Xuchang Open 2017

Sep 24, 2017
Xuchang, Henan, China

Fortune Center

Cross of Tianbao Road and Weiwen Road

19th Floor, Building B

Xuchang Open 2017 website

Changtong Lu

Changtong Lu (路长通)
WCA Delegate
Baiqiang Dong (董百强)

Please check the competition website for more information.

Main event
Registration requirements
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Zibo Xu (徐子博) won with an average of 7.76 seconds in the 3x3x3 Cube event. Xiaobin Rui (芮晓彬) finished second (9.74) and Junze Zhao (赵俊泽) finished third (10.97).

3x3x3 Cube

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Zibo Xu (徐子博) 6.89 7.76 China 8.748.237.767.306.89
2 Xiaobin Rui (芮晓彬) 9.30 9.74 China 11.099.799.719.309.72
3 Junze Zhao (赵俊泽) 9.91 10.97 China 10.569.9112.3710.7511.61

2x2x2 Cube

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Junze Zhao (赵俊泽) 2.30 3.38 China 2.303.113.513.513.55
2 Zibo Xu (徐子博) 2.01 3.50 China 2.015.773.444.013.06
3 Xiaowei Wang (王晓伟) 3.11 3.77 China 3.993.516.203.823.11

4x4x4 Cube

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Xuming Wang (王旭明) 28.66 32.47 China 36.9633.2331.2128.6632.96
2 Xiaobin Rui (芮晓彬) 33.24 37.11 China 33.2437.6140.8637.7935.92
3 Xiaowei Wang (王晓伟) 38.05 46.88 China 45.8038.0551.2347.8247.02

3x3x3 Blindfolded

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Xin Shi (石欣) 30.43 DNF China 30.4333.65DNF
2 Yongqiang Peng (彭永强) 50.99 DNF China 50.99DNFDNF
3 Xinyun Chen (陈新运) 51.30 DNF China 51.30DNFDNF

3x3x3 Fewest Moves

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Baiqiang Dong (董百强) 28 China 28
2 Maosheng Chen (陈茂盛) 29 China 29
3 Yiwei Liu (刘伊玮) 31 China 31

3x3x3 One-Handed

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Zibo Xu (徐子博) 13.76 15.92 China 16.1913.7616.69DNF14.88
2 Xuming Wang (王旭明) 15.80 16.19 China 15.9716.7415.8624.6615.80
3 Xiaobin Rui (芮晓彬) 14.31 17.64 China 16.7117.8019.1614.3118.42


# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Kaiyang Gao (高凯阳) 3.77 5.86 China 3.774.756.026.806.92
2 Junze Zhao (赵俊泽) 4.75 5.99 China 5.384.756.306.296.92
3 Xiaobin Rui (芮晓彬) 4.92 6.08 China 4.924.927.579.945.74
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