Timothy Martin

Completed Solves
United States 2018MART13 Male 8 201

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 5483 7245 28379 11.55 13.22 23306 5884 4489
2x2x2 Cube 813 1014 3762 1.62 5.14 27489 7718 5936
4x4x4 Cube 2766 3806 15568 48.54 55.23 15251 3748 2729
5x5x5 Cube 2508 3379 12693 1:43.53 1:58.96 13507 3662 2739
6x6x6 Cube 2400 3195 10643 4:29.76
3x3x3 One-Handed 4064 5560 22727 25.83 30.55 20855 5006 3660
Megaminx 3821 5260 17917 2:32.96 3:02.73 15432 4598 3342
Pyraminx 2352 3024 11839 4.67 10.08 27395 7335 5690
Skewb 4448 5676 19554 6.80 12.22 25662 7646 6017
3x3x3 Cube
DFW NxN Winter 2020 Second round 16 11.55 14.55 15.4013.4011.5515.0915.15
First round 13 12.39 13.60 14.5416.0813.7412.5212.39
Dallas Warm Up 2019 First round 33 14.37 16.05 14.3716.8715.8615.7516.53
CubingUSA Southern Championship 2019 Second round 41 11.76 13.93 17.2014.4411.7612.8514.51
First round 35 12.57 13.22 13.0014.8512.8412.5713.82
Frisco Liberty Cubing 2019 Second round 12 11.75 13.92 11.7514.8214.4712.4618.37
First round 16 14.46 15.99 15.6414.4616.5115.8118.63
Trinity Valley Open 2018 First round 27 14.69 18.64 17.1632.9718.6320.1314.69
DFW Cubing Fiesta September 2018 First round 34 15.62 19.45 20.8415.6218.1819.5020.66
DFW Cubing Fiesta July 2018 Second round 32 12.12 18.21 19.7215.8212.1220.4519.09
First round 31 13.84 17.81 21.5215.1413.8421.1017.18
Odd Cubing Day 2018 First round 42 26.29 28.46 28.7326.2927.6928.9532.46
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