Liam Patrick Walter

Completed Solves
United States 2024WALT08 Male 3 65

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 19185 25455 96142 20.06 24.85 99687 26554 20003
2x2x2 Cube 15895 20828 73321 5.58 6.77 55873 15810 12069
4x4x4 Cube 13285 17496 60609 2:05.44
3x3x3 One-Handed 11495 15404 56489 1:08.94
Clock 6102 7336 22147 38.43 44.03 17885 5959 4942
Megaminx 6180 8431 27706 4:51.16
Pyraminx 14287 18316 63574 10.60 12.28 43367 12174 9495
Skewb 6192 7854 26191 8.16 11.71 23917 7064 5541
Square-1 2446 3026 9312 27.32 52.51 13139 4375 3519
3x3x3 Cube
FSUbers 7.0 2024 First round 69 22.85 24.85 23.1526.9822.8530.2424.41
Beach Bash Jacksonville 2024 Second round 58 20.06 30.47 DNF34.6627.5029.2620.06
First round 56 25.68 27.06 27.6625.6826.3127.2028.44
FSUbers 6.0 2024 First round 71 34.80 38.96 34.8039.4737.6439.7640.32
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