Lev Shpanov (Лев Шпанов)

Completed Solves
Russia 2018SHPA01 Male 3 100

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 1853 20642 84670 18.44 21.60 80461 19601 1747
2x2x2 Cube 1004 12357 41029 3.98 6.72 55012 15507 1258
4x4x4 Cube 1221 14109 48843 1:35.97 1:49.70 41419 11688 1044
3x3x3 One-Handed 954 9508 36422 35.21 45.92 37563 9751 1005
Clock 281 4607 13062 16.86
Pyraminx 711 7945 23637 6.25 9.45 23174 7689 740
Skewb 558 7081 21449 7.18 10.30 18950 6214 468
Square-1 568 5968 17843 58.90 1:33.73 15683 5123 562
3x3x3 Cube
Severodvinsk Cup 2020 Second round 11 18.44 21.65 22.5422.5336.9819.8818.44
First round 15 19.78 25.60 25.2527.7623.8019.7831.89
YJ Kazan 2019 Second round 41 18.87 21.60 23.3321.0618.8720.4225.54
First round 49 23.16 24.75 28.9923.5827.4923.1623.18
Welcome to Academy 2018 First round 168 28.53 30.33 30.9328.5328.8950.8131.18
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