Bilbao Open 2018

Sep 1 - 2, 2018
Bilbao, Spain


Muelle de la Merced 1, 48003 Bilbao, Bizkaia

Planta baja

Bilbao Open 2018 website

Asier González Santocildes, Asociación Euskal Rubik, Jorge Orrite De Alba, and Rubén López de Juan
WCA Delegate
Alexander Olleta del Molino

IMPRESCINDIBLE poner a la hora de hacer la inscripción si vas a acudir con acompañantes o no; en el caso de no ponerlo, no podemos asegurarte que puedan entrar. En el caso de llevar mas de un acompañante, estos podrán subir a los palcos gratuitamente, pero solo un acompañante por persona podrá permanecer en la planta donde se compita.

It's ESSENTIAL to specify if you will come with companions; in case you don't, we can't assure his entrance. In case you come with more than one, they can always go to the gallery above the venue for free, but only one can stay in the main stage.

Main event
Registration period

Online registration opened and closed .

Registration requirements
This competition is over, click here to display the registration requirements it used.
Create a WCA account here if you don't have one.
If this is not your first competition, associate your WCA ID to your WCA account here.
Register for this competition here.
There is a competitor limit of 75 competitors.
The base registration fee for this competition is €10 (Euro).
Registration fees won't be refunded under any circumstance.
On the spot registrations will be accepted with a base registration fee of €10 (Euro).

Para completar el registro, es obligatorio realizar el pago: visita la pestaña. Si se llena se enviará email de confirmación, sino, es posible registrarse in situ. Además, se recomienda especificar los acompañantes por tema de aforo.

To complete the registration, it's mandatory to make the payment: look at the tab. If the limit is reached a confirmation email will be sent, otherwise, on-spot registrations are allowed. Besides, it's recommended to specify the companions for capacity reasons.

Click here to display the highlights of the competition.

Eder Olivencia González won with an average of 10.30 seconds in the 3x3x3 Cube event. Manuel Prieto de Antón finished second (10.39) and Daniel Gracia Ortiz finished third (10.74).

Event Name Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Eder Olivencia González 9.46 10.30 Spain 9.469.6810.9710.5310.68
2x2x2 Cube Julen Simón Iriarte 1.73 2.49 Spain 1.833.252.391.734.19
4x4x4 Cube Eder Olivencia González 28.88 32.92 Spain 33.2732.8936.6032.6028.88
5x5x5 Cube Eder Olivencia González 1:01.66 1:04.07 Spain 1:01.661:01.671:03.861:10.111:06.69
6x6x6 Cube Mauro Moisés Ortega López 2:05.19 2:11.28 Spain 2:05.192:07.032:21.63
7x7x7 Cube Eder Olivencia González 3:20.73 3:28.96 Spain 3:23.213:42.933:20.73
3x3x3 Blindfolded Alexander Olleta del Molino 1:30.03 DNF Spain 1:43.861:30.03DNF
3x3x3 One-Handed Julen Simón Iriarte 15.78 18.89 Spain 27.0615.7820.5017.1819.00
Megaminx Manuel Prieto de Antón 57.59 1:00.96 Spain 59.841:02.101:02.5957.591:00.93
Pyraminx Manuel Prieto de Antón 3.36 4.26 Spain 5.524.204.603.363.97
Skewb Javier Tovar Castro 2.40 3.67 Spain 2.403.814.036.303.16
Square-1 Daniel Gracia Ortiz 11.01 11.91 Spain 12.7215.6511.4211.5911.01
4x4x4 Blindfolded Alexander Olleta del Molino 7:07.83 DNF Spain 7:07.83DNSDNS
3x3x3 Multi-Blind Jesús Lindo García 8/11 56:29 Spain 8/11 56:29


Tipo de pago:
• General --> 10€
• Socios AECR --> 7€
• Socios Euskal Rubik-->0 €

(Si eres de Euskal Rubik omite este paso). El pago ha de hacerse por PayPal. Si no tienes una cuenta, es muy fácil conseguir una. Al realizar el pago, especificar el nombre completo de la persona/s por la/s que vais a pagar y especificar el tipo de pago (socio AECR, no socio). Es necesario realizar el pago para formalizar la inscripción y aparecer en la lista de competidores.

IMPORTANTE: Al realizar el pago, NO MARCAR LA CASILLA DE PRODUCTOS Y SERVICIOS, si no Paypal se quedará una comisión. Introducid el importe correspondiente seleccionando la divisa Euros (EUR).



Type of payment:
• General --> 10€
• AECR members --> 7€
• Euskal Rubik members-->0 €

(Omit this step if you're from Euskal Rubik) The payment is by PayPal. If you don't have an account, it's very simple to get one. When you are doing the payment, specify the whole name of the person/s you're paying for and specify the type of payment (AECR member, non member). It's essential in order to formalise the registration and to appear on the competitors list.

IMPORTANT: When you are doing the payment, DO NOT CHECK THE BOX OF PRODUCTS AND SERVICES, if not PayPal will keep a commission, introduce the corresponding amount and select the currency Euros (EUR).



• Orokorra --> 10€
• AECR bazkideak --> 7€
• Euskal Rubik bazkideak-->0 €

(Euskal Rubikekoa bazara, pausu hau ez egin) Ordainketa modua PayPal da. Ez baduzu konturik, errexa da bat lortzea. Ordainketa egitean, izen abizena eman eta bazkide tasa zehaztu (bazkide edo ez bazkide). Ordainketa egitea beharrezkoa da txapelketaren zerrendan agertzeko.
GARRANTZITSUA: Ordainketa egitean, EZ HAUTATU PRODUKTU ETA ZERBITZUEN KUTXATILA, bestela PayPal komisio batekin gelditzen da. Dirua sartzerakoan Euro moduan sartu beharko duzue.


75% of the competitors in each round will go on to the next round. In the finals, only 12 competitors will take part, except for the Square-1 Final, in which only 8 competitors can take part. The schedule can be modified at any point of the competition due to various reasons.


Time Event Round Format Cutoff Limit
9:00-9:30 Register
9:00-9:30 3x3 Blindfolded Final Best of 3 10:00 (Cumulative)
9:30-10:15 Megaminx Combined Final Average of 5 (Best of 2) 2:30 10:00
10:15-11:15 6x6 Combined Final Mean of 3 (Best of 1) 4:00 10:00
10:30-11:15 4x4 Blindfolded Final Best of 3 45:00 (Cumulative)
11:15-12:00 Skewb Combined First Average of 5 5:00
12:00-13:00 5x5 Combined Final Average of 5 (Best of 2) 2:15 10:00
13:00-13:45 Pyraminx Combined First Average of 5 1:00 5:00
13:45-14:15 Square-1 Combined First Average of 5 (Best of 2) 0:45 5:00
14:15-15:15 LUNCH
15:15-16:00 3x3 One-Handed Combined First Average of 5 (Best of 2) 1:00 10:00
16:00-17:00 3x3 First Average of 5 10:00
16:30-17:30 3x3 Multi-Blind Final Best of 1 10:00 per cube up to 60:00
17:00-18:15 4x4 Combined First Average of 5 (Best of 2) 1:30 10:00
18:15-19:00 2x2 First Average of 5 5:00
19:00-19:30 Skewb Second Average of 5 1:00 5:00
19:30-20:15 3x3 Second Average of 5 10:00
20:15-20:45 2x2 Second Average of 5 5:00
20:45-21:00 3x3 One-Handed Final Average of 5 10:00


Time Event Round Format Cutoff Limit
9:00-10:00 7x7 Combined Final Mean of 3 (Best of 1) 5:00 10:00
10:00-10:30 Square-1 Final Average of 5 5:00
10:30-11:00 Pyraminx Second Average of 5 5:00
11:00-11:15 Skewb Final Average of 5 5:00
11:15-11:30 2x2 Final Average of 5 5:00
11:30-11:45 Pyraminx Final Average of 5 5:00
11:45-12:15 4x4 Final Average of 5 10:00
12:30-13:30 3x3 Final Average of 5 10:00
13:30-14:30 AWARDS

Time limit

If you reach the time limit during your solve, the judge will stop you and your result will be DNF (see Regulation A1a4).
A cumulative time limit may be enforced (see Regulation A1a2).


The result to beat to proceed to the second phase of a cutoff round (see Regulation 9g).


The format describes how to determine the ranking of competitors based on their results. The list of allowed formats per event is described in Regulation 9b. See Regulation 9f for a description of each format.

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