Owen Littleton

Region WCA ID Gender Competitions Completed Solves
United States 2017LITT02 Male 3 104

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 3735 4886 18795 10.38 12.61 18839 4822 3666
2x2x2 Cube 1180 1487 5416 1.87 3.03 3508 999 802
4x4x4 Cube 1185 1628 6803 39.08 52.78 12728 3130 2269
5x5x5 Cube 2230 3038 11468 1:40.39 2:05.06 14269 3889 2891
3x3x3 One-Handed 2532 3454 14414 21.33 24.02 11100 2595 1886
Clock 3467 4197 13396 18.24 26.11 14201 4612 3823
Pyraminx 6981 8975 32536 7.33 8.35 16155 4141 3223
Skewb 1414 1794 6477 4.08 5.25 2892 759 595
Square-1 2725 3353 10286 30.33

Medal Collection

Gold Silver Bronze
0 3 2
Competition Round Place Single Average Solves
3x3x3 Cube
Santa Fe Spring 2018 Final 4 11.37 12.61 17.1011.3711.5712.4313.82
Second round 5 12.72 14.03 12.7213.4314.7023.9913.97
First round 4 10.38 12.70 14.3213.7610.3813.9610.38
Utah Speedcube Speedoff 2017 Final 8 13.21 13.73 13.5413.2113.9413.7214.16
First round 6 10.61 13.81 10.61DNF12.7613.7714.89
Utah Megacomp II 2017 First round 28 17.69 21.29 23.8417.6924.5217.7622.26
2x2x2 Cube
Santa Fe Spring 2018 Final 2 3.04 3.77
First round 1 1.87 3.03 2.693.151.873.263.50
Utah Speedcube Speedoff 2017 Final 3 2.66 3.51
First round 12 2.40 5.30 4.504.69DNF6.722.40
Utah Megacomp II 2017 First round 25 5.53 6.61 7.975.536.345.607.90
4x4x4 Cube
Santa Fe Spring 2018 Final 2 43.10 52.78 43.101:11.1757.5146.8354.00
Utah Speedcube Speedoff 2017 Final 4 39.08 53.36 51.1757.3653.9039.0855.01
5x5x5 Cube
Utah Speedcube Speedoff 2017 Final 5 1:40.39 2:05.06 2:31.241:40.392:18.721:49.452:07.00
3x3x3 One-Handed
Santa Fe Spring 2018 Final 3 21.66 27.28 DNF33.7121.6626.3221.80
First round 3 21.33 24.02 23.4823.4626.2021.3325.13
Utah Megacomp II 2017 Final 6 18.24 26.11 18.2425.5327.7925.0031.49
Santa Fe Spring 2018 Final 5 7.33 8.35 20.908.807.878.397.33
Santa Fe Spring 2018 Final 2 4.08 5.25 4.995.924.854.085.90
Utah Speedcube Speedoff 2017 Final 6 5.63 7.66 7.755.639.817.637.60
First round 1 5.23 6.38 5.236.306.157.086.69
Utah Speedcube Speedoff 2017 First round 9 30.33 DNF30.33
Utah Megacomp II 2017 First round 21 1:06.17 DNF1:06.17
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