Cebu Cube Preview 2024

Jun 29, 2024
Cebu City, Philippines

SM Seaside

Cebu South Costal Road

City Wing


Cebu Speedcubers Organizing Committee

Cebu Speedcubers Organizing Committee, Chrisgel G. Tubianosa, and Janahvelle Codilla Caracas
WCA Delegates
Bea Alexandra Marie Flores, Brian Acuña, and Kirby Jay Caragan
Download all the competition's details as PDF here.

Competitor or guardian must agree that the organizers, PCA and WCA shall not be liable for any personal injury, property damage or loss resulting from your participation of this event.
Please read the WCA rules and regulations.
Please check the Competitor Guide and Updates tab regarding changes.
Please check Events and Schedules tabs for more information.
Registration fee includes, Certificate of Participation.

Main event
Registration period

Online registration opened Monday, May 27, 2024 at 12:00 AM UTC and closed Friday, June 21, 2024 at 3:59 PM UTC.

Registration requirements
This competition is over, click here to display the registration requirements it used.
Click here to display the highlights of the competition.

Leo Borromeo won with an average of 6.63 seconds in the 3x3x3 Cube event. Neo Cuares finished second (6.97) and Juan Miguel Y. Magallanes finished third (8.91).

Event Name Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Leo Borromeo 4.89 6.63 Philippines 6.054.899.516.707.15
2x2x2 Cube Juan Miguel Y. Magallanes 1.30 1.98 Philippines 1.614.051.302.721.62
4x4x4 Cube Leo Borromeo 24.40 25.69 Philippines 33.3524.4024.9427.1724.96
5x5x5 Cube Leo Borromeo 53.83 55.61 Philippines 1:05.2154.8654.2157.7753.83
3x3x3 Blindfolded Brian Acuña 51.36 DNF Philippines 51.3654.23DNF
3x3x3 One-Handed Neo Cuares 10.03 11.25 Philippines 10.4211.6410.0311.7711.69
Pyraminx Gabriel Angelo V. Hilado 3.69 4.98 Philippines 6.445.643.813.695.49
Skewb Kirby Jay Caragan 3.14 3.63 Philippines 3.144.353.233.524.14
EventRoundFormatTime limitCutoffProceed
3x3x3 CubeFirst roundAo510:00.00Top 60% advance to next round
Second roundAo510:00.00Top 12 advance to next round
2x2x2 CubeFirst roundAo510:00.00Top 50% advance to next round
4x4x4 CubeFinalBo2 / Ao510:00.002 attempts to get < 1:20.00
5x5x5 CubeFinalBo2 / Ao510:00.002 attempts to get < 2:30.00
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinalBo310:00.00
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst roundAo510:00.00Top 10 advance to next round
Schedules are subject to adjustments, especially once registration totals are known. Registered competitors will be notified by email of any major changes.

You are viewing the schedule for the venue SM Seaside , the sole venue for this competition.

The time zone for this venue is Asia/Taipei.
Time Zone
You are viewing this schedule in the following timezone setting:

For updates regarding the competition, check the link below.

For those of you new to cubing, WELCOME!

We wanted to let you know this event is perfectly fine for cubers of ANY age and experience. We just ask you know a couple things before coming to compete...

First, please be familiar with the WCA Regulations, found here:

So we have a video made specifically for new cubers, just to show them the basics of competing. This video will explain most of what any cuber competing for the first time will need to know.

If you are stoked to compete and ready to sign up, head over and Register for the Competition


Q: Do I use my own cube to compete?
A: YES! You are responsible for your own hardware in order to compete. This means you should bring your own cube.

Q: What is the normal age of competitors at these events?
A: All ages are welcome, but in general competitors are between 10 and 20 years old. Don't let this stop you though, everyone can and should cube!

Q: How do I find results?
A: All results are posted on the WCA page within a week after the competition finishes. However, for the day of competing, go to to find information about current events. This is also where you will find information about upcoming rounds of events. Remember, the results are entered by a human so please be patient if you do not see your results immediately.

Q: Are there age divisions?
A: Nope! All competitors compete together.

Q: I want to attend, or I have friends/family who want to attend, but not compete. Do they need to pay as well?
A: No. All spectators are free to view the competition at no cost. There is payment only to compete. But in some cases, venue will be having restriction to allow spectators depending on the competition.

Q: Can I have fun at this event?
A: HECK YES! Cubing is amazing, and we sincerely hope you enjoy the competition!

If you have any further queries, please do mail the organizers & delegates.

Competitors may pay through the following methods:

For domestic competitors

1.) GCash
Account Number: 09493519402
Account Name: Brian Acuna

Please send a SCREENSHOT or SCANNED COPY of your deposit slip (with the competition name, competitor's name and events) and any VALID ID w/ birthdate (for first timers) to this email:

Please follow the instruction. Even if payment is done and the instruction is not properly followed, your registration will not be approved.

2.) Paying directly to the organizers during local cubemeets. For updates on local cubemeets, check this link:

For international competitors

3.) Paypal (see note below)
Name: Brian Acuna
Paypal username: @BrianAcunaWCA
Phone number: (+63)9171468628

NOTE: If you choose to pay with this method, we will request you to add an additional 100 Php for transaction fees

Please send a SCREENSHOT or SCANNED COPY of your deposit slip (with the competitor's name and events) and any VALID ID w/ birthdate (for first timers) to this email:

Please follow the instruction. Even if payment is done and the instruction is not properly followed, your registration will not be approved.

For any other payment methods, feel free to email us at

Attention!!: If you send payment without indication for who it is, then we will consider it a generous donation to the Cebu Speedcubers and Philippine Cubers Association.

Time limit

If you reach the time limit during your solve, the judge will stop you and your result will be DNF (see Regulation A1a4).


The result to beat to proceed to the second phase of a cutoff round (see Regulation 9g).


The format describes how to determine the ranking of competitors based on their results. The list of allowed formats per event is described in Regulation 9b. See Regulation 9f for a description of each format.

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