Autotalo Anime Adventure IX 2024

3x3x3 Fewest Moves Psych Sheet

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# Name WCA ID Representing Average WR Single WR
1 Yunhao Lou (娄云皓) 2017LOUY01 China 21.33 7 20 42
2 Luukas Lempinen 2021LEMP01 Finland 26.33 151 23 208
3 Andrey Che 2015CHEA01 Russia 27.00 176 25 396
4 Niko Ronkainen 2010RONK01 Finland 28.00 242 21 72
5 Urho Kinnunen 2018KINN05 Finland 29.33 359 24 307
6 Leo Alanen 2022ALAN02 Finland 35.33 1161 29 1058
7 Carsten Matheus 2014MATH02 Germany 36.33 1358 28 841
8 Aarni Salakari 2022SALA09 Finland 39.00 1858 37 3463
9 Atilla Kopecky 2022KOPE01 Finland 42.33 2572 36 3098
10 Niilo Eskelinen 2022ESKE01 Finland 45.00 3093 41 4880
11 Ahti Isohanni 2023HANN13 Finland 52.67 4032 41 4880
Mikael Hälinen 2022HALI01 Finland 43 5600
Tomi Ronkainen 2012RONK01 Finland 71 9788
Luka Pöyry 2024POYR01 Finland
Oula Riihiaho 2024RIIH01 Finland
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