Utah Speedcube Speedoff 2017

Oct 7, 2017
Salt Lake City, Utah, United States

University of Utah Post Theater

245 South Fort Douglas Blvd.
Organization team
Calvin Nielson
WCA Delegate
Brandon Harnish

Competitors must sign up and pay online to be considered fully registered.
Cubes will be sold at the competition by Oliver's Twisted Puzzles.

Main event
Registration period

Online registration opened Sunday, July 16, 2017 at 12:00 AM UTC and closed Saturday, September 30, 2017 at 11:59 PM UTC.

Registration requirements
This competition is over, click here to display the registration requirements it used.
Click here to display the highlights of the competition.

Wesley Stephenson won with an average of 11.21 seconds in the 3x3x3 Cube event. Jeidun Hastriter finished second (12.06) and Brandon Harnish finished third (12.19).

Event Name Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Wesley Stephenson 9.81 11.21 United States 12.5412.4410.379.8110.81
2x2x2 Cube Eric Pesci 1.95 3.43 United States 2.853.881.955.603.55
4x4x4 Cube Isaac Myers 37.58 47.95 United States 48.4247.0548.391:17.1837.58
5x5x5 Cube Wesley Stephenson 1:23.93 1:28.00 United States 1:40.891:28.601:26.481:28.931:23.93
3x3x3 Blindfolded Brandon Harnish 1:54.36 DNF United States DNF1:54.36DNF
Skewb Calvin Nielson 4.47 6.62 United States 6.756.156.954.4713.50
Square-1 Calvin Nielson 10.24 12.34 United States 12.1910.2415.8811.7113.12
3x3x3 With Feet Wesley Stephenson 1:30.05 1:51.60 United States 2:29.831:30.051:34.91
EventRoundFormatTime limitCutoffProceed
3x3x3 CubeFirst roundAo510:00.00
2x2x2 CubeFirst roundAo510:00.00
4x4x4 CubeFinalBo2 / Ao510:00.002 attempts to get < 1:10.00
5x5x5 CubeFinalBo2 / Ao510:00.002 attempts to get < 2:10.00
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinalBo310:00.00
SkewbFirst roundBo2 / Ao510:00.002 attempts to get < 30.00
Square-1First roundBo2 / Ao510:00.002 attempts to get < 30.00
3x3x3 With FeetFinalBo1 / Mo310:00.001 attempt to get < 4:00.00

There is ABSOLUTELY NO FOOD ALLOWED IN THE THEATER. Please eat your snacks, lunch, and all other food outside of the theater.

Registration is online only. Registration will not be accepted at the door.
Registration is not considered complete until payment has been recieved.
There is a 110 person competitor limit, so register early to ensure a spot.
Here is a link to a map of the parking spots. The closest lots are #64 and #77.
As always, make sure you are familiar with all the regulations.
If you are new to competing, You may want to check out this competitor tutorial video.

To easily find your name:
On a Mac:
        1. Press command and "f" at the same time
        2. Type in your name
        3. Locate your name (it should be highlighted)
On a Windows PC:
        1. Press control and "f" at the same time
        2. Type in your name
        3. Locate your name (it should be highlighted)

If you are in an odd heat, you will be on stage left and if you are in an even heat, you will be on stage right.


Name Heat
Alex Walker 1
Ampon Imphanchai 2
Anthony C. Done 3
Beckett Grisham 4
Benjamin Tibbetts 5
Bo Lawrence 6
Brandon Flickinger 7
Brendan Robinson 8
Calvin Nielson 1
Carson Jewell 2
Carter Mosteller 9
Carter Pierce 1
Cesar Pedroza 2
Charles Martinson 3
Chase Creer 3
Claire Pesci 4
Clarke Hawkinson 4
Clay Christensen 5
Cole M Tanner 6
Coleman casper 7
Connor Moss 8
Cooper Caile 9
Dalton Dunn 5
Damian Wilding 1
Easton Smith 2
Eric Pesci 3
Ethan Schlenz 4
Evan Anderson 5
Gus McGowen 6
Isaac Myers 6
Jack Doyle 7
Jackson Sotelo 7
Jacob Andersen 8
Jadyn Finch 9
Jason Garner 1
Jeidun Hastriter 2
Jon Meilstrup 3
Judd Coleman 4
Kanyon Lundell 8
Lennon Done 5
Luke Macquarie Otterson 6
Malcolm Geldmacher 7
Marcus Kofal 8
Matthew Leavitt 1
Matthew Spackman 9
Matthew Taylor 9
Matthias Steeves 1
Max Day 2
Micah Revelli 2
Micah Tien 3
Mikael Weiss 3
Milan Guerrero 4
Mitch Child 5
Nathan Greenhalgh 6
Owen Littleton 4
Payden Hendricks 7
Peter J Timpe III 8
Rustin Haderlie 5
Ryan Leavitt 9
Sage Branham 1
Sam Blommer 2
Samuel A. Silva 3
Samuel Baird 6
Spencer Stutzman 7
Tristan Steeves 8
Truman Harris 4
Ty Jones 5
Tyson Peterson 6
Wesley Olson 7
Wesley Stephenson 8
William Daniels 9
William David Schmidt 9
Xander Oscarson 1
Zavien Maestas 2


Name Heat
Alex Walker 2
Anthony C. Done 3
Calvin Nielson 1
Carson Jewell 1
Carter Pierce 1
Clarke Hawkinson 3
Dalton Dunn 1
Damian Wilding 2
Eric Pesci 3
Isaac Myers 3
Jack Doyle 3
Jacob Powell 1
Jeidun Hastriter 2
Jon Meilstrup 3
Matthew Leavitt 2
Matthew Spackman 1
Mitch Child 1
Owen Littleton 3
Samuel A. Silva 2
Samuel Baird 1
Spencer Stutzman 2
Tristan Steeves 3
Wesley Stephenson 3
William David Schmidt 1

3x3 Blindfolded

Name Heat
Alex Walker 2
Brandon Harnish 1
Calvin Nielson 2
Carson Jewell 1
Damian Wilding 1
Isaac Myers 2
Jack Doyle 1
Liam Machado 2
Matthew Spackman 2
Mikael Weiss 1
Rajiv Mantena 1
Rustin Haderlie 2
Samuel Baird 1
Spencer Stutzman 2
Tristan Steeves 1
Wesley Stephenson 2
Xander Oscarson 1

3x3 Feet

Name Heat
Alex Walker 1
Anthony C. Done 2
Bo Lawrence 3
Brandon Harnish 1
Calvin Nielson 2
Carson Jewell 3
Clarke Hawkinson 1
Damian Wilding 1
Eric Pesci 2
Isaac Myers 2
Jeidun Hastriter 3
Kanyon Lundell 3
Matthew Leavitt 2
Matthew Spackman 1
Mikael Weiss 3
Rustin Haderlie 1
Samuel Baird 2
Tyson Peterson 1
Wesley Stephenson 2
William David Schmidt 3


Name Heat
Alex Walker 5
Ampon Imphanchai 6
Anthony C. Done 1
Aspen K Ward 2
Calvin Nielson 1
Carson Jewell 2
Carter Pierce 3
Claire Pesci 4
Clarke Hawkinson 3
Cooper Caile 5
Dalton Dunn 4
Damian Wilding 6
Easton Smith 1
Eric Pesci 2
Ethan Schlenz 3
Evan Anderson 4
Gus McGowen 5
Isaac Myers 5
Jack Doyle 6
Jackson Sotelo 6
Jacob Andersen 1
Jadyn Finch 2
Jeidun Hastriter 3
Jon Meilstrup 4
Judd Coleman 5
Kanyon Lundell 1
Matthew Leavitt 3
Matthew Spackman 2
Matthew Taylor 6
Mikael Weiss 4
Milan Guerrero 1
Mitch Child 2
Owen Littleton 5
Rustin Haderlie 6
Sage Branham 3
Samuel A. Silva 4
Samuel Baird 1
Spencer Stutzman 2
Tristan Steeves 3
Tyson Peterson 5
Wesley Stephenson 6
William David Schmidt 4
Zavien Maestas 1


Name Heat
Alex Walker 9
Ampon Imphanchai 10
Anthony C. Done 11
Aspen K Ward 1
Beckett Grisham 2
Benjamin Tibbetts 3
Bo Lawrence 4
Brady Nelson 5
Brandon Flickinger 6
Brandon Harnish 1
Brendan Robinson 7
Calvin Nielson 2
Carson Jewell 3
Carter Mosteller 8
Carter Pierce 9
Cesar Pedroza 10
Charles Martinson 4
Charli Goodman 11
Chase Creer 1
Claire Pesci 2
Clarke Hawkinson 5
Clay Christensen 3
Cole M Tanner 11
Coleman casper 5
Connor Moss 6
Cooper Caile 7
Dalton Dunn 6
Damian Wilding 8
Derek Austin 9
Diana Kaylee Powell 10
Easton Smith 11
Eric Pesci 1
Ethan Schlenz 2
Evan Anderson 3
Gus McGowen 4
Hunter Sagapolutele 5
Isaac Myers 7
Jack Doyle 8
Jackson Sotelo 6
Jacob Andersen 8
Jacob Powell 7
Jadyn Finch 9
Jason Garner 10
Jeidun Hastriter 11
Jon Meilstrup 1
Judd Coleman 2
Kanyon Lundell 9
Kelly Hathaway 3
Lee Alexander Gernovich 4
Lennon Done 5
Liam Machado 6
Luke Macquarie Otterson 7
Malcolm Geldmacher 8
Marcus Kofal 9
Matthew Coon 10
Matthew Leavitt 11
Matthew Spackman 10
Matthew Taylor 11
Matthias Steeves 1
Max Day 2
Maxwell Hansen 3
Micah Revelli 1
Micah Tien 4
Mikael Weiss 2
Milan Guerrero 5
Mitch Child 6
Nathan Greenhalgh 7
Owen Littleton 3
Payden Hendricks 8
Peter Eastham 9
Peter J Timpe III 10
Rajiv Mantena 11
Rustin Haderlie 4
Ryan Leavitt 1
Sage Branham 2
Sam Blommer 3
Samuel A. Silva 5
Samuel Baird 5
Samuel Zachary 4
Spencer Stutzman 6
Tristan Steeves 7
Truman Harris 6
Ty Jones 7
Tyson Peterson 8
Wesley Stephenson 9
William Daniels 10
William David Schmidt 8
William Stephen Caycho 11
Wyatt Jensen 1
Xander Oscarson 2
Zavien Maestas 3


Name Heat
Alex Walker 1
Anthony C. Done 2
Beckett Grisham 3
Benjamin Tibbetts 4
Brandon Harnish 3
Calvin Nielson 2
Carson Jewell 3
Charles Martinson 4
Dalton Dunn 1
Damian Wilding 1
Eric Pesci 2
Evan Anderson 3
Isaac Myers 2
Jack Doyle 3
Jon Meilstrup 4
Matthew Leavitt 1
Matthew Spackman 4
Micah Revelli 2
Mikael Weiss 3
Mitch Child 1
Owen Littleton 4
Rustin Haderlie 1
Samuel Baird 2
Spencer Stutzman 3
Tristan Steeves 4
Wesley Stephenson 2
Wyatt Jensen 3
Zavien Maestas 4


Name Heat
Alex Walker 5
Ampon Imphanchai 6
Anthony C. Done 1
Beckett Grisham 2
Bo Lawrence 3
Brendan Robinson 4
Calvin Nielson 1
Carson Jewell 2
Carter Pierce 5
Cesar Pedroza 6
Charles Martinson 3
Chase Creer 1
Damian Wilding 2
Easton Smith 3
Eric Pesci 4
Ethan Schlenz 5
Evan Anderson 6
Isaac Myers 4
Jack Doyle 5
Jadyn Finch 1
Jeidun Hastriter 2
Jon Meilstrup 3
Kanyon Lundell 6
Luke Macquarie Otterson 4
Marcus Kofal 5
Matthew Leavitt 2
Matthew Spackman 1
Matthew Taylor 6
Matthias Steeves 1
Micah Revelli 3
Mikael Weiss 4
Mitch Child 2
Nathan Greenhalgh 3
Owen Littleton 5
Peter J Timpe III 4
Rustin Haderlie 6
Ryan Leavitt 5
Sam Blommer 6
Samuel A. Silva 1
Samuel Baird 1
Spencer Stutzman 2
Tristan Steeves 3
Truman Harris 2
Wesley Stephenson 3
William Daniels 4
William David Schmidt 4
Wyatt Jensen 5
Xander Oscarson 6
Zavien Maestas 1

It is recommended to show up at least 15 minutes before your event starts.
We will start each event when the previous one finishes.
The progress tab will show the time we actually started the event and will be updated when we start the event on the day of the competition.

Start Time End Time Event Name Progress
8:00 AM 9:00 AM 3x3 with Feet Done
9:00 AM 10:00 AM 3x3 Blindfolded Done
10:00 AM 10:45 AM Skewb Round 1 Done
10:45 AM 11:30 AM Square-1 Round 1 Done
11:30 AM 12:30 PM 5x5 Combined Final Done
12:30 PM 1:00 PM Lunch Combined Final Done
1:00 PM 2:15 PM 4x4 Combined Final Done
2:15 PM 4:00 PM 3x3 Round 1 Done
4:00 PM 5:00 PM 2x2 Round 1 Done
5:00 PM 5:15 PM Square 1 Final Done
5:15 PM 5:30 PM 2x2 Final Done
5:30 PM 5:45 PM Skewb Final Done
5:45 PM 6:00 PM 3x3 Final Done
6:00 PM 6:25 PM Cleanup/Awards Done

This schedule is tentative and subject to change.

Event Time Limit Cutoff Number of Rounds
2x2 2:00.00 N/A 2
3x3     7:00.00 N/A 2
4x4 2:10.00 1:10.00 1
5x5 3:00.00 2:10.00 1
3x3 Blindfolded 10:00.00 N\A 1
Square-1 1:00.00 0:30.00 2
3x3 with Feet 6:00.00 4:00.00 1
Skewb 1:00.00 0:30.00 2

Parking is in the lot by the venue. There should be around 70 parking spots, so if you want the close parking, I would recomend carpooling and getting there early.

Oliver's Twisted Puzzles will be selling cubes at the competition.
Visit Oliver's Twisted Puzzles at www.oliverstwistedpuzzles.com.

Time limit

If you reach the time limit during your solve, the judge will stop you and your result will be DNF (see Regulation A1a4).


The result to beat to proceed to the second phase of a cutoff round (see Regulation 9g).


The format describes how to determine the ranking of competitors based on their results. The list of allowed formats per event is described in Regulation 9b. See Regulation 9f for a description of each format.

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