Ajax 3x3x3 Evening 2023

Aug 26, 2023
Ajax, Ontario, Canada

Ajax Community Centre - HMS Community Hall

75 Centennial Road, Ajax, ON, L1S 4S4

The HMS Community Hall is on the main floor of the community centre



Speedcubing Canada
WCA Delegates
Abdullah Gulab, Alyssa Esparaz, Hevelyn Sato, Jonathan Esparaz, Liam Orovec, Michael Zheng, Nicholas McKee, Sarah Strong, Shanglin Ye, and Tarandeep Mittal
Download all the competition's details as PDF here.

Ajax 3x3x3 Series 2023

One day, three competitions! We are running three competitions as part of Ajax 3x3x3 Series 2023: morning, afternoon and evening!

You will only be able to compete in one of these three competitions. Attempting to register for more than one of these competitions will result in only one of your registrations being accepted.

This is a great opportunity to compete in 3x3x3 Cube – the maximum-allowed top-75% of competitors will advance to the second round!

Registration Reminders

You must register and pay the registration fee before your registration can be accepted. Unpaid registrations will not be accepted. Please see the Competitor List and Waiting List sections near the bottom of this page for more details.

Mailing List

We are aware of the extremely high demand for competitions in Ontario. We are working hard to meet and keep up with the demand and are regularly planning and announcing more and larger competitions. Please follow Speedcubing Canada on social media and/or join our mailing list to keep up-to-date on competition announcements. Thank you for your patience during this time as we work to scale up to the exciting growth of the cubing community.

Notice of Filming and Photography

Attendees of Speedcubing Canada competitions consent to their images being used by Speedcubing Canada and its partners in marketing materials, social media and other digital platforms.

Main event
Registration period

Online registration opened Wednesday, May 24, 2023 at 11:00 PM UTC and closed Monday, August 21, 2023 at 11:00 PM UTC.

Registration requirements
This competition is over, click here to display the registration requirements it used.
Click here to display the highlights of the competition.

Burno Li Chak Kwan (李澤堃) won with an average of 7.65 seconds in the 3x3x3 Cube event. Jonathan Esparaz finished second (7.71) and Nathan Chiem finished third (8.82).

Event Name Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Burno Li Chak Kwan (李澤堃) 7.02 7.65 Hong Kong, China 7.867.027.178.577.93
EventRoundFormatTime limitProceed
3x3x3 CubeFirst roundAo510:00.00Top 75% advance to next round
Second roundAo510:00.00Top 12 advance to next round
Schedules are subject to adjustments, especially once registration totals are known. Registered competitors will be notified by email of any major changes.

You are viewing the schedule for the venue Ajax Community Centre , the sole venue for this competition.

The time zone for this venue is America/Toronto.
Red Stage
Blue Stage
Time Zone
You are viewing this schedule in the following timezone setting:

We're pleased to have CANcube as the sponsor of the Ajax 3x3x3 Series 2023! CANCube will be providing gift cards to all podium finishers for use at their online store.

CANCube will be vending at the morning, afternoon, and evening competitions.


Winners will receive CANcube gift cards in the following amounts:

  • 3x3x3 Cube: $15.00 (1st place), $10.00 (2nd place), $5.00 (3rd place)
  • Fastest first-time competitor in 3x3x3 Cube: $15.00

There is plenty of free parking at the venue. Durham Region Transit and GO Transit operate buses and trains in the area.

There are several food options within a 10 minute walk of the venue (at the intersection of Bayly St and Harwood Ave) including Wendy's, Quesada, Pita Pit, A&W and more.

Please find you groups and judging assignments here: https://www.competitiongroups.com/competitions/Ajax333Evening2023. These "groups" are when you are assigned to compete, judge and/or scramble during an event you are registered for.

Per Regulations 1e2 and 1f2, all competitors must be available to help judge and scramble. If you're unsure how to judge, please review the WCA Regulations, watch this video, or ask one of the WCA Delegates at the competition.

Please plan to arrive to each of your groups five minutes before it is scheduled to begin. Showing up excessively late to your group may result in not being allowed to compete in that event.

What is a competition series?

When two or more competitions are in a "series", it means that you can compete in one of the competitions in that series. This allows more competitors the opprotunity to compete at WCA competitions in the Greater Toronto Area.

For this series, you can compete in Ajax 3x3x3 Morning 2023 or Ajax 3x3x3 Afternoon 2023 or Ajax 3x3x3 Evening 2023, but not more than one.

What should I expect at my first competition?

Please watch these short videos:

When does the competition start? When should I arrive at the venue?

The check-in desk opens at 4:30 PM, opening announcements are at 4:50 PM, and the first round starts at 5:00 PM. Please see the schedule for full details.

Time limit

If you reach the time limit during your solve, the judge will stop you and your result will be DNF (see Regulation A1a4).


The format describes how to determine the ranking of competitors based on their results. The list of allowed formats per event is described in Regulation 9b. See Regulation 9f for a description of each format.

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