Mauricio Ademar Carlos Avila

Completed Solves
Mexico 2014AVIL05 Male 13 443

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 214 3150 11993 9.24 12.27 17386 4468 337
2x2x2 Cube 827 12060 43087 4.08 5.95 41610 11718 792
4x4x4 Cube 235 2104 8701 41.07 44.49 6662 1623 174
5x5x5 Cube 147 1371 5312 1:17.54 1:30.47 6356 1646 187
6x6x6 Cube 129 1131 4052 2:40.35 2:55.21 4285 1195 141
7x7x7 Cube 181 1438 5100 4:46.21 5:00.93 4877 1368 174
3x3x3 Blindfolded 18 229 1145 57.22 1:39.21 1231 253 21
3x3x3 Fewest Moves 67 815 3794 37 41.33 2616 589 42
3x3x3 One-Handed 88 944 3733 14.18 19.56 5623 1349 138
Megaminx 326 2709 9738 1:40.25 1:44.61 8318 2276 277
Pyraminx 353 5302 20149 5.83 8.29 16283 4159 269
Skewb 432 6648 22571 7.41 9.65 16633 4698 330
4x4x4 Blindfolded 13 228 957 9:32.13
5x5x5 Blindfolded 11 193 791 30:27.00
3x3x3 Multi-Blind 5 55 250 16/16 58:42

Medal Collection

Gold Silver Bronze
2 5 3
3x3x3 Cube
Toros Open 2023 Second round 35 11.62 13.20 13.5411.6212.2613.8114.61
First round 35 11.13 12.73 12.0014.3417.6511.8411.13
TizaCubing 2023 Second round 19 11.41 12.32 11.9811.4113.2914.0411.69
First round 19 10.09 12.79 10.0912.5012.5113.3616.20
IZcube 2023 First round 47 9.24 12.79 DNF12.7711.159.2414.45
Weas México 2017 Second round 28 9.83 13.84 13.2615.359.8315.6512.92
First round 21 10.38 13.64 14.8416.3210.3813.8412.24
Tlaxcala Open Clásico 2017 Second round 17 13.17 14.04 13.8214.5314.3713.1713.92
First round 19 12.49 14.07 16.1512.4915.8112.7513.64
NxN México 2017 Second round 20 12.67 14.15 13.6214.9514.5614.2612.67
First round 13 10.67 12.27 14.4711.2213.2110.6712.37
Clásico 2016 Final 5 12.26 13.09 15.9413.1512.2613.2612.87
Second round 8 12.59 13.07 13.6512.6413.9112.9112.59
First round 11 12.74 14.36 12.7417.6813.6516.0513.39
Tlaxcala Open 2016 Second round 15 12.74 14.32 14.1513.1212.7417.5315.70
First round 16 11.33 14.06 13.9014.2415.2314.0411.33
Metro Cubing Fest 2016 Second round 25 11.46 14.39 11.4611.8015.8715.5116.39
First round 32 12.69 14.77 15.6312.6914.2915.9614.39
CUCEI Open 2015 Final 8 13.91 14.84 14.7917.5815.7413.9113.99
Second round 8 12.26 13.53 14.5514.9612.2613.0513.00
First round 14 13.36 15.60 14.4715.4416.9016.9713.36
Clásico 2015 Second round 27 13.52 17.06 13.5218.0017.9316.8016.45
First round 25 13.34 16.53 13.3417.9517.1918.6814.46
Fénix 2014 Second round 53 15.81 17.62 18.3319.7518.3416.1915.81
First round 39 14.34 16.93 17.8817.6514.3415.2523.68
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