Jongin Na (나종인)

Completed Solves
Republic of Korea 2017NAJO01 Male 8 166

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 279 4795 13539 9.49 10.80 9695 3501 207
2x2x2 Cube 1143 22127 75094 5.66 8.66 83378 25015 1274
4x4x4 Cube 185 2915 8290 40.56 43.58 6040 2146 152
5x5x5 Cube 85 1158 3384 1:09.74 1:15.91 3041 1057 78
6x6x6 Cube 66 804 2545 2:19.12 2:30.44 2591 825 65
7x7x7 Cube 69 894 2720 3:46.43 3:55.54 2516 835 66
3x3x3 One-Handed 199 4082 11055 19.17 22.13 8796 3357 167
3x3x3 Multi-Blind 56 835 3145 2/3 25:12

Medal Collection

Gold Silver Bronze
0 3 0
3x3x3 Cube
Seoul Winter 2019 Second round 25 11.36 12.42 11.3612.0313.1712.0513.25
First round 29 9.80 12.46 13.7211.5124.1112.159.80
Uzbekistan New Year 2019 Final 2 11.63 12.00 12.3711.7912.7511.8411.63
Second round 2 9.79 11.55 11.379.7912.9310.3614.01
First round 2 9.49 10.80 12.3911.069.4911.359.99
Busan Winter 2018 First round 14 11.10 12.40 12.1012.7913.1112.3111.10
Korean Championship 2018 First round 62 12.77 13.94 14.0915.3014.5413.1912.77
Jeju Open 2017 Final 13 13.13 15.00 13.1315.9815.6816.7313.35
First round 12 14.29 15.78 16.7015.1714.2915.5316.65
CWR Fall 2017 First round 46 14.46 15.41 15.3314.4615.8016.0615.10
Korean Championship 2017 First round 79 14.83 16.97 14.8321.0217.2515.6118.06
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