Jeremy K. Posey Jr.

Completed Solves
Belgium 2022JRJE01 Male 4 164

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 59 3440 12897 9.39 12.44 18451 4734 81
2x2x2 Cube 51 3702 10696 2.32 4.23 14044 4378 69
4x4x4 Cube 141 7236 25709 1:00.00 1:10.60 26618 7518 146
3x3x3 One-Handed 74 4924 18859 23.58 26.90 15665 4079 65
Megaminx 117 6649 20786 2:55.05
Pyraminx 198 11003 33707 7.36 10.27 28712 9375 166
Skewb 87 4821 14201 5.70 11.61 23634 7659 155
3x3x3 Cube
Brugge Beginners Open 2024 Final 30 11.47 13.98 11.4716.7413.0714.5014.37
Second round 21 9.39 12.44 9.3913.2815.5312.9311.12
First round 22 11.00 12.68 15.1213.2511.2411.0013.56
Annuntia Saturday Open 2023 Final 16 10.76 13.72 12.8114.8014.2014.1610.76
Second round 15 11.56 13.59 11.5613.6614.0513.0616.63
First round 16 12.05 14.12 14.5013.9112.0515.8613.96
Belgian Nationals 2023 Second round 58 12.90 14.25 15.5615.3213.2812.9014.14
First round 49 12.07 13.43 12.5912.0815.6212.0719.48
Gijzegem Open 2022 Final 39 12.73 14.72 13.3316.4412.7314.4017.50
Second round 48 12.23 16.24 24.6514.8612.2317.2016.67
First round 40 14.65 14.99 14.8420.4014.7214.6515.40
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