Luís Nascimento

Completed Solves
Portugal 2016NASC02 Male 3 100

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 72 9444 37201 12.59 16.67 47712 11821 98
2x2x2 Cube 69 9722 31387 3.50 5.02 25568 7613 61
4x4x4 Cube 116 14721 50874 1:40.08 1:58.61 42722 12047 102
5x5x5 Cube 45 6835 22261 2:27.36 2:43.38 19592 5865 47
3x3x3 One-Handed 67 9047 34600 33.69 39.74 32094 8296 60
Pyraminx 145 22110 72564 11.75 12.71 46617 14680 97
3x3x3 Cube
Explorarubik 2017 Second round 16 14.27 18.06 14.2720.0518.1119.2916.79
First round 14 16.12 17.67 17.2316.1218.2817.4918.66
Lisboa Open 2016 Second round 10 14.30 16.67 16.3817.8417.1914.3016.45
First round 12 12.59 17.17 16.4520.6212.5916.7418.33
CLIP Open 2016 Second round 12 18.41 20.77 24.7321.0818.4121.0820.16
First round 14 21.53 22.99 21.5321.6027.7724.4322.93
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