Arnold Open 2017
- Date
- Sep 22 - 24, 2017
- City
- L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona, Spain
- Venue
- Address
- Av. Joan Carles I, 64, 08908 L'Hospitalet de Llobregat
- Website
- Arnold Open 2017 website
- Contact
- Organizers
- David Ruscalleda Gómez, Ismael Lorente, Marcos Ameijeiras Moreno, Pablo Nicolás Oshiro Mondoñedo, and Pol González Sierras
- WCA Delegate
- Javier Tirado Ortiz
- Information
Fees: €9 regular / €6.75 AECR members.
Registrations will not be accepted until you complete the payment.
No registrations will be accepted the day of the competition.
- Events
- Main event
- Competitors
- 103
- Registration period
Online registration opened Sunday, July 30, 2017 at 12:00 AM UTC and closed Friday, September 8, 2017 at 11:59 PM UTC.
- Registration requirements
This competition is over, click here to display the registration requirements it used.
- Highlights
Click here to display the highlights of the competition.
Dario Roa Sánchez won with an average of 8.45 seconds in the 3x3x3 Cube event. Carlos Carneros Torner finished second (8.90) and Julen Simón Iriarte finished third (10.13).
Event | Name | Best | Average | Representing | Solves | |||||||
3x3x3 Cube | Dario Roa Sánchez | 6.84 | 8.45 | Spain | 6.84 | 7.24 | 10.44 | 9.68 | 8.44 | |||
2x2x2 Cube | Manuel Prieto de Antón | 1.90 | 2.44 | Spain | 2.37 | 5.65 | 2.20 | 2.74 | 1.90 | |||
4x4x4 Cube | Dario Roa Sánchez | 26.54 | 30.43 | Spain | 31.69 | 27.79 | 26.54 | 31.82 | 32.57 | |||
5x5x5 Cube | Dario Roa Sánchez | 54.23 | 1:01.26 | Spain | 1:11.93 | 57.86 | 1:03.11 | 1:02.82 | 54.23 | |||
6x6x6 Cube | Carlos Tapp | 2:07.55 | 2:10.06 | Spain | 2:07.55 | 2:09.22 | 2:13.41 | |||||
7x7x7 Cube | Carlos Tapp | 2:55.59 | 2:57.49 | Spain | 2:55.59 | 3:01.28 | 2:55.61 | |||||
3x3x3 Blindfolded | Berta García Parra | 28.74 | DNF | Spain | DNF | DNF | 28.74 | |||||
3x3x3 Fewest Moves | Jan Bentlage | 25 | 27.67 | Germany | 28 | 30 | 25 | |||||
3x3x3 One-Handed | Dario Roa Sánchez | 12.51 | 14.32 | Spain | 12.51 | 17.85 | 14.50 | 15.86 | 12.60 | |||
Clock | Jan Bentlage | 7.83 | 8.95 | Germany | 9.32 | 11.58 | 9.48 | 7.83 | 8.05 | |||
Megaminx | Manuel Prieto de Antón | 53.85 | 1:04.54 | Spain | 1:08.86 | 1:02.56 | 1:11.04 | 53.85 | 1:02.21 | |||
Pyraminx | Manuel Prieto de Antón | 3.41 | 4.06 | Spain | 3.71 | 3.41 | 4.61 | 3.87 | 5.51 | |||
Skewb | Manuel Prieto de Antón | 2.33 | 3.47 | Spain | 3.71 | 3.52 | 3.19 | 5.41 | 2.33 | |||
Square-1 | Manuel Prieto de Antón | 13.99 | 19.05 | Spain | 18.92 | 20.61 | 13.99 | 17.62 | 22.11 | |||
4x4x4 Blindfolded | István Kocza | 5:30.03 | 6:29.49 | Hungary | 7:04.39 | 6:54.04 | 5:30.03 | |||||
5x5x5 Blindfolded | Jan Bentlage | 13:40.00 | DNF | Germany | 13:40.00 | DNS | DNS | |||||
3x3x3 Multi-Blind | Berta García Parra | 18/22 58:41 | Spain | DNF | 18/22 58:41 | |||||||
3x3x3 With Feet | Jan Bentlage | 49.38 | 1:13.43 | Germany | 1:39.53 | 1:11.39 | 49.38 |
Event | Round | Format | Time limit | Cutoff | Proceed |
3x3x3 Cube | First round | Ao5 | 10:00.00 | ||
Second round | Ao5 | 10:00.00 | |||
Final | Ao5 | 10:00.00 | |||
2x2x2 Cube | First round | Bo2 / Ao5 | 10:00.00 | 2 attempts to get < 15.00 | |
Second round | Ao5 | 10:00.00 | |||
Final | Ao5 | 10:00.00 | |||
4x4x4 Cube | First round | Bo2 / Ao5 | 10:00.00 | 2 attempts to get < 1:30.00 | |
Final | Ao5 | 10:00.00 | |||
5x5x5 Cube | First round | Bo2 / Ao5 | 10:00.00 | 2 attempts to get < 2:30.00 | |
Final | Ao5 | 10:00.00 | |||
6x6x6 Cube | Final | Bo1 / Mo3 | 10:00.00 | 1 attempt to get < 4:00.00 | |
7x7x7 Cube | Final | Bo1 / Mo3 | 10:00.00 | 1 attempt to get < 5:00.00 | |
3x3x3 Blindfolded | First round | Bo3 | 10:00.00 | ||
Final | Bo3 | 10:00.00 | |||
3x3x3 Fewest Moves | Final | Mo3 | 1 hour | ||
3x3x3 One-Handed | First round | Bo2 / Ao5 | 10:00.00 | 2 attempts to get < 45.00 | |
Final | Ao5 | 10:00.00 | |||
Clock | Final | Bo2 / Ao5 | 10:00.00 | 2 attempts to get < 20.00 | |
Megaminx | Final | Bo2 / Ao5 | 10:00.00 | 2 attempts to get < 2:00.00 | |
Pyraminx | First round | Bo2 / Ao5 | 10:00.00 | 2 attempts to get < 15.00 | |
Final | Ao5 | 10:00.00 | |||
Skewb | First round | Bo2 / Ao5 | 10:00.00 | 2 attempts to get < 15.00 | |
Final | Ao5 | 10:00.00 | |||
Square-1 | Final | Bo2 / Ao5 | 10:00.00 | 2 attempts to get < 45.00 | |
4x4x4 Blindfolded | Final | Bo3 | 20:00.00 | ||
5x5x5 Blindfolded | Final | Bo3 | 30:00.00 | ||
3x3x3 Multi-Blind | Final | Bo2 | 10:00.00 per cube, up to 60:00.00 | ||
3x3x3 With Feet | Final | Bo1 / Mo3 | 10:00.00 | 1 attempt to get < 2:30.00 |
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El pagament de la tarifa d'inscripció s'ha de fer a través de PayPal. Hem escollit aquest mètode perquè facilita molt la feina a l'organització i perquè ha funcionat molt bé i ha tingut bona rebuda les vegades que s'ha fet servir. Si no tens un compte PayPal, no et preocupis: crear-se'n un és fàcil, ràpid i gratuït. No obstant, també pots pagar amb targeta de crèdit o dèbit.
Pots comprobar el teu estat de soci de l'AECR consultant la següent llista. Si vols fer-te membre de l'AECR o renovar la quota anual de soci (12€), envia un email a l'equip organitzador.
Las inscripciones no serán aceptadas hasta que no completéis el pago.
El pago de la tarifa de inscripción se realizará a través de PayPal. Hemos escogido este método porque facilita mucho el trabajo a la organización y porque ha funcionado muy bien y ha tenido buena acogida las veces que se ha utilizado. Si no tienes una cuenta PayPal, no te preocupes: crearse una es fácil, rápido y gratuito. No obstante, también puedes pagar con tarjeta de crédito o débito.
Puedes comprobar tu estado de socio de la AECR consultando la siguiente lista. Si quieres hacerte miembro de la AECR o renovar la cuota anual de socio (12€), envía un email al equipo organizador.
Registrations will not be accepted until you complete the payment.
Payment of the registration fee must be made through PayPal. We chose this method because it makes it far easier for the organization and has worked very well the times it has been used. If you don't have a PayPal account, don't worry: to create an account is easy, fast and free. Otherwise, you can also pay with credit or debit card.
You can check your AECR membership status by consulting the following list. If you want to become an AECR member or renew the annual membership fee (€12), please send an email to the organizing team.
Hour | Event | Round | Format | Cutoff |
10:30-11:30 | 3x3x3 Fewest Moves | Final (First attempt) | Mean of 3 | - |
11:30-12:45 | 5x5x5 Blindfolded | Final | Best of 3 | 75:00 |
12:45-13:45 | 3x3x3 Fewest Moves | Final (Second attempt) | Mean of 3 | - |
13:45-15:00 | LUNCH | - | - | - |
15:00-16:00 | 4x4x4 Blindfolded | Final | Best of 3 | 60:00 |
16:00-16:45 | 6x6x6 Cube | Combined Final | Mean of 3 | 04:00 |
16:45-17:30 | 7x7x7 Cube | Combined Final | Mean of 3 | 05:00 |
17:30-18:00 | 3x3x3 With Feet | Combined Final | Mean of 3 | 02:30 |
18:00-18:30 | Square-1 | Combined Final | Average of 5 | 00:45 |
18:30-19:00 | Rubik's Clock | Combined Final | Average of 5 | 00:20 |
19:00-20:00 | 3x3x3 Multi-Blind | Final (First attempt) | Best of 2 | - |
19:15-20:00 | Megaminx | Combined Final | Average of 5 | 02:00 |
Hour | Event | Round | Format | Cutoff |
10:00-11:00 | 5x5x5 Cube | Combined First round | Average of 5 | 02:30 |
11:00-11:45 | Pyraminx | Combined First round | Average of 5 | 00:15 |
11:45-12:45 | 3x3x3 Blindfolded | First round | Best of 3 | 10:00 |
12:45-13:45 | 2x2x2 Cube | Combined First round | Average of 5 | 00:15 |
13:45-15:00 | LUNCH | - | - | - |
15:00-16:00 | 3x3x3 One-Handed | Combined First round | Average of 5 | 00:45 |
16:00-17:45 | Rubik's Cube | First round | Average of 5 | - |
17:45-19:00 | 4x4x4 Cube | Combined First round | Average of 5 | 01:15 |
19:00-20:00 | 3x3x3 Fewest Moves | Final (Third attempt) | Mean of 3 | - |
19:00-20:00 | 3x3x3 Multi-Blind | Final (Second attempt) | Best of 2 | - |
Hour | Event | Round | Format | Cutoff |
10:00-10:45 | Skewb | Combined First round | Average of 5 | 00:15 |
10:45-11:30 | Rubik's Cube | Second round | Average of 5 | - |
11:30-12:00 | 2x2x2 Cube | Second round | Average of 5 | - |
12:00-12:45 | 5x5x5 Cube | Final | Average of 5 | - |
12:45-13:15 | 3x3x3 One-Handed | Final | Average of 5 | - |
13:15-13:45 | 3x3x3 Blindfolded | Final | Best of 3 | - |
13:45-15:00 | LUNCH | - | - | - |
15:00-15:20 | Pyraminx | Final | Average of 5 | - |
15:20-15:50 | 4x4x4 Cube | Final | Average of 5 | - |
15:50-16:10 | Skewb | Final | Average of 5 | - |
16:10-16:30 | 2x2x2 Cube | Final | Average of 5 | - |
16:30-17:00 | Rubik's Cube | Final | Average of 5 | - |
17:00-18:00 | AWARDS | - | - | - |
Time limit
If you reach the time limit during your solve, the judge will stop you and your result will be DNF (see Regulation A1a4).
The result to beat to proceed to the second phase of a cutoff round (see Regulation 9g).
The format describes how to determine the ranking of competitors based on their results. The list of allowed formats per event is described in Regulation 9b. See Regulation 9f for a description of each format.