Rodrigo Villegas

Completed Solves
United States 2022VILL34 Male 3 116

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 2013 2601 9892 8.86 10.00 6292 1679 1312
2x2x2 Cube 7271 9557 34255 3.65 5.31 30345 8513 6543
4x4x4 Cube 3105 4269 17325 50.42 57.02 16759 4138 3007
5x5x5 Cube 1733 2358 9001 1:30.78 1:43.63 9775 2604 1914
3x3x3 One-Handed 941 1263 5132 15.35 19.35 5377 1289 948
Megaminx 700 952 3537 1:06.23 1:12.93 3262 867 643
Pyraminx 7565 9708 35099 7.52 12.90 47957 13567 10566
Square-1 1225 1494 4530 17.46 30.91 7109 2306 1870
3x3x3 Cube
Texas Championship 2024 Semi Final 45 9.40 11.97 10.119.4012.5416.2513.27
Second round 45 10.37 11.44 14.0010.5710.3711.0212.73
First round 23 8.86 10.00 10.7010.569.768.869.69
DFW Cubing Spring 2023 Semi Final 28 11.39 13.65 12.9811.3916.1813.2114.76
Second round 32 12.64 13.97 16.3215.1113.1713.6312.64
First round 28 10.55 13.28 13.8014.1912.7610.5513.28
CubingUSA Texas Championship 2022 Second round 65 14.34 16.89 18.22DNF16.7314.3415.72
First round 52 12.86 15.12 14.2322.0815.8615.2712.86
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