 323 35.95 43.04 Hong Kong, China 44.5335.9544.0040.6047.07

Laura Freitas Martín - Spain WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 601 10.33 12.61 Spain 11.2514.3112.2610.3314.63
2x2x2 Cube First round 269 3.54 4.08 Spain 6.324.313.673.544.27
4x4x4 Cube First round 455 46.18 52.11 Spain 50.6659.7246.1848.9956.67
5x5x5 Cube First round 397 1:26.78 1:38.73 Spain 1:41.671:34.271:26.781:40.241:45.02
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 150 DNF DNF Spain DNFDNFDNF
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 450 26.30 31.86 Spain 26.3039.1627.9328.5041.95
Clock First round 280 15.91 Spain DNF15.91
Megaminx First round 292 1:38.78 Spain 1:38.781:40.09
Pyraminx First round 318 6.76 8.19 Spain DNF8.726.767.788.06
Skewb First round 276 7.15 8.29 Spain 9.578.027.158.488.37
Square-1 First round 254 34.34 Spain 38.8134.34

Laura Holzhauer - Germany WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 319 9.63 10.46 Germany 11.3710.2410.4210.739.63
First round 278 8.48 9.74 Germany 10.929.4411.718.858.48
2x2x2 Cube First round 285 3.23 4.17 Germany 4.635.354.133.233.76
4x4x4 Cube First round 141 31.85 34.48 Germany 32.9336.0931.8534.4338.23
5x5x5 Cube First round 125 1:01.40 1:05.32 Germany 1:01.631:01.401:10.781:07.341:06.98
6x6x6 Cube First round 72 1:45.13 1:49.86 Germany 1:45.131:51.181:53.27
7x7x7 Cube First round 67 2:33.17 2:47.57 Germany 2:33.172:51.692:57.85
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 150 DNF DNF Germany DNFDNFDNF
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 78 31 40.33 Germany 503140
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 188 13.55 17.92 Germany 19.2317.9721.5816.5613.55
Clock First round 70 6.72 8.08 Germany 8.748.706.726.80DNF
Megaminx First round 83 50.21 55.50 Germany 56.0754.051:02.7650.2156.39
Pyraminx First round 206 4.16 6.05 Germany 8.336.775.894.165.49
Skewb First round 274 6.82 8.25 Germany 8.389.168.088.306.82
Square-1 First round 210 21.51 27.81 Germany 47.9721.5136.3724.1822.87

Laura Ohrndorf - Germany WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 828 14.99 16.38 Germany 17.1816.3514.9916.8415.96

Laura Tarrés Gimeno - Spain WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 760 12.01 14.83 Spain 15.8712.0116.0215.2613.37
2x2x2 Cube First round 363 3.58 4.64 Spain 4.673.584.844.428.75
4x4x4 Cube First round 408 40.78 49.16 Spain 1:10.6449.9351.3040.7846.24
5x5x5 Cube First round 426 1:39.25 1:48.33 Spain 1:53.641:48.752:04.581:39.251:42.59
6x6x6 Cube First round 298 DNF Spain DNF
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 382 21.43 25.60 Spain 21.9128.2027.2527.6421.43
Clock First round 231 12.87 14.74 Spain 13.9612.87DNF14.4015.86
Megaminx First round 181 55.96 1:09.31 Spain 1:22.581:08.451:08.4555.961:11.02
Pyraminx Second round 72 3.26 4.37 Spain 3.264.803.884.824.44
First round 74 2.47 3.63 Spain 4.083.592.473.227.13
Skewb First round 113 2.93 5.38 Spain 4.432.936.7112.474.99
Square-1 First round 223 17.93 29.94 Spain 25.3230.7117.9338.7433.78

Leandro Martín López - Argentina WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
Megaminx Final 2 27.03 29.67 Argentina 34.7127.0328.3229.5531.15
First round 1 26.46 27.66 Argentina 27.3828.2626.4627.3428.81

Lee Dohyeon (이도현) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 585 10.46 12.41 Republic of Korea 12.2112.3714.4610.4612.64
2x2x2 Cube First round 640 4.00 7.42 Republic of Korea 4.007.989.837.277.01
Pyraminx First round 375 6.53 9.47 Republic of Korea DNF11.457.936.539.03

Lee Donggeun (이동근) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 995 19.73 23.52 Republic of Korea 25.5919.7320.3631.3824.61
2x2x2 Cube First round 684 8.27 8.89 Republic of Korea 10.108.2911.338.278.29

Lee HwanHee (이환희) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 218 8.50 9.38 Republic of Korea
First round 255 7.66 9.53 Republic of Korea 10.748.897.669.2210.49
2x2x2 Cube First round 325 2.20 4.41 Republic of Korea 4.732.203.735.374.76
4x4x4 Cube First round 220 31.16 38.42 Republic of Korea 38.5038.9537.8239.4331.16
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 259 18.35 20.18 Republic of Korea 19.3018.3525.2720.0521.19

Lee Jaehoon - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1030 22.26 27.00 Republic of Korea 22.6232.3322.2626.0433.95
2x2x2 Cube First round 559 4.76 6.24 Republic of Korea 6.745.346.646.974.76

Lee Jaejun (이재준) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1035 25.76 27.67 Republic of Korea 29.1425.7627.0227.5328.47
2x2x2 Cube First round 676 5.96 8.46 Republic of Korea 10.795.967.946.65DNF
Pyraminx First round 430 10.37 11.31 Republic of Korea 10.9710.6214.9412.3410.37
Skewb First round 442 17.92 19.24 Republic of Korea 19.7919.9917.9317.92DNF

Lee Jihugh (이지후) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
2x2x2 Cube First round 723 10.38 12.15 Republic of Korea 11.6710.3814.3610.4318.50
Skewb First round 449 12.65 20.67 Republic of Korea DNF19.8912.6514.5527.57

Lee Jiyoo (이지유) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 769 13.65 15.03 Republic of Korea 14.6013.6514.0319.9216.46
2x2x2 Cube First round 510 4.23 5.79 Republic of Korea 5.716.468.244.235.21
Pyraminx First round 386 7.07 9.82 Republic of Korea 7.0710.5810.049.679.76

Lee SeungHeon (이승헌) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 841 14.43 16.69 Republic of Korea 16.4317.2116.4314.4319.72
2x2x2 Cube First round 414 2.78 5.06 Republic of Korea 6.062.785.024.106.48
4x4x4 Cube First round 594 1:26.06 1:32.96 Republic of Korea 1:27.921:32.211:26.061:38.741:44.27
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 437 21.59 29.87 Republic of Korea 21.5934.9629.4125.2437.44
Skewb First round 322 9.29 9.68 Republic of Korea 13.7710.139.609.299.30

Lee Siwon (이시원) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 987 17.55 22.82 Republic of Korea 27.5221.3917.5519.5630.15
2x2x2 Cube First round 588 4.71 6.47 Republic of Korea

Lee SooHyeon (이수현) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 979 21.12 22.13 Republic of Korea 22.0022.8821.5126.1121.12

Lee UiJun - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 436 9.56 11.00 Republic of Korea 9.5612.7511.2810.0111.72
2x2x2 Cube First round 277 3.08 4.15 Republic of Korea 3.084.364.373.7312.88
4x4x4 Cube First round 452 45.49 51.95 Republic of Korea 56.9654.2453.3948.2345.49
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 150 DNF DNF Republic of Korea DNFDNFDNF
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 403 20.22 26.73 Republic of Korea 23.0720.22DNF34.8522.27
Megaminx First round 304 1:54.05 Republic of Korea 1:54.052:10.96
Pyraminx First round 380 7.62 9.67 Republic of Korea 10.687.6210.1310.078.82

Leean Chun (천리안) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 783 13.50 15.21 Republic of Korea 15.4015.0813.5018.5615.16
2x2x2 Cube First round 525 5.04 5.93 Republic of Korea 5.047.676.276.305.23
4x4x4 Cube First round 519 53.06 58.36 Republic of Korea DNF1:02.0759.6653.3653.06
5x5x5 Cube First round 458 2:07.37 2:14.52 Republic of Korea 2:19.452:14.512:07.37DNF2:09.60
Clock First round 104 7.85 9.04 Republic of Korea 9.859.489.608.047.85
Pyraminx First round 355 7.12 8.90 Republic of Korea 8.299.9910.788.427.12

Lennon Hughes - Australia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 209 6.65 9.28 Australia 8.266.6510.219.979.61
First round 118 6.56 8.10 Australia 6.567.928.987.399.25
2x2x2 Cube Second round 133 2.62 3.38 Australia 2.623.373.553.583.21
First round 175 2.29 3.53 Australia 3.724.362.834.042.29
4x4x4 Cube First round 140 30.04 34.45 Australia 37.7433.5132.1337.7130.04
5x5x5 Cube First round 268 1:13.48 1:19.68 Australia 1:22.781:13.481:36.101:18.261:17.99
6x6x6 Cube First round 255 2:44.90 3:07.31 Australia 2:44.902:53.523:43.51
7x7x7 Cube First round 237 4:49.57 Australia 4:49.57
3x3x3 Blindfolded Second round 62 58.02 DNF Australia 58.021:02.55DNF
First round 67 45.49 DNF Australia DNF1:12.7645.49
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 51 31 33.67 Australia 373331
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 287 17.31 21.32 Australia 21.2924.6919.5723.1017.31
Clock First round 57 5.28 7.51 Australia 6.255.28DNF7.548.75
Megaminx First round 284 1:33.51 Australia 1:39.481:33.51
Pyraminx First round 141 3.49 4.82 Australia 4.735.426.373.494.32
Skewb First round 110 4.69 5.31 Australia 4.695.445.536.564.96
Square-1 First round 252 33.72 Australia 33.72DNF
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 18 4:37.10 DNF Australia DNFDNF4:37.10
5x5x5 Blindfolded Final 30 DNF DNF Australia DNFDNFDNS
3x3x3 Multi-Blind Final 44 DNF Australia DNF

Leo Borromeo - Philippines WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 18 6.27 6.68 Philippines 6.726.546.797.226.27
Second round 13 5.07 6.28 Philippines 8.535.415.647.795.07
First round 8 5.22 5.94 Philippines 8.015.435.226.046.35
3x3x3 One-Handed Second round 27 11.28 11.90 Philippines 12.2211.4611.2822.1312.03
First round 54 12.29 13.21 Philippines 12.2913.8813.1012.6513.93

Leo Lindqvist - Sweden WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 180 8.37 9.00 Sweden 8.988.378.5210.009.51
First round 370 8.76 10.47 Sweden 9.8111.478.7610.1211.67
2x2x2 Cube Second round 36 1.69 1.93 Sweden 2.471.851.771.692.17
First round 58 1.19 2.27 Sweden 2.101.701.193.014.46
4x4x4 Cube First round 231 34.33 39.20 Sweden 38.4640.7638.6040.5434.33
5x5x5 Cube First round 207 1:04.56 1:12.68 Sweden 1:17.861:08.921:11.251:04.561:18.11
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 32 27 30.33 Sweden 273232
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 115 12.03 15.67 Sweden 16.7118.1317.3412.0312.96
Megaminx First round 119 56.59 1:00.09 Sweden 57.831:00.8256.591:01.611:03.10
Skewb First round 101 3.58 5.22 Sweden 5.284.463.586.395.91
Square-1 First round 106 13.51 16.35 Sweden 18.1315.7913.5123.2415.13

Leo Min-Bedford - Canada WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 283 8.30 9.78 Canada 10.1911.259.098.3010.05
Pyraminx Second round 52 1.75 3.75 Canada 1.755.613.134.813.32
First round 53 2.13 3.28 Canada
Skewb Final 16 2.43 6.03 Canada 6.042.719.332.43DNF
Second round 8 1.79 2.64 Canada 2.983.302.401.792.54
First round 22 2.28 3.41 Canada

Leon Schmidtchen - Germany WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 150 8.20 8.56 Germany 8.468.208.759.998.47
First round 114 6.82 8.07 Germany 6.828.048.829.357.35
2x2x2 Cube First round 313 4.14 4.32 Germany
4x4x4 Cube First round 160 28.51 35.77 Germany 38.6236.5828.5135.7734.96
5x5x5 Cube First round 198 1:06.32 1:12.30 Germany 1:10.941:06.321:12.211:13.761:16.68
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 208 14.92 18.52 Germany 14.9218.8020.1917.0419.71

Leon Tran - Australia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 772 10.92 15.05 Australia 10.9216.3816.0815.5913.49
2x2x2 Cube First round 484 4.16 5.59 Australia 4.668.186.434.165.67
4x4x4 Cube First round 457 42.10 52.22 Australia 1:04.9642.1052.6250.3853.67
5x5x5 Cube First round 368 1:25.61 1:33.31 Australia 1:25.611:35.941:32.261:40.121:31.73
6x6x6 Cube First round 268 3:04.10 Australia 3:04.10
7x7x7 Cube First round 209 4:19.22 Australia 4:19.22
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 150 DNF DNF Australia DNFDNFDNF
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 139 39 DNF Australia 39DNFDNF
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 400 23.76 26.56 Australia 27.4926.3025.8923.7629.24
Megaminx First round 257 1:12.91 1:26.21 Australia 1:30.271:23.411:26.761:12.911:28.45

Liam Chen - United States WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 161 6.92 8.79 United States 6.9211.357.5910.598.20
First round 83 7.19 7.72 United States 9.377.588.407.197.19
4x4x4 Cube First round 330 39.89 43.46 United States 39.9443.0539.8949.1247.39
3x3x3 Blindfolded Final 3 15.03 DNF United States 15.03DNF19.50
Second round 10 21.30 DNF United States 21.30DNF21.38
First round 8 16.75 DNF United States 16.75DNF19.41
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 122 14.16 15.90 United States 15.5916.4616.4815.6614.16
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 48 DNF DNF United States DNFDNFDNF
5x5x5 Blindfolded Final 30 DNF DNF United States DNFDNFDNS

Liam Highducheck - Australia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 111 7.03 8.13 Australia 10.697.038.617.897.89
First round 280 7.59 9.76 Australia 11.2811.589.988.037.59
2x2x2 Cube Second round 150 2.84 3.65 Australia 4.072.843.843.883.24
First round 171 2.48 3.51 Australia 3.792.482.564.175.97
4x4x4 Cube Second round 40 24.82 29.55 Australia 30.1724.8232.9731.0427.45
First round 59 27.60 30.27 Australia 30.8136.9927.6732.3427.60
5x5x5 Cube First round 107 51.13 1:03.27 Australia 1:14.2451.131:02.541:01.161:06.10
6x6x6 Cube First round 146 2:10.40 2:14.95 Australia 2:10.402:14.842:19.61
7x7x7 Cube First round 119 3:12.47 3:22.25 Australia 3:12.473:30.403:23.89
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 150 DNF DNF Australia DNFDNFDNF
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 29 24 30.33 Australia 313624
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 157 15.31 17.02 Australia 15.3115.8216.1219.1320.30
Clock First round 180 9.90 11.60 Australia 11.6211.1313.0112.069.90
Megaminx First round 199 1:03.42 1:13.47 Australia 1:11.661:12.661:16.081:03.421:21.08
Pyraminx First round 196 4.88 5.88 Australia 8.334.885.065.976.60
Skewb First round 175 5.04 6.24 Australia 12.165.686.355.046.70
Square-1 First round 136 13.41 18.40 Australia 20.0014.5513.4120.6424.22

Liam Wadek - New Zealand WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 555 10.71 12.15 New Zealand 13.9610.7111.3611.1315.43
2x2x2 Cube Second round 193 3.06 5.51 New Zealand DNF4.223.065.696.61
First round 181 3.08 3.58 New Zealand 3.083.763.874.723.10
4x4x4 Cube First round 354 36.84 45.32 New Zealand 48.6536.8442.0245.291:05.24
5x5x5 Cube First round 220 1:05.15 1:14.40 New Zealand 1:11.481:16.691:15.041:05.151:19.65
6x6x6 Cube First round 258 2:03.14 DNF New Zealand 2:12.302:03.14DNF
7x7x7 Cube First round 103 2:57.36 3:09.55 New Zealand 3:13.983:17.322:57.36
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 150 DNF DNF New Zealand DNFDNFDNF
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 383 23.65 25.61 New Zealand 24.3627.8524.6123.6538.79
Clock First round 244 4.95 DNF New Zealand 11.306.834.95DNFDNF
Megaminx First round 162 59.90 1:07.25 New Zealand 1:06.6659.901:16.011:09.481:05.62
Pyraminx First round 134 3.54 4.72 New Zealand 4.483.545.174.527.26
Skewb First round 189 6.11 6.54 New Zealand 6.117.726.916.476.24
Square-1 First round 236 21.73 38.27 New Zealand 40.7921.7352.3533.5240.50

Lianghai Sui (眭亮海) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 762 14.17 14.87 China 16.9314.1714.8714.9914.75
4x4x4 Cube First round 527 52.43 1:00.25 China 1:01.981:30.741:03.5455.2452.43
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 417 25.37 28.18 China 32.3429.8925.3728.0626.60
Clock First round 234 10.94 15.05 China 14.7413.76DNF16.6410.94
Pyraminx First round 356 6.30 8.91 China 9.567.146.3010.0212.73
Skewb First round 200 3.84 6.67 China 7.953.846.485.599.04
Square-1 First round 268 47.91 China 57.2147.91

Libi Wohlfeiler Kahaty - Israel WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 315 8.68 10.41 Israel 8.689.9211.659.8311.48
First round 256 8.12 9.54 Israel 8.1210.349.729.968.94
2x2x2 Cube Second round 164 3.14 3.91 Israel 3.514.
First round 179 2.56 3.58 Israel 4.514.142.733.882.56
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 150 DNF DNF Israel DNFDNFDNF
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 276 18.78 20.94 Israel 22.6619.6020.6722.5418.78
Pyraminx First round 183 2.90 5.61 Israel 5.672.905.026.148.05
Square-1 Second round 27 7.08 NR 8.92 NR Israel 10.357.088.519.568.69
First round 70 9.10 12.77 Israel 15.4110.509.1012.5915.21

Lichi Fang (方力驰) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 405 9.78 10.80 China 9.7811.1611.4610.6810.56
2x2x2 Cube First round 554 3.48 6.21 China 4.133.486.1913.758.31
4x4x4 Cube First round 428 41.99 50.54 China 41.9954.7650.7650.9049.97
5x5x5 Cube First round 425 1:22.53 1:48.26 China 1:48.921:22.531:38.921:56.942:05.06
6x6x6 Cube First round 296 3:50.91 China 3:50.91
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 144 2:14.96 DNF China DNFDNF2:14.96
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 90 21 DNF China DNF3121
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 368 22.38 25.02 China 22.3826.7722.4427.3025.84
Clock First round 259 8.68 DNF China 10.71DNF8.88DNF8.68
Megaminx First round 306 1:56.96 China 1:56.96DNF
Pyraminx First round 265 5.64 6.96 China 7.586.148.125.647.15
Skewb First round 356 5.93 10.97 China 11.9315.569.6111.365.93
Square-1 First round 256 36.42 China 36.4238.85
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 38 7:29.27 DNF China DNFDNF7:29.27
5x5x5 Blindfolded Final 30 DNF DNF China DNFDNSDNS

Like Li (李李可) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 227 8.64 9.47 China 8.649.889.249.299.90
First round 367 9.70 10.45 China 9.7011.1511.159.7910.40
2x2x2 Cube Final 3 1.17 1.37 China 1.191.551.571.171.38
Second round 13 1.20 1.64 China 1.641.601.691.20DNF
First round 24 1.32 1.85 China 1.321.701.702.143.36
Pyraminx Final 3 1.33 2.02 China 2.661.751.332.012.29
Second round 5 1.81 2.22 China 2.363.361.812.321.97
First round 14 1.57 2.46 China 1.573.

Lim Chok Heng (林倬衡) - Hong Kong, China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 818 13.87 16.16 Hong Kong, China DNF15.3116.5013.8716.66
2x2x2 Cube First round 337 3.87 4.49 Hong Kong, China 3.874.075.714.255.16

Lim Hung (林弘) - Malaysia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 104 6.78 8.07 Malaysia 8.076.786.9510.929.20
First round 85 7.49 7.78 Malaysia 7.4910.918.227.507.63
2x2x2 Cube Second round 99 2.48 2.92 Malaysia 3.424.412.482.502.84
First round 135 2.99 3.16 Malaysia 2.993.603.013.353.13
4x4x4 Cube First round 117 26.46 33.16 Malaysia 34.4934.6030.3826.4639.52
5x5x5 Cube Second round 28 49.50 52.96 Malaysia 56.2949.9555.1853.7449.50
First round 21 46.47 50.64 Malaysia 50.1346.4755.7651.3950.40
6x6x6 Cube Final 5 1:17.40 1:24.19 Malaysia 1:25.911:29.271:17.40
First round 7 1:18.41 1:24.97 Malaysia 1:18.411:30.291:26.20
7x7x7 Cube Final 3 1:51.75 1:56.63 Malaysia 1:57.901:51.752:00.23
First round 5 1:58.39 2:02.94 Malaysia 2:08.591:58.392:01.84
3x3x3 Blindfolded Second round 67 1:10.32 DNF Malaysia DNF1:15.411:10.32
First round 76 50.70 DNF Malaysia 50.701:24.62DNF
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 131 35 DNF Malaysia 35DNS36
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 150 12.85 16.64 Malaysia 18.9418.6617.5312.8513.72
Clock First round 253 6.85 DNF Malaysia 7.08DNFDNF9.116.85
Megaminx First round 72 43.95 53.03 Malaysia 52.2153.3457.5753.5543.95
Pyraminx First round 195 3.38 5.86 Malaysia 4.315.008.918.263.38
Skewb Second round 58 3.66 4.80 Malaysia 4.353.665.274.798.01
First round 48 3.63 4.15 Malaysia 3.635.323.864.364.23
Square-1 Second round 48 10.06 10.62 Malaysia DNF10.0610.6011.0510.22
First round 52 7.67 11.83 Malaysia 13.1711.277.6712.8811.34
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 48 DNF DNF Malaysia DNFDNFDNF
5x5x5 Blindfolded Final 30 DNF DNF Malaysia DNFDNSDNS

Lim Ji Hoon (임지훈) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 986 21.26 22.78 Republic of Korea 21.2624.2822.1921.8728.02
2x2x2 Cube First round 681 7.25 8.68 Republic of Korea 7.257.769.249.0514.61

Lim Jigyun - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1113 46.66 51.24 Republic of Korea 53.3452.4155.5646.6647.97

Lim Seul Woo (임슬우) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1127 59.56 1:11.70 Republic of Korea 59.561:12.231:17.991:04.881:28.24

Lim SeungYu (임승유) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1105 34.52 47.20 Republic of Korea 34.5259.7653.1746.9541.48

Lim Woo Been (임우빈) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1107 38.59 47.59 Republic of Korea 52.4939.6938.591:07.3850.58

Lim Yun-ho - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 211 8.76 9.30 Republic of Korea 8.769.6810.209.348.89
First round 346 9.18 10.25 Republic of Korea 9.189.919.8710.9614.51
2x2x2 Cube First round 302 2.10 4.29 Republic of Korea 4.062.1011.784.064.76
4x4x4 Cube First round 304 37.28 42.43 Republic of Korea 39.5937.2845.5144.8842.83

Lin Chen (陈林) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 723 12.66 14.17 China 12.6613.0514.4915.5214.96
Clock First round 114 7.48 9.40 China 10.097.48DNF9.568.55

Lin Chen (陈霖) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 248 7.59 9.50 China 10.648.179.6911.917.59
6x6x6 Cube First round 36 1:29.88 1:39.10 China 1:51.391:29.881:36.02
7x7x7 Cube First round 60 2:35.55 2:43.74 China 2:35.782:35.552:59.89
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 86 12.05 14.67 China 17.0112.0513.4313.5719.45

Lina Tissier - France WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 843 15.60 16.75 France 16.8415.6016.6016.8017.92
2x2x2 Cube First round 614 6.29 6.89 France 6.426.296.497.769.69
4x4x4 Cube First round 583 1:11.76 1:15.96 France 1:32.531:12.001:11.761:17.231:18.66
Pyraminx First round 382 8.28 9.69 France 11.928.2812.168.518.63

Lingkun Jiang (姜凌坤) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 17 6.00 6.60 China 7.636.306.456.007.06
Second round 14 5.66 6.30 China 5.666.096.646.177.04
First round 14 5.44 6.22 China 6.156.466.066.795.44
Pyraminx Final 8 1.40 2.30 China 2.962.281.671.403.36
Second round 3 1.58 1.98 China 1.581.752.232.132.06
First round 1 1.13 1.65 AsR China 1.621.131.942.081.40

Linus H. N. Hellie - United States WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1003 23.48 24.62 United States 24.9825.9224.7323.4824.15
2x2x2 Cube First round 585 5.08 6.44 United States 6.767.
Skewb First round 373 10.66 12.32 United States 14.0910.6613.0513.1310.77

Linus Kunath - Germany WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 495 10.93 11.56 Germany 11.6011.8310.9312.4211.24
2x2x2 Cube First round 422 3.89 5.13 Germany 4.877.363.896.623.91
4x4x4 Cube First round 238 35.72 39.59 Germany 40.9440.1735.7243.6337.67
5x5x5 Cube First round 218 1:12.65 1:14.38 Germany 1:12.651:15.231:21.841:14.041:13.86
6x6x6 Cube First round 190 2:22.15 2:30.15 Germany 2:39.682:22.152:28.61
7x7x7 Cube First round 250 DNF Germany DNF
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 328 18.76 22.76 Germany 22.3318.7621.2237.6024.74
Clock First round 81 7.51 8.47 Germany 7.647.519.438.35DNF
Megaminx First round 237 1:19.28 1:22.80 Germany 1:19.281:24.281:38.301:22.981:21.15
Pyraminx First round 162 4.69 5.26 Germany 11.575.705.035.064.69

Lisa Kucala - United States WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1033 23.39 27.39 United States 23.3930.5629.0024.9828.19
2x2x2 Cube First round 670 7.81 8.13 United States 8.348.568.137.917.81
Clock First round 178 11.42 11.55 United States 11.4211.4316.8611.6711.54
Pyraminx First round 428 10.34 11.24 United States 11.9811.1214.1010.6110.34
Skewb First round 346 8.97 10.54 United States 15.7111.5111.039.088.97

Liuquan Chen (陈柳全) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1038 19.72 27.72 China 27.7229.1030.6426.3519.72
2x2x2 Cube First round 645 4.49 7.53 China 6.244.498.707.6611.09
Pyraminx First round 480 11.08 13.95 China 14.7214.7311.0813.7413.39

Lorenzo Escobar Kraskouskaya - Spain WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 115 6.33 8.17 Spain 10.417.257.916.339.35
First round 242 8.05 9.44 Spain 9.459.609.729.288.05
2x2x2 Cube First round 239 3.30 3.89 Spain 3.506.773.654.533.30
4x4x4 Cube First round 172 28.03 36.51 Spain 32.5037.9439.0842.7328.03
5x5x5 Cube First round 214 1:06.94 1:13.73 Spain 1:06.941:15.051:10.731:30.461:15.42
6x6x6 Cube First round 211 2:27.63 2:38.29 Spain 2:37.572:49.662:27.63
7x7x7 Cube First round 199 4:08.00 Spain 4:08.00
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 123 32 DNF Spain 40DNF32
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 162 14.13 17.22 Spain 17.8616.2117.5814.1320.54
Clock First round 167 9.47 11.31 Spain 9.4716.289.6413.7410.54
Megaminx First round 216 1:04.39 1:16.55 Spain 1:17.261:15.361:18.321:04.391:17.02
Pyraminx First round 146 3.77 4.90 Spain 4.954.877.364.873.77
Skewb First round 157 4.26 5.95 Spain 4.267.755.007.615.25
Square-1 First round 117 13.18 16.74 Spain 13.1816.1115.6818.4218.93

Louis de Mendonça - United Kingdom WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 256 7.95 9.82 United Kingdom 8.6411.8710.637.9510.20
First round 252 8.04 9.52 United Kingdom 10.099.6614.478.048.80
2x2x2 Cube First round 329 2.52 4.43 United Kingdom 4.802.525.005.883.50
4x4x4 Cube First round 313 34.98 42.59 United Kingdom 38.9253.7138.7350.1234.98
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 112 1:19.04 DNF United Kingdom DNF1:19.04DNF
3x3x3 One-Handed Second round 45 10.59 12.65 United Kingdom 13.6811.9412.34DNF10.59
First round 30 10.26 12.29 United Kingdom 12.5511.9512.3710.2614.83
Clock First round 137 8.69 10.08 United Kingdom 9.749.168.6911.34DNF

Lucas Déglise - France WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 73 6.89 8.67 France 9.5910.378.627.816.89
Second round 72 6.96 7.63 France 6.967.978.077.966.97
First round 135 7.81 8.29 France 8.209.798.767.907.81
4x4x4 Cube First round 113 28.38 33.08 France 33.8335.7433.1028.3832.30
5x5x5 Cube Second round 57 52.24 57.35 France 1:05.5752.2457.8254.4259.82
First round 65 51.35 57.44 France 51.3554.5655.511:03.171:02.24
Square-1 Second round 32 7.36 9.48 France 13.0410.067.3610.707.68
First round 29 8.58 9.62 France 9.2211.778.589.1210.52

Lucas Garron - Germany WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 486 10.08 11.47 Germany 11.7912.8410.0811.5211.10
2x2x2 Cube First round 266 3.63 4.06 Germany 3.633.724.404.076.38
4x4x4 Cube First round 372 42.17 46.64 Germany 45.8342.1749.3948.5845.51
5x5x5 Cube First round 411 1:34.00 1:43.45 Germany 1:34.001:48.871:35.161:46.331:55.94
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 150 DNF DNF Germany DNFDNFDNF
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 115 30 DNF Germany 32DNF30
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 214 14.96 18.68 Germany 21.0217.4021.7217.6214.96
Clock First round 227 11.55 14.30 Germany 17.4014.9612.6611.5515.29
Pyraminx First round 400 8.81 10.17 Germany 8.8410.3311.348.8116.97
Square-1 First round 228 25.33 31.63 Germany 25.3327.0952.1533.5034.31

Lucas Nieuwland - Canada WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 337 8.66 10.67 Canada 10.3812.948.6610.3211.31
First round 303 8.92 9.89 Canada 8.9210.5410.249.3810.06
2x2x2 Cube First round 300 3.06 4.27 Canada 5.804.914.623.283.06
4x4x4 Cube First round 451 48.91 51.91 Canada 56.1649.7452.2048.9153.79
5x5x5 Cube First round 400 1:19.31 1:39.55 Canada 1:42.661:33.571:45.291:42.411:19.31
6x6x6 Cube First round 293 3:34.63 Canada 3:34.63
7x7x7 Cube First round 232 4:41.70 Canada 4:41.70
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 339 22.13 23.43 Canada 24.1222.1324.0522.1324.49
Clock Final 8 3.73 5.46 Canada 5.023.735.136.247.95
First round 6 4.48 4.95 Canada 6.394.924.704.485.22
Megaminx First round 234 1:14.79 1:21.66 Canada 1:26.191:14.791:23.951:14.841:31.53
Pyraminx First round 212 4.53 6.22 Canada 7.306.145.904.536.63
Skewb First round 177 4.42 6.26 Canada 4.694.427.447.716.65
Square-1 First round 158 18.37 20.59 Canada 23.5220.4921.0820.2018.37

Luchen Zhang (张录辰) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 830 14.43 16.47 China 17.2318.8015.1517.0414.43
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 150 DNF DNF China DNFDNFDNF

Luigi Francia Comi - Italy WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 978 19.59 22.05 Italy 24.5319.5920.7524.7320.87
2x2x2 Cube First round 701 8.49 10.20 Italy 10.3010.578.499.7412.92
Pyraminx First round 502 11.94 15.85 Italy 11.9417.6312.6819.4517.23

Luis Eduardo Martínez Castellanos - Mexico WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 274 8.90 9.98 Mexico 8.928.9010.6810.3511.88
First round 269 9.05 9.66 Mexico 9.7211.099.219.0510.04
4x4x4 Cube First round 264 39.52 40.82 Mexico 39.5241.4341.0340.0150.01
5x5x5 Cube First round 188 1:01.09 1:11.65 Mexico 1:13.641:06.981:14.331:01.091:19.62
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 193 16.93 18.02 Mexico 17.4823.2917.7518.8416.93
Megaminx First round 25 37.93 42.70 Mexico 46.9743.2545.4839.3737.93

Lukas Noel - Sweden WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 325 7.46 10.56 Sweden 10.357.4613.1611.829.52
First round 304 9.23 9.89 Sweden 9.7811.159.2310.669.24
2x2x2 Cube First round 199 2.73 3.70 Sweden 4.283.583.23DNF2.73
4x4x4 Cube First round 407 43.72 49.13 Sweden 58.6047.4751.2943.7248.63
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 218 16.77 18.75 Sweden 19.5016.7719.6923.5217.05
Pyraminx First round 168 5.05 5.32 Sweden 5.845.

Lukas Shelley - Denmark WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 33 6.52 7.05 Denmark 7.346.526.857.386.97
Second round 29 6.12 6.93 Denmark 6.576.459.787.766.12
First round 44 6.55 7.09 Denmark 7.777.516.866.906.55
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 104 12.34 15.43 Denmark 18.6816.1713.2716.8412.34

Luke Garrett - United States WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Final 5 5.27 5.82 United States 5.325.276.165.986.17
Semi Final 14 5.76 6.43 United States 6.418.435.765.886.99
Second round 10 5.06 6.16 United States 5.765.067.117.525.60
First round 15 5.73 6.22 United States 6.839.585.735.935.89
2x2x2 Cube Second round 21 1.38 1.72 United States 1.391.381.921.863.59
First round 4 0.96 1.45 United States 0.961.32DNF1.511.51
4x4x4 Cube Second round 67 25.98 32.22 United States 25.9832.7037.9128.3635.59
First round 80 27.95 31.28 United States 32.9536.2927.9529.6631.22
5x5x5 Cube Second round 69 51.34 59.80 United States 1:07.6956.811:05.7356.8651.34
First round 37 51.41 54.09 United States 51.411:00.0254.2455.5252.51
6x6x6 Cube First round 66 1:43.00 1:48.11 United States 1:48.981:43.001:52.34
7x7x7 Cube First round 38 2:31.78 2:37.10 United States 2:39.182:31.782:40.35
3x3x3 Blindfolded Second round 46 39.06 DNF United States DNF39.06DNF
First round 75 50.55 DNF United States 50.55DNFDNF
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 13 26 28.00 United States 312726
3x3x3 One-Handed Final 3 8.65 10.00 United States 9.649.3710.988.6512.89
Second round 5 9.21 10.06 United States 10.749.709.219.7311.10
First round 5 9.02 10.08 United States 11.279.699.2916.589.02
Clock Final 3 3.91 4.66 United States 4.523.914.475.414.99
First round 12 4.21 5.41 United States DNF6.384.495.354.21
Megaminx Final 15 37.04 39.92 United States 37.3142.6737.0442.5939.85
First round 15 34.72 38.91 United States 34.7238.8339.1538.7442.14
Pyraminx Second round 39 2.00 3.34 United States 2.003.992.773.255.11
First round 27 2.19 2.69 United States 2.193.812.553.272.24
Skewb Second round 37 3.24 4.05 United States 4.733.243.445.113.97
First round 34 2.46 3.73 United States 4.163.652.463.396.67
Square-1 Second round 26 7.83 8.90 United States 8.758.8212.089.147.83
First round 44 10.27 11.30 United States 12.6415.4110.5910.6810.27

Luke Jankowiak - Canada WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 70 6.41 8.25 Canada 8.499.569.267.016.41
Second round 71 6.81 7.63 Canada 8.846.887.586.818.44
First round 156 7.70 8.59 Canada 7.868.947.709.818.97
2x2x2 Cube Second round 158 2.98 3.76 Canada 2.984.104.114.873.08
First round 109 2.24 2.93 Canada 2.395.403.182.243.21
4x4x4 Cube First round 109 29.87 32.91 Canada 31.6235.7532.6034.5129.87
5x5x5 Cube First round 227 1:12.56 1:15.20 Canada 1:16.131:15.181:17.871:14.301:12.56
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 223 16.66 19.02 Canada 25.4818.1319.4216.6619.50
Pyraminx First round 342 5.15 8.64 Canada 11.519.958.345.157.63
Square-1 First round 111 12.44 16.53 Canada 15.0612.4423.2214.9019.63

Maciej Jabłoński - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 374 10.34 11.70 Poland 10.7712.6812.8910.3411.66
First round 271 8.17 9.67 Poland 11.268.688.179.9210.41
4x4x4 Cube First round 307 40.98 42.43 Poland 43.6641.1940.9842.43DNF
5x5x5 Cube First round 343 1:24.49 1:29.79 Poland 1:35.791:28.331:24.491:25.261:38.97
Clock First round 90 7.88 8.74 Poland 9.978.109.408.727.88
Pyraminx Second round 53 2.24 3.78 Poland 2.243.375.695.932.27
First round 32 2.60 2.81 Poland 4.472.802.603.002.64

Maciej Spirydowicz - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 571 10.68 12.30 Poland 11.6810.8514.3615.6510.68
2x2x2 Cube Second round 179 2.57 4.38 Poland 3.342.574.407.075.41
First round 110 2.47 2.93 Poland 3.022.472.936.692.85
4x4x4 Cube First round 434 43.99 50.94 Poland 54.241:02.4447.5551.0443.99
Megaminx First round 180 1:01.04 1:09.29 Poland 1:06.921:14.851:11.411:01.041:09.53
Square-1 Second round 75 7.83 15.61 Poland 19.107.8313.8613.87DNF
First round 27 8.36 9.50 Poland 8.658.368.8511.01DNF

Magne Johannes Erlandsen - Norway WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 836 15.74 16.62 Norway 19.3417.1516.0215.7416.70
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 139 2:08.94 DNF Norway 2:08.94DNF2:12.41

Makoto Takaoka (高岡誠) - Japan WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 299 10.06 10.25 Japan 11.1310.3210.2910.1410.06
First round 137 8.04 8.31 Japan 8.578.908.108.048.26
4x4x4 Cube Second round 28 27.85 28.53 Japan 29.2728.0928.2427.8529.75
First round 30 27.14 28.58 Japan 27.1427.6928.4332.4029.63
5x5x5 Cube Second round 25 45.74 52.55 Japan 52.6145.7450.9957.4954.04
First round 28 46.94 52.17 Japan 51.5353.5754.9751.4146.94
Megaminx First round 200 1:03.44 1:13.59 Japan 1:13.681:03.441:14.301:13.831:13.27
Square-1 Final 8 6.80 7.21 Japan 6.807.057.327.257.58
Second round 16 6.95 8.12 Japan 6.987.889.789.496.95
First round 22 7.55 8.94 Japan 7.5511.2510.678.168.00

Malcolm Wong - Malaysia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 513 8.88 11.71 Malaysia 12.4012.0714.0810.668.88
4x4x4 Cube First round 560 51.42 1:05.65 Malaysia 1:01.781:06.851:11.6051.421:08.33
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 334 19.81 22.93 Malaysia 19.8122.0024.8034.1321.98
Pyraminx First round 333 6.24 8.41 Malaysia 10.157.307.776.2411.82
Skewb First round 146 5.28 5.86 Malaysia 5.285.659.055.636.29
Square-1 First round 137 16.15 18.43 Malaysia 20.0520.5717.2018.0416.15

Manuel Gutman - Argentina WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 102 7.38 8.04 Argentina 8.377.797.388.417.95
First round 100 6.92 7.98 Argentina 6.927.778.438.937.75
4x4x4 Cube Second round 39 26.21 29.41 Argentina 27.9429.8830.4126.2132.11
First round 58 26.89 30.26 Argentina 33.3728.4432.6726.8929.67
5x5x5 Cube First round 112 1:02.00 1:03.69 Argentina 1:03.481:06.891:02.361:05.241:02.00
3x3x3 Blindfolded Final 8 17.24 DNF Argentina 19.0617.24DNF
Second round 4 17.19 DNF Argentina DNF17.19DNF
First round 7 16.59 20.84 Argentina 16.5928.0117.93
Megaminx First round 47 47.45 49.00 Argentina 47.5247.451:02.4649.0750.40
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 48 DNF DNF Argentina DNFDNFDNF
5x5x5 Blindfolded Final 5 3:37.51 DNF Argentina DNFDNF3:37.51
3x3x3 Multi-Blind Final 13 21/24 49:06 Argentina 21/24 49:06DNS

Marc Dullemond - Netherlands WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 746 13.47 14.51 Netherlands 13.7913.4713.4916.2619.85
2x2x2 Cube First round 550 5.34 6.17 Netherlands 6.825.346.168.685.52
4x4x4 Cube First round 581 1:11.44 1:15.12 Netherlands 1:17.681:12.781:11.441:14.911:18.68
Pyraminx First round 450 10.24 11.86 Netherlands 14.1210.4111.3413.8410.24

Marco Syfrig - Switzerland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 997 12.64 23.72 Switzerland 12.6419.0119.0733.09DNF
2x2x2 Cube First round 436 4.22 5.26 Switzerland 6.874.664.226.664.47
4x4x4 Cube First round 559 1:01.33 1:05.45 Switzerland DNF1:11.571:02.951:01.331:01.83
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 472 24.46 38.79 Switzerland 41.1732.8942.3024.46DNF
Square-1 Second round 69 10.08 12.95 Switzerland 13.0312.2815.9813.5510.08
First round 74 11.24 13.11 Switzerland 12.5914.2017.7912.5411.24

Marcus Kamen - United States WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 240 8.00 9.55 United States 10.719.498.9510.228.00
First round 222 7.45 9.26 United States 7.458.9511.2610.388.45
2x2x2 Cube Second round 102 2.32 2.94 United States 3.272.593.432.972.32
First round 153 2.45 3.35 United States 4.422.602.453.743.70
4x4x4 Cube First round 333 37.25 43.73 United States 50.4147.1938.7837.2545.21
5x5x5 Cube First round 336 1:19.77 1:29.06 United States 1:42.441:27.721:30.071:19.771:29.40
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 54 31 34.00 United States 363531
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 179 15.75 17.54 United States 15.7518.0216.6121.5418.00
Clock First round 138 9.31 10.08 United States 10.849.3610.0412.779.31
Megaminx First round 298 1:41.18 United States 1:56.531:41.18
Pyraminx Final 4 1.86 2.07 United States
Second round 14 2.15 2.40 United States 2.152.652.552.282.36
First round 25 1.52 2.66 United States 1.527.882.882.562.54
Skewb First round 152 4.25 5.92 United States 7.717.
Square-1 First round 251 33.55 United States 36.7433.55

Marek Pepke - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 589 10.40 12.45 Poland 11.0413.3113.0913.2210.40
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 115 30 DNF Poland 31DNF30
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 263 15.29 20.33 Poland 15.2924.2525.2418.7218.02

Marie Vincent - France WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 647 8.41 13.18 France 12.8216.418.4119.8410.31
2x2x2 Cube First round 443 4.30 5.34 France 5.655.365.605.054.30
4x4x4 Cube First round 199 34.56 37.53 France 39.5535.8037.2356.4434.56
5x5x5 Cube First round 236 1:11.25 1:16.67 France 1:27.481:13.931:11.251:20.661:15.43
6x6x6 Cube First round 130 1:58.27 2:08.53 France 2:04.622:22.711:58.27
7x7x7 Cube First round 182 3:33.98 DNF France 3:39.043:33.98DNF
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 150 DNF DNF France DNFDNFDNF
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 390 16.81 25.93 France 24.3228.0516.8126.9426.54
Megaminx First round 91 52.07 56.25 France 59.161:00.9153.0156.5952.07
Pyraminx First round 226 5.68 6.39 France 6.026.355.686.806.93
Skewb First round 222 5.88 7.17 France 6.527.539.525.887.46
Square-1 First round 171 19.32 21.67 France 29.2722.8121.3919.3220.82

Marissa Jane Tawie - Malaysia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 683 12.46 13.59 Malaysia 17.7413.4714.6112.7012.46
2x2x2 Cube First round 496 3.68 5.67 Malaysia 6.098.576.003.684.91
Pyraminx First round 451 7.03 11.88 Malaysia 11.867.0310.01DNF13.78

Mark Boyanowski - United States WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Blindfolded Second round 37 30.25 DNF United States 31.36DNF30.25
First round 37 28.37 DNF United States DNF28.37DNF
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 5 23 24.00 United States 232524

Markus Pirzer - Germany WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1055 24.88 29.75 Germany 29.5024.8833.2631.3128.45
2x2x2 Cube First round 668 5.52 8.06 Germany 8.646.279.2810.005.52
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 135 36 DNF Germany DNFDNF36
Clock First round 303 24.37 Germany 24.37DNF

Martin Gudahl Tufte - Norway WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 840 13.87 16.69 Norway 17.0716.6016.3933.5813.87
2x2x2 Cube First round 659 7.06 7.83 Norway 7.318.297.887.069.47
4x4x4 Cube First round 470 47.17 53.10 Norway 47.1752.4953.1657.7653.64
5x5x5 Cube First round 407 1:39.16 1:42.41 Norway 1:39.161:44.771:47.341:39.671:42.78
Pyraminx First round 439 9.00 11.54 Norway 9.7110.3018.369.0014.62
Skewb First round 368 4.92 11.87 Norway 8.684.92DNF18.048.89

Martin Lais - Switzerland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 989 22.08 22.86 Switzerland 22.6422.8322.0825.7123.12

Martin Zhang (张镐轩) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 622 11.01 12.86 China 15.9811.0111.0813.1314.38
2x2x2 Cube First round 254 3.05 4.00 China 4.393.053.663.944.49
4x4x4 Cube First round 552 54.71 1:03.46 China 1:06.0354.7159.821:04.521:17.18
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 93 1:04.12 1:22.06 China 1:13.381:48.681:04.12
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 353 21.47 23.95 China 22.1029.7025.7921.4723.97
Clock First round 91 8.00 8.74 China 8.388.429.679.418.00
Pyraminx First round 316 5.37 8.13 China 10.137.886.395.3712.71
Skewb First round 125 4.69 5.57 China 7.116.305.015.404.69
Square-1 First round 270 49.60 China 49.60DNF

Masato Fujiwara (藤原正人) - Japan WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Blindfolded Second round 22 25.05 DNF Japan 25.05DNFDNF
First round 12 18.21 19.55 NR Japan 21.0818.2119.36
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 48 DNF DNF Japan DNFDNFDNF
3x3x3 Multi-Blind Final 43 12/23 1:00:00 Japan 12/23 1:00:00

Masayuki Hirai (平井雅之) - Japan WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 253 8.71 9.79 Japan 11.168.719.169.8110.40
First round 305 8.23 9.91 Japan 10.5911.
6x6x6 Cube First round 160 2:01.63 2:21.18 Japan 2:01.632:54.892:07.01
Megaminx Final 7 31.69 34.53 Japan 33.2231.6934.5635.8237.36
First round 13 32.13 37.96 Japan 34.8632.1340.4341.5038.60

Mason Langenderfer - United States WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 318 9.06 10.45 United States 10.8311.5210.739.799.06
First round 206 7.77 9.09 United States 7.779.209.598.4812.12
2x2x2 Cube First round 215 2.72 3.77 United States 3.363.572.724.374.87
4x4x4 Cube First round 237 31.06 39.57 United States 38.3838.1845.0531.0642.14
5x5x5 Cube First round 241 1:09.30 1:17.08 United States 1:15.821:09.301:24.951:23.491:11.92
6x6x6 Cube First round 215 2:33.49 2:39.73 United States 2:33.492:40.102:45.60
7x7x7 Cube First round 166 3:43.70 3:49.17 United States 3:43.703:51.223:52.60
3x3x3 Blindfolded Second round 57 50.09 DNF United States DNF50.09DNF
First round 64 43.94 45.40 United States 44.9247.3343.94
3x3x3 One-Handed Second round 76 12.46 15.18 United States 12.4616.2914.5917.5314.66
First round 39 11.18 12.52 United States 17.3112.3611.1813.4011.79
Clock First round 79 7.08 8.38 United States 8.507.088.837.958.68
Megaminx First round 146 1:01.92 1:04.70 United States 1:09.121:08.221:02.321:03.561:01.92
Pyraminx First round 189 3.97 5.76 United States 6.535.743.975.446.09
Skewb First round 82 3.45 4.90 United States 3.454.356.106.854.25
Square-1 First round 148 12.68 19.44 United States 12.6823.4615.0126.4719.84
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 7 3:21.10 DNF United States DNF3:21.10DNF
5x5x5 Blindfolded Final 30 DNF DNF United States DNFDNFDNF
3x3x3 Multi-Blind Final 17 18/22 1:00:00 United States 18/22 1:00:00

Mason Zhou (周子瑞) - Singapore WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 524 10.59 11.75 Singapore 14.4011.4112.1510.5911.70
2x2x2 Cube First round 317 3.58 4.36 Singapore 4.593.584.184.554.35
4x4x4 Cube First round 495 52.52 55.98 Singapore 1:06.2053.3352.521:01.1853.43

Mats Valk - Netherlands WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 93 6.63 7.95 Netherlands 8.9610.878.146.636.75
First round 13 5.44 6.20 Netherlands 7.275.455.897.305.44
2x2x2 Cube Second round 89 1.98 2.75 Netherlands 2.183.504.861.982.58
First round 106 2.79 2.92 Netherlands 5.493.012.792.952.80
4x4x4 Cube Second round 17 25.44 27.24 Netherlands 26.4329.3925.9031.6225.44
First round 22 25.81 28.02 Netherlands 25.8126.8827.6530.3929.52
5x5x5 Cube Second round 55 53.81 56.91 Netherlands 59.5757.1358.7554.8453.81
First round 68 52.42 57.62 Netherlands 57.2952.421:01.701:00.4455.14
6x6x6 Cube First round 47 1:35.22 1:42.31 Netherlands 1:35.221:51.271:40.45
7x7x7 Cube First round 59 2:38.69 2:43.73 Netherlands 2:46.802:38.692:45.71
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 95 13.02 14.99 Netherlands 15.3113.0216.6513.4016.27
Megaminx First round 95 54.06 56.63 Netherlands 54.0657.6356.4555.8159.91

Matteo Dummar - Italy WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 665 11.79 13.35 Italy 15.2212.7612.0711.79DNF
2x2x2 Cube First round 290 2.55 4.20 Italy 4.177.335.243.192.55
4x4x4 Cube First round 410 43.18 49.29 Italy 57.8251.3043.2843.1853.29
5x5x5 Cube First round 365 1:30.57 1:32.67 Italy 1:36.741:32.031:34.351:30.571:31.63
6x6x6 Cube First round 261 2:50.48 DNF Italy 2:50.48DNF3:09.20
7x7x7 Cube First round 243 5:03.25 Italy 5:03.25
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 108 1:15.91 DNF Italy 1:15.91DNFDNF
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 80 36 41.33 Italy 385036
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 460 30.54 34.13 Italy 30.5431.8638.2132.7837.74
Clock Final 12 5.26 6.35 Italy 5.265.339.047.426.31
First round 13 4.92 5.60 Italy 5.009.866.105.694.92
Megaminx First round 268 1:26.07 1:33.21 Italy 1:45.161:26.081:28.381:26.071:48.11
Pyraminx First round 184 4.31 5.61 Italy 4.5110.876.454.315.87
Skewb First round 85 4.05 4.98 Italy
Square-1 Second round 34 8.51 9.67 Italy 23.748.8811.258.518.87
First round 37 8.63 10.84 Italy 13.399.218.63DNF9.91
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 19 4:38.84 DNF Italy 4:38.84DNFDNS
5x5x5 Blindfolded Final 23 14:17.00 DNF Italy 14:17.00DNSDNS

Matteo Provasi - Italy WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 474 10.96 11.36 Italy 15.8310.9710.9611.2111.89
2x2x2 Cube First round 205 3.40 3.72 Italy 3.983.793.403.404.74
4x4x4 Cube First round 488 54.52 54.97 Italy 59.6354.9554.7154.5255.26
5x5x5 Cube First round 349 1:22.39 1:30.73 Italy 1:27.021:33.351:32.541:32.621:22.39
6x6x6 Cube First round 221 2:20.33 2:42.01 Italy 2:45.403:00.312:20.33
7x7x7 Cube First round 231 4:41.67 Italy 4:41.67
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 150 DNF DNF Italy DNFDNFDNF
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 86 40 46.00 Italy 404553
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 356 22.03 24.20 Italy 22.9925.2722.0324.3331.98
Pyraminx First round 416 8.37 10.63 Italy 11.2410.809.8612.268.37
Skewb First round 437 14.80 17.80 Italy 20.0215.2514.8018.14DNF

Mattheo de Wit - Netherlands WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 110 7.16 8.11 Netherlands 7.9410.277.837.168.56
First round 169 7.56 8.75 Netherlands 11.349.147.569.547.56
2x2x2 Cube Second round 52 1.84 2.19 Netherlands 2.612.462.101.842.01
First round 56 1.74 2.24 Netherlands 2.482.571.742.301.93
4x4x4 Cube First round 139 30.87 34.37 Netherlands 36.1830.8737.6034.6732.27
5x5x5 Cube First round 157 1:03.44 1:08.20 Netherlands 1:10.011:03.441:06.581:08.001:12.10
6x6x6 Cube First round 127 2:05.77 2:08.09 Netherlands 2:12.002:06.512:05.77
7x7x7 Cube First round 135 3:19.54 3:28.96 Netherlands 3:19.543:23.763:43.57
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 27 27 30.00 Netherlands 342927
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 173 14.84 17.46 Netherlands 17.2618.6516.7718.3514.84
Clock First round 19 5.29 5.82 Netherlands 5.295.695.566.226.97
Megaminx First round 61 49.16 51.77 Netherlands 50.5649.1655.6954.7949.95
Pyraminx Second round 74 3.05 4.68 Netherlands 3.0510.873.835.754.46
First round 61 2.86 3.50 Netherlands 3.923.615.882.862.97
Skewb Second round 30 3.02 3.62 Netherlands
First round 15 2.68 3.19 Netherlands 3.433.243.032.683.30
Square-1 Second round 38 7.79 9.92 Netherlands 11.588.7713.837.799.40
First round 64 8.53 12.54 Netherlands 8.5313.5813.1521.1910.90

Matthew Tang Kar Ho - Malaysia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 767 13.08 14.99 Malaysia 17.2015.0213.0815.6914.26
2x2x2 Cube First round 563 4.57 6.26 Malaysia 6.334.576.416.876.05
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 462 26.30 34.86 Malaysia 46.3429.1929.0426.30DNF

Matty Hiroto Inaba - United States WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Final 6 4.72 5.90 United States 6.496.175.436.104.72
Semi Final 3 4.94 5.51 United States
Second round 5 5.00 5.78 United States 7.465.175.005.786.38
First round 2 4.65 5.16 United States 5.156.445.305.044.65
4x4x4 Cube Final 5 21.39 24.27 United States 29.6821.8221.3921.9829.02
Second round 6 22.80 25.64 United States 26.0124.1526.9222.8026.75
First round 7 21.17 24.01 United States 22.3221.1726.6724.6025.10
5x5x5 Cube Final 8 43.45 45.54 United States 43.4552.6147.5845.2543.79
Second round 10 44.32 47.11 United States 49.8044.3251.3245.4746.06
First round 11 43.73 46.05 United States 43.7348.8245.2252.4444.12
6x6x6 Cube Final 9 1:21.23 1:25.80 United States 1:31.531:24.631:21.23
First round 15 1:25.08 1:28.92 United States 1:25.081:34.931:26.75
7x7x7 Cube First round 23 2:16.05 2:21.39 United States 2:16.052:28.092:20.04
3x3x3 One-Handed Second round 21 8.13 11.54 United States 11.8312.1810.6812.118.13
First round 31 10.35 12.29 United States 10.7610.35DNF11.1514.95

Max Park - United States WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Final 1 4.54 5.31 United States 5.045.425.694.545.48
Semi Final 5 5.46 5.79 United States 5.905.915.465.556.40
Second round 6 5.69 5.90 United States 5.697.515.915.835.96
First round 3 5.12 5.17 United States
4x4x4 Cube Final 3 17.93 23.50 United States 25.2521.5124.4624.5217.93
Second round 1 19.74 21.30 United States 19.7420.2221.4422.2423.60
First round 1 19.63 21.41 United States 21.6819.6323.0121.8320.72
5x5x5 Cube Final 1 36.43 40.11 United States 45.0142.7940.2436.4337.30
Second round 2 37.96 39.67 United States 41.2439.6538.3937.9640.98
First round 1 35.10 37.13 United States 36.2135.1036.8938.2943.44
6x6x6 Cube Final 6 1:14.34 1:24.21 United States 1:26.581:31.721:14.34
First round 1 1:00.33 1:07.11 WR United States 1:13.881:07.131:00.33
7x7x7 Cube Final 1 1:41.44 1:46.75 United States 1:45.051:53.771:41.44
First round 1 1:44.05 1:45.86 United States 1:47.561:45.981:44.05
3x3x3 One-Handed Final 6 9.19 10.14 United States 9.1910.2710.769.6210.52
Second round 2 6.93 9.75 United States
First round 1 7.51 9.35 United States 9.649.877.519.129.30

Max Raihle - Sweden WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1065 20.48 31.19 Sweden 20.4837.8229.4638.1226.30

Max Siauw - United States WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 61 6.51 7.95 United States DNF6.517.257.848.77
Second round 21 6.34 6.64 United States 6.966.366.646.346.91
First round 37 6.48 6.95 United States 6.558.316.846.487.47
2x2x2 Cube Second round 27 1.47 1.77 United States 1.471.532.041.74DNF
First round 42 1.53 2.12 United States 1.951.531.622.802.85
4x4x4 Cube Second round 37 23.22 29.37 United States DNF27.3923.2227.3433.38
First round 15 24.30 27.03 United States 29.7032.6525.4924.3025.90
5x5x5 Cube Final 14 45.73 47.92 United States 49.3446.1245.7353.0848.30
Second round 12 45.43 48.56 United States 49.7345.4346.5649.3853.98
First round 19 46.83 50.24 United States 48.9553.2748.5146.8354.80
6x6x6 Cube Final 16 1:24.58 1:45.84 United States 1:24.581:27.992:24.95
First round 16 1:26.35 1:28.92 United States 1:31.091:29.331:26.35
7x7x7 Cube First round 24 2:16.88 2:21.51 United States 2:16.882:24.932:22.71
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 73 48.56 DNF United States DNF48.5656.78
3x3x3 One-Handed Second round 42 10.43 12.55 United States 13.2712.8112.0510.4312.80
First round 27 8.36 12.21 United States 10.9612.5915.458.3613.08
Clock First round 44 6.05 7.06 United States 6.367.387.459.596.05
Megaminx First round 37 40.19 47.32 United States 45.36DNF40.1948.4148.20
Pyraminx First round 133 2.98 4.70 United States 5.015.476.542.983.62
Skewb Second round 40 3.74 4.09 United States 4.183.885.993.744.20
First round 29 2.88 3.61 United States 3.022.883.985.673.82
Square-1 Final 7 5.61 7.06 United States 6.806.105.619.428.29
Second round 1 4.84 5.52 United States 6.055.664.844.856.29
First round 6 5.46 6.88 United States 6.447.859.186.355.46

Maxim Chechnev - Russia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 842 15.73 16.72 Russia 18.0416.4615.7316.1717.52
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 104 1:11.43 DNF Russia 1:11.431:19.98DNF
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 48 DNF DNF Russia DNFDNFDNS
3x3x3 Multi-Blind Final 24 10/10 58:40 Russia 10/10 58:40

Mayis Jraghatspanyan - Armenia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 574 10.31 12.32 Armenia 10.3115.0814.8810.4211.66
2x2x2 Cube First round 392 4.50 4.92 Armenia 4.505.065.117.914.59
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 346 22.92 23.75 Armenia 23.0825.9122.9225.1723.01
Pyraminx First round 398 6.43 10.17 Armenia 7.9412.6514.076.439.91
Skewb First round 367 6.99 11.77 Armenia 9.5116.0513.7912.006.99

Meenakshi Muralidharan - India WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1080 26.33 35.00 India 47.2231.4337.6335.9326.33

Melis Atarim - Turkey WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 983 15.94 22.46 Turkey 22.3524.1420.8915.94DNF
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 147 2:19.00 DNF Turkey DNFDNF2:19.00
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 246 16.53 19.64 Turkey 20.0719.4119.4416.5323.86
Clock First round 256 7.43 DNF Turkey 7.43DNFDNF7.879.05
Skewb First round 149 2.82 5.89 Turkey 6.492.826.435.605.65
Square-1 First round 120 12.42 16.80 Turkey 15.0819.0712.4216.2521.07

Michael (謝富亦) - Indonesia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 502 11.26 11.60 Indonesia 11.2611.6011.5812.1311.63
4x4x4 Cube First round 236 35.24 39.53 Indonesia 42.2739.0538.4335.2441.10
5x5x5 Cube First round 181 1:06.90 1:10.89 Indonesia 1:07.971:13.851:12.701:06.901:12.00
6x6x6 Cube First round 104 1:58.14 2:00.07 Indonesia 2:01.021:58.142:01.04
7x7x7 Cube First round 84 2:50.86 2:55.42 Indonesia 3:00.082:50.862:55.32
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 150 DNF DNF Indonesia DNFDNFDNF
Clock First round 28 5.31 6.23 Indonesia 5.315.49DNF6.966.25
Megaminx First round 100 53.02 58.29 Indonesia 1:05.9053.021:02.3456.1756.37
Pyraminx First round 276 5.32 7.14 Indonesia 8.635.32DNF5.537.26
Skewb First round 288 4.54 8.68 Indonesia 4.549.259.6310.777.17
Square-1 Second round 78 12.73 17.38 Indonesia 25.0412.7313.4117.7720.97
First round 80 10.87 13.88 Indonesia 15.3711.5110.8725.5014.76

Michael Alexander - Australia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 261 9.16 9.88 Australia 9.1610.129.8410.599.67
First round 313 6.69 9.99 Australia
2x2x2 Cube First round 405 4.48 5.00 Australia 4.485.564.505.165.33
4x4x4 Cube First round 358 33.20 45.60 Australia 1:00.3241.8141.7853.2033.20
5x5x5 Cube First round 283 1:12.65 1:21.84 Australia 1:25.911:25.001:30.921:14.601:12.65
6x6x6 Cube First round 290 3:29.28 Australia 3:29.28
7x7x7 Cube First round 249 5:20.06 Australia 5:20.06
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 137 2:05.14 DNF Australia DNFDNF2:05.14
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 83 39 43.33 Australia 484339
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 398 16.01 26.53 Australia 47.7816.0118.5537.3623.69
Clock First round 162 10.07 11.19 Australia 11.9413.2110.0710.9010.73
Megaminx First round 201 1:07.56 1:13.59 Australia 1:19.111:29.021:07.721:07.561:13.94
Pyraminx First round 298 6.51 7.72 Australia
Skewb First round 334 6.73 10.05 Australia 10.427.396.7312.3413.71
Square-1 First round 114 15.41 16.62 Australia 18.0518.3815.4115.5216.28

Michael Angelo Zafra - Philippines WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 863 14.56 17.13 Philippines 19.3814.8517.1514.5620.37
5x5x5 Cube First round 340 1:20.64 1:29.57 Philippines 1:41.611:20.641:25.581:31.381:31.76
Pyraminx First round 117 3.27 4.35 Philippines 3.794.924.356.503.27

Michael Chai (柴天方) - United States WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 289 7.96 10.20 United States 7.9610.2611.899.1111.23
First round 233 8.18 9.32 United States 8.2310.988.748.1813.22
4x4x4 Cube First round 241 36.70 39.71 United States 36.7042.421:23.6038.4538.25
5x5x5 Cube First round 301 1:16.71 1:24.24 United States 1:17.031:35.801:21.811:33.871:16.71
Megaminx First round 69 48.41 52.35 United States 50.9553.6253.8152.4848.41

Michael Eleftheriades - Cyprus WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 339 9.41 10.69 Cyprus 10.9111.509.679.4113.67
First round 376 9.31 10.50 Cyprus 10.0914.209.319.6011.81
2x2x2 Cube First round 281 3.29 4.16 Cyprus 4.534.043.293.914.65
4x4x4 Cube First round 319 40.44 42.92 Cyprus 54.1340.4442.0242.3944.35
5x5x5 Cube First round 377 1:25.68 1:35.93 Cyprus 1:29.631:25.681:37.921:40.241:53.24
6x6x6 Cube First round 182 2:18.61 2:26.55 Cyprus 2:41.342:19.712:18.61
7x7x7 Cube First round 154 3:37.83 3:41.34 NR Cyprus 3:41.543:37.833:44.64
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 360 22.24 24.56 Cyprus 23.3223.44DNF22.2426.92
Clock First round 166 9.68 11.30 Cyprus 12.529.6810.9910.40DNF
Megaminx First round 214 1:07.38 1:15.95 Cyprus 1:17.541:07.381:25.611:21.851:08.47
Pyraminx First round 260 4.93 6.93 Cyprus
Skewb First round 188 4.94 6.50 Cyprus
Square-1 First round 214 22.55 28.43 Cyprus 22.5532.0036.7726.4426.85

Michael Giang - Australia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 740 13.80 14.37 Australia 24.1313.8814.0113.8015.23
2x2x2 Cube First round 612 5.20 6.88 Australia 8.935.206.325.4010.45
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 473 34.30 38.83 Australia 49.1338.7234.3040.3537.43

Michael Ngan (顏律言) - Hong Kong, China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 460 7.91 11.22 Hong Kong, China 17.487.9111.9610.6711.03
2x2x2 Cube First round 480 3.06 5.57 Hong Kong, China 6.964.863.064.907.35
4x4x4 Cube First round 273 35.71 41.38 Hong Kong, China 40.3741.2442.5347.1835.71
5x5x5 Cube First round 223 1:07.66 1:14.70 Hong Kong, China 1:19.271:07.661:12.251:20.151:12.58
6x6x6 Cube First round 192 2:24.70 2:30.79 Hong Kong, China 2:37.082:24.702:30.59
7x7x7 Cube First round 141 3:23.47 3:33.54 Hong Kong, China 3:36.183:23.473:40.98
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 92 1:02.43 DNF Hong Kong, China DNFDNF1:02.43
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 315 21.83 22.46 Hong Kong, China 21.8322.7122.5025.6522.18
Megaminx First round 198 1:08.99 1:13.39 Hong Kong, China 1:14.661:25.511:08.991:11.741:13.77
Pyraminx First round 341 6.98 8.58 Hong Kong, China 9.9314.168.576.987.24
Skewb First round 295 7.07 8.81 Hong Kong, China 11.4112.347.207.077.81
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 21 4:48.65 5:17.78 NR Hong Kong, China 5:46.654:48.655:18.03

Michael Nielsen - United States WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 35 5.91 7.09 United States 5.917.367.277.266.73
Second round 67 6.36 7.55 United States 7.346.369.117.437.87
First round 39 4.96 6.99 United States 5.117.558.314.969.36
2x2x2 Cube Final 10 1.28 1.63 United States 1.662.291.351.281.89
Second round 2 1.27 1.37 United States 1.291.711.271.361.45
First round 18 1.36 1.72 United States 2.521.681.871.361.60
4x4x4 Cube First round 184 31.68 36.96 United States 34.4331.6837.6440.5438.82
5x5x5 Cube First round 160 1:03.75 1:08.41 United States 1:07.891:03.751:16.931:08.851:08.50
6x6x6 Cube First round 166 2:06.36 2:22.65 United States 2:42.092:19.502:06.36
7x7x7 Cube First round 168 3:40.26 3:50.37 United States 3:42.673:40.264:08.18
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 58 29 35.00 United States 364029
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 135 10.39 16.33 United States 17.3817.6814.0410.3917.58
Clock First round 101 7.12 8.99 United States 8.997.129.4211.718.55
Megaminx First round 171 54.70 1:08.23 United States 1:06.561:09.5454.701:08.591:14.36
Pyraminx Final 11 1.75 2.41 United States 2.091.751.773.384.32
Second round 1 1.25 1.80 United States 1.252.551.971.471.96
First round 6 1.49 2.09 United States 2.551.772.511.492.00
Skewb Second round 18 1.42 3.02 United States 3.352.081.424.013.63
First round 18 2.46 3.29 United States 3.043.565.292.463.26
Square-1 First round 107 12.59 16.41 United States 16.9116.3417.2515.9912.59

Michael Tripodi - Australia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 662 11.43 13.31 Australia 11.4313.6813.3512.9117.02
3x3x3 Blindfolded Second round 19 24.39 DNF Australia 26.16DNF24.39
First round 24 22.52 DNF Australia DNF22.5226.93
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 4 1:40.22 DNF Australia DNF1:40.22DNF
5x5x5 Blindfolded Final 30 DNF DNF Australia DNFDNFDNF
3x3x3 Multi-Blind Final 8 31/33 51:35 Australia 31/33 51:3527/46 1:00:00

Michael Young - United States WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 584 10.05 12.41 United States 13.4711.9013.9811.8610.05
2x2x2 Cube First round 267 2.24 4.08 United States
4x4x4 Cube First round 370 42.36 46.33 United States 44.0246.9654.0542.3648.00
5x5x5 Cube First round 267 1:18.74 1:19.66 United States 1:20.481:18.741:19.441:19.061:20.94
6x6x6 Cube First round 245 2:36.69 2:55.33 United States 2:36.693:13.342:55.96
7x7x7 Cube First round 220 4:31.91 United States 4:31.91
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 119 1:30.96 DNF United States DNF2:23.601:30.96
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 30 26 30.33 United States 362926
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 96 11.46 15.01 United States 18.5115.6511.4611.9417.45
Clock First round 269 14.21 DNF United States 15.6514.21DNFDNFDNS
Megaminx First round 239 1:08.75 1:23.32 United States 1:23.261:25.751:33.141:08.751:20.96
Pyraminx First round 292 3.92 7.63 United States 11.697.166.483.929.24
Skewb First round 241 6.10 7.57 United States 7.838.416.469.116.10
Square-1 Second round 46 8.10 10.54 United States 11.178.1011.8411.359.10
First round 69 11.46 12.71 United States 14.4612.1224.0711.5511.46
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 48 DNF DNF United States DNFDNFDNS
5x5x5 Blindfolded Final 30 DNF DNF United States DNFDNFDNS

Michał Bogdan - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 516 11.06 11.72 Poland 11.8011.7714.3711.0611.58
3x3x3 Blindfolded Second round 70 DNF DNF Poland DNFDNFDNF
First round 66 45.46 DNF Poland 48.55DNF45.46
3x3x3 Multi-Blind Final 7 34/38 56:53 Poland 34/38 56:53DNF

Michelle Brewster - Australia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1082 27.66 35.19 Australia 44.3437.5735.6432.3727.66
2x2x2 Cube First round 727 7.78 13.06 Australia 26.757.7818.4312.088.68

Michelle Francisco - Philippines WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1094 39.82 41.60 Philippines 1:06.2642.9640.2441.6039.82

Mihir A. Rai - United States WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 201 7.48 9.21 United States DNF7.487.5310.0810.01
First round 356 8.75 10.34 United States 11.1011.159.548.7510.37
2x2x2 Cube Second round 79 1.78 2.58 United States 2.492.832.892.421.78
First round 196 3.07 3.67 United States DNF4.063.533.413.07
5x5x5 Cube First round 306 1:12.80 1:24.57 United States 1:28.921:55.331:12.801:22.531:22.27
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 81 55.27 DNF United States 55.27DNFDNF
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 133 13.77 16.27 United States 16.3516.5115.96DNF13.77
Clock First round 247 6.04 DNF United States 9.716.049.92DNFDNF
Megaminx First round 101 54.44 58.45 United States 1:02.5654.4457.2155.571:03.49
Pyraminx First round 185 3.98 5.67 United States 6.727.983.985.155.15
Skewb First round 310 6.40 9.15 United States 11.2912.568.416.407.74
Square-1 Second round 64 9.80 12.56 United States 9.929.8014.2413.53DNF
First round 55 10.49 12.03 United States 12.1411.6410.4914.0312.31
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 40 7:34.96 DNF United States DNFDNF7:34.96

Mikela Elleby Jørgensen - Denmark WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 985 20.85 22.61 Denmark 23.6420.8522.5421.6625.82
2x2x2 Cube First round 726 10.31 12.89 Denmark 11.7810.3115.1526.4311.73
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 150 DNF DNF Denmark DNFDNFDNF
Pyraminx First round 444 8.78 11.63 Denmark 15.4810.938.7810.8113.15
Skewb First round 453 17.77 23.32 Denmark 17.7723.58DNF26.3420.04

Milan Struyf - Belgium WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 351 8.31 10.99 Belgium 10.3611.358.3111.2514.67
First round 263 7.97 9.64 Belgium 7.9710.109.429.889.63
2x2x2 Cube Second round 101 2.22 2.94 Belgium 4.632.712.922.223.19
First round 176 2.11 3.54 Belgium 3.22DNF2.113.573.84
4x4x4 Cube First round 445 49.96 51.57 Belgium 50.5453.011:04.2349.9651.15
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 265 17.15 20.34 Belgium 19.7117.1517.4824.6123.82
Pyraminx First round 465 10.06 12.69 Belgium 14.1910.0611.3415.6712.54

Min-Hyuk Son (손민혁) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 335 8.81 10.14 Republic of Korea 9.0610.7910.6010.768.81
4x4x4 Cube First round 216 30.08 38.32 Republic of Korea 39.2240.5748.1735.1630.08
5x5x5 Cube First round 222 1:11.05 1:14.69 Republic of Korea 1:11.051:15.311:15.311:13.451:16.27
6x6x6 Cube First round 222 2:34.92 2:42.03 Republic of Korea 2:34.922:52.792:38.39
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 245 16.97 19.60 Republic of Korea 17.7316.9719.7521.3122.00
Megaminx First round 134 58.11 1:02.23 Republic of Korea 1:01.061:07.081:10.5658.5558.11

Min-Je Song (송민제) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 249 9.17 9.64 Republic of Korea 9.179.3110.8710.059.56
First round 353 8.29 10.30 Republic of Korea 9.9311.128.299.85DNF
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 150 DNF DNF Republic of Korea DNFDNFDNF
3x3x3 One-Handed Second round 41 9.75 12.55 Republic of Korea 12.9312.8411.9312.879.75
First round 57 10.77 13.32 Republic of Korea 11.3614.1514.4410.7717.59

MinGwan Yeo (여민관) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 521 9.50 11.74 Republic of Korea 11.4413.529.5012.0811.69
2x2x2 Cube First round 434 3.59 5.23 Republic of Korea 3.595.335.335.028.25
4x4x4 Cube First round 208 34.73 37.79 Republic of Korea 35.6337.4441.0040.3134.73
5x5x5 Cube First round 127 1:03.01 1:05.36 Republic of Korea 1:03.011:08.811:06.861:03.711:05.52
6x6x6 Cube First round 257 2:02.98 DNF Republic of Korea 2:17.782:02.98DNF
7x7x7 Cube First round 127 3:11.07 3:25.58 Republic of Korea 3:29.773:35.893:11.07
Megaminx First round 223 1:06.33 1:18.31 Republic of Korea 1:16.621:31.531:06.331:18.171:20.13
Pyraminx First round 406 5.44 10.23 Republic of Korea 14.726.9010.4313.375.44
Skewb First round 360 11.21 11.31 Republic of Korea 11.3213.1511.2711.3411.21
Square-1 First round 198 20.49 25.52 Republic of Korea 28.6524.3423.5620.4952.78

MinJun Son (손민준) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1096 34.73 42.57 Republic of Korea 40.2145.5951.2234.7341.91
2x2x2 Cube First round 743 16.00 21.39 Republic of Korea 32.7322.4122.4519.3216.00
Skewb First round 423 11.27 16.28 Republic of Korea 11.2718.7117.2013.2218.42

MinKyu Kwon - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1036 20.43 27.71 Republic of Korea 26.7920.4327.2729.0829.43

MinSeo Gu (구민서) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 159 7.02 8.77 Republic of Korea 7.7611.679.598.957.02
First round 301 7.29 9.89 Republic of Korea 7.29DNF10.278.6110.78
2x2x2 Cube First round 286 2.46 4.18 Republic of Korea 2.463.284.327.134.94
4x4x4 Cube First round 212 28.91 38.05 Republic of Korea 35.0943.1835.8844.1828.91
5x5x5 Cube First round 90 56.69 1:00.24 Republic of Korea 1:07.5656.691:01.7059.4959.54
6x6x6 Cube First round 78 1:46.34 1:51.64 Republic of Korea 1:55.871:52.701:46.34
7x7x7 Cube First round 106 3:05.06 3:12.36 Republic of Korea 3:24.133:07.883:05.06
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 150 DNF DNF Republic of Korea DNFDNFDNF
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 176 15.60 17.49 Republic of Korea 18.7224.2815.6017.6616.09
Clock First round 160 9.95 11.05 Republic of Korea 13.6810.639.9510.2912.22
Megaminx First round 215 1:05.82 1:16.17 Republic of Korea 1:05.981:28.431:24.811:05.821:17.71
Pyraminx First round 259 5.85 6.91 Republic of Korea 6.176.2812.155.858.29
Skewb First round 104 4.27 5.24 Republic of Korea 5.8610.765.114.764.27
Square-1 First round 233 23.78 33.46 Republic of Korea 23.7831.9438.2838.4430.17

Ming Dao Ting - Australia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 675 12.29 13.53 Australia 15.1112.2917.6212.2913.18
2x2x2 Cube First round 498 4.12 5.71 Australia 5.08DNF6.074.125.97
4x4x4 Cube First round 502 54.28 56.53 Australia 58.4655.7159.9455.4254.28
5x5x5 Cube First round 414 1:39.00 1:45.48 Australia 1:53.571:41.941:51.461:43.041:39.00
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 150 DNF DNF Australia DNFDNFDNF
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 342 17.89 23.57 Australia 34.5325.6822.9717.8922.06
Clock First round 301 21.83 Australia DNF21.83
Megaminx First round 305 1:54.41 Australia 2:01.671:54.41
Pyraminx First round 377 5.63 9.58 Australia 12.385.638.5012.387.85
Skewb First round 344 8.23 10.44 Australia 11.418.239.3010.6222.87
Square-1 First round 263 41.63 Australia 41.63DNF

Ming Zheng (郑鸣) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 915 12.63 19.06 China 26.2815.0812.63DNF15.83

Mingze Lin (林铭泽) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 375 10.44 11.70 China 10.4413.9611.4812.4911.14
First round 382 10.19 10.55 China 10.6110.5213.9310.1910.52
Skewb Final 9 2.27 3.16 China 2.923.724.172.272.85
Second round 15 2.28 2.93 China 3.084.462.282.882.84
First round 20 2.55 3.36 China 4.702.552.964.552.58

Minhyun Kim (김민현) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 651 11.73 13.22 Republic of Korea 13.1311.7312.8513.6814.06
2x2x2 Cube First round 683 6.18 8.87 Republic of Korea 6.187.3114.5411.437.87
4x4x4 Cube First round 335 40.27 43.87 Republic of Korea 45.4644.0446.8142.1240.27
5x5x5 Cube First round 298 1:20.55 1:23.53 Republic of Korea 1:22.911:24.541:23.791:20.551:23.89
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 84 58.34 DNF Republic of Korea DNF58.6158.34
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 147 DNF DNF Republic of Korea DNSDNFDNF
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 303 14.68 22.05 Republic of Korea 35.5723.8214.6819.1823.16
Pyraminx First round 447 8.61 11.72 Republic of Korea 12.3613.788.6110.0512.75
Skewb First round 436 7.71 17.73 Republic of Korea 18.4915.057.7119.6621.71
5x5x5 Blindfolded Final 30 DNF DNF Republic of Korea DNFDNFDNS

Minjae Kim - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 734 12.36 14.33 Republic of Korea 15.2815.7614.4313.2712.36
2x2x2 Cube First round 383 4.47 4.83 Republic of Korea DNF4.744.994.474.76
Pyraminx First round 467 11.02 12.88 Republic of Korea 12.4113.4812.7511.0214.13

Minjae Kim (김민재) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 302 8.55 10.28 Republic of Korea 9.4710.728.5510.6610.71
First round 389 9.22 10.65 Republic of Korea 10.4111.2111.079.2210.48
2x2x2 Cube First round 355 3.94 4.57 Republic of Korea 4.633.944.754.324.76
4x4x4 Cube First round 320 38.88 42.94 Republic of Korea 42.1145.4641.2550.0238.88
5x5x5 Cube First round 422 1:37.94 1:46.86 Republic of Korea 2:05.461:38.321:37.941:47.501:54.76
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 373 22.92 25.17 Republic of Korea 25.4424.9322.9225.1334.75
Skewb First round 302 6.56 8.95 Republic of Korea 8.0214.8610.086.568.76

Minjun Kim (김민준) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 410 10.11 10.82 Republic of Korea 11.4610.7310.1111.0610.68
2x2x2 Cube Second round 103 2.56 2.94 Republic of Korea 2.563.013.123.432.68
First round 168 2.35 3.46 Republic of Korea 3.002.354.473.314.08
4x4x4 Cube First round 289 35.78 41.85 Republic of Korea 35.7839.7249.1146.6339.21
5x5x5 Cube First round 258 1:03.80 1:18.29 Republic of Korea 1:21.821:15.451:26.421:03.801:17.61
6x6x6 Cube First round 177 2:07.65 2:26.04 Republic of Korea 2:28.022:42.452:07.65
7x7x7 Cube First round 158 3:30.25 3:43.10 Republic of Korea 3:30.253:54.333:44.71
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 169 16.23 17.38 Republic of Korea 16.2319.0416.7816.3519.02
Pyraminx Second round 60 1.78 3.95 Republic of Korea 1.784.244.443.703.90
First round 75 2.28 3.64 Republic of Korea
Skewb First round 129 4.35 5.62 Republic of Korea 5.455.754.355.665.76
Square-1 First round 97 8.55 15.49 Republic of Korea 23.4614.258.5517.3614.87

Minkyu Shin (신민규) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 139 7.43 8.50 Republic of Korea 7.728.357.4310.429.43
First round 115 7.65 8.08 Republic of Korea 7.658.547.689.328.02
2x2x2 Cube Second round 83 1.57 2.61 Republic of Korea 3.484.632.381.981.57
First round 139 2.67 3.24 Republic of Korea 2.672.943.933.693.10
4x4x4 Cube Second round 54 29.36 31.07 Republic of Korea 29.3632.8334.9230.4429.94
First round 62 26.88 30.32 Republic of Korea 30.8932.9132.1726.8827.90
5x5x5 Cube Second round 43 51.52 54.98 Republic of Korea 51.5252.0558.0654.821:00.85
First round 44 49.91 55.52 Republic of Korea 1:01.7958.5849.9151.3356.66
6x6x6 Cube First round 17 1:25.99 1:31.64 Republic of Korea 1:25.991:35.201:33.73
7x7x7 Cube Final 14 2:10.92 2:19.75 Republic of Korea 2:32.732:10.922:15.60
First round 15 2:10.04 2:15.35 Republic of Korea 2:14.952:21.072:10.04

Minseong Park - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 290 7.96 10.21 Republic of Korea 10.0910.227.9612.1910.33
First round 369 7.86 10.47 Republic of Korea 10.4711.0410.027.8610.91
2x2x2 Cube First round 407 2.75 5.02 Republic of Korea 4.505.325.232.756.16
4x4x4 Cube First round 485 49.65 54.42 Republic of Korea 53.461:02.5650.7149.6559.08
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 359 17.32 24.48 Republic of Korea 27.8021.6827.4724.2817.32
Pyraminx First round 452 9.12 11.89 Republic of Korea 9.6315.3910.659.1227.17
Skewb First round 465 22.14 Republic of Korea 22.14DNF

Minseop Song - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 803 14.30 15.80 Republic of Korea 14.4314.3017.8518.8415.12

Mintae Yoo - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 754 12.73 14.70 Republic of Korea 13.2618.8115.3615.4912.73

Minwoo Park (박민우) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 355 10.41 11.08 Republic of Korea 12.8011.7510.7710.4110.72
First round 394 9.52 10.73 Republic of Korea 10.6510.569.5210.9712.17
2x2x2 Cube First round 265 3.29 4.05 Republic of Korea
4x4x4 Cube First round 526 58.96 1:00.16 Republic of Korea 59.251:06.7058.961:01.081:00.14
Megaminx First round 280 1:31.58 Republic of Korea 1:40.331:31.58

Mitchell Anderson - Australia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 564 11.30 12.21 Australia 11.3012.1713.0915.1211.36
2x2x2 Cube First round 501 4.62 5.72 Australia 4.835.476.854.628.70
4x4x4 Cube First round 505 53.59 56.87 Australia 56.8953.5955.031:14.4858.70
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 65 32 36.00 Australia 324135
Clock First round 268 12.13 DNF Australia 12.7012.13DNFDNF12.93
Pyraminx First round 167 4.27 5.32 Australia 5.495.775.614.274.87

Mitsuki Gunji (郡司光貴) - Japan WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 195 7.80 9.13 Japan 8.427.808.5311.0110.43
First round 190 8.07 8.92 Japan 8.838.079.679.318.63
4x4x4 Cube First round 108 30.86 32.83 Japan 32.0230.8641.3734.6231.85
5x5x5 Cube First round 148 55.35 1:07.13 Japan 55.351:09.251:04.291:15.841:07.86
6x6x6 Cube First round 152 2:08.07 2:17.90 Japan 2:21.612:24.012:08.07
7x7x7 Cube First round 157 3:38.57 3:42.70 Japan 3:45.293:44.253:38.57
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 168 16.15 17.38 Japan 17.5617.9016.1519.3016.68
Megaminx First round 186 1:06.38 1:10.33 Japan 1:12.561:09.151:09.291:06.381:18.05
Pyraminx First round 294 5.76 7.66 Japan 5.766.919.176.909.24

Mohammad Almoumen - Kuwait WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 970 17.87 21.71 Kuwait 20.8918.4017.871:13.9025.83
2x2x2 Cube First round 627 3.14 7.11 Kuwait 3.1410.775.847.468.04
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 146 2:16.08 DNF Kuwait 2:27.79DNF2:16.08
Pyraminx First round 291 5.73 7.60 Kuwait 8.358.035.736.4311.59
Skewb First round 440 14.06 19.13 Kuwait 23.9515.9124.4617.5214.06

Mok Man Kit (莫文傑) - Hong Kong, China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 545 9.30 12.06 Hong Kong, China 12.3413.909.3011.0212.82
2x2x2 Cube First round 373 3.74 4.72 Hong Kong, China 4.815.664.634.713.74
4x4x4 Cube First round 260 37.94 40.67 Hong Kong, China 37.9440.1041.5748.2740.34
5x5x5 Cube First round 224 1:06.63 1:14.81 Hong Kong, China 1:06.631:16.811:16.721:18.811:10.91
6x6x6 Cube First round 103 1:51.26 1:59.60 Hong Kong, China 1:56.141:51.262:11.40
7x7x7 Cube First round 104 2:58.27 3:09.98 Hong Kong, China 3:12.463:19.202:58.27
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 41 31 31.67 Hong Kong, China 323132
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 217 14.19 18.74 Hong Kong, China 19.2917.9725.3914.1918.97
Clock First round 76 6.07 8.22 Hong Kong, China 7.898.6410.988.136.07
Megaminx First round 244 1:14.02 1:24.32 Hong Kong, China 1:26.811:24.931:27.761:21.231:14.02
Skewb Second round 59 3.80 4.81 Hong Kong, China 5.433.835.183.807.78
First round 80 4.05 4.87 Hong Kong, China 4.056.725.534.524.57

Mok Mun Wai (莫滿懷) - Hong Kong, China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 881 14.45 17.96 Hong Kong, China 17.9425.5014.4516.1019.83
4x4x4 Cube First round 564 1:00.95 1:06.95 Hong Kong, China 1:23.841:13.141:02.931:04.771:00.95
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 470 30.92 38.00 Hong Kong, China 30.9240.8340.8437.0836.08
Megaminx First round 159 57.86 1:06.80 Hong Kong, China 1:08.301:11.941:10.2357.861:01.88
Pyraminx First round 394 7.20 10.00 Hong Kong, China 7.2013.648.3212.459.22
Skewb First round 404 9.49 14.56 Hong Kong, China 12.2817.4118.8114.009.49

Mu-Cheng Liu (劉牧承) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 345 7.33 10.83 Chinese Taipei 7.3310.0413.9110.1212.33
First round 286 6.96 9.82 Chinese Taipei 10.808.4510.736.9610.27
2x2x2 Cube First round 441 4.67 5.32 Chinese Taipei 5.984.675.535.714.71
4x4x4 Cube First round 285 33.47 41.74 Chinese Taipei 47.9041.5448.7033.4735.78
5x5x5 Cube First round 237 1:13.33 1:16.68 Chinese Taipei 1:22.011:14.681:13.781:21.591:13.33
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 431 23.63 29.40 Chinese Taipei 35.6826.7923.6330.3831.04

Muhammad Haris Aamir - Pakistan WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 208 8.64 9.27 Pakistan 8.649.059.918.909.85
First round 145 7.46 8.41 Pakistan 7.469.087.718.4410.70
2x2x2 Cube Second round 184 2.30 4.58 Pakistan 2.686.542.306.484.58
First round 158 2.82 3.38 Pakistan
4x4x4 Cube First round 274 32.94 41.44 Pakistan 41.4932.9438.8747.4243.97
5x5x5 Cube First round 248 1:09.93 1:17.89 Pakistan 1:21.361:17.661:09.931:20.911:15.10
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 113 14.50 15.63 Pakistan 17.4116.3015.1415.4514.50

Muhammad Syahmi - Malaysia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 248 8.47 9.64 Malaysia 9.1912.879.628.4710.11
First round 259 8.71 9.57 Malaysia 8.7114.559.539.259.92
2x2x2 Cube First round 241 3.31 3.91 Malaysia 6.384.883.443.313.41
4x4x4 Cube First round 312 35.62 42.58 Malaysia 48.5246.9539.8040.9935.62
5x5x5 Cube First round 312 1:14.63 1:25.66 Malaysia 1:24.431:27.691:24.861:29.071:14.63
6x6x6 Cube First round 168 2:14.65 2:24.56 Malaysia 2:14.652:27.662:31.36
7x7x7 Cube First round 160 3:28.81 3:45.67 Malaysia 3:28.814:05.303:42.90
Clock First round 127 8.68 9.65 Malaysia 9.4111.4510.049.518.68
Megaminx First round 225 1:11.59 1:19.06 Malaysia 1:25.111:11.591:14.391:31.551:17.67
Pyraminx First round 115 3.02 4.35 Malaysia 6.724.233.024.614.22
Skewb First round 195 4.37 6.61 Malaysia 4.848.1125.194.376.87

Munemichi Suzuki - Uruguay WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 482 10.42 11.42 Uruguay 11.3910.4211.6311.2512.16
2x2x2 Cube First round 280 2.26 4.16 Uruguay
4x4x4 Cube First round 500 43.45 56.36 Uruguay 1:02.541:05.5258.3148.2243.45
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 452 21.05 32.28 Uruguay 42.38DNF21.0525.2029.26
Pyraminx First round 222 3.57 6.31 Uruguay
Skewb First round 245 6.40 7.62 Uruguay

Munkhtaivan Battugs - Mongolia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 426 8.47 10.95 Mongolia 10.548.4710.9211.8611.40
2x2x2 Cube First round 350 4.08 4.54 Mongolia 4.084.464.874.305.30
Clock First round 115 8.25 9.40 Mongolia
Pyraminx First round 277 5.30 7.17 Mongolia 5.307.797.187.247.08
Skewb First round 185 4.04 6.39 Mongolia 6.906.157.746.114.04

Myles Jarman - Australia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 233 8.53 9.49 Australia 8.5310.579.599.749.15
First round 322 8.76 10.04 Australia 9.548.7610.699.8910.93
2x2x2 Cube First round 315 3.41 4.34 Australia 3.783.417.004.544.71
4x4x4 Cube First round 137 33.22 34.28 Australia 35.5443.8233.5733.2233.72
5x5x5 Cube First round 208 1:10.83 1:12.74 Australia 1:13.301:13.161:10.831:11.771:13.89
6x6x6 Cube First round 112 1:55.86 2:04.67 Australia 2:03.041:55.862:15.11
7x7x7 Cube First round 142 3:30.98 3:33.80 Australia 3:38.053:32.363:30.98
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 136 2:05.04 DNF Australia DNFDNF2:05.04
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 142 40 DNF Australia 4240DNF
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 221 16.58 18.91 Australia 18.7417.0925.7616.5820.90
Clock First round 64 7.35 7.83 Australia 7.357.408.927.938.16
Megaminx First round 205 1:05.40 1:13.92 Australia 1:30.951:14.321:13.421:14.021:05.40
Pyraminx First round 156 4.91 5.20 Australia 5.455.204.965.794.91
Skewb First round 121 3.82 5.55 Australia 5.994.563.82DNF6.09
Square-1 First round 141 12.80 18.73 Australia 12.8018.6719.3620.8918.16
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 48 DNF DNF Australia DNFDNFDNS
3x3x3 Multi-Blind Final 44 DNF Australia DNF

Mylo Rafael Kristianto - Indonesia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 441 7.89 11.06 Indonesia 12.109.2912.7811.807.89
4x4x4 Cube First round 170 31.14 36.41 Indonesia 39.7435.9035.7037.6331.14
5x5x5 Cube First round 95 57.44 1:00.67 Indonesia 1:01.241:09.0457.441:00.151:00.61
6x6x6 Cube First round 118 1:59.93 2:05.14 Indonesia 2:01.181:59.932:14.31
7x7x7 Cube First round 112 3:08.66 3:18.45 Indonesia 3:22.743:23.953:08.66

Nabilah Rahmawati - Indonesia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 844 14.70 16.76 Indonesia 15.9814.7018.3217.0117.29
4x4x4 Cube First round 572 1:02.22 1:10.05 Indonesia 1:20.661:10.011:10.771:09.361:02.22
Pyraminx First round 207 3.98 6.10 Indonesia 4.363.987.317.256.69
Skewb First round 190 5.10 6.56 Indonesia 5.998.495.1013.635.19

Nahyun Jung (정나현) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 609 11.94 12.69 Republic of Korea 11.9412.8612.6813.7512.52
Skewb First round 232 5.93 7.38 Republic of Korea 6.207.838.109.085.93

Nam Yun-Sang (남윤상) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 902 16.80 18.64 Republic of Korea 18.6016.8020.2419.1618.17
4x4x4 Cube First round 561 57.84 1:05.86 Republic of Korea 1:07.991:04.081:05.5057.841:11.14

Namuun Natsagdorj - Mongolia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 329 9.21 10.59 Mongolia 10.6710.8810.2211.289.21
First round 270 8.12 9.67 Mongolia 8.979.038.1212.0211.01
2x2x2 Cube First round 338 2.82 4.50 Mongolia 5.113.559.622.824.85
4x4x4 Cube First round 362 42.47 45.90 Mongolia 50.7744.2646.8646.5942.47
5x5x5 Cube First round 359 1:22.03 1:31.57 Mongolia 1:32.311:29.251:38.321:22.031:33.15
6x6x6 Cube First round 298 DNF Mongolia DNF
7x7x7 Cube First round 229 4:38.67 Mongolia 4:38.67
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 150 DNF DNF Mongolia DNFDNFDNF
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 384 20.13 25.64 Mongolia 27.2720.1337.0323.5526.09
Clock First round 116 5.60 9.43 Mongolia DNF7.395.608.6912.21
Megaminx First round 182 1:05.96 1:09.40 Mongolia 1:08.201:05.961:11.011:15.391:09.00
Pyraminx First round 165 4.75 5.30 Mongolia 4.755.494.965.445.99
Skewb First round 218 4.28 7.11 Mongolia 7.3620.415.448.544.28
Square-1 First round 113 12.72 16.61 Mongolia 15.4612.7216.7617.6017.98

Naoki Tani (谷直輝) - Japan WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 543 10.38 12.04 Japan 11.6610.3812.4312.04DNF
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 111 14.29 15.60 Japan 14.2916.6123.3315.3914.80
Pyraminx First round 362 5.50 9.08 Japan 17.098.836.8311.575.50

Naoto Shinagawa (品川直登) - Japan WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Blindfolded Second round 48 39.57 DNF Japan 39.57DNFDNF
First round 35 27.56 DNF Japan 33.2427.56DNF
Pyraminx First round 137 4.50 4.75 Japan 4.584.537.064.505.13
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 48 DNF DNF Japan DNFDNFDNF
5x5x5 Blindfolded Final 12 7:49.54 DNF Japan DNF7:49.54DNF
3x3x3 Multi-Blind Final 26 23/38 1:00:00 Japan 23/38 1:00:00

Narawit Suwansin - Thailand WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1132 10.85 DNF Thailand 12.10DNFDNF10.8512.69
2x2x2 Cube First round 322 3.50 4.39 Thailand 5.233.505.374.063.88

Nathan Lap Chun Ling (凌立晉) - Hong Kong, China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 716 13.07 14.06 Hong Kong, China 13.2813.0719.3215.2813.63
2x2x2 Cube First round 312 2.98 4.32 Hong Kong, China 2.983.405.364.205.45
Pyraminx First round 354 6.29 8.90 Hong Kong, China 7.936.298.9310.279.85

Nattasit Phaisalrittiwong (ณัฐสิทธิ์ ไพศาลฤทธิวงศ์) - Thailand WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 273 8.70 9.98 Thailand 8.7011.708.9810.7710.19
First round 384 10.11 10.59 Thailand 10.7412.7210.4210.1110.62
2x2x2 Cube First round 552 4.32 6.19 Thailand 6.895.384.326.676.52
4x4x4 Cube First round 472 46.12 53.41 Thailand 54.7846.1249.8355.6356.44
Pyraminx First round 483 7.97 14.60 Thailand 13.767.9717.4612.5819.35
Skewb First round 411 10.01 15.10 Thailand 22.4713.2010.0118.9113.19

Natthaphat Mahtani (ณัฐภัทร จี มาทานี) - Thailand WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 96 6.22 7.97 Thailand 7.817.216.228.8810.25
First round 89 5.71 7.82 Thailand
2x2x2 Cube Second round 32 1.37 1.85 NR Thailand 1.932.241.512.121.37
First round 92 1.91 2.81 Thailand 5.801.964.511.911.96
4x4x4 Cube First round 102 31.97 32.62 Thailand 33.2132.3232.3331.9733.87
5x5x5 Cube Second round 64 54.50 57.97 Thailand 1:05.791:02.5255.8255.5654.50
First round 41 47.87 54.72 Thailand 47.871:08.9958.6550.2855.24
6x6x6 Cube First round 59 1:38.75 1:46.03 Thailand 1:53.661:45.671:38.75
7x7x7 Cube First round 61 2:40.73 2:44.79 Thailand 2:51.412:42.242:40.73
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 14 27 28.00 Thailand 282927
3x3x3 One-Handed Second round 31 9.43 12.09 Thailand 9.4315.6512.5613.1210.59
First round 37 11.32 12.45 Thailand 12.91DNF12.5211.9211.32
Megaminx First round 22 36.68 NR 40.91 NR Thailand 39.2836.6840.8342.6155.19
Skewb Second round 29 3.16 3.57 Thailand 3.963.263.494.683.16
First round 25 3.15 3.55 Thailand
Square-1 Second round 73 11.34 14.84 Thailand 14.9011.3415.9913.6222.44
First round 76 12.03 13.68 Thailand 16.0012.4217.1312.6312.03

Naufal Shidqi - Indonesia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 554 10.60 12.15 Indonesia 12.2710.6012.5912.4711.70
2x2x2 Cube First round 555 5.30 6.21 Indonesia 5.306.209.976.485.96
4x4x4 Cube First round 433 45.60 50.93 Indonesia 55.0247.6350.1356.2845.60
5x5x5 Cube First round 450 1:53.89 2:00.73 Indonesia 2:09.752:01.891:53.891:54.302:06.01
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 148 2:19.49 DNF Indonesia DNF2:19.942:19.49
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 445 27.44 30.37 Indonesia 32.7828.7727.4429.7232.61
Pyraminx First round 453 10.31 12.13 Indonesia 13.1614.5711.1910.3112.04
Skewb First round 355 8.19 10.94 Indonesia 11.7710.8312.128.1910.21

Netanel Pour - Israel WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 148 7.07 8.56 Israel 9.217.439.037.079.42
First round 261 7.94 9.63 Israel 10.069.597.949.2310.99
2x2x2 Cube Second round 116 2.62 3.09 Israel 2.672.623.273.323.35
First round 119 1.82 3.00 Israel 2.391.823.115.183.49
4x4x4 Cube First round 294 34.15 41.96 Israel 41.0043.3734.1542.2342.65
5x5x5 Cube First round 276 1:14.17 1:21.16 Israel 1:23.711:14.17DNF1:18.831:20.93
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 171 14.08 17.42 Israel 18.7117.8014.0820.5015.75
Pyraminx Second round 28 2.23 2.90 Israel 3.202.922.573.352.23
First round 38 1.88 2.95 Israel 3.881.882.372.614.90
Skewb First round 153 4.32 5.92 Israel 5.516.575.688.854.32

Neul Ha - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 782 13.11 15.21 Republic of Korea 14.2414.5117.2713.1116.88
2x2x2 Cube First round 583 5.44 6.43 Republic of Korea 6.7514.976.665.875.44

Newken Nguyen (นิวเคน เหงียน) - Canada WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 381 8.88 12.20 Canada 11.238.88DNF12.5612.81
First round 152 5.88 8.56 Canada 7.729.378.5914.215.88
2x2x2 Cube Final 8 1.26 1.58 Canada 1.261.581.561.592.93
Second round 7 1.31 1.51 Canada 1.381.831.331.831.31
First round 26 1.45 1.87 Canada DNF2.082.001.521.45

Ng Jia Quan (黄佳铨) - Malaysia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 84 7.57 7.75 Malaysia 7.608.028.817.627.57
First round 235 8.56 9.34 Malaysia 11.239.698.569.728.62
2x2x2 Cube Second round 34 1.48 1.87 Malaysia 1.894.041.761.961.48
First round 29 1.39 1.91 Malaysia 1.392.781.631.872.22
4x4x4 Cube First round 93 27.76 32.02 Malaysia 28.9932.7334.3527.7636.04
5x5x5 Cube Second round 65 53.92 58.07 Malaysia 53.971:00.601:01.5353.9259.63
First round 53 53.84 56.30 Malaysia 57.9153.8455.3755.6258.77
6x6x6 Cube First round 53 1:36.95 1:44.28 Malaysia 1:46.681:49.221:36.95
7x7x7 Cube First round 43 2:30.59 2:38.66 Malaysia 2:43.932:30.592:41.46
3x3x3 Blindfolded Second round 45 37.87 DNF Malaysia 37.8738.01DNF
First round 58 40.76 DNF Malaysia 40.76DNFDNF
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 109 29 DNF Malaysia 29DNFDNF
3x3x3 One-Handed Second round 63 12.18 14.02 Malaysia 14.2914.5313.2418.2812.18
First round 77 12.44 14.29 Malaysia 12.4412.6916.1414.6015.57
Clock Final 15 4.34 DNF Malaysia 4.52DNF4.34DNF6.23
First round 3 3.93 NR 4.66 NR Malaysia 4.883.935.764.144.96
Megaminx First round 32 40.01 45.35 Malaysia 1:06.2640.5051.7240.0143.83
Pyraminx Second round 70 2.04 4.36 Malaysia 2.043.835.483.77DNF
First round 73 2.21 3.63 Malaysia 2.214.814.622.733.53
Skewb Second round 78 4.03 6.34 Malaysia 4.714.709.614.0312.98
First round 70 3.62 4.70 Malaysia 5.676.304.193.624.23
Square-1 Second round 62 9.07 12.32 Malaysia 11.929.0711.0114.3714.03
First round 34 8.57 10.57 Malaysia 13.499.768.5711.8510.09
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 14 4:11.05 5:02.42 Malaysia 4:34.204:11.056:22.00
5x5x5 Blindfolded Final 30 DNF DNF Malaysia DNFDNFDNF
3x3x3 Multi-Blind Final 27 14/21 1:00:00 Malaysia 14/21 1:00:00

Nguyễn Ngọc Thịnh - Vietnam WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 126 6.78 8.37 Vietnam 9.836.787.549.108.48
First round 167 7.73 8.73 Vietnam 10.957.739.698.368.13
4x4x4 Cube First round 149 33.30 35.22 Vietnam 33.7133.3035.2038.3836.74
5x5x5 Cube First round 121 58.18 1:04.50 Vietnam 1:05.9159.011:10.091:08.5958.18

Nicholas Archer - United Kingdom WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 144 7.42 8.54 United Kingdom 8.827.428.8713.097.92
First round 82 6.68 7.72 United Kingdom 6.688.757.309.317.12
2x2x2 Cube Second round 139 1.50 3.42 United Kingdom 4.504.101.502.163.99
First round 20 1.23 1.76 United Kingdom 2.891.951.541.801.23
4x4x4 Cube First round 155 33.21 35.57 United Kingdom 36.8636.1035.4335.1933.21
5x5x5 Cube First round 126 1:00.44 1:05.35 United Kingdom 1:00.441:09.111:10.561:03.951:02.99
3x3x3 One-Handed Final 8 9.80 10.93 United Kingdom 11.339.949.8012.2011.51
Second round 12 10.13 10.69 United Kingdom 16.2110.4710.1310.7810.82
First round 9 8.84 10.76 United Kingdom 8.8410.429.9111.9512.18

Nicholas Paul - Australia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 252 7.18 9.75 Australia 9.667.1810.139.4710.71
First round 141 7.53 8.35 Australia 7.539.067.929.118.08
2x2x2 Cube Second round 46 1.67 2.11 Australia 1.772.29DNF2.271.67
First round 48 1.74 2.17 Australia 2.193.672.471.841.74
3x3x3 One-Handed Second round 44 10.47 12.61 Australia 10.4713.7111.2412.89DNF
First round 36 10.07 12.36 Australia 13.4512.0311.6010.0714.32

Nicolas Campanario - Argentina WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 479 10.60 11.39 Argentina 10.6011.0310.9813.8912.17
2x2x2 Cube Second round 120 2.59 3.14 Argentina 5.613.672.592.852.90
First round 140 2.83 3.26 Argentina 3.436.673.062.833.28
4x4x4 Cube First round 318 40.19 42.91 Argentina 40.1942.7643.1842.8045.07
5x5x5 Cube First round 318 1:20.22 1:26.09 Argentina 2:00.141:23.621:29.461:25.181:20.22
6x6x6 Cube First round 298 DNF Argentina DNF
3x3x3 Blindfolded Second round 26 25.83 DNF Argentina 27.96DNF25.83
First round 27 23.50 DNF Argentina 23.50DNF24.78
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 69 35 36.33 Argentina 353836
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 201 16.50 18.39 Argentina 16.5017.8118.5918.7630.94
Clock First round 229 13.00 14.46 Argentina 15.2613.9913.0017.5114.12
Megaminx First round 173 59.21 1:08.24 Argentina 1:09.011:13.621:04.401:11.3259.21
Pyraminx First round 254 6.20 6.88 Argentina
Skewb First round 162 3.39 6.01 Argentina 5.823.398.137.694.51
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 48 DNF DNF Argentina DNFDNFDNF
3x3x3 Multi-Blind Final 44 DNF Argentina DNF

Nicolas Gertner Kilian - France WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 94 6.84 7.95 France 7.736.847.128.999.32
First round 158 7.65 8.63 France 9.7911.757.657.768.33
2x2x2 Cube Second round 39 1.44 2.02 France 2.766.121.521.441.77
First round 129 2.17 3.13 France 3.023.862.502.174.38
4x4x4 Cube First round 158 33.82 35.61 France 37.5033.8235.0934.2342.74
5x5x5 Cube First round 256 1:07.53 1:18.20 France 1:27.571:07.531:22.491:13.881:18.24
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 150 DNF DNF France DNFDNFDNF
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 93 23 DNF France 28DNF23
3x3x3 One-Handed Second round 56 11.06 13.57 France DNF13.5711.0613.3413.80
First round 42 12.33 12.57 France 15.3712.3312.5312.4912.69
Clock First round 94 8.03 8.78 France 8.948.0310.129.048.37
Megaminx First round 160 1:02.76 1:06.90 France 1:02.761:05.661:04.171:10.881:17.32
Pyraminx First round 262 5.61 6.93 France 9.405.715.615.6711.39
Skewb First round 137 5.22 5.76 France 5.246.816.755.285.22

Nicolas Naing - United States WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
Megaminx Final 4 27.71 29.87 United States 33.2230.3027.7627.7131.56
First round 2 27.76 30.72 United States 27.7629.6934.4827.9937.72

Nicolás Sánchez - United States WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 57 6.56 7.82 United States 8.368.637.367.746.56
Second round 63 6.25 7.53 United States 7.398.216.996.258.42
First round 65 6.19 7.49 United States 7.727.547.218.936.19
2x2x2 Cube Second round 26 1.36 1.77 United States 1.584.001.362.031.69
First round 15 1.17 1.62 United States 1.581.421.871.172.30
4x4x4 Cube Second round 33 28.06 28.90 United States 29.5228.9428.2330.0728.06
First round 65 28.07 30.68 United States 33.3929.2731.5431.2228.07
5x5x5 Cube First round 83 55.95 59.12 United States 55.9558.8959.461:06.8859.02
6x6x6 Cube First round 128 2:04.01 2:08.28 United States 2:12.712:08.122:04.01
7x7x7 Cube First round 144 3:19.65 3:34.87 United States 3:19.653:43.103:41.87
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 150 DNF DNF United States DNFDNFDNF
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 94 12.70 14.99 United States 16.4414.6012.7013.92DNF
Megaminx First round 105 52.72 58.84 United States 1:06.6057.221:03.4155.8952.72

Nikita Pak - Russia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 587 10.74 12.44 Russia 12.7512.8710.7418.9611.69
4x4x4 Cube First round 386 42.68 47.90 Russia 48.4145.8542.6854.8649.44
5x5x5 Cube First round 373 1:29.00 1:34.73 Russia 1:52.341:39.201:29.001:31.611:33.37
Megaminx First round 241 1:17.06 1:23.85 Russia 1:23.081:17.061:22.371:28.291:26.10
Skewb Second round 51 3.37 4.42 Russia 5.444.763.373.734.77
First round 53 3.35 4.29 Russia 3.354.054.104.735.05

Niko Ronkainen - Finland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 466 7.53 11.31 Finland 12.4712.4210.1511.367.53
2x2x2 Cube Second round 77 1.96 2.56 Finland 3.232.332.121.96DNF
First round 101 2.45 2.87 Finland 2.792.532.453.293.61
4x4x4 Cube First round 366 40.92 46.13 Finland 48.6944.7246.6347.0540.92
5x5x5 Cube First round 277 1:13.03 1:21.48 Finland 1:21.361:26.671:13.031:16.401:26.69
6x6x6 Cube First round 159 2:17.89 2:20.90 Finland 2:20.882:23.922:17.89
7x7x7 Cube First round 134 3:21.23 3:28.66 Finland 3:36.233:28.513:21.23
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 294 18.37 21.60 Finland 19.8631.6618.3725.2919.66
Clock First round 111 7.62 9.33 Finland 7.628.5810.69DNF8.73
Skewb Second round 61 3.78 5.00 Finland 7.754.496.274.243.78
First round 69 3.52 4.68 Finland 3.524.765.714.944.34
Square-1 First round 168 15.00 21.19 Finland 20.6615.0019.5225.7623.39

Nikolai Masson (Николай Массон) - Russia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 225 8.01 9.47 Russia 10.318.868.0110.859.23
First round 281 8.80 9.77 Russia 10.149.469.7210.358.80
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 122 1:35.08 DNF Russia 1:35.081:37.36DNF
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 62 31 35.67 Russia 373931

Ninjin Budzaya (Будзаяа Нинжин) - Mongolia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1117 49.73 54.74 Mongolia 49.7351.2957.6355.301:04.08
Pyraminx First round 179 4.43 5.57 Mongolia 7.015.986.024.704.43

Nishad Khade - India WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 553 9.82 12.13 India 11.5212.4016.659.8212.47
2x2x2 Cube First round 463 4.14 5.48 India 6.714.915.224.146.32
4x4x4 Cube First round 436 38.56 51.03 India 55.3449.0048.7638.5659.19
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 421 25.55 28.33 India 28.0525.9334.7431.0025.55
Clock First round 93 6.99 8.76 India 9.12DNF6.997.679.49
Pyraminx First round 233 4.18 6.51 India 5.946.716.8812.174.18
Skewb First round 239 5.17 7.53 India 7.65DNF5.177.557.38
Square-1 First round 227 22.63 30.61 India 22.6331.0229.8237.2630.99

Nitin Kumar (நிதின் குமார்) - United States WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 433 10.33 10.98 United States 10.3313.3710.7410.9211.28
2x2x2 Cube First round 332 3.91 4.46 United States 3.915.134.894.044.44
4x4x4 Cube First round 431 43.75 50.86 United States 49.1349.9659.5543.7553.50
5x5x5 Cube First round 376 1:26.71 1:35.55 United States 1:33.891:26.711:33.351:39.421:52.05
6x6x6 Cube First round 279 3:10.16 United States 3:10.16
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 268 18.13 20.61 United States 18.1320.8521.2723.4519.70
Clock First round 286 17.17 United States 17.1723.40
Pyraminx First round 361 6.33 9.06 United States 8.646.3310.667.8811.23
Skewb First round 439 16.93 19.10 United States 16.9325.6416.9723.3017.03

Noam Katz - Israel WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 435 8.57 11.00 Israel 8.579.5710.7512.69DNF
2x2x2 Cube Second round 145 2.19 3.53 Israel 3.784.152.664.882.19
First round 183 2.71 3.59 Israel 2.713.433.613.725.07
4x4x4 Cube First round 467 46.91 52.82 Israel DNF46.9148.4749.221:00.76
5x5x5 Cube First round 448 1:56.38 1:58.81 Israel 1:58.721:58.661:56.382:10.341:59.04
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 347 14.45 23.79 Israel 14.4530.4426.9619.6924.72
Pyraminx First round 353 6.87 8.88 Israel 6.879.8314.016.909.92
Skewb First round 362 8.24 11.38 Israel 10.65DNF13.788.249.70
Square-1 First round 200 15.46 25.75 Israel 24.4125.3815.4627.47DNF

Nominzul Nemkhjargal - Mongolia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 872 13.17 17.58 Mongolia 20.2122.5413.1718.8913.65
2x2x2 Cube First round 649 5.64 7.57 Mongolia 7.448.095.648.857.19
Pyraminx First round 300 6.00 7.73 Mongolia 6.598.966.007.649.20

Noriyuki Okada (岡田典之) - Japan WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 385 9.27 10.60 Japan 10.3910.009.2711.4311.41
5x5x5 Cube First round 232 1:10.22 1:15.89 Japan 1:10.221:26.961:13.811:14.401:19.46
Clock First round 33 6.28 6.65 Japan 6.597.246.286.976.40
Skewb Final 10 1.95 3.19 Japan 3.446.532.821.953.30
Second round 4 2.06 2.55 Japan 2.064.342.283.102.26
First round 9 1.76 2.69 Japan 2.101.763.253.462.72

Olaf Kuźmiński - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 62 6.72 7.98 Poland 10.967.216.729.587.16
Second round 42 6.82 7.22 Poland 6.947.576.827.177.56
First round 52 6.74 7.27 Poland 7.578.966.956.747.29
2x2x2 Cube Second round 29 1.30 1.80 Poland 1.663.221.302.181.56
First round 32 1.24 1.96 Poland 1.712.601.241.562.81
4x4x4 Cube First round 187 32.17 37.17 Poland 37.8338.63DNF32.1735.05
5x5x5 Cube First round 299 1:17.74 1:23.90 Poland 1:27.831:21.311:40.011:22.551:17.74
6x6x6 Cube First round 243 2:44.67 2:54.51 Poland 2:44.673:02.832:56.04
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 156 13.66 17.02 Poland 19.6017.7815.2813.6618.00
Clock First round 257 8.00 DNF Poland 8.95DNF8.008.82DNF
Pyraminx Second round 79 2.61 5.79 Poland 2.925.009.4613.132.61
First round 66 2.79 3.55 Poland
Skewb Second round 44 3.08 4.17 Poland 4.314.334.163.084.05
First round 43 2.22 4.07 Poland 4.422.224.536.763.27
Square-1 First round 157 16.85 20.58 Poland 16.8518.6121.5023.6821.62

Oliver Pällo - Estonia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 287 8.56 10.15 Estonia 8.5614.339.2910.2510.90
First round 341 7.63 10.19 Estonia 10.5810.499.497.6311.60
2x2x2 Cube Second round 175 1.84 4.24 Estonia 3.29DNF7.222.221.84
First round 198 2.46 3.69 Estonia 4.433.532.467.523.12
4x4x4 Cube First round 349 36.82 45.01 Estonia 43.9436.8249.5442.2148.87
5x5x5 Cube First round 308 1:20.90 1:24.92 Estonia 1:28.361:20.901:23.791:31.851:22.61
6x6x6 Cube First round 195 2:24.89 2:31.35 Estonia 2:36.552:32.622:24.89
7x7x7 Cube First round 196 4:06.65 Estonia 4:06.65
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 150 DNF DNF Estonia DNFDNFDNF
Clock First round 21 5.60 6.00 Estonia 5.897.116.375.755.60
Megaminx First round 165 1:03.71 1:07.99 Estonia 1:09.511:07.221:03.711:11.081:07.25
Pyraminx First round 160 4.08 5.24 Estonia 4.086.565.224.955.54
Skewb First round 148 5.11 5.88 Estonia 6.455.426.116.115.11
Square-1 First round 161 16.39 20.82 Estonia 16.3921.4723.4918.4822.50

Oliver Wheat - United Kingdom WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 432 9.95 10.98 United Kingdom 10.7910.2612.259.9511.88
2x2x2 Cube First round 344 2.94 4.53 United Kingdom 4.092.947.104.495.02
4x4x4 Cube First round 462 40.64 52.66 United Kingdom 56.8959.8440.6459.8841.26
5x5x5 Cube First round 319 1:20.12 1:26.49 United Kingdom 1:29.411:23.341:20.121:26.731:30.63
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 109 1:18.46 DNF United Kingdom 1:34.12DNF1:18.46
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 102 27 DNF United Kingdom DNS3227
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 348 21.94 23.86 United Kingdom 39.7323.9721.9425.1822.43
Clock First round 182 8.59 11.73 United Kingdom 12.0811.448.5911.6817.29
Skewb First round 312 7.37 9.31 United Kingdom 8.3610.928.667.3712.35
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 48 DNF DNF United Kingdom DNFDNFDNF

Olivier Wirz - Switzerland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1085 31.49 35.62 Switzerland 31.4946.8631.6135.3939.86
2x2x2 Cube First round 599 6.02 6.63 Switzerland

Olonbayar Martsaikhan - Mongolia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1018 24.28 26.00 Mongolia 27.3226.7224.2825.9725.30
2x2x2 Cube First round 751 3.73 DNF Mongolia 12.053.739.84DNFDNF
Pyraminx First round 520 19.24 22.99 Mongolia 19.24DNF25.3124.2719.39
Skewb First round 414 11.32 15.25 Mongolia 11.3216.2814.1915.28DNF

On Yu (온유) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 303 7.53 10.31 Republic of Korea 7.5310.9118.408.9911.04
First round 338 9.18 10.16 Republic of Korea 9.799.1810.3613.4810.34
2x2x2 Cube First round 379 2.91 4.79 Republic of Korea 5.654.304.905.162.91
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 308 15.89 22.20 Republic of Korea 40.8815.8925.6817.7023.21
Clock First round 27 5.32 6.21 Republic of Korea 5.536.315.326.80DNF
Megaminx First round 224 1:14.48 1:18.56 Republic of Korea 1:16.551:20.29DNF1:14.481:18.85
Square-1 First round 194 18.12 24.66 Republic of Korea 28.8819.9425.8028.2318.12

Owen Yepeng Sun (孙叶芃) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 640 11.40 13.08 China 13.7611.4011.59DNF13.89
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 147 DNF DNF China DNFDNSDNS
Clock First round 26 4.81 6.18 China 6.126.474.81DNF5.94
Pyraminx Final 13 2.18 2.73 China 2.182.483.502.553.17
Second round 9 1.98 2.28 China 1.982.112.652.092.65
First round 2 1.51 1.74 China 1.861.571.511.792.00
Skewb First round 89 4.63 4.99 China 5.456.004.634.684.85
Square-1 First round 94 9.92 15.16 China 22.0311.589.9211.8723.54

Panayiotis Isaia - Cyprus WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 295 8.59 10.23 Cyprus 10.599.7112.4610.398.59
First round 321 8.97 10.02 Cyprus
2x2x2 Cube Second round 90 1.89 2.76 NR Cyprus 6.352.701.893.272.31
First round 197 2.28 3.69 Cyprus
4x4x4 Cube First round 227 33.82 NR 38.90 Cyprus 44.2044.6433.8238.3534.14
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 146 13.65 NR 16.62 NR Cyprus 16.6717.4220.4913.6515.76
Clock First round 262 9.24 DNF Cyprus DNF11.63DNF10.119.24
Megaminx First round 136 54.79 1:02.61 Cyprus 1:04.651:04.9158.3154.791:04.88
Pyraminx First round 142 4.03 4.82 Cyprus 5.396.894.344.034.72
Skewb First round 265 5.54 8.02 Cyprus 9.918.168.605.547.29

Paolo Jose Panganiban - Philippines WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 829 14.35 16.47 Philippines 16.8916.0716.4414.3517.21
4x4x4 Cube First round 515 53.07 57.66 Philippines 55.6859.531:00.1757.7853.07
5x5x5 Cube First round 401 1:33.08 1:40.60 Philippines 1:37.661:59.221:40.231:43.921:33.08
Megaminx First round 300 1:45.13 Philippines 1:59.241:45.13
Pyraminx First round 415 8.84 10.62 Philippines 11.6910.0810.1012.618.84

Paolo Miguel Parian - Philippines WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 955 16.94 20.76 Philippines 21.6625.4416.9418.7021.91
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 150 DNF DNF Philippines DNFDNFDNF

Parang Lee - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1083 26.90 35.48 Republic of Korea 42.5126.9032.7639.0934.60
2x2x2 Cube First round 667 5.77 8.04 Republic of Korea 8.235.778.3910.177.50

Paris Dorn - Canada WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 64 6.89 7.54 Canada 7.797.486.899.617.35
First round 153 7.82 8.56 Canada 9.1710.168.178.337.82
4x4x4 Cube First round 106 29.44 32.78 Canada 34.3734.0731.4729.4432.80
5x5x5 Cube Second round 76 1:02.69 1:03.33 Canada 1:03.321:03.351:02.691:08.981:03.32
First round 59 54.90 56.72 Canada 54.9056.7657.4555.951:00.15
6x6x6 Cube First round 97 1:48.99 1:57.50 Canada 2:01.542:01.981:48.99

Parist Pariyakanok (พริษฐ์ ปริยกนก) - Thailand WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 92 7.57 7.92 Thailand 8.757.947.798.027.57
First round 103 5.66 7.99 Thailand 7.328.987.685.66DNF
2x2x2 Cube Second round 87 2.26 2.68 Thailand 2.702.263.472.862.49
First round 146 2.47 3.30 Thailand 3.302.882.474.733.72
4x4x4 Cube Second round 27 23.67 28.51 Thailand 30.7023.6731.8028.4126.43
First round 26 25.69 28.34 Thailand 25.6927.9028.5828.6128.54
5x5x5 Cube First round 114 1:00.89 1:03.92 Thailand 1:37.251:02.371:00.891:02.661:06.72
6x6x6 Cube First round 76 1:46.77 1:51.43 Thailand 1:47.791:59.731:46.77
7x7x7 Cube First round 109 3:07.44 3:16.24 Thailand 3:07.443:16.123:25.15
3x3x3 One-Handed Final 14 11.01 12.20 Thailand 15.9712.9011.1912.5211.01
Second round 8 9.72 10.18 NR Thailand 9.729.8010.929.8311.38
First round 18 10.50 11.63 Thailand 13.5411.1410.5010.6913.06
Clock First round 67 6.38 7.99 Thailand 8.276.40DNF6.389.31
Megaminx First round 99 51.85 58.19 Thailand 51.8554.351:05.7654.471:12.84
Pyraminx Second round 73 2.95 4.39 Thailand 2.954.675.685.153.36
First round 68 3.09 3.55 Thailand
Skewb First round 105 3.64 5.26 Thailand 5.084.553.646.196.15
Square-1 Second round 66 7.80 12.74 Thailand 11.517.8012.6820.5114.03
First round 60 9.38 12.25 Thailand 14.9410.3514.5311.889.38

Park Gyeong Yeol (박경열) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 646 11.29 13.17 Republic of Korea 14.0313.9014.6211.5811.29
2x2x2 Cube First round 293 3.12 4.23 Republic of Korea 3.454.883.125.954.37
4x4x4 Cube First round 317 39.55 42.88 Republic of Korea 43.9439.5539.8748.2444.83
5x5x5 Cube First round 339 1:20.38 1:29.37 Republic of Korea 1:20.381:22.301:46.041:38.741:27.07
6x6x6 Cube First round 163 2:09.35 2:21.70 Republic of Korea 2:38.462:17.302:09.35
7x7x7 Cube First round 148 3:20.35 3:35.44 Republic of Korea 3:50.753:20.353:35.21

Park Ji Won (박지원) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 277 8.18 10.04 Republic of Korea 8.189.939.16DNF11.03
First round 221 7.07 9.26 Republic of Korea 7.07DNF10.0310.287.48
2x2x2 Cube First round 212 3.11 3.75 Republic of Korea
4x4x4 Cube First round 121 29.56 33.42 Republic of Korea 35.7433.8929.5630.6238.54
5x5x5 Cube First round 119 1:02.92 1:04.25 Republic of Korea 1:03.341:05.291:04.111:13.201:02.92
6x6x6 Cube First round 135 2:01.47 2:09.43 Republic of Korea 2:04.062:22.762:01.47
7x7x7 Cube First round 120 3:02.33 3:23.06 Republic of Korea 3:21.303:45.553:02.33
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 213 17.00 18.64 Republic of Korea 17.5817.0018.2025.0520.13
Clock First round 87 8.26 8.64 Republic of Korea 8.648.3410.208.268.94
Megaminx Final 10 34.43 36.63 Republic of Korea 34.4337.3535.3744.9637.18
First round 16 33.49 39.15 Republic of Korea 37.54DNF33.4936.1243.78
Pyraminx First round 102 3.11 4.16 Republic of Korea 5.836.933.363.283.11
Skewb Second round 60 4.17 4.86 Republic of Korea 4.616.625.084.904.17
First round 74 2.96 4.78 Republic of Korea 3.236.682.969.374.43
Square-1 Final 4 5.47 6.78 Republic of Korea 6.625.475.949.897.78
Second round 8 6.03 7.16 Republic of Korea 7.236.428.187.836.03
First round 8 5.85 7.20 Republic of Korea 8.776.936.408.285.85

Park Junmo (박준모) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 599 10.17 12.59 Republic of Korea 13.2012.5213.9310.1712.06
2x2x2 Cube First round 448 4.90 5.37 Republic of Korea DNF4.905.814.925.37
5x5x5 Cube First round 405 1:31.34 1:41.48 Republic of Korea 1:48.121:43.102:02.431:33.221:31.34
Clock First round 200 9.95 12.25 Republic of Korea 13.7615.7411.9211.069.95
Pyraminx First round 506 8.58 16.50 Republic of Korea 8.5821.3013.1421.7415.05
Skewb First round 374 8.28 12.35 Republic of Korea 15.16DNF11.118.2810.77
Square-1 First round 237 29.29 46.50 Republic of Korea 49.1429.2949.2242.7147.66

Park Meenjee (박민지) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
2x2x2 Cube First round 739 12.36 18.99 Republic of Korea 16.8720.4912.3642.1519.62

Park Sol Min (박솔민) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 837 15.18 16.63 Republic of Korea 16.7615.1815.5517.5718.14
2x2x2 Cube First round 621 4.59 6.97 Republic of Korea

Patrick Kleverlaan - Australia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 712 11.99 14.03 Australia 14.5011.9914.1119.3613.49
2x2x2 Cube First round 492 4.79 5.64 Australia 4.796.455.015.4711.95
4x4x4 Cube First round 567 1:02.87 1:07.54 Australia 1:13.711:02.871:11.501:07.251:03.87
5x5x5 Cube First round 396 1:34.68 1:38.68 Australia 1:44.551:37.701:39.321:34.681:39.02
6x6x6 Cube First round 292 3:32.82 Australia 3:32.82
7x7x7 Cube First round 189 4:03.82 Australia 4:03.82
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 150 DNF DNF Australia DNFDNFDNF
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 126 34 DNF Australia 34DNFDNF
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 446 26.51 30.73 Australia 42.3928.1132.9431.1526.51
Clock First round 89 7.20 8.68 Australia

Patrick Ponce - United States WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 23 5.33 6.79 United States 6.807.025.337.156.54
Second round 12 5.57 6.26 United States 6.606.445.776.565.57
First round 16 5.58 6.28 United States 6.346.087.486.435.58
4x4x4 Cube Final 6 21.93 24.42 United States 24.1026.1321.9323.0426.44
Second round 8 23.54 25.83 United States 27.7226.0429.0523.7223.54
First round 5 23.39 23.45 United States 23.4223.4723.4630.2723.39
5x5x5 Cube Final 6 43.41 44.67 United States 47.2645.0143.4145.4243.58
Second round 9 39.12 45.25 United States 39.1246.4042.7546.5948.28
First round 10 42.27 45.88 United States 44.3846.3046.9542.2747.46
6x6x6 Cube First round 256 1:19.34 DNF United States 1:26.81DNF1:19.34
7x7x7 Cube First round 29 2:17.84 2:28.42 United States 2:17.842:27.882:39.54
3x3x3 One-Handed Final 4 9.31 10.01 United States 10.0713.319.799.3110.17
Second round 1 7.99 8.83 United States 8.518.937.9911.339.06
First round 4 9.21 10.00 United States 16.0510.349.219.3310.32
Megaminx Final 16 35.35 40.82 United States 39.4444.6438.3735.35DNF
First round 11 34.05 37.58 United States 34.0537.0639.6036.0943.53
Square-1 Second round 21 6.80 8.55 United States 8.308.
First round 54 9.55 12.01 United States 12.9914.8812.3910.649.55

Paul Mahvi - United States WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 140 7.45 8.50 United States 11.408.417.987.459.12
First round 43 6.64 7.06 United States 7.606.686.906.647.95
2x2x2 Cube First round 303 3.18 4.29 United States 4.343.183.776.424.77
4x4x4 Cube Second round 19 24.54 27.37 United States 31.9127.3328.1726.6224.54
First round 40 25.88 29.11 United States 27.9825.8827.9031.4432.38
5x5x5 Cube Second round 40 50.77 54.62 United States 53.8454.0150.7757.5156.01
First round 39 49.24 54.49 United States 49.2453.4655.3955.0754.93
6x6x6 Cube First round 33 1:36.07 1:38.47 United States 1:36.071:40.771:38.57
7x7x7 Cube First round 28 2:17.91 2:25.06 United States 2:17.912:27.112:30.15
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 143 2:14.50 DNF United States 2:14.50DNFDNF
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 184 16.07 17.80 United States 20.9716.0717.4019.7616.24
Clock First round 80 7.15 8.40 United States 8.457.489.277.1510.28
Megaminx First round 164 51.16 1:07.35 United States 1:14.4651.161:02.561:11.701:07.78
Pyraminx First round 221 4.67 6.30 United States 5.635.647.634.6711.55
Skewb First round 128 4.18 5.60 United States 8.704.914.184.607.28
Square-1 First round 93 12.11 15.14 United States 17.2014.0412.1120.1514.19

Pauline Bonnaudet - France WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 960 18.97 21.25 France 21.9021.8221.6720.2518.97
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 129 1:50.07 DNF France DNF1:51.141:50.07

Pei-Yu Ko (柯沛羽) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1073 29.01 33.06 Chinese Taipei 30.5340.2732.8329.0135.83
Pyraminx First round 436 7.88 11.45 Chinese Taipei 10.11DNF14.547.889.70
Skewb First round 427 15.17 16.74 Chinese Taipei 16.4217.3119.6315.1716.50

Peijie Zhao (赵培杰) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 833 13.23 16.55 China 13.2315.9816.5017.1717.46
2x2x2 Cube First round 477 5.31 5.55 China 5.327.565.705.625.31
4x4x4 Cube First round 565 56.23 1:06.96 China 1:11.541:06.071:03.5056.231:11.31
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 430 22.16 29.31 China 29.6228.9922.1629.3130.63
Pyraminx First round 399 6.59 10.17 China 12.986.826.5916.0810.71

Peri Le Dain - Australia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 385 9.69 12.72 Australia 12.5313.329.6914.3512.31
First round 260 9.05 9.58 Australia 9.4614.009.309.979.05
4x4x4 Cube First round 239 36.87 39.59 Australia 40.0740.8936.87DNF37.81
5x5x5 Cube First round 251 1:11.27 1:18.00 Australia 1:18.511:12.221:23.931:23.271:11.27
6x6x6 Cube First round 298 DNF Australia DNF
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 150 DNF DNF Australia DNFDNFDNF
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 147 DNF DNF Australia DNFDNSDNS
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 364 18.27 24.86 Australia 24.6923.4026.5018.2728.27
Megaminx First round 68 48.51 52.21 Australia 51.7048.5151.5853.3457.95

Peter Still - Australia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
2x2x2 Cube First round 747 21.02 31.69 Australia 30.0327.7137.3421.02DNF
Skewb First round 461 18.89 DNF Australia DNF18.8927.9826.63DNF

Philipp Weyer - Germany WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Final 13 6.51 7.27 Germany 6.518.317.667.656.51
Semi Final 12 5.59 6.39 Germany 6.96DNF6.275.595.93
Second round 38 6.22 7.18 Germany 6.227.326.607.617.81
First round 51 6.69 7.26 Germany 7.067.937.986.696.79
4x4x4 Cube Second round 56 29.89 31.08 Germany 33.4030.6732.2629.8930.32
First round 52 26.62 29.76 Germany 30.2726.6230.9930.6728.34
5x5x5 Cube First round 151 53.76 1:07.44 Germany 1:14.291:06.931:21.061:01.0953.76
3x3x3 One-Handed Second round 25 10.38 11.75 Germany 12.9510.3810.6711.6213.13
First round 51 11.34 13.16 Germany 14.3913.4013.2212.8711.34

Philippe Schwartz - Luxembourg WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 947 19.25 20.34 Luxembourg 20.6220.7819.6319.2521.04
2x2x2 Cube First round 629 5.18 7.11 Luxembourg 5.7014.765.185.5610.06
4x4x4 Cube First round 563 58.83 1:06.73 Luxembourg 1:02.741:07.7558.831:17.141:09.70
5x5x5 Cube First round 443 1:47.64 1:55.62 Luxembourg 1:47.641:55.842:00.932:14.181:50.08
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 118 1:29.01 DNF Luxembourg 1:42.541:29.01DNF
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 44 28 NR 32.33 NR Luxembourg 283534
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 465 30.07 35.75 Luxembourg 35.4134.1737.6742.7830.07
Pyraminx First round 526 23.20 Luxembourg DNF23.20
Skewb First round 396 10.55 14.12 Luxembourg 23.0512.0010.5513.0117.34
5x5x5 Blindfolded Final 30 DNF DNF Luxembourg DNFDNSDNS

Philippe Virouleau - France WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 636 10.27 13.04 France 10.2712.3612.0515.8814.72
2x2x2 Cube Second round 131 2.27 3.32 France 6.203.322.273.702.95
First round 112 2.26 2.94 France 2.543.543.462.262.81
4x4x4 Cube First round 339 42.57 44.19 France 45.4447.2943.3142.5743.81
5x5x5 Cube First round 231 1:13.15 1:15.71 France 1:13.151:19.181:14.001:16.161:16.96

Phillip Maxwell - Indonesia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 506 8.76 11.64 Indonesia 16.4310.6810.8313.418.76
2x2x2 Cube Second round 76 1.85 2.56 Indonesia 2.392.713.712.581.85
First round 103 1.68 2.88 Indonesia 2.446.282.131.684.06
3x3x3 Blindfolded Final 2 14.93 AsR DNF Indonesia 14.93DNF23.67
Second round 9 20.68 DNF Indonesia 20.68DNFDNF
First round 3 15.36 NR 26.04 Indonesia 44.1615.3618.59

Phopphon Suwattee (ภพพนธ์ สุวัตถี) - Thailand WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 496 9.29 11.57 Thailand 11.859.2912.43DNF10.44
2x2x2 Cube First round 291 3.20 4.20 Thailand 3.793.204.424.384.46
4x4x4 Cube First round 443 45.80 51.50 Thailand 49.42DNF57.1545.8047.92
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 253 15.47 19.94 Thailand 20.7122.1421.0715.4718.04

Phạm Đức Phước - Vietnam WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 114 5.98 8.16 Vietnam 7.447.689.809.355.98
First round 104 6.36 7.99 Vietnam 7.1510.167.809.026.36
2x2x2 Cube Second round 157 2.04 3.74 Vietnam 3.658.155.372.042.19
First round 195 2.87 3.67 Vietnam 3.484.20DNF3.332.87
4x4x4 Cube Second round 72 27.71 33.40 Vietnam 39.4627.7133.6130.1536.45
First round 31 27.35 28.70 Vietnam 29.3628.5228.2227.3534.04
5x5x5 Cube First round 82 53.12 59.08 Vietnam 55.221:04.2659.731:02.2953.12
6x6x6 Cube First round 107 1:56.23 2:02.34 Vietnam 2:08.502:02.281:56.23
7x7x7 Cube First round 136 3:22.27 3:29.19 Vietnam 3:35.653:29.643:22.27
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 166 14.76 17.38 Vietnam 16.69DNF17.2514.7618.19

Pi Sevilla Hernández - Spain WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 634 11.10 12.99 Spain 13.2113.1512.6211.1017.21
2x2x2 Cube First round 352 3.51 4.56 Spain 5.853.937.663.893.51
4x4x4 Cube First round 524 43.15 59.56 Spain 1:00.5559.2158.921:02.1143.15
5x5x5 Cube First round 455 1:56.10 2:13.19 Spain 2:21.242:02.221:56.102:16.112:25.90
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 150 DNF DNF Spain DNFDNFDNF
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 48 30 33.00 Spain 343530
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 449 29.52 31.69 Spain 31.5436.8230.6029.5232.92
Clock First round 283 16.24 Spain 16.24DNF
Pyraminx First round 420 8.24 10.78 Spain 8.249.7012.0310.6212.43
Skewb First round 345 5.99 10.45 Spain 9.675.9911.0210.6712.99
Square-1 First round 265 43.59 Spain 43.5945.99

Pierre Meunier - France WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 87 6.57 7.83 France 8.708.166.5711.526.63
First round 71 6.84 7.59 France 6.847.777.297.767.73
2x2x2 Cube Second round 112 1.95 3.07 France 2.851.953.892.553.82
First round 116 1.93 2.98 France 2.554.411.931.99DNF
4x4x4 Cube First round 81 28.12 31.38 France 33.6831.0529.4135.9528.12
5x5x5 Cube First round 217 1:07.83 1:14.32 France 1:12.851:22.211:12.031:07.831:18.07
3x3x3 One-Handed Final 16 10.17 13.13 France 11.0214.4514.0710.1714.31
Second round 15 9.32 11.02 France 10.0510.519.3215.3512.49
First round 14 9.45 11.27 France 11.3411.4912.309.4510.99
Pyraminx First round 120 3.49 4.36 France 5.11DNF3.514.463.49

Ping-Yueh Huang (黃品越) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 125 6.84 8.36 Chinese Taipei 7.937.846.849.689.31
First round 174 6.67 8.79 Chinese Taipei 6.678.599.738.788.99
4x4x4 Cube First round 92 30.09 31.97 Chinese Taipei 33.0232.8430.1932.8830.09
5x5x5 Cube Final 16 48.14 56.82 Chinese Taipei 1:12.5748.1453.421:03.5353.52
Second round 13 45.79 48.83 Chinese Taipei 48.6050.5545.7952.8247.34
First round 35 48.99 53.19 Chinese Taipei 53.1152.8753.5857.5548.99
6x6x6 Cube First round 27 1:32.93 1:37.12 Chinese Taipei 1:40.011:32.931:38.41
7x7x7 Cube Final 16 2:19.53 DNF Chinese Taipei 2:19.532:33.63DNF
First round 14 2:09.15 2:15.32 Chinese Taipei 2:12.982:23.832:09.15
Megaminx First round 44 45.71 48.61 Chinese Taipei 46.3455.2147.6445.7151.86

Piotr Olszewski - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 258 8.61 9.85 Poland 11.029.758.7812.228.61
First round 307 8.31 9.94 Poland 13.759.358.319.8810.59
4x4x4 Cube First round 148 33.08 35.22 Poland 33.0839.8536.7235.2933.64
5x5x5 Cube First round 154 1:02.87 1:07.76 Poland 1:09.991:02.871:11.521:06.441:06.84
6x6x6 Cube First round 101 1:51.16 1:58.94 Poland 1:57.072:08.591:51.16
7x7x7 Cube First round 101 2:49.78 3:07.52 Poland 2:49.783:18.213:14.58
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 25 26 30.00 Poland 362826
Clock Final 16 4.54 DNF Poland 4.54DNFDNF6.365.78
First round 9 3.98 5.18 Poland 4.635.855.073.98DNF
Megaminx First round 154 1:01.20 1:05.94 Poland 1:03.311:07.601:07.621:06.911:01.20
Pyraminx Second round 37 2.40 3.30 Poland 4.252.553.102.407.22
First round 18 2.02 2.52 Poland 2.313.162.802.022.45
Square-1 Second round 77 12.16 17.19 Poland 20.4817.0415.7512.1618.77
First round 40 10.30 10.95 Poland 16.8811.1210.3011.2010.53

Po-Hsien Lai (賴柏憲) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 342 10.02 10.78 Chinese Taipei 10.2310.3212.5710.0211.79
First round 237 8.84 9.34 Chinese Taipei 8.848.9312.129.889.21
2x2x2 Cube First round 204 2.67 3.72 Chinese Taipei 5.163.464.213.492.67
4x4x4 Cube First round 233 38.23 39.22 Chinese Taipei 40.1343.2038.7138.8338.23
5x5x5 Cube First round 364 1:27.65 1:32.26 Chinese Taipei 1:31.901:38.171:27.651:34.941:29.95
3x3x3 One-Handed Second round 73 11.22 14.88 Chinese Taipei 15.6211.2214.8916.5114.12
First round 78 13.16 14.33 Chinese Taipei 13.20DNF15.3714.4313.16

Prayansh Vimal - India WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 414 10.09 10.85 India 10.4410.0912.6710.7411.38
2x2x2 Cube First round 318 2.74 4.37 India
4x4x4 Cube First round 298 39.33 42.19 India 39.3347.6342.0042.2442.32
5x5x5 Cube First round 282 1:18.68 1:21.68 India 1:20.861:34.051:21.641:22.551:18.68
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 374 19.15 25.30 India 19.1528.3828.36DNF19.17
Clock First round 161 10.22 11.11 India 10.8111.2510.2211.2614.90
Megaminx First round 258 1:18.63 1:26.32 India 1:27.351:19.891:58.591:31.731:18.63
Pyraminx First round 255 6.46 6.89 India 14.176.466.777.296.62
Skewb First round 205 5.67 6.88 India 6.0214.255.677.087.55

Prin Kijviwattanakarn (ปริญ กิจวิวัฒนการ) - Thailand WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 613 11.35 12.73 Thailand 11.35DNF13.7511.4413.00
2x2x2 Cube First round 308 3.83 4.30 Thailand 5.633.973.953.834.97
4x4x4 Cube First round 420 47.29 50.04 Thailand 47.2949.3248.021:04.6752.79
5x5x5 Cube First round 447 1:48.61 1:56.10 Thailand 2:00.161:48.612:08.181:50.211:57.94
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 370 23.61 25.12 Thailand 25.4324.9623.6124.9630.61
Clock First round 59 6.42 7.63 Thailand 7.788.606.518.626.42
Pyraminx First round 210 4.43 6.16 Thailand 6.426.057.734.436.01
Skewb First round 348 8.01 10.61 Thailand 24.308.0111.308.6411.89

Przemysław Malinowski - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1090 36.19 38.94 Poland 36.1941.2136.1942.3239.41
2x2x2 Cube First round 745 14.02 25.33 Poland DNF14.0240.8014.4520.73
Pyraminx First round 525 20.39 Poland 21.3320.39
Skewb First round 462 20.33 Poland 23.9120.33

Przemysław Rogalski - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 409 9.90 10.82 Poland 10.1212.259.9011.3710.97
4x4x4 Cube First round 327 36.90 43.35 Poland 49.3736.9041.5740.4947.99
5x5x5 Cube First round 296 1:20.28 1:23.39 Poland 1:29.881:21.931:26.551:20.281:21.70
6x6x6 Cube First round 260 2:44.88 DNF Poland 2:44.88DNF2:55.42
7x7x7 Cube First round 206 4:17.53 Poland 4:17.53
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 27 27 30.00 Poland 293427
Clock Final 14 6.44 7.23 Poland 6.447.047.856.7911.73
First round 15 4.97 5.69 Poland DNF6.045.325.704.97
Megaminx First round 121 49.21 1:00.41 Poland 56.2349.211:04.171:00.831:14.33
Pyraminx First round 124 2.87 4.49 Poland 4.925.294.164.382.87
Square-1 First round 125 15.68 17.03 Poland 15.8319.6015.6817.2318.04

Purewdorj Enkhtur - Mongolia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 779 13.94 15.16 Mongolia 16.1414.7317.1114.6013.94
2x2x2 Cube First round 618 5.80 6.92 Mongolia 7.247.805.895.807.63

Qianyu Wang (王骞羽) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 361 8.13 11.21 China 12.7913.1311.679.178.13
First round 282 7.59 9.78 China 7.599.0911.278.9712.88

Qiuhao Qian (潜秋豪) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 440 10.38 11.05 China 11.8011.9110.3810.9210.42
2x2x2 Cube First round 316 3.98 4.34 China 3.994.973.984.068.04
4x4x4 Cube First round 257 37.06 40.57 China 40.4437.0643.2045.3638.07
5x5x5 Cube First round 242 1:09.35 1:17.42 China 1:23.991:09.351:25.011:12.941:15.34
6x6x6 Cube First round 189 2:22.61 2:28.98 China 2:31.402:22.612:32.94
7x7x7 Cube First round 162 3:32.15 3:46.91 China 3:32.553:32.154:16.02
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 440 23.36 30.07 China 27.7027.5123.3635.0137.41
Clock First round 206 10.42 12.73 China 13.1413.6211.4210.4213.67
Megaminx First round 261 1:17.94 1:28.91 China 1:40.471:17.941:22.481:23.811:40.44
Pyraminx First round 171 3.27 5.44 China 3.276.305.677.294.35
Skewb First round 326 7.39 9.80 China 7.3912.4318.418.188.80

Quentin Rivault - France WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 58 5.97 7.88 France 8.775.977.337.549.86
Second round 70 7.00 7.61 France 8.767.007.317.148.37
First round 171 6.25 8.76 France 8.497.819.996.2510.14
2x2x2 Cube First round 750 3.24 DNF France 3.243.533.70DNFDNF
4x4x4 Cube First round 218 35.78 38.39 France 37.5642.7635.7839.0738.53
3x3x3 Blindfolded Second round 34 28.75 DNF France DNFDNF28.75
First round 43 29.76 DNF France 31.90DNF29.76
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 102 27 DNF France 28DNF27
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 212 12.84 18.63 France 17.5420.0621.5312.8418.28

Quinson Hon Kwan Shun (韓君信) - Hong Kong, China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 500 10.90 11.60 Hong Kong, China 12.1211.5911.1010.9012.15
2x2x2 Cube Second round 92 2.38 2.79 Hong Kong, China 4.733.172.792.412.38
First round 190 3.02 3.65 Hong Kong, China
4x4x4 Cube First round 295 38.19 41.96 Hong Kong, China 41.5941.1138.1943.1944.57
5x5x5 Cube First round 366 1:24.25 1:32.81 Hong Kong, China 1:44.961:24.251:25.841:27.641:48.47
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 325 18.43 22.67 Hong Kong, China 24.0624.8036.7119.1618.43
Pyraminx First round 267 5.65 6.97 Hong Kong, China 6.087.946.895.659.12
Skewb First round 256 5.82 7.83 Hong Kong, China

Radiath Kamal Patwary - Bangladesh WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 442 9.21 11.06 Bangladesh 9.2112.8613.7510.779.55
2x2x2 Cube First round 669 2.85 8.07 Bangladesh 7.739.492.859.417.06

Radnaa Zoljargal - Mongolia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 400 7.50 10.76 Mongolia 7.5012.139.8511.4510.97
2x2x2 Cube First round 412 3.76 5.05 Mongolia 3.765.225.654.974.96
Clock First round 102 7.95 9.03 Mongolia 8.629.8411.258.647.95
Pyraminx First round 306 5.68 7.84 Mongolia 8.427.435.687.678.83
Skewb First round 352 8.08 10.87 Mongolia 8.8612.698.0811.0714.11

Radosław Drozdowicz - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 604 11.51 12.64 Poland 14.5913.2711.5112.0112.64
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 140 2:10.50 DNF Poland 2:10.502:13.30DNF
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 305 18.35 22.12 Poland 21.7718.3529.9621.6622.93

Ramona Orzel - Germany WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1131 1:14.32 1:38.68 Germany DNF1:56.771:22.491:36.791:14.32

Raphael Riener - Austria WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 789 11.05 15.36 Austria 11.0513.3416.3118.5116.44
4x4x4 Cube First round 384 45.07 47.89 Austria 49.0345.0748.0446.8248.80
6x6x6 Cube First round 282 3:15.07 Austria 3:15.07
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 126 1:39.16 DNF Austria 1:39.162:08.77DNF

Rasmus Stub Detlefsen - Denmark WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 65 7.64 8.10 Denmark 7.708.768.527.648.09
Second round 61 7.02 7.52 Denmark 9.838.367.177.027.03
First round 25 6.48 6.72 Denmark 6.886.506.796.896.48
2x2x2 Cube Second round 20 1.46 1.70 Denmark 4.201.461.531.811.76
First round 9 1.09 1.53 Denmark 1.841.981.351.401.09
4x4x4 Cube Second round 34 27.62 28.96 Denmark 29.7634.3529.0028.1227.62
First round 68 29.14 30.84 Denmark 31.7630.2529.1430.5032.94
5x5x5 Cube First round 139 1:02.13 1:06.41 Denmark 1:08.051:05.231:10.981:02.131:05.95
6x6x6 Cube First round 96 1:41.81 1:57.04 Denmark 1:41.812:08.192:01.11
7x7x7 Cube First round 89 2:47.63 2:58.53 Denmark 2:47.633:00.533:07.44
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 150 DNF DNF Denmark DNFDNFDNF
3x3x3 One-Handed Second round 74 12.95 14.97 Denmark 15.7415.2714.8412.9514.80
First round 70 12.14 13.70 Denmark 17.0412.9314.5512.1413.62
Clock First round 108 7.60 9.12 Denmark 7.647.609.9712.999.76
Megaminx First round 142 58.70 1:04.14 Denmark 58.701:02.761:08.611:12.621:01.06
Pyraminx Second round 56 2.67 3.86 Denmark 2.673.816.153.624.15
First round 40 2.81 3.00 Denmark 3.962.863.182.812.95
Skewb Second round 26 2.77 3.40 Denmark 5.412.982.912.774.32
First round 44 2.66 4.07 Denmark 2.665.712.796.633.72
Square-1 Final 11 6.37 7.99 Denmark 8.696.37DNF6.888.39
Second round 9 6.72 7.31 Denmark 8.907.656.897.396.72
First round 4 5.86 6.53 NR Denmark 5.868.506.487.185.92

Reinier Schippers - Netherlands WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 199 8.06 9.18 Netherlands 9.968.948.6510.758.06
First round 371 10.24 10.47 Netherlands 10.2410.2910.4813.1610.65
4x4x4 Cube First round 215 33.10 38.31 Netherlands 41.8539.4837.1333.1038.32
5x5x5 Cube First round 216 1:04.55 1:14.15 Netherlands 1:31.041:10.761:04.551:12.851:18.83
Megaminx First round 23 35.90 41.49 Netherlands 35.9036.6548.0049.2039.83

René Horn - Germany WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 417 10.31 10.90 Germany 10.9010.9010.8910.3111.56
2x2x2 Cube First round 469 2.22 5.52 Germany 2.225.783.327.457.63
4x4x4 Cube First round 513 52.70 57.60 Germany 59.7658.8052.7054.251:09.77
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 363 23.30 24.81 Germany 23.6426.1224.6723.3029.14
Clock First round 235 12.94 15.06 Germany 12.9413.9315.7215.53DNF
Megaminx First round 286 1:33.88 Germany 1:33.881:51.43
Pyraminx First round 311 6.25 7.92 Germany 9.997.566.836.259.38
Skewb First round 139 4.90 5.77 Germany 5.736.265.324.907.25
Square-1 First round 215 23.09 28.48 Germany 27.3723.0928.0330.0433.27

Reto Bubendorf - Switzerland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 164 8.09 8.80 Switzerland 8.098.659.208.5510.48
First round 231 8.80 9.28 Switzerland 8.95DNF8.809.669.24
2x2x2 Cube Second round 66 2.21 2.40 Switzerland
First round 82 2.31 2.67 Switzerland 2.313.842.552.812.64
4x4x4 Cube First round 189 31.08 37.33 Switzerland 39.2431.0851.0537.1635.59
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 17 25 28.67 Switzerland 332825
Pyraminx First round 180 3.64 5.58 Switzerland 3.646.256.0714.884.41
Square-1 First round 92 13.66 15.04 Switzerland 14.6319.5414.4213.6616.07

Ricardo Olea Catalán - Germany WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 581 10.13 12.39 Germany 12.0214.2612.6312.5310.13
2x2x2 Cube Second round 161 2.52 3.81 Germany 2.522.594.395.294.44
First round 172 3.04 3.51 Germany
4x4x4 Cube First round 380 42.04 47.44 Germany 43.6850.3242.0449.3749.28
5x5x5 Cube First round 233 1:10.13 1:15.93 Germany 1:19.631:10.131:23.781:15.601:12.55
6x6x6 Cube First round 151 2:15.07 2:17.22 Germany 2:15.072:20.632:15.97
7x7x7 Cube First round 130 3:09.59 3:27.76 Germany 3:21.633:52.063:09.59
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 235 17.78 19.41 Germany 19.8923.3318.1420.1917.78
Megaminx First round 202 1:03.85 1:13.61 Germany 1:22.431:07.211:16.811:03.851:16.82
Skewb First round 252 5.51 7.77 Germany 7.86DNF5.517.288.17

Richard Taylor - United Kingdom WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1054 26.06 29.64 United Kingdom 26.0629.9432.1327.9830.99
2x2x2 Cube First round 717 5.92 11.45 United Kingdom 22.178.775.9216.439.15

Richard Yiheng Tao - New Zealand WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 52 6.53 7.62 New Zealand 7.857.046.538.357.97
Second round 51 6.80 7.36 New Zealand 6.808.156.879.317.05
First round 48 6.84 7.19 New Zealand 7.487.228.936.886.84
2x2x2 Cube Second round 60 1.66 2.35 New Zealand 2.811.861.663.602.39
First round 68 1.65 2.38 New Zealand 3.032.472.271.652.41
4x4x4 Cube First round 110 29.88 32.95 New Zealand 32.0129.8835.2934.8532.00
5x5x5 Cube First round 117 1:01.58 1:04.12 New Zealand 1:06.151:01.581:02.541:07.441:03.67
6x6x6 Cube First round 117 2:00.12 2:05.05 New Zealand 2:11.962:00.122:03.08
7x7x7 Cube First round 118 3:17.16 3:22.14 New Zealand 3:23.763:17.163:25.51
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 98 1:05.92 DNF New Zealand 1:05.921:28.42DNF
3x3x3 One-Handed Second round 59 11.05 13.74 New Zealand 11.0516.6112.8712.7915.56
First round 80 12.56 14.40 New Zealand 13.9915.1614.0616.2312.56
Clock Final 5 4.65 4.91 New Zealand DNF4.935.044.754.65
First round 5 4.20 4.77 New Zealand 5.224.445.184.694.20
Megaminx First round 60 45.17 51.64 New Zealand 54.7245.1749.0454.6251.27
Pyraminx Second round 42 2.46 3.45 New Zealand 4.314.092.583.672.46
First round 48 2.50 3.16 New Zealand 3.762.513.204.092.50
Skewb First round 84 4.00 4.97 New Zealand 6.605.644.974.004.31
Square-1 First round 85 11.73 14.40 New Zealand DNF11.7314.2615.5313.41

Rinji Chan Pak Hei (陳柏熹) - Hong Kong, China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 157 7.72 8.73 Hong Kong, China 9.058.817.7210.738.34
First round 197 7.75 8.97 Hong Kong, China
2x2x2 Cube First round 328 4.17 4.42 Hong Kong, China 4.284.404.177.114.57
4x4x4 Cube First round 219 35.65 38.41 Hong Kong, China 35.6537.3637.5540.3249.45
5x5x5 Cube First round 178 1:03.58 1:10.14 Hong Kong, China 1:11.881:12.641:14.961:03.581:05.89
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 150 DNF DNF Hong Kong, China DNFDNFDNF
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 195 14.03 18.08 Hong Kong, China 22.5014.0318.8919.1016.24
Clock First round 304 DNF Hong Kong, China DNFDNF
Pyraminx First round 161 4.52 5.25 Hong Kong, China 7.485.645.454.524.67
Skewb First round 456 3.90 DNF Hong Kong, China 3.903.975.67DNFDNF
Square-1 Second round 72 10.04 13.39 Hong Kong, China 15.4110.0411.9317.8412.82
First round 79 8.34 13.85 Hong Kong, China 13.2610.9717.3220.588.34

Roan Paone - Canada WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 250 7.04 9.65 Canada 10.0810.218.909.967.04
First round 199 8.45 9.00 Canada 9.008.6510.279.348.45
4x4x4 Cube First round 145 31.92 34.78 Canada 31.9232.8738.7337.3634.12
5x5x5 Cube First round 91 59.06 1:00.24 Canada 59.551:01.981:05.3059.0659.18
6x6x6 Cube First round 201 1:52.59 2:35.38 Canada 1:52.591:56.113:57.44
7x7x7 Cube First round 95 2:59.85 3:03.51 Canada 3:05.353:05.322:59.85
3x3x3 One-Handed Second round 58 12.67 13.70 Canada 12.6713.7913.9214.6613.40
First round 68 12.07 13.68 Canada 13.8412.0714.2512.9419.56
Megaminx First round 96 51.55 57.26 Canada 51.551:07.6652.181:01.8957.72

Robert Yau - United Kingdom WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 165 7.91 8.81 United Kingdom 8.639.439.257.918.54
First round 212 8.27 9.18 United Kingdom 9.648.629.288.279.71
2x2x2 Cube Second round 178 3.16 4.36 United Kingdom 3.693.945.446.073.16
First round 72 1.79 2.43 United Kingdom 2.233.342.151.792.90
4x4x4 Cube First round 135 31.42 34.22 United Kingdom 32.7934.7031.4238.8235.16
5x5x5 Cube First round 99 55.62 1:01.30 United Kingdom 59.331:04.6055.621:00.541:04.04
6x6x6 Cube First round 62 1:41.27 1:46.83 United Kingdom 1:49.761:49.461:41.27
7x7x7 Cube First round 87 2:42.41 2:58.26 United Kingdom 3:08.003:04.362:42.41
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 95 24 DNF United Kingdom DNFDNF24
3x3x3 One-Handed Second round 78 14.23 15.81 United Kingdom 15.4015.8416.4114.2316.19
First round 71 12.65 13.77 United Kingdom 18.7613.8313.0312.6514.44

Robin Kim (김로빈) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 582 10.40 12.39 Republic of Korea 10.4012.5311.0513.5814.22
2x2x2 Cube First round 562 4.32 6.26 Republic of Korea 4.325.665.907.22DNF
Skewb First round 400 10.45 14.43 Republic of Korea 12.9410.4514.7919.2015.56

Robin Verstraten - Netherlands WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 578 12.17 12.36 Netherlands 12.2812.4715.0412.3312.17
2x2x2 Cube Second round 134 2.05 3.39 Netherlands 3.093.993.104.862.05
First round 184 1.66 3.60 Netherlands 1.665.603.483.154.18
4x4x4 Cube First round 531 55.29 1:00.76 Netherlands 1:03.431:01.5455.2958.381:02.35
5x5x5 Cube First round 442 1:51.39 1:54.89 Netherlands 1:51.392:01.641:54.591:58.121:51.95
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 73 27 38.67 Netherlands 484127
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 457 29.50 33.27 Netherlands 29.8334.8435.2529.5035.13
Pyraminx Second round 41 2.42 3.45 Netherlands 2.425.914.012.953.40
First round 80 2.66 3.73 Netherlands 4.652.663.485.503.07
Skewb First round 293 8.08 8.78 Netherlands 11.668.938.088.708.71

Rodolphe Rouyrre - France WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1051 22.28 29.51 France 32.1222.2827.3532.9929.06
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 150 DNF DNF France DNFDNFDNF
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 25 5:07.24 DNF France DNFDNF5:07.24
5x5x5 Blindfolded Final 30 DNF DNF France DNFDNFDNS
3x3x3 Multi-Blind Final 21 14/16 58:05 France 14/16 58:05

Roman Strakhov - Russia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
2x2x2 Cube First round 499 4.48 5.71 Russia 6.805.198.465.154.48
5x5x5 Cube First round 454 1:57.12 2:11.82 Russia 2:20.742:08.772:05.951:57.12DNF
3x3x3 Blindfolded Second round 70 DNF DNF Russia DNFDNFDNF
First round 46 32.52 DNF Russia DNF32.52DNF
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 48 DNF DNF Russia DNFDNFDNF
5x5x5 Blindfolded Final 11 7:11.45 DNF Russia 7:11.45DNFDNF

Ron van Bruchem - Netherlands WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 770 13.04 15.04 Netherlands 13.0419.0913.9515.6415.53
4x4x4 Cube First round 534 48.67 1:01.29 Netherlands 48.671:04.901:09.1759.9659.01
5x5x5 Cube First round 437 1:40.08 1:52.21 Netherlands 1:55.181:57.381:54.231:40.081:47.22
Pyraminx First round 423 9.63 10.89 Netherlands 13.089.6310.7410.4111.52

Ronnie Jinxuan Zhu (朱缙轩) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 473 10.87 11.36 China 11.4110.8711.6815.4010.99
2x2x2 Cube Second round 136 1.87 3.40 China 4.474.801.872.663.07
First round 70 1.57 2.42 China 2.712.06DNF2.481.57
4x4x4 Cube First round 429 42.51 50.57 China 49.1950.2452.2753.4942.51
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 464 20.06 35.49 China 23.2148.3149.1720.0634.95
Clock First round 139 9.05 10.14 China 10.9310.369.059.1510.90
Pyraminx First round 252 5.06 6.79 China 6.615.066.197.588.06
Skewb First round 253 6.51 7.81 China 6.5112.939.657.036.76
Square-1 First round 191 16.63 23.70 China 23.9820.7816.6335.5126.33

Rotem Ifrach - Israel WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 846 15.16 16.77 Israel 17.2716.1616.8717.9515.16
2x2x2 Cube First round 551 3.92 6.19 Israel 3.925.865.338.087.37
4x4x4 Cube First round 562 1:00.31 1:06.02 Israel 1:06.311:00.671:12.711:00.311:11.08
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 83 56.85 DNF Israel 56.85DNF58.78
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 467 25.94 35.95 Israel 37.3942.6025.9450.3227.85

Rotem Kagan - Israel WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 202 8.29 9.21 Israel 10.628.5911.948.298.42
First round 342 8.80 10.20 Israel 10.6310.449.608.8010.56
2x2x2 Cube Second round 159 3.37 3.78 Israel 3.763.373.613.964.53
First round 159 2.91 3.39 Israel 3.252.913.043.894.09
4x4x4 Cube First round 243 35.80 39.79 Israel 36.111:06.2144.7438.5235.80
5x5x5 Cube First round 353 1:26.94 1:31.21 Israel 1:34.441:29.211:39.681:26.941:29.97
6x6x6 Cube First round 295 3:39.41 Israel 3:39.41
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 167 15.12 17.38 Israel 18.7116.8819.3115.1216.54
Megaminx First round 213 1:11.33 1:15.75 Israel 1:12.341:17.341:17.571:11.331:41.53
Pyraminx Second round 23 2.24 2.72 Israel 2.512.552.243.10DNF
First round 20 2.01 2.58 Israel 2.88DNF2.252.622.01

Ruei-Hong Liang (梁睿紘) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 295 9.15 9.85 Chinese Taipei DNF9.6310.619.309.15
2x2x2 Cube First round 253 3.02 4.00 Chinese Taipei 3.027.673.634.004.36
4x4x4 Cube First round 355 43.46 45.35 Chinese Taipei 44.6043.4657.0045.7445.71
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 333 19.42 22.93 Chinese Taipei 22.7146.4419.4220.8425.24
Clock First round 86 8.21 8.63 Chinese Taipei 10.918.838.558.218.52
Pyraminx First round 174 5.01 5.48 Chinese Taipei 5.855.
Skewb First round 169 5.47 6.14 Chinese Taipei 5.476.396.535.736.30

Ruei-Jyun Chang (張睿鈞) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 395 9.91 10.73 Chinese Taipei 10.4411.7311.1210.629.91
6x6x6 Cube First round 19 1:26.28 1:32.59 Chinese Taipei 1:33.521:26.281:37.97
7x7x7 Cube First round 21 2:18.11 2:20.34 Chinese Taipei 2:18.112:18.492:24.41
Clock First round 72 6.55 8.10 Chinese Taipei 9.407.47DNF7.436.55
Square-1 First round 147 12.04 19.26 Chinese Taipei 20.34DNF14.5012.0422.95

Rui Reis - Switzerland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 775 12.61 15.07 Switzerland 17.5714.2818.7212.6113.36
4x4x4 Cube First round 558 57.29 1:05.21 Switzerland 1:09.1257.291:07.5358.981:10.68
5x5x5 Cube First round 438 1:46.70 1:52.90 Switzerland 1:58.421:53.181:46.702:18.601:47.09

Rui-Jun Liu (劉睿鈞) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 333 9.99 10.61 Chinese Taipei 10.7711.5710.6410.429.99
First round 387 8.66 10.64 Chinese Taipei 11.489.418.6613.6411.04
2x2x2 Cube First round 345 3.38 4.53 Chinese Taipei 3.384.405.314.484.71
4x4x4 Cube First round 224 32.94 38.67 Chinese Taipei 38.6143.9042.7232.9434.68
5x5x5 Cube First round 166 1:05.74 1:09.16 Chinese Taipei 1:05.841:05.741:11.431:11.231:10.41
6x6x6 Cube First round 129 2:06.35 2:08.44 Chinese Taipei 2:09.642:06.352:09.32
7x7x7 Cube First round 126 3:05.55 3:25.49 Chinese Taipei 3:09.214:01.703:05.55
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 67 33 36.33 Chinese Taipei 403633
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 323 19.14 22.66 Chinese Taipei 19.1420.8929.3524.5622.53
Clock First round 209 11.99 13.02 Chinese Taipei 11.9912.1813.0815.1913.81
Megaminx First round 232 1:10.21 1:20.83 Chinese Taipei 1:34.291:10.211:17.381:24.401:20.71
Pyraminx First round 283 5.33 7.33 Chinese Taipei 8.505.349.325.338.15
Square-1 First round 105 11.21 16.33 Chinese Taipei 11.2115.0847.8420.2613.65

Ruihang Xu (许瑞航) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Final 4 4.73 5.59 China 5.735.215.914.735.82
Semi Final 2 4.81 5.31 China 4.926.485.905.104.81
Second round 1 5.12 5.38 China
First round 4 4.25 5.31 China 4.255.636.665.025.27
2x2x2 Cube Second round 43 1.02 2.07 China DNF3.591.511.111.02
First round 44 1.46 2.13 China 1.951.46DNF1.802.63
4x4x4 Cube Final 7 21.73 24.67 China 26.5525.8421.7323.0625.11
Second round 14 25.91 26.98 China 27.3426.4625.9130.2727.14
First round 10 21.88 24.73 China 24.6921.8828.3423.0026.50
5x5x5 Cube Second round 52 49.73 56.24 China 56.5159.5949.7357.0855.13
First round 50 52.40 56.09 China 54.2956.5657.4252.401:02.31
3x3x3 One-Handed Final 5 8.26 10.08 China 9.6210.8910.128.2610.50
Second round 9 8.07 10.33 China 8.0710.4910.849.6613.50
First round 11 9.52 10.83 China 12.829.5210.099.6612.75
Megaminx First round 80 48.34 54.61 China 55.2855.9952.551:01.8948.34
Pyraminx Second round 19 1.96 2.58 China 2.302.932.782.651.96
First round 22 1.97 2.62 China 2.613.013.041.972.24
Skewb Second round 66 4.22 5.13 China
First round 49 3.34 4.23 China 3.994.175.183.344.54

Ruikang Lu (陆瑞康) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 241 8.04 9.58 China 10.43DNF8.049.688.63
First round 208 8.30 9.09 China 9.308.309.208.7811.61
3x3x3 One-Handed Second round 70 13.05 14.56 China 13.3113.0514.1118.9016.27
First round 75 12.74 13.99 China 16.8813.1715.7712.7413.04

Ruiqi Tang (汤睿淇) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 447 9.49 11.10 China 11.9511.189.4910.5611.56
2x2x2 Cube First round 227 3.68 3.84 China 3.764.813.893.883.68
Pyraminx First round 319 5.31 8.21 China 7.868.538.745.318.23

Ryan Bae - United States WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 855 14.90 17.00 United States 18.9115.0418.8917.0814.90
2x2x2 Cube First round 497 4.57 5.70 United States 4.997.654.874.577.23
Pyraminx First round 473 9.00 13.69 United States 14.7315.1211.239.0020.85

Ryan Minjun Cho - Canada WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 528 8.58 11.80 Canada 12.9814.158.5810.4312.00
6x6x6 Cube First round 126 2:01.71 2:07.44 Canada 2:03.922:01.712:16.68
7x7x7 Cube First round 139 3:22.07 3:32.28 Canada 3:22.073:38.393:36.38
Pyraminx First round 94 2.80 3.95 Canada 4.342.802.885.014.62

Ryan Peh (白凯明) - Singapore WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 207 8.29 9.27 Singapore 9.3710.1410.098.298.36
First round 332 8.20 10.12 Singapore 12.138.2512.0410.088.20
2x2x2 Cube First round 394 3.96 4.93 Singapore 5.603.964.155.325.31
3x3x3 One-Handed Second round 29 11.05 11.97 Singapore 12.1911.7711.9411.0513.55
First round 53 11.56 13.21 Singapore 13.0012.0517.9214.5911.56
Clock First round 129 7.88 9.70 Singapore 7.889.058.3311.73DNF

Ryan Tang Chi Hang (鄧智恒) - Hong Kong, China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 265 9.54 9.91 Hong Kong, China 9.969.5410.129.6611.27
First round 210 8.51 9.14 Hong Kong, China 9.1410.838.518.989.30
2x2x2 Cube First round 494 4.36 5.65 Hong Kong, China 4.456.126.376.514.36
4x4x4 Cube First round 114 31.31 33.10 Hong Kong, China 34.8031.3136.0532.7331.78
5x5x5 Cube First round 143 54.97 1:06.76 Hong Kong, China 1:04.131:12.1454.971:13.031:04.00
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 402 18.90 26.66 Hong Kong, China 26.82DNF18.9024.9128.24
Clock First round 225 13.19 14.14 Hong Kong, China 14.2513.19DNF14.0014.17
Pyraminx First round 301 5.48 7.74 Hong Kong, China 8.315.487.839.207.07
Square-1 First round 144 16.02 18.89 Hong Kong, China 20.2716.9619.9516.0219.76

Ryo Kozawa (小澤諒) - Japan WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 696 11.88 13.72 Japan 13.3011.8816.8412.8115.06
2x2x2 Cube First round 524 4.66 5.93 Japan 5.606.874.66DNF5.33
4x4x4 Cube First round 538 49.09 1:01.64 Japan 49.091:05.2756.371:03.321:05.22
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 150 DNF DNF Japan DNFDNFDNF
Clock First round 299 21.41 Japan DNF21.41

Ryosuke Higo (肥後亮佑) - Japan WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 328 8.28 10.59 Japan 9.3211.728.2812.9810.73
First round 393 8.76 10.71 Japan 8.7611.1910.9110.7310.49
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 191 15.40 17.98 Japan 20.1719.0318.4015.4016.52

Ryouga Hayashi (林竜河) - Japan WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 771 14.06 15.04 Japan 14.6915.0014.0615.9515.44
5x5x5 Cube First round 235 1:13.91 1:16.49 Japan 1:19.781:13.911:15.141:19.321:15.01
6x6x6 Cube First round 113 2:01.48 2:04.78 Japan 2:06.052:01.482:06.80
7x7x7 Cube First round 98 2:49.00 3:05.16 Japan 3:05.333:21.142:49.00
Clock First round 112 8.34 9.39 Japan 9.029.359.8110.378.34

Ryoya Sakanishi (坂西亮哉) - Japan WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 532 11.81 11.90 Japan 12.0011.8613.9611.8311.81

Ryuji Hamano (浜野竜二) - Japan WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 875 12.92 17.75 Japan 27.0015.8820.4012.9216.96
2x2x2 Cube First round 680 5.64 8.68 Japan 5.647.8512.4913.075.70
4x4x4 Cube First round 592 1:12.28 1:23.52 Japan 1:21.041:12.281:46.871:24.231:25.30
Clock First round 113 8.42 9.39 Japan 8.498.4210.489.3410.34
Pyraminx First round 457 5.62 12.26 Japan 13.905.6211.7813.7011.30

Salvador González Carrera - Spain WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1140 DNF DNF Spain DNFDNFDNFDNFDNF

Sam Shaw - United Kingdom WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
4x4x4 Cube First round 346 42.55 44.60 United Kingdom 44.7345.8842.5543.2046.90
5x5x5 Cube First round 285 1:19.12 1:22.17 United Kingdom 1:19.471:19.121:29.891:23.321:23.71
6x6x6 Cube First round 217 2:26.85 2:40.80 United Kingdom 2:28.962:26.853:06.58
7x7x7 Cube First round 167 3:36.10 3:49.18 United Kingdom 3:36.103:56.783:54.65
Clock Final 4 3.64 4.77 United Kingdom 4.513.644.915.754.88
First round 4 3.27 4.68 United Kingdom 5.603.274.644.584.83
Pyraminx First round 197 4.67 5.89 United Kingdom 4.957.864.674.868.76
Square-1 First round 162 16.29 20.96 United Kingdom 22.8720.0316.2928.3619.97

Sameer Aggarwal - United States WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 21 6.37 6.73 United States 6.436.997.456.786.37
Second round 17 5.53 6.46 United States 5.537.646.486.136.76
First round 62 6.57 7.42 United States 8.596.616.578.567.10
2x2x2 Cube Final 15 1.32 2.58 United States 1.324.951.441.34DNF
Second round 6 1.20 1.50 United States 1.621.761.661.201.23
First round 50 1.58 2.18 United States 2.302.521.581.722.99
4x4x4 Cube Second round 73 31.65 33.71 United States 35.6931.6533.14DNF32.29
First round 25 26.11 28.18 United States 28.6932.6927.5628.2926.11
5x5x5 Cube Second round 33 49.84 54.14 United States 54.6549.841:08.6853.2754.49
First round 36 51.28 53.19 United States 51.2855.1954.1253.0452.42
6x6x6 Cube First round 24 1:29.32 1:35.67 United States 1:37.071:40.621:29.32
7x7x7 Cube First round 85 2:38.36 2:55.68 United States 2:38.362:44.623:24.05
3x3x3 One-Handed Second round 28 9.93 11.93 United States 12.2314.2712.369.9311.20
First round 35 10.80 12.34 United States 11.6514.1214.1511.2410.80
Clock First round 84 6.91 8.59 United States 6.91DNF8.499.108.18
Megaminx First round 58 45.95 51.39 United States 1:00.3755.1152.2245.9546.83
Pyraminx Second round 30 1.74 2.98 United States 1.743.063.212.673.37
First round 65 2.15 3.54 United States 2.153.444.513.413.78
Skewb First round 143 4.30 5.83 United States 4.3011.
Square-1 Final 1 5.15 5.40 United States 5.285.605.335.156.79
Second round 2 4.54 5.92 United States 7.624.544.855.707.21
First round 1 5.05 5.97 United States

Samuel Jehanno - France WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 429 8.54 10.96 France 12.7812.0711.459.358.54
2x2x2 Cube Second round 182 2.80 4.45 France 2.872.806.065.574.92
First round 99 1.81 2.86 France 2.581.813.882.126.74
4x4x4 Cube First round 439 43.90 51.25 France 49.8143.901:02.5856.9247.01
5x5x5 Cube First round 424 1:31.27 1:47.91 France 1:42.741:53.821:31.27DNF1:47.18
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 119 31 DNF France DNS4131
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 124 14.57 16.00 France 16.0815.9218.2514.5716.00
Megaminx First round 308 1:59.82 France 2:13.231:59.82
Pyraminx First round 163 4.66 5.27 France 5.1118.545.934.764.66
Skewb First round 338 5.38 10.17 France 11.108.7012.5310.705.38

San Jang - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 343 9.81 10.81 Republic of Korea 10.2610.3411.839.8112.84
First round 243 9.20 9.46 Republic of Korea 9.539.249.2012.459.61
4x4x4 Cube First round 232 36.55 39.22 Republic of Korea 36.5538.7241.9137.0443.57

Sandra Devi - Indonesia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 639 12.35 13.07 Indonesia 12.60DNF12.3512.7613.85
4x4x4 Cube First round 454 45.83 52.06 Indonesia 54.4255.4549.1352.6345.83
5x5x5 Cube First round 402 1:26.09 1:40.77 Indonesia 1:26.091:34.201:41.411:46.702:14.01
6x6x6 Cube First round 289 3:27.44 Indonesia 3:27.44
7x7x7 Cube First round 242 5:01.19 Indonesia 5:01.19
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 150 DNF DNF Indonesia DNFDNFDNF
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 479 31.98 44.87 Indonesia 47.7731.9843.4343.40DNF
Clock First round 304 DNF Indonesia DNFDNF
Megaminx First round 249 1:13.38 1:25.21 Indonesia 1:24.441:14.761:37.881:13.381:36.43
Square-1 First round 142 16.60 18.74 Indonesia 23.8616.6017.6120.0118.59

SangWook Park (박상욱) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 419 8.97 10.92 Republic of Korea 11.458.97DNF11.2610.06
4x4x4 Cube First round 322 32.71 43.02 Republic of Korea 35.0449.4432.7147.4546.57
5x5x5 Cube First round 171 1:06.25 1:09.96 Republic of Korea 1:06.251:12.671:22.771:08.541:08.67
6x6x6 Cube First round 145 2:07.24 2:14.44 Republic of Korea 2:16.542:07.242:19.55
7x7x7 Cube First round 110 3:12.74 3:17.30 Republic of Korea 3:12.743:15.873:23.30
Megaminx First round 313 2:28.96 Republic of Korea DNF2:28.96

Sanghoo Park (박상후) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 645 12.52 13.16 Republic of Korea 13.8012.5212.6912.9914.30
2x2x2 Cube First round 577 5.14 6.34 Republic of Korea
4x4x4 Cube First round 437 46.69 51.13 Republic of Korea 54.4248.3446.6956.7150.63
Clock First round 149 9.27 10.64 Republic of Korea 11.5910.879.4719.359.27
Pyraminx First round 482 10.52 14.33 Republic of Korea 11.8319.5815.9510.5215.22
Skewb First round 103 4.15 5.24 Republic of Korea 4.154.906.144.678.54
Square-1 First round 269 48.59 Republic of Korea 48.5954.65

Sangyoon Park (박상윤) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 848 14.89 16.81 Republic of Korea 17.3514.8915.2819.0317.81
2x2x2 Cube First round 309 4.13 4.30 Republic of Korea 4.444.325.894.154.13
Clock First round 128 9.14 9.67 Republic of Korea 9.579.1410.26DNF9.19
Pyraminx First round 348 6.48 8.79 Republic of Korea 9.717.8010.598.856.48
Skewb First round 297 8.25 8.81 Republic of Korea 8.258.868.868.7214.49

Saoud Abdulaziz Almutawa - Kuwait WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 707 12.20 13.96 Kuwait 14.3513.6512.2013.8816.47
2x2x2 Cube First round 590 5.50 6.48 Kuwait 6.959.625.506.665.83
4x4x4 Cube First round 590 1:01.80 1:21.18 Kuwait 1:01.801:46.901:22.401:28.081:13.07
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 150 DNF DNF Kuwait DNFDNFDNF
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 458 29.13 33.63 Kuwait 48.3929.2541.8829.1329.75
Pyraminx First round 431 9.93 11.33 Kuwait 10.10DNF9.9312.4411.45
Skewb First round 277 6.25 8.36 Kuwait 8.569.517.0211.276.25

Satoshi Kodama (児玉聡) - Japan WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 686 11.58 13.62 Japan DNF15.5812.9112.3611.58
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 100 26 DNF Japan 38DNF26
Square-1 First round 218 19.97 28.80 Japan 34.6827.5637.9119.9724.15

Sean Hartman - United States WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 228 8.93 9.47 United States 8.948.9315.949.919.56
First round 183 8.53 8.85 United States 9.308.539.518.608.64
2x2x2 Cube Second round 114 1.36 3.09 United States 2.968.551.363.592.71
First round 96 2.37 2.83 United States 3.693.322.372.492.69
4x4x4 Cube First round 122 30.42 33.47 United States 35.01DNF31.2534.1530.42
5x5x5 Cube Second round 73 57.92 1:01.24 United States 1:03.9457.921:02.3159.601:01.81
First round 42 52.14 54.97 United States 52.8756.0755.9752.1459.83
6x6x6 Cube First round 40 1:36.59 1:40.71 United States 1:46.061:39.491:36.59
7x7x7 Cube First round 39 2:30.73 2:37.58 United States 2:34.802:30.732:47.22
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 116 1:27.05 DNF United States 1:27.05DNFDNF
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 131 35 DNF United States 4035DNF
3x3x3 One-Handed Second round 60 12.30 13.84 United States 14.5414.4312.3012.5426.69
First round 60 13.05 13.42 United States 13.0513.1914.5513.1313.93
Clock First round 43 6.58 7.01 United States 7.446.636.95DNF6.58
Megaminx First round 56 46.93 50.69 United States 46.9353.5147.501:05.6051.07
Pyraminx First round 175 4.02 5.49 United States 6.394.115.974.027.97
Skewb First round 136 4.15 5.75 United States 4.155.755.8011.375.71
Square-1 Second round 68 10.56 12.94 United States 10.5612.2813.2913.2618.48
First round 77 10.62 13.71 United States 16.8411.3612.9317.2910.62
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 48 DNF DNF United States DNFDNFDNF
5x5x5 Blindfolded Final 30 DNF DNF United States DNFDNFDNF
3x3x3 Multi-Blind Final 34 11/17 1:00:00 United States 11/17 1:00:00

Sean Kim - United States WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 133 7.25 8.42 United States 8.758.477.258.698.10
First round 73 6.81 7.61 United States 6.997.308.549.326.81
2x2x2 Cube First round 207 2.60 3.74 United States 2.606.243.224.663.35
4x4x4 Cube First round 107 29.80 32.80 United States 34.0129.8034.2839.6230.12
5x5x5 Cube First round 102 56.97 1:01.92 United States 1:00.421:06.601:07.7658.7456.97
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 257 15.92 20.11 United States 15.9221.9721.0831.4917.28
Pyraminx First round 299 5.81 7.73 United States 13.295.815.908.398.90

Sean Patrick Villanueva - Philippines WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 37 5.22 7.20 Philippines 6.899.116.985.227.74
Second round 18 5.99 6.55 Philippines 5.998.796.716.486.45
First round 7 5.13 5.89 Philippines 5.675.716.295.137.87
3x3x3 One-Handed Final 1 8.56 9.42 Philippines 9.288.569.479.5211.43
Second round 13 9.93 10.73 Philippines 10.6410.849.9311.1010.71
First round 2 9.22 9.69 Philippines 9.799.229.8111.089.46

Sean Yi (이시언) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1110 43.62 48.64 Republic of Korea 45.73DNF45.1355.0543.62

Sebastian Campanario - Argentina WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1124 1:02.70 1:08.49 Argentina DNF1:05.931:02.701:15.601:03.95
Pyraminx First round 519 19.25 22.50 Argentina 19.2522.15DNF22.5422.80

Sebastian Lee - Australia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 365 9.62 11.30 Australia 11.7910.7412.039.6211.38
First round 227 6.97 9.28 Australia 8.998.786.9713.0510.08
2x2x2 Cube First round 262 2.33 4.05 Australia 2.793.852.335.52DNF
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 272 18.78 20.71 Australia 21.7219.9726.1420.4418.78
Clock First round 163 7.76 11.22 Australia 7.7612.9110.0616.8010.69
Pyraminx Final 2 1.65 1.91 Australia 1.862.071.791.652.16
Second round 11 1.60 2.31 Australia 1.602.462.092.372.52
First round 4 1.84 2.02 Australia 1.922.133.691.842.02
Skewb First round 257 6.83 7.86 Australia 9.417.807.366.838.41

Sebastian Weyer - Germany WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 32 5.89 7.00 Germany 5.8910.646.727.017.28
Second round 31 6.47 6.96 Germany 6.836.747.3216.356.47
First round 30 5.07 6.82 Germany
4x4x4 Cube Final 8 22.51 24.87 Germany 23.9127.2524.7322.5125.97
Second round 3 21.83 24.92 Germany 26.0421.8325.5624.7824.43
First round 2 20.29 22.12 Germany 21.2923.5521.5220.2926.55
5x5x5 Cube Final 13 43.88 47.55 Germany 47.3458.9849.1846.1443.88
Second round 15 42.81 49.71 Germany 42.8147.9348.5652.63DNF
First round 8 42.26 45.33 Germany 43.4349.2943.6142.2648.96
6x6x6 Cube First round 39 1:36.87 1:40.33 Germany 1:41.851:42.261:36.87

Sejun Park (박세준) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 759 12.96 14.80 Republic of Korea 15.0416.2615.9112.9613.46

Sejun Yim (임세준) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 882 14.91 17.96 Republic of Korea DNF17.7918.6314.9117.47
2x2x2 Cube First round 419 4.38 5.10 Republic of Korea 4.734.735.864.385.85
4x4x4 Cube First round 596 1:11.30 1:38.25 Republic of Korea 1:30.70DNF1:59.661:11.301:24.38
Clock First round 153 10.19 10.77 Republic of Korea 10.1910.64DNF11.0310.64
Pyraminx First round 432 7.89 11.39 Republic of Korea 10.6811.537.8911.9512.17
Skewb First round 406 12.34 14.61 Republic of Korea 15.4212.3412.9716.1215.44

Semin Kim (김세민) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 901 16.75 18.60 Republic of Korea 17.4018.0516.7520.6020.34

Seo Gwan Woo (서관우) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 951 13.74 20.50 Republic of Korea 14.4724.5013.7424.3922.64

Seo Hyungmin (서형민) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 900 17.01 18.57 Republic of Korea 22.5817.0118.0619.4218.23
2x2x2 Cube First round 648 6.70 7.55 Republic of Korea 6.708.107.527.877.27
Skewb First round 403 8.02 14.51 Republic of Korea 14.4414.598.0214.49DNF

Seo Joo Hwan (서주환) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1106 35.99 47.53 Republic of Korea 50.5445.0556.3147.0035.99

Seobin Lee (이서빈) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 933 15.45 19.76 Republic of Korea 18.6415.4520.7619.8724.22
2x2x2 Cube First round 625 5.12 7.09 Republic of Korea
Skewb First round 388 10.54 13.48 Republic of Korea 13.4910.5418.3514.5812.36

Seojin Bahng (방서진) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 445 10.20 11.08 Republic of Korea 10.9711.0511.2310.2013.29
5x5x5 Cube First round 415 1:31.73 1:45.67 Republic of Korea 1:47.741:50.031:31.731:39.241:55.96
Square-1 First round 170 15.86 21.33 Republic of Korea 23.2122.0415.8618.7538.48

Seojin Park - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1062 29.01 31.04 Republic of Korea 35.6529.0130.4330.4532.23

Seojin Park (박서진) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 580 10.96 12.38 Republic of Korea 11.9414.0311.1614.0310.96
4x4x4 Cube First round 440 49.09 51.29 Republic of Korea 49.6155.2850.2454.0249.09
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 307 19.29 22.15 Republic of Korea 22.86DNF19.2921.9421.65

Seojun Park - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1066 28.23 31.25 Republic of Korea 28.2331.7232.2031.4830.54

Seong Mikyeong (성미경) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1125 52.94 1:09.17 Republic of Korea 1:33.8852.9457.931:01.671:27.90
2x2x2 Cube First round 737 11.14 16.81 Republic of Korea 28.6816.2413.3220.8811.14
Skewb First round 466 22.88 Republic of Korea DNF22.88

SeongYong Yoo (유성용) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 726 10.72 14.20 Republic of Korea 15.5115.6610.7214.4812.62
2x2x2 Cube First round 454 2.93 5.44 Republic of Korea 4.918.775.562.935.85
4x4x4 Cube First round 378 40.28 46.87 Republic of Korea 1:39.5847.5740.2847.3145.72
5x5x5 Cube First round 303 1:19.25 1:24.38 Republic of Korea 1:24.861:25.801:24.591:19.251:23.68
6x6x6 Cube First round 169 2:20.69 2:24.59 Republic of Korea 2:20.692:22.832:30.26
7x7x7 Cube First round 171 3:36.31 3:53.06 Republic of Korea 3:36.314:13.703:49.17
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 380 23.61 25.54 Republic of Korea 28.2625.4423.6127.0324.14
Clock First round 71 7.36 8.09 Republic of Korea 7.889.847.367.409.00
Megaminx First round 291 1:38.15 Republic of Korea 1:43.171:38.15
Pyraminx First round 408 8.95 10.35 Republic of Korea 10.008.9510.9411.3010.10
Skewb First round 140 2.90 5.79 Republic of Korea 6.452.904.996.405.98

Seongbeen Choi (최성빈) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 903 17.39 18.65 Republic of Korea 17.5019.9917.3918.4622.85

Seongho Bae (배성호) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 327 9.54 10.56 Republic of Korea 12.1410.2311.209.5410.24
First round 274 8.26 9.71 Republic of Korea 8.2610.0910.499.699.34
4x4x4 Cube First round 351 41.29 45.20 Republic of Korea 45.8151.5046.1641.2943.62
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 204 16.76 18.48 Republic of Korea 19.4318.3616.7619.5217.66

Seoyoon Lee (이서윤) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 659 11.84 13.29 Republic of Korea 13.3915.7211.8414.3512.13
2x2x2 Cube First round 544 4.98 6.11 Republic of Korea 5.836.034.986.926.47
Clock First round 240 11.71 15.75 Republic of Korea 13.18DNF11.7111.9822.08
Pyraminx First round 335 7.36 8.44 Republic of Korea 7.4012.678.747.369.18
Skewb First round 298 6.79 8.83 Republic of Korea 10.526.886.799.2410.37

Sergelenbat Nymdorj - Mongolia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 633 11.72 12.95 Mongolia 15.0812.0313.2513.5611.72
5x5x5 Cube First round 384 1:33.03 1:36.80 Mongolia 1:38.261:37.971:34.171:38.421:33.03
6x6x6 Cube First round 270 3:05.16 Mongolia 3:05.16
7x7x7 Cube First round 214 4:26.52 Mongolia 4:26.52

Seryoung Kim - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1088 32.42 36.58 Republic of Korea 43.3636.1237.1036.5232.42
2x2x2 Cube First round 729 13.36 13.62 Republic of Korea 13.5613.5913.7013.3614.13

Seung Hyeon Sung (성승현) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 595 9.64 12.54 Republic of Korea 9.6413.4412.3712.6212.64
Skewb First round 331 7.02 9.97 Republic of Korea 11.489.3213.037.029.12
Square-1 First round 155 16.97 20.18 Republic of Korea 16.9719.8621.1319.9220.77

Seung Hyuk Nahm (남승혁) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Final 15 5.57 7.57 Republic of Korea 5.576.627.558.748.55
Semi Final 15 6.31 6.46 Republic of Korea 6.516.337.196.556.31
Second round 23 5.82 6.76 Republic of Korea 6.578.626.845.826.87
First round 19 6.02 6.50 Republic of Korea 6.336.756.429.356.02
2x2x2 Cube Second round 71 1.46 2.45 Republic of Korea 2.784.131.462.502.08
First round 79 2.09 2.64 Republic of Korea 2.092.662.582.792.69
4x4x4 Cube Final 9 23.00 25.03 Republic of Korea 25.3228.2825.7124.0523.00
Second round 11 23.00 26.42 Republic of Korea 30.4724.8526.3328.0823.00
First round 6 23.22 23.91 Republic of Korea 24.9823.2525.0223.2223.51
5x5x5 Cube Final 3 41.10 42.34 Republic of Korea 41.9641.1043.2643.3741.81
Second round 3 39.81 41.52 Republic of Korea 41.4943.5339.8143.1939.89
First round 3 35.77 AsR 41.16 Republic of Korea 48.9635.7744.2342.2037.04
6x6x6 Cube Final 3 1:18.43 1:22.86 Republic of Korea 1:18.431:24.511:25.65
First round 3 1:15.93 1:20.49 Republic of Korea 1:23.441:22.091:15.93
7x7x7 Cube Final 6 1:56.94 2:00.32 Republic of Korea 2:03.322:00.701:56.94
First round 6 1:56.65 2:05.14 Republic of Korea 2:11.361:56.652:07.40
3x3x3 One-Handed Second round 55 12.59 13.50 Republic of Korea 12.8912.5913.5417.1714.08
First round 17 10.65 11.48 Republic of Korea 10.7712.2810.6511.3912.38
Megaminx First round 49 46.68 49.53 Republic of Korea 48.6148.1351.8452.0246.68

Seung Jae Han - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 518 9.59 11.73 Republic of Korea 15.0612.7910.8811.529.59
2x2x2 Cube First round 380 4.67 4.82 Republic of Korea 5.004.674.695.324.76
4x4x4 Cube First round 482 50.61 54.04 Republic of Korea 1:01.5455.9650.6152.8453.32
Pyraminx First round 340 6.46 8.57 Republic of Korea 10.397.046.468.2716.49
Skewb First round 324 7.51 9.77 Republic of Korea 8.138.7812.417.5114.17
Square-1 First round 207 16.37 26.87 Republic of Korea 29.1127.3716.3732.6724.14

Seung-eon Lee - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 569 10.13 12.28 Republic of Korea 10.1311.3612.0613.4314.84
2x2x2 Cube Second round 165 1.87 3.92 Republic of Korea
First round 177 2.42 3.54 Republic of Korea 3.854.573.432.423.35
4x4x4 Cube First round 546 51.60 1:02.20 Republic of Korea 1:03.3958.751:04.4751.601:16.15
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 407 20.58 27.00 Republic of Korea 27.7829.9720.5823.26DNF

SeungO Han (한승오) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 118 7.11 8.17 Republic of Korea
First round 107 6.96 8.00 Republic of Korea 6.967.478.408.12DNF
2x2x2 Cube Second round 28 1.20 1.78 Republic of Korea 2.251.801.901.651.20
First round 38 1.75 2.04 Republic of Korea 1.771.912.451.75DNF
4x4x4 Cube First round 120 31.85 33.29 Republic of Korea 31.8532.7432.9236.8334.21
5x5x5 Cube Second round 56 53.28 56.97 Republic of Korea 1:03.3255.331:00.0055.5953.28
First round 76 55.92 58.42 Republic of Korea 57.0355.9259.5058.7359.59
6x6x6 Cube First round 80 1:48.64 1:51.96 Republic of Korea 1:55.321:51.921:48.64
7x7x7 Cube First round 150 3:29.41 3:38.76 Republic of Korea 3:47.263:29.413:39.61
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 53 28 34.00 Republic of Korea 443028
3x3x3 One-Handed Second round 64 11.95 14.12 Republic of Korea 17.2513.3511.9515.7313.27
First round 45 10.05 12.87 Republic of Korea 12.2710.0513.3414.3513.01
Clock First round 246 5.87 DNF Republic of Korea DNF5.876.24DNF7.07
Megaminx First round 149 55.57 1:05.40 Republic of Korea 1:11.201:05.8455.571:00.861:09.51
Pyraminx Second round 64 3.22 4.04 Republic of Korea 5.203.2410.243.683.22
First round 42 2.90 3.07 Republic of Korea 4.643.023.242.942.90
Skewb Second round 24 2.68 3.29 Republic of Korea 6.493.442.913.522.68
First round 46 3.13 4.12 Republic of Korea 4.583.134.063.894.41
Square-1 Second round 19 7.15 8.38 Republic of Korea 7.648.2512.249.267.15
First round 11 6.27 7.68 Republic of Korea 7.498.197.368.476.27

SeungWoon Lee (이승운) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 679 12.47 13.56 Republic of Korea 12.6812.9515.0517.2612.47
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 251 15.47 19.78 Republic of Korea 23.0016.9120.8215.4721.60

Seungho Song (송승호) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 658 11.15 13.29 Republic of Korea 12.8311.1516.4414.7112.34
Pyraminx Second round 38 1.83 3.32 Republic of Korea 1.832.694.245.603.02
First round 3 1.98 2.01 NR Republic of Korea 2.003.412.051.981.98

Seunghyo Ryu - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 504 9.02 11.63 Republic of Korea 11.1412.7611.7911.959.02
4x4x4 Cube First round 385 45.77 47.89 Republic of Korea 45.7752.4147.5348.3647.78
5x5x5 Cube First round 238 1:11.56 1:16.82 Republic of Korea DNF1:14.901:20.231:15.321:11.56
6x6x6 Cube First round 147 2:13.46 2:15.12 Republic of Korea 2:15.882:16.022:13.46
7x7x7 Cube First round 143 3:14.40 3:34.42 Republic of Korea 3:51.723:14.403:37.14

Seunghyun Ku (구승현) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
4x4x4 Cube First round 556 59.98 1:05.09 Republic of Korea 1:19.271:09.5759.981:02.561:03.13
5x5x5 Cube First round 431 1:28.83 1:49.26 Republic of Korea 2:08.161:37.261:54.391:56.121:28.83
6x6x6 Cube First round 298 DNF Republic of Korea DNF

Seungil Bae - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1046 22.97 28.74 Republic of Korea 29.9631.4930.6722.9725.58
2x2x2 Cube First round 675 7.11 8.44 Republic of Korea 9.497.608.229.507.11

Seungjoo Lee (이승주) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 864 14.70 17.13 Republic of Korea 18.8816.1014.7016.4221.17
2x2x2 Cube First round 607 4.69 6.77 Republic of Korea 6.6510.594.695.777.90
Skewb First round 428 12.97 16.86 Republic of Korea 15.5718.0118.1812.9717.01

Seungjun Bae (배승준) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 936 17.56 19.81 Republic of Korea 17.7122.0120.5421.1917.56
2x2x2 Cube First round 622 5.15 6.98 Republic of Korea 7.707.
Skewb First round 66 3.13 4.58 Republic of Korea 3.517.473.134.665.57

Seungyong Han (한승용) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 249 8.43 9.50 Republic of Korea 8.4313.109.709.229.58
4x4x4 Cube First round 311 36.35 42.55 Republic of Korea 36.3542.0643.9141.691:00.14
5x5x5 Cube First round 130 58.18 1:05.56 Republic of Korea 1:03.011:09.781:04.9858.181:08.68
6x6x6 Cube First round 50 1:33.92 1:43.89 Republic of Korea 1:42.681:33.921:55.08
7x7x7 Cube First round 32 2:15.40 2:33.62 Republic of Korea 2:38.062:15.402:47.40
Megaminx First round 231 1:11.62 1:20.67 Republic of Korea 1:37.011:21.891:11.621:18.111:22.02

Severi Hasanen - Finland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 577 10.11 12.34 Finland 12.1311.9610.1114.2712.93

Shaikha Albarjas - Kuwait WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 715 12.65 14.06 Kuwait 12.6513.2214.8915.0614.07
2x2x2 Cube First round 721 3.83 11.70 Kuwait 11.8814.143.8313.499.73
Pyraminx First round 500 12.71 15.42 Kuwait 17.7015.8018.3412.7712.71
Skewb First round 446 13.18 19.56 Kuwait 19.3229.0113.1819.1420.21

Shao-Chen Chien (簡紹宸) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 972 16.01 21.76 Chinese Taipei 16.0119.6124.0424.2021.62
2x2x2 Cube First round 672 6.55 8.23 Chinese Taipei 10.758.687.028.986.55

Shao-Heng Hung (洪紹恆) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 523 9.22 11.75 Chinese Taipei DNF12.2112.7810.279.22
2x2x2 Cube First round 237 2.52 3.89 Chinese Taipei 2.695.263.732.525.48
4x4x4 Cube First round 171 31.09 36.42 Chinese Taipei 38.9637.3832.9240.7331.09
6x6x6 Cube First round 111 2:00.37 2:04.13 Chinese Taipei 2:08.692:03.342:00.37
Clock First round 29 5.13 6.27 Chinese Taipei 7.895.137.316.095.40
Pyraminx First round 114 2.93 4.35 Chinese Taipei 2.937.294.393.824.84
Skewb First round 170 2.99 6.15 Chinese Taipei 4.662.996.637.179.16

Shari Kuroyama (黒山理科) - United States WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 126 34 DNF United States DNF4534

Shayla Santucci - Canada WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1057 25.90 30.12 Canada 27.4032.001:04.8330.9725.90
2x2x2 Cube First round 694 6.33 9.67 Canada 22.177.437.6913.906.33
Pyraminx First round 469 11.26 13.29 Canada 11.2613.7711.5814.9714.51
Skewb First round 448 17.93 20.31 Canada 21.1618.7421.3317.9321.03

Shek Ho Hin (石灝軒) - Hong Kong, China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 490 8.93 11.49 Hong Kong, China 10.4015.188.9311.6612.41
2x2x2 Cube First round 232 2.54 3.87 Hong Kong, China DNF4.002.543.434.18
4x4x4 Cube First round 251 36.12 40.40 Hong Kong, China 41.3539.8739.981:24.7036.12
5x5x5 Cube First round 189 1:02.08 1:11.67 Hong Kong, China 1:12.131:09.601:13.281:24.051:02.08
6x6x6 Cube First round 133 2:02.57 2:08.99 Hong Kong, China 2:19.032:05.362:02.57
7x7x7 Cube First round 94 2:55.20 3:03.26 Hong Kong, China 2:57.143:17.432:55.20
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 142 40 DNF Hong Kong, China DNFDNF40
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 205 16.13 18.50 Hong Kong, China 16.1318.0750.1418.5018.93
Clock First round 37 5.30 6.79 Hong Kong, China 6.649.416.916.835.30
Megaminx First round 175 1:04.74 1:08.50 Hong Kong, China 1:13.601:05.771:11.881:04.741:07.84
Pyraminx First round 403 4.01 10.21 Hong Kong, China 4.884.0118.267.48DNF
Skewb Second round 67 3.84 5.19 Hong Kong, China 6.923.843.984.687.74
First round 14 2.73 3.17 NR Hong Kong, China 2.844.153.112.733.57
Square-1 First round 90 13.70 14.95 Hong Kong, China 18.4914.1414.8113.7015.90

Shelley Chang - United States WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 797 13.72 15.57 United States 15.2015.4217.9116.0913.72
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 133 2:02.54 DNF United States 2:02.54DNFDNF

Sheng-Wen Wang (王聖文) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 653 12.59 13.23 Chinese Taipei 13.1713.4313.0912.5919.26

Shenghai Fang (方胜海) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 48 DNF DNF China DNFDNFDNF
3x3x3 Multi-Blind Final 35 13/22 59:59 China 13/22 59:59

Shengze Tang (唐圣泽) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 294 8.44 10.22 China 10.8612.129.678.4410.13
First round 245 8.64 9.47 China 10.2212.838.648.879.33
2x2x2 Cube Second round 72 2.02 2.45 China 2.522.972.022.252.57
First round 98 1.25 2.86 China 1.252.823.482.294.32
Pyraminx Final 5 1.45 2.12 China
Second round 4 1.77 2.15 China 1.772.082.392.791.99
First round 15 1.58 2.47 China
Skewb Final 13 2.54 3.22 China 2.944.693.892.542.84
Second round 9 2.21 2.67 China 2.843.652.782.212.39
First round 21 2.69 3.36 China 3.822.692.884.023.37

Shibo Zhang (张世博) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 322 8.00 10.49 China 8.9612.688.0014.109.82
First round 196 7.13 8.97 China 9.6113.668.898.407.13
2x2x2 Cube Second round 78 1.70 2.58 China 2.942.291.702.504.29
First round 73 2.27 2.43 China 2.352.272.442.962.51
Pyraminx First round 126 3.04 4.53 China 7.433.043.754.005.84
Skewb First round 213 4.23 7.02 China 4.236.0211.6110.005.05

Shih-Hao Wang (王士豪) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 108 7.61 8.09 Chinese Taipei 7.617.697.958.938.63
First round 240 8.02 9.38 Chinese Taipei 8.869.788.029.789.51
4x4x4 Cube First round 89 29.74 31.81 Chinese Taipei 37.3330.1431.4129.7433.89
5x5x5 Cube Second round 51 54.68 56.09 Chinese Taipei 54.681:01.0656.1457.3054.84
First round 79 53.54 58.55 Chinese Taipei 58.7757.9258.9653.541:02.37
6x6x6 Cube First round 18 1:25.09 1:32.25 Chinese Taipei 1:39.801:25.091:31.86
7x7x7 Cube First round 30 2:19.11 2:30.92 Chinese Taipei 2:30.212:43.442:19.11
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 81 10.09 14.48 Chinese Taipei 20.7810.0913.2812.3717.80
Square-1 Second round 30 8.14 9.18 Chinese Taipei
First round 62 9.10 12.34 Chinese Taipei 9.1014.339.7112.9814.97

Shim Jinbyeol (심진별) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1028 23.96 26.88 Republic of Korea 25.6035.2128.0723.9626.96

Shin Myeong Park (박신명) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 427 8.93 10.95 Republic of Korea 13.578.9312.579.8010.49
2x2x2 Cube Second round 170 1.49 4.05 Republic of Korea 2.475.034.954.731.49
First round 80 2.10 2.67 Republic of Korea 3.272.332.107.722.40
4x4x4 Cube First round 315 36.93 42.83 Republic of Korea 42.7946.0236.9346.0939.68
5x5x5 Cube First round 254 1:15.82 1:18.07 Republic of Korea 1:17.731:20.701:15.821:19.921:16.56
6x6x6 Cube First round 246 2:38.40 2:56.13 Republic of Korea 2:38.402:52.903:17.08
7x7x7 Cube First round 191 4:05.27 Republic of Korea 4:05.27
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 150 DNF DNF Republic of Korea DNFDNSDNS
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 269 18.30 20.62 Republic of Korea 19.1921.7521.7720.9218.30
Megaminx First round 266 1:10.76 1:31.57 Republic of Korea 1:26.491:10.761:35.581:39.181:32.63
Pyraminx First round 266 5.69 6.96 Republic of Korea
Skewb First round 248 5.90 7.66 Republic of Korea 8.527.566.895.9013.65
Square-1 First round 177 18.83 22.12 Republic of Korea 45.9718.8322.4521.4022.51

Shinichiro Sato (佐藤真一郎) - Japan WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 224 9.20 9.46 Japan 9.279.419.719.2010.46
First round 390 8.25 10.68 Japan 8.259.5813.5211.1111.34
2x2x2 Cube First round 234 3.33 3.87 Japan 3.333.657.013.524.45
4x4x4 Cube First round 299 37.52 42.24 Japan 37.521:01.8038.4945.7642.46
5x5x5 Cube First round 213 1:08.31 1:13.59 Japan 1:08.311:11.981:12.091:38.211:16.70
6x6x6 Cube First round 298 DNF Japan DNF
7x7x7 Cube First round 204 4:15.72 Japan 4:15.72
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 216 15.07 18.71 Japan 19.6415.0718.5818.2019.36
Megaminx First round 153 58.37 1:05.77 Japan 1:11.591:09.021:02.8158.371:05.48
Pyraminx First round 322 4.65 8.23 Japan 11.376.197.134.6511.41

Shinyoung Lee (이신영) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1020 18.49 26.09 Republic of Korea 24.2927.90DNF26.0818.49
2x2x2 Cube First round 600 5.12 6.64 Republic of Korea 6.755.126.608.056.57
Pyraminx First round 474 5.30 13.71 Republic of Korea 5.3018.1317.7613.3310.03
Skewb First round 430 14.34 17.06 Republic of Korea 14.3419.8416.6928.9514.64

Shiori Yanai (矢内詩織) - Japan WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 749 12.87 14.62 Japan 13.5617.7212.8714.0716.23
3x3x3 Blindfolded Second round 47 39.38 DNF Japan 45.2239.38DNF
First round 56 40.08 DNF Japan 40.08DNFDNF
Square-1 First round 151 15.03 19.69 Japan 21.4321.5017.3320.3115.03
5x5x5 Blindfolded Final 16 9:09.43 DNF Japan DNFDNF9:09.43
3x3x3 Multi-Blind Final 10 27/30 56:04 Japan 27/30 56:0427/32 59:21

Shivam Bansal - India WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 312 8.61 10.39 India 12.0211.798.828.6110.55
First round 362 9.83 10.37 India 9.9310.5411.969.8310.65
2x2x2 Cube Second round 188 3.62 4.68 India 3.626.374.954.694.40
First round 163 1.78 3.42 India 5.523.431.782.664.17
4x4x4 Cube First round 151 29.33 35.34 India 36.7535.4933.7839.1429.33
5x5x5 Cube First round 168 1:08.81 1:09.53 India 1:09.611:08.811:09.651:14.601:09.34
6x6x6 Cube First round 74 1:45.73 1:50.45 India 1:45.731:50.921:54.71
7x7x7 Cube First round 116 3:04.10 3:20.06 India 3:22.333:33.763:04.10
3x3x3 Blindfolded Second round 25 25.69 29.83 India 31.3032.5025.69
First round 31 26.11 30.00 India 26.8137.0926.11
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 20 25 29.00 India 342528
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 137 14.30 16.35 India 17.9314.3017.5716.4914.99
Clock First round 165 8.23 11.27 India 13.099.628.2311.11DNF
Megaminx First round 211 1:07.57 1:15.52 India 1:23.071:07.571:16.161:15.411:15.00
Pyraminx First round 153 4.10 5.11 India 4.41DNF4.104.786.14
Skewb First round 267 6.32 8.04 India 11.217.889.067.186.32
Square-1 First round 169 18.87 21.24 India 24.4722.2218.8719.9421.56
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 6 2:45.46 DNF India 3:01.68DNF2:45.46
5x5x5 Blindfolded Final 17 10:11.00 DNF India DNFDNF10:11.00
3x3x3 Multi-Blind Final 3 43/46 1:00:00 India 42/48 59:2943/46 1:00:00

Sho Kashiyama (樫山匠) - Japan WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 350 7.95 10.94 Japan 13.617.958.4511.8312.55
First round 284 8.20 9.79 Japan 8.2010.799.799.0710.50
2x2x2 Cube First round 475 4.00 5.54 Japan 6.846.455.334.004.84
4x4x4 Cube First round 332 36.68 43.62 Japan 36.6840.0948.6543.5647.21
5x5x5 Cube First round 460 1:30.46 DNF Japan DNF1:39.40DNF1:30.461:33.77
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 150 DNF DNF Japan DNFDNFDNF
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 172 15.45 17.45 Japan 16.4415.4519.8320.7516.08
Megaminx First round 179 1:02.84 1:09.11 Japan 1:02.841:13.371:22.891:10.321:03.64
Pyraminx First round 320 6.88 8.21 Japan 10.607.228.668.746.88
Skewb First round 308 7.96 9.08 Japan 9.859.078.337.9611.63

Sho Ogata (緒方昭) - Japan WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 178 8.10 9.00 Japan 9.848.108.348.8210.91
First round 105 7.34 7.99 Japan 10.647.887.508.597.34
2x2x2 Cube First round 261 2.21 4.05 Japan 4.562.213.684.394.07
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 224 16.51 19.09 Japan 26.5817.7718.9416.5120.55
Pyraminx First round 214 4.85 6.23 Japan 4.856.745.496.457.69

Shoji Ueda (植田昌司) - Japan WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 958 19.64 21.09 Japan 22.0919.6419.6826.6921.51
2x2x2 Cube First round 689 5.11 9.49 Japan 11.0212.125.1110.337.12
Pyraminx First round 492 10.27 15.22 Japan 14.7910.2713.7917.07DNF

Shuda Huang (黄黍达) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 51 7.33 7.58 China 7.767.337.797.527.46
Second round 62 5.85 7.53 China 5.858.
First round 64 6.34 7.44 China 7.936.346.7111.527.69
2x2x2 Cube Second round 84 1.66 2.64 China 3.906.401.662.002.01
First round 107 1.85 2.93 China
4x4x4 Cube First round 516 47.09 57.79 China 1:11.7847.091:36.6553.9147.67
Pyraminx Second round 27 2.23 2.80 China 2.233.453.432.542.43
First round 69 2.08 3.60 China 2.314.97DNF2.083.53

Shun Ishikawa - Japan WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 894 16.75 18.37 Japan 18.8619.0019.4616.7517.24
2x2x2 Cube First round 658 6.13 7.79 Japan 8.8813.376.916.137.59

Shun-Hsin Chang (張舜欣) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 619 9.43 12.84 Chinese Taipei 13.2214.759.4313.0012.30
4x4x4 Cube First round 186 30.34 37.15 Chinese Taipei 41.5735.5830.3434.4441.43
Megaminx First round 54 45.48 50.43 Chinese Taipei 45.4851.5655.2053.6646.07

Shuto Ueno (上野柊斗) - Japan WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 330 9.42 10.59 Japan 13.159.4210.5211.399.86
First round 279 8.85 9.74 Japan 9.918.859.649.929.67
4x4x4 Cube First round 202 32.97 37.58 Japan 37.9935.2439.5232.9741.57
5x5x5 Cube First round 159 1:03.97 1:08.29 Japan 1:11.011:07.411:03.971:11.031:06.45
3x3x3 Blindfolded Second round 53 45.51 DNF Japan 45.5159.52DNF
First round 40 29.26 DNF Japan 29.2635.50DNF
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 143 13.59 16.49 Japan 17.0017.0513.5922.1715.42
Clock First round 228 11.78 14.30 Japan 12.2518.52DNF11.7812.14
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 34 6:51.77 DNF Japan 6:54.256:51.77DNF
5x5x5 Blindfolded Final 27 22:02.00 DNF Japan 22:02.00DNSDNS

Shyngys Sharapadin (Шынгыс Шарападин) - Kazakhstan WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 637 12.58 13.04 Kazakhstan 13.0917.3112.5813.2512.79
2x2x2 Cube First round 508 3.98 5.78 Kazakhstan 5.504.813.987.029.51
4x4x4 Cube First round 536 55.62 1:01.43 Kazakhstan 1:05.751:07.861:00.2858.2655.62
5x5x5 Cube First round 430 1:40.00 1:49.14 Kazakhstan 1:57.991:46.491:51.831:40.001:49.10
Pyraminx First round 446 6.73 11.68 Kazakhstan 13.4612.856.738.7417.24
Skewb First round 316 7.60 9.41 Kazakhstan 11.198.548.5012.317.60
Square-1 First round 226 17.75 30.58 Kazakhstan 32.8017.7533.15DNF25.80

Si Mujin (시무진) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 364 9.98 11.29 Republic of Korea 11.8510.4412.449.9811.58
First round 299 6.96 9.88 Republic of Korea 6.9611.308.92DNF9.42
2x2x2 Cube First round 233 2.77 3.87 Republic of Korea 3.7411.252.773.334.53

Si Won Park (박시원) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1133 11.86 DNF Republic of Korea DNF12.09DNF11.8613.81
2x2x2 Cube First round 587 4.21 6.45 Republic of Korea 6.238.744.39DNF4.21

SiChan Ryu (류시찬) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 205 8.85 9.26 Republic of Korea 9.519.748.999.298.85
First round 268 8.51 9.66 Republic of Korea 9.4710.5510.478.519.05

Sihun Yoo - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 796 12.61 15.52 Republic of Korea 15.1817.4612.6115.3516.03
2x2x2 Cube First round 580 3.94 6.39 Republic of Korea 6.4010.194.877.893.94

Simon Kellum - United States WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 98 7.43 7.98 United States 7.4312.737.537.928.49
First round 345 6.36 10.25 United States 11.6211.0213.868.116.36
2x2x2 Cube Second round 105 2.13 2.97 United States 2.132.434.404.182.29
First round 52 1.11 2.22 United States
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 89 1:01.19 1:21.84 United States 1:01.191:15.221:49.11
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 88 19 DNF United States DNF2319
3x3x3 One-Handed Second round 69 13.19 14.50 United States 13.9414.5813.1914.9915.67
First round 59 12.83 13.37 United States 13.6117.1112.8313.0213.49
Megaminx First round 71 48.19 52.55 United States 54.4850.4748.1952.691:02.44
Pyraminx Final 12 1.77 2.54 United States 2.511.772.772.332.96
Second round 2 1.40 1.97 United States 1.403.932.181.562.16
First round 17 1.78 2.52 United States 2.422.391.783.902.76
Skewb Final 11 1.79 3.20 United States 4.522.812.271.79DNF
Second round 6 1.81 2.56 United States 2.781.815.101.992.90
First round 35 2.21 3.74 United States 4.395.084.442.402.21
Square-1 Second round 63 10.37 12.32 United States 10.3715.3210.5112.9413.50
First round 42 10.43 11.13 United States 10.6610.4312.5111.5011.23

Simone Cantarelli - Italy WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 324 9.89 10.55 Italy 10.509.8913.2610.9410.21
First round 352 9.41 10.29 Italy 10.4610.5112.209.899.41
2x2x2 Cube First round 537 4.37 6.01 Italy 6.417.754.375.256.38
4x4x4 Cube First round 242 37.35 39.73 Italy 40.8537.3539.9538.3842.33
5x5x5 Cube First round 294 1:15.88 1:23.27 Italy 1:34.031:15.881:20.991:22.221:26.60
6x6x6 Cube First round 202 2:25.38 2:35.58 Italy 2:32.502:25.382:48.85
7x7x7 Cube First round 170 3:40.08 3:52.53 Italy 3:40.083:51.984:05.52
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 408 21.59 27.15 Italy 31.9443.9421.9727.5421.59
Megaminx First round 294 1:39.53 Italy 1:54.271:39.53
Pyraminx First round 327 5.21 8.32 Italy 9.798.666.539.785.21
Skewb First round 314 5.48 9.33 Italy 8.0310.0411.399.915.48
Square-1 First round 245 31.61 Italy 39.2831.61

Sinpei Araki (荒木慎平) - Japan WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 710 12.29 13.99 Japan 12.2913.5613.8914.52DNF
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 260 15.98 20.19 Japan 15.9819.3824.3522.6318.56

Sirun Wu (吴思润) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 141 7.13 8.51 China 8.408.057.139.719.09
First round 154 6.97 8.57 China 8.369.826.979.457.90
2x2x2 Cube First round 247 3.46 3.95 China 4.533.534.703.463.78
4x4x4 Cube First round 163 32.95 36.06 China 34.1937.7132.9536.5537.45
5x5x5 Cube First round 229 1:10.17 1:15.51 China 1:24.471:15.001:14.511:10.171:17.02
Clock First round 107 8.10 9.10 China 10.07DNF8.888.368.10
Megaminx First round 183 1:05.26 1:09.50 China 1:05.261:19.691:05.591:09.991:12.91
Pyraminx First round 310 6.06 7.89 China 7.736.069.367.088.85
Square-1 First round 176 19.10 22.04 China 20.7723.9321.4119.1026.63

Siwon Kim - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 880 14.72 17.92 Republic of Korea 26.1619.0219.0715.6714.72
2x2x2 Cube First round 591 4.78 6.51 Republic of Korea 7.044.786.269.416.23

Siwoo Lee (이시우) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1010 24.51 25.11 Republic of Korea 25.0625.4425.1525.1124.51
2x2x2 Cube First round 572 5.49 6.30 Republic of Korea 6.596.155.497.706.15

Sky Guo (郭建欣) - Hong Kong, China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 378 7.89 11.98 Hong Kong, China 9.6813.0213.3113.257.89
First round 250 8.98 9.50 Hong Kong, China 9.6110.019.679.218.98
2x2x2 Cube Second round 25 1.44 1.76 Hong Kong, China 2.301.471.941.441.87
First round 54 1.27 2.23 Hong Kong, China 1.753.

Somya Srivastava - India WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1093 35.52 40.69 India 45.0335.5248.6538.2538.80
Clock First round 287 17.60 India 17.6217.60

Son Jeong-Sang - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 974 16.39 21.88 Republic of Korea 22.3819.3223.9416.3924.05
2x2x2 Cube First round 691 6.24 9.58 Republic of Korea 6.246.5511.84DNF10.35

Song Keon Woo (송건우) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1002 21.37 24.62 Republic of Korea 30.8822.8921.6121.3729.36

Sooho Lee (이수호) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 210 8.67 9.30 Republic of Korea 11.929.938.678.699.29
First round 226 6.36 9.28 Republic of Korea 7.5512.486.3613.827.82
2x2x2 Cube Second round 82 1.46 2.60 Republic of Korea 4.684.731.461.621.49
First round 125 2.06 3.06 Republic of Korea
4x4x4 Cube Second round 42 24.85 29.65 Republic of Korea 27.4232.2424.8535.9229.28
First round 78 26.05 31.23 Republic of Korea 31.3926.0535.1229.8232.48
5x5x5 Cube Second round 54 51.15 56.56 Republic of Korea 54.8456.261:00.7458.5751.15
First round 43 52.03 54.98 Republic of Korea 54.9252.0352.6957.341:02.34
6x6x6 Cube First round 45 1:33.88 1:41.80 Republic of Korea 1:33.881:34.461:57.05
7x7x7 Cube First round 54 2:31.47 2:42.03 Republic of Korea 2:52.922:41.692:31.47
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 165 15.58 17.28 Republic of Korea 15.98DNF19.4916.3615.58
Megaminx First round 90 53.79 56.18 Republic of Korea 53.7955.9757.931:00.9154.65

Sooho Shin (신수호) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 967 20.19 21.56 Republic of Korea 22.7321.0221.8321.8320.19
2x2x2 Cube First round 660 6.27 7.85 Republic of Korea

Sorgilsetsen Jargalsaikhan - Mongolia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 773 13.69 15.05 Mongolia 13.6917.3815.6114.7614.78
2x2x2 Cube First round 606 4.63 6.75 Mongolia 5.04DNF7.524.637.68
Pyraminx First round 390 8.08 9.89 Mongolia 11.5110.578.618.0810.48
Skewb First round 379 8.41 12.75 Mongolia DNF10.998.4111.0616.20

Sowon Lee - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1104 40.19 46.45 Republic of Korea 49.8440.1952.7847.1042.40
2x2x2 Cube First round 722 9.29 12.07 Republic of Korea 11.6311.9012.699.2917.96

Stanley Chapel - United States WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 81 6.95 7.71 United States 8.1710.637.526.957.44
First round 50 6.91 7.23 United States
2x2x2 Cube Second round 65 1.34 2.40 United States 3.202.531.341.464.83
First round 61 1.79 2.33 United States 2.341.792.462.282.37
4x4x4 Cube Second round 29 27.56 28.62 United States 28.7127.5628.5429.2928.61
First round 67 28.65 30.84 United States 29.3128.6534.1532.9030.31
5x5x5 Cube Second round 49 51.88 55.87 United States 56.0651.8855.4559.5856.11
First round 38 53.81 54.42 United States 53.8153.9754.8456.7454.45
6x6x6 Cube First round 56 1:41.54 1:45.21 United States 1:47.291:41.541:46.80
7x7x7 Cube First round 180 2:26.02 DNF United States 2:26.02DNFDNS
3x3x3 Blindfolded Final 5 15.72 DNF United States 15.7215.90DNF
Second round 3 15.92 18.79 United States 19.2515.9221.21
First round 5 16.13 DNF United States 16.13DNF17.70
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 59 31 35.00 United States 314331
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 97 13.64 15.09 United States 15.5619.3315.2814.4213.64
Clock Final 13 4.05 6.40 United States 4.058.574.699.545.93
First round 10 4.96 5.35 United States 5.555.187.035.324.96
Megaminx First round 43 44.98 48.60 United States 48.3344.9849.3049.1148.37
Pyraminx First round 529 DNF United States DNFDNF
Skewb Final 1 2.11 2.32 United States
Second round 10 2.23 2.70 United States 3.672.232.672.522.91
First round 8 1.70 2.68 United States 2.392.531.703.125.32
Square-1 Second round 31 7.97 9.40 United States 9.037.979.2714.049.89
First round 32 8.38 10.28 United States 9.3011.6410.128.3811.43
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 1 1:11.51 DNF United States 1:16.331:11.51DNF
5x5x5 Blindfolded Final 3 3:19.14 DNF United States DNF3:19.14DNF
3x3x3 Multi-Blind Final 6 43/51 59:30 United States 43/51 59:30DNF

Stecy Boucher - France WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1102 38.09 45.02 France 40.0238.0947.6347.4249.32
Pyraminx First round 485 13.17 14.77 France 18.5413.1714.5314.3815.39

Stefan Bolt - Switzerland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 703 12.14 13.90 Switzerland 12.3015.60DNF12.1413.80

Stephen Griggs - United States WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 296 9.21 10.23 United States 12.4210.579.219.9310.19
First round 350 9.60 10.28 United States 10.319.6610.8810.939.60
2x2x2 Cube First round 221 3.56 3.80 United States 4.053.623.743.564.82
4x4x4 Cube First round 207 32.37 37.72 United States 36.7238.0632.371:08.5738.38
5x5x5 Cube First round 123 1:02.35 1:04.97 United States 1:02.531:02.351:07.35DNF1:05.03
6x6x6 Cube First round 165 2:18.52 2:22.50 United States 2:29.232:19.742:18.52
7x7x7 Cube First round 175 3:53.90 3:59.65 United States 3:53.903:58.324:06.72
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 150 DNF DNF United States DNFDNFDNF
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 147 DNF DNF United States DNFDNSDNS
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 411 22.37 27.43 United States 22.3728.9028.1625.7028.43
Clock First round 77 7.20 8.24 United States 8.228.448.067.2010.31
Megaminx First round 109 55.73 59.26 United States 59.041:00.601:00.9555.7358.15
Pyraminx First round 238 5.67 6.63 United States 5.845.676.177.8911.51
Skewb First round 258 6.70 7.89 United States 11.558.237.338.126.70
Square-1 First round 182 17.08 22.50 United States 19.1217.0820.4627.9335.32

Subin Jang - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 761 13.92 14.85 Republic of Korea 14.8914.7915.6414.8813.92
2x2x2 Cube First round 511 3.77 5.82 Republic of Korea 18.583.775.356.885.23
4x4x4 Cube First round 503 46.97 56.60 Republic of Korea 52.4946.971:16.961:02.6754.64
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 350 22.25 23.87 Republic of Korea 34.7724.7724.2322.2522.62

Suhyeon Lee - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
4x4x4 Cube First round 360 44.13 45.72 Republic of Korea 44.1346.7549.4745.5344.89
5x5x5 Cube First round 304 1:18.11 1:24.51 Republic of Korea 1:40.511:31.201:22.301:20.041:18.11
6x6x6 Cube First round 259 2:15.07 DNF Republic of Korea 2:15.072:31.68DNF
Megaminx First round 252 1:20.11 1:25.47 Republic of Korea 1:27.601:20.111:25.221:29.801:23.60

Suhyun Byun (변수현) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 977 18.27 22.05 Republic of Korea 23.9918.2719.9523.9322.27
Pyraminx First round 409 6.35 10.38 Republic of Korea 9.2111.1810.7611.486.35

Sumanth Chandrupatla - United States WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 193 7.36 9.13 United States 7.368.929.459.0210.26
First round 139 7.82 8.32 United States 7.968.418.59DNF7.82
2x2x2 Cube Final 14 1.45 1.90 United States 1.581.451.722.622.39
Second round 8 1.22 1.52 United States DNF1.931.221.401.24
First round 78 1.67 2.63 United States 5.061.851.671.874.18
4x4x4 Cube First round 426 38.87 50.34 United States 49.4057.3344.291:15.1538.87
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 297 18.09 21.68 United States 18.0920.0225.9923.8121.22
Megaminx First round 275 1:30.06 United States 1:40.471:30.06
Pyraminx First round 192 4.86 5.79 United States 5.355.446.586.644.86
Skewb First round 166 3.45 6.07 United States 12.073.454.475.957.78
Square-1 First round 179 13.39 22.20 United States 21.5513.3925.3943.2219.66

Sumgyun Yi - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 969 17.08 21.64 Republic of Korea 26.4520.4538.3718.0117.08

Sung Hyun Park (박성현) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 606 10.72 12.65 Republic of Korea 15.6512.9312.0812.9410.72
4x4x4 Cube First round 477 48.58 53.63 Republic of Korea 1:00.7852.3152.3656.2148.58
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 313 18.89 22.34 Republic of Korea 19.1718.8920.7330.8327.11

Sung Min Kang (강성민) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
Pyraminx First round 321 6.32 8.22 Republic of Korea 6.4111.218.446.329.82

Sungho Hong (홍성호) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 592 8.14 12.48 Republic of Korea 11.3313.7212.398.1414.20
2x2x2 Cube First round 430 4.04 5.20 Republic of Korea 4.045.374.975.615.27
4x4x4 Cube First round 210 36.38 37.91 Republic of Korea 36.6438.0939.0136.3842.73
5x5x5 Cube First round 289 1:13.49 1:22.72 Republic of Korea 1:25.311:25.451:13.491:31.101:17.41
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 159 15.33 17.06 Republic of Korea 19.2015.3316.2020.7115.77
Pyraminx First round 293 5.92 7.64 Republic of Korea 9.549.516.425.926.99

Sunkyu Lee (이선규) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1069 26.26 31.94 Republic of Korea 32.5635.2030.7232.5526.26

Sunwoo Kang - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1019 23.87 26.04 Republic of Korea 26.0830.6725.4923.8726.56

Supakrit Sanghiran (ศุภกฤต สังข์หิรัญ) - Thailand WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 491 8.69 11.50 Thailand DNF10.578.6911.3812.56
Clock First round 25 3.97 NR 6.16 Thailand 5.043.977.146.31DNF

Suyoung Lee (이수영) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
Skewb First round 470 25.86 Republic of Korea DNF25.86

Szymon Brzana - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 281 9.35 10.07 Poland 9.7210.809.3512.879.68
First round 277 9.04 9.73 Poland 9.769.6512.419.049.79
2x2x2 Cube First round 250 2.48 3.98 Poland 4.373.743.832.48DNF
4x4x4 Cube First round 230 35.72 39.17 Poland 35.7242.1737.8637.4744.66
5x5x5 Cube First round 155 59.66 1:07.85 Poland 1:05.041:08.281:13.951:10.2259.66
6x6x6 Cube First round 155 2:08.57 2:18.46 Poland 2:15.652:08.572:31.16
7x7x7 Cube First round 190 4:04.72 Poland 4:04.72
Clock First round 121 8.22 9.51 Poland 8.229.52DNF9.479.55
Megaminx First round 51 48.43 49.76 Poland 54.5248.4651.0249.7948.43

Szymon Jaworski - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 537 8.85 11.93 Poland 15.8611.5914.138.8510.08
2x2x2 Cube First round 306 2.51 4.30 Poland 2.514.384.384.156.95
4x4x4 Cube First round 514 53.48 57.60 Poland 58.7354.3653.4859.721:10.06
5x5x5 Cube First round 406 1:28.13 1:41.69 Poland 1:28.131:40.561:37.951:57.071:46.55
6x6x6 Cube First round 248 2:47.41 3:00.56 Poland 2:47.412:55.403:18.88
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 393 20.93 26.00 Poland 36.7320.9323.8823.6430.48
Clock First round 100 6.17 8.93 Poland 12.76DNF7.786.256.17
Pyraminx First round 145 4.72 4.86 Poland 4.944.735.154.724.90
Skewb First round 247 5.17 7.66 Poland 8.3612.705.175.698.92

Sébastien Auroux - Germany WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 787 13.06 15.32 Germany 15.7413.0617.6315.4714.76
4x4x4 Cube First round 394 41.38 48.51 Germany 53.2141.3854.0547.5744.76
5x5x5 Cube First round 428 1:42.95 1:48.69 Germany 2:02.271:45.541:48.961:51.561:42.95
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 10 20 27.00 Germany 342720
Clock First round 106 8.68 9.09 Germany 9.418.748.689.949.12

Tae-Oh Kim (김태오) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 913 13.30 19.01 Republic of Korea 18.4922.4518.4120.1413.30
2x2x2 Cube First round 526 3.96 5.94 Republic of Korea
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 150 DNF DNF Republic of Korea DNFDNFDNF
Pyraminx First round 478 11.39 13.88 Republic of Korea 13.6611.3915.9917.3012.00
Skewb First round 472 DNF Republic of Korea DNFDNF

TaeYul Nam (남태율) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1016 23.11 25.84 Republic of Korea DNF25.1129.2223.1923.11
2x2x2 Cube First round 663 6.09 7.94 Republic of Korea 7.278.376.099.238.18
Pyraminx First round 479 10.04 13.93 Republic of Korea 16.6914.1910.0412.2015.39
Skewb First round 455 16.95 24.08 Republic of Korea 26.4116.9524.8821.9125.44

Taehyeon Park (박태현) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 896 14.99 18.42 Republic of Korea 14.9918.6915.4821.0832.08
2x2x2 Cube First round 520 3.89 5.89 Republic of Korea 3.897.117.904.815.75
4x4x4 Cube First round 574 1:04.13 1:10.70 Republic of Korea 1:04.131:08.641:10.011:13.451:17.91

Taehyung Kim - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 924 17.22 19.31 Republic of Korea 22.0022.2218.6917.2517.22
2x2x2 Cube First round 666 6.03 8.00 Republic of Korea 6.0310.359.766.307.94
Skewb First round 407 11.66 14.64 Republic of Korea 12.69DNF15.2811.6615.94

Taewoo Ha (하태우) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 561 9.17 12.21 Republic of Korea 12.5113.509.1715.4910.62
4x4x4 Cube First round 271 37.63 41.30 Republic of Korea 41.6639.7142.5346.6337.63
5x5x5 Cube First round 184 1:08.57 1:11.43 Republic of Korea 1:11.821:11.612:14.801:10.861:08.57
6x6x6 Cube First round 138 2:05.74 2:10.49 Republic of Korea 2:16.062:09.672:05.74
7x7x7 Cube First round 107 2:59.61 3:14.90 Republic of Korea 3:24.433:20.662:59.61

Taiga Takaoka (高岡汰虎) - Japan WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 247 8.35 9.63 Japan 12.789.198.3911.308.35
First round 251 8.73 9.51 Japan 8.739.158.8710.5010.71
5x5x5 Cube First round 228 1:08.90 1:15.42 Japan 1:20.381:11.231:08.901:14.641:24.80
6x6x6 Cube First round 188 2:14.81 2:28.92 Japan 2:46.772:25.172:14.81
7x7x7 Cube First round 169 3:46.13 3:51.27 Japan 3:54.563:53.123:46.13
Megaminx First round 106 57.98 58.95 Japan 58.261:00.0558.5357.981:07.29

Takafumi Sakakibara (榊原隆文) - Japan WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 107 1:12.67 DNF Japan DNFDNF1:12.67
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 48 DNF DNF Japan DNFDNFDNF
5x5x5 Blindfolded Final 30 DNF DNF Japan DNFDNFDNS
3x3x3 Multi-Blind Final 32 9/13 55:32 Japan 9/13 55:32

Takafumi Zhang (張隆郁) - Japan WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1001 21.95 24.23 Japan 40.5423.6221.9523.5425.54

Takahiro Aoki (青木尊弘) - Japan WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 336 8.98 10.65 Japan 10.3212.199.4413.448.98
First round 149 7.09 8.50 Japan 7.098.747.858.9210.58
Pyraminx Second round 25 2.19 2.73 Japan 2.192.972.793.262.44
First round 50 2.31 3.17 Japan 3.2015.532.313.113.21

Takao Hashimoto (橋本貴夫) - Japan WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
Square-1 First round 124 15.66 17.02 Japan 20.2617.2817.5716.2215.66

Takashi Takaoka (高岡孝) - Japan WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1013 22.50 25.48 Japan 30.5422.5025.6223.6027.21

Takayuki Tanaka (田中隆喜) - Japan WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 517 9.17 11.73 Japan 9.1711.4315.5311.4312.34
6x6x6 Cube First round 156 2:07.82 2:18.93 Japan 2:07.822:22.542:26.44
7x7x7 Cube First round 145 3:28.53 3:34.97 Japan 3:34.223:28.533:42.15
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 21 24 29.67 Japan 333224
Clock First round 216 11.27 13.48 Japan 14.9313.60DNF11.9111.27
Megaminx First round 140 58.75 1:03.61 Japan 1:03.351:03.481:04.011:07.6658.75
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 27 5:29.74 DNF Japan DNF5:29.74DNF

Taku Ishikawa - Japan WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
2x2x2 Cube First round 752 37.38 DNF Japan DNF37.38DNF40.5647.73

Taku Yanai (矢内拓) - Japan WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 487 10.11 11.47 Japan 10.1111.0812.7112.6410.69
4x4x4 Cube First round 305 37.56 42.43 Japan 42.0840.9037.5644.3044.32
5x5x5 Cube First round 302 1:19.93 1:24.30 Japan 1:29.811:21.331:41.841:21.771:19.93
6x6x6 Cube First round 265 3:01.96 Japan 3:01.96
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 150 DNF DNF Japan DNFDNFDNF
Clock First round 181 10.34 11.61 Japan 11.8211.5511.5010.3411.79
Megaminx First round 208 1:06.43 1:14.29 Japan 1:11.041:16.371:15.471:23.851:06.43
Square-1 First round 104 11.13 16.23 Japan 20.8515.0511.1317.4816.17
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 48 DNF DNF Japan DNFDNFDNF

Takuma Shirahase (白波瀬拓磨) - Japan WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 780 12.87 15.17 Japan 14.2214.2421.5317.0612.87
2x2x2 Cube First round 301 3.81 4.28 Japan 3.814.474.254.126.92
4x4x4 Cube First round 551 56.50 1:03.43 Japan DNF58.6858.0956.501:13.51
5x5x5 Cube First round 420 1:37.43 1:46.63 Japan 1:44.781:43.191:37.431:52.381:51.93
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 82 56.39 DNF Japan 1:03.1456.39DNF
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 454 26.61 32.79 Japan 32.2926.6133.7132.9633.13
Clock First round 144 9.85 10.40 Japan 10.6912.179.8510.1510.37
Pyraminx First round 275 6.41 7.10 Japan 8.076.418.646.696.54
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 44 8:45.97 DNF Japan 8:45.97DNFDNS
5x5x5 Blindfolded Final 28 25:43.00 DNF Japan 25:43.00DNSDNS

Takumi Kondo (近藤匠) - Japan WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 753 13.98 14.69 Japan 20.5014.1513.9814.8915.02

Takumi Tamura (田村匠) - Japan WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 91 22 DNF Japan 27DNF22

Tam Quan - Australia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 437 9.13 11.03 Australia 12.159.8511.0812.849.13
2x2x2 Cube First round 307 3.11 4.30 Australia
4x4x4 Cube First round 373 43.44 46.66 Australia 57.8746.7143.4445.0448.22
5x5x5 Cube First round 354 1:26.25 1:31.22 Australia 1:28.031:26.251:33.401:32.241:35.15
3x3x3 Blindfolded Final 10 18.26 DNF Australia DNF18.26DNF
Second round 16 22.32 DNF Australia DNFDNF22.32
First round 57 40.45 DNF Australia DNFDNF40.45
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 38 29 31.33 Australia 353029
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 206 17.26 18.50 Australia 18.5317.2619.0317.9324.97
Megaminx First round 86 49.63 55.84 Australia 57.3359.7156.0549.6354.15
Square-1 First round 172 17.60 21.68 Australia 17.9921.0925.9530.9017.60
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 48 DNF DNF Australia DNFDNFDNF
3x3x3 Multi-Blind Final 12 25/27 57:18 Australia 25/27 57:1825/29 58:57

Tam Wing Him (譚永謙) - Hong Kong, China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 839 14.68 16.65 Hong Kong, China 14.6816.7615.4217.7619.10
2x2x2 Cube First round 534 5.07 5.98 Hong Kong, China 5.606.266.097.375.07
4x4x4 Cube First round 557 1:00.41 1:05.09 Hong Kong, China 1:09.891:01.151:04.241:00.411:12.84
Pyraminx First round 440 8.33 11.57 Hong Kong, China 8.3314.8410.7310.1613.83
Skewb First round 275 6.82 8.28 Hong Kong, China 9.399.976.828.496.95

Tan Jun (陈俊) - Malaysia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 412 9.67 10.83 Malaysia 9.6710.9912.0910.8510.65
2x2x2 Cube First round 359 2.84 4.60 Malaysia 5.044.952.843.815.44
4x4x4 Cube First round 214 34.66 38.29 Malaysia 44.8334.6636.5138.9739.39
5x5x5 Cube First round 161 1:01.78 1:08.64 Malaysia 1:01.781:09.221:05.981:19.611:10.73
6x6x6 Cube First round 110 2:01.36 2:03.86 Malaysia 2:06.692:01.362:03.54
7x7x7 Cube First round 113 3:10.41 3:18.53 Malaysia 3:28.203:10.413:16.98
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 135 36 DNF Malaysia 41DNF36
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 354 20.73 23.99 Malaysia 20.7321.2324.2826.4543.93
Clock First round 68 6.19 8.02 Malaysia 6.196.9710.266.84DNF
Megaminx First round 138 1:01.09 1:03.31 Malaysia 1:01.091:03.571:08.921:03.601:02.75
Pyraminx First round 96 3.47 4.03 Malaysia 6.303.474.853.483.76
Skewb First round 145 4.94 5.86 Malaysia 6.585.2413.064.945.77
Square-1 First round 145 17.06 19.02 Malaysia 24.3617.0619.9519.3017.81

Tanai Chaikraveephand (ธนัย ชัยกระวีพันธ์) - Thailand WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 697 9.09 13.74 Thailand 15.0915.7412.6313.509.09
2x2x2 Cube First round 557 4.77 6.23 Thailand 7.585.337.154.776.21
4x4x4 Cube First round 539 54.07 1:01.64 Thailand 1:01.001:04.761:07.1354.0759.16
5x5x5 Cube First round 453 2:07.64 2:08.87 Thailand 2:10.502:07.842:08.282:21.582:07.64
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 87 1:00.18 DNF Thailand DNFDNF1:00.18
Megaminx First round 166 57.14 1:08.02 Thailand 1:11.0557.141:10.831:02.191:18.01
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 48 DNF DNF Thailand DNFDNFDNF
5x5x5 Blindfolded Final 30 DNF DNF Thailand DNFDNFDNS

Tang-Kai Huang (黃堂愷) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 403 9.08 10.80 Chinese Taipei 9.0811.5511.169.6912.92
4x4x4 Cube First round 258 35.64 40.61 Chinese Taipei 46.8840.7539.7541.3235.64
5x5x5 Cube First round 209 1:09.29 1:12.90 Chinese Taipei 1:09.291:21.831:14.131:10.141:14.42
6x6x6 Cube First round 121 2:01.02 2:06.41 Chinese Taipei 2:01.482:16.742:01.02
7x7x7 Cube First round 137 3:23.12 3:30.81 Chinese Taipei 3:42.313:23.123:27.01
Square-1 Second round 24 7.23 8.80 Chinese Taipei
First round 24 9.07 9.27 Chinese Taipei 9.3810.849.079.259.19

Tanish Dhiman - Germany WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 100 7.39 8.03 Germany 7.518.038.547.3910.07
First round 123 5.12 8.14 Germany 7.4511.278.515.128.47
2x2x2 Cube Second round 49 1.31 2.17 Germany 2.532.521.311.752.24
First round 59 1.24 2.29 Germany
4x4x4 Cube First round 125 30.62 33.80 Germany 34.4737.2932.2134.7230.62
5x5x5 Cube First round 264 1:08.85 1:19.26 Germany 1:23.081:08.851:15.061:24.981:19.63
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 282 18.92 21.27 Germany 20.0620.2923.4518.92DNF

Tatyana Yaquinto (Татьяна Якинто) - Russia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
Pyraminx First round 503 10.22 16.17 Russia 14.9610.2214.87DNF18.67

Temuulen Munkhtushig - Mongolia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 406 8.78 10.81 Mongolia 13.528.7810.8711.619.94
2x2x2 Cube First round 368 3.92 4.70 Mongolia 3.924.384.395.336.55
Pyraminx First round 448 8.22 11.75 Mongolia

Teruki Tamura (田村旭輝) - Japan WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 551 11.03 12.09 Japan 12.9012.3211.6512.3111.03
4x4x4 Cube First round 256 34.12 40.56 Japan 44.0937.2441.7542.6934.12
5x5x5 Cube First round 210 1:08.50 1:12.94 Japan 1:12.541:08.501:16.761:09.521:19.70
7x7x7 Cube First round 146 3:18.22 3:35.04 Japan 3:36.323:18.223:50.59
Megaminx First round 152 57.52 1:05.66 Japan 1:08.1257.521:04.911:22.901:03.95

Thada Phuenghua (ธาดา พึ่งฮั้ว) - Thailand WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 191 6.28 9.10 Thailand 11.766.288.288.7110.30
First round 192 6.35 8.93 Thailand 6.359.099.369.068.64
2x2x2 Cube Second round 104 1.60 2.96 Thailand 5.331.964.072.861.60
First round 178 2.55 3.56 Thailand 3.482.553.533.674.16
4x4x4 Cube First round 96 26.86 32.41 Thailand 26.8635.1838.8832.5229.54
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 103 13.26 15.35 Thailand 14.8616.5713.2614.6118.20
Clock First round 274 15.34 Thailand 15.34DNF
Megaminx First round 116 47.93 59.85 Thailand 1:00.401:14.8847.931:01.7757.38
Skewb Second round 64 2.44 5.11 Thailand
First round 79 3.72 4.83 Thailand

Theo Lee - United States WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 717 12.39 14.08 United States 13.8612.3913.9014.4925.89
2x2x2 Cube First round 610 4.20 6.83 United States
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 336 19.63 23.15 United States 51.4719.6324.6921.0623.69
Pyraminx First round 243 6.24 6.69 United States 6.746.246.776.816.57

Theo Mayer - Switzerland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 387 8.86 14.08 Switzerland 14.2419.5813.6114.408.86
First round 349 9.04 10.28 Switzerland 9.0410.3912.3510.709.74
2x2x2 Cube First round 349 3.44 4.54 Switzerland 5.073.444.756.953.79
4x4x4 Cube First round 265 39.01 40.88 Switzerland 40.9941.6739.0139.9742.54
5x5x5 Cube First round 320 1:14.32 1:26.57 Switzerland 1:35.961:32.051:14.321:26.071:21.60
6x6x6 Cube First round 223 2:40.63 2:42.56 Switzerland 2:46.382:40.682:40.63
7x7x7 Cube First round 124 3:15.36 3:24.45 Switzerland 3:15.363:22.463:35.52
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 150 DNF DNF Switzerland DNFDNFDNS
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 296 20.07 21.62 Switzerland 23.0722.3420.0721.8620.67
Clock First round 218 11.96 13.72 Switzerland 13.1015.4421.1011.9612.63
Megaminx First round 226 1:14.66 1:19.31 Switzerland 1:25.081:18.131:24.741:14.661:15.07
Pyraminx First round 247 4.99 6.73 Switzerland 6.717.296.194.997.28
Skewb First round 228 3.82 7.30 Switzerland 5.609.013.827.2910.05
Square-1 First round 211 22.32 27.87 Switzerland 22.3222.5730.4932.5530.55

Theodore Chan - Singapore WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 464 10.24 11.26 Singapore 10.5712.6511.1712.0310.24
4x4x4 Cube First round 453 50.75 52.05 Singapore 52.4450.7552.8450.8857.11
3x3x3 Blindfolded Second round 20 24.48 DNF Singapore DNF24.4825.52
First round 25 22.61 DNF Singapore 22.61DNFDNF
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 100 26 DNF Singapore 39DNS26
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 198 16.74 18.16 Singapore 19.5816.8219.2016.7418.47
Clock First round 56 5.66 7.50 Singapore 7.175.668.007.33DNF
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 48 DNF DNF Singapore DNFDNFDNF
5x5x5 Blindfolded Final 30 DNF DNF Singapore DNFDNFDNF
3x3x3 Multi-Blind Final 37 14/25 1:00:00 Singapore 14/25 1:00:00

Thomas Pierroz - Switzerland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 598 9.15 12.58 Switzerland 12.6818.079.1512.1112.96
2x2x2 Cube First round 611 2.95 6.85 Switzerland 4.502.95DNF3.1112.95
4x4x4 Cube First round 473 41.93 53.43 Switzerland 58.6454.0852.1154.0941.93
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 332 17.63 22.88 Switzerland 25.3317.6322.8920.4126.87
Pyraminx First round 402 8.68 10.19 Switzerland 10.139.918.6816.0110.52
Square-1 First round 220 23.53 29.18 Switzerland 29.5827.0942.3630.8723.53

Thomas Sonnenberg Jarner - Denmark WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 234 8.83 9.49 Denmark 9.5015.039.218.839.75
First round 379 8.65 10.53 Denmark 10.7310.1310.7411.588.65
2x2x2 Cube Second round 162 3.40 3.83 Denmark 3.724.253.403.534.74
First round 148 2.37 3.31 Denmark 3.459.783.373.102.37
4x4x4 Cube First round 263 36.46 40.81 Denmark 41.6940.0458.1836.4640.70
5x5x5 Cube First round 350 1:27.59 1:30.81 Denmark 1:30.621:27.591:28.571:40.461:33.24
6x6x6 Cube First round 207 2:32.09 2:36.78 Denmark 2:32.092:41.512:36.73
7x7x7 Cube First round 239 4:50.36 Denmark 4:50.36
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 150 DNF DNF Denmark DNFDNFDNF
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 108 28 DNF Denmark DNF3328
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 209 15.46 18.61 Denmark 15.4622.4416.9416.4423.80
Clock First round 172 9.53 11.44 Denmark 9.5310.9910.81DNF12.53
Megaminx First round 188 1:02.25 1:10.48 Denmark 1:04.921:10.961:02.251:15.551:20.10
Pyraminx First round 230 5.70 6.49 Denmark 5.757.116.625.707.18
Skewb First round 196 4.66 6.61 Denmark 4.666.0810.298.964.78
Square-1 First round 89 12.09 14.82 Denmark 14.1912.0915.7421.5614.54

Thompson Clarke - Canada WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 167 8.27 8.84 Canada 8.278.759.928.749.03
First round 170 7.75 8.75 Canada 8.847.758.839.918.57
2x2x2 Cube Second round 119 2.06 3.14 Canada 3.794.102.063.362.28
First round 134 2.73 3.15 Canada 3.623.162.733.542.74
4x4x4 Cube First round 206 34.52 37.65 Canada 37.7741.4737.5737.6134.52
5x5x5 Cube First round 215 1:09.79 1:13.87 Canada 1:14.671:12.561:30.691:09.791:14.38
6x6x6 Cube First round 254 2:51.03 3:06.60 Canada 2:51.033:09.653:19.13
7x7x7 Cube First round 208 4:19.00 Canada 4:19.00
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 150 DNF DNF Canada DNFDNFDNF
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 109 29 DNF Canada DNF3329
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 163 14.88 17.22 Canada 18.3615.6917.8614.8818.11
Clock First round 171 9.43 11.43 Canada 9.439.6013.6413.6311.07
Megaminx First round 191 1:06.57 1:11.43 Canada 1:14.301:10.181:06.571:09.821:15.92

Tianyu Zhao (赵天愉) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 493 10.14 11.52 China 11.5511.8710.1411.4411.56
2x2x2 Cube First round 455 4.11 5.44 China
3x3x3 Blindfolded Second round 44 37.86 DNF China 38.42DNF37.86
First round 45 31.68 DNF China DNF31.68DNF
3x3x3 Multi-Blind Final 30 5/5 10:34 China 5/5 10:34

Tianze Dong (董天泽) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 921 15.41 19.16 China 18.8321.6621.2015.4117.44
2x2x2 Cube First round 613 5.58 6.88 China 6.576.188.895.587.89
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 418 25.73 28.24 China 30.9333.2925.7328.0025.78
Square-1 First round 163 15.87 21.00 China 19.5923.0223.4620.4015.87

Tijmen van der Ree - Netherlands WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 469 8.25 11.32 Netherlands 12.058.2512.67DNF9.24
2x2x2 Cube Second round 137 2.60 3.40 Netherlands 4.472.603.623.253.33
First round 151 1.66 3.33 Netherlands 1.662.873.793.323.99
4x4x4 Cube First round 162 31.52 35.98 Netherlands 35.2136.8335.9137.6731.52
5x5x5 Cube First round 187 1:06.93 1:11.61 Netherlands 1:14.351:11.801:12.671:06.931:10.35
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 108 12.21 15.56 Netherlands 12.2116.6316.3516.5613.77
Skewb First round 158 5.23 5.98 Netherlands 6.396.158.415.235.40
Square-1 Second round 36 6.69 9.73 Netherlands 6.696.8211.6311.8510.73
First round 20 6.23 8.80 Netherlands 6.238.468.0511.289.88

Tim Reynolds - United States WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 690 12.07 13.67 United States 12.7712.8715.3817.3012.07
2x2x2 Cube First round 299 2.79 4.27 United States 4.644.682.794.793.50
4x4x4 Cube First round 494 46.17 55.89 United States 59.2359.6550.2846.1758.16
5x5x5 Cube First round 314 1:19.39 1:25.94 United States 1:22.921:22.911:31.981:38.661:19.39
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 120 1:33.54 DNF United States DNFDNF1:33.54
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 16 24 28.33 United States 303124
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 409 25.27 27.40 United States 26.3730.3227.6528.1725.27
Clock First round 150 9.97 10.67 United States 10.8210.6213.3910.579.97
Pyraminx First round 288 5.37 7.45 United States 7.378.045.376.9515.26
Skewb First round 221 4.93 7.17 United States 4.937.177.2410.167.10
Square-1 First round 246 31.75 United States 39.1231.75

Timo Norrkniivilä - Finland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 439 10.59 11.04 Finland 10.5910.6814.2711.0111.43
2x2x2 Cube First round 395 2.69 4.95 Finland 4.643.282.698.146.92
4x4x4 Cube First round 430 44.24 50.59 Finland 44.2455.6147.7954.2649.71
5x5x5 Cube First round 404 1:36.96 1:41.39 Finland 1:39.111:48.091:36.971:36.961:53.68
3x3x3 Blindfolded Second round 33 28.60 30.86 Finland 34.4628.6029.53
First round 72 48.40 DNF Finland 48.40DNFDNF
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 22 28 29.67 Finland 293228
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 394 22.30 26.13 Finland 22.3030.0422.8725.4735.42
Clock First round 251 6.39 DNF Finland 6.39DNF8.01DNFDNF
Pyraminx First round 98 3.39 4.05 Finland 3.393.954.684.044.17
Square-1 First round 119 14.37 16.77 Finland 18.7425.4717.1714.3714.41
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 48 DNF DNF Finland DNFDNFDNF
5x5x5 Blindfolded Final 30 DNF DNF Finland DNFDNFDNF
3x3x3 Multi-Blind Final 38 15/27 1:00:00 Finland 15/27 1:00:00

Timothy Castle - United States WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 213 7.20 9.31 United States 9.4910.537.907.2010.88
First round 184 7.55 8.86 United States 7.5510.078.269.788.53
2x2x2 Cube Second round 81 1.13 2.60 United States 3.692.613.192.011.13
First round 88 1.58 2.80 United States 3.811.991.582.603.98
4x4x4 Cube First round 119 29.65 33.29 United States 34.3533.6331.9037.9729.65
5x5x5 Cube First round 87 51.40 59.77 United States 1:10.5851.401:04.6059.1055.61
6x6x6 Cube First round 84 1:37.94 1:52.93 United States 1:56.361:37.942:04.50
7x7x7 Cube First round 44 2:35.56 2:39.03 United States 2:35.562:43.102:38.44
3x3x3 Blindfolded Final 14 32.10 DNF United States DNFDNF32.10
Second round 12 21.97 DNF United States DNF23.2521.97
First round 19 20.96 DNF United States DNF20.9622.26
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 123 32 DNF United States 35DNF32
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 128 12.96 16.15 United States 12.9615.7313.9018.8119.07
Clock First round 39 6.44 6.92 United States 10.987.526.526.726.44
Megaminx First round 108 55.14 59.21 United States 57.961:01.1655.1458.51DNF
Pyraminx First round 105 3.84 4.21 United States 4.143.844.316.964.19
Skewb First round 114 3.69 5.40 United States 4.973.873.697.827.36
Square-1 Final 12 5.95 8.43 United States 10.636.795.958.2910.22
Second round 13 7.03 7.92 United States 8.147.327.038.319.95
First round 16 6.22 8.11 United States 11.846.226.2410.018.09
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 48 DNF DNF United States DNFDNFDNF
5x5x5 Blindfolded Final 30 DNF DNF United States DNFDNFDNF

Timothy Huynh - United States WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 244 9.15 9.59 United States 9.829.279.699.1513.32
First round 330 9.08 10.11 United States 12.749.0810.469.2510.61
2x2x2 Cube First round 202 3.29 3.71 United States 5.473.314.473.293.34
4x4x4 Cube First round 413 47.24 49.51 United States 50.3749.1449.0147.241:21.37
5x5x5 Cube First round 452 1:54.08 2:01.77 United States 1:54.082:00.952:10.631:59.852:04.50
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 110 1:18.75 DNF United States 1:25.53DNF1:18.75
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 375 22.14 25.38 United States 24.2828.2527.7422.1424.13
Clock First round 250 6.36 DNF United States DNF7.466.367.45DNF
Pyraminx First round 332 6.07 8.41 United States 10.447.276.0712.447.52
Skewb First round 364 5.83 11.68 United States 10.5114.2110.335.8316.10

Timothy Kong Wing Sum (江永琛) - Hong Kong, China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 226 8.26 9.47 Hong Kong, China 8.7010.2611.729.468.26
First round 220 8.66 9.25 Hong Kong, China 9.1610.499.518.669.09
2x2x2 Cube Second round 98 2.45 2.92 Hong Kong, China 2.783.922.453.132.85
First round 113 2.31 2.95 Hong Kong, China 3.213.762.312.712.93
4x4x4 Cube First round 132 31.39 33.98 Hong Kong, China 33.8631.3934.2133.8836.26
5x5x5 Cube First round 147 1:00.14 1:07.09 Hong Kong, China 1:08.671:11.201:00.14DNF1:01.39
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 97 1:05.79 DNF Hong Kong, China DNFDNF1:05.79
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 123 13.84 15.91 Hong Kong, China 15.1316.1716.4417.7613.84
Clock First round 120 7.75 9.51 Hong Kong, China 11.077.967.7515.409.49
Megaminx First round 53 47.66 50.39 Hong Kong, China 47.6656.0348.7251.0951.36
Pyraminx Second round 43 2.74 3.48 Hong Kong, China 2.743.772.863.828.00
First round 70 2.49 3.61 Hong Kong, China 6.352.582.812.495.43
Skewb First round 130 4.58 5.64 Hong Kong, China 6.614.585.975.165.79
Square-1 Second round 29 7.39 9.16 Hong Kong, China 15.887.399.558.239.71
First round 23 8.43 9.23 Hong Kong, China 10.598.438.558.6510.48

Timothy Lawrance - South Africa WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 934 17.53 19.78 South Africa 17.5320.4818.3620.5123.82
2x2x2 Cube First round 564 4.67 6.26 South Africa 4.67DNF6.565.686.54
4x4x4 Cube First round 593 1:04.64 1:27.43 South Africa 1:20.961:09.571:51.751:55.231:04.64
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 130 1:54.11 DNF South Africa DNFDNF1:54.11
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 41 31 31.67 South Africa 323132
Clock First round 232 12.75 14.77 South Africa 18.3814.1314.6915.4912.75
Pyraminx First round 280 5.83 7.23 South Africa 9.076.517.635.837.55
Skewb First round 313 7.68 9.31 South Africa DNF8.319.607.6810.02
Square-1 First round 202 19.19 25.84 South Africa 37.4924.8119.1925.9926.73
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 33 6:43.90 DNF South Africa 6:43.90DNFDNF
5x5x5 Blindfolded Final 30 DNF DNF South Africa DNFDNFDNS

Tina Xiangyan Jin (金香延) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 488 10.79 11.47 China 15.3112.1211.4610.7910.84
4x4x4 Cube First round 448 48.88 51.65 China 51.0452.0151.9048.8853.25
5x5x5 Cube First round 417 1:30.10 1:46.04 China 1:46.972:00.121:31.031:30.102:22.20
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 309 20.56 22.21 China 22.5321.9223.0320.5622.19
Megaminx First round 267 1:19.33 1:32.65 China 1:28.271:35.671:36.631:19.331:34.01
Square-1 Second round 52 9.23 10.91 China 10.8512.109.2316.729.77
First round 78 8.84 13.83 China 13.6917.2215.7712.048.84

Tobias Peter - Switzerland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 309 9.61 10.37 Switzerland 10.27DNF9.8710.969.61
First round 216 7.85 9.23 Switzerland 10.807.858.008.8912.33
2x2x2 Cube First round 243 2.56 3.92 Switzerland 4.803.712.564.633.42
4x4x4 Cube First round 228 29.42 39.05 Switzerland 35.1448.4429.4242.5339.48
6x6x6 Cube First round 144 1:58.92 2:14.20 Switzerland 2:24.412:19.281:58.92
7x7x7 Cube First round 129 3:08.53 3:27.02 Switzerland 3:08.533:19.933:52.59
3x3x3 Blindfolded Second round 63 58.35 1:10.55 Switzerland 1:19.8658.351:13.44
First round 70 47.47 DNF Switzerland 1:14.31DNF47.47
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 61 32 35.33 Switzerland 393532
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 132 15.34 16.26 Switzerland 16.2519.4816.3016.2415.34
Clock First round 141 8.43 10.25 Switzerland 11.169.4010.20DNF8.43
Megaminx First round 111 57.33 59.42 Switzerland 1:05.181:00.3857.4957.331:00.38
Skewb First round 250 5.38 7.75 Switzerland 5.387.198.317.75DNF
Square-1 First round 187 17.03 23.14 Switzerland 21.5517.0330.4024.9622.91
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 48 DNF DNF Switzerland DNFDNFDNF
3x3x3 Multi-Blind Final 28 7/8 44:21 Switzerland 7/8 44:21

Toby Litiatco - Philippines WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 95 6.12 7.97 Philippines 8.639.018.476.826.12
First round 10 5.33 6.10 Philippines 5.726.615.335.978.22
2x2x2 Cube Second round 74 1.76 2.50 Philippines 3.753.141.761.862.51
First round 87 2.35 2.79 Philippines 3.063.912.352.952.36
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 117 13.79 15.69 Philippines 14.4318.8013.7913.8521.65

Tom Noble - Australia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 674 12.80 13.49 Australia 30.3412.8414.6612.8012.98
2x2x2 Cube First round 343 3.86 4.52 Australia 4.193.869.893.905.47
4x4x4 Cube First round 480 45.54 53.97 Australia 52.4153.7955.7045.541:06.72
5x5x5 Cube First round 392 1:31.91 1:37.60 Australia 1:38.651:40.761:33.391:42.321:31.91
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 451 22.82 32.07 Australia 35.6231.1145.3629.4922.82
Pyraminx First round 346 7.19 8.75 Australia
Skewb First round 210 4.77 6.99 Australia 10.636.486.647.864.77

Tommy Cherry - United States WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 112 7.67 8.13 United States 7.677.797.739.138.88
First round 40 5.34 7.01 United States 6.588.227.417.035.34
2x2x2 Cube Final 12 1.15 1.68 United States
Second round 9 1.45 1.57 United States 2.181.511.451.641.57
First round 67 1.41 2.38 United States 1.891.414.033.601.66
4x4x4 Cube Second round 49 24.66 30.68 United States 37.4926.2224.6632.7433.09
First round 50 28.01 29.66 United States 29.3428.2631.5028.0131.38
5x5x5 Cube First round 70 56.01 57.89 United States 56.6656.8756.011:02.271:00.15
6x6x6 Cube First round 77 1:49.61 1:51.56 United States 1:51.191:49.611:53.87
7x7x7 Cube First round 65 2:39.08 2:46.64 United States 2:39.082:43.812:57.04
3x3x3 Blindfolded Final 1 13.98 14.15 WR United States 14.0713.9814.39
Second round 1 14.93 DNF United States 14.9315.13DNF
First round 6 16.25 DNF United States 16.25DNFDNF
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 98 12.22 15.11 United States 14.6120.0914.8815.8512.22
Clock Final 1 2.97 3.75 United States 2.973.695.273.853.71
First round 2 3.53 4.31 United States 5.22DNF3.853.533.85
Megaminx First round 57 46.23 50.78 United States 57.4446.2351.4749.2551.63
Pyraminx Second round 61 2.26 3.95 United States
First round 35 2.35 2.89 United States 2.354.602.913.032.74
Skewb Second round 49 3.31 4.35 United States 4.963.443.315.654.65
First round 27 3.21 3.59 United States
Square-1 Second round 37 6.45 9.84 United States 8.616.4511.379.53DNF
First round 26 7.35 9.42 United States 9.438.657.3510.19DNF
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 2 1:20.34 DNF United States DNF1:20.341:23.05
5x5x5 Blindfolded Final 30 DNF DNF United States DNFDNFDNF
3x3x3 Multi-Blind Final 44 DNF United States DNF

Tomohiro Kobayashi (小林知広) - Japan WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 297 9.40 10.24 Japan 9.8111.179.7512.629.40
First round 298 7.47 9.87 Japan 10.039.4610.657.4710.13
2x2x2 Cube Second round 143 1.97 3.50 Japan 3.344.692.554.621.97
First round 62 1.86 2.33 Japan 2.122.391.862.496.01
4x4x4 Cube First round 127 27.87 33.88 Japan 32.5335.3036.6133.8127.87
5x5x5 Cube First round 100 57.00 1:01.30 Japan 59.281:01.201:06.581:03.4257.00
6x6x6 Cube First round 44 1:40.74 1:41.76 NR Japan 1:42.711:40.741:41.84
7x7x7 Cube First round 40 2:36.36 2:37.70 Japan 2:39.802:36.362:36.93
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 150 DNF DNF Japan DNFDNFDNF
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 97 25 DNF Japan 25DNF25
Megaminx First round 52 48.81 49.97 Japan 56.4449.0250.2850.6148.81
Pyraminx First round 264 5.22 6.95 Japan 5.2214.495.517.787.56
Skewb First round 249 2.89 7.73 Japan 5.682.898.94DNF8.57

Tomoyuki Hiraide (平出智之) - Japan WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 678 10.40 13.55 Japan 14.0419.9510.4013.6312.97
4x4x4 Cube First round 399 45.94 48.72 Japan 1:07.5048.1949.7448.2445.94
3x3x3 Blindfolded Second round 70 DNF DNF Japan DNFDNFDNF
First round 51 35.60 DNF Japan DNF49.4635.60
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 109 29 DNF Japan DNFDNF29
Square-1 First round 222 22.72 29.93 Japan 27.9938.8022.9953.8722.72
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 26 5:07.90 DNF Japan DNFDNF5:07.90
5x5x5 Blindfolded Final 30 DNF DNF Japan DNFDNFDNS

Toru Morooka (諸岡徹) - Japan WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 558 9.80 12.18 Japan 14.5911.549.8012.1812.81
4x4x4 Cube First round 283 38.49 41.71 Japan 41.4243.7644.5639.9538.49
5x5x5 Cube First round 329 1:09.24 1:27.72 Japan 1:09.241:31.441:27.861:23.87DNF
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 147 DNF DNF Japan DNSDNFDNF

Tristan Chua Yong - Singapore WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 151 6.72 8.57 Singapore 8.598.236.728.89DNF
First round 88 7.08 7.80 Singapore 8.157.687.087.56DNF
2x2x2 Cube First round 281 3.29 4.16 Singapore 4.265.413.344.873.29
4x4x4 Cube Second round 71 26.73 33.16 Singapore 31.6836.5531.2538.6126.73
First round 42 26.19 29.17 Singapore 28.0930.0326.1929.39DNF
5x5x5 Cube Second round 66 53.21 58.72 Singapore 1:03.7553.2156.4157.991:01.75
First round 40 51.79 54.70 Singapore 51.7954.8157.2756.7052.60
6x6x6 Cube First round 25 1:31.09 1:36.22 Singapore 1:31.091:35.641:41.92
7x7x7 Cube First round 79 2:40.93 2:52.47 Singapore 2:50.143:06.352:40.93
Megaminx Final 1 28.11 29.25 Singapore 34.1429.5828.1128.1130.05
First round 5 27.56 32.09 Singapore DNF27.5634.5129.8731.89
Pyraminx First round 135 3.22 4.73 Singapore 5.823.445.063.225.70
Skewb First round 102 4.66 5.22 Singapore

Tristan O'Brien - Germany WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 768 10.40 15.00 Germany 15.1310.4015.5914.9214.94

Tsang Hon Pong (曾漢邦) - Hong Kong, China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 352 8.78 11.02 Hong Kong, China 8.7812.6410.0610.3613.21
First round 347 9.44 10.26 Hong Kong, China 16.489.449.9011.039.84
2x2x2 Cube First round 304 3.77 4.29 Hong Kong, China 3.854.533.774.485.14
4x4x4 Cube First round 279 39.41 41.61 Hong Kong, China 40.9939.4149.7439.7244.13
5x5x5 Cube First round 341 1:18.48 1:29.73 Hong Kong, China 1:27.521:31.751:44.801:29.911:18.48
6x6x6 Cube First round 281 3:12.43 Hong Kong, China 3:12.43
7x7x7 Cube First round 250 DNF Hong Kong, China DNF
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 150 DNF DNF Hong Kong, China DNFDNFDNF
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 71 34 37.33 Hong Kong, China 343840
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 270 14.98 20.65 Hong Kong, China 20.7721.6819.4921.7414.98
Clock First round 147 8.79 10.50 Hong Kong, China 8.7911.0811.9410.3610.07
Megaminx First round 192 1:01.65 1:12.12 Hong Kong, China 1:13.081:15.071:10.431:01.651:12.84
Pyraminx First round 463 8.83 12.63 Hong Kong, China 9.6617.2713.4414.808.83
Skewb First round 279 4.63 8.40 Hong Kong, China 4.6310.146.6413.428.43

Tsetsen Bilguun (Билгүүн Цэцэн) - Mongolia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1007 20.80 24.95 Mongolia 20.8029.9221.7824.7928.28
2x2x2 Cube First round 736 6.40 16.78 Mongolia 19.1317.7213.646.4018.98
Pyraminx First round 313 5.35 8.09 Mongolia 8.095.3511.066.889.30

Tsong Jian Feng - Malaysia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 713 12.47 14.04 Malaysia 15.0412.4713.8420.3713.24
4x4x4 Cube First round 548 53.21 1:02.77 Malaysia 1:46.6153.2158.801:01.101:08.41
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 125 1:37.36 DNF Malaysia DNFDNF1:37.36

Twan Dullemond - Netherlands WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 20 5.60 6.73 Netherlands 5.905.607.596.817.47
Second round 7 5.14 5.95 Netherlands
First round 56 5.79 7.33 Netherlands 7.577.765.796.677.79
4x4x4 Cube Final 15 25.47 27.97 Netherlands 26.8925.4729.2228.6128.42
Second round 4 22.81 25.14 NR Netherlands 23.2427.2428.7024.9422.81
First round 18 26.77 27.26 Netherlands 26.9426.7726.9227.9231.09
5x5x5 Cube Second round 21 48.15 51.92 Netherlands 56.3948.1550.7857.9548.60
First round 30 46.20 52.35 Netherlands 51.7451.8053.5259.8346.20
6x6x6 Cube First round 21 1:27.13 1:34.79 NR Netherlands 1:31.811:27.131:45.44
7x7x7 Cube First round 37 2:32.36 2:36.17 Netherlands 2:38.422:37.732:32.36
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 40 29 31.67 Netherlands 363029
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 88 11.81 14.78 Netherlands 15.3216.4811.8112.5517.82

Tymon Kolasiński - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Final 3 4.54 5.42 Poland 6.614.765.004.546.49
Semi Final 4 4.83 5.79 Poland 5.555.885.954.837.21
Second round 2 5.18 5.40 Poland 7.295.535.185.345.32
First round 5 5.07 5.57 Poland
4x4x4 Cube Final 1 19.02 22.11 Poland 19.0225.2720.6320.7824.93
Second round 2 19.14 21.65 NR Poland 22.7819.7819.1422.3924.15
First round 11 22.49 25.29 Poland 27.1925.9722.4923.1826.71
5x5x5 Cube Final 2 37.63 40.36 Poland 42.0841.1039.0440.9437.63
Second round 1 35.58 38.80 ER Poland 35.5840.9139.0138.3539.05
First round 2 37.70 39.09 ER Poland 38.0440.5037.7039.3139.93
6x6x6 Cube Final 1 1:13.05 1:15.38 Poland 1:13.051:16.441:16.65
First round 13 1:16.18 1:28.16 Poland 1:42.711:16.181:25.59
7x7x7 Cube Final 2 1:52.24 1:55.82 Poland 1:52.242:00.661:54.55
First round 4 1:57.94 2:02.68 Poland 2:04.772:05.321:57.94

Tzu-Heng Lin (林子恆) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 854 16.38 16.99 Chinese Taipei 17.2821.7717.2216.3816.47
2x2x2 Cube First round 584 5.69 6.43 Chinese Taipei 6.255.696.99DNF6.06
4x4x4 Cube First round 438 46.89 51.14 Chinese Taipei 50.3146.8950.3052.8155.70
5x5x5 Cube First round 427 1:31.10 1:48.68 Chinese Taipei 1:49.761:53.211:31.101:44.511:51.77

Ugo Numa Tomat - Italy WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1078 26.32 34.34 Italy 37.7626.3233.5552.8031.72
2x2x2 Cube First round 685 8.00 9.10 Italy 16.6910.
Pyraminx First round 515 13.74 21.36 Italy 13.7421.9020.6827.0121.50
Skewb First round 471 26.45 Italy DNF26.45

Ulrik Bredland - Norway WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 220 7.22 9.43 Norway 9.7910.578.717.229.79
First round 173 7.33 8.78 Norway 10.518.577.339.428.35
2x2x2 Cube First round 323 3.93 4.39 Norway 4.254.543.935.074.38
4x4x4 Cube Second round 46 26.59 30.28 Norway 26.5930.6838.2732.6127.56
First round 63 28.00 30.44 Norway 28.0031.4240.0930.5229.37
5x5x5 Cube First round 287 1:15.23 1:22.21 Norway 1:23.101:24.191:15.231:19.331:39.13
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 35 24 NR 31.00 Norway 353424
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 147 12.73 16.63 Norway 17.1917.6015.4212.7317.28
Pyraminx First round 358 6.46 8.97 Norway 8.629.5518.256.468.75
Skewb First round 123 4.73 5.55 Norway 5.355.724.735.577.00

Urho Kinnunen - Finland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 176 7.41 8.99 Finland
First round 200 7.40 9.02 Finland 9.738.527.408.8110.35
2x2x2 Cube Second round 111 2.83 3.06 Finland 2.833.833.073.162.96
First round 63 1.36 2.34 Finland 2.051.362.023.392.94
4x4x4 Cube First round 129 29.86 33.96 Finland 33.5733.8134.4937.2629.86
5x5x5 Cube First round 145 58.05 1:06.94 Finland 1:06.161:10.4958.051:05.651:09.00
6x6x6 Cube First round 89 1:52.47 1:54.75 Finland 1:52.481:59.301:52.47
7x7x7 Cube First round 250 DNF Finland DNF
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 121 12.37 15.86 Finland 15.8216.3915.3621.3912.37
Clock First round 48 6.56 7.18 Finland 6.566.69DNF6.927.94
Pyraminx Second round 76 4.11 4.75 Finland
First round 76 2.67 3.65 Finland 5.502.883.794.282.67
Skewb Second round 33 2.86 3.79 Finland 4.733.613.034.792.86
First round 6 1.61 2.54 Finland 1.611.772.423.434.53
Square-1 First round 101 12.60 15.78 Finland 21.4316.8012.6014.4216.13

Victor Valentin Glyrskov - Denmark WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 338 9.02 10.69 Denmark 12.799.0210.0714.889.21
First round 157 7.93 8.60 Denmark 8.928.877.938.658.28
2x2x2 Cube Second round 64 1.97 2.39 Denmark
First round 60 1.56 2.30 Denmark 2.122.30DNF1.562.48
4x4x4 Cube First round 306 39.28 42.43 Denmark 41.1447.2940.6539.2845.49
5x5x5 Cube First round 370 1:11.77 1:33.44 Denmark 1:47.661:11.771:48.351:27.021:25.64
6x6x6 Cube First round 209 2:22.65 2:37.70 Denmark 2:48.922:22.652:41.52
7x7x7 Cube First round 163 3:36.88 3:47.68 Denmark 3:46.563:59.603:36.88
3x3x3 Blindfolded Second round 59 55.06 DNF Denmark DNFDNF55.06
First round 39 29.17 DNF Denmark 29.1754.44DNF
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 18 26 28.67 Denmark 332726
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 120 14.17 15.79 Denmark 15.7522.6017.0014.1714.63
Clock Final 6 4.17 4.96 Denmark 4.814.176.035.814.27
First round 14 4.16 5.69 Denmark 8.31DNF4.164.284.47
Megaminx First round 132 55.85 1:01.62 Denmark 1:04.501:02.171:01.7255.851:00.97
Pyraminx First round 139 3.25 4.76 Denmark 4.313.258.345.734.23
Skewb First round 112 4.66 5.35 Denmark 8.584.854.664.766.43
Square-1 First round 135 13.46 18.38 Denmark 19.6120.5719.7615.7713.46
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 29 5:47.33 DNF Denmark 5:47.33DNFDNF
5x5x5 Blindfolded Final 30 DNF DNF Denmark DNFDNFDNS
3x3x3 Multi-Blind Final 44 DNF Denmark DNF

Viljo Elo - Finland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 271 8.90 9.97 Finland 10.629.658.9010.849.65
First round 328 7.51 10.11 Finland 8.7012.2910.0111.617.51
2x2x2 Cube Second round 160 3.41 3.79 Finland 4.623.753.783.413.83
First round 186 3.31 3.61 Finland 3.317.873.983.503.36
4x4x4 Cube First round 245 35.89 39.81 Finland 46.7037.0935.8942.6239.71
5x5x5 Cube First round 332 1:20.38 1:27.94 Finland 1:34.531:24.031:20.381:37.691:25.25
6x6x6 Cube First round 239 2:48.62 2:51.65 Finland 2:54.942:51.402:48.62
3x3x3 One-Handed Second round 38 11.19 12.39 Finland 11.1912.2611.8413.0715.40
First round 49 11.38 13.05 Finland 14.0112.4312.7211.3817.96
Clock First round 237 10.54 15.29 Finland 12.7610.54DNF14.8118.30
Megaminx First round 84 52.01 55.59 Finland 57.0352.7157.021:03.7052.01
Skewb First round 273 7.20 8.22 Finland 9.4013.967.208.057.21
Square-1 First round 212 23.61 28.11 Finland 24.5028.7731.0623.6141.71

Vincent Hartanto Utomo - Indonesia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 134 7.77 8.42 Indonesia 8.378.698.197.778.95
First round 140 7.36 8.33 Indonesia 7.3610.407.608.359.04
2x2x2 Cube Second round 91 2.31 2.76 Indonesia 5.312.613.302.382.31
First round 97 2.55 2.84 Indonesia 2.552.722.773.103.03
4x4x4 Cube Second round 22 26.05 27.87 Indonesia 28.9028.0335.2026.0526.69
First round 29 25.08 28.49 Indonesia 27.2130.4243.7127.8525.08
5x5x5 Cube Second round 36 50.64 54.37 Indonesia 54.1657.9158.9051.0450.64
First round 29 46.17 52.23 Indonesia 47.7746.1756.601:04.0252.33
6x6x6 Cube First round 73 1:45.35 1:49.95 Indonesia 1:45.351:50.091:54.42
7x7x7 Cube First round 75 2:37.80 2:51.63 Indonesia 3:13.422:37.802:43.66
3x3x3 Blindfolded Second round 69 1:16.68 DNF Indonesia DNF1:16.68DNF
First round 68 45.50 DNF Indonesia DNF45.5048.64
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 74 33 38.67 Indonesia 493433
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 136 14.57 16.34 Indonesia 20.2414.5718.5315.1615.34
Clock First round 78 6.77 8.34 Indonesia 7.358.389.849.286.77
Megaminx First round 150 55.07 1:05.45 Indonesia 1:01.741:03.101:16.1655.071:11.51
Pyraminx First round 216 3.27 6.25 Indonesia 10.305.913.483.279.36
Skewb Second round 65 3.69 5.11 Indonesia 5.863.955.53DNF3.69
First round 36 2.48 3.84 Indonesia 4.752.483.593.764.17
Square-1 First round 178 14.05 22.17 Indonesia 25.2614.0517.9132.0723.35
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 20 4:38.90 DNF Indonesia 4:38.90DNFDNF
5x5x5 Blindfolded Final 30 DNF DNF Indonesia DNFDNFDNF
3x3x3 Multi-Blind Final 25 13/16 1:00:00 Indonesia 13/16 1:00:00

Virgile Perrot - France WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 222 8.68 9.45 France 9.698.689.139.5411.92
First round 381 8.76 10.55 France
2x2x2 Cube Second round 108 1.35 3.01 France 3.563.462.952.611.35
First round 182 1.54 3.59 France 1.543.452.524.814.81
4x4x4 Cube First round 226 34.83 38.84 France 39.9837.4934.8339.0443.59
5x5x5 Cube First round 262 1:10.98 1:18.52 France 1:12.021:29.571:22.151:10.981:21.38
6x6x6 Cube First round 174 2:20.25 2:25.38 France 2:20.252:32.242:23.64
3x3x3 One-Handed Second round 75 13.69 14.97 France 13.6914.0113.8917.0217.01
First round 76 13.08 14.22 France 13.6515.3813.0816.4013.62
Clock Final 7 4.45 5.09 France 4.454.774.456.067.96
First round 11 4.70 5.39 France DNF4.924.705.765.50
Megaminx First round 93 51.00 56.45 France 54.0655.6051.001:00.0559.68
Pyraminx Second round 44 3.26 3.51 France 3.26DNF3.583.293.66
First round 58 3.03 3.42 France
Skewb First round 133 3.91 5.71 France 6.053.916.766.204.88
Square-1 Second round 40 8.15 9.96 France 10.268.1911.4411.548.15
First round 65 10.54 12.54 France 13.6311.0610.5412.92DNF

Vishwa Sankar - United States WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 145 7.66 8.54 United States 7.668.397.879.3510.95
First round 151 7.85 8.55 United States 8.5211.557.909.237.85
5x5x5 Cube Second round 35 51.93 54.23 United States 56.5551.9352.0054.1557.41
First round 46 54.25 55.55 United States 54.251:05.7755.1155.1256.41
6x6x6 Cube First round 20 1:26.73 1:33.74 United States 1:37.411:26.731:37.08
7x7x7 Cube First round 68 2:07.95 2:49.22 United States 2:31.132:07.953:48.57
Clock First round 17 4.00 5.75 United States 4.926.854.005.478.19

Vsevolod Turenko - Russia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1070 28.41 32.53 Russia 40.5433.1228.4129.5134.95
2x2x2 Cube First round 706 6.96 10.37 Russia 11.946.969.5514.979.61
Pyraminx First round 475 10.41 13.80 Russia 10.4113.6816.0615.0112.72

Vulcan Leung Yau Long (梁佑朗) - Hong Kong, China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 819 14.04 16.16 Hong Kong, China 14.8817.5316.0714.0418.86
2x2x2 Cube First round 533 5.14 5.97 Hong Kong, China 6.415.805.145.846.27

Walker Welch - United States WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 341 8.89 10.74 United States 10.4010.6311.1911.878.89
First round 317 8.95 10.00 United States 8.9513.6910.059.5210.42
2x2x2 Cube Second round 94 1.90 2.83 United States
First round 154 2.30 3.36 United States 3.462.763.872.304.61
4x4x4 Cube First round 177 33.87 36.67 United States 35.8838.3935.7533.8738.64
5x5x5 Cube First round 196 59.76 1:12.05 United States 59.761:14.371:15.181:14.741:07.03
6x6x6 Cube First round 82 1:50.12 1:52.40 United States 1:54.121:52.951:50.12
7x7x7 Cube First round 70 2:47.57 2:49.97 United States 2:47.572:48.092:54.26
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 86 58.74 1:18.86 United States 58.741:48.481:09.35
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 7 22 25.00 United States 242922
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 247 16.40 19.68 United States 21.7623.3418.9316.4018.36
Clock First round 60 5.52 7.65 United States 5.527.797.2210.857.93
Megaminx First round 137 55.55 1:03.02 United States 1:04.0755.551:12.311:04.571:00.42
Pyraminx First round 149 3.91 4.99 United States 5.643.914.735.704.59
Skewb First round 214 3.18 7.06 United States 7.397.
Square-1 First round 166 19.77 21.16 United States 23.8521.9719.7720.5220.99
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 39 7:31.90 DNF United States 7:31.908:42.34DNS
5x5x5 Blindfolded Final 30 DNF DNF United States DNFDNSDNS
3x3x3 Multi-Blind Final 40 8/14 1:00:00 United States 8/14 1:00:00

Wan Chun Man (尹俊文) - Hong Kong, China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 452 10.28 11.13 Hong Kong, China 10.5314.7812.2010.2810.67
2x2x2 Cube Second round 163 3.50 3.88 Hong Kong, China 8.183.633.543.504.48
First round 132 2.16 3.14 Hong Kong, China
Pyraminx First round 350 7.54 8.82 Hong Kong, China 7.548.8811.228.579.02
Skewb First round 317 5.74 9.46 Hong Kong, China 7.885.749.9313.0010.58

Wei Ji (季炜) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 538 10.29 11.93 China 11.1513.9712.2510.2912.38
4x4x4 Cube First round 377 44.58 46.84 China 44.7644.5846.1649.611:03.28
5x5x5 Cube First round 316 1:22.67 1:25.96 China 1:27.551:25.381:24.961:28.981:22.67
6x6x6 Cube First round 230 2:36.31 2:45.78 China 2:36.312:45.162:55.88
7x7x7 Cube First round 210 4:20.65 China 4:20.65
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 318 19.60 22.48 China 20.1122.1627.1825.1619.60
Megaminx First round 245 1:22.67 1:24.41 China 1:25.551:24.101:25.231:23.901:22.67
Pyraminx First round 349 7.05 8.80 China 7.0511.678.518.379.53
Skewb First round 420 10.30 16.15 China 20.8910.3015.1413.9519.35

Wei-Chen Hsieh (謝維宸) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 204 8.09 9.25 Chinese Taipei 8.098.909.669.189.68
First round 319 7.96 10.01 Chinese Taipei 9.959.1710.9011.277.96
2x2x2 Cube Second round 96 2.25 2.91 Chinese Taipei 3.912.552.284.372.25
First round 74 1.41 2.44 Chinese Taipei DNF1.413.372.101.86
4x4x4 Cube First round 131 31.01 33.97 Chinese Taipei 35.9731.0133.5056.7732.43
5x5x5 Cube First round 183 1:05.11 1:11.05 Chinese Taipei 1:06.541:16.281:10.341:05.111:17.26
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 250 14.15 19.77 Chinese Taipei 18.2622.1918.8614.1522.19
Clock First round 63 5.86 7.80 Chinese Taipei 8.427.457.535.86DNF
Pyraminx First round 279 4.25 7.22 Chinese Taipei 4.2511.388.166.417.10
Skewb First round 108 3.54 5.30 Chinese Taipei 8.676.065.063.544.77
Square-1 Second round 58 9.63 12.08 Chinese Taipei 12.1112.8014.2311.339.63
First round 56 8.48 12.18 Chinese Taipei 12.9113.799.8315.728.48

Wei-Ming Zeng (曾唯銘) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 173 7.85 8.97 Chinese Taipei 9.517.979.559.427.85
First round 203 8.45 9.04 Chinese Taipei 9.4010.068.459.018.71
2x2x2 Cube First round 330 2.03 4.45 Chinese Taipei 6.454.903.574.882.03
4x4x4 Cube First round 176 32.64 36.60 Chinese Taipei 38.3841.5032.6434.4836.94
5x5x5 Cube First round 118 1:01.49 1:04.19 Chinese Taipei 1:01.491:02.491:05.221:13.781:04.87
6x6x6 Cube First round 37 1:37.79 1:39.31 Chinese Taipei 1:40.381:37.791:39.77
7x7x7 Cube First round 58 2:32.93 2:43.27 Chinese Taipei 2:34.172:32.933:02.70
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 197 13.63 18.15 Chinese Taipei 20.0116.8020.0713.6317.63
Clock First round 131 8.37 9.72 Chinese Taipei 9.678.379.7110.709.79
Megaminx First round 174 1:00.79 1:08.26 Chinese Taipei 1:00.791:04.701:16.631:07.591:12.49
Pyraminx Second round 49 2.21 3.62 Chinese Taipei 2.212.733.834.296.45
First round 46 2.58 3.15 Chinese Taipei 2.582.703.593.165.19
Skewb First round 135 4.13 5.74 Chinese Taipei
Square-1 First round 121 16.21 16.84 Chinese Taipei 17.2016.2125.7916.4716.85

Weile Liang (梁伟乐) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 865 16.78 17.21 China 17.3718.2417.0116.7817.24
2x2x2 Cube First round 284 3.88 4.16 China
4x4x4 Cube First round 595 1:25.17 1:35.94 China 1:49.121:32.481:49.481:25.171:26.23
Clock First round 177 10.61 11.53 China 14.4611.1811.7610.6111.64
Pyraminx First round 401 9.29 10.17 China 12.429.419.649.2911.47
Skewb First round 415 14.21 15.26 China 16.1714.2120.8315.3114.30

Wenrui Qian (钱文睿) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 512 11.05 11.70 China 13.3411.0511.4011.9611.74
2x2x2 Cube First round 268 2.67 4.08 China 3.422.675.814.284.54
4x4x4 Cube First round 343 42.93 44.33 China 45.1252.3244.7143.1742.93
5x5x5 Cube First round 288 1:21.33 1:22.50 China 1:22.151:22.13DNF1:23.231:21.33
6x6x6 Cube First round 240 2:20.41 2:52.03 China 2:20.412:30.593:45.10
7x7x7 Cube First round 188 4:02.91 China 4:02.91
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 241 17.59 19.54 China 17.5917.9021.5519.1723.45
Clock First round 123 7.58 9.60 China 7.58DNF8.469.9810.37
Pyraminx Second round 63 2.27 4.04 China 2.273.933.866.344.33
First round 31 2.08 2.74 China 2.403.

Wenshuo Zhang (张文硕) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 808 11.81 15.89 China 18.0917.6011.99DNF11.81
2x2x2 Cube First round 493 3.91 5.65 China 4.8310.927.613.914.52
Pyraminx First round 257 4.62 6.91 China 6.574.627.247.306.91
Skewb First round 340 7.95 10.27 China 7.9515.988.548.4013.86

Wenxi Zeng (曾文熹) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 520 10.18 11.73 China 12.1510.1811.5411.4912.51
2x2x2 Cube First round 626 5.95 7.09 China 10.347.415.957.576.28

Wilhelm Kilders - Germany WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 362 9.85 11.24 Germany 10.4611.6311.9411.649.85
First round 336 7.32 10.16 Germany 10.099.6510.757.3213.68
2x2x2 Cube First round 375 3.80 4.74 Germany 3.805.433.805.005.86
4x4x4 Cube First round 259 36.45 40.66 Germany 44.8440.6136.4536.5246.04
5x5x5 Cube First round 152 1:03.56 1:07.54 Germany 1:11.271:03.561:09.511:07.951:05.15
6x6x6 Cube First round 87 1:47.95 1:54.54 Germany 1:55.981:47.951:59.68
7x7x7 Cube First round 51 2:40.09 2:40.98 Germany 2:42.472:40.092:40.38
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 135 2:03.97 DNF Germany 2:03.97DNFDNF
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 147 DNF DNF Germany DNFDNFDNF
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 155 15.25 16.90 Germany 17.8920.7715.8415.2516.97
Clock First round 55 5.25 7.46 Germany 7.717.0313.817.635.25
Megaminx First round 157 1:00.84 1:06.48 Germany 1:11.441:11.841:02.601:00.841:05.41
Pyraminx First round 289 4.83 7.47 Germany 10.766.039.254.837.13
Skewb First round 131 3.92 5.68 Germany 9.045.464.956.643.92
Square-1 First round 103 12.79 16.19 Germany 16.4517.4914.7112.7917.41

Will Hamilton - United States WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 177 6.32 9.00 United States 9.746.32DNF8.828.45
First round 166 6.31 8.71 United States 6.319.948.209.398.55
2x2x2 Cube Second round 141 2.36 3.46 United States 4.623.743.052.363.58
First round 189 3.24 3.64 United States 3.453.764.993.703.24
4x4x4 Cube First round 211 34.74 37.99 United States 37.5842.2139.1737.2134.74
5x5x5 Cube First round 179 1:03.67 1:10.34 United States 1:13.261:15.121:12.091:03.671:05.66
6x6x6 Cube First round 175 2:20.00 2:25.62 United States 2:20.002:28.132:28.72
3x3x3 One-Handed Second round 66 13.17 14.31 United States 13.1715.0414.6918.8413.19
First round 67 11.97 13.65 United States 12.6514.6814.3513.9611.97

Will Russo - United States WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 376 8.92 11.71 United States 11.5610.368.9213.22DNF
First round 391 9.40 10.70 United States 10.6710.399.4011.0411.47
2x2x2 Cube First round 210 2.84 3.75 United States 2.844.592.923.756.03
4x4x4 Cube First round 244 33.32 39.81 United States 48.2644.2433.3235.6539.55
5x5x5 Cube First round 230 1:09.65 1:15.68 United States 1:19.341:11.141:19.071:16.831:09.65
6x6x6 Cube First round 162 2:19.38 2:21.57 United States 2:21.942:23.382:19.38
7x7x7 Cube First round 108 3:13.52 3:15.57 United States 3:13.523:16.243:16.94
3x3x3 Blindfolded Second round 58 52.53 DNF United States DNF52.531:10.62
First round 65 44.80 52.66 United States 52.051:01.1244.80
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 119 31 DNF United States 3133DNF
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 130 12.14 16.21 United States 16.6318.3112.1427.5113.70
Clock First round 192 10.24 11.97 United States 19.2512.3810.2411.6211.90
Megaminx First round 158 55.73 1:06.55 United States 1:08.5355.731:08.461:05.201:05.98
Pyraminx First round 150 3.98 4.99 United States 3.986.914.066.844.07
Skewb First round 173 2.69 6.17 United States 9.572.695.367.146.01
Square-1 First round 84 10.16 14.36 United States 14.3212.9310.1618.3215.82
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 48 DNF DNF United States DNFDNFDNF
5x5x5 Blindfolded Final 30 DNF DNF United States DNFDNSDNS
3x3x3 Multi-Blind Final 42 7/13 1:00:00 United States 7/13 1:00:00

Wilson Alvis (陈智胜) - Indonesia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 198 8.21 9.17 Indonesia 8.219.809.068.969.49
First round 290 7.75 9.83 Indonesia 11.7710.228.317.7510.96

WonWoo Choi (최원우) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 824 14.03 16.29 Republic of Korea 16.9518.2015.8316.1014.03

Wong Chong Wen (黄崇文) - Singapore WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 253 8.31 9.52 Singapore 9.468.748.3110.3712.47
4x4x4 Cube First round 72 27.35 30.97 Singapore 27.3532.2331.2129.4638.74
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 91 22 DNF Singapore 2622DNF

Wong Kin Lok (黃健樂) - Hong Kong, China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 162 7.16 8.79 Hong Kong, China 9.289.487.827.169.28
First round 150 8.33 8.53 Hong Kong, China 8.578.3310.058.548.48
5x5x5 Cube First round 86 55.73 59.74 Hong Kong, China 59.051:04.4559.2555.731:00.93
6x6x6 Cube First round 23 1:33.26 1:35.63 Hong Kong, China 1:36.401:37.241:33.26
7x7x7 Cube First round 27 2:15.17 2:24.71 Hong Kong, China 2:29.352:15.172:29.62

Wong Pat Lun (黃柏綸) - Hong Kong, China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 477 8.56 11.39 Hong Kong, China 11.03DNF10.2712.868.56
2x2x2 Cube First round 257 3.27 4.03 Hong Kong, China 3.903.994.804.193.27
4x4x4 Cube First round 421 47.15 50.09 Hong Kong, China 1:01.3147.1552.0348.6249.62
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 366 17.94 24.96 Hong Kong, China 32.2124.9025.3624.6117.94
Clock First round 230 10.60 14.71 Hong Kong, China 11.4916.42DNF10.6016.23
Pyraminx First round 249 5.85 6.75 Hong Kong, China
Skewb First round 281 6.04 8.51 Hong Kong, China 11.656.048.877.479.18
Square-1 First round 197 19.67 24.94 Hong Kong, China 19.6728.0223.0927.9223.81

Woo Hyun Kang (강우현) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1091 32.27 39.87 Republic of Korea 43.2940.0738.3532.2741.19
2x2x2 Cube First round 740 10.53 19.10 Republic of Korea 10.5313.2330.8813.20DNF

Woo Seongmin (우성민) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 853 14.93 16.95 Republic of Korea 18.2514.9317.6017.9215.32
2x2x2 Cube Second round 192 3.35 5.21 Republic of Korea 3.867.93DNF3.853.35
First round 194 2.77 3.67 Republic of Korea 3.134.632.773.2412.19
4x4x4 Cube First round 588 1:14.92 1:18.83 Republic of Korea 1:24.411:17.071:14.921:45.431:15.01
Clock First round 51 5.32 7.32 Republic of Korea

WooChan Jung (정우찬) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1089 36.61 38.84 Republic of Korea 38.7745.5736.6536.6141.09

Woobin Hwang (황우빈) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 858 13.60 17.07 Republic of Korea 19.0319.8615.5413.6016.64
2x2x2 Cube First round 386 3.71 4.85 Republic of Korea 8.583.715.514.314.74
Skewb First round 225 6.15 7.27 Republic of Korea 7.706.156.467.658.56

Woohyun Son - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1086 30.16 36.36 Republic of Korea 30.1636.1733.7739.1340.52
2x2x2 Cube First round 696 5.79 9.82 Republic of Korea 9.1611.9013.028.395.79

Woohyung Kang - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 737 10.56 14.36 Republic of Korea 13.6215.9910.5616.4013.46
2x2x2 Cube First round 512 4.95 5.82 Republic of Korea 5.394.967.914.957.12
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 436 24.51 29.77 Republic of Korea 31.1124.5129.8432.7728.36

Woojin Choi (최우진) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 916 18.00 19.07 Republic of Korea 19.5718.0019.6518.7818.85

Xavier Lianto - Australia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 866 14.66 17.34 Australia 19.8616.7720.8115.4014.66
2x2x2 Cube First round 536 4.58 5.99 Australia 5.604.587.509.264.87
Pyraminx First round 462 11.49 12.59 Australia 11.7811.4913.5813.6612.41
Skewb First round 435 10.48 17.57 Australia 10.4817.1717.0729.3518.48

Xavier Valentine - Australia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 973 17.89 21.85 Australia 23.4421.0217.8921.0924.92
2x2x2 Cube First round 632 5.06 7.18 Australia 7.647.198.946.705.06
4x4x4 Cube First round 589 1:13.48 1:21.04 Australia 1:16.631:19.741:50.991:26.751:13.48
Clock First round 294 20.00 Australia DNF20.00
Megaminx First round 303 1:47.44 Australia 2:29.381:47.44
Pyraminx First round 364 7.98 9.11 Australia 8.229.6510.647.989.45
Skewb First round 223 6.05 7.21 Australia 7.737.526.388.336.05

Xiang Li (李想) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 377 10.40 11.91 China 13.3211.9010.4011.6912.13
First round 388 8.51 10.65 China 8.5111.4711.0910.8010.05
2x2x2 Cube First round 481 4.08 5.57 China 7.465.144.085.416.17

Xiangwei Chen (陈相炜) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 121 7.12 8.19 China 7.757.129.788.987.85
First round 146 7.72 8.42 China 8.658.808.148.487.72

Xiao Sun (孙晓) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 981 18.86 22.17 China 18.8621.4720.9524.0825.99
5x5x5 Cube First round 363 1:24.35 1:32.17 China 1:33.851:36.491:24.351:32.211:30.46
6x6x6 Cube First round 208 2:29.28 2:37.27 China 2:46.872:35.672:29.28
7x7x7 Cube First round 176 3:31.43 4:02.95 China 3:31.434:22.514:14.92

Xiaoyi Lin (林小懿) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 680 12.06 13.58 China 15.8812.0712.0612.8015.93
2x2x2 Cube First round 567 5.21 6.27 China 5.248.367.075.216.50
Pyraminx First round 395 7.47 10.02 China 12.827.7310.4311.917.47
Skewb First round 325 7.20 9.79 China 11.439.619.707.2010.06

Xin Shi (石欣) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 669 10.93 13.45 China 10.9314.9811.3816.7313.98
3x3x3 Blindfolded Second round 38 33.56 DNF China 33.56DNFDNF
First round 38 28.94 DNF China 28.94DNFDNF
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 48 DNF DNF China DNFDNFDNF
5x5x5 Blindfolded Final 30 DNF DNF China DNFDNFDNF
3x3x3 Multi-Blind Final 44 DNF China DNF

Xingyu Chen (陈星宇) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 232 8.25 9.49 China 8.6610.038.259.859.95
First round 182 8.28 8.85 China
2x2x2 Cube First round 593 4.69 6.53 China 6.308.074.697.335.96

Xinjie Shi (施鑫杰) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 306 9.01 10.35 China DNF9.0110.6810.0910.28
First round 241 7.66 9.40 China 8.679.417.6610.1211.17
4x4x4 Cube First round 255 33.44 40.56 China 33.4439.5741.0541.0641.84
5x5x5 Cube First round 115 1:00.52 1:04.00 China 1:05.911:00.521:03.511:04.741:03.74
Pyraminx Second round 69 2.79 4.27 China 2.794.315.743.495.01
First round 60 2.60 3.47 China 2.603.852.643.935.73
Skewb First round 127 3.89 5.60 China 8.147.804.124.883.89
Square-1 First round 201 20.91 25.75 China 27.9926.0920.9125.7125.44

Xinran Pan (潘欣冉) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 320 9.88 10.47 China 10.0810.0711.2711.469.88
First round 324 9.49 10.05 China 10.689.9714.449.499.51

Xinyang Li (李昕洋) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 483 9.54 11.45 China 13.6712.549.5411.939.87
2x2x2 Cube First round 252 2.58 4.00 China 2.585.885.273.253.48
4x4x4 Cube First round 288 39.10 41.83 China 45.7739.5139.1042.2543.74
5x5x5 Cube First round 244 1:15.67 1:17.71 China 1:20.461:15.991:16.671:15.671:22.53
6x6x6 Cube First round 198 2:30.86 2:34.90 China 2:37.032:36.812:30.86
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 288 16.77 21.36 China 16.7718.9024.25DNF20.92
Clock First round 159 9.61 11.03 China 10.5011.729.6111.0111.57
Megaminx First round 228 1:05.44 1:19.94 China 1:16.201:34.981:05.441:14.751:28.88
Pyraminx First round 250 4.30 6.77 China 6.838.858.295.204.30
Skewb Second round 38 2.39 4.06 China 4.315.833.114.762.39
First round 30 2.98 3.62 China 2.984.023.743.693.42
Square-1 First round 108 13.95 16.42 China DNF13.9517.9917.1614.12

Xinyu Chen (陈鑫雨) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 641 10.96 13.11 China 12.2815.1514.2412.8010.96
Skewb First round 380 8.81 12.77 China 10.2712.5818.0215.468.81

Xuan Liu (刘璇) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 326 9.29 10.56 China 11.7810.629.2910.2110.84
First round 399 9.39 10.75 China 11.869.3911.1511.289.81
2x2x2 Cube First round 370 4.16 4.71 China 4.526.324.164.275.34
4x4x4 Cube First round 267 36.05 40.94 China 43.21DNF36.0540.4639.14
5x5x5 Cube First round 111 59.26 1:03.68 China 1:15.141:04.951:03.431:02.6759.26
6x6x6 Cube First round 136 1:56.93 2:09.61 China 2:20.122:11.791:56.93
7x7x7 Cube First round 133 3:19.65 3:28.60 China 3:45.493:20.653:19.65
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 117 1:27.61 DNF China 1:27.612:04.35DNF
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 210 17.27 18.61 China 18.3817.2719.7617.7021.45
Clock First round 284 16.28 China 16.28DNF
Pyraminx First round 199 5.42 5.97 China 10.056.495.425.745.68
Skewb First round 181 5.57 6.28 China 5.605.577.588.465.67

Xuanyu Cai (蔡暄予) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 728 14.00 14.22 China 14.1914.0015.8714.0814.39
2x2x2 Cube First round 453 4.32 5.43 China 5.424.634.326.746.23

Xuming Wang (王旭明) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 308 8.37 10.37 China 10.488.838.37DNF11.81
First round 264 7.41 9.65 China 12.318.709.9410.307.41
4x4x4 Cube Second round 32 23.31 28.89 China 30.7026.9823.3128.9932.36
First round 75 23.00 31.15 China 29.9328.4635.5723.0035.06
5x5x5 Cube Second round 42 49.90 54.78 China 1:38.0059.5251.4449.9053.38
First round 18 45.64 49.96 China 49.3452.6549.4245.6451.12
6x6x6 Cube First round 30 1:36.18 1:37.18 China 1:38.841:36.181:36.51
7x7x7 Cube First round 45 2:38.45 2:39.44 China 2:39.302:40.582:38.45

Yan Xia (夏焱) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 623 10.51 12.87 China 10.5114.3713.4812.5412.58
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 150 DNF DNF China DNFDNFDNF
Pyraminx First round 468 10.12 13.19 China 13.7813.3514.0910.1212.45

Yan-Hung Lai (賴彥宏) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 428 8.34 10.96 Chinese Taipei 9.6410.768.3412.4716.27
2x2x2 Cube Second round 142 2.40 3.46 Chinese Taipei 2.584.492.40DNF3.32
First round 123 2.55 3.05 Chinese Taipei 2.662.552.743.756.30
4x4x4 Cube First round 328 39.13 43.40 Chinese Taipei 53.9539.1343.1145.5341.57
5x5x5 Cube First round 211 1:08.37 1:13.40 Chinese Taipei 1:17.971:11.571:18.321:10.671:08.37
6x6x6 Cube First round 171 2:15.73 2:24.71 Chinese Taipei 2:28.992:15.732:29.40
7x7x7 Cube First round 183 3:44.39 DNF Chinese Taipei 3:45.833:44.39DNF

Yan-Yu Peng (彭彥瑜) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 946 18.44 20.32 Chinese Taipei 18.4421.0721.3820.1619.72

Yanfeng Zhu (朱艳枫) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 925 17.61 19.43 China 23.7219.7220.1317.6118.44
5x5x5 Cube First round 418 1:39.33 1:46.42 China 1:39.331:41.771:56.961:40.541:57.56

Yang Cheng (程阳) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 743 12.69 14.40 China 14.6416.2813.7914.7812.69
Clock First round 304 DNF China DNFDNF

Yang Zhang (张杨) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 366 8.85 11.32 China 13.7612.1310.7911.048.85
First round 287 8.59 9.82 China 10.5710.719.578.599.33
2x2x2 Cube First round 295 2.61 4.24 China 5.383.833.575.312.61
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 415 20.16 27.77 China 25.8642.1334.9020.1622.54

Yechen Yan (颜叶辰) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 270 8.50 9.97 China 8.509.699.8010.4113.65
First round 273 8.76 9.68 China 9.279.8411.539.928.76
2x2x2 Cube First round 264 3.23 4.05 China

Yeeun Park (박예은) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 454 10.53 11.14 Republic of Korea 11.0613.9410.6510.5311.72
2x2x2 Cube First round 396 3.52 4.95 Republic of Korea 6.1414.563.524.034.69
4x4x4 Cube First round 347 43.08 44.96 Republic of Korea 48.8243.0844.3945.9344.56
5x5x5 Cube First round 360 1:21.32 1:31.60 Republic of Korea 1:38.091:32.511:21.321:29.031:33.26
6x6x6 Cube First round 272 3:07.22 Republic of Korea 3:07.22
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 150 DNF DNF Republic of Korea DNFDNFDNF
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 401 21.32 26.62 Republic of Korea 31.0127.6125.7021.3226.55
Clock First round 183 10.83 11.73 Republic of Korea 13.3611.8011.5411.8610.83
Skewb First round 304 7.90 9.00 Republic of Korea 7.917.9011.167.9412.61

Yeju Lee - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1039 26.93 27.97 Republic of Korea 27.0528.0628.8035.5226.93
2x2x2 Cube First round 716 8.33 11.44 Republic of Korea 10.4413.298.3310.5915.27
Skewb First round 443 15.08 19.37 Republic of Korea 21.7815.0818.7421.0718.30

Yejun Cha - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 755 13.78 14.72 Republic of Korea 14.4413.7814.0418.2815.68
2x2x2 Cube First round 602 5.53 6.68 Republic of Korea

Yeohun Chwa (좌여훈) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 600 10.68 12.59 Republic of Korea 21.1613.0510.6813.8310.88
2x2x2 Cube First round 209 2.89 3.74 Republic of Korea
Skewb First round 226 4.55 7.29 Republic of Korea 4.558.246.577.317.98

Yeon Kyun Park (박연균) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 190 8.05 9.08 Republic of Korea 8.059.4810.339.678.10
First round 142 6.92 8.40 Republic of Korea 10.116.927.979.527.72
4x4x4 Cube First round 144 29.89 34.69 Republic of Korea 36.4439.8035.4629.8932.18
5x5x5 Cube First round 113 56.15 1:03.78 Republic of Korea 1:23.7859.6356.151:09.051:02.67
6x6x6 Cube First round 91 1:45.27 1:55.04 Republic of Korea 1:45.271:56.002:03.85
7x7x7 Cube First round 82 2:47.08 2:54.15 Republic of Korea 2:47.082:49.093:06.29
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 90 1:01.44 DNF Republic of Korea 1:40.68DNF1:01.44
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 83 12.91 14.52 Republic of Korea 13.1713.3012.9117.8817.10
Clock Final 9 3.83 NR 5.74 Republic of Korea DNF3.834.856.016.36
First round 8 4.48 5.16 Republic of Korea 8.184.764.934.485.78
Skewb Final 8 2.80 3.08 Republic of Korea 3.192.872.803.173.34
Second round 14 2.25 2.92 Republic of Korea 2.673.
First round 12 1.70 2.97 Republic of Korea 1.704.092.323.193.41
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 48 DNF DNF Republic of Korea DNFDNFDNF

Yeseong Yang - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 870 13.72 17.54 Republic of Korea 18.5916.2619.2913.7217.78
2x2x2 Cube Second round 191 4.19 5.20 Republic of Korea 5.604.197.315.764.24
First round 180 2.77 3.58 Republic of Korea 5.652.904.163.692.77

Yexin Zhang (张业鑫) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 511 11.18 11.69 China 11.7613.4311.1812.1111.21
4x4x4 Cube First round 341 36.71 44.29 China 36.7144.1941.4247.2649.30
5x5x5 Cube First round 390 1:29.49 1:37.44 China 1:42.621:36.921:32.791:45.201:29.49
Megaminx First round 131 57.74 1:01.46 China 1:00.571:02.101:01.7157.741:05.22

Yezhen Han (韩业臻) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 36 5.57 7.15 China 9.905.577.037.526.91
Second round 8 4.90 6.00 China 4.977.256.176.874.90
First round 6 4.61 5.67 China 4.976.775.484.616.55
2x2x2 Cube Second round 44 1.43 2.07 China 1.802.351.432.064.16
First round 14 1.46 1.61 China 1.591.461.532.411.72
4x4x4 Cube Second round 47 29.98 30.33 China 30.1230.7930.0832.7129.98
First round 45 25.85 29.37 China 27.8325.8532.4527.8433.01
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 90 13.51 14.84 China 14.4314.9116.0015.1913.51
Pyraminx Second round 58 2.58 3.89 China 2.584.134.103.455.12
First round 67 3.04 3.55 China
Skewb First round 98 2.42 5.17 China 5.422.426.865.364.72

Yi Huang (黄弋) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 462 9.77 11.25 China 11.2312.3911.299.7711.23
2x2x2 Cube First round 246 3.88 3.93 China 3.883.926.943.883.99

Yi Seung-Woo (이승우) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
5x5x5 Cube Second round 48 49.62 55.76 Republic of Korea 56.24DNF49.6250.121:00.93
First round 58 49.58 56.59 Republic of Korea 56.5857.3657.2855.9249.58
7x7x7 Cube First round 250 DNF Republic of Korea DNF

Yi Wang (王旖) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 615 9.68 12.78 China 12.8212.4813.039.6817.79
Pyraminx Second round 32 2.82 3.08 China 2.844.083.073.322.82
First round 64 2.66 3.53 China 4.002.663.073.516.09

Yi-Fan Wu (吳亦凡) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 75 7.64 8.86 Chinese Taipei 8.3110.279.627.648.65
Second round 69 6.55 7.60 Chinese Taipei 8.227.836.559.376.75
First round 53 5.48 7.31 Chinese Taipei 8.797.047.865.487.02
4x4x4 Cube Second round 18 23.37 27.26 Chinese Taipei 26.2027.5928.4023.3727.99
First round 8 22.80 24.47 Chinese Taipei 25.5624.1622.8023.7027.98
5x5x5 Cube Second round 29 43.45 53.01 Chinese Taipei 55.6949.2955.7743.4554.06
First round 31 47.26 52.38 Chinese Taipei 51.0156.3356.7349.8147.26
6x6x6 Cube First round 35 1:37.21 1:38.77 Chinese Taipei 1:40.721:38.371:37.21
7x7x7 Cube First round 47 2:35.61 2:39.69 Chinese Taipei 2:41.072:35.612:42.38

Yi-Ho Hsueh (薛以和) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 644 11.43 13.16 Chinese Taipei 11.4312.4214.93DNF12.14
4x4x4 Cube First round 83 29.90 31.49 Chinese Taipei 30.3229.9036.4032.5331.61
5x5x5 Cube First round 138 58.17 1:06.11 Chinese Taipei 1:06.511:10.4258.171:08.251:03.57
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 150 DNF DNF Chinese Taipei DNFDNFDNF
Megaminx First round 34 44.80 46.69 Chinese Taipei 45.5649.3246.7544.8047.76
Pyraminx First round 83 3.62 3.81 Chinese Taipei 6.763.993.623.763.67
Square-1 Final 9 6.79 7.28 Chinese Taipei 9.346.956.846.798.06
Second round 5 5.71 6.92 NR Chinese Taipei 7.2210.307.575.975.71
First round 10 6.71 7.60 Chinese Taipei 8.876.927.426.718.46

Yi-Jen Hsueh (薛以仁) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 216 8.12 9.37 Chinese Taipei 12.668.129.539.708.88
First round 224 7.89 9.27 Chinese Taipei 7.899.028.0210.7810.88
4x4x4 Cube Second round 43 25.01 29.83 Chinese Taipei 31.9930.7025.0126.7935.53
First round 21 25.55 27.88 Chinese Taipei 27.9325.5529.4126.3030.49
5x5x5 Cube First round 88 57.45 1:00.00 Chinese Taipei 1:00.681:01.8359.6957.4559.64
6x6x6 Cube First round 273 3:07.33 Chinese Taipei 3:07.33
7x7x7 Cube First round 138 3:16.34 3:31.91 Chinese Taipei 3:16.343:59.193:20.20
Megaminx First round 50 48.85 49.60 Chinese Taipei 48.9449.4450.4254.0048.85

Yichen Jiang (姜一辰) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 83 6.68 7.72 China 7.169.556.799.216.68
First round 81 6.15 7.72 China
4x4x4 Cube First round 225 34.33 38.84 China 37.7038.9440.1739.8934.33
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 232 16.40 19.34 China 16.6322.5818.8223.0616.40
Pyraminx First round 85 3.35 3.85 China 4.283.363.923.356.22

Yick Kan Yan (易近仁) - Hong Kong, China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 847 13.13 16.79 Hong Kong, China 23.8914.6713.1319.1416.57
2x2x2 Cube First round 240 3.54 3.89 Hong Kong, China 3.903.543.903.884.96

Yifan Sun (孙逸凡) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 709 12.43 13.98 China 13.8112.4314.0521.7614.09
Clock First round 42 6.20 7.01 China 6.916.206.639.327.50

Yifan Wang (王逸帆) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 505 10.79 11.63 China 10.7911.9911.6411.5511.71
3x3x3 Blindfolded Final 7 16.81 18.15 China 16.8118.1019.54
Second round 5 17.78 DNF China DNF17.78DNF
First round 2 14.99 AsR 17.17 AsR China 14.9919.9716.54
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 7 22 25.00 China 272622
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 16 4:28.01 DNF China DNF4:50.934:28.01
5x5x5 Blindfolded Final 30 DNF DNF China DNFDNFDNS
3x3x3 Multi-Blind Final 16 20/25 58:19 China 20/25 58:19DNS

Yiheng Wang (王艺衡) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Final 2 4.61 5.32 China 6.104.724.615.156.47
Semi Final 1 4.39 4.84 China 4.904.636.054.395.00
Second round 3 5.14 5.54 China 8.345.335.146.035.25
First round 1 4.64 5.13 China
2x2x2 Cube Final 4 0.87 1.39 China 1.301.270.871.612.50
Second round 4 1.32 1.47 China 2.671.371.321.491.54
First round 3 1.02 1.43 China 1.531.471.561.021.30
4x4x4 Cube First round 261 37.19 40.69 China 41.6140.5142.7437.1939.94
Pyraminx Second round 26 1.91 2.75 China 1.913.612.264.582.39
First round 37 2.31 2.93 China 2.313.222.884.702.68
Skewb Second round 75 4.92 5.71 China 4.954.926.638.405.54
First round 73 4.48 4.77 China 4.614.854.854.486.42

Yilin Miao (苗宜琳) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 961 17.02 21.27 China DNF17.7417.0228.5917.48
Pyraminx Second round 34 2.42 3.21 China 2.423.133.723.123.39
First round 43 2.28 3.13 China

Yilin Zhao (赵奕麟) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 63 6.92 8.05 China 8.836.927.377.9613.24
Second round 75 7.07 7.65 China
First round 91 7.56 7.86 China 7.568.518.227.747.61
2x2x2 Cube Second round 45 1.43 2.09 China 2.291.991.432.481.98
First round 10 1.41 1.57 China 1.411.801.473.191.43

Yimeng Xu (徐已檬) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 238 8.17 9.54 China 9.5110.218.179.0310.08
First round 163 7.47 8.68 China 8.788.287.478.9810.11
4x4x4 Cube Second round 78 30.83 35.39 China 42.0830.8334.3935.8735.92
First round 74 28.65 31.14 China 31.9931.6628.6529.7636.18
Pyraminx First round 326 7.43 8.31 China 9.467.8312.557.437.63

Yiming Liu (刘一鸣) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 467 9.82 11.31 China 10.0412.2211.689.8212.88
2x2x2 Cube First round 718 3.09 11.47 China 8.783.0914.64DNF10.99
4x4x4 Cube First round 270 38.11 41.17 China 39.1946.5644.6239.7138.11
5x5x5 Cube First round 269 1:14.04 1:19.71 China 1:26.781:14.491:24.751:19.891:14.04
6x6x6 Cube First round 226 2:34.54 2:43.60 China 2:59.312:36.962:34.54
7x7x7 Cube First round 211 4:22.08 China 4:22.08
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 150 DNF DNF China DNFDNFDNF
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 331 18.80 22.80 China 32.6825.6121.0418.8021.75
Clock First round 239 14.56 15.58 China DNF14.5615.5115.4915.75
Pyraminx First round 376 5.56 9.49 China 10.875.567.979.64DNF
Skewb First round 328 7.14 9.87 China 7.147.8312.4812.939.30
Square-1 First round 174 18.39 21.87 China 20.0420.4425.1328.0218.39

Yiqun Liu (刘轶群) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 420 8.53 10.94 China 12.1211.2610.9610.598.53
4x4x4 Cube First round 266 32.36 40.94 China 45.1936.1741.4532.3645.59
5x5x5 Cube First round 265 1:17.36 1:19.31 China 1:26.741:21.141:17.361:17.511:19.28
Megaminx First round 128 55.26 1:01.26 China 59.841:14.2255.261:06.6357.30

Yiyan Pan - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 884 16.73 18.00 China 18.7216.9016.7320.5918.38
2x2x2 Cube First round 581 5.71 6.41 China 5.715.937.147.016.29
Skewb First round 425 10.14 16.46 China 17.1310.1410.6221.62DNF

Yoav Vishne - Israel WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 105 7.05 8.07 Israel 7.207.9710.157.059.05
First round 78 6.45 7.67 Israel 8.177.936.456.928.87
2x2x2 Cube Second round 68 1.38 2.43 Israel 2.533.001.382.062.70
First round 8 1.28 1.50 Israel 1.621.282.931.351.54
4x4x4 Cube First round 325 36.79 43.32 Israel 36.7942.9647.4942.6744.34
5x5x5 Cube First round 245 1:16.47 1:17.71 Israel 1:16.911:19.891:19.391:16.471:16.82
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 150 DNF DNF Israel DNFDNFDNF
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 187 13.89 17.89 Israel 19.5713.8917.9516.1519.99
Pyraminx First round 110 2.95 4.27 Israel
Skewb Second round 35 2.59 3.91 Israel 3.462.594.485.003.80
First round 54 2.11 4.36 Israel 2.11DNF3.515.564.02

Yoji Ogura (小倉洋二) - Japan WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 130 7.32 8.39 Japan 8.039.499.877.667.32
First round 134 7.24 8.29 Japan 8.987.918.847.248.12
2x2x2 Cube Second round 140 2.78 3.43 Japan 3.054.24DNF2.783.00
First round 136 2.08 3.17 Japan 4.504.042.302.083.18
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 273 18.22 20.73 Japan 21.9019.0818.2221.3521.75

Yong Hyeon Jo (조용현) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
Square-1 First round 75 11.63 13.27 Republic of Korea 14.6515.1011.6311.9813.17

YongGeal Lee (이용걸) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 963 20.26 21.32 Republic of Korea 20.6620.2621.5625.1421.73
2x2x2 Cube First round 674 7.68 8.42 Republic of Korea 7.737.689.807.7313.44
Skewb First round 467 23.00 Republic of Korea 23.00DNF

Yoo Seung Woo (유승우) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
Pyraminx First round 95 3.38 4.01 Republic of Korea 3.885.234.123.384.03

Yoochan Hong (홍유찬) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 91 6.87 7.91 Republic of Korea 7.289.647.866.878.60
First round 57 6.47 7.33 Republic of Korea 6.4710.286.818.506.69
2x2x2 Cube Second round 100 2.19 2.94 Republic of Korea 2.914.
First round 94 1.72 2.83 Republic of Korea 2.933.601.722.692.87
4x4x4 Cube Second round 63 26.68 31.88 Republic of Korea 35.3734.4326.6831.5229.70
First round 51 25.88 29.75 Republic of Korea 35.9827.4729.5025.8832.29
5x5x5 Cube First round 182 1:02.80 1:11.04 Republic of Korea 1:15.231:12.611:02.801:15.711:05.27
3x3x3 One-Handed Final 15 11.39 12.71 Republic of Korea 12.6612.8214.0712.6411.39
Second round 6 8.23 NR 10.12 NR Republic of Korea 9.1912.428.2311.1010.07
First round 38 10.58 12.52 Republic of Korea 12.1713.2710.5812.12DNF
Clock First round 95 6.16 8.81 Republic of Korea 9.786.61DNF6.1610.05
Megaminx First round 135 54.89 1:02.26 Republic of Korea 58.101:01.321:16.531:07.3554.89
Pyraminx First round 103 2.10 4.18 Republic of Korea 6.672.103.712.166.93
Skewb Second round 20 1.77 3.10 Republic of Korea 3.365.072.413.521.77
First round 63 2.32 4.54 Republic of Korea 2.323.104.766.985.77
Square-1 Second round 70 7.97 12.97 Republic of Korea 14.0213.2412.727.9712.96
First round 49 10.87 11.75 Republic of Korea 11.0912.6810.8712.6011.57

Yoon Ireh - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 262 7.92 9.89 Republic of Korea 9.339.917.9210.4910.43
First round 368 8.98 10.46 Republic of Korea 11.3210.9510.449.988.98
2x2x2 Cube First round 339 3.09 4.50 Republic of Korea 4.835.403.094.254.42
4x4x4 Cube First round 291 36.74 41.89 Republic of Korea 36.74DNF42.5043.4939.68
5x5x5 Cube First round 338 1:22.46 1:29.29 Republic of Korea 1:26.171:36.681:22.46DNF1:25.01
6x6x6 Cube First round 241 2:43.45 2:53.52 Republic of Korea 2:49.852:43.453:07.25

Yoon Seo Jun (윤서준) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1027 25.04 26.69 Republic of Korea 25.0425.7728.9128.4225.87

YoonJae Lee - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1103 34.34 46.00 Republic of Korea 34.3453.6040.3552.4745.19
2x2x2 Cube First round 731 11.01 14.06 Republic of Korea 17.6613.3012.0411.0116.85

Yoonjae Park - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1050 27.12 29.28 Republic of Korea 30.8227.4727.1233.6929.55

Yoonsung Jang (장윤성) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 898 16.27 18.46 Republic of Korea 16.2723.2120.7017.5817.11
Pyraminx First round 253 6.02 6.84 Republic of Korea 6.427.148.786.026.97
Skewb First round 199 4.47 6.66 Republic of Korea 7.347.385.594.477.06
Square-1 First round 188 19.69 23.42 Republic of Korea 20.3419.6924.9130.9625.01

YounJe Kwon (권윤제) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 953 15.09 20.71 Republic of Korea 22.6219.2924.1620.2215.09
2x2x2 Cube First round 568 5.13 6.28 Republic of Korea 5.827.345.138.675.67

Young He (何嘉炀) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
Clock Final 11 5.71 6.29 China 6.246.57DNF6.055.71
First round 16 5.25 5.74 China 6.445.255.3911.625.40
Pyraminx First round 170 3.76 5.43 China 6.615.373.767.054.31
Skewb First round 95 3.40 5.13 China 6.113.406.975.613.68
Square-1 First round 143 13.62 18.78 China 13.9323.4413.6220.1022.32

YoungJin Noh (노영진) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 763 13.36 14.91 Republic of Korea 13.3613.5614.9721.9716.21

Youngsub Lee - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 544 10.64 12.05 Republic of Korea 12.4810.6413.4511.1912.48
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 426 24.41 28.82 Republic of Korea 36.5730.5624.4130.1525.76

Yu Chou (周禹) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 472 9.28 11.36 Chinese Taipei 9.2811.2311.16DNF11.70
4x4x4 Cube First round 418 47.42 50.00 Chinese Taipei 48.9754.4249.7347.4251.29
5x5x5 Cube First round 344 1:21.61 1:29.92 Chinese Taipei 1:28.861:35.981:21.611:27.351:33.56
6x6x6 Cube First round 232 2:42.67 2:47.53 Chinese Taipei 2:42.672:47.942:51.98
7x7x7 Cube First round 238 4:49.92 Chinese Taipei 4:49.92
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 140 14.50 16.42 Chinese Taipei 18.3617.1015.7514.5016.41
Pyraminx First round 278 6.10 7.19 Chinese Taipei 6.106.797.907.627.16
Skewb First round 192 5.16 6.57 Chinese Taipei 6.3310.807.615.785.16

Yu Da-Hyun (유다현) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 168 8.14 8.87 Republic of Korea 8.958.598.149.079.66
First round 359 8.61 10.36 Republic of Korea 11.2510.769.788.6110.54
5x5x5 Cube First round 108 1:02.14 1:03.40 Republic of Korea 1:03.101:03.581:03.511:02.141:05.10
6x6x6 Cube First round 109 1:53.09 2:03.82 Republic of Korea 1:56.591:53.092:21.78
7x7x7 Cube First round 100 2:55.02 3:07.40 Republic of Korea 3:27.562:55.022:59.61
Megaminx First round 18 34.03 39.56 Republic of Korea 40.3140.1638.2043.1934.03

Yu-Hao Chen (陳宇浩) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 862 12.14 17.13 Chinese Taipei 15.0812.1420.9121.0715.39
2x2x2 Cube First round 425 4.52 5.14 Chinese Taipei 5.495.334.524.616.80
4x4x4 Cube First round 486 53.54 54.71 Chinese Taipei 54.4855.9153.541:02.9853.75
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 455 27.37 32.81 Chinese Taipei 34.8932.3027.3736.1831.24
Pyraminx First round 433 7.94 11.40 Chinese Taipei 13.3913.087.949.6711.44
Skewb First round 342 6.86 10.37 Chinese Taipei 10.6415.758.506.8611.96

Yu-Hsuan Chang (張祐瑄) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 810 11.96 15.98 Chinese Taipei 19.4819.9611.9614.1814.27
2x2x2 Cube First round 643 4.61 7.47 Chinese Taipei 6.664.6110.345.6410.10
4x4x4 Cube First round 569 1:06.15 1:08.63 Chinese Taipei 1:06.701:27.801:08.601:06.151:10.60
5x5x5 Cube First round 419 1:42.91 1:46.59 Chinese Taipei 1:47.231:45.241:42.911:47.301:47.46
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 443 24.59 30.32 Chinese Taipei 28.1640.6733.4924.5929.32
Clock First round 223 11.09 14.02 Chinese Taipei 13.3711.0914.67DNF14.03
Pyraminx First round 256 4.99 6.90 Chinese Taipei 6.415.729.874.998.58
Skewb First round 111 4.34 5.34 Chinese Taipei 5.344.678.076.004.34
Square-1 First round 203 17.76 26.03 Chinese Taipei 17.7621.7034.6332.7823.62

Yu-Nan Chen (陳宥男) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 278 8.30 10.04 Chinese Taipei 10.128.3011.489.8510.16
First round 247 8.03 9.49 Chinese Taipei 8.7410.718.039.1010.62
2x2x2 Cube First round 95 2.34 2.83 Chinese Taipei 2.402.346.062.983.10
4x4x4 Cube First round 146 30.14 35.19 Chinese Taipei 30.1432.1636.4336.9939.86
5x5x5 Cube First round 193 1:05.66 1:11.97 Chinese Taipei 1:13.281:15.731:05.661:17.081:06.89
6x6x6 Cube First round 197 2:09.58 2:34.47 Chinese Taipei 2:09.582:23.653:10.17
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 101 14.31 15.25 Chinese Taipei 16.5822.4514.5214.6614.31
Clock First round 154 9.57 10.79 Chinese Taipei 12.8410.629.579.9111.83
Megaminx First round 274 1:30.05 Chinese Taipei 1:41.441:30.05
Pyraminx First round 312 5.54 7.99 Chinese Taipei 8.07DNF6.639.285.54
Skewb First round 211 5.99 7.00 Chinese Taipei 7.265.997.207.016.78
Square-1 First round 150 17.03 19.49 Chinese Taipei 17.1722.0122.2019.3017.03

YuMin Yang (양유민) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 624 10.12 12.88 Republic of Korea 10.1214.2015.9112.9511.49

Yuan Gao (高原) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 655 11.55 13.26 China 11.7011.5513.7114.3714.57
2x2x2 Cube First round 495 3.27 5.67 China 3.274.397.127.815.51
4x4x4 Cube First round 498 51.66 56.18 China 58.0651.6657.221:05.5353.26
5x5x5 Cube First round 434 1:34.84 1:49.68 China 2:06.831:52.231:51.591:34.841:45.23
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 419 24.80 28.27 China 31.9429.4527.0728.2824.80
Megaminx First round 288 1:34.66 China 1:34.661:44.33
Pyraminx First round 393 8.12 9.98 China 10.399.5110.058.1210.46
Skewb First round 259 5.35 7.91 China 8.238.407.235.358.26

Yucheng Chen (陈裕铖) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 625 11.09 12.88 China 12.9512.5514.4411.0913.13
3x3x3 Blindfolded Second round 41 35.09 DNF China 35.09DNFDNF
First round 48 34.08 DNF China DNFDNF34.08
3x3x3 Multi-Blind Final 19 34/54 1:00:00 China 34/54 1:00:00

Yueh-Lin Tsai (蔡岳霖) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 242 8.35 9.59 Chinese Taipei 8.358.9710.4510.789.35
First round 215 7.64 9.23 Chinese Taipei 9.928.949.097.649.65
5x5x5 Cube Second round 79 59.36 1:05.67 Chinese Taipei 1:05.8159.361:02.501:31.021:08.71
First round 63 56.66 57.35 Chinese Taipei 56.6656.9657.561:06.2657.53
6x6x6 Cube First round 119 1:50.93 2:05.29 Chinese Taipei 1:50.932:10.112:14.84
7x7x7 Cube First round 78 2:50.21 2:52.39 Chinese Taipei 2:55.622:50.212:51.34

Yufang Du (杜昱方) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Final 7 5.38 5.93 China 5.525.386.417.355.85
Semi Final 8 5.80 6.25 China 7.556.406.316.055.80
Second round 4 5.48 5.62 China 5.655.485.735.775.48
First round 11 5.32 6.15 China 6.328.075.326.795.33

Yugon Kim - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 937 17.85 19.82 Republic of Korea 19.4820.1822.1117.8519.80
2x2x2 Cube First round 665 6.54 7.96 Republic of Korea 8.2815.026.958.646.54

Yugyeom Jung - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1071 31.31 32.54 Republic of Korea 59.9431.3134.1731.6031.84

Yuhang Sun (孙煜航) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 354 9.40 11.07 China 11.4211.3910.419.4011.77
First round 339 9.15 10.17 China 10.219.699.1510.6012.24
2x2x2 Cube First round 320 2.35 4.38 China 5.114.432.356.313.61
4x4x4 Cube Second round 69 31.39 32.47 China 31.3931.4333.7632.7933.20
First round 79 29.10 31.24 China 34.2631.0429.8129.1032.88
5x5x5 Cube Second round 63 52.91 57.94 China 57.301:01.651:02.0254.8852.91
First round 62 50.73 57.25 China 1:02.3750.731:00.1157.8653.79
6x6x6 Cube First round 88 1:45.74 1:54.63 China 1:45.741:54.412:03.74
7x7x7 Cube First round 74 2:49.45 2:51.43 China 2:50.112:54.742:49.45
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 199 13.95 18.31 China 19.8513.9517.6022.9417.49
Megaminx First round 112 51.05 59.43 China 51.051:01.101:14.241:00.1857.00
Pyraminx First round 136 3.93 4.73 China 6.753.935.304.284.61
Skewb First round 154 4.16 5.93 China 5.576.478.525.754.16
Square-1 First round 98 11.94 15.56 China 16.4417.5111.9414.9215.31

Yuhei Takagi (高木佑平) - Japan WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 347 8.68 10.88 Japan 10.6010.8011.248.6812.61
First round 355 8.36 10.33 Japan 11.4212.058.369.619.97
4x4x4 Cube First round 282 38.07 41.69 Japan 44.5041.3338.0739.6044.15
5x5x5 Cube First round 221 1:03.55 1:14.54 Japan 1:03.551:15.931:12.301:17.141:15.40
6x6x6 Cube First round 193 2:18.77 2:30.85 Japan 2:45.852:18.772:27.94
7x7x7 Cube First round 156 3:37.29 3:42.39 Japan 3:44.393:45.493:37.29
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 91 1:01.72 DNF Japan DNF1:01.72DNF
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 109 29 DNF Japan DNFDNF29
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 112 14.49 15.61 Japan 15.8914.8016.9516.1514.49
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 48 DNF DNF Japan DNFDNFDNS
5x5x5 Blindfolded Final 30 DNF DNF Japan DNFDNSDNS

Yuheng Wu (吴雨衡) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 681 12.45 13.58 China 12.4515.0013.3114.9012.52
2x2x2 Cube First round 324 3.28 4.40 China
4x4x4 Cube First round 367 43.38 46.13 China 43.3850.3745.6145.0547.74
5x5x5 Cube First round 315 1:14.68 1:25.96 China 1:14.681:30.421:19.901:31.251:27.55
6x6x6 Cube First round 278 3:09.95 China 3:09.95
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 132 1:58.48 DNF China DNFDNF1:58.48
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 50 30 33.67 China 383033
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 413 22.36 27.49 China 31.6125.8022.3627.1929.47
Clock First round 135 7.98 9.95 China 13.717.988.9212.478.45
Pyraminx First round 203 4.00 6.04 China 5.656.887.065.594.00
Skewb First round 187 4.25 6.48 China 6.096.544.257.486.82
Square-1 First round 173 18.35 21.68 China 18.3523.1523.1324.1318.77

Yuichi Hamada (濵田祐一) - Japan WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 975 19.33 21.98 Japan 19.3321.3235.1923.8720.75
2x2x2 Cube First round 709 8.52 10.50 Japan 10.638.5218.9011.369.52
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 128 1:47.36 1:57.84 Japan 1:52.992:13.161:47.36

Yuichiro Kizu (木津勇一郎) - Japan WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1004 22.82 24.68 Japan 25.6725.0723.3122.8235.23
2x2x2 Cube First round 714 8.12 11.15 Japan 9.4017.1212.658.1211.39

Yuji Ishii (石井佑嗣) - Japan WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 457 9.58 11.18 Japan 9.5810.5012.5910.4512.79
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 222 17.91 18.93 Japan 22.4918.6817.9717.9120.14
Pyraminx First round 330 6.84 8.39 Japan 10.156.849.576.988.61

Yuki Morita (森田有貴) - Japan WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 383 11.55 12.59 Japan 13.0413.4212.9911.7511.55
First round 378 9.61 10.52 Japan 10.469.6114.3211.449.65
4x4x4 Cube First round 496 36.90 56.09 Japan 49.99DNF1:11.8836.9046.41
5x5x5 Cube First round 394 1:27.70 1:38.23 Japan 1:44.551:42.361:29.351:27.701:42.98

Yuki Nagai - United States WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 541 10.69 11.97 United States 11.0014.1210.7810.6914.91
2x2x2 Cube Second round 153 3.28 3.70 United States 3.573.773.764.143.28
First round 138 2.02 3.22 United States 2.023.772.463.447.19
4x4x4 Cube First round 528 56.61 1:00.58 United States 1:11.301:02.8157.741:01.1956.61
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 322 19.61 22.65 United States 21.1623.6919.6129.9323.10
Clock First round 176 10.41 11.51 United States 11.9110.4110.4612.1513.76
Megaminx First round 240 1:18.46 1:23.45 United States 1:20.671:26.801:18.461:33.981:22.88
Pyraminx First round 104 3.51 4.21 United States 4.384.155.484.113.51
Skewb First round 318 7.36 9.49 United States 9.909.357.3611.319.21
Square-1 First round 109 10.76 16.44 United States 10.7619.1716.5517.7515.01

Yuki Nomura (野村優希) - Japan WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 158 8.18 8.73 Japan 9.179.968.188.538.49
First round 225 8.54 9.27 Japan 9.028.549.5412.529.26
4x4x4 Cube Second round 77 33.04 34.95 Japan 35.7035.8833.2845.4333.04
First round 66 28.87 30.83 Japan 30.0228.8729.14DNF33.33
5x5x5 Cube First round 92 53.65 1:00.25 Japan 1:05.641:03.1056.6553.651:01.00
6x6x6 Cube First round 148 2:14.92 2:15.13 Japan 2:15.242:14.922:15.23
3x3x3 One-Handed Second round 68 11.53 14.48 Japan 15.6311.5313.3015.1115.03
First round 66 11.53 13.62 Japan 12.3013.7615.0511.5314.80
Megaminx First round 123 58.32 1:00.57 Japan 1:00.781:15.951:01.8059.1458.32
Pyraminx First round 154 4.58 5.11 Japan 7.534.805.904.584.64

Yuki Uchida (内田佑毅) - Japan WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 525 11.13 11.76 Japan 14.3011.2511.1311.2412.80
2x2x2 Cube First round 289 3.41 4.19 Japan 3.414.524.4610.523.59
Pyraminx First round 181 4.18 5.59 Japan
Skewb First round 315 7.80 9.35 Japan 9.378.5611.1210.117.80
Square-1 First round 240 30.09 Japan 31.0530.09

Yuki Yamamoto (山本祐輝) - Japan WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 788 13.33 15.32 Japan 13.3317.4014.2919.6014.28
4x4x4 Cube First round 396 47.77 48.67 Japan 57.9548.0650.0247.7747.94
3x3x3 Blindfolded Second round 70 DNF DNF Japan DNFDNFDNF
First round 53 37.40 DNF Japan DNF37.40DNF
Square-1 First round 91 12.54 14.99 Japan 17.6214.6912.5415.7114.56
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 9 3:27.62 DNF Japan DNF3:27.623:43.03
5x5x5 Blindfolded Final 10 6:28.73 DNF Japan 8:51.30DNF6:28.73

Yul Son (손율) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1045 25.65 28.43 Republic of Korea 32.6225.6627.0033.9925.65
2x2x2 Cube First round 704 6.97 10.29 Republic of Korea 8.7411.476.9710.6713.49
Skewb First round 444 16.90 19.42 Republic of Korea 21.3318.8524.8618.0916.90

Yul-Hok Sung (성열학) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1048 25.46 28.87 Republic of Korea 25.4639.6429.3128.9128.40
2x2x2 Cube First round 690 8.72 9.50 Republic of Korea 8.728.899.5314.0810.08
Pyraminx First round 509 14.48 17.04 Republic of Korea 15.0619.1816.8914.4819.89
Skewb First round 468 23.22 Republic of Korea 23.2227.44

Yull Oh (오율) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 494 10.16 11.56 Republic of Korea 11.7811.57DNF11.3210.16
2x2x2 Cube First round 263 2.40 4.05 Republic of Korea 3.955.323.744.452.40

Yun Jae Kwun (권윤재) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1081 31.34 35.05 Republic of Korea 1:00.0634.3934.8935.8631.34

Yun-Kai Yeh (葉昀愷) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 656 11.08 13.27 Chinese Taipei 15.8613.0512.4114.3411.08
2x2x2 Cube First round 566 4.10 6.27 Chinese Taipei 7.708.426.724.394.10
4x4x4 Cube First round 308 40.87 42.45 Chinese Taipei 48.7744.3642.0740.9340.87
5x5x5 Cube First round 295 1:17.54 1:23.33 Chinese Taipei 1:22.361:30.001:17.631:17.541:31.11
6x6x6 Cube First round 220 2:34.89 2:41.37 Chinese Taipei 2:52.622:34.892:36.61
7x7x7 Cube First round 213 4:26.18 Chinese Taipei 4:26.18
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 379 24.11 25.53 Chinese Taipei 25.0526.4925.8624.1125.67
Pyraminx First round 336 6.39 8.46 Chinese Taipei 6.397.7210.928.928.73
Skewb First round 224 5.47 7.25 Chinese Taipei 5.478.0113.137.656.10
Square-1 First round 243 30.58 Chinese Taipei DNF30.58

Yunseul Bae (배윤슬) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 992 21.21 23.11 Republic of Korea 21.2122.6324.9221.7727.66
2x2x2 Cube First round 619 5.12 6.93 Republic of Korea 7.208.445.125.348.24
Clock First round 173 10.89 11.46 Republic of Korea 12.8911.5211.6210.8911.24
Skewb First round 394 8.43 13.93 Republic of Korea 15.4916.0217.448.4310.29

Yunsoo Kim (김윤수) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 719 12.96 14.11 Republic of Korea 12.9613.5117.0915.7913.02
2x2x2 Cube First round 641 5.95 7.43 Republic of Korea 7.267.375.957.659.34
4x4x4 Cube First round 532 57.59 1:01.08 Republic of Korea 58.231:21.821:01.9657.591:03.04
5x5x5 Cube First round 435 1:45.33 1:51.67 Republic of Korea DNF1:48.941:51.821:45.331:54.25
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 444 25.90 30.34 Republic of Korea 32.5025.9825.9032.54DNF
Pyraminx First round 425 6.82 10.93 Republic of Korea 10.1611.836.8211.2811.35

Yunsu Nam (남윤수) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 497 9.64 11.57 Republic of Korea 11.0812.7211.329.6412.30
2x2x2 Cube Second round 138 2.49 3.41 Republic of Korea 3.747.643.992.492.49
First round 192 2.56 3.67 Republic of Korea 3.803.752.5610.333.46
4x4x4 Cube First round 287 37.54 41.82 Republic of Korea 38.0456.1637.5444.7442.67
5x5x5 Cube First round 226 1:08.08 1:15.16 Republic of Korea 1:10.551:22.251:08.081:20.761:14.17
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 255 17.88 19.99 Republic of Korea 18.5818.1617.8823.2224.64

Yunwoo Jung (정윤우) - Republic of Korea WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 443 9.74 11.06 Republic of Korea 11.0811.329.7412.3910.77
2x2x2 Cube First round 310 2.93 4.31 Republic of Korea 7.652.933.864.284.79
4x4x4 Cube First round 511 49.17 57.41 Republic of Korea 59.6049.17DNF57.3555.28
Megaminx First round 273 1:24.34 1:50.08 Republic of Korea 1:58.551:24.341:36.52DNF1:55.16
Pyraminx First round 391 5.87 9.93 Republic of Korea 5.8716.2610.999.759.06
Skewb First round 260 5.59 7.92 Republic of Korea 9.477.766.659.345.59

Yusheng Du (杜宇生) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 78 6.75 9.09 China 7.158.9511.186.75DNF
Second round 32 6.55 6.99 China 7.248.326.806.936.55
First round 127 6.28 8.24 China
2x2x2 Cube First round 137 1.81 3.22 China 4.601.812.732.325.24
4x4x4 Cube First round 95 27.52 32.34 China 33.5533.0827.5235.1430.39
5x5x5 Cube Second round 62 55.69 57.92 China 59.6656.261:00.1457.8555.69
First round 60 52.19 56.77 China 58.821:02.8352.1957.7353.76
6x6x6 Cube First round 69 1:42.97 1:49.05 China 1:42.971:49.961:54.23
7x7x7 Cube First round 53 2:40.22 2:41.83 China 2:44.542:40.222:40.72
3x3x3 One-Handed Second round 72 10.98 14.68 China 15.8614.6010.9818.1813.58
First round 73 12.73 13.80 China 16.2812.7314.4413.4913.46

Yusuke Takada (高田祐介) - Japan WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 566 10.84 12.24 Japan 11.9912.2612.4613.0310.84
4x4x4 Cube First round 157 32.68 35.61 Japan 34.6839.1734.3032.6837.86
5x5x5 Cube First round 162 1:02.30 1:08.64 Japan 1:07.011:16.961:07.101:02.301:11.80
6x6x6 Cube First round 114 2:00.08 2:04.79 Japan 2:11.912:00.082:02.39
7x7x7 Cube First round 200 4:09.69 Japan 4:09.69
Megaminx First round 79 50.05 54.47 Japan 52.8254.0156.5750.0556.70

Yutong Wang (王宇彤) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 127 7.28 8.38 China
First round 108 7.44 8.01 China 7.697.448.228.12DNF
2x2x2 Cube Second round 62 1.71 2.36 China 1.713.611.751.724.83
First round 35 1.70 2.01 China 1.851.701.993.962.18
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 170 14.39 17.40 China 14.3919.6821.3717.2515.28

Yuuki Kobayashi (古林祐輝) - Japan WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 733 12.23 14.31 Japan 14.7712.2316.9013.9014.27
4x4x4 Cube First round 432 48.24 50.87 Japan 51.7355.5952.2448.2448.65
5x5x5 Cube First round 403 1:27.63 1:40.78 Japan 1:42.951:43.721:27.631:35.681:45.64
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 81 37 42.33 Japan 523738
Megaminx First round 242 1:19.42 1:23.95 Japan 1:19.631:19.421:21.141:31.091:44.74
Pyraminx First round 205 4.01 6.05 Japan 5.774.016.415.988.70

Yuxuan Song (宋宇轩) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 461 8.80 11.22 China 11.8411.138.8012.7710.70
4x4x4 Cube First round 269 36.61 41.12 China 41.1141.3836.6141.3240.92
5x5x5 Cube First round 347 1:16.31 1:30.63 China 1:26.431:32.421:33.051:33.791:16.31
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 144 14.60 16.56 China 15.3717.2817.3814.6017.03
Square-1 First round 189 20.18 23.43 China 24.4224.4421.4220.1825.81

Yuyang Liu - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 786 13.72 15.29 China 13.7217.2914.4115.6615.80

Yuzhe Wang (王语哲) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Final 8 5.20 5.96 China 5.206.525.286.096.85
Semi Final 6 5.01 6.02 China 8.725.146.226.695.01
Second round 11 5.86 6.24 China
First round 28 5.24 6.80 China 6.568.005.245.859.76
2x2x2 Cube Second round 125 2.11 3.22 China
First round 161 2.40 3.40 China 3.813.552.403.203.44
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 285 16.48 21.31 China 22.9425.3321.9116.4819.08
Pyraminx Second round 22 2.23 2.72 China 2.233.322.912.592.65
First round 30 2.40 2.72 China 3.202.402.572.762.83

Zayd Chaudhry - Australia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 259 8.89 9.85 Australia 8.978.8918.3211.039.56
First round 246 7.88 9.49 Australia 8.469.06DNF10.967.88
2x2x2 Cube First round 260 3.67 4.04 Australia 9.023.674.293.724.12
4x4x4 Cube First round 292 37.64 41.95 Australia 39.7746.7737.6442.3943.69
5x5x5 Cube First round 293 1:19.50 1:23.21 Australia 1:21.76DNF1:19.501:20.661:27.21
6x6x6 Cube First round 247 2:40.99 2:59.83 Australia 2:46.343:32.172:40.99
7x7x7 Cube First round 215 4:26.88 Australia 4:26.88
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 150 DNF DNF Australia DNFDNFDNF
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 189 14.95 17.95 Australia 14.9516.1618.8119.6718.87
Clock Final 10 4.34 5.92 Australia 5.28DNF6.034.346.46
First round 1 4.13 4.28 Australia 4.284.854.174.384.13
Megaminx First round 163 1:01.01 1:07.25 Australia 1:05.491:10.681:22.481:01.011:05.57
Pyraminx First round 122 2.49 4.38 Australia 4.553.285.325.772.49
Skewb First round 179 5.04 6.26 Australia 6.177.436.265.046.36
Square-1 Second round 74 6.89 15.49 Australia 6.8910.9520.3415.1922.16
First round 58 7.02 12.20 Australia 7.0214.8013.4414.019.14

Zayn Khanani - United States WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 88 7.67 7.84 United States 7.848.467.887.817.67
First round 131 6.53 8.26 United States 6.538.808.527.698.58
2x2x2 Cube Final 2 1.12 1.36 United States 1.551.161.681.121.37
Second round 1 0.87 1.21 United States 1.110.871.111.401.66
First round 21 1.33 1.76 United States 1.332.091.761.442.38
4x4x4 Cube First round 191 32.86 37.34 United States 44.7641.2536.3132.8634.47
5x5x5 Cube First round 272 1:12.58 1:20.23 United States 1:19.191:12.581:21.601:24.981:19.91
6x6x6 Cube First round 179 2:22.78 2:26.19 United States 2:22.782:32.472:23.33
7x7x7 Cube First round 165 3:35.15 3:48.43 United States 3:50.303:59.853:35.15
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 66 34 36.00 United States 373734
3x3x3 One-Handed Second round 61 12.77 13.91 United States 13.8112.7713.9413.9817.32
First round 15 10.43 11.36 United States 12.9211.2910.4311.8010.98
Clock First round 156 9.78 10.84 United States 10.0412.0111.2411.239.78
Megaminx First round 59 44.28 51.60 United States 1:05.2255.2847.4944.2852.02
Pyraminx First round 99 2.13 4.06 United States 3.812.134.754.933.61
Skewb Final 3 1.63 2.55 United States 3.891.631.991.786.02
Second round 1 0.91 2.02 United States
First round 1 1.35 1.89 United States 1.831.761.352.742.09
Square-1 Second round 23 7.68 8.73 United States 9.287.689.039.637.89
First round 39 8.34 10.89 United States 13.4313.329.729.648.34

Zecharya Moshavi - Israel WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 120 7.86 8.18 Israel 8.058.408.087.8611.13
First round 121 6.66 8.12 Israel 8.206.667.769.758.40
2x2x2 Cube First round 270 2.82 4.10 Israel 4.062.824.584.933.65
4x4x4 Cube Second round 38 25.93 29.38 Israel 30.6325.9336.9227.2330.28
First round 38 26.24 29.03 Israel 26.2427.5428.8131.2830.74
5x5x5 Cube Second round 37 50.24 54.56 Israel 50.2452.5354.6356.511:04.33
First round 27 50.75 52.13 NR Israel 50.7551.7352.111:00.5152.54
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 97 25 DNF Israel DNS25DNF
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 91 12.71 14.87 Israel 14.3512.7117.8413.6216.65

Zejin Liu (刘泽锦) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 188 8.62 9.06 China 11.589.358.628.839.01
First round 258 7.77 9.56 China 8.5810.0610.2010.057.77
2x2x2 Cube Second round 122 2.78 3.18 China 3.233.463.642.782.86
First round 142 2.52 3.27 China 3.622.523.272.91DNF
Pyraminx Final 7 1.81 2.22 China 2.692.091.881.814.51
Second round 10 1.65 2.29 China 1.656.461.892.832.15
First round 12 1.97 2.33 China
Skewb First round 156 2.82 5.95 China 6.472.824.476.907.30

Zejun Chen (陈泽鋆) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 239 8.77 9.54 China 9.1010.299.248.7712.06
First round 179 8.01 8.84 China 8.739.489.558.328.01
2x2x2 Cube First round 411 3.65 5.05 China 4.173.655.896.085.09
4x4x4 Cube First round 97 31.65 32.49 China 32.8332.0332.6332.8231.65
5x5x5 Cube Second round 77 1:00.08 1:03.81 China 1:06.531:04.321:00.691:00.081:06.42
First round 75 55.57 58.22 China 59.7355.5755.691:01.5059.24
6x6x6 Cube First round 49 1:37.06 1:43.60 China 1:43.551:50.181:37.06
7x7x7 Cube First round 62 2:41.31 2:45.48 China 2:43.092:52.042:41.31
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 89 12.82 14.81 China 18.5614.2115.1515.0612.82
Clock First round 214 9.96 13.47 China 9.9615.6010.94DNF13.88
Megaminx First round 28 38.90 43.75 China 39.2552.4947.3438.9044.65
Pyraminx First round 227 4.27 6.40 China 6.497.947.104.275.62
Skewb First round 174 5.41 6.19 China 5.418.705.866.256.45

Zeke Mackay - United States WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 28 6.17 6.87 United States
Second round 46 5.94 7.32 United States 7.397.616.968.135.94
First round 21 5.71 6.62 United States 6.566.636.665.717.47
2x2x2 Cube Second round 41 1.20 2.03 United States 1.813.061.203.351.21
First round 31 1.43 1.95 United States 2.091.991.781.432.42
4x4x4 Cube Second round 41 26.76 29.57 United States 33.2828.4029.4230.8826.76
First round 33 27.68 28.75 United States 31.6128.1628.0427.6830.05
5x5x5 Cube Second round 70 57.95 1:00.01 United States 58.721:01.951:08.5857.9559.36
First round 55 55.30 56.38 United States 55.301:07.1657.2056.4455.50
6x6x6 Cube First round 60 1:31.80 1:46.10 United States 1:46.521:31.801:59.98
7x7x7 Cube First round 92 2:57.19 3:02.16 United States 3:06.962:57.193:02.32
3x3x3 Blindfolded Second round 55 48.69 DNF United States DNFDNF48.69
First round 62 43.12 DNF United States DNF43.12DNF
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 30 26 30.33 United States 323326
3x3x3 One-Handed Second round 62 13.22 13.93 United States 14.6213.5116.4213.6613.22
First round 52 10.06 13.20 United States 14.0610.0613.1614.7612.38
Clock First round 18 5.18 5.75 United States 5.185.386.155.72DNF
Megaminx First round 55 49.26 50.52 United States 49.7950.1656.0851.6249.26
Pyraminx Second round 40 3.14 3.39 United States 6.873.143.283.513.38
First round 57 1.85 3.38 United States 4.452.785.152.911.85
Skewb Second round 46 3.24 4.22 United States 3.333.635.706.663.24
First round 64 3.46 4.55 United States 7.644.753.465.293.60
Square-1 Second round 28 6.75 8.95 United States 9.228.479.909.176.75
First round 68 9.84 12.69 United States 17.0514.419.8411.4412.21
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 48 DNF DNF United States DNFDNFDNF
5x5x5 Blindfolded Final 19 11:07.00 DNF United States 11:07.00DNFDNS

Zhaohe Wang (王昭赫) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 408 9.67 10.81 China 11.049.6711.3910.0811.31
2x2x2 Cube Second round 167 3.05 3.95 China 3.493.604.763.055.35
First round 191 2.49 3.66 China 2.493.134.334.003.86
Clock First round 215 12.14 13.47 China 12.1412.86DNF13.2414.30
Pyraminx Second round 47 3.13 3.59 China 3.225.313.473.134.09
First round 62 2.89 3.50 China
Skewb First round 116 4.06 5.41 China 6.425.595.515.124.06

Zhaoxuan Guan (关兆炫) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 583 8.44 12.40 China 13.838.668.4414.8114.71
2x2x2 Cube Second round 172 3.63 4.12 China 6.853.723.793.634.84
First round 170 2.92 3.47 China 3.483.522.923.416.93

Zhe Wang (汪哲) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 702 12.86 13.88 China 14.5312.8613.5013.6125.04
2x2x2 Cube First round 582 3.36 6.43 China 7.738.943.366.674.89
Pyraminx First round 86 2.75 3.87 China 4.372.758.013.783.46
Skewb First round 445 11.71 19.52 China 11.7112.74DNF16.8628.96

Zhe Wang (王哲) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 724 12.91 14.17 China 13.2414.3115.1414.9512.91
2x2x2 Cube First round 403 3.60 5.00 China 6.485.225.103.604.69
4x4x4 Cube First round 444 47.86 51.56 China 52.7550.2353.7747.8651.71
5x5x5 Cube First round 246 1:11.50 1:17.74 China 1:17.831:11.721:11.501:25.321:23.67
6x6x6 Cube First round 183 2:13.53 2:27.34 China 2:19.852:48.632:13.53
7x7x7 Cube First round 155 3:35.09 3:42.23 China 3:52.673:38.933:35.09
3x3x3 Blindfolded Second round 52 44.25 DNF China DNF46.4344.25
First round 52 36.08 37.14 China 37.2938.0636.08
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 381 22.71 25.56 China 26.7323.6726.4726.5322.71
Clock First round 118 7.55 9.46 China 9.4811.4610.257.558.65
Pyraminx First round 263 4.75 6.95 China 7.997.336.517.024.75
Skewb First round 240 6.38 7.56 China 7.136.3810.947.557.99
Square-1 First round 192 18.37 23.75 China 27.7526.2018.3719.8525.21
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 8 3:22.03 DNF China DNFDNF3:22.03
5x5x5 Blindfolded Final 30 DNF DNF China DNFDNFDNF

Zhen-Han Wu (吳政翰) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 1060 25.97 30.42 Chinese Taipei 29.0830.7931.3939.2925.97
2x2x2 Cube First round 719 8.03 11.47 Chinese Taipei 15.959.159.3016.348.03

Zhengkai Xu (徐正凯) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 663 10.68 13.32 China 14.3114.1713.5012.2910.68
5x5x5 Cube First round 352 1:25.24 1:31.14 China 1:33.701:30.841:28.891:25.241:38.58
7x7x7 Cube First round 225 4:35.30 China 4:35.30
Skewb First round 161 3.36 6.01 China 3.369.

Zheqi Zhu (诸哲祺) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 614 11.75 12.73 China 12.4711.7514.3913.9511.78
2x2x2 Cube First round 678 4.43 8.52 China 4.439.199.1912.167.17
4x4x4 Cube First round 508 52.14 57.11 China 1:04.7255.211:00.0956.0452.14
Clock First round 189 10.64 11.86 China 12.0912.2510.6412.3811.25
Pyraminx First round 129 3.79 4.61 China 7.513.863.795.274.70
Skewb First round 287 7.55 8.67 China 7.559.567.9310.048.52

Zhibo Jin (金智博) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 424 9.90 10.94 China 9.9010.8311.9612.4410.04
2x2x2 Cube Second round 50 1.53 2.17 China DNF1.921.781.532.82
First round 45 1.63 2.13 China 1.631.942.352.115.07
4x4x4 Cube First round 414 43.50 49.52 China 52.6347.0251.7749.7743.50
5x5x5 Cube First round 323 1:16.65 1:26.95 China 1:24.311:29.391:32.071:16.651:27.16
6x6x6 Cube First round 216 2:30.08 2:40.24 China 2:30.082:58.492:32.14
7x7x7 Cube First round 240 4:52.71 China 4:52.71
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 343 20.51 23.70 China 31.1723.3122.3725.4320.51
Megaminx First round 278 1:30.97 China 1:58.491:30.97
Pyraminx First round 272 6.03 7.05 China 6.037.478.826.407.27
Skewb First round 377 7.39 12.68 China 11.4914.5711.997.3914.85

Zhihai Liu (刘之海) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 298 9.46 10.25 China 10.9210.369.479.4611.57
First round 329 8.32 10.11 China 9.9110.6310.2310.198.32
2x2x2 Cube First round 647 3.62 7.55 China 6.285.893.6214.8110.49
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 231 17.00 19.33 China 19.4418.6919.8720.5717.00
Clock First round 300 21.65 China DNF21.65
Megaminx First round 197 1:04.26 1:13.36 China 1:12.281:13.591:14.221:15.781:04.26
Pyraminx First round 304 6.23 7.82 China 6.286.2311.4110.406.78
Skewb First round 238 6.09 7.51 China 7.756.588.199.126.09

Zhiyi Yang (杨芝懿) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 71 5.80 8.47 China 7.6410.065.809.248.52
Second round 16 5.87 6.45 China 6.777.025.876.246.33
First round 45 6.10 7.10 China 7.246.837.246.1010.05

Zhiyuan Lin (林致远) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 539 9.99 11.94 China 14.4412.6111.759.9911.45
2x2x2 Cube First round 326 3.23 4.41 China 4.524.123.234.594.82
4x4x4 Cube First round 464 47.09 52.70 China 58.1157.1349.6051.3847.09
Pyraminx First round 455 10.82 12.18 China 14.5812.0810.8210.8713.60

Zhuoyan Chen (陈卓岩) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 835 14.63 16.60 China 19.6014.6315.2719.0915.43
2x2x2 Cube First round 662 4.81 7.93 China 7.978.378.777.454.81
Pyraminx First round 369 7.18 9.26 China 10.207.5410.0312.827.18

Zi-Kai Peng (彭資凱) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 372 9.72 11.43 Chinese Taipei 11.9110.3312.509.7212.05
First round 365 9.06 10.44 Chinese Taipei 12.7110.5111.509.069.30

Zian Song (宋子安) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 559 9.99 12.18 China 12.799.9910.6913.2613.06
4x4x4 Cube First round 188 34.68 37.20 China 44.9434.7034.6837.4239.48
5x5x5 Cube First round 140 1:02.37 1:06.50 China 1:09.331:06.901:04.491:08.121:02.37
6x6x6 Cube First round 116 2:00.23 2:04.97 China 2:03.722:00.232:10.96
7x7x7 Cube First round 86 2:49.38 2:57.62 China 2:54.263:09.212:49.38
Pyraminx First round 190 3.73 5.77 China

Zih-Siang Huang (黃子翔) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 540 9.50 11.97 Chinese Taipei 13.5312.2812.8210.819.50
2x2x2 Cube First round 276 3.30 4.14 Chinese Taipei 4.244.323.303.865.21
4x4x4 Cube First round 425 46.50 50.27 Chinese Taipei 46.5054.9550.6451.3848.78
5x5x5 Cube First round 398 1:30.90 1:39.36 Chinese Taipei 1:58.321:31.211:48.771:30.901:38.11
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 150 DNF DNF Chinese Taipei DNFDNFDNF
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 320 15.51 22.51 Chinese Taipei 27.9426.6120.8020.1315.51
Clock First round 23 5.43 6.06 Chinese Taipei 6.066.595.529.125.43
Megaminx First round 271 1:20.69 1:37.66 Chinese Taipei 1:20.691:31.911:50.021:46.971:34.11
Pyraminx First round 307 6.30 7.85 Chinese Taipei 9.247.867.428.286.30
Skewb First round 96 4.25 5.14 Chinese Taipei
Square-1 First round 130 16.27 17.67 Chinese Taipei 17.9717.6118.6316.2717.42

Zirui Wang (王子睿) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 485 10.80 11.46 China 12.6811.2311.3111.8410.80
2x2x2 Cube First round 367 3.45 4.69 China 4.506.334.824.763.45
4x4x4 Cube First round 466 46.36 52.75 China 52.3954.2946.3651.5856.19
5x5x5 Cube First round 357 1:29.79 1:31.50 China 1:29.792:16.411:30.701:30.881:32.91
6x6x6 Cube First round 284 3:19.64 China 3:19.64

Zishuo Zhang (张子硕) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 363 10.92 11.28 China 11.4110.9211.8411.4211.00
First round 318 9.63 10.00 China 9.9716.599.6310.179.87
2x2x2 Cube Second round 109 2.51 3.04 China 2.513.414.482.643.07
First round 169 2.56 3.46 China 7.653.692.563.852.84
4x4x4 Cube First round 234 33.90 39.38 China 40.5133.9038.4139.2246.78
5x5x5 Cube First round 273 1:13.42 1:20.34 China 1:18.231:22.501:20.281:25.791:13.42
6x6x6 Cube First round 236 2:41.21 2:48.69 China 2:53.632:41.212:51.22
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 150 DNF DNF China DNFDNFDNF
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 252 17.74 19.93 China 22.0520.0018.9120.8717.74
Megaminx First round 118 56.90 59.97 China 59.621:11.0058.581:01.7256.90
Pyraminx First round 89 3.44 3.91 China 4.883.444.293.443.99
Skewb First round 115 4.53 5.40 China 6.084.914.536.425.21
Square-1 First round 195 17.64 24.68 China 21.9226.5717.64DNF25.55

Zixuan Xu (徐子轩) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 26 5.52 6.83 China 6.707.265.526.597.19
Second round 30 6.03 6.94 China 6.037.556.457.506.88
First round 12 5.45 6.15 China 5.456.396.295.788.61
2x2x2 Cube First round 753 DNF DNF China DNFDNFDNFDNFDNF

Ziyi Chen (陈子怡) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 795 11.11 15.50 China 17.0415.5314.9016.0611.11
5x5x5 Cube First round 280 1:18.37 1:21.50 China 1:19.861:24.061:20.581:18.371:27.94
6x6x6 Cube First round 185 2:22.92 2:28.00 China 2:35.662:22.922:25.41
7x7x7 Cube First round 111 3:11.72 3:17.66 China 3:20.983:11.723:20.27
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 461 29.82 34.18 China 43.9129.8234.6431.5036.40

Ziyi He (何梓毅) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 757 12.19 14.78 China 17.1212.8415.2716.2312.19
2x2x2 Cube First round 579 6.05 6.38 China 6.056.448.076.356.36
Skewb First round 359 9.05 11.20 China 12.119.2312.2613.089.05
Square-1 First round 242 30.43 China 30.4340.48

Ziyi Xu (徐梓翼) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 730 11.96 14.27 China 16.2817.0413.3911.9613.14
2x2x2 Cube First round 556 3.91 6.23 China 5.286.793.916.6111.47
4x4x4 Cube First round 442 45.76 51.47 China 45.761:22.9847.9152.8653.65
5x5x5 Cube First round 324 1:20.94 1:27.03 China 1:20.941:37.221:25.201:25.901:30.00
6x6x6 Cube First round 219 2:34.71 2:41.29 China 2:50.512:34.712:38.66
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 106 1:12.61 1:34.30 China 1:12.611:39.171:51.13
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 412 24.44 27.48 China 30.6425.6626.6130.1724.44
Pyraminx First round 219 4.45 6.27 China 6.625.956.247.104.45
Skewb First round 327 7.43 9.82 China 10.167.439.5810.999.71
5x5x5 Blindfolded Final 15 9:08.84 DNF China 9:08.84DNFDNF

Ziyu Wu (吴子钰) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 48 6.87 7.57 China
Second round 58 7.26 7.46 China 7.368.177.267.717.30
First round 96 6.42 7.91 China 7.276.429.309.107.37
2x2x2 Cube First round 259 3.16 4.04 China 3.423.166.193.894.80
4x4x4 Cube First round 86 26.26 31.67 China 26.261:04.4333.1932.6829.13
5x5x5 Cube Second round 59 53.08 57.56 China 53.0854.8857.641:04.721:00.16
First round 48 50.32 55.63 China 52.1658.7356.0950.3258.64
7x7x7 Cube First round 49 2:34.65 2:40.22 China 2:40.662:45.352:34.65
Megaminx Final 6 28.51 NR 31.49 China 29.1328.5132.4432.90DNF
First round 3 29.20 NR 30.94 NR China 31.1429.2033.6530.9630.72
Pyraminx First round 164 3.69 5.28 China 4.536.27DNF3.695.03

Ziyu Ye (叶梓渝) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 24 6.40 6.80 China
Second round 59 6.08 7.50 China 6.807.826.088.227.87
First round 76 6.48 7.65 China 6.488.597.608.157.21
2x2x2 Cube Final 1 0.82 1.34 China 1.091.360.821.561.59
Second round 14 1.24 1.64 China 2.151.321.451.242.48
First round 19 1.20 1.74 China 1.931.201.891.671.67
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 349 18.95 23.87 China 22.3534.8821.0428.2118.95

Zizheng Li (李子铮) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 814 13.88 16.08 China 17.6114.7313.8816.9516.55
4x4x4 Cube First round 427 45.41 50.38 China 58.5753.6545.4148.4049.08
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 289 18.98 21.38 China 22.8728.9919.2018.9822.08
Clock First round 290 18.92 China 18.9222.14

Zongliang Yang (杨宗亮) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 310 9.38 10.38 China 10.489.6111.0612.559.38
First round 223 7.88 9.27 China 8.3410.607.8811.528.86
2x2x2 Cube Second round 168 2.64 3.97 China 3.645.192.643.924.34
First round 131 2.65 3.13 China 6.992.742.653.093.56
4x4x4 Cube First round 417 41.10 49.90 China 47.2252.8549.8641.1052.63
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 284 16.44 21.31 China 18.5816.4424.2721.0825.89
Clock First round 273 15.10 China 15.10DNF
Pyraminx First round 204 4.72 6.04 China 6.689.325.744.725.70
Skewb First round 292 4.94 8.78 China 8.9414.768.484.948.91

Zongyang Li (李宗阳) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 629 10.98 12.93 China 14.2210.9812.6013.4312.75
Skewb Second round 19 2.73 3.07 China 4.452.762.733.612.84
First round 16 2.61 3.20 China 2.662.614.694.092.84

Đỗ Quang Hưng - Vietnam WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 29 6.23 6.89 Vietnam 8.026.676.627.376.23
Second round 57 5.07 NR 7.44 Vietnam 7.278.896.785.078.27
First round 61 6.19 7.40 Vietnam 7.728.216.2710.036.19
2x2x2 Cube Second round 51 1.20 2.19 Vietnam 1.822.883.191.881.20
First round 37 1.57 2.03 Vietnam 3.892.191.571.941.96
4x4x4 Cube Final 2 22.13 22.63 NR Vietnam 22.1723.0222.7022.1326.44
Second round 12 22.02 26.59 Vietnam 30.6527.9727.9022.0223.90
First round 4 21.86 22.89 Vietnam 22.3525.3621.8621.9624.37
5x5x5 Cube Final 7 40.20 44.94 Vietnam 46.1940.2042.7646.5145.86
Second round 8 42.05 44.92 Vietnam 45.6242.0548.9143.6745.46
First round 5 39.45 42.92 NR Vietnam 40.4746.4544.6639.4543.62
6x6x6 Cube First round 42 1:20.91 NR 1:40.90 Vietnam 2:18.651:20.911:23.14
7x7x7 Cube Final 5 1:46.76 NR 1:58.63 NR Vietnam 1:59.891:46.762:09.25
First round 11 2:06.42 2:12.80 NR Vietnam 2:20.802:11.182:06.42
3x3x3 One-Handed Second round 26 10.98 11.90 Vietnam 11.7312.6210.9812.2011.77
First round 62 11.78 13.45 Vietnam 12.8113.8711.7816.8513.68

Łukasz Dubicki - Poland WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 331 7.48 10.60 Poland 10.509.447.4814.1411.87
First round 366 9.62 10.44 Poland 10.309.6210.1310.9011.48
2x2x2 Cube Second round 155 2.02 3.72 Poland
First round 126 2.36 3.11 Poland 2.782.365.052.963.59
4x4x4 Cube First round 198 33.88 37.52 Poland 42.6137.8039.7233.8835.03
5x5x5 Cube First round 206 1:09.44 1:12.67 Poland 1:09.441:15.831:12.811:13.351:11.86
6x6x6 Cube First round 150 2:04.27 2:16.21 Poland 2:17.862:04.272:26.49
7x7x7 Cube First round 203 4:15.50 Poland 4:15.50
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 150 DNF DNF Poland DNFDNFDNF
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 291 17.78 21.57 Poland DNF17.7821.3225.5917.79
Clock First round 96 7.61 8.84 Poland 9.177.618.628.74DNF
Megaminx First round 172 58.59 1:08.24 Poland 1:08.6158.591:08.761:07.351:10.74
Pyraminx Second round 66 2.43 4.11 Poland 2.434.114.603.615.63
First round 63 2.94 3.52 Poland 3.792.942.975.323.81
Skewb First round 119 4.22 5.46 Poland 8.226.644.225.374.37
Square-1 Second round 45 8.83 10.42 Poland 8.839.7014.039.3412.23
First round 36 8.89 10.79 Poland 8.8912.2917.289.5010.57
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