UK Championship 2018

Oct 26 - 28, 2018
Stevenage, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom

The Forum

21 Danestrete, Stevenage, SG1 1EG

Main Suite


UKC2018 Organisers

WCA Delegates
Daniel Sheppard, David Lim, James Molloy, and Sam Spendla
Download all the competition's details as PDF here.

Please make sure to read all the information in the tabs above.

As this is the UK Championship, only competitors representing the United Kingdom will be eligible for prizes. The competition remains open for all nationalities to compete.

If you have any problems check out the FAQ, or feel free to contact us.

Main event
Registration period

Online registration opened Tuesday, September 4, 2018 at 6:00 PM UTC and closed Friday, October 12, 2018 at 10:59 PM UTC.

Registration requirements
This competition is over, click here to display the registration requirements it used.
Click here to display the highlights of the competition.

Philipp Weyer won with an average of 7.79 seconds in the 3x3x3 Cube event. Ciarán Beahan finished second (7.83) and Sebastian Weyer finished third (7.96).

European records: Ciarán Beahan‎ 6x6x6 Cube 1:24.97 (single), 6x6x6 Cube 1:32.20 (average), 7x7x7 Cube 2:02.70 (single), and 7x7x7 Cube 2:11.66 (average); Sebastian Weyer‎ 4x4x4 Cube 22.10 (average) and 5x5x5 Cube 47.41 (average).

Event Name Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Philipp Weyer 6.47 7.79 Germany 7.876.976.478.548.79
2x2x2 Cube Harry Savage 1.49 2.49 United Kingdom 2.452.341.493.232.69
4x4x4 Cube Sebastian Weyer 20.53 24.40 Germany 24.8724.6920.5323.65DNF
5x5x5 Cube Sebastian Weyer 44.07 NR 47.41 ER Germany 47.6244.0748.1146.6347.98
6x6x6 Cube Ciarán Beahan 1:24.97 ER 1:32.20 ER Ireland 1:43.701:24.971:27.92
7x7x7 Cube Ciarán Beahan 2:11.70 2:17.84 Ireland 2:24.892:16.932:11.70
3x3x3 Blindfolded Arthur Garcin 26.89 DNF France DNFDNF26.89
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Daniel Sheppard 24 27.00 United Kingdom 292824
Robert Yau 24 27.00 United Kingdom 272430
3x3x3 One-Handed Cornelius Dieckmann 10.38 12.38 Germany 15.6210.5214.6710.3811.95
Clock Sam Spendla 6.14 7.00 United Kingdom 9.086.616.147.137.27
Megaminx Sean Moran 44.86 49.49 United Kingdom 53.9649.2249.5844.8649.66
Pyraminx Samuel Simko 2.10 3.26 Slovakia 2.106.463.222.793.76
Skewb Harry Savage 3.07 3.28 United Kingdom 3.633.
Square-1 Charlie Stark 7.21 9.90 United Kingdom 9.057.2112.707.9514.51
4x4x4 Blindfolded Oliver Frost 2:43.47 DNF United Kingdom DNF2:43.472:50.28
5x5x5 Blindfolded Oliver Frost 7:23.62 DNF United Kingdom DNF7:23.62DNF
3x3x3 Multi-Blind Arthur Garcin 15/15 42:35 France 15/15 42:3514/19 1:00:00
3x3x3 With Feet Ben Ridley 27.25 NR 28.94 NR United Kingdom 27.6127.2529.3631.4729.85
EventRoundFormatTime limitCutoffProceed
3x3x3 CubeFirst roundBo2 / Ao510:00.002 attempts to get < 2:00.00Top 160 advance to next round
Second roundAo510:00.00Top 80 advance to next round
Semi FinalAo510:00.00Top 16 advance to next round
2x2x2 CubeFirst roundBo2 / Ao52:00.002 attempts to get < 1:00.00Top 120 advance to next round
Second roundAo52:00.00Top 40 advance to next round
Semi FinalAo52:00.00Top 12 advance to next round
4x4x4 CubeFirst roundAo53:00.00Top 40 advance to next round
Second roundAo53:00.00Top 12 advance to next round
5x5x5 CubeFirst roundAo54:00.00Top 40 advance to next round
Second roundAo54:00.00Top 12 advance to next round
6x6x6 CubeFirst roundMo35:00.00Top 12 advance to next round
7x7x7 CubeFirst roundMo37:00.00Top 12 advance to next round
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFirst roundBo310:00.00 cumulative*Top 12 advance to next round
FinalBo310:00.00 cumulative*
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinalMo31 hour
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst roundAo52:00.00Top 80 advance to next round
Second roundAo52:00.00Top 12 advance to next round
ClockFirst roundAo51:00.00Top 12 advance to next round
MegaminxFirst roundAo53:00.00Top 12 advance to next round
PyraminxFirst roundBo2 / Ao52:00.002 attempts to get < 1:00.00Top 80 advance to next round
Second roundAo52:00.00Top 12 advance to next round
SkewbFirst roundBo2 / Ao52:00.002 attempts to get < 1:00.00Top 60 advance to next round
Second roundAo52:00.00Top 12 advance to next round
Square-1First roundAo52:00.00Top 12 advance to next round
4x4x4 BlindfoldedFinalBo330:00.00 cumulative*
5x5x5 BlindfoldedFinalBo31:00:00.00 cumulative*
3x3x3 Multi-BlindFinalBo210:00.00 per cube, up to 60:00.00
3x3x3 With FeetFirst roundAo53:00.00Top 5 advance to next round
Schedules are subject to adjustments, especially once registration totals are known. Registered competitors will be notified by email of any major changes.

You are viewing the schedule for the venue The Forum , the sole venue for this competition.

The time zone for this venue is Europe/London.
Stage 1
Stage 2
Side Stage
Time Zone
You are viewing this schedule in the following timezone setting:


All competitions in the UK are run by the UKCA with the help of our many organisers from all over the country. We have organised over 40 competitions in the UK and have also helped run competitions over in Ireland to help their community grow. Our delegates have over 200 combined competitions of experience with many more to come.

Make sure to subscribe to our mailing list on the UKCA website for all up to date information on UK competitions. And follow our social media pages to keep up to date with the latest content and media!

Image description Image description Image description

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I register?
A: First you need to make sure you have created a WCA account. You can do this by going to the sign-up page and creating an account. Once you have created the account and confirmed your email address, go to the Register section and follow the instructions carefully.

Q: Why am I not on the registration list yet?
A: Please make sure that you have followed the instructions in the Register section. If you have done everything correctly then just be patient. We have to manually approve registrations and the organisers aren't available all the time. If you believe you have followed the steps correctly but still are not on the registration list after 2 days, then feel free to email us at the contact link on the General Info page.

Q: Can I change the events I am registered for?
A: As long as registration is still open, yes you are allowed to change events. Email us at the contact link on the General Info page with your name, the competition, and the events you would like to change. If registration is closed then please do not email us with event changes.

Q: I am no longer able to attend, what do I do?
A: The first thing you need to do is tell us as soon as you know via the contact link on the General Info page. Competitions generally fill up quite quickly and letting us know that you can't attend means we can add someone from the waiting list.

Q: If I do not attend do I get a refund?
A: If you inform us you are no longer attending and registration is still open, we will issue a full refund. If registration is closed we will offer a 50% refund. If you do not tell us you are not attending then you will receive no refund.

Q: How fast do I have to be to compete?
A: We recommend that you check out the Schedule tab - if you can make the time limit for the events you want to compete in, then you're fast enough! Loads of people come to competitions just to beat their own personal bests, and meet likeminded people, with no intention of winning or even making it past the first round. However, for this event we do have qualification times for many events. If you do not make the qualification time by 19 October then you will not be able to compete in that event.

Q: Why are there so many events with a qualification time?
A: As the UK community has grown, it has become very hard to find a big enough venue for the UK Championship each year. As a result we have qualification times for a number of events as the main purpose of this competition is to ultimately crown UK Champions in every event. We still have many other events all throughout the country that hold a variety of events throughout the year with no qualification times!

Q: Are there different age categories?
A: All competitors compete on the same level and all ages are welcome. In general most are aged 10-20 but we have plenty of regulars who are older or younger than this!

Q: Do I use my own cubes to compete?
A: Yes! Make sure to bring cubes for all events you are competing in and look after them, you don't want them to go missing.

Q: Can I come only to spectate?
A: Yes! Spectating this competition will be free for everyone. Unless you are attending with a competitor, we would highly recommend to come to spectate only in the afternoons, as the venue will be extremely busy in the morning on both days!

Q: When do I arrive at the competition?
A: If you are a new competitor, we highly recommend that you show up for the introduction to competing which is held as the first thing on both days. Otherwise, we recommend you turn up at least 15 minutes before your first event, you can check when this is on the Schedule tab. This will give you enough time to register, find a seat, and warm-up.

Q: What do I do when I arrive?
A: The first thing you do when you arrive is find the registration desk if registration is open. If you arrive before registration opens, we will make an announcement as to when it does open. If there is nobody present at the registration desk then find a staff member and we will make sure to register you.

Q: When can I leave the competition?
A: You are more than welcome to leave whenever you want. If you have no more events left then you are not required to stay. But you may stay and help judge or spectate at your leisure.

Q: How do I find results?
A: All the results will be found on this page a couple of days after the competition, once they have all been checked and uploaded. If you are looking for live results, they can all be found on the Live Results tab.

New Competitors

If you are a new competitor, it is important that you are familiar with the Regulations. The regulations are very long and are quite a lot to take in so don't worry if you don't remember it all! Because of this, we have a video that explains the competing procedure which we recommend to watch before attending: Competing Tutorial. We will also be holding an introduction to competing as per the Schedule which we recommend you attend as well.

New competitors must bring some form of ID to show at the competition to confirm the name, the country they wish to compete for, and the date of birth registered with. The usual items of ID that people bring are Passports, Birth Certificates, Driver's Licenses, etc. As long as it has your name, date of birth, and country, then it will be fine.

If you have any questions, we recommend that you check the FAQ in case it has been asked before. But you are more than welcome to contact us at the link on the General Info page. We also recommend you check out the UKCA tab to sign up to our mailing list for announcements of future competitions, among other things.

Information for All Competitors

  • Please help judge! We rely very heavily on regular competitors to make the competition run to schedule. It is not very difficult to do, and even parents can do it! If you'd like to learn the procedure then we will explain it during the introduction to competing, and if you still don't quite understand we can show you during the rounds as well. And you may judge whenever you want.
  • However, if you are competing in an event then you are expected to help judge for that event. Obviously you need time to warm-up so we would really appreciate if you can help out the group immediately following the one you compete in. For example, if you are competing in group 2, please help to judge for group 3, etc. If there are only 2 groups, you would be expected to help for the other group.
  • No flash photography under any circumstance within the venue. It is extremely distracting for competitors.
  • If you are a spectator, please stay 1.5m away from competitors at all times as per Regulation 7b.
  • Please treat the venue with respect, put all of your rubbish in bins, black bin bags, or take it home with you and keep your area tidy.
  • There are thousands of puzzles at these events, make sure to keep yours together so you don't lose them! Keeping them in a bag and looking after it at all times is recommended.
  • During blindfolded events, please stay silent within the venue. These events require a high amount of concentration and any noise can be distracting. We will announce when the silence will begin and when you may talk within the venue again.


This competition is once again being held in The Forum, right near the centre of Stevenage. The entrance to the venue is up the stairs at the back behind the Ibis hotel.


Car: There is no free parking for this venue, however the Westgate Shopping Centre has a car park that is relatively cheap and can be found by GPS at the postcode SG1 1QR.
Train: Stevenage train station is only a short walk away from the venue.
Plane: The nearest airports to Stevenage are London Stansted and London Luton. There are good connections to Stevenage by train and coach from both airports.
Coach: National Express has a lot of coaches from many places that will take you right into Stevenage.


The nearest hotel to the venue is the Ibis, which is directly attached to the venue. The Holiday Inn is only a few miunutes walk to the venue and may be a slightly cheaper alternative. There are also plenty of other options available that are not listed.

Round: All competitors will compete in Round 1 for each event they are registered for.
Proceed: This shows how many people move onto the next round for the event.
Format: The format of the round: B = "Best of", A = "Average of", M = "Mean of". If the round has two formats (B2/A5 or B1/M3) that means there is a cutoff for the round.
Quali: You must have achieved this result in a WCA competition to be allowed to compete in the event. Please see the Qualification tab for more detail.
Cutoff: You must achieve a single time under this time in one of your first two solves to complete the average of 5. If the format is mean of 3, then the cutoff applies after 1 solve.
Time Limit: If you take longer than this on a single solve you will be stopped, and given a DNF result for that attempt.
Cumulative Time: All solves for the round must be completed within this time. For example if the total time is 10 minutes and you take 4 minutes for the first attempt, you will have 6 minutes left for your remaining attempts.
MBLD: For 3x3 Multi-blind there is a time limit of 10 minutes per cube, up to a maximum time limit of 1 hour. For example if you attempt 4 cubes, your time limit will be 40 minutes.
2x2 Second Round: Competitors who have made this round who are competing in or helping out with 3x3 Multi-Blind Attempt 2 will compete between 12:05 and 12:15.

Friday - 26 October

Start Time End Time Stage 1 Stage 2 Side Stage Round Proceed Format Quali Cutoff Time Limit
09:35 10:40 3x3 Fewest Moves 1 Final - Attempt 1 - M3 - - -
11:20 12:25 3x3 Fewest Moves 1 Final - Attempt 2 - M3 - - -
12:30 13:15 Lunch
13:20 14:25 3x3 Fewest Moves 1 Final - Attempt 3 - M3 - - -
14:50 15:40 7x7 7x7 1 First Round 12 M3 6:00 - 7:00
15:40 16:30 6x6 6x6 1 First Round 12 M3 4:00 - 5:00
16:30 17:20 Megaminx Megaminx 1 First Round 12 A5 2:00 - 3:00
17:20 18:00 Clock Clock 1 First Round 12 A5 0:20 - 1:00
18:00 18:40 Square-1 Square-1 1 First Round 12 A5 0:30 - 2:00
18:40 19:10 7x7 2 Final - M3 - - 7:00
19:10 19:40 6x6 2 Final - M3 - - 5:00

Saturday - 27 October

Start Time End Time Stage 1 Stage 2 Side Stage Round Proceed Format Quali Cutoff Time Limit
09:00 09:15 Introduction to Competing
09:00 09:10 MBLD Cube Submission
09:15 10:45 3x3 3x3 1 Combined First 160 B2/A5 - 2:00 10:00
09:40 10:45 3x3 Multi-Blind 1 Final - Attempt 1 - B2 7 Points - 1:00:00
10:45 11:45 2x2 2x2 1 Combined First 120 B2/A5 - 1:00 2:00
11:10           12:25                                     5x5 Blindfolded       1     Final             -       B3     -      -     45:00 Cumulative
11:45 12:45 3x3 One-Handed 3x3 One-Handed 1 First Round 80 A5 0:45 - 2:00
12:45 13:30 Lunch
13:30 14:10 3x3 Blindfolded 3x3 Blindfolded 1 First Round 20 B3 3BLD Success - 10:00 Cumulative
14:10 15:15 5x5 5x5 1 First Round 40 A5 2:30 - 4:00
14:40           15:30                                     4x4 Blindfolded       1     Final             -       B3     -       -     30:00 Cumulative  
15:15 16:05 Pyraminx Pyraminx 1 Combined First 80 B2/A5 - 1:00 2:00
16:05 16:45 Skewb Skewb 1 Combined First 60 B2/A5 - 1:00 2:00
16:25 17:15 3x3 With Feet 1 First Round 8 A5 2:00 - 3:00
16:45 17:50 4x4 4x4 1 First Round 40 A5 1:30 - 3:00
17:50 18:10 Megaminx 2 Final - A5 - - 3:00
18:10 18:30 Clock 2 Final - A5 - - 1:00
18:30 18:50 Square-1 2 Final - A5 - - 2:00
18:50 19:10 3x3 Wtih Feet 2 Final - A5 - - 3:00

Sunday - 28 October

Time Stage 1 Stage 2 Side Stage Round Proceed Format Quali Cutoff Time Limit
08:45 MBLD Cube Submission
09:00 09:50 3x3 3x3 2 Second Round 80 A5 - - 10:00
09:25 10:25 3x3 Multi-Blind 1 Final - Attempt 2 - B2 7 Points - 1:00:00
09:50 10:20 2x2 2x2 2 Secound Round 40 A5 - - 2:00
10:20 11:15 Pyraminx 2 Second Round 12 A5 - - 2:00
10:20 11:40 5x5 2 Second Round 12 A5 - - 4:00
11:15 12:05 4x4 2 Second Round 12 A5 - - 3:00
11:40 12:15 Skewb 2 Second Round 12 A5 - - 2:00
12:05 12:15 2x2 * (See Above) 2 Second Round 40 A5 - - 2:00
12:15 12:45 3x3 One-Handed 3x3 One-Handed 2 Second Round 12 A5 - - 2:00
12:45 13:35 Lunch
13:35 13:50 2x2 2x2 3 Semi Final 12 A5 - - 2:00
13:50 14:15 3x3 3x3 3 Semi Final 16 A5 - - 10:00
14:15 14:30 Skewb 3 Final - A5 - - 2:00
14:30 14:50 5x5 3 Final - A5 - - 4:00
14:50 15:10 3x3 Blindfolded 2 Final - A5 - - 10:00 Cumulative
15:10 15:25 Pyraminx 3 Final - A5 - - 2:00
15:25 15:45 4x4 3 Final - A5 - - 3:00
15:45 16:00 2x2 4 Final - A5 - - 2:00
16:00 16:15 3x3 One-Handed 3 Final - A5 - - 2:00
16:15 16:30 3x3 Finals Setup
16:30 17:30 3x3 4 Final - A5 - - 10:00
17:30 18:15 Awards

This event has many qualification requirements. For the events that list only a time, you must have achieved an average or mean faster than this. These qualification requirements must be obtained at a WCA competition by the 15th October otherwise you will be removed from the event.

Event Qualification Requirement
3x3 -
2x2 -
4x4 1:30
5x5 2:30
6x6 4:00
7x7 6:00
3x3 Blindfolded A 3x3 Blindfolded success
3x3 Fewest Moves -
3x3 One-Handed 0:45
3x3 With Feet 2:00
Clock 0:20
Megaminx 2:00
Pyraminx -
Skewb -
Square-1 0:30
4x4 Blindfolded -
5x5 Blindfolded -
3x3 Multi-Blind 7 Points

Each event is run in groups, depending on how many people are competing in the event depends on how many groups there are. We call each group up one at a time in order to complete their solves during the scheduled time for the round. We have software that automatically picks what groups you are in, the judges, and who scrambles for each group. This is the minimum amount you should be helping out as it only is for first rounds. We always appreciate extra help!

Please note down which groups you are competing and scrambling in before arriving at the competition!


Name 3x3 2x2 4x4 5x5 6x6 7x7 BLD FMC OH Feet Clock Mega Pyra Skewb Sq1 4BLD 5BLD MBLD
Aayaan Patel 7 4 3 3 1 3
Abigail Johnson 3 5 1 5
Abigail Karkoska 3 5 1 5
Adam Devere 12 4 2 6
Adam Greenwood 1 3 3 2 1 3 1 2
Adam Swaine 8 1 6 1 2 6 1 7 1 1 1 1
Adam Thorley 12 7 4 1 6
Aidan Grainger 3 5 1
Ainesh Sevellaraja 1 1 6 1 1 1 3 1 6 2 1 2 8 4 1 1 1 1
AJ Green 12
Alan Williams 4
Alex Bateman 3
Alex Burns 5 3 3 4 1 2 2 4 2 2
Alex Pearce 12 9 5
Alexander Harvey 2 3 5
Alexander Lau 9 10 3
Alexander Yip 2 4 2 6 1 6 3
Amaan Omar 10 7 5 3 1 3 4 4
Andrea Javier 11
Andy Nicholls 1 2 2 3 1 2
Ann-Marie Copple 3 5 1 5
Anqi Yu 11 10 1 1 3 2 3 4 1
Arthur Garcin 1 3 3 1 1 1
Aryan Trivedi 3 5 1 5
Ashwin Venkatesh 11 4 6 6
Axel Brisse 7 1 6 1 1 1 2 6 2 7 3 2 1 1
Bartek Mirecki 7 10 2 6 3 2
Ben Chant 11 7 4 3
Ben Coppin 12 9 3 4 1 4 1 2 5 1
Ben Ridley 1 1 6 1 2 2 3 1 6 2 1 1 8 1 1 1 1
Ben Whitmore 9 8 3 1 1 1 1 1
Benjamin Stokes 3 5 1 1 5
Bertie Cartwright 12 4 4 1 6
Bertie Longden 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1
Beth Coppin 2
Bill Hammill 2 1 6 1 1 1 4 6 1 2 2 7 1 2 1 1
Bochang Lu 3 5
Breandan Vallance 11 3 5 1 2 3
Callum Hales-Jepp 1 1 6 1 2 2 3 1 6 2 2 1 8 1 1 1 1 1
Cameron Gerleman 7 3 2 5 3 5 3
Cameron Jones 7 3 3 3 2 2 6 2 1
Cameron Morris 3 5
Charlie Edward Owens 3 5 1 5
Charlie Harrison 6 1 3 1 2 6 7 4 1 1
Charlie Haywood 10 10 3 6
Charlie Stark 7 1 6 1 1 1 2 1 6 1 2 2 8 1 1 1 1
Cheung-Hao Tu 10 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 7 4 1
Chong Jen Foong 9 4 5 2 1 3 1 8 3 1
Chris Mills 2 4 6 5 2 4 1 1 2 2 1 6 1 1
Chris Wright 5 2 3 2 1 2 1 3 1 2 8 2
Christopher Morris 1 2 4 2 2 1 1 1 7 1 1
Ciarán Beahan 5 1 6 1 1 1 2 1 6 1 1 7 1 2 1 1
Colm Fitz 11 7 5 4 4 2 4 2
Conor Sheridan 9 7 5 5 2 5 2 6 3 1
Cormac Farrell 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 6 1 8 3 2 1 1
Cornelius Dieckmann 8 3 5 3 1
Daniel Mason 8 4 4 1
Daniel Sheppard 6 6 3 1 1 1 4 1 1 2 5
Daniel Tidsey 7 1 5 1 2 6 2 7 3 1 1
David Lim 7 3 5 6 2 1 1 5 2 2 2 3 1
Deni Mintsaev 1 1 3 1 1 2 6 2 1 8 4 1 1 1
Ean Seng Chang 9 6
Edison Hoi Kin Wong 10 6
Edward Neylan 3 6 1 5
Edward Nutter 8 8 3 5 2
Ekko Balodimos-Mahi 10 9 6 3
Eli Jay 2 1 6 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 7 1 2 1 1
Elizabeth Shirley 12 10 1 2 4 4
Emma Edwards 3
Eoin Carolan 6 3 2 3 2
Erik Akkersdijk 1 1 6 1 2 2 2 1 6 2 2 5 1 1
Erin Coppin 2 6
Ethan Bayes 5 5 4 6
Ethan Russell 11 4 1 5 3
Ethan Swaine 5 6 3 2 6
Evan Lewis 6 6 6
Fabio Schwandt 1 1 6 1 2 2 2 1 6 1 1 2 8 1 1 1 1 1
Forest Farrow 3 5 1 5
Fred Lang 11 7 2 5 1 4 1 2 3 4
Freddy Nash 6 8 4 2
Gavin Evans 7 9
George Dilworth-Wild 9 6 2 3
George Hart 3 5 1
George Scholey 2 3 1 5 2 2 1 1 2 6 2 1
Gregory Cartwright 4
Hannah Collins 5 10 1 5 6
Harrison Gilshan 8 1
Harrison James Hayden Way 6 9 6 4
Harrison Lee 9 10 3 5 3 1
Harry Randall 3 5 1
Harry Savage 1 1 6 2 1 2 3 1 6 2 2 2 7 1 2 1 1 1
Harry Taylor 5 7 2 4 2 1 4 3 1 4 4
Henry Bennett 7 8 5 6
Holly Swaine 3
Hughie Do 6 3 5 5 1 1 1 3 2
Hughie Gilshan 8 9 6 6
Hunor Mogyorósi 12 7 4 6 2 1 3
Hussain Iqbal 6 8 2 6 1 5 1 3 2 1
Ian Gerleman 9 9 3 3
Isaac Harland 5 4 4 4 2 6 4
Isabella Bosia 7 1 5 2 2 1 6 8 6 1 1
Ismaeel Hussain 10 6 4 6
Jack Fidler 11 10 2 1
Jack Smith 12 7 1 5 4 5 2 1
Jack Wardle 3 5
Jacob Chambers 11 3 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 3 3
Jacob Scarse 11 8 6 4
Jake Armitage 4 7
Jake Green 10 8 1 3 1 1 1 3 1 1 3 1 2
Jake Johnston 12 10 4 5 2 3 6 2
James Finlay 6 6 5 6
James Golding 1 2 6 2 1 2 1 5 1 1 8 4 1 1
James Goodwin 7 9 2 6
James Molloy 1 6 2 2 1 4 5 2 2 2
Jan Kuchnio 8 7 4 6
Jan Laidler 5 8 7
Jason Harley 9 1 1 2 1 6 1 7 3 1 1
Jay Dhiru 2 3 1 5 4 3 3 1
Jayesh Patel 12 9 4
Jeff Snyder 12 10 2 6
Jennifer Hardwick 3 5 1
Jixuan Zhang (张霁璇) 5 7
Joanna Stathopoulos 6 8 5
Joe Ewbank 8 2 4 5 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 4 1 2
Joey Gouly 12 8 4 3 2 2 3 1
Jonathan Collins 2 4 1 6 2 1 2 1 4 1
Jordan Hollingsworth 2 2 1
Joseph Briggs 9 9 4 4 4 1 2
Joseph Cooper 7 6 6 6
Joseph Coppin 10 10 7 3
Joseph Tudor 2 1 2 1 2 1 6 8 4 1 1
Joseph Williams 3 5 5 4 2 1 5
Joshua Williams 3 5 1 5
Jude Swaine 8 6
Jude Victor Clarke 5 9 2 5 3 1
Jules Desjardin 10 3 3 4 4 3 3
Kaela Swaine 4
Kai Liu (刘恺) 5 5 3 1 1 1 1
Kai Roff 10 3 5 4 2 6 6
Karam Al-Robaie 6 2 6 5 3 1 2 2 1 1 5 1 2
Katie Davies 2 10 4 5 1 2 4 4 2 1 3 3 2
Laurence Livsey 10 8 2 4 1 3 3
Laurent Renaud 9
Leo Durnion 9 10 3 6 4 2
Lewis Byng 10 4 4 2 5 2
Lewis Hartnoll 4 6 1
Lina Tissier 2 9 5 4
Lorna Traynor 4
Louis de Mendonça 8 7 6 2 1 4 1
Louis Durand 5 8 4 4
Louise Darling 6 9 3 5 5 2 6 4 1
Luke Burch 10 10 2 1
Luke Read 4 6 1
Mac Bowley 11 7 2 6
Malachi Lacey 10 8 2 2
Marcus Siu 6 3 6 6 2 2 1 3 1 1 2 5 1 1
Mark Adams 2 9 2 1 7 6 1 1
Mark Ostrom 8 4 2 4 1 1 1 1 7 5
Mark Rivers 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1
Matt Gaston 7 1 4 1 8 3
Matthew Alford 8 3 3 1 2 8 4
Matthew Lowe 12 7 2 6 1 4
Matthew Prestwich 2 2 5 1 2 1 1 1 6 1 2 8 4 2 1 1
Matthew Sheerin 1 1 2 1 2 3 1 5 1 1
Mattie Green 12 7 2 6
Max Day 2 8 4 3 4 3 1
Max Pullinger 6 9 1 1 5 1
Max Solovev 10 2 2
Maximilian Berkmann 2 8 2 6 2 1 4 3 3
Mengfei Shen (沈梦非) 6 2 4 2 1 1 5 1 7 5 1 1
Mercutio Silmon-Clyde (于晗汉) 4 1
Michael Alexander Matthew Keough Vere 5
Michael George 2 2 4 5 3 4
Milhouse Gibbons-Paul 12 4 5 3 1 2 2 2 4 2
Mohamed Ba Ndour 11 7 4 6
Nathan Olano 6 10 5 1
Nevins Chan Pak Hoong (陈百鸿) 6 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1
Nora Christ 7 2 4 6 1 1 1 1
Oliver Castledine 8 2 4 5 1 2 2 2
Oliver Fisk 6 2 5 6 3 1 6 3
Oliver Frost 2 1 1 1 1 1 6 2 1 1 1 1
Oliver Walker 11 4 1 4 2 5
Oliver Wheat 2 2 6 2 1 2 5 2 2 7 1 2 1 1 1
Olivia Mallik 4
Oscar Coleman Green 7 2 1 7 5
Oscar Lewin 8 7 4
Oskar Phillips 9 8 8 3
Owen Sage 8 10 2 5 3 1
Patrick Tate 10 6 2 5
Pauline Bonnaudet 2 2 3 4
Pawel Szostak 8 9 5
Philip Henry Loveday 4 5
Philip Moult 4 10
Philipp Weyer 5 2 4 2
Pierre Morice-Le Moel 8 2 6 2
Rajinder Mahi 11 7
Reuben Clow-Jones 12 3
Richard Taylor 5 7 1
Robert Reed 4 5 1 5
Robert Yau 9 2 6 2 1 2 1 1 5 2 1 1 8 1 2 1
Roberta Pereira 6 6 2
Robin Miller 4
Ronald Mansveld 1 4 4 1 2
Sahil Madnani 8 2 2 4 1 7 4
Sam Jacklin 9 3 1 4 1 2 4 1 2 1 4 1
Sam Shaw 8 4 2 4 1 3 2 4 2
Sam Spendla 1 2 2 2 1 1 5 1 7 2 1 1 1
Samuel Gray 4 5 1 5
Samuel Simko 5 9 2 4 3 1 4 2 2 4 2 2
Sarah Fluck 7 8 3 3 4 4 4 3
Savan Mallik 10 8 2 4
Scott Lawrence 9 9 4 1 8 6
Sean Huang 7 10 5 3 1
Sean Moran 2 4 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 8 3 1 1
Sebastian Weyer 6 1 3 2 3 3
Shay Corfield 8 7 4
Simon Blanchard 5 2 5 3 2 1 4 2 1 5 2 2
Sohan Dhanak 11 4 5 6 3 2 4 2 2
Spike Ostle 9 9 5 2
Stephen Waller 5 3 5 4 1 2 6 2
Steve Clarke 4 4
Steven Kearns 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 5 2 7 3 1 1 1 1
Stuart Salmon 10
Theo Hall 10 4 4 3 1 1 7 3 2
Theodore Mather 11 9 1 3
Thom Barlow 11 3 1 1 2
Thomas Caulfield 4 6
Thomas Connor 9 2 3 2 1 1 5 1 2 8 4 1 1
Thomas Nettleship 4
Thomas Patterson 11 10 4 4 3 4
Thomas Wade 12 10 2 5
Tiffany Chien 10 5 5 3 4 1 6
Timoor Ali Khalouf 5 6 8 5
Timothy Edward Ainger 4 6 1 5
Tom Dooley 12 1 3 1 2
Tom Salmon 7 3 3 4 5 3 4
Tom Savage 9 6 3 6 4 2 5 4
Tom Sharpe 6 4 4 5
Tyler Lloyd 7 3 2
Veer Jagdev 8 5 4
Vladimir Vasiliev (Владимир Васильев) 4 6 5 1
Wang Tong (王彤) 9 7 4 6 2 4
William Gan Wei Ren (颜伟仁) 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 8 3 2 1 1
William Turton 4 6 5
Yufei Shi (史宇斐) 5 1 1 1 2
Zak Messenger 10 8 3 4
Zak Walters 1 4 2 1 5 1
Zayn Abedi 11 8
Zheqi Zhu (诸哲祺) 6 2 2 5
Zhou Tianlang 4 6
Zitian Ding (丁梓田) 12 9 6 6


Live results at the competition are provided courtesy of Cubecomps. Please note that the results may not be entered immediately. It is important that the competition is running smoothly before we can enter data. Sometimes there might be a delay of up to an hour before the results for a round are entered.

UK Championship 2018 Live Results

Aayaan Patel

Event Group Scramble
3x3 7
2x2 4
4x4 3
5x5 3
3x3 One-Handed 1
Pyraminx 3

Abigail Johnson

Event Group Scramble
3x3 3
2x2 5
Pyraminx 1
Skewb 5

Abigail Karkoska

Event Group Scramble
3x3 3
2x2 5
Pyraminx 1
Skewb 5

Adam Devere

Event Group Scramble
3x3 12
2x2 4
Pyraminx 2
Skewb 6

Adam Greenwood

Event Group Scramble
3x3 1
4x4 3
5x5 3
6x6 2
7x7 1
3x3 Blindfolded 3
3x3 Fewest Moves 1
Pyraminx 2

Adam Swaine

Event Group Scramble
3x3 8
2x2 1
4x4 6
5x5 1
3x3 Blindfolded 2
3x3 with Feet 1 R2 G1
3x3 One-Handed 6
Pyraminx 7
Skewb 1
4x4 Blindfolded 1
5x5 Blindfolded 1
3x3 Multi-Blind 1

Adam Thorley

Event Group Scramble
3x3 12
2x2 7
4x4 4
Pyraminx 1
Skewb 6

Aidan Grainger

Event Group Scramble
3x3 3
2x2 5
Pyraminx 1

Ainesh Sevellaraja

Event Group Scramble
3x3 1
2x2 1
4x4 6
5x5 1
6x6 1 R1 G2
7x7 1 R1 G2
3x3 Blindfolded 3
3x3 with Feet 2 R2 G1
3x3 Fewest Moves 1
3x3 One-Handed 6
Clock 1 R1 G2
Megaminx 2 R1 G1
Pyraminx 8
Skewb 4 R1 G2
Square-1 1 R1 G2
4x4 Blindfolded 1
5x5 Blindfolded 1
3x3 Multi-Blind 1

AJ Green

Event Group Scramble
3x3 12

Alan Williams

Event Group Scramble
2x2 4

Alex Bateman

Event Group Scramble
3x3 3

Alex Burns

Event Group Scramble
3x3 5
2x2 3
4x4 3
5x5 4
3x3 Fewest Moves 1
3x3 One-Handed 2
Megaminx 2
Pyraminx 4
Skewb 2
Square-1 2

Alex Pearce

Event Group Scramble
3x3 12
2x2 9
Pyraminx 5

Alexander Harvey

Event Group Scramble
3x3 2
2x2 3 R2 G5
4x4 5

Alexander Lau

Event Group Scramble
3x3 9 R2 G1, R2 G3
2x2 10 R2 G2, R2 G4
3x3 One-Handed 3

Alexander Yip

Event Group Scramble
3x3 2 R1 G6, R1 G8
2x2 4
4x4 2
5x5 6 R1 G4
3x3 One-Handed 1 R1 G4, R1 G6
Pyraminx 6
Skewb 3

Amaan Omar

Event Group Scramble
3x3 10
2x2 7 R1 G2, R1 G4, R2 G2, R2 G4
4x4 5
5x5 3
3x3 Fewest Moves 1
3x3 One-Handed 3
Pyraminx 4
Skewb 4 R1 G1, R1 G5

Andrea Javier

Event Group Scramble
3x3 11

Andy Nicholls

Event Group Scramble
3x3 1
4x4 2
5x5 2
3x3 Blindfolded 3
3x3 Fewest Moves 1
Clock 2

Ann-Marie Copple

Event Group Scramble
3x3 3
2x2 5
Pyraminx 1
Skewb 5

Anqi Yu

Event Group Scramble
3x3 11
2x2 10
4x4 1
3x3 Fewest Moves 1
3x3 One-Handed 3
Clock 2
Pyraminx 3
Skewb 4
Square-1 1

Arthur Garcin

Event Group Scramble
3x3 1
4x4 3
3x3 Blindfolded 3
4x4 Blindfolded 1
5x5 Blindfolded 1
3x3 Multi-Blind 1

Aryan Trivedi

Event Group Scramble
3x3 3
2x2 5
Pyraminx 1
Skewb 5

Ashwin Venkatesh

Event Group Scramble
3x3 11
2x2 4
Pyraminx 6
Skewb 6

Axel Brisse

Event Group Scramble
3x3 7
2x2 1
4x4 6 R1 G1
5x5 1
6x6 1 R1 G2
7x7 1 R1 G2
3x3 Blindfolded 2
3x3 One-Handed 6
Megaminx 2 R1 G1, R2 G1
Pyraminx 7
Skewb 3
Square-1 2
4x4 Blindfolded 1
5x5 Blindfolded 1

Bartek Mirecki

Event Group Scramble
3x3 7
2x2 10
4x4 2
5x5 6
Pyraminx 3
Skewb 2

Ben Chant

Event Group Scramble
3x3 11
2x2 7
Pyraminx 4
Skewb 3

Ben Coppin

Event Group Scramble
3x3 12
2x2 9
4x4 3
3x3 Blindfolded 4
3x3 with Feet 1 R2 G1
3x3 Fewest Moves 1
3x3 One-Handed 4
Clock 2
Pyraminx 5
Skewb 1

Ben Ridley

Event Group Scramble
3x3 1
2x2 1
4x4 6
5x5 1
6x6 2
7x7 2
3x3 Blindfolded 3
3x3 with Feet 2
3x3 Fewest Moves 1
3x3 One-Handed 6
Clock 1
Megaminx 1
Pyraminx 8
Skewb 1
4x4 Blindfolded 1
5x5 Blindfolded 1
3x3 Multi-Blind 1

Ben Whitmore

Event Group Scramble
3x3 9 R1 G2, R1 G4
2x2 8 R2 G1, R2 G3
4x4 3
5x5 1
7x7 1
3x3 Fewest Moves 1
Square-1 1 R1 G2, R2 G1
4x4 Blindfolded 1

Benjamin Stokes

Event Group Scramble
3x3 3
2x2 5
3x3 Fewest Moves 1
Pyraminx 1
Skewb 5

Bertie Cartwright

Event Group Scramble
3x3 12 R1 G1, R1 G3
2x2 4
4x4 4
3x3 One-Handed 1
Pyraminx 6

Bertie Longden

Event Group Scramble
3x3 1
6x6 1
7x7 2
3x3 Blindfolded 1
3x3 with Feet 2
3x3 Fewest Moves 1
Square-1 2 R1 G1
4x4 Blindfolded 1
5x5 Blindfolded 1
3x3 Multi-Blind 1

Beth Coppin

Event Group Scramble
Pyraminx 2

Bill Hammill

Event Group Scramble
3x3 2 R1 G6, R1 G8
2x2 1 R2 G1, R2 G3
4x4 6
5x5 1
6x6 1
7x7 1
3x3 Blindfolded 4
3x3 with Feet 1
3x3 One-Handed 6
Clock 2
Megaminx 2
Pyraminx 7
Skewb 1
Square-1 2 R1 G1, R2 G1
4x4 Blindfolded 1
5x5 Blindfolded 1

Bochang Lu

Event Group Scramble
3x3 3
2x2 5

Breandan Vallance

Event Group Scramble
3x3 11 R2 G2, R2 G4
4x4 3 R1 G6
5x5 5 R1 G1
6x6 1 R1 G2
7x7 2 R1 G1
3x3 One-Handed 3

Callum Hales-Jepp

Event Group Scramble
3x3 1
2x2 1
4x4 6
5x5 1
6x6 2 R1 G1
7x7 2 R1 G1
3x3 Blindfolded 3
3x3 with Feet 2
3x3 Fewest Moves 1
3x3 One-Handed 6
Clock 2 R1 G1
Megaminx 1
Pyraminx 8
Skewb 1
Square-1 1 R2 G1
4x4 Blindfolded 1
5x5 Blindfolded 1
3x3 Multi-Blind 1

Cameron Gerleman

Event Group Scramble
3x3 7
2x2 3
4x4 2
5x5 5
3x3 One-Handed 3 R1 G2
Pyraminx 5 R1 G1, R1 G3
Skewb 3

Cameron Jones

Event Group Scramble
3x3 7
2x2 3
4x4 3
5x5 3
3x3 One-Handed 2
Megaminx 2
Pyraminx 6 R1 G2, R1 G4
Skewb 2
Square-1 1

Cameron Morris

Event Group Scramble
3x3 3
2x2 5

Charlie Edward Owens

Event Group Scramble
3x3 3
2x2 5
Pyraminx 1
Skewb 5

Charlie Harrison

Event Group Scramble
3x3 6
2x2 1
4x4 3
5x5 1
3x3 Blindfolded 2
3x3 One-Handed 6
Pyraminx 7
Skewb 4
4x4 Blindfolded 1
5x5 Blindfolded 1

Charlie Haywood

Event Group Scramble
3x3 10
2x2 10
Pyraminx 3
Skewb 6

Charlie Stark

Event Group Scramble
3x3 7 R2 G1, R2 G3
2x2 1
4x4 6
5x5 1
6x6 1
7x7 1
3x3 Blindfolded 2
3x3 with Feet 1
3x3 Fewest Moves 1
3x3 One-Handed 6
Clock 2 R1 G1, R2 G1
Megaminx 2
Pyraminx 8
Skewb 1
Square-1 1 R1 G2
4x4 Blindfolded 1
5x5 Blindfolded 1

Cheung-Hao Tu

Event Group Scramble
3x3 10
2x2 3
4x4 1
5x5 1
6x6 1
7x7 2
3x3 Blindfolded 1
3x3 Fewest Moves 1
3x3 One-Handed 1
Clock 1
Megaminx 2
Pyraminx 7
Skewb 4
4x4 Blindfolded 1

Chong Jen Foong

Event Group Scramble
3x3 9
2x2 4
4x4 5
3x3 Blindfolded 2
3x3 Fewest Moves 1
3x3 One-Handed 3
Megaminx 1 R1 G2, R2 G1
Pyraminx 8
Skewb 3
4x4 Blindfolded 1

Chris Mills

Event Group Scramble
3x3 2 R1 G5, R1 G7
2x2 4 R1 G6, R1 G8, R1 G10, R2 G1, R2 G3
4x4 6
5x5 5
6x6 2
3x3 Blindfolded 4
3x3 with Feet 2
3x3 Fewest Moves 1
3x3 One-Handed 1
Clock 2
Megaminx 1
Pyraminx 6 R1 G1, R1 G3
Skewb 1
Square-1 1

Chris Wright

Event Group Scramble
3x3 5
2x2 2
4x4 3
5x5 2
6x6 1
7x7 2
3x3 Fewest Moves 1
3x3 One-Handed 3
Clock 1
Megaminx 2
Pyraminx 8
Skewb 2

Christopher Morris

Event Group Scramble
3x3 1
2x2 2
4x4 4
5x5 2
6x6 2
7x7 1
3x3 Blindfolded 1
Clock 1
Pyraminx 7
4x4 Blindfolded 1
5x5 Blindfolded 1

Ciarán Beahan

Event Group Scramble
3x3 5
2x2 1
4x4 6
5x5 1
6x6 1 R1 G2
7x7 1 R1 G2
3x3 Blindfolded 2
3x3 with Feet 1 R2 G1
3x3 Fewest Moves 1
3x3 One-Handed 6
Megaminx 1 R2 G1
Pyraminx 7
Skewb 1
Square-1 2 R1 G1
4x4 Blindfolded 1
5x5 Blindfolded 1

Colm Fitz

Event Group Scramble
3x3 11
2x2 7
4x4 5
5x5 4
3x3 One-Handed 4
Megaminx 2
Pyraminx 4
Skewb 2

Conor Sheridan

Event Group Scramble
3x3 9 R2 G6, R2 G8
2x2 7
4x4 5
5x5 5
6x6 2
3x3 One-Handed 5
Megaminx 2
Pyraminx 6 R1 G2, R1 G4
Skewb 3
Square-1 1

Cormac Farrell

Event Group Scramble
3x3 2
2x2 1 R2 G5
4x4 2 R1 G4
5x5 1
6x6 1
7x7 1
3x3 Blindfolded 2
3x3 Fewest Moves 1
3x3 One-Handed 6
Megaminx 1 R1 G2
Pyraminx 8
Skewb 3
Square-1 2
4x4 Blindfolded 1
5x5 Blindfolded 1

Cornelius Dieckmann

Event Group Scramble
3x3 8 R1 G9, R1 G11, R2 G1, R2 G3
2x2 3 R1 G5, R1 G7, R1 G9
4x4 5 R1 G1
5x5 3
3x3 One-Handed 1

Daniel Mason

Event Group Scramble
3x3 8
2x2 4
3x3 Blindfolded 4
3x3 One-Handed 1

Daniel Sheppard

Event Group Scramble
3x3 6
4x4 6
5x5 3
6x6 1
7x7 1
3x3 with Feet 1
3x3 Fewest Moves 1
3x3 One-Handed 4
Clock 1
Megaminx 2
Pyraminx 5

Daniel Tidsey

Event Group Scramble
3x3 7 R1 G10, R1 G12
2x2 1
4x4 5 R1 G2
5x5 1
3x3 Blindfolded 2
3x3 One-Handed 6
Clock 2
Pyraminx 7
Skewb 3
4x4 Blindfolded 1
5x5 Blindfolded 1

David Lim

Event Group Scramble
3x3 7
2x2 3
4x4 5
5x5 6
6x6 2
7x7 1
3x3 Fewest Moves 1
3x3 One-Handed 5
Clock 2
Megaminx 2
Pyraminx 2
Skewb 3
Square-1 1

Deni Mintsaev

Event Group Scramble
3x3 1
2x2 1
4x4 3
5x5 1
6x6 1
3x3 Blindfolded 2
3x3 One-Handed 6
Clock 2
Megaminx 1
Pyraminx 8
Skewb 4
4x4 Blindfolded 1
5x5 Blindfolded 1
3x3 Multi-Blind 1

Ean Seng Chang

Event Group Scramble
3x3 9
2x2 6

Edison Hoi Kin Wong

Event Group Scramble
3x3 10
2x2 6

Edward Neylan

Event Group Scramble
3x3 3
2x2 6
Pyraminx 1
Skewb 5

Edward Nutter

Event Group Scramble
3x3 8
2x2 8
4x4 3
Pyraminx 5
Skewb 2

Ekko Balodimos-Mahi

Event Group Scramble
3x3 10
2x2 9
Pyraminx 6
Skewb 3

Eli Jay

Event Group Scramble
3x3 2
2x2 1
4x4 6
5x5 1
6x6 2 R1 G1
7x7 1 R1 G2
3x3 Blindfolded 2
3x3 with Feet 1
3x3 Fewest Moves 1
3x3 One-Handed 1
Clock 1 R1 G2
Megaminx 2 R1 G1
Pyraminx 7
Skewb 1 R1 G3
Square-1 2 R2 G1
4x4 Blindfolded 1
5x5 Blindfolded 1

Elizabeth Shirley

Event Group Scramble
3x3 12 R2 G5, R2 G7
2x2 10
4x4 1
3x3 One-Handed 2
Pyraminx 4
Skewb 4

Emma Edwards

Event Group Scramble
3x3 3

Eoin Carolan

Event Group Scramble
3x3 6
2x2 3
4x4 2
Pyraminx 3
Skewb 2

Erik Akkersdijk

Event Group Scramble
3x3 1
2x2 1
4x4 6
5x5 1 R1 G3
6x6 2 R1 G1
7x7 2 R1 G1
3x3 Blindfolded 2
3x3 with Feet 2
3x3 Fewest Moves 1
3x3 One-Handed 6
Megaminx 2 R2 G1
Pyraminx 5 R1 G2, R1 G4
5x5 Blindfolded 1
3x3 Multi-Blind 1

Erin Coppin

Event Group Scramble
Pyraminx 2
Skewb 6

Ethan Bayes

Event Group Scramble
3x3 5
2x2 5
Pyraminx 4
Skewb 6

Ethan Russell

Event Group Scramble
3x3 11
2x2 4
3x3 Fewest Moves 1
Pyraminx 5
Skewb 3

Ethan Swaine

Event Group Scramble
3x3 5
2x2 6
3x3 One-Handed 3
Pyraminx 2
Skewb 6

Evan Lewis

Event Group Scramble
3x3 6
2x2 6
Pyraminx 6

Fabio Schwandt

Event Group Scramble
3x3 1
2x2 1
4x4 6
5x5 1
6x6 2 R1 G1
7x7 2 R1 G1
3x3 Blindfolded 2
3x3 with Feet 1
3x3 Fewest Moves 1
3x3 One-Handed 6
Clock 1 R1 G2
Megaminx 2
Pyraminx 8
Skewb 1 R1 G3
Square-1 1
4x4 Blindfolded 1
5x5 Blindfolded 1
3x3 Multi-Blind 1

Forest Farrow

Event Group Scramble
3x3 3
2x2 5
Pyraminx 1
Skewb 5

Fred Lang

Event Group Scramble
3x3 11
2x2 7
4x4 2
5x5 5
3x3 Fewest Moves 1
3x3 One-Handed 4
Clock 1
Megaminx 2
Pyraminx 3
Skewb 4

Freddy Nash

Event Group Scramble
3x3 6
2x2 8
Pyraminx 4
Skewb 2

Gavin Evans

Event Group Scramble
3x3 7
2x2 9

George Dilworth-Wild

Event Group Scramble
3x3 9
2x2 6
Pyraminx 2
Skewb 3

George Hart

Event Group Scramble
3x3 3
2x2 5
Pyraminx 1

George Scholey

Event Group Scramble
3x3 2 R1 G5, R1 G7
2x2 3 R1 G5, R1 G7, R1 G9
4x4 1
5x5 5 R1 G1
6x6 2
7x7 2
3x3 Fewest Moves 1
3x3 One-Handed 1
Megaminx 2
Pyraminx 6
Skewb 2 R1 G4, R1 G6
Square-1 1 R1 G2

Gregory Cartwright

Event Group Scramble
3x3 4

Hannah Collins

Event Group Scramble
3x3 5
2x2 10
3x3 Fewest Moves 1
Pyraminx 5
Skewb 6

Harrison Gilshan

Event Group Scramble
2x2 8
Pyraminx 1

Harrison James Hayden Way

Event Group Scramble
3x3 6
2x2 9
Pyraminx 6
Skewb 4

Harrison Lee

Event Group Scramble
3x3 9
2x2 10
4x4 3
3x3 One-Handed 5
Pyraminx 3
Skewb 1

Harry Randall

Event Group Scramble
3x3 3
2x2 5
Pyraminx 1

Harry Savage

Event Group Scramble
3x3 1
2x2 1
4x4 6
5x5 2
6x6 1 R1 G2
7x7 2 R1 G1
3x3 Blindfolded 3
3x3 with Feet 2
3x3 Fewest Moves 1
3x3 One-Handed 6
Clock 2 R1 G1
Megaminx 2 R1 G1
Pyraminx 7
Skewb 1 R1 G3
Square-1 2 R1 G1
4x4 Blindfolded 1
5x5 Blindfolded 1
3x3 Multi-Blind 1

Harry Taylor

Event Group Scramble
3x3 5 R1 G10, R1 G12
2x2 7
4x4 2
5x5 4
6x6 2
7x7 1
3x3 Blindfolded 4
3x3 One-Handed 3
Megaminx 1
Pyraminx 4
Skewb 4

Henry Bennett

Event Group Scramble
3x3 7
2x2 8
Pyraminx 5
Skewb 6

Holly Swaine

Event Group Scramble
3x3 3

Hughie Do

Event Group Scramble
3x3 6
2x2 3
4x4 5
5x5 5
3x3 Fewest Moves 1
3x3 One-Handed 1
Clock 1
Pyraminx 3
Skewb 2

Hughie Gilshan

Event Group Scramble
3x3 8
2x2 9
Pyraminx 6
Skewb 6

Hunor Mogyorósi

Event Group Scramble
3x3 12 R1 G2, R1 G4
2x2 7
4x4 4 R1 G6
5x5 6 R1 G2
6x6 2 R1 G1
7x7 1 R1 G2
3x3 One-Handed 3

Hussain Iqbal

Event Group Scramble
3x3 6
2x2 8
4x4 2
5x5 6
3x3 Fewest Moves 1
3x3 One-Handed 5 R1 G1
Megaminx 1
Pyraminx 3 R1 G5, R1 G7
Skewb 2
Square-1 1

Ian Gerleman

Event Group Scramble
3x3 9
2x2 9
Pyraminx 3
Skewb 3

Isaac Harland

Event Group Scramble
3x3 5
2x2 4
4x4 4
3x3 Blindfolded 4
3x3 One-Handed 2
Pyraminx 6
Skewb 4

Isabella Bosia

Event Group Scramble
3x3 7
2x2 1
4x4 5
5x5 2
3x3 Blindfolded 2
3x3 Fewest Moves 1
3x3 One-Handed 6
Pyraminx 8
Skewb 6
4x4 Blindfolded 1
5x5 Blindfolded 1

Ismaeel Hussain

Event Group Scramble
3x3 10
2x2 6
Pyraminx 4
Skewb 6

Jack Fidler

Event Group Scramble
3x3 11
2x2 10
Pyraminx 2
Skewb 1

Jack Smith

Event Group Scramble
3x3 12
2x2 7
4x4 1
5x5 5
3x3 One-Handed 4
Pyraminx 5
Skewb 2
Square-1 1

Jack Wardle

Event Group Scramble
3x3 3
2x2 5

Jacob Chambers

Event Group Scramble
3x3 11
2x2 3
4x4 1
5x5 3
6x6 2
3x3 Fewest Moves 1
3x3 One-Handed 1
Clock 1
Megaminx 1
Pyraminx 3
Skewb 3

Jacob Scarse

Event Group Scramble
3x3 11
2x2 8
Pyraminx 6
Skewb 4

Jake Armitage

Event Group Scramble
3x3 4
2x2 7

Jake Green

Event Group Scramble
3x3 10
2x2 8
4x4 1
5x5 3
6x6 1
7x7 1
3x3 Fewest Moves 1
3x3 One-Handed 3 R1 G2
Clock 1
Megaminx 1
Pyraminx 3
Skewb 1
Square-1 2

Jake Johnston

Event Group Scramble
3x3 12
2x2 10
4x4 4
5x5 5
6x6 2
3x3 One-Handed 3
Pyraminx 6
Skewb 2

James Finlay

Event Group Scramble
3x3 6
2x2 6
Pyraminx 5
Skewb 6

James Golding

Event Group Scramble
3x3 1
2x2 2
4x4 6
5x5 2
6x6 1
7x7 2
3x3 Blindfolded 1
3x3 One-Handed 5
Clock 1
Megaminx 1
Pyraminx 8
Skewb 4
4x4 Blindfolded 1
5x5 Blindfolded 1

James Goodwin

Event Group Scramble
3x3 7
2x2 9
Pyraminx 2
Skewb 6

James Molloy

Event Group Scramble
3x3 1
4x4 6
5x5 2
6x6 2
7x7 1
3x3 Blindfolded 4
3x3 One-Handed 5
Clock 2
Megaminx 2
Square-1 2 R2 G1

Jan Kuchnio

Event Group Scramble
3x3 8
2x2 7
3x3 One-Handed 4
Pyraminx 6

Jan Laidler

Event Group Scramble
3x3 5
2x2 8
Pyraminx 7

Jason Harley

Event Group Scramble
3x3 9
2x2 1
4x4 1
3x3 Blindfolded 2
3x3 Fewest Moves 1
3x3 One-Handed 6
Megaminx 1
Pyraminx 7
Skewb 3
4x4 Blindfolded 1
5x5 Blindfolded 1

Jay Dhiru

Event Group Scramble
3x3 2
2x2 3
4x4 1 R1 G3
5x5 5 R1 G3
3x3 One-Handed 4
Pyraminx 3
Skewb 3
Square-1 1

Jayesh Patel

Event Group Scramble
3x3 12
2x2 9
Pyraminx 4

Jeff Snyder

Event Group Scramble
3x3 12
2x2 10
Pyraminx 2
Skewb 6

Jennifer Hardwick

Event Group Scramble
3x3 3
2x2 5
Pyraminx 1

Jixuan Zhang (张霁璇)

Event Group Scramble
3x3 5
2x2 7

Joanna Stathopoulos

Event Group Scramble
3x3 6
2x2 8
Pyraminx 5

Joe Ewbank

Event Group Scramble
3x3 8
2x2 2
4x4 4
5x5 5 R1 G1
6x6 2
7x7 2 R1 G1
3x3 with Feet 1
3x3 Fewest Moves 1
3x3 One-Handed 2 R1 G3, R1 G5
Clock 2
Megaminx 1 R1 G2
Pyraminx 4 R1 G6, R1 G8
Skewb 1
Square-1 2

Joey Gouly

Event Group Scramble
3x3 12 R2 G2, R2 G4
2x2 8 R1 G2, R1 G4
4x4 4
5x5 3
6x6 2
7x7 2
3x3 Blindfolded 3
Square-1 1

Jonathan Collins

Event Group Scramble
3x3 2
2x2 4
4x4 1
5x5 6
6x6 2
3x3 Fewest Moves 1
3x3 One-Handed 2
Clock 1 R1 G2, R2 G1
Skewb 4
Square-1 1 R1 G2, R2 G1

Jordan Hollingsworth

Event Group Scramble
6x6 2
7x7 2
3x3 Fewest Moves 1

Joseph Briggs

Event Group Scramble
3x3 9
2x2 9 R2 G6
4x4 4
5x5 4
3x3 One-Handed 4
Megaminx 1
Pyraminx 2

Joseph Cooper

Event Group Scramble
3x3 7
2x2 6
Pyraminx 6
Skewb 6

Joseph Coppin

Event Group Scramble
3x3 10
2x2 10
Pyraminx 7
Skewb 3

Joseph Tudor

Event Group Scramble
3x3 2
2x2 1 R2 G6
4x4 2
5x5 1
3x3 Blindfolded 2
3x3 Fewest Moves 1
3x3 One-Handed 6
Pyraminx 8
Skewb 4
4x4 Blindfolded 1
5x5 Blindfolded 1

Joseph Williams

Event Group Scramble
3x3 3
2x2 5
4x4 5
5x5 4
3x3 One-Handed 2
Pyraminx 1
Skewb 5

Joshua Williams

Event Group Scramble
3x3 3
2x2 5
Pyraminx 1
Skewb 5

Jude Swaine

Event Group Scramble
3x3 8
2x2 6

Jude Victor Clarke

Event Group Scramble
3x3 5
2x2 9
4x4 2
3x3 One-Handed 5
Pyraminx 3
Skewb 1

Jules Desjardin

Event Group Scramble
3x3 10 R1 G1, R1 G3, R2 G2, R2 G4
2x2 3 R1 G5, R1 G7, R1 G9
4x4 3 R1 G5
5x5 4 R1 G6
3x3 Blindfolded 4
3x3 One-Handed 3
Pyraminx 3 R1 G5, R1 G7

Kaela Swaine

Event Group Scramble
3x3 4

Kai Liu (刘恺)

Event Group Scramble
3x3 5
4x4 5
5x5 3
6x6 1
7x7 1 R1 G2
3x3 Fewest Moves 1
3x3 One-Handed 1

Kai Roff

Event Group Scramble
3x3 10
2x2 3
4x4 5
5x5 4
3x3 One-Handed 2
Pyraminx 6
Skewb 6

Karam Al-Robaie

Event Group Scramble
3x3 6
2x2 2 R1 G6, R1 G8, R1 G10, R2 G1, R2 G3
4x4 6
5x5 5 R1 G4
3x3 Blindfolded 3
3x3 with Feet 2
3x3 Fewest Moves 1
3x3 One-Handed 2
Clock 1 R1 G2
Megaminx 1
Pyraminx 5
Skewb 1
Square-1 2 R1 G1

Katie Davies

Event Group Scramble
3x3 2
2x2 10 R1 G2, R1 G4
4x4 4
5x5 5 R1 G3
6x6 1
7x7 2
3x3 Blindfolded 4
3x3 One-Handed 4
Clock 2 R1 G1, R2 G1
Megaminx 1 R1 G2, R2 G1
Pyraminx 3
Skewb 3 R1 G1, R1 G5
Square-1 2

Laurence Livsey

Event Group Scramble
3x3 10
2x2 8 R2 G5
4x4 2
5x5 4
6x6 1
3x3 Blindfolded 3
3x3 One-Handed 3 R1 G2

Laurent Renaud

Event Group Scramble
3x3 9

Leo Durnion

Event Group Scramble
3x3 9
2x2 10
4x4 3
5x5 6
Pyraminx 4
Skewb 2

Lewis Byng

Event Group Scramble
3x3 10
2x2 4 R1 G6, R1 G8, R1 G10
4x4 4
3x3 One-Handed 2
Pyraminx 5
Skewb 2

Lewis Hartnoll

Event Group Scramble
3x3 4
2x2 6
Pyraminx 1

Lina Tissier

Event Group Scramble
3x3 2 R2 G6, R2 G8
2x2 9
4x4 5
Pyraminx 4

Lorna Traynor

Event Group Scramble
3x3 4

Louis de Mendonça

Event Group Scramble
3x3 8
2x2 7
4x4 6
5x5 2
3x3 Blindfolded 1
3x3 One-Handed 4
4x4 Blindfolded 1

Louis Durand

Event Group Scramble
3x3 5
2x2 8
3x3 One-Handed 4
Pyraminx 4

Louise Darling

Event Group Scramble
3x3 6
2x2 9 R1 G1, R1 G3, R2 G6
4x4 3
5x5 5
3x3 One-Handed 5
Megaminx 2
Pyraminx 6
Skewb 4
Square-1 1

Luke Burch

Event Group Scramble
3x3 10
2x2 10
Pyraminx 2
Skewb 1

Luke Read

Event Group Scramble
3x3 4
2x2 6
Pyraminx 1

Mac Bowley

Event Group Scramble
3x3 11
2x2 7
Pyraminx 2
Skewb 6

Malachi Lacey

Event Group Scramble
3x3 10
2x2 8
Pyraminx 2
Skewb 2

Marcus Siu

Event Group Scramble
3x3 6
2x2 3
4x4 6
5x5 6 R1 G4
6x6 2
7x7 2
3x3 with Feet 1 R2 G1
3x3 Fewest Moves 1
3x3 One-Handed 3
Clock 1
Megaminx 2
Pyraminx 5 R1 G1, R1 G3
Skewb 1
Square-1 1 R1 G2

Mark Adams

Event Group Scramble
3x3 2
2x2 9
3x3 Blindfolded 2
3x3 Fewest Moves 1
Pyraminx 7
Skewb 6
4x4 Blindfolded 1
5x5 Blindfolded 1

Mark Ostrom

Event Group Scramble
3x3 8
2x2 4
4x4 2
5x5 4 R1 G5
6x6 1
7x7 1
3x3 One-Handed 1
Megaminx 1
Pyraminx 7
Skewb 5

Mark Rivers

Event Group Scramble
3x3 1
2x2 1
4x4 1
5x5 2
3x3 Blindfolded 1
3x3 Fewest Moves 1
Clock 1
4x4 Blindfolded 1
5x5 Blindfolded 1
3x3 Multi-Blind 1

Matt Gaston

Event Group Scramble
3x3 7
4x4 1
5x5 4
3x3 One-Handed 1
Pyraminx 8
Skewb 3

Matthew Alford

Event Group Scramble
3x3 8
2x2 3
4x4 3
3x3 Fewest Moves 1
3x3 One-Handed 2
Pyraminx 8
Skewb 4

Matthew Lowe

Event Group Scramble
3x3 12
2x2 7
4x4 2 R1 G4
5x5 6 R1 G2
6x6 1
3x3 One-Handed 4

Matthew Prestwich

Event Group Scramble
3x3 2 R2 G5, R2 G7
2x2 2
4x4 5 R1 G2
5x5 1
6x6 2
7x7 1
3x3 Blindfolded 1
3x3 Fewest Moves 1
3x3 One-Handed 6
Clock 1 R1 G2, R2 G1
Megaminx 2
Pyraminx 8
Skewb 4 R1 G2
Square-1 2
4x4 Blindfolded 1
5x5 Blindfolded 1

Matthew Sheerin

Event Group Scramble
3x3 1
4x4 1 R1 G5
5x5 2
6x6 1
7x7 2
3x3 Blindfolded 3
3x3 Fewest Moves 1
3x3 One-Handed 5
4x4 Blindfolded 1
5x5 Blindfolded 1

Mattie Green

Event Group Scramble
3x3 12
2x2 7
Pyraminx 2
Skewb 6

Max Day

Event Group Scramble
3x3 2 R1 G6, R1 G8
2x2 8 R1 G1, R1 G3
4x4 4
5x5 3
3x3 Blindfolded 4
3x3 One-Handed 3
Megaminx 1

Max Pullinger

Event Group Scramble
3x3 6
2x2 9
4x4 1
3x3 Fewest Moves 1
Pyraminx 5
Skewb 1

Max Solovev

Event Group Scramble
2x2 10
Pyraminx 2
Skewb 2

Maximilian Berkmann

Event Group Scramble
3x3 2
2x2 8
4x4 2
5x5 6
6x6 2
3x3 Fewest Moves 1
3x3 One-Handed 4
Pyraminx 3
Skewb 3

Mengfei Shen (沈梦非)

Event Group Scramble
3x3 6 R2 G6, R2 G8
2x2 2
4x4 4
5x5 2
3x3 Blindfolded 1
3x3 Fewest Moves 1
3x3 One-Handed 5
Megaminx 1
Pyraminx 7
Skewb 5
4x4 Blindfolded 1
5x5 Blindfolded 1

Mercutio Silmon-Clyde (于晗汉)

Event Group Scramble
3x3 4
Pyraminx 1

Michael Alexander Matthew Keough Vere

Event Group Scramble
3x3 5

Michael George

Event Group Scramble
3x3 2
2x2 2
4x4 4
3x3 One-Handed 5 R1 G1
Pyraminx 3
Skewb 4

Milhouse Gibbons-Paul

Event Group Scramble
3x3 12
2x2 4
4x4 5
5x5 3
3x3 Fewest Moves 1
3x3 One-Handed 2
Clock 2
Megaminx 2
Pyraminx 4
Skewb 2

Mohamed Ba Ndour

Event Group Scramble
3x3 11
2x2 7
4x4 4
5x5 6

Nathan Olano

Event Group Scramble
3x3 6
2x2 10
Pyraminx 5
Skewb 1

Nevins Chan Pak Hoong (陈百鸿)

Event Group Scramble
4x4 6
5x5 2
6x6 2
7x7 1
3x3 Blindfolded 1
3x3 Fewest Moves 1
4x4 Blindfolded 1
5x5 Blindfolded 1
3x3 Multi-Blind 1

Nora Christ

Event Group Scramble
3x3 7 R2 G5, R2 G7
2x2 2
4x4 4
5x5 6
6x6 1
7x7 1
3x3 One-Handed 1 R1 G4, R1 G6
Megaminx 1

Oliver Castledine

Event Group Scramble
3x3 8
2x2 2
4x4 4
5x5 5
3x3 Fewest Moves 1
3x3 One-Handed 2
Pyraminx 2
Skewb 2

Oliver Fisk

Event Group Scramble
3x3 6
2x2 2
4x4 5
5x5 6
3x3 One-Handed 3
Megaminx 1
Pyraminx 6
Skewb 3

Oliver Frost

Event Group Scramble
3x3 2
2x2 1
4x4 1
5x5 1
3x3 Blindfolded 1
3x3 Fewest Moves 1
3x3 One-Handed 6
Megaminx 2
Skewb 1
4x4 Blindfolded 1
5x5 Blindfolded 1
3x3 Multi-Blind 1

Oliver Walker

Event Group Scramble
3x3 11
2x2 4
4x4 1
3x3 One-Handed 4
Pyraminx 2
Skewb 5

Oliver Wheat

Event Group Scramble
3x3 2
2x2 2
4x4 6
5x5 2
6x6 1
3x3 Blindfolded 2
3x3 with Feet 2 R2 G1
3x3 One-Handed 5
Clock 2
Pyraminx 7
Skewb 1
Square-1 2
4x4 Blindfolded 1
5x5 Blindfolded 1
3x3 Multi-Blind 1

Olivia Mallik

Event Group Scramble
3x3 4

Oscar Coleman Green

Event Group Scramble
3x3 7
2x2 2
3x3 Fewest Moves 1
Pyraminx 7
Skewb 5

Oscar Lewin

Event Group Scramble
3x3 8
2x2 7
Skewb 4

Oskar Phillips

Event Group Scramble
3x3 9
2x2 8
Pyraminx 8
Skewb 3

Owen Sage

Event Group Scramble
3x3 8
2x2 10
4x4 2
3x3 One-Handed 5
Pyraminx 3
Skewb 1

Patrick Tate

Event Group Scramble
3x3 10
2x2 6
Pyraminx 2
Skewb 5

Pauline Bonnaudet

Event Group Scramble
3x3 2
2x2 2
3x3 Blindfolded 3
Pyraminx 4

Pawel Szostak

Event Group Scramble
3x3 8
2x2 9
Pyraminx 5

Philip Henry Loveday

Event Group Scramble
3x3 4
2x2 5

Philip Moult

Event Group Scramble
3x3 4
2x2 10

Philipp Weyer

Event Group Scramble
3x3 5 R1 G9, R1 G11
4x4 2 R1 G4
5x5 4 R1 G6
3x3 One-Handed 2 R1 G3, R1 G5

Pierre Morice-Le Moel

Event Group Scramble
3x3 8
2x2 2
Pyraminx 6
Skewb 2

Rajinder Mahi

Event Group Scramble
3x3 11
2x2 7

Reuben Clow-Jones

Event Group Scramble
3x3 12
2x2 3

Richard Taylor

Event Group Scramble
3x3 5
2x2 7
3x3 Fewest Moves 1

Robert Reed

Event Group Scramble
3x3 4
2x2 5
Pyraminx 1
Skewb 5

Robert Yau

Event Group Scramble
3x3 9
2x2 2
4x4 6
5x5 2
6x6 1
7x7 2
3x3 Blindfolded 1
3x3 with Feet 2
3x3 Fewest Moves 1
3x3 One-Handed 5
Clock 1 R2 G1
Megaminx 1
Pyraminx 8
Skewb 1
Square-1 2
4x4 Blindfolded 1

Roberta Pereira

Event Group Scramble
3x3 6
2x2 6
Pyraminx 2

Robin Miller

Event Group Scramble
3x3 4

Ronald Mansveld

Event Group Scramble
3x3 1
2x2 4
3x3 Blindfolded 4
3x3 Fewest Moves 1
Clock 2

Sahil Madnani

Event Group Scramble
3x3 8
2x2 2
4x4 2
5x5 4
3x3 One-Handed 1
Pyraminx 7
Skewb 4

Sam Jacklin

Event Group Scramble
3x3 9
2x2 3
4x4 1 R1 G3
5x5 4 R1 G6
6x6 1 R1 G2
7x7 2
3x3 Blindfolded 4
3x3 Fewest Moves 1
3x3 One-Handed 2
Megaminx 1
Pyraminx 4
Skewb 1 R1 G4, R1 G6

Sam Shaw

Event Group Scramble
3x3 8 R2 G6, R2 G8
2x2 4
4x4 2
5x5 4
3x3 Fewest Moves 1
3x3 One-Handed 3
Clock 2 R1 G1
Pyraminx 4 R1 G6, R1 G8
Skewb 2

Sam Spendla

Event Group Scramble
3x3 1
2x2 2
4x4 2
5x5 2
6x6 1
3x3 Blindfolded 1
3x3 One-Handed 5
Clock 1
Pyraminx 7
Skewb 2
Square-1 1
4x4 Blindfolded 1
5x5 Blindfolded 1

Samuel Gray

Event Group Scramble
3x3 4
2x2 5
Pyraminx 1
Skewb 5

Samuel Simko

Event Group Scramble
3x3 5 R1 G10, R1 G12
2x2 9
4x4 2
5x5 4
3x3 Blindfolded 3
3x3 Fewest Moves 1
3x3 One-Handed 4
Clock 2
Megaminx 2
Pyraminx 4 R1 G6, R1 G8
Skewb 2
Square-1 2

Sarah Fluck

Event Group Scramble
3x3 7
2x2 8
4x4 3
5x5 3
3x3 Blindfolded 4
3x3 One-Handed 4
Pyraminx 4
Skewb 3

Savan Mallik

Event Group Scramble
3x3 10
2x2 8
Pyraminx 2
Skewb 4

Scott Lawrence

Event Group Scramble
3x3 9
2x2 9
4x4 4
3x3 Fewest Moves 1
Pyraminx 8
Skewb 6

Sean Huang

Event Group Scramble
3x3 7
2x2 10
4x4 5
Pyraminx 3
Skewb 1

Sean Moran

Event Group Scramble
3x3 2
2x2 4 R2 G6
4x4 2
5x5 2
6x6 2
7x7 2
3x3 Blindfolded 1
3x3 Fewest Moves 1
3x3 One-Handed 2
Clock 1
Megaminx 2 R1 G1
Pyraminx 8
Skewb 3 R1 G2
Square-1 1
4x4 Blindfolded 1

Sebastian Weyer

Event Group Scramble
3x3 6 R1 G9, R1 G11
4x4 1 R1 G3
5x5 3 R1 G5
6x6 2 R1 G1
3x3 Blindfolded 3
3x3 One-Handed 3

Shay Corfield

Event Group Scramble
3x3 8
2x2 7
Pyraminx 4

Simon Blanchard

Event Group Scramble
3x3 5
2x2 2
4x4 5 R1 G2
5x5 3 R1 G5
6x6 2
7x7 1
3x3 Blindfolded 4
3x3 One-Handed 2 R1 G3, R1 G5
Megaminx 1 R1 G2
Pyraminx 5
Skewb 2
Square-1 2

Sohan Dhanak

Event Group Scramble
3x3 11
2x2 4
4x4 5
5x5 6
3x3 Blindfolded 3
3x3 One-Handed 2
Pyraminx 4
Skewb 2 R1 G4, R1 G6
Square-1 2 R1 G1

Spike Ostle

Event Group Scramble
3x3 9
2x2 9
Pyraminx 5
Skewb 2

Stephen Waller

Event Group Scramble
3x3 5
2x2 3
4x4 5
5x5 4
3x3 One-Handed 1
Megaminx 2 R1 G1
Pyraminx 6
Skewb 2

Steve Clarke

Event Group Scramble
3x3 4
3x3 Blindfolded 4

Steven Kearns

Event Group Scramble
3x3 1
2x2 2
4x4 1 R1 G5
5x5 2
6x6 1
7x7 2
3x3 Blindfolded 1
3x3 Fewest Moves 1
3x3 One-Handed 5
Clock 2
Pyraminx 7
Skewb 3
Square-1 1
4x4 Blindfolded 1
5x5 Blindfolded 1
3x3 Multi-Blind 1

Stuart Salmon

Event Group Scramble
3x3 10

Theo Hall

Event Group Scramble
3x3 10
2x2 4
4x4 4
5x5 3
3x3 One-Handed 1
Megaminx 1
Pyraminx 7
Skewb 3 R1 G1, R1 G5
Square-1 2

Theodore Mather

Event Group Scramble
3x3 11
2x2 9
Pyraminx 1
Skewb 3

Thom Barlow

Event Group Scramble
3x3 11 R1 G5, R1 G7
2x2 3 R2 G2, R2 G4
4x4 1
3x3 Fewest Moves 1
3x3 One-Handed 2 R1 G4, R1 G6

Thomas Caulfield

Event Group Scramble
3x3 4
2x2 6

Thomas Connor

Event Group Scramble
3x3 9
2x2 2
4x4 3
5x5 2
3x3 Blindfolded 1
3x3 Fewest Moves 1
3x3 One-Handed 5
Clock 1
Megaminx 2
Pyraminx 8
Skewb 4
4x4 Blindfolded 1
5x5 Blindfolded 1

Thomas Nettleship

Event Group Scramble
3x3 4

Thomas Patterson

Event Group Scramble
3x3 11 R1 G2, R1 G4
2x2 10 R2 G5
4x4 4
5x5 4
Pyraminx 3 R1 G5, R1 G7
Skewb 4

Thomas Wade

Event Group Scramble
3x3 12
2x2 10
Pyraminx 2
Skewb 5

Tiffany Chien

Event Group Scramble
3x3 10 R1 G1, R1 G3
4x4 5 R1 G1
5x5 5
3x3 Blindfolded 3
3x3 One-Handed 4
Megaminx 1 R1 G2, R2 G1
Pyraminx 6

Timoor Ali Khalouf

Event Group Scramble
3x3 5
2x2 6
Pyraminx 8
Skewb 5

Timothy Edward Ainger

Event Group Scramble
3x3 4
2x2 6
Pyraminx 1
Skewb 5

Tom Dooley

Event Group Scramble
3x3 12
4x4 1
5x5 3
6x6 1
7x7 2

Tom Salmon

Event Group Scramble
3x3 7
2x2 3
4x4 3
3x3 Blindfolded 4
3x3 One-Handed 5
Pyraminx 3
Skewb 4

Tom Savage

Event Group Scramble
3x3 9
2x2 6
4x4 3 R1 G6
5x5 6 R1 G2
3x3 One-Handed 4
Clock 2 R1 G1, R2 G1
Pyraminx 5
Skewb 4

Tom Sharpe

Event Group Scramble
3x3 6
2x2 4
Pyraminx 4
Skewb 5

Tyler Lloyd

Event Group Scramble
3x3 7
2x2 3
Pyraminx 2

Veer Jagdev

Event Group Scramble
3x3 8
2x2 5
3x3 One-Handed 4

Vladimir Vasiliev (Владимир Васильев)

Event Group Scramble
3x3 4
2x2 6
Pyraminx 5
Skewb 1

Wang Tong (王彤)

Event Group Scramble
3x3 9
2x2 7
4x4 4
5x5 6
6x6 2
3x3 One-Handed 4 R1 G1

William Gan Wei Ren (颜伟仁)

Event Group Scramble
3x3 1
4x4 3
5x5 2
6x6 1
7x7 1
3x3 Blindfolded 1
3x3 Fewest Moves 1
Megaminx 1
Pyraminx 8
Skewb 3
Square-1 2
4x4 Blindfolded 1
5x5 Blindfolded 1

William Turton

Event Group Scramble
3x3 4
2x2 6
Skewb 5

Yufei Shi (史宇斐)

Event Group Scramble
3x3 5
2x2 1
4x4 1
3x3 One-Handed 1
Skewb 2

Zak Messenger

Event Group Scramble
3x3 10 R2 G5, R2 G7
2x2 8 R1 G1, R1 G3, R2 G2, R2 G4
Pyraminx 3
Skewb 4

Zak Walters

Event Group Scramble
3x3 1
4x4 4
5x5 2
3x3 Fewest Moves 1
3x3 One-Handed 5
3x3 Multi-Blind 1

Zayn Abedi

Event Group Scramble
3x3 11
2x2 8

Zheqi Zhu (诸哲祺)

Event Group Scramble
3x3 6
2x2 2
3x3 One-Handed 2
Pyraminx 5

Zhou Tianlang

Event Group Scramble
3x3 4
2x2 6

Zitian Ding (丁梓田)

Event Group Scramble
3x3 12
2x2 9
Pyraminx 6
Skewb 6

Time limit

If you reach the time limit during your solve, the judge will stop you and your result will be DNF (see Regulation A1a4).
A cumulative time limit may be enforced (see Regulation A1a2).


The result to beat to proceed to the second phase of a cutoff round (see Regulation 9g).


The format describes how to determine the ranking of competitors based on their results. The list of allowed formats per event is described in Regulation 9b. See Regulation 9f for a description of each format.

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