Gaetan Almela

Completed Solves
United States 2017ALME04 Male 8 148

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 3283 4292 16410 9.92 11.39 12699 3286 2523
2x2x2 Cube 6096 7989 28451 3.33 6.05 43894 12400 9500
4x4x4 Cube 3386 4646 18727 51.76 57.56 17406 4342 3164
5x5x5 Cube 2866 3852 14323 1:49.26 2:05.51 14929 4101 3074
3x3x3 One-Handed 1766 2410 10023 18.55 21.29 7763 1862 1355
Skewb 12149 15278 47468 14.13 19.76 45625 14763 11741
3x3x3 Cube
Slow N Steady Fall 2023 Second round 62 10.96 12.69 14.4213.7010.9611.4412.92
First round 47 10.95 11.99 14.4312.1210.9812.8710.95
Slow N Steady Spring 2022 Second round 49 12.11 12.91 15.7112.3112.4612.1113.96
First round 40 10.74 11.39 12.7210.7411.5711.1911.42
Slow N Steady Fall 2021 First round 78 12.58 13.70 13.5613.9913.5418.0112.58
Slow N Steady Winter 2020 First round 53 9.92 13.73 13.809.9214.4113.1014.29
Slow N Steady Summer 2019 Second round 45 11.48 12.67 11.4813.1014.0712.6212.30
First round 42 10.44 12.19 11.3212.9312.3217.3610.44
Sunny Showdown 2018 Second round 13 14.64 15.62 15.9214.6416.4015.1215.83
First round 13 12.76 14.87 15.5712.7618.1015.6913.34
World Rubik's Cube Championship 2017 First round 661 15.99 19.00 22.7116.6115.9918.0522.33
Florida Cubing Spring Qualifier 2017 Second round 28 16.58 19.77 18.8616.5821.0419.41DNF
First round 26 15.72 19.48 20.3615.7221.0918.4319.64
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