Autotalo Anime Adventure IX 2024

5x5x5 Cube Psych Sheet

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# Name WCA ID Representing Average WR Single WR
1 Luukas Lempinen 2021LEMP01 Finland 59.85 554 53.03 524
2 Urho Kinnunen 2018KINN05 Finland 1:00.17 574 54.45 628
3 Yunhao Lou (娄云皓) 2017LOUY01 China 1:02.60 766 55.49 727
4 Carsten Matheus 2014MATH02 Germany 1:08.27 1379 1:01.85 1429
5 Niko Ronkainen 2010RONK01 Finland 1:08.69 1425 1:02.60 1540
6 Nguyễn Hoàng Thạch 2018THAC01 Vietnam 1:22.79 3796 1:15.94 4125
7 Leo Alanen 2022ALAN02 Finland 1:23.86 4002 1:13.71 3599
8 Niilo Eskelinen 2022ESKE01 Finland 1:25.55 4362 1:16.62 4276
9 Ivan Kunitcyn 2020KUNI01 Finland 1:26.81 4636 1:18.19 4639
10 Aarni Salakari 2022SALA09 Finland 1:27.92 4885 1:21.61 5485
11 Atilla Kopecky 2022KOPE01 Finland 1:42.30 8382 1:32.07 8276
12 Niilo Walter Uusimäki 2023UUSI01 Finland 1:43.16 8567 1:29.64 7620
Oula Riihiaho 2024RIIH01 Finland 2:05.61 16277
Eetu Lae 2023LAEE01 Finland 2:41.86 22619
Ahti Isohanni 2023HANN13 Finland
Luka Pöyry 2024POYR01 Finland
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