Jan Laidler

Completed Solves
United Kingdom 2018LAID01 Male 5 109

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 770 7711 30065 11.75 13.87 27661 6984 682
2x2x2 Cube 1270 13089 44147 4.13 6.38 49184 13920 1382
4x4x4 Cube 826 8816 31244 1:07.15 1:13.80 28516 8063 758
3x3x3 One-Handed 489 5352 20646 24.61 30.69 21010 5366 492
Pyraminx 463 5518 15964 5.28 9.15 21311 7092 655
Square-1 344 3201 9728 28.24 40.48 10414 3388 373
3x3x3 Cube
Fontwell Open 2019 Second round 46 12.56 15.17 17.1616.7813.2215.5112.56
First round 39 11.75 13.87 13.2811.7513.7714.5616.44
Cambridge Open 2018 Second round 53 12.50 18.40 16.0522.08DNF17.0712.50
First round 39 13.72 15.33 16.5315.6213.7215.7414.63
UK Championship 2018 Second round 110 14.44 16.47 15.6516.3519.7817.4114.44
First round 108 15.91 16.01 16.0417.0015.9116.0015.99
August Bank Holiday Competition 2018 Second round 91 17.34 21.89 17.3422.9122.9819.7724.54
First round 72 15.91 17.34 17.2522.1818.3315.9116.44
Peterborough Open 2018 First round 66 23.74 26.45 28.1327.1728.0923.7424.10
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