Patrick Jameson

Completed Solves
United States 2007JAME01 Male 34 1513

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 2350 3059 11652 9.16 11.79 14841 3832 2930
2x2x2 Cube 976 1231 4543 1.72 5.02 25828 7255 5580
4x4x4 Cube 1376 1900 7892 40.00 45.45 7421 1812 1320
5x5x5 Cube 1255 1729 6668 1:22.34 1:31.94 6813 1784 1297
6x6x6 Cube 1188 1601 5616 3:00.66 3:19.51 5969 1716 1284
7x7x7 Cube 1279 1728 6104 5:11.65 5:26.16 5620 1603 1186
3x3x3 Blindfolded 517 670 3061 1:52.03
3x3x3 One-Handed 1840 2515 10443 18.81 22.49 9329 2208 1605
Clock 3570 4329 13954 17.77 20.62 12691 3975 3293
Megaminx 1821 2522 9071 1:36.28 1:40.38 7688 2110 1528
Pyraminx 1242 1575 6306 3.63 9.82 25840 6882 5342
Square-1 2591 3201 9832 28.40 43.30 11249 3718 3003
3x3x3 Multi-Blind 568 749 3417 1/2 13:27

Medal Collection

Gold Silver Bronze
18 44 30

Record Collection

2 8
3x3x3 Cube
Liberty Science Center Open 2013 Final 10 11.26 12.67 13.5512.3111.2616.1812.16
Second round 12 10.47 12.65 13.8712.9912.6212.3410.47
First round 14 11.75 13.73 14.7113.2616.3913.2211.75
Monmouth County Open 2013 Final 7 11.71 12.58 11.7112.1913.1612.4014.72
Second round 9 12.46 13.03 12.6812.4613.5912.8114.05
First round 6 10.96 12.49 15.1113.4312.3010.9611.75
Liberty Science Center Open 2012 Second round 12 12.30 13.50 12.3012.5914.2715.0513.65
First round 10 12.15 13.43 13.6513.7212.1513.3113.33
Waterloo Open Fall 2012 Final 8 10.94 13.09 13.3612.9010.9413.0013.83
Second round 9 12.05 12.83 12.9112.0513.3815.8412.19
First round 8 12.61 12.97 13.0015.9113.0212.6112.88
St. Joseph's College Summer 2012 Final 9 11.78 14.01 17.1613.2813.8414.9111.78
Second round 9 11.03 13.23 11.0312.4314.7813.5913.66
First round 8 11.22 12.90 13.9628.3112.7211.2212.03
Princeton Fall 2011 Final 6 10.80 12.66 14.3412.6614.0310.8011.30
Second round 7 10.22 13.14 15.8612.3610.2213.0314.02
First round 8 12.33 13.36 13.6114.0517.5912.4112.33
Park Ridge Open 2011 Final 8 11.90 18.84 16.4714.9411.9025.111:05.84
Second round 7 10.71 13.10 13.5610.7114.6612.9712.77
First round 4 10.63 12.07 11.2510.6312.3812.5912.65
MIT Spring 2011 Final 5 11.06 13.33 12.4313.8611.0613.7213.83
Second round 5 10.78 13.23 10.7816.9715.8811.8411.96
First round 5 11.69 13.55 21.6812.1813.9014.5611.69
Princeton Fall 2010 Final 3 11.46 12.86 12.2216.3011.4612.6613.69
Second round 3 11.05 12.86 14.9113.4411.6911.0513.46
First round 4 9.16 12.77 12.3814.779.1614.1111.81
United States Rubik's Cube Championships 2010 Semi Final 20 12.11 14.57 12.1114.5819.9715.7513.38
Second round 8 11.30 12.63 11.3012.8313.8112.1112.96
First round 17 12.09 12.88 12.0913.1312.4313.3413.08
Washington DC Spring 2010 Final 4 11.47 13.08 13.7213.3412.1811.4716.53
Second round 2 12.06 12.88 14.3112.8312.0612.9112.91
First round 4 12.33 14.42 12.3316.9617.7712.5013.80
Captain's Cove competition 2010 Final 1 11.86 13.57 13.3013.6111.8613.8120.93
Second round 1 9.91 12.51 11.5614.869.9113.9712.00
First round 2 11.06 13.01 13.0815.2711.0614.6111.34
Safe Haven competition 2010 Final 3 12.02 13.97 12.1622.0615.4012.0214.36
Second round 3 12.90 13.34 13.4112.9013.5913.0216.65
First round 2 10.94 11.79 11.1313.1911.9412.3010.94
MIT Spring 2010 Final 1 10.55 12.12 10.5513.9312.9411.9111.52
Second round 5 12.41 13.00 12.4112.9013.6612.8613.25
First round 4 11.83 13.58 13.5614.9712.3814.8111.83
MIT Fall 2009 Second round 10 10.77 14.85 15.4716.7712.3110.7719.02
First round 4 11.66 13.73 14.6313.8415.2111.6612.72
Safe Haven competition 2009 Final 7 13.56 15.87 16.3313.5617.7114.1917.08
Second round 5 13.18 15.31 15.1618.9315.3413.1815.43
First round 3 13.27 13.78 16.4613.2713.4413.5014.40
Captain's Cove competition 2009 Final 4 14.38 15.70 16.4714.4614.3817.3316.18
Second round 7 14.44 17.25 18.6618.6114.4415.0318.11
First round 5 13.40 14.84 16.4014.4016.4413.7113.40
UPenn Spring competition 2009 Final 2 13.86 14.47 15.2814.1613.8616.5813.96
First round 2 13.59 14.54 14.3014.3115.0013.5915.80
Drexel Winter 2009 Final 2 11.77 13.89 11.7711.9415.8414.1515.59
Second round 1 13.58 14.31 13.6514.1313.5815.1617.96
First round 2 12.97 14.58 12.9718.5015.1614.6113.97
Fort Lee Winter 2009 Final 5 14.52 16.49 17.1514.5219.4016.5015.83
Second round 5 13.03 15.34 14.6519.3613.0315.7215.65
First round 8 14.25 17.78 18.8616.9623.2717.5214.25
Newark Winter 2009 Final 6 13.91 14.97 15.6916.3814.1915.0313.91
Second round 5 11.84 14.53 13.5911.8416.0816.4013.93
First round 7 13.13 16.00 17.7215.8313.1317.1315.03
Westchester Fall 2008 Final 5 14.53 16.81 17.8014.5316.1618.6916.46
Second round 5 11.93 15.69 15.9315.0216.1516.1111.93
First round 3 12.94 15.30 18.7113.6512.9414.6517.59
Drexel Fall 2008 Final 4 15.13 16.00 16.2715.8617.9615.1315.86
Second round 5 14.72 16.95 19.2114.7216.3323.3815.31
First round 3 13.97 14.98 13.9714.1817.3416.2814.47
Newark Open 2008 Final 2 12.21 14.25 16.1112.2114.9313.2814.55
Second round 9 15.43 17.50 15.4318.7518.0217.6116.88
First round 2 14.06 14.46 17.9314.7314.3014.0614.36
US Nationals and Open 2008 First round 33 14.31 17.98 18.1218.5814.3119.6617.25
Da Vinci Science Center competition 2008 Final 10 16.38 17.87 18.5818.1322.1916.9116.38
First round 7 15.65 16.78 15.6517.5917.7816.0316.71
Captain's Cove competition 2008 Final 4 14.55 17.91 21.3417.7219.6816.3414.55
Second round 4 14.78 15.83 14.7815.2718.4316.9215.31
First round 3 15.09 16.90 16.5817.1916.9415.0918.03
Armonk Spring 2008 Final 5 14.46 17.04 15.5817.5018.0514.4621.52
Second round 3 14.23 15.34 14.2317.6516.1114.5515.35
First round 3 14.69 16.64 16.8015.0218.1114.6921.82
Princeton Open 2008 Final 15 19.10 22.06 30.4526.3719.1020.1719.65
First round 14 17.27 18.24 19.2518.9618.3817.2717.38
Kearny Kardinal competition 2008 Final 6 16.59 18.96 19.2716.5920.7520.5417.06
Second round 2 15.00 16.39 15.0015.7017.2521.5516.21
First round 7 18.21 21.59 23.6119.2222.7122.8418.21
Pleasantville Fall competition 2007 Second round 11 17.53 20.80 17.5318.5931.5119.8024.00
First round 5 17.33 19.11 19.7717.3319.1818.3719.93
Captain's Cove competition 2007 First round 9 22.22 24.57 24.1934.5022.2225.2224.30
Rutgers Spring competition 2007 Second round 20 29.34 33.17 36.8529.7829.3435.9833.75
First round 19 23.56 30.44 34.0123.5934.9923.5633.73

History of World Records

Single Average Competition Round Solves
0.90 MIT Fall 2009 Final 2.520.810.780.940.94
0.83 Drexel Winter 2009 Final

History of Continental Records

Single Average Competition Round Solves
2x2x2 Cube
1.72 Armonk Spring 2008 Final
4x4x4 Cube
45.45 Captain's Cove competition 2010 Final 46.1640.0052.0544.2545.93
52.63 Fort Lee Winter 2009 Final 46.4751.0350.9055.9757.97
0.78 MIT Fall 2009 Final
1.08 Captain's Cove competition 2009 Final 1.270.88DNF0.931.03
0.86 Fort Lee Winter 2009 Final
0.94 Westchester Fall 2008 Final
0.96 Newark Open 2008 Final

National Championship Podiums

Event Place Single Average Solves
US Nationals and Open 2008
4x4x4 Cube 2 51.10 1:01.55 1:04.8059.5251.101:10.171:00.34
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