Shai Aschkenasy

Completed Solves
United States 2022ASCH01 Male 5 69

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 23166 30662 114018 22.83 24.66 98240 26139 19664
2x2x2 Cube 8505 11182 40090 3.94 5.35 30939 8656 6647
4x4x4 Cube 13563 17864 61651 2:09.64
Clock 4918 5940 18256 25.33 32.94 16623 5520 4581
Pyraminx 12105 15539 54531 9.58 14.37 57921 16638 12973
Skewb 11092 13952 43547 12.84 15.53 35717 11245 8924
3x3x3 Cube
Los Angeles Newcomers 2024 First round 136 23.78 27.52 32.26DNF24.0826.2223.78
Agoura SpookCubing 2023 Second round 61 23.56 27.07 30.3225.331:18.0425.5623.56
First round 64 25.57 28.24 27.4925.5729.5728.6628.56
Corona Summer 2023 First round 100 22.83 24.66 24.6524.4124.9222.8328.57
Bay Area Speedcubin' 39 2022 First round 156 34.37 39.10 48.1734.9043.6838.7334.37
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