Back to School DFW 2019

Aug 31, 2019
Frisco, Texas, United States

Hilton Garden Inn Frisco

7550 Gaylord Parkway, Frisco, Texas, 75034, USA

Frisco Bridges Ballroom



Jae Park and Jeff Park
WCA Delegate
Jae Park
Download all the competition's details as PDF here.

Please note that this schedule is subject to change, as we may hold events slightly earlier or later than shown depending on whether the competition is running ahead of schedule or behind schedule.

This competition is recognized as an official World Cube Association competition. Therefore, all competitors should be familiar with the WCA regulations. If you are new to competing, you may want to look at CubingUSA's Competitor Tutorial.

Main event
Registration period

Online registration opened and closed .

Registration requirements
This competition is over, click here to display the registration requirements it used.
Create a WCA account here if you don't have one.
If this is not your first competition, associate your WCA ID to your WCA account here.
Register for this competition here.
There is a competitor limit of 64 competitors.
The base registration fee for this competition is $25 (United States Dollar).
If your registration is cancelled before you will be refunded 50% of your registration fee.
No on the spot registrations will be accepted.

Any requested changes to registration before registration closes will be honored. Your registration is not complete until your name shows up on the list. If you believe you paid and your name isn't showing up, please contact us so that we can assist you.
Competitors MUST register and pay online in order to compete.

Click here to display the highlights of the competition.

Mahith Bandi won with an average of 8.16 seconds in the 3x3x3 Cube event. Jeff Park finished second (8.99) and Zachary White finished third (10.31).

Event Name Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Mahith Bandi 7.35 8.16 United States 8.717.358.0810.337.70
4x4x4 Cube Mahith Bandi 27.33 31.01 United States 27.3338.9428.6431.0533.33
5x5x5 Cube Mahith Bandi 51.81 56.85 United States 54.8155.8059.9351.811:23.81
3x3x3 Blindfolded Jeff Park 19.25 DNF United States DNF19.25DNF
Megaminx Zachary White 52.91 1:03.77 United States 52.911:09.471:07.651:00.841:02.81
Pyraminx Andres Rodriguez 1.83 3.65 United States 1.834.203.633.134.69

REGISTRATION IS NOW FULL. We have reached the 64-competitor limit.

Those of you who registered and paid but not listed in the competitor list have been placed on a waitlist. Your registration will not be accepted unless a spot opens up.

For those of you new to cubing, WELCOME!

We wanted to let you know this event is perfectly fine for cubers of any age and experience. We just ask you know a couple things before coming to compete...

First, please be familiar with the WCA Regulations, found here:

There is another video which will help you to be familiar with WCA competitions:

You can also find the official WCA competition tutorial from here.

If you have any questions after this video, we will be having a new competitor tutorial, Saturday morning of the competition. That would be the perfect time to ask those questions and clear up any confusion.

If you are stoked to compete and ready to sign up, head over to the registration tab, click register, and fill out the information it asks for. This will help you get set up the WCA's system and one step closer to your first official solve!


Q: Do I use my own cube to compete?

A: YES! You are responsible for your own hardware in order to compete, however, we will have a vendor at this competition, from which you can buy puzzles if your current ones have seen better days.

Q: What is the normal age of competitors at these events?

A: All ages are welcome, but in general competitors are between 10 and 20 years old. Don't let this stop you though, everyone can and should cube!

Q: What is the competition like?

A; Competitions are a bunch of tables where nerds like us get to sit and discuss our favorite thing, Cubes! Of course in addition there is competing, which will occupy one side of the competition hall, where you will see lots of timers flickering with contestants new personal bests, and a vendor, where you can purchase all you cubing related needs. Most competitions have a break for lunch, and the competing is split up into heats, as to better organize who competes when. (Check the Groups tab and listen at the competition for more info on this.)

Q: How do I find results?

A: All results are posted on the WCA page a couple of days after the competition finishes. However, for the day of competing, go to to find information about current events. This is also where you will find information about 2nd and 3rd rounds of events.

Q: Why am I not on the registration list yet?

A: Make sure you pay you entrance fee in order to be automatically placed on the registered list, which will also guarantee you a spot in the competition. If payment may be any issue, or you are not sure if you can attend, use the contact button to talk to us, and see if we can work out another payment strategy, or have you pay on arrival at the compeition. No matter what you situation may be however, please register online. It is much easier for us to have you register now and pay later, then to have to input information at another time.

Q: Are there age divisions?

A: Nope! All cometitors compete in the same group.

Q: Can I have fun at this event?

A: HECK YES! Cubing is amazing, and we sincerely hope you enjoy the competition!

Before Inspection:

  1. Reset the timer, so that it shows all zeroes.
  2. Reset the stopwatch, so that it shows all zeroes.
  3. Ask the competitor if they are ready. Wait until they say that they are.


  1. Simultaneously start the stopwatch and lift the cover from the puzzle.
  2. If the stopwatch reaches 8 seconds and the competitor has not started the timer yet, say “8 seconds.”
  3. If the stopwatch reaches 12 seconds and the competitor has not started the timer yet, say “12 seconds.”
  4. If the competitor starts the timer between 15.01 and 17.00, they receive a +2 penalty.
  5. If the competitor starts the timer after 17 seconds, they receive a DNF.

During the solve:

  1. Do not distract the competitor. Refrain from doing any activity that may distract yourself or the competitor, like cubing or looking at your phone
  2. Pay attention to the solve so that if any incident occurs, you can discuss with the delegate. a. Again, do not solve your own cubes while judging!


  1. If the competitor fails to make the listed time limit, after they go over that time limit, the judge stops their attempt and the solve is marked a DNF.
  2. If the competitor fails to make the listed cutoff after completing the first 2 attempts (first attempt if the competitor is given 3 attempts), the competitor is finished after those attempts.

After the solve:

  1. Inspect the puzzle without touching or moving it to see if it is solved. If there is a misalignment and you are not sure about the correct penalty, ask for help.
  2. If the competitor touches the puzzle before you have a chance to look at it, the solve is given a DNF. a. If the competitor has not made any moves, you can give them a +2 penalty instead.
  3. Write down the time of the solve on the scorecard. a. If there was no penalty, just write the time shown on the timer. b. If there was a +2 penalty at the beginning of the solve, write “2 +” before writing the time on the timer. c. If there was a +2 penalty at the end of the solve, write “+ 2” after writing the time on the timer. d. All solves with penalties have to include an equals sign and final result. (e.g. 19.57+2=21.57)
  4. If the solve was a DNF, write DNF instead of a time. For Blindfolded, write the time as well.
  5. Put your initials in the Judge column and have the competitor initial in the Comp column.


  1. There is no inspection. The competitor starts the solve by starting the timer and taking off the cube cover.
  2. When the competitor starts the timer, start the stopwatch as a backup timer in case they go above 10 minutes.
  3. Once the competitor has starting turning the cube (NOT merely after they have put on their blindfold), hold the barrier between the competitor’s eyes and hands so they wouldn’t be able to see the cube, even without a blindfold.
  4. If the solve was a DNF, write both the time and DNF. E.g. DNF (2:05.987)


• If it’s the competitor’s first official solve, encourage them to practice using the timer once or twice before inspection.
• If a piece pops out of the puzzle, the competitor has to either reassemble the puzzle with the timer still running, or receive a DNF because the puzzle is not considered solved, it is up to the delegate to decide if the cube is solved depending on what pieces are missing.
• When a puzzle defect happens during a solve, nobody except the competitor can touch any pieces of the cube.

Group information will be posted after the registration is close.

You'll be competing in each group assigned the sheet "Groups" whereas column "D" - "Group for judging" shows your assigned group as a judge.
In a separate sheet "Judges", you can find the list of judges of each event and group.

Live results will be updated through cubecomps

Image description will be sponsoring this competition!

A free blindfold to all 3x3x3 Blindfolded competitors! (Success not required :-)

There will be additional prizes for various official & non-official events! Stay tuned!

Time limit

If you reach the time limit during your solve, the judge will stop you and your result will be DNF (see Regulation A1a4).
A cumulative time limit may be enforced (see Regulation A1a2).


The result to beat to proceed to the second phase of a cutoff round (see Regulation 9g).


The format describes how to determine the ranking of competitors based on their results. The list of allowed formats per event is described in Regulation 9b. See Regulation 9f for a description of each format.

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