Allesammen Sammen i Roskilde 2024
- Date
- Sep 29, 2024
- City
- Roskilde, Denmark
- Venue
Hedegårdenes Skole
- Address
- Københavnsvej 34, 4000 Roskilde
- Details
In the building farthest from the main road, on the first floor.
- Contact
- Organization team
- Organizers
- Callum James Goodyear-Jørgensen, Dansk Speedcubing Forening, Mikela Elleby Goodyear-Jørgensen, and Thor Muto Asmund
- WCA Delegates
- Callum James Goodyear-Jørgensen, Clément Cherblanc, Daniel Anker Hermansen, Daniel Vædele Egdal, Daniel Wallin, Helmer Ewert, Henrik Buus Aagaard, Malte Oliver Bøgh Kjøller, Manu Vereecken, Simone Cantarelli, Ulrik Bredland, and Viktor Zenk
- Download all the competition's details as PDF .
- Information
Open for anyone to register and compete, not just wedding guests, so come and celebrate with us!
- Events
- Main event
- Competitors
- 68
- Registration period
Online registration opened Monday, September 16, 2024 at 10:05 PM UTC and closed Friday, September 20, 2024 at 9:55 PM UTC.
- Registration requirements
This competition is over, click here to display the registration requirements it used.Create a WCA account here if you don't have one.
If this is not your first competition, associate your WCA ID to your WCA account here.
Register for this competition here.
There is a competitor limit of 100 competitors.
The base registration fee for this competition is 30 kr. (Danish Krone).
If your registration is cancelled before Friday, September 20, 2024 at 9:55 PM UTC you will be refunded 50% of your registration fee.
Registrants on the waiting list may be accepted onto the competitor list until Friday, September 20, 2024 at 9:55 PM UTC.
If you are a registered competitor you may change your registered events until Friday, September 20, 2024 at 9:55 PM UTC on the Register tab.
No on the spot registrations will be accepted.
Spectators can attend paying an entry fee of 20 kr. (Danish Krone).
- Highlights
Click here to display the highlights of the competition.
Feliks Zemdegs won with an average of 6.77 seconds in the 3x3x3 Cube event. Martin Vædele Egdal finished second (6.79) and Knut Skaug Haraldsen finished third (6.81).
Event | Name | Best | Average | Representing | Solves | |||||||
3x3x3 Cube | Feliks Zemdegs | 5.43 | 6.77 | Australia | 6.20 | 5.43 | 7.13 | 7.70 | 6.99 | |||
4x4x4 Cube | Ciarán Beahan | 23.40 | 24.34 | Ireland | 24.64 | 23.40 | 24.09 | 25.23 | 24.28 | |||
3x3x3 Blindfolded | Martin Vædele Egdal | 21.41 | 23.53 | Denmark | 22.14 | 27.04 | 21.41 | |||||
Megaminx | Martin Vædele Egdal | 37.80 | 43.99 | Denmark | 46.46 | 52.47 | 41.32 | 37.80 | 44.20 |
Due to extensive construction work at the school, getting into the venue is a bit cumbersome. We apologize for the extra trouble this causes. Following are directions from the front of the school to the actual venue:
Go in through entrance B, turn left, then turn right, walk down the long hall with paintings, turn right through a brown door, turn left, walk 15 meters then right down a staircase into the basement through a grey door, walk straight then through another grey door, finally up the staircase by the red walls.
Any problems, call+45 53649200
Dansk Speedcubing Forening (DSF) står for alle konkurrencer i Danmark. Du kan finde vores hjemmeside her, Facebook side her og Facebook gruppe her.
Enhver person med dansk statsborgerskab (eller har fast bopæl i Danmark), der deltager i en officiel konkurrence i Danmark, har ret til at blive medlem af DSF. Medlemskabet varer 14 måneder og kan administreres gennem denne side.
Denne konkurrence er arrangeret gennem Roskilde Speedcubing Forening (RSF, en underafdeling af DSF), du vil automatisk blive medlem af RSF hvis du deltager i konkurrencen.
Danish Speedcubing Association (in Danish DSF) is responsible for all competitions in Denmark. You can find our website here, Facebook page here, and our Facebook group here.
Every person competing in Denmark with Danish citizenship (or living in Denmark), has the right to become a member of the DSF. The membership lasts 14 months.
The competition is organized through Roskilde Speedcubing Assocition, you will automatically become a member of RSF if you compete.
Alle deltagere skal have statsborgerskab for det land de deltager under. Det vil altså sige, at hvis man har dansk statsborgerskab deltager man under Danmark. Hvis man har statsborgerskab for et andet land, så deltager man under det. Hvis man har dobbeltstatsborgerskab, vælger man selv hvilket land, man repræsenterer af de lande man er statsborger af.
Hvis man har opnået nyt statsborgerskab, kan man skifte nationalitiet på WCA til sin første konkurrence i kalenderåret. Kontakt den Delegerede for konkurrencen for at gøre det. Hvis man aldrig har haft statsborgerskab for det land man deltager under, eller ikke har længere, skal man også kontakte den Delegerede for at få det fikset.
Ligegyldigt hvilket land du repræsenterer, er du mere end velkommen til at tilmelde dig konkurrencen! Alle WCA konkurrencer er åbne for alle nationer.
All competitors must have citizenship of the country they are representing when competing. This means that if you are a Danish citizen you will represent Denmark as a competitor. If you have citizenship of another country you will compete under that country. If you have dual citizenship you may choose which country to represent of those you are a citizen of.
If you have obtained citizenship of another country you may have this updated at your first WCA competition in the year. Contact the Delegate to do this. If you have never held citizenship of the country you are representing on the WCA, or you no longer hold citizenship of the country, you must contact the Delegate of the competition to have this updated.
Regardless of the country you represent you are more than welcome to register for the competition! All WCA competitions are open for all nations.
Alle deltagere skal have læst WCA regelsættet.
Vi vil lave en hurtig gennemgang inden den første disciplin, hvor at vi vil forklare hvordan det foregår når man deltager. Der vil blive givet en demonstration af nogle af vores mest erfarne deltagere. Der vil stå i skemaet hvornår den vil finde sted.
Du skal være tilmeldt konkurrencen online for at kunne deltage! Du kan tilmelde dig her. Din tilmelding er fuldført, når du ser dit navn blandt de andre deltagere (her).
Nye deltagere skal medbringe noget legitimation, for at bekræfte deres identitet til konkurrencen. Et pas vil være et godt eksempel, siden der står fødselsdato og hvilket land du repræsenterer.
Du må ikke bruge terninger med elektronik i!. Det betyder at terninger der har bluetooth i, ikke kan bruges i konkurrencer.
Det er forventet at du hjælper til under konkurrencen. For hver disciplin du deltager i, så skal du også hjælpe med at dømme i den disciplin, for en anden gruppe. Hvis du ser en tom dommerplads, så vær sød og døm!
Hver gang der er en disciplin med bind for øjnene, så skal der være helt stille i rummet! Det kræver meget koncentration, så vær sød at være stille.
Ingen billeder med blitz er tilladt i hele lokalet! Normale billeder uden blitz er tilladt.
Du må gerne optage dine officielle forsøg, så længe at du ikke kan se kameraets skærm, eller at den er slukket.
Alt publikum skal forholde sig mindst 1,5 meter væk fra alle deltager borde.
Når en runde er i gang, skal alle deltagere i den igangværende gruppe vente i venteområdet, indtil de bliver kaldt op til at løse.
Du må ikke tale om blandingerne før runden er overstået! Ellers kan du blive diskvalificeret.
Du behøver kun at være til stede de dage hvor der er discipliner du deltager i! Dog ser vi meget gerne at du er til rådighed til at hjælpe med at dømme og runne også selvom du ikke deltager i disciplinen. Vi foreslår at du er der en halv til en hel time før dine runder, da skemaet godt kan ændre sig i løbet af dagen.
Du vil modtage en email et par dage før konkurrencen. I den vil der stå hvilke mulige ændringer der kan være sket. Den vil også være fuldt ud opdateret, med alt andet information du muligvis vil have brug for.
All competitors must have read the WCA Regulations.
We will have a quick run down before the first event, and explain how to compete and judge. There will be a demonstration by some of our most experienced cubers. You can find out when this will happen in the schedule tab.
You must be registered for this competition online in order to compete! You can register here. Your registration is complete, when you see your name among the other competitors (here).
New competitors must bring a valid identification card, to confirm their identity at the competition. A passport is a good example since it shows your date of birth, and country of representation.
You are not allowed to use cubes with electronics!. This means that the bluetooth cubes cannot be used in competition.
You are expected to help during the competition. For each event you participate in, you will then need to judge at least one other group in the same event. If you see an empty spot for a judge at a solving station, please take it! This helps the competition run a lot smoother!
Every time there is blindfolded event, there has to be complete silence! It requires a lot of concentration, so please be silent. If you need to talk or make noise, please leave the venue room where people are solving to do so.
No flash photography in the entire venue! Flash is distracting to the competitors. However pictures without the use of flash are allowed.
You are allowed to film your official attempt, as long as the camera's screen is either off or is out of sight.
All spectators must remain at least 1,5 meters away from every solving station.
When a round is in progress, then all competitors in the current group must wait in the competitor waiting area, until they get called up to solve.
You are not allowed to talk about the scrambles until the round is done! Otherwise, you might get disqualified.
You only need to be present on the days when you have to compete in the events you are registered for! We do urge people to stay also for the other events, and help out with running and judging. We recommend that you are present half an hour to an hour before your rounds, since the schedule might change.
When we approach the competition date, you will receive an email. It will contain some changes that might have happened. It will also contain more ‘up to date’ information, which you might need.
Du vil kunne finde live resultater på WCA Live, når konkurrencen går i gang. Vi vil prøve at få resultaterne op så hurtigt som muligt, men det er desværre ikke altid de er oppe med det samme, da vi prioritere at konkurrencen kører efter tidsplanen! Husk de tider der står på WCA Live er ikke de endelige resultater, og ændringer kan forekomme.
De endelige resultater for konkurrence burde være uploadet på konkurrence siden dagen efter konkurrencen.
You will be able to find the live results on WCA Live when the competition start. We always try to get the results up as fast as possible, but we prioritise making sure the competition runs smoothly and according to the schedule. Remember the results on WCA Live are not final, and changes might occur.
The final results of the competition should be uploaded on the competition page the day after the competition.
Fra Roskilde St. kan man tag bus 123 eller 600S til RO's Torv 100 m fra skolen. Alternativt kan man gå hele vejen fra stationen, hvilket tager ca. 15 minutter.
Det er muligt at parkere foran skolen, men grundet vejarbejde er der kun en række med p-pladser. HUSK at der skal være en synlige parkeringstilladelse i vinduet. Kontakt organizers for at få en tillaldelse.
Det er også muligt at parkere i Ros Torvs parkeringshus overfor skolen og i denne weekend er parkering gratis!
Det er IKKE muligt at parkere i skolegården da denne er en del af en brandvej og skal holdes fri.
From Roskilde Station, you can take the 123 or 600S bus to RO's Torv 100 m from the venue. Alternatively you can walk the whole way from the station, which takes approximately 15 minutes.
It is possible to park in front of the school, but due to construction work there is only one row of parking spaces available. NOTE that you must have a valid parking permit visible in the front window. Contact organizers to get one.
It is also possible to park in the parking house at Ros Torv opposite the venue. This weekend parking is free in the parking house.
It is NOT possible to park in the school yard, as it is part of a fire lane and has to be kept unblocked.
Der er mulighed for at købe ind på RO's Torv, kun 100 m fra skolen. Derudover er der også mange muligheder for restauranter på RO's Torv og i nærheden.
There are plenty of options to buy food at RO's Torv, only 100 m from the venue. There are also some restaurants in the nearby area.
Time limit
If you reach the time limit during your solve, the judge will stop you and your result will be DNF (see Regulation A1a4).
A cumulative time limit may be enforced (see Regulation A1a2).
The format describes how to determine the ranking of competitors based on their results. The list of allowed formats per event is described in Regulation 9b. See Regulation 9f for a description of each format.