Alrimar Dias Rocha Sobrinho

Completed Solves
Brazil 2011SOBR01 Male 39 2722

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 312 1374 18809 10.30 12.58 19259 1361 314
2x2x2 Cube 72 283 4112 1.67 3.43 6143 402 94
4x4x4 Cube 106 592 8012 40.28 45.12 7084 521 97
5x5x5 Cube 119 603 9035 1:30.78 1:41.79 9344 630 123
6x6x6 Cube 101 499 7532 3:28.72 3:33.93 6770 443 88
7x7x7 Cube 68 329 5338 4:52.28 5:11.03 5163 308 64
3x3x3 Blindfolded 216 600 8833 5:42.21
3x3x3 Fewest Moves 63 157 2333 33 42.33 2870 187 71
3x3x3 One-Handed 128 538 6935 16.63 22.38 9099 677 163
Clock 63 183 3345 7.86 10.27 4075 223 79
Megaminx 302 1316 13435 2:02.59 2:13.32 12152 1185 274
Pyraminx 122 529 7212 3.84 5.46 4853 332 72
Skewb 109 542 7722 4.31 14.48 32867 1977 517
Square-1 161 499 7750 24.10 37.53 9493 618 194

Medal Collection

Gold Silver Bronze
39 38 43
3x3x3 Cube
Oficina Open 2018 Final 8 14.24 15.18 18.2815.0514.2416.2214.27
Second round 9 13.02 15.37 17.7214.7815.1716.1513.02
First round 9 14.65 15.68 14.8415.0917.2314.6517.10
CEFET-MG UAI Bits Open 2017 Final 6 12.74 13.74 15.9612.9315.2412.7413.06
Second round 7 14.01 15.33 16.5015.3114.1819.5114.01
First round 7 13.72 14.33 14.0115.2113.7613.7217.12
SESC Santos 2017 Second round 17 12.74 13.36 12.9614.1212.7418.0213.01
First round 25 11.38 15.30 14.2113.2311.3818.47DNF
Oficina Open 2017 Final 11 13.05 14.28 13.0514.9415.5813.8814.01
Second round 10 12.58 14.22 13.9216.8814.8812.5813.86
First round 9 11.69 13.45 15.2011.6913.1613.9713.22
Sumaré Open 2016 Final 7 12.21 14.74 15.5716.1212.2124.9912.52
Second round 6 12.68 13.70 14.1612.8812.6814.0714.16
First round 6 13.17 14.42 13.1715.6913.4115.6614.20
Brasileiro 2016 Semi Final 22 11.72 14.40 13.7313.0711.7216.39DNF
Second round 17 13.08 13.55 13.6414.0913.8713.1313.08
First round 20 11.38 13.49 14.5615.1512.6011.3813.30
Oficina Open 2016 Final 10 13.50 15.54 15.6517.4320.0013.5013.54
Second round 8 12.89 14.64 15.0313.6716.1715.2212.89
First round 4 12.13 12.58 12.4012.1613.1713.8812.13
Brasília Open 2016 Final 9 12.77 15.09 15.1815.0215.0812.7716.53
Second round 4 10.36 12.71 13.4510.3614.3910.9613.72
First round 7 13.74 14.05 13.7413.9813.8114.3517.27
Open Cubo Mágico Domus Sapiens 2016 Second round 13 13.33 15.40 16.1215.2613.3316.4114.81
First round 4 12.27 13.41 13.4912.2713.3213.4214.20
Fecap Open 2016 Final 7 11.31 14.40 15.8512.5316.8314.8111.31
First round 7 14.65 15.10 15.1116.8614.7014.6515.50
Capivara Open 2015 Final 7 13.25 14.99 15.2315.3915.5213.2514.35
Second round 6 13.66 14.18 13.6614.6115.3513.7314.20
First round 7 12.58 14.39 15.3612.5814.4815.3813.33
Patos de Minas 2015 Final 2 13.42 16.00 13.4214.1817.1624.2816.67
Second round 2 12.90 13.93 14.6514.9113.6512.9013.50
First round 2 10.55 13.58 16.8914.3512.9410.5513.44
Maranhão Open 2015 Final 2 11.69 13.66 14.5812.5913.8011.6914.78
Second round 5 12.01 15.08 12.0114.9615.5314.7515.59
First round 3 12.22 14.02 12.2215.6613.74DNF12.65
Brasilia Spring 2015 Final 9 13.24 15.96 15.3818.1913.2414.3019.31
Second round 5 12.16 13.63 12.5516.5715.5812.7512.16
First round 6 13.22 14.77 17.6914.5913.6413.2216.08
SESC Santos 2015 Final 11 16.20 16.79 16.4817.5716.2017.4216.47
Second round 12 12.38 14.70 16.3715.1314.7212.3814.24
First round 15 14.02 15.45 14.4614.6119.3114.0217.28
World Rubik's Cube Championship 2015 Second round 112 12.97 15.39 16.2820.0415.5512.9714.33
First round 149 13.68 16.61 15.9613.6817.2116.6517.27
Colégio IPÊ 2015 Final 14 13.82 14.81 14.8714.6819.6314.8713.82
Second round 15 14.95 15.26 15.2117.4415.6214.9514.96
First round 23 13.25 18.84 17.4113.2519.7519.3640.07
Brasilia Open 2015 Final 8 13.09 15.01 13.0913.1715.2417.4016.62
Second round 6 12.89 14.04 13.9713.1315.0312.8916.10
First round 11 14.18 15.14 16.2716.7714.4014.7514.18
Oficina Open 2015 Final 8 13.47 15.43 14.4014.0917.8013.4724.42
Second round 11 13.68 16.38 17.3816.0815.6918.4213.68
First round 9 12.35 15.86 17.9415.3818.0412.3514.26
Pré-Mundial 2015 Semi Final 18 11.58 14.50 15.2014.9611.5816.1513.35
Second round 20 13.82 15.48 13.8230.4115.4814.5316.44
First round 13 12.59 14.05 12.5914.3113.8318.5314.00
SESC Santo Amaro 2015 Final 9 13.43 15.39 16.6315.5815.4415.1613.43
Second round 10 13.15 15.65 16.5215.7815.4713.1515.70
First round 9 13.64 14.80 16.3613.6415.0514.3914.96
Fortaleza Open 2014 Final 3 12.68 14.55 12.6813.2315.1015.3215.69
Second round 3 12.63 15.22 12.6314.4714.9616.2216.32
First round 4 13.66 15.01 14.7716.2113.6614.0516.26
Nova Odessa Open 2014 Final 2 12.53 13.65 12.5319.8913.7714.4712.71
Second round 7 12.69 14.82 12.7213.7617.9812.6937.60
First round 5 13.19 14.48 16.9413.1914.7514.1114.58
Brasileiro Etapa de Inverno 2014 Final 12 13.86 15.14 14.1413.8614.7116.7616.57
Second round 15 14.28 15.86 29.9314.3916.0717.1314.28
First round 18 14.86 16.50 14.8615.7017.1616.6319.45
Oficina Open 2014 Final 9 13.52 16.51 15.3417.1517.0524.7913.52
Second round 6 13.83 14.20 13.8314.6213.8616.1114.13
First round 11 14.47 16.14 17.8514.4715.2715.3120.15
Campeonato Brasileiro de Cubo Mágico 2013 Final 7 11.80 14.15 14.8612.6811.8014.9024.91
Semi Final 7 12.68 13.87 13.8312.6813.3814.4016.36
Second round 8 12.81 15.03 12.8117.4715.1114.3315.65
First round 5 12.41 14.75 16.6413.4912.4114.1120.15
SESC Interlagos 2013 Final 3 14.50 14.98 15.4015.3614.8414.5014.75
Second round 2 10.30 14.60 18.3614.0315.1310.3014.64
First round 5 13.81 15.35 15.3115.4116.1113.8115.33
DRACO 2013 Final 2 12.36 14.80 17.5313.2116.1615.0212.36
Second round 2 13.21 14.22 13.6113.2115.4313.6319.50
First round 3 12.19 14.25 14.4012.1915.6913.6914.66
Oficina Open 2013 Final 6 12.65 14.30 14.6815.0915.0912.6513.13
Second round 7 13.25 15.53 13.2517.9315.5215.5215.56
First round 4 11.71 13.46 13.1111.7113.0915.4414.19
São Paulo Open 2013 Final 4 15.16 16.40 15.9717.9715.1617.3115.91
Second round 7 14.41 16.12 16.4615.9714.4115.9420.15
First round 6 14.43 15.65 14.6317.0517.1614.4315.28
SESC Pompeia 2013 Final 7 13.56 16.08 13.5616.6317.3015.7215.90
Second round 8 13.65 15.77 16.3014.1813.6516.8333.56
First round 6 13.69 14.90 13.6914.6116.1516.9613.93
Americana Open 2012 Final 5 14.65 15.85 14.8116.4317.4416.3014.65
Second round 5 14.06 15.28 16.4618.2514.7114.6814.06
First round 4 13.55 15.63 15.9615.1517.1115.7813.55
SESC Santos 2012 Semi Final 15 14.38 16.32 17.1314.3815.3617.8616.46
Second round 10 14.30 15.44 14.3016.4316.1615.2714.88
First round 13 14.94 16.50 19.6316.9117.5915.0014.94
Agulhas Negras Open 2012 Final 10 15.96 19.35 15.9620.5023.7116.0621.50
Second round 9 13.90 17.53 18.3822.7717.8113.9016.40
First round 9 15.22 17.54 17.1515.7719.7115.2220.66
Oficina Open 2012 Second round 10 17.33 18.11 18.9617.3317.9419.2217.44
First round 14 17.11 20.90 20.8017.1125.0520.5821.33
SESC Santos 2011 First round 67 41.86 49.07 1:17.5641.8649.9048.6648.65

National Championship Podiums

Event Place Single Average Solves
Brasileiro 2016
Clock 2 10.93 11.57 10.96DNF12.4710.9311.28
Brasileiro Etapa de Inverno 2014
Clock 1 9.51 10.27 9.5110.6810.989.8710.26
Campeonato Brasileiro de Cubo Mágico 2013
Clock 1 10.00 11.07 10.0910.6912.4310.00DNF
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