Lara Kemilly de Andrade Gadelha

Completed Solves
Brazil 2016GADE01 Female 3 35

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 3464 12973 143937 28.33 34.99 145999 13061 3469
3x3x3 Cube
100º Mérito 2018 Second round 14 32.41 37.28 37.5734.4843.2639.7832.41
First round 14 33.12 37.59 36.0633.1241.9541.9134.80
Santarém Open II 2016 Final 9 30.66 35.24 40.5733.5937.5034.6430.66
Second round 9 30.06 37.18 35.3430.0637.3143.7638.90
First round 8 28.33 34.99 36.4932.7738.2035.7028.33
Santarém Open 2016 Final 20 38.58 52.96 54.083:15.4138.581:00.2144.60
First round 24 51.84 56.90 51.8455.7958.941:00.8055.98
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