ALL1- Oxford 2024

4x4x4 Blindfolded Psych Sheet

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# Name WCA ID Representing Average WR Single WR
1 Mason Langenderfer 2013LANG03 United States 2:47.76 33 2:12.40 51
2 Luke Garrett 2017GARR05 United States 6:23.47 163 3:12.19 137
3 Jason Vindvamara 2015VIND01 United States 5:31.25 412
4 Evan Brown 2013BROW04 United States 5:52.68 444
5 Braden Richards 2017RICH02 United States 6:59.23 573
6 Harsha Paladugu 2017PALA08 United States 15:02.00 1308
7 Zach Baruch 2017BARU01 United States 21:15.00 1541
Scott Cousteau 2012COUS01 United States
Trenton Cuzick 2017CUZI01 United States
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