Zachary Barrus

Completed Solves
United States 2019BARR19 Male 15 417

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 1861 2402 9144 8.71 10.30 7511 1993 1562
2x2x2 Cube 6003 7884 28244 3.34 4.23 13990 3947 3068
4x4x4 Cube 1320 1818 7556 39.71 44.69 6800 1658 1206
5x5x5 Cube 1024 1405 5456 1:18.18 1:25.75 5189 1338 973
6x6x6 Cube 784 1048 3734 2:36.14 2:51.08 3977 1106 825
7x7x7 Cube 989 1343 4757 4:37.01 4:47.63 4432 1245 910
3x3x3 Blindfolded 1365 1796 7931 4:41.43
3x3x3 One-Handed 880 1179 4764 15.05 17.12 3083 769 580
Clock 1122 1367 4554 8.91 13.66 7348 2210 1809
Megaminx 1458 2024 7419 1:27.91 1:34.78 6694 1815 1319
Pyraminx 1324 1685 6708 3.74 6.49 8085 2018 1570
Skewb 1884 2406 8763 4.55 5.59 3775 1002 778
Square-1 431 501 1404 10.48 16.71 2078 716 598
3x3x3 Cube
Utah Snowball Bash 2023 Second round 28 9.83 12.29 9.8312.1413.1612.4012.32
First round 35 10.52 12.95 14.0313.8710.5211.1713.81
Utah Championship 2023 Second round 20 9.79 11.75 12.1410.7813.629.7912.34
First round 25 11.17 12.23 13.9812.1411.1712.2412.31
Utah Valley Open 2023 Second round 25 9.64 12.79 13.0611.8914.6913.429.64
First round 14 9.91 11.29 9.9112.7412.1211.3210.43
Back to School Utah 2023 Final 10 10.56 12.11 14.3810.5610.7812.9112.65
Second round 7 9.16 10.30 10.7810.299.1614.629.84
First round 17 8.71 11.69 11.3112.6816.5411.098.71
Utah Summer Side Events B 2023 Second round 16 11.95 14.41 13.2111.9515.2414.7715.41
First round 10 10.18 12.62 13.4413.3010.1812.6011.95
Southern Utah Summer 2023 Final 16 11.26 12.04 13.3711.3111.4314.7211.26
First round 9 9.56 10.92 12.2911.6610.5910.529.56
Salt Lake Utah Summer 2023 Second round 28 11.28 11.85 14.7511.3312.2411.2811.98
First round 14 10.23 11.37 10.4811.3012.3210.2313.32
Utah Puzzling For Awareness XL 2023 First round 14 11.02 12.77 14.5611.0215.7811.9311.83
Utah Megacomp 2023 Second round 18 10.90 11.98 12.0212.7610.9013.4811.16
First round 15 11.22 11.71 11.5511.2213.0611.3612.21
Utah Ice Cubing 2023 Second round 37 12.15 15.56 16.8213.9817.1215.8812.15
First round 32 10.81 15.52 10.8120.07DNF14.5411.96
Big and Skewb Utah 2019 Second round 40 24.42 26.60 27.9227.4524.4424.4242.62
First round 36 20.69 25.08 23.5920.6927.0126.8724.77
Resticker Utah 2019 First round 39 24.64 25.70 25.2725.8625.9724.6432.97
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