Abraham Alfonso González Monares

Completed Solves
Mexico 2019MONA02 Male 3 109

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 1092 14047 54977 14.68 18.11 57747 14663 1167
2x2x2 Cube 986 14846 52869 4.55 6.11 44460 12513 834
4x4x4 Cube 816 8318 31735 1:07.84 1:16.16 29887 7953 769
5x5x5 Cube 628 6651 23512 2:34.56 2:42.81 19557 5544 513
3x3x3 One-Handed 789 8304 32868 32.38 35.81 27600 6847 663
Megaminx 366 3057 10899 1:46.83 2:01.98 10933 3121 357
Pyraminx 1569 29690 102825 19.84 23.29 94259 27552 1462
Skewb 897 18408 56461 20.30 27.53 54410 17834 869
3x3x3 Cube
Centauros Returns 2023 First round 13 16.56 18.11 16.5618.5018.1719.8417.67
Centauros Open 2020 Second round 19 17.16 19.17 26.4219.4620.6717.1617.37
First round 20 14.68 20.09 22.2928.0919.5014.6818.47
Beyond Zacatecas 2019 First round 44 17.96 19.57 19.7017.9620.3218.7024.84
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