Malaika Nsubuga

Completed Solves
Belgium 2023NSUB01 Female 4 80

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 616 35451 146330 28.75 34.27 143624 34794 616
2x2x2 Cube 501 29522 108094 7.93 9.53 92985 25544 437
Pyraminx 333 18782 60706 10.24 15.70 66726 20342 343
Skewb 301 15822 49947 15.43 21.74 48481 15308 286
3x3x3 Cube
Brugge Beginners Open 2024 Second round 89 32.14 35.66 32.141:03.6933.0740.9832.94
First round 87 28.75 34.27 33.3134.4435.0628.7541.72
Zottegem Morning 2023 Second round 27 33.22 37.16 41.1441.6633.2236.4433.91
First round 24 31.08 35.18 35.5937.7534.3135.6431.08
Belgian Nationals 2023 First round 123 31.75 36.85 40.1433.7137.3439.5131.75
Visé Saturday Open 2023 First round 66 35.13 37.83 38.1535.1346.7737.8737.48
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