Cedric Schweitzer

Completed Solves
Germany 2019SCHW02 Male 4 222

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 215 3040 11270 9.09 10.36 7850 2111 163
2x2x2 Cube 393 6345 19752 2.88 3.77 9062 2950 174
4x4x4 Cube 205 2600 9044 41.35 48.43 9708 2739 220
5x5x5 Cube 272 3041 10124 1:34.09 1:44.61 10165 3028 271
6x6x6 Cube 244 2424 7860 3:33.15 3:42.81 7290 2233 227
7x7x7 Cube 177 1792 5825 5:05.37 5:15.37 5328 1632 168
3x3x3 Fewest Moves 250 3190 8137 49 51.33 4393 1626 131
3x3x3 One-Handed 341 4811 18406 23.28 30.01 20166 5166 354
Megaminx 211 2846 9583 1:38.85 1:43.22 8147 2471 174
Pyraminx 251 4415 12623 4.77 8.75 19024 6341 347
Skewb 238 4519 13196 5.47 7.47 9201 3111 150
Square-1 121 2007 6090 20.53 26.17 5432 1755 104
3x3x3 Cube
Rahn Education Leipzig 2023 Second round 19 9.09 10.66 11.229.6011.8111.159.09
First round 17 9.26 10.36 10.019.8111.279.2611.46
Berlin Winter Cubing 2020 Final 25 10.88 12.52 10.8813.3011.5812.6914.40
Second round 30 12.18 12.67 12.2013.5213.6312.1812.29
First round 28 11.80 12.43 13.6412.1911.8012.8912.20
German Nationals 2019 Second round 101 13.86 15.19 16.1613.8616.1314.5514.88
First round 95 13.08 15.08 16.2714.4014.5613.0816.44
German Open 2019 Second round 73 16.27 20.67 24.6621.5916.2716.9023.51
First round 66 16.17 18.74 19.4519.6316.1717.1520.41
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