Bucharest Big N Blind Warm Up 2024

Aug 10, 2024
Bucuresti, Romania

Colegiul Tehnologic Viaceslav Harnaj

Bulevardul Ficusului 20-26, București 013975

Two classrooms at the same floor, please follow the signs. The entrance from Strada Horia Macelariu


Mihai Capatinescu

Asociatia Romana de Speedcubing, Elliana Alexia Cioaca, Lucian Mihai Cremeneanu, and Mihai Căpăţinescu
WCA Delegates
Lucian Mihai Cremeneanu and Mihai Căpăţinescu
Download all the competition's details as PDF here.

At the registration you can support the association "Asociatia Romana de Speedcubing" with a contribution and you will get a cubing prize. More details on http://www.speedcubing.ro

Main event
Competitor limit
Number of times bookmarked
Registration period

Online registration opened and will close .

Registration requirements
Create a WCA account here if you don't have one.
If this is not your first competition, associate your WCA ID to your WCA account here.
Register for this competition here.
There is a competitor limit of 40 competitors.
The base registration fee for this competition is 60 Lei (Romanian Leu).
Registration fees won't be refunded under any circumstance.
Registrants on the waiting list may be accepted onto the competitor list until .
If you are a registered competitor you may change your registered events until by contacting the organization team.
On the spot registrations will be accepted with a base registration fee of 80 Lei (Romanian Leu).
Spectators can attend paying an entry fee of 20 Lei (Romanian Leu).

Entry fee
60 lei for all the events, if you register online before 17.06.2024.
80 lei for all the events, if you register on 3.08.2024 or later.
80 lei for all the events, if you register on the spot.

To complete your online registration you have to answer in 48 hours at the confirmation email that will be sent one week before the competition.
If you do not answer the confirmation email you will be deleted from the registration list. The first competitor from the waiting list will take your spot.
The payment will be made only on the spot, in the day of competition, at the registration desk.
Registration on the WCA website is mandatory in order to be accepted before the competition or on the spot if there will be empty spots.

Doresti sa ajuti la competitie?
In cadrul competitiei fiecare concurent are un program personal stabilit de catre organizator. Acest program trebuie urmarit si are prioritate daca apar arbitrii, runneri sau scrambleri voluntari. Va rugam sa respectati programul primit iar *in cazul in care doriti sa arbitrati sau sa alergati puteti face acest lucru oricand sunt locuri libere pe aceste posturi fara a intreba organizatorul.

Taxa de participare / Entry fee
1. Taxa de participare este de 60 lei pe concurent si se achita doar la locatie in ziua evenimentului. / The entry fee for competitor is 12 euro = 60 lei and will be paid only at the venue in the day of competition.
2. Taxa de spectator este de 20 lei pe spectator si se achita doar la locatie in ziua evenimentului. / The entry fee for a guest or a spectator is 4 euro = 20 lei and will be paid only at the venue.
3. Plata se va face doar cash de aceasta data. La aceasta competitie nu avem optiunea pentru plata cu cardul sau in contul bancar. / This time we can accept only cash. For this competition there is no online payment option or card payment option.

1. Este o parcare privata aproape de liceu. / There is a private parking close to the highschool.

In cadrul competitiei vor fi acordate urmatoarele premii respectand criteriile mentionate.

Pentru urmatoarele premii sunt eligibili toti concurentii inscrisi:
a) Diploma si medalie pentru primele trei locuri la fiecare runda finala de la fiecare proba (AVG of 5) - Clasament WCA Live
c) 3 premii surpriza pentru urmatoarele categorii: cel mai tanar concurent, cea mai rapida fata, cel mai in varsta concurent. (Proba 3x3x3)
d) 3 premii surpriza pentru cei mai activi concurenti care arbitreaza, alearga si amesteca.
e) 3 premii surpriza pentru primii concurenti inscrisi pentru prima data la un concurs WCA.
f) Primii 5 concurenti din clasamentul general al competitiei (sum of ranks all rounds) vor primi cate un puzzle surpriza.
LINKUL CATRE CLASAMENTUL GENERAL SUM OF RANKS: https://competition-rankings.netlify.app/
Pentru urmatoarele premii sunt eligibili doar concurentii cu cetatenie romana.
g) Premiu surpriza pentru fiecare persoana care obtine cel putin un record national valabil la finalul competitiei - Clasament WCA Live

Rezultatele fiecarei runde vor fi incarcate pe WCA Live in aproximativ 60 min de la terminarea acesteia.
Linkul catre WCA Live: https://live.worldcubeassociation.org/competitions/

Rezultatele sub forma SUM OF RANKS, ALL ROUNDS pot fi vazute aici:

Time limit

If you reach the time limit during your solve, the judge will stop you and your result will be DNF (see Regulation A1a4).
A cumulative time limit may be enforced (see Regulation A1a2).


The format describes how to determine the ranking of competitors based on their results. The list of allowed formats per event is described in Regulation 9b. See Regulation 9f for a description of each format.

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