Maxen Morrison

Completed Solves
Canada 2018MORR04 Male 8 259

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 525 3800 14617 9.68 12.65 19591 4989 659
2x2x2 Cube 101 780 2879 1.49 2.45 1505 432 58
4x4x4 Cube 403 3164 12922 45.79 51.25 11843 2892 365
5x5x5 Cube 192 1556 6009 1:20.38 1:29.73 6153 1587 198
6x6x6 Cube 125 1162 4186 2:42.37 2:48.73 3805 1055 109
7x7x7 Cube 96 903 3284 4:00.13 4:19.19 3393 930 95
3x3x3 Blindfolded 250 1941 8575 5:21.81
3x3x3 One-Handed 722 5879 23899 26.61 32.96 24007 5858 722
Megaminx 402 3689 12879 1:59.71 2:05.85 11297 3261 353
Pyraminx 3455 25918 88816 14.62 18.21 79166 23192 3091
Skewb 873 7457 25002 7.93 20.52 46430 15107 1915
Square-1 155 1494 4531 17.47 33.71 8087 2609 284

Medal Collection

Gold Silver Bronze
1 4 3
3x3x3 Cube
Halifax Summer 2024 Second round 11 11.29 13.10 13.7817.3211.2911.4114.12
First round 12 11.91 13.41 12.9011.9114.3413.2714.05
Halifax Favourites 2023 Final 8 11.52 12.65 11.7511.5213.5614.1612.63
First round 8 12.22 14.10 16.2613.8314.6812.2213.78
Dalhousie Leap Year 2020 Final 6 9.68 14.50 15.1915.0313.299.6815.52
Second round 7 11.52 13.99 16.2611.5214.3513.2314.38
First round 8 12.68 13.98 15.3014.9712.9014.0812.68
Koalafication Brisbane 2019 Semi Final 19 15.02 18.69 DNF16.1916.5723.3015.02
Second round 19 12.96 15.80 13.7419.0518.4715.2012.96
First round 20 14.76 15.59 18.1115.2114.7615.8515.72
Halifax Select 2018 Second round 17 21.32 23.93 DNF22.7626.2322.8121.32
First round 16 18.62 21.16 20.2420.4924.7218.6222.74
Halifax Spring 2018 First round 29 26.39 31.30 31.3937.6231.4231.0826.39
Halifax Open 2018 First round 50 39.19 44.61 51.8348.7039.1942.8542.27
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