Daniel Caro Orozco

Completed Solves
Colombia 2017OROZ02 Male 6 240

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 468 2550 33070 12.10 13.93 28140 2079 381
2x2x2 Cube 521 2367 30890 3.47 5.55 34643 2475 501
4x4x4 Cube 246 1235 16251 49.17 55.48 15476 1157 226
5x5x5 Cube 327 1569 22045 2:25.67
3x3x3 One-Handed 339 1918 23628 26.36 31.34 21909 1746 301
Pyraminx 687 2928 39870 8.02 15.11 63125 4486 1031
Skewb 542 2176 35994 10.47 12.69 27396 1677 409
3x3x3 Cube
Barranquilla Open 2023 Final 6 12.86 13.93 14.1113.1614.5212.8614.54
Second round 10 14.04 16.66 16.3826.9114.6614.0418.93
First round 10 14.65 15.81 14.6515.7015.4516.6316.28
Cartagena Open 2019 Final 6 13.98 15.07 20.0013.9816.4014.4614.35
Second round 5 13.38 14.69 15.0219.0015.3513.3813.69
First round 11 15.14 18.74 19.5321.4615.1418.3818.32
Friki Festival Valledupar 2019 Final 7 13.13 14.13 13.1314.9813.2215.6214.18
Second round 6 13.65 14.68 16.1414.0215.6914.3413.65
First round 7 12.10 15.49 15.2314.2312.1017.0217.15
UTB Open 2018 Final 7 13.49 16.24 13.4915.6815.1318.0417.92
Second round 9 12.38 17.41 12.3814.9319.7020.4617.61
First round 5 13.71 14.81 13.9014.8613.7115.6717.31
Caribe Challenge 2018 Final 14 15.89 17.24 16.6716.1415.8918.9224.82
Second round 12 14.91 16.45 18.4214.9117.3616.5115.49
First round 19 14.03 16.96 15.4318.7518.1814.0317.28
Bucaramanga Cultural 2017 First round 34 21.31 23.23 21.8626.3323.1624.6821.31
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