East Berlin Favorites PA 2024

2x2x2 Cube Psych Sheet

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# Name WCA ID Representing Average WR Single WR
1 Hassan Khanani 2018KHAN26 United States 1.34 46 0.71 139
2 Brayden Adams 2018ADAM06 United States 2.26 921 1.43 2228
3 Declan Wilhelm 2016WILH03 United States 2.48 1364 1.44 2271
4 Miles Greco 2022GREC01 United States 2.58 1603 1.73 4029
5 Jeffrey Chen 2023CHEJ07 United States 2.68 1881 2.02 6241
6 Adam Beatty 2024BEAT01 United States 3.17 3932 1.85 4839
7 Logan Ma 2023MALO03 United States 4.57 17097 2.63 13874
8 Tyler Smith 2017SMIT08 United States 4.72 19106 2.40 10629
9 Devin Silverman 2024SILV42 United States 4.76 19662 3.90 36537
10 Collin Curtis 2023CURT01 United States 6.35 45356 5.23 62333
11 Olivia Schenk 2019SCHE01 United States 7.79 67099 4.13 41067
12 Radiath Kamal Patwary 2022PATW01 Bangladesh 8.07 70776 2.85 17421
13 Caden Oxenrider 2023OXEN01 United States 11.11 99614 9.73 116087
14 Blake Viozzi 2023VIOZ01 United States 11.99 105136 8.94 110330
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