WCA Regulations

Version: January 1, 2024


WCA Regulations and Guidelines

The WCA Regulations contain the full set of Regulations that apply to all official competitions sanctioned by the World Cube Association.
The WCA Regulations are also supplemented by the WCA Guidelines. The Regulations should be considered a complete document, but the Guidelines contain additional clarifications and explanations.


Uses of the words "must", "must not", "should", "should not" and "may" match RFC 2119.

Information on the Internet

Website of World Cube Association: www.worldcubeassociation.org
Original source of the WCA Regulations: www.worldcubeassociation.org/regulations
WCA Regulations in PDF format


Development of the WCA Regulations and Guidelines is public on GitHub and the discussion is public on the WCA Forum.


For questions and feedback, please contact the WCA Regulations Committee (WRC).


Note: Because Article and Regulation numbers are not reassigned when Regulations are deleted, there may be gaps in numbering.

Article 1: Officials

Article 2: Competitors

Article 3: Puzzles

Article 4: Scrambling

Article 5: Puzzle Defects

Article 7: Environment

Article 9: Events

Article 10: Solved State

Article 11: Incidents

Article 12: Notation

Article A: Speed Solving

Article B: Blindfolded Solving

Article C: One-Handed Solving

Article E: Fewest Moves Solving

Article F: Clock Solving

Article H: Multi-Blind Solving

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