Emil Mieszkowski

Completed Solves
New Zealand 2021MIES01 Male 4 73

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 760 4452 102238 21.09 23.43 90557 3826 664
2x2x2 Cube 398 2111 40775 3.99 5.29 29671 1529 303
Skewb 208 913 18193 6.57 7.37 8682 398 90
3x3x3 Cube
Auckland Mid-Year Madness 2023 Second round 68 21.09 23.43 28.8121.0922.0222.1226.14
First round 71 21.54 23.63 23.9921.5424.4335.6822.47
Auckland Autumn 2023 Second round 83 26.54 27.24 26.5427.4727.1827.0753.78
First round 98 23.26 29.07 31.0940.1423.9423.2632.18
NZ North Island Championship 2021 First round 130 29.25 37.74 51.32DNF30.7831.1329.25
Wellington Mind Games 2021 First round 52 34.26 45.20 34.2647.48DNF46.3441.78
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