Buenos Aires Cubea 2022

Nov 19 - 20, 2022
Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Hotel Las Naciones

Av. Corrientes 818, C1043AAV CABA

Salón de eventos, primer piso


Carolina Visentin

Caro Visentin, Cristian Ezequiel Vega, Ignacio Naval, and Matías Ponte
WCA Delegates
Cristian Ezequiel Vega and Guido Dipietro
Download all the competition's details as PDF here.

¡Bienvenidos al Buenos Aires Cubea 2022! Este será un torneo enfocado en reunir competidores de todas partes del país debido a la gran capacidad del lugar. Habrá dos salones donde se realizarán las rondas simultáneamente.
Este torneo consta de 10 categorías donde se dará más prioridad a las categorías más populares, teniendo así 4 rondas de 3x3 por primera vez en Argentina.
Pedimos a los competidores nuevos que se familiaricen con el Reglamento de la WCA y se presenten al menos 15 minutos antes del registro y para cualquier categoría en la que participen.

Welcome to Buenos Aires Cubea 2022! This will be a competition focused on gathering competitors from every part of the country due to the large capacity of the venue. There will be two rooms where the rounds will be held simultaneously.
This competition consists of 10 events with more priority given to more popular events, thus having 4 rounds of 3x3 for the first time in Argentina.
We ask new competitors to familiarize themselves with the WCA Regulations and to show up at least 15 minutes prior to registration and for any event in which they participate.

Main event
Registration period

Online registration opened and closed .

Registration requirements
This competition is over, click here to display the registration requirements it used.
Create a WCA account here if you don't have one.
If this is not your first competition, associate your WCA ID to your WCA account here.
Register for this competition here.
There is a competitor limit of 150 competitors.
The base registration fee for this competition is $2,000 (Argentine Peso).
Registration fees won't be refunded under any circumstance.
Registrants on the waiting list may be accepted onto the competitor list until .
If you are a registered competitor you may change your registered events until on the Register tab.
No on the spot registrations will be accepted.

Click here to display the highlights of the competition.

Theo Goluboff won with an average of 7.06 seconds in the 3x3x3 Cube event. Gael Augusto Lapeyre finished second (7.99) and Bautista Bonazzola finished third (8.52).

World records: Leandro Martín López‎ Megaminx 28.56 (average).

South American records: Gael Augusto Lapeyre‎ Clock 6.08 (average).

Event Name Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Theo Goluboff 5.41 7.06 Argentina 6.797.357.04DNF5.41
2x2x2 Cube Theo Goluboff 1.78 2.77 Argentina 1.783.882.343.912.08
4x4x4 Cube Bautista Bonazzola 25.12 28.68 Argentina 33.1930.8625.1225.2029.98
5x5x5 Cube Theo Goluboff 43.32 NR 52.67 NR Argentina 53.0551.461:02.5743.3253.50
3x3x3 Blindfolded Manuel Gutman 20.62 DNF Argentina 20.62DNF20.91
Clock Gael Augusto Lapeyre 5.02 6.08 SAR Argentina 6.707.426.205.335.02
Megaminx Leandro Martín López 28.55 29.25 Argentina 28.6630.2128.8932.6028.55
Pyraminx Aniket Das 2.04 2.56 India 3.442.962.192.042.54
Skewb Federico da Fonseca 2.50 3.32 Argentina 3.982.503.273.173.51
Square-1 Felipe Maierowicz 7.50 8.89 Argentina 9.868.397.509.988.41

Recomendamos que los participantes asistan con un máximo de UN (1) acompañante debido a la capacidad del lugar.
Es de extrema importancia la puntualidad respecto al evento, y además sugerimos estar al menos 15 minutos antes de cada ronda. Esto es necesario ya que en caso contrario el torneo podría sufrir retrasos.

Se aceptarán los registros por orden de llegada del e-mail con el comprobante de pago a la casilla de correo del organizador (ver Pago).
NO habrá registros el día del evento, los mismos se hacen en esta misma web.

TODOS LOS COMPETIDORES DEBERÁN ASISTIR AL REGISTRO Y PRESENTAR UN DOCUMENTO QUE ACREDITE SU IDENTIDAD (Preferiblemente DNI). Los competidores menores de edad deben venir acompañados por un mayor o traer una autorización firmada por un adulto responsable.

Es obligación de los competidores estar familiarizados con el Reglamento de la WCA.
Es necesario que todos los competidores conozcan el reglamento y se involucren ya sea colaborando como jueces, runners y/o scramblers, ya que de lo contrario no es posible llevar la competencia a tiempo. De negarse a hacerlo se puede incurrir en alguna penalización.

We suggest that competitors come with a maximum of one (1) guest due to the size of the venue.
It is extremely important to be on time for the event, and we also suggest that you arrive at least 15 minutes before each round. This is necessary because otherwise the competition could experience delays.

Registrations will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis with proof of receipt to the organizer's e-mail address (see Payment).
There will be no registrations on the day of the event, they shall all be done on this website beforehand.

ALL COMPETITORS MUST ATTEND THE REGISTRATION AND PRESENT A DOCUMENT VALIDATING THEIR IDENTITY (preferrably ID). Underage competitors must be accompanied by an adult or bring an authorization signed by a responsible adult.

It is a must to know the WCA Regulations, please read them thoroughly.
All competitors must be available to help as a judge / runner / scrambler as requested per the WCA Regulations. Not doing so may incur in penalizations.

Una vez realizada la inscripción (Registro) recibirá un mail con los datos bancarios para realizar el pago. Una vez hecho el pago se deberá responder el mismo mail con el comprobante de pago.

Los registros serán aceptados en orden de llegada de los comprobantes de pago hasta que se complete el cupo de 150 participantes o bien finalice el período de registro.

Quienes no lleguen a hacerlo quedarán en lista de espera e irán eventualmente entrando por orden de registro a medida que se liberen lugares.
Los competidores en lista de espera que obtengan un potencial lugar serán notificados por e-mail.

Por cuestiones organizativas, una vez finalizado el período de registro no se aceptarán más competidores, aunque hayan quedado cupos disponibles y se esté en lista de espera. Aconsejamos pagar inmediatamente después de registrarse para asegurar su lugar.

El pago de la inscripción ($2000 pesos argentinos) se hará mediante transferencia bancaria (recibirá los datos por mail luego de registrarse).

Solo se harán devoluciones del dinero a quienes no hayan sido aceptados.

Ante cualquier duda, no dude en comunicarse via e-mail a carolinaaylen26@gmail.com.

Once the registration is completed (Registrations) you will receive an e-mail with the bank account information to make the payment. Once the payment has been made, you must reply to the same e-mail with proof of payment.

Registrations will be accepted in order of arrival of the proof of payment until the quota of 150 participants is reached, or the registration period is over.

Those who register afterwards will be placed on the waiting list and will eventually enter in order of registration as places become available.
Competitors on the waiting list who obtain a potential spot will be notified by e-mail.

Due to organizational aspects, once the registration period is over no more competitors will be accepted, even if there are vacant spots and people on the waiting list. We suggest that you pay as soon as you register in order to secure your spot.

The registration fee ($2000 Argentinean pesos) will be paid via bank transfer (you'll receive the bank account info after registering).

Refunds will only be made to those who have not been accepted.

If you have any questions, please contact us via e-mail at carolinaaylen26@gmail.com.

Cómo llegar

Desde Once: mapa
Desde Retiro: mapa
Desde Aeroparque: mapa


Hotel Las Naciones, el hotel donde se realizará el torneo.

Alternativamente sugerimos buscar en sitios como Booking o AirBNB, ya que habrá suficientes opciones para satisfacer sus necesidades. Algunas son:

How to arrive

From Once: map
From Retiro: map
From Aeroparque airport: map


Las Naciones Hotel, the hotel where the competition will take place.

Alternatively, we suggest that you search for places in Booking or AirBNB since there will be plenty of options to suit your needs. Some are:


El torneo se llevará a cabo en el 1er piso del Hotel Las Naciones, ubicado sobre la Avenida Corrientes a menos de 2 cuadras del Obelisco.
Si se desea reservar una plaza de estacionamiento, se debe informar junto con el comprobante de pago de la inscripción.


The competition will be held on the 1st floor of the Las Naciones Hotel, located on Corrientes Avenue, less than 2 blocks away from the Obelisk.
If you wish to reserve a parking spot, please inform us together with the proof of payment of the registration fee.

Galería / Gallery

Todo competidor menor de edad debe estar acompañado de un padre/madre/tutor/encargado responsable. En caso de asistir solo, debe tener una autorización firmada por un padre/madre/tutor/encargado responsable.

All underage competitors must be accompanied by a responsible parent/guardian. In case of attending alone, they must have an authorization signed by a parent/guardian.

Autorización / Authorization

Autorizo a mi hijo/a ________________________ a participar de la competencia "Buenos Aires Cubea 2022" los dias 19 y 20 de noviembre llevado a cabo en el Hotel Las Naciones, Av. Corrientes 818, CABA.

Firma de quien autoriza: ________________

Aclaración: ________________

Agradecemos a los auspiciantes del torneo

Coinfabrik - Web3 Solutions

Time limit

If you reach the time limit during your solve, the judge will stop you and your result will be DNF (see Regulation A1a4).
A cumulative time limit may be enforced (see Regulation A1a2).


The result to beat to proceed to the second phase of a cutoff round (see Regulation 9g).


The format describes how to determine the ranking of competitors based on their results. The list of allowed formats per event is described in Regulation 9b. See Regulation 9f for a description of each format.

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